Repairs Design Furniture

Why blackened a pear. Pear diseases: signs and treatment of pear trees

Pear is one of the most common which is highly appreciated by gardens due to delicious and healthy fruits. However, that's cultural plant, like all other, is subject to the most varying diseases. One of the most Grozny is a bacterial burn of pear. Treatment can be sufficiently long and not to give due results, especially if used universal means Against often, gardeners lose a lot of time on these useless manipulations, and when they understand what they deal with, save the tree is already too late.

What is bacterial burn

Many gardeners do not know how to recognize this formidable disease, which is why they lose a lot of time, and meanwhile there are less chances to save the tree. Among such ailments, the most dangerous is the bacterial burn of pears. Treatment depends on how quickly the correct diagnosis is made, as well as other trees in close proximity, which may be infected. To date, experts make a lot of effort to find an effective means to combat it, however, despite this, the disease continues to actively destroy the gardens.

The first time the bacterial burn was recorded in the eighteenth century. After about 150 years, the disease spread throughout the continent. Now she meets around the world, regularly devastating gardens. All terrestrial parts of the plant amazes a bacterial burn of pear. Treatment should be started in the earliest stages, otherwise it may be ineffective.


What does bacterial burn look like fruit crops? The process begins in inflorescences and quickly covers all the whole tree. There is a defeat of branches and shoots. In the spring time, you will observe how the disease slows down the opening of the kidneys, which black dry, dry, but do not fall apart, but continue to stay on branches. If the disease struck the tree at the time of bloom, they will also darken and wither flowers. Slowly the black branches and leaves will slowly begin, they are bored, but remain in their place. That is why the disease is called "Anton Fire". Pear stands, as if burned, black, lifeless, but with all colors, fruits and leaves.

Next, the infection moves along the trunk. Wonder how to treat a bacterial burn of pear, may already be late at this stage, but it is worth trying to save the rest of the garden so that other trees will have suffered the same fate. At this stage, you can observe how the bark softening. It appears drops of milk-white color, they are called exudate. The bark around the selection site acquires the characteristic pattern, red-brown divorces appear on it. Those fabrics that are already amazed by infection begin to flap, covered by bubbles. Ulcers are formed on the tree.

Causes of occurrence

So, what causes a bacterial burn of pear? Treatment can be successful only when we know exactly what we are dealing with. The causative agent of infection is the bacteria Erwinia amylovora. They spread from the sore tree to healthy, and increased humidity And moderate air temperature are the most favorable factors for the development of infection. At the same time there is no age framework for the spread of the disease.

Diseases of young pears are also found as often as the aids of old fruit trees. The exudate mentioned above forms thin threads that are easily transferred in the wind. It is he who conveys the causative agents of the disease, which means that the disease quickly amazes everything around. The most convenient for the development of infection are flowers, it develops in them and continues their way throughout the wood. That is, spring is the time when the risk of infection is most large.

Less often infection gets into a plant with rain. Bacteria are experiencing winter inside a pear, and with the arrival of spring renew its development. By the middle of summer, you will see the outlet of dairy-white drops out. That is, the cycle is repeated again. Very rarely infection occurs during vaccination or through tools for trimming. The infection can also transmit insects, waves, bees, flies and wasps.


To protect the pear from bacterial burn, it is necessary to follow some rules. First of all, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness on the site, to pull out all the wild plants. This is especially true of a hawthorn who is often a focus of infection. It is very important to produce fruit cultures on time, as insect pests love such a tree like a pear. Leaves disease is not the only trouble that they are transferred. On his bristles, they will easily bring to your garden and causative agents of bacterial burn.


Specialists are offered several ways that can be used to combat this disease. Each of them is tested countless times and is quite effective. At the same time, they all have their pros and cons, so you need to weigh the alleged risk and benefit well. We bring to your attention three ways to help cure bacterial burns.

Radical method of combating the disease

If many fruit trees grow on the site, and one of them you celebrate rapidly developing symptoms of the disease, then it will be best to get rid of it. So you will protect the rest of the garden. At the same time, if the lesion area is less than 30%, then you can try to remove all the affected areas, cut even a healthy cloth for 20-40 cm below the place of the lesion. After that, it is necessary to process the toolkit of 70% alcohol or 10% copper vigor.

Be sure to if you notice in your garden signs of bacterial burn, make the removal of all wild plants and shrubs, as well as treat the garden from pests to avoid further infection.

Antibiotics treatment

This is the most effective methodwhich most often recommended to use specialists. In order to get rid of this attack, the most common "streptomycin" is used. Moreover, the use of antibiotics during the growing season is the most effective. This drug can be bought in a conventional veterinary pharmacy, with large bottles of 500 thousand units. Very available.

With minor defeat, you can use "streptomycin". The dosage is one ampoule on 5 liters, it is enough for processing a dozen young trees. Best time For this procedure - May, June. At this time, the shoots will grow violently, and such a processing will be excellent prevention. Repeat the procedure is 2-3 weeks, as well as after every heavy rain, especially with a hail.

It is not recommended to use "Streptomicin" more than 3 times in a row. Therefore, after several treatments, immunity are "phytosporin", "immunocytofit", "Silk", "Zircon" and many other drugs. In addition, 2 tablets of any tetracycline from a veterinary pharmacy can be taken to the next processing. It should also be dissolved in 5 liters of water.

With a strong defeat, you can try the injecting "streptomycin" under the bark. To do this, choose the most affected place, cut it out, and then there are ordinary injections around.

Chemical treatments

Today in stores you can offer big choice Universal, antibacterial drugs that most often help if the pear is infected. Diseases of leaves, fruits, various pests - all these are problems that are solved quite easily. However, bacterial burn is a bit separate case.

Modern fungicides, except for copper-containing, practically do not affect its pathogens, and therefore such treatment is not enough. Many gardeners use processing produced after leaffall, then early in spring and several times until the fruits come. However, this tool can only be used for prophylaxis. If the infection has already spread, it remains only to cut the affected places and try to save the rest of the tree. Dead plants or individual branches must be burned.

Other common diseases

However, bacterial burn is not the only trouble for gardeners. Now let's look at what else there are diseases of pear leaves and the fight against them. Common ailment is a pass. This is who amazes leaves, flowers and fruits. Leaves hang out, the fruits crack. Deals can also lead to the defeat of the shoots, but then it is better to remove them. Parsha, fruit rot - these are diseases of pear fruit, which are quite well treatable. Rota appears on the fruits in the form of brownish spots on the surface.

To combat a pair, a multiple spraying of burglar mixture and copper chloroxide is used. You need to start processing before flowering. The second time to spend this procedure is recommended during the launch of buds, then after flowering and two weeks after it. Anti-fruit rot, a stronger remedy is required - the universal fungicide "Inta-Vir".

For prevention and use "Fundazole" or "sulfite". It should be borne in mind that the fungus spreads perfectly with wet weather, so it is better to carry out several treatments. A mixture of antibiotics mixture: "Penicillin", "Streptomycin" and "Terramitsin" in the ratio of 1: 1. Often on pears you can see rust, bright brown spots on the leaves and fruits. Against this disease, it is necessary to use a burglar fluid solution.

Basic pests

Choosing than to treat the pear, to turn on the mixture at the mixture simultaneously against insect pests. They also apply considerable damage, in addition, are carriers of various bacterial diseases. This is a butterfly hawker and brown fruit tick, and a gallic tick, a pear pin, a pear sawder and a pear tuber, as well as many others. In order to protect yourself from all these misfortunes, it is enough to treat the garden with a system insecticide, such as "Decis", "Calipo" or "abstract."

Let's summarize

Diseases such as bacterial burns, powdered dew, fruit rot, rust is able to quickly reduce the entire VCHA work in the garden. It is necessary to regularly carry out preventive treatment, and if necessary, apply measures for quick and effective treatment. All the above funds and methods are repeatedly tested, their effectiveness is proved, so you can undoubtedly use them on your own cottage plot. The universal scheme is preventive treatment in the fall, after the leaf fall, then in the spring, immediately after awakening, then after flowering. This is usually enough for the garden to please you all year.

Bacterial burns of pear: prevention, treatment

Bacterial burn (Erwinia amylovora)

For the first time with this disease, I encountered seven years ago, when I purchased a cutlery of new varieties of pears in TSHA and instilled in his garden. Part in the crown of a hawthorn. Part of the dot - two-year-olds of the Kizilnik. The varieties in Krone were higher over the ground, saw more sun and ventilated better. The gains had small no more than 20 cm, so none of them fell ill. And the grafts on the Kizzynie were planted among old trees in the garden on a well-haired manure of the soil, so the next year they gave rise to half a meter. After a year, I saw strange burns on most of these young pears. In June, the top of the shoots had the appearance as if she was covered with boiling water. Leaves and subtle ends of the shoots are black and desole. By the autumn, some of them gave a small wave of growth from lateral kidneys, but in the nearest harsh winters almost all of these varieties of new items were extinct.

At first I thought it was the usual fungal lesions of the type of mildew. I thought that the new varieties were not resistant to it and it will be necessary to conduct spring treatment with copper drugs. But then more carefully watched photos of pears caused by fungi and realized that I had something new. And so I learned that in my garden I did not make fungal, but a bacterial infection - bacterial burn.

When I began to discuss this problem on the "PC" forum, I learned that this disease occurs in many gardeners. But no one can really diagnose it and treat it. And the myths and judgments about it a lot and recommendations are even more.

I looked at the available literature. Everywhere there is only one recommendation, cut, irrigate and burn astounding plants. Occasionally there were advice to carry out processing with copper-containing drugs. Looked foreign literature. There are other advice. This disease is open and studied from 80-90. Well known. And they treat it, like any infection, primarily modern antibiotics.

Bacterial burn fruit - quarantine disease, it is widespread in Canada, USA, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, countries Western Europe, in last years Appeared in Western regions of Ukraine, Lithuania.

Refers to the number of the most dangerous diseases, develops on more than 170 cultural and wild plantsMost of which belong to the rosetic family. Flowers, leaves, shoots, branches, strains, roots, roots are affected. Usually the first signs can be detected in spring on solitary or all the flowers in the outlet. The affected flowers first worse, then quickly dry out, acquiring brown colorAnd most often remain on the tree until the autumn. The disease extends to the flower maker, which first becomes dark green, then drawn. From the affected flowers, the infection passes on the rosettes of leaves and young shoots, from where it can spread throughout the tree.

Causes Erwinia AMYLOVORA disease, gram-negative bacteria from the Enterobacteriaceae family. Natural reservoir of this disease North America, where she spread to most of the rest of the world.

She inflicted the greatest damage to Gardens in Australia, and New Zealand. Then it began to raise in Japan. The Japanese scientist microbe was first discovered on pears grown in Northern Japan. The Japanese authorities, however, hid this discovery for many years, the denying existence of a new disease and the Japanese scientist, who opened it, as they believed, committed suicide. After his name leaked to the press, it became known to Japanese farmers, then the whole world.

The bacterium was brought to us along with southern seedlings, which completely covered in the northern regions completely. And now the bacterial burn of the fruit of our gardeners see everywhere, first of all, in a pear.

It is good that adult trees are not on the teeth, only young landings are sick.

Rich by organic soil, or nitrogen feeding only enhance the burn. On poor soils, young pears sick less and quickly cope with the burn.

Honey bees and other insects, birds, rain and wind spread microbes over long distances and infect plants through small damage in tissues made by sucking pests and hail.

After deposition of bacteria enters the plant through the wounds and causes wrinkling the leaves. Then blackening and drying. This disease extends to the hottest in hot, wet June days and is at rest in winter timeWhen the temperature drops. Infected fabrics of the plant contains viable bacteria, however, a new infection occurs in the summer, when exudate containing millions of new bacteria appears from cracks in the plant. The death of the entire plant occurs during a massive infection. When the microbe comes to the roots, and even the roots are black.

Erwinia AMYLOVORA is the same microbe from the Enterobacteriaceae family, like Escherichia and Shigella, Salmonella and Yersinia. Causes of disorders of digestion in humans. Therefore, the drugs used in the treatment of diarrhea in humans also act on it.

What diseases pears are found in our gardens, as we treat them and with what this disease does not need to be confused? Let me remind you.

Pear diseases. Measures to combat them

Scab - Mushroom pear disease. On the leaves appear stains with browning raids, then the leaves dry and fall. Fight measures. Against the disease of a pair of plants is treated in the spring during the dissolved of leaves (10 liters of water, 1 ampules of the drug "Horus" or the drug "Sorrow") or "oxychom" (2 pills on 10 liters of water).

Puffy dew - Mushroom disease. Amazes kidneys, leaves, shoots, inflorescences. At first, they are covered with dirty and white tormenting raid, then rainfall, and small black dots are formed on it. In the future, the leaves are yellow and dry, shoots stop in growth, dry inflorescences and do not tie fruits. Fight measures. In the spring, during the dissolving leaves, pears are treated with a preparation "Topaz" (1 ampoule on 10 liters of water).

Fruit- Mushroom disease. Brown spots appear on the fruits, these stains quickly grow up and cover most of the fetus. At the same time, the pulp becomes brown, inedible, the fruits fall apart, and some remain on the trees to winter. Fight measures. Treat trees in spring with the dissolution of leaves, the drug "Sort" (1 ampoule on 10 liters of water). After flowering is treated with the drug "Horus" (1 ampoule on 10 liters of water). The rate of consumption of a solution of 1.5 liters per adult fruiting tree. It is possible to proceed against the rotting of fruits with the Fundazole preparation (40 g per 10 liters of water).

Cytosporosis - Mushroom disease. Dark ulcers are formed on the crust, which quickly grow up and become red-brown color and the bark dies, the bumps are clearly visible on the cortex, while they die separate branches or the tree dies entirely. The development of this disease is promoted by frost, drought, high soil moisture, insufficient catering. Fight measures. Treatment of trees with various preparations, the drug "Hom" (10 liters of water is bred to 50g), spray the plant early in the spring along the swollen leaf kidneys. Spraying are made at a temperature not lower than + 15ºC.

And what do they write about bacterial burn in our reference books? I quote: blackening branches. Dry tree. One of the most serious diseases is a bacterial burn of apple and pears. The pear suffers from this disease. The first signs of the disease are manifested in early July. An annual increase in the trees, the leaves are drawn, and the sick tree gradually dies for two years. Fight measures. Buy healthy planting material. Combine every year with pests, especially with sucking and rodent. Usually they are carriers of viruses. When trimming one tree, rinse the inventory - a secateur, a knife, saw, etc., only then move to trimming or vaccinating another tree. Infection often occurs with vegetative reproduction. Often take different seedlings, cuttings for neighbors, without suspecting a terrible disease. Although bacterial diseases compared to mushroom are significantly less. Bacterial diseases can be defined:

1. By killing tissues (bark, drying of branches);

2. On the fading of plants in parts or in general (since the vascular system is affected);

3. The wet rot the fruits during storage.

The affected plants are burned, and the place is disinfected with solutions - copper vigorous or drug "Hom" (copper chlorokising). At this place the landing does not produce 1-2 years.

In Western gardens, streptomycin antibiotics and terrarsicin are currently used and sufficiently successfully, and they do not see a large effect from copper preparations.

I am a doctor by profession. The experience of using antibiotics in its garden I have a big, I am not afraid of them, so I will give advice to those who want to use them. Start with streptomycin. It is in bottles of 500 thousand units. Sold in pharmacies and very cheap. Dose - Ampoule on 5 liters is enough to process a dozen young trees. It is better to be processed in June, when the shoots will grow violently for prevention. Then after 2-3 weeks. And after heavy rain with a hail and the occurrence of hot weather. In this period, I additionally use immunity stimulants to choose from: immunocytofit, silk, zircon. It is very good to apply phytoosporin (all according to the instructions). It is not necessary to use streptomycin for many years in a row, due to the danger of the appearance of mutants with antibiotic resistance. Therefore, in a year you can take 2 tablets of any tetracycline from a veterinary pharmacy and also dissolve in 5 liters of water.

On the forum I was asked a lot of questions, and it is not dangerous to apply antibiotics in your garden, because they are not officially permitted. Will we have ecology? I answered about the following. Do not be afraid of antibiotics in your garden. I will explain why. Streptomycin now doctors are practically not used, since for half a century of its use "human" microbes have already developed stability to it, and on plants it continues to work.

I do not think that the forum, after reading these notes, will begin to apply it. Therefore, for the global ecosystem, all this will be unnoticed.

Microbe generates stability strictly to a specific antibiotic. So the penicillins of cross-stability in any case will not be.

In the soil billions of microbes and fungi and all of them constantly produce antibiotics. Our body is used to it. No wonder in tuberculosis branches before streptomycin was injected with many millions of units (milligrams) long courses, months, and they survived. Not blinded and not flashed. And those doses that you apply in the garden will be indistinguishable from the soil background. But the proposed alternative "chemical protection" in the mass of its more toxic and allergenne, as artificially created, and not by nature.

When caring for a pear, it is necessary to relatively carefully to the conditions for its growth. It is necessary to provide a full-fledged watering tree, to remove weeds to loosen soil and carry out treatment against diseases. But often because of the violation of technology for the care of fruit trees, it begins to be influenced by various diseases, but what, learn later.

Parsh - description and photo of pear disease

This is a fungal disease that is worst enemy Many trees, among which and a pear.

Parsha Parsh

To proceed with the processing of the tree at the initial stage of the defeat, it is necessary to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • on the inside of the leaf, a spot is formed, which has olive color and velvety flask;
  • next, there is no dark concrete spots on the fruits on the fruits, as a result of which the skin on fruit gives cracks, and the pulp becomes a solid consistency;
  • the form of fruit is deformed because it becomes asymmetric.

As the prevention of pasta, the fruit treatment can be processed using 1% burglar liquid. It is necessary to do it 3 times: with the formation of green mass, after the formation of pink buds and after flowering.

In addition, prevention involves careful and regular ventilation. For these purposes, it is necessary to break the crown. The soil of the nearby circle to loosen, and to clean the Padalitsa.

on the video - the treatment of pasta in a pear:

With the onset of autumn, the foliage must be burned. If the tree is strongly struck, it is possible to save it with the help of drugs such as a day or nitrafen. The striking results gives treatment with the help of skiing. Apply these drugs must be strictly according to the instructions.


Mushroom can affect the development of the ailment. There is a disease in the form of spots on the fruit of brown color. Next, the formation of growths, in which the spores of the fungus are ripening. Their distribution is carried out by the wind and insects, as a result of which the fruit rot may hit one tree. If you look at the affected fruit, then you can see that his flesh takes on loose consistency and loses its taste.


Some fruits appear, and the rest dried right on the branches. This becomes the main cause of the development of the pathological process next year. You can observe the mass lesion at the end of July. Then the crop maturation occurs, and on the street is wet and hot weather.

An excellent prevention will be the timely trimming of the tree, the installation of fences, which would delay the flow of air, as well as the regular fee and the destruction of the affected fruits.

With the onset of spring, as well as in the fall, you need to perform a tree processing with 1% burgundy liquid or a drug. Early in the spring it is worth spraying a pear with lime milk. To do this, take 10 liters of water and 1 kg of lime.

On the video - the fight against fruit rot:

Excellent results allows us to obtain treatment with the help of simultaneous use of such drugs:

  • Actor
  • Ekoberin,
  • Healthy garden
  • Baikal.

The resulting biocoset is used for extra -orn subordinate, to make it necessary throughout the season. This allows you to make a tree immunity stronger, and still create decent protection from pathogenic microorganisms.

What is the height of the variety of Northerkhan, and what fruits it brings outlined

Senior fungus

If you have noticed that the tree began to black leafs, then be sure that this is a symptom of a sage fungus. Somewhere in mid-July, a black flare is formed on the leaves and fruits, which is very similar to South. Most often, no disassemble is defeated by the weak cultures that receive an insufficient amount of minerals.

Sent fungus in pear

Feed fungi sugar insect discharges, among whom the TLL. Defeat the leaves, fruits, and even reduce the immunity of the tree. Disputes without problems winter, focusing under the crust and dried foliage.

For prevention, you can use Calypso insecticide. It will become excellent protection against accumulating harmful insects. You can still apply phytodener, the action of which is aimed at suppressing growth and reproduction of the fungus.

Puffy dew

Puffy dew in pear

Treatment is reduced to the timely removal of reflected shoots and their destruction. From time to time it is worth carrying out pear treatments with such means as sulfite and foundation. Still you can take up folk Methods Fight. To do this, you need to take 10 liters of water, add 50 g of soda, 10 g of liquid soap. A 1% solution of manganese can cope with pulse dew. But how tormented dew on currant and gooseberry are treated, indicated


This pathological process, if not treated, can lead to the full death of the fruit tree. Pucciniaceae fungi can affect its development. Recognize diseases are actually in the presence of spots on the leaves and fruit. At first they have a bright color, but then he becomes a red.


Often are the reason why pear dies, leaf diseases. The rust of the seed crops is caused by the fungus of the family. Fruits affected by rust must be completely removed and destroyed. It is impossible to use them in food. But why yellowing grapes leaves are covered with rust, and that with this problem can be made, indicated

To combat the disease, it is necessary to conduct all therapeutic events early in spring. For spraying the plant, 1% solution of burglar fluid is used. With the onset of autumn, it is necessary to remove and burn the fallen foliage.

On the video - how to deal with rust from a pear:

As soon as the first frosts were passed, it is necessary to process the trees of the riveted bent with a solution of carbamide. 10 liters of liquid will leave 0.7 kg of composition. A positive result is achieved when using a bayletone systemic fungicide. For the whole season, processing should last 5 times.

Black cancer

The symptoms of this pathological process are manifested for several years. It causes the defeat with trunks and skeletal branches, as a result of which a small crack is formed on them. Over time, they grow up, the bark is broken and the Cambier is exposed.

Black Cancer Pear

Burly color spots are formed along the edges of the cracks. They very much on wet, but these are only open wounds, in which the pathoral microorganisms or fungal disputes can freely penetrate.

To combat the ailment worth cutting sharp knife Ajacked bark, a little capturing a healthy. To process wounds to use copper vigor. Move the wound is fashionable clay mixed with a cow. Favoric leaves need to destroy in the fall.


This disease has fungal origins. In the people, it was called "trunk rot." The defeat is applied to the crust, as a result of which it becomes red-brown and begins to dry. Influence on the development of the pathological process can burns from the Sun and Frost.


For treatment, it is necessary to cut off the affected bark, to smear the wound of clay. It is still necessary to regularly remove dry and affected branches, performed on the winter whitening of trunks.

Bacterial burn

This disease is considered one of the most dangerous for all varieties, including. It can be recognized by black leafs. Treatment here is integrated. Erwinia AMYLOVORA bacteria can affect the development of illness. But some insects or precipitation in the form of rain can distribute them. In order to detect the pathological process in time, it is necessary to examine the tree when it blooms.

Bacterial burns near pear

Inflorescences are subjected to rapid fading and acquire a brown color. Leafs begin to twist and black, but remain on branches. The bark and shoot slowly die away.

This disease is characterized by quick distribution. Often, bacterial burn leads to the death of the whole tree. If the plant managed to cure, then give fruit again it will be no earlier than in 2 years. As soon as illness was discovered, it is necessary to immediately cut the affected escape, while capturing 20 cm healthy. All cut items burn. Garden inventory used for wood processing, upon completion of the work to disinfect. But, and that with this problem can be made. Standed in the article on the link.

On the video - the treatment of bacterial burns:

Fight with diseases that affect the pear, it is necessary immediately after the first symptoms were discovered. If you react quickly and apply effective treatments, it is quite realistic to save the tree and harvest itself.

The main symptom of this disease is the spots of brown color on the fruits of the tree. It causes this disease of the fungus, which in a week after the appearance is striking almost all the crop pears. After the fruits are clearly visible, brown spots will be clearly visible, white growths are formed on top. The flesh of the affected pears becomes tasteless and loose. Right fruits fall to the ground, but some of them dry out and staying on the tree for a few more months. If it does not start treatment in time, then the fungus will begin to hit the branches and the trunk of the tree. As a result, growths will appear on the crust.

Monylize pear

Basically, the fungus begins to act in July-August, but the distribution period may vary, depending on the climate of the region.

To cure a sore tree, first of all you need to quickly cut the affected fruits and branches. Do not forget to spend regularly. Thus, you remove the unhealthy branches on which the fungus develops. To protect the tree, spray it with fungicides. Enhance the immunity of the plant will be able to with the help of roasting feeding and biocket. Among the latest most effective are considered Ekoberin, Baikal and Actor.

Rust on pear leaves

To combat rust with wood, you need to cut the affected fruits, leaves and branches. For treatment experienced gardeners Spray trees with concentrated urea solutions, inside of ash, copper vigor. You can also get rid of this disease of the pear with the help of indoors of the horsetail and velvetsev. Another method of therapy consists in the spring treatment of the sore tree with a 1 percent solution of burglar mixture.

Many gardeners face such a problem as the formation of cracks in the bark of pears. At first, small cracks appear on the trunks, but after a couple of weeks they grow into wide grooves passing along the entire trunk. The reasons for the appearance of this problem may be several:

  • sharp temperatures;
  • sunburns;
  • too deep landing seedlings in the ground;
  • lack of timely trimming;
  • excessive use of fertilizers.

Cracks in Korea

On alone, the appearance of large cracks, the symptoms of illness do not end. In addition, the sick tree slows down growth, with its crowns are premature leaves and fruits. Moreover, with the appearance of cracks, the wounds formed on the trunk become vulnerable to various viruses and pests.

Like other pear diseases, there are no cracks in any case without attention. For treatment, it will be necessary to clean the bark dried to healthy tissues using a metal brush. Then the crack area needs to be treated with 1 percent burglar liquid or iron sulfate solution. Immediately after processing, squeeze the cracks with a clay or a cow. For the prevention of the disease, do not forget, add not a large number of Facing and planted seedlings on a partially darkened area.

This diseases most often affects the young trees of pear. Provocate its appearance of a bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The main symptoms of the disease include different solid rigid formations on the roots, trunks and branches of trees. In the case of buying an infected tree and its landing in the soil, Bacteria begins to spread to other trees in the garden, and beyond.

Root cancer pears

In the treatment of rooted pear cancer, a purchased seedlock is treated with a 1 percent solution of copper sulphate. The discovered growths cut together with the roots, the same applies to the branches of the plant. If bacterium has been struck already adult treeIt must be sized and pouring 1 percent solution of copper mood. After a couple of days, I repeat. Thinks are treated with fungicides, cutting off the cancer ones.

What is dangerous black pear cancer?

This dangerous disease quickly affects the bark, fruits and skeletal branches of pears and apple trees. At first, small wounds or cracks appear on the cortex, which, increasing, tear the bark of the tree. Bright brown spots appear on the affected areas. To treat this sickness of apple and many varieties of pear, it is necessary to remove the affected fruits and branches.

Using a secaterator, cut the broken parts of the crust. The remaining wounds are treated with a solution of copper vapor, a special lubricant or a cow. To warn the appearance of the disease will help the burning of prematurely fallen leaves.

For the prevention of black cancer, you need to trim the dried branches of pears and apple trees. As you know, the pear is very vulnerable to harmful bacteria, its diseases and pests spread very quickly throughout the tree. After that, they go to other plants. Therefore, when processing trees, it is necessary to spray and others next to growing fruit trees. Not all varieties of pears are afraid of black cancer. So, high immunity in front of the bacterium - the pathogen possess Cathedral, January and Dudget.

The causative agent of this pear disease - mushroom PhylLosticta Pinna Sacc. . With such a disease of pear leaves, like bright spot, brown, rounded or incorrect form Spots that often merge among themselves. The symptoms of the lesion of the leaves of the brown spot during the growing stains and their passion reminds of burns.

Look at the manifestation of this pear disease in the photo, where the main signs are presented:

In the non-transparent tissue over time, small point brown fruit bodies of the wintering stage are formed. The leaves are yellow and prematurely fall out, which affects the aging of wood of shoots and their frost-resistant infection is preserved in the affected fallen leaves.

See how the disease of pear leaves appears in the photo illustrating the symptoms:

Fight measures. Spraying trees in spring to flowering and immediately after its ending with a 1% bordrian mixture or its substitutes (HOW, ABIG peak), collecting and removing fallen leaves.

Gray rot - pear tree fruit disease

Mushroom Disease Causer - Mushroom Botrytis Cinerea Pers. Such a disease of pear fruit, like gray rot, is manifested in the form of large brown stains without fifteen on the leaves, and during the years with cold and rainy summer - and fruits that rave and dry. Upon abundance of precipitation on non-frozen tissues, abundant smoky-gray spioning of the fungus develops. Over time, the mushroom is dried and a multiple small rounded fruit bodies are formed in it - black sclerotes. In dry weather, the spots on the leaves are cracking and falling out, and the fruits will rage and dry out. The infection is maintained by fruit bodies on fallen leaves and fruits and mycelium in the bore of shoots.

Fight measures. Using healthy planting material, Compliance with all agrotechnical requirements of culture culture, collecting and destruction of plant residues, thinning of thickened landings, spraying trees by the drug at rare or Rajak.

The causative agent of the disease of the fruit trees of pears - mushroom Venturia Pinna Aderh. Fusicladium Pirinum (SIB.) Fokl. With the disease of the young pear on the leaves from the bottom side, dark green appear, gradually raging velvety spots, the leaves are yellow and prematurely fall.

When infected with a pair in the spring and at the beginning of the summer, the stains are large, later, with repeated reparesses - small, low-wing. Disputes are transferred to the wound, young shoots, fruits. On the affected shoots, the bark is first covered with small bubble swirling, which later burst under the pressure of the mass of the dispute, and the bark becomes rough and peel. Packers of leaves, fruits and flowers are also affected, and the affected fruits are covered with stains and become unsuitable. With the mass distribution of the paste, the product qualities of the fruits, decorativeness and winter hardiness of trees are reduced.

The development of the disease is favored by a wet cold spring and an abundance of precipitation in summer. The pathogen is distinguished by a narrow specialization and strict timeliness to the plant, that is, the mushroom strikes only a pear and does not apply to other trees. Infection is preserved in the affected plant residues.

See how these and other diseases and pears pests look like in the photo, where their signs and external manifestations are shown:

Fight measures. Collection and removal (composting) of fallen affected leaves. Spraying trees, starting with a phase of a green cone and, if necessary in the summer, given the period of waiting, one of the drugs: 1% bordeaux mix, Hom, Abiga Peak, Sorrow, Rajak. It is easier to navigate the deadlines: before flowering and immediately after flowering.

Look pear diseases on video, where all agrotechnical measures to combat them are shown:

Mite pear gallia Eriophys Pyri Pgst. . - Very small sucking pear pears, cylindrical shape, has two pairs of legs. Live and feed ticks in the tissues of leafy plates, sucking the cellular juice. In places of damage, not large swollen greenish-red, which gradually raged, black and dry out. These pear pests and the struggle with them are discussed in detail on the page further - are described the means used against the tick.

Gallah as pests on pear leaves are placed both along the central vein, and throughout the leaf plate on the bottom side, on many fruit crops. Wintering adult ticks under the scales of the kidneys, with the blooming of which the ticks penetrate into the tissue of young leaves, where they eat and multiply. Over the summer, several generations develop, ticks spread to new leaves and young shoots. In the fall, the ticks are moving from the leaves in the kidneys to the winter. With a large number of pests, the kidney dry out, the growth of shoots is stopped, damaged leaves have been drying up, which heavily weakens trees and shrubs, especially young, in nurseries.

See how these pears pests look on the leaves in the photo, where you can consider adults and larvae:

Fight measures. Spraying trees in the spring, when the kidneys is dissolved, and in the fall, after harvesting, Fufanon preparations or its analogues (Kemifos, carbofos), Tiovit Jet.

The failure is a very serious opponent of the future fruit harvest. Next, consider how to deal with these pears pests on panstone With the help of remedies and special preparations.

TLL Green Pear-Umbrella Anuraphis pyrilaseri shap. - greenish-brown sucking insect 2-2.5 mm long. Green larvae and nymphs, small eggs, black, oblong. He damages the pear and refers to migratory troubles. In the summer, the pear pest flights to umbrella herbaceous plants, where it is actively multiplied, and in the fall returned to the pear and puts the winter eggs in the cracks of the cortex. Damage is very different from damage to other troubles. In the spring, young leaves stop growing and folded with halves along the vest and, cover the tool, and with a large number of pests, the leaves dry out. In the fall, after returning to the pear, the TLA sucks the juice from the bottom side of the sheet, there are larvae. Large orange spots appear on damaged leaves.

Fight measures. Spraying fruit trees in spring, before flowering and immediately after it, one of the drugs: Fufanon, Kemifos, Aktellik, Spark, Kinmix, Inta-Vir.

TLL-LIRTERTER Pear, or Tlla-Laster Dysaphis Reaumuri Mordv. (Syn. Yezabura Reaumuri Mordv.) - Small sucking insect 2-2.5 mm long. The body of a dark green or yellow-green color with a white wax challenge. The larvae is dark green, up to 0.5 mm long, with three pairs of black feet and black mustache. Winter black shiny eggs on branches near the kidneys. In the period of dissolving the kidneys, larvae are dedicated and feed on the kidneys, sucking juice. In the future, the larvae go to young leaves and green shoots. Damaged leaves twisted across the central vein, and they accumulate in a large amount of tri, covered with sticky discharge and skins of larvae. The larvae develops 12-15 days, then without fertilization give birth to live larvae, which immediately begin to eat with juice of leaves and shoots. Over the summer, 10-15 generations of pest develop, in September-October, the Tlla puts on the branches of the eggs, which and winter.

With a large number of thoughts, the surface of the branches and leaves completely covers, and the sweet sections of drops flow on the trunks and to the ground. The growth of damaged shoots ceases, the fruit kidneys are not laid, frost resistance decreases in the trees.

Fight measures. Spraying fruit trees before flowering and immediately after it is one of the drugs: Fufanon, Kemifos, Aktellik, Kin-Mix, Spark, Inta-Vir. With a large number of collections, the spraying is carried out in the summer with these drugs, given the waiting time. You can also use the preparations of phytodeterm, actar, lightning.

See how these pears pests look like in the photo showing their colonies and individual individuals:

Next presented pests in the pears that appear early and late spring. Teld about them appearance, distinctive features and control measures. All pests on the pear in the spring are actively laying eggs, feed on fresh greens and spoil the approach of the future harvest.

Listoblushka pear.

Listoblushka Pear, or Mestery Pear PSYLLA PYRI L. ., - Small sucking insect 2.5-3 mm long. The body is gray or yellow-brown, two pairs of transparent wings are folded over the back roof. Yellow larvae, have six legs, eggs are very small, yellow, oblong. Winter adult insects in the cracks of the crust and under the leaves in the soil. In the spring feed on the kidney juice and lay eggs on branches and shoots, and after breaking the leaves - on the leaves along the central vein. The larvae is sucking juice from leaves, flowers, shoots, fruits, highlighting a large number of sweet excrement (medical dew). Over time, sweet isolation is completely covered with a larch and protect it from the unfavorable conditions of the external environment.

During the summer, 4-5 generations are developing. With a large number of pests, sweet selection covers the leaves, branches, fruits and they develop a black raid of sage fungi. Damaged leafoblish trees lag behind in growth, cease fruit and they have a strongly reduced frost resistance.

Measures of struggle The same as against ribbed sheets of pears.

Berry bug.

Berry bug Dolycoris Bassanite L. . - Large sucking insect 10-12 mm long, reddish or yellowish-brown color. The body is egg-shaped, flat, covered with black dots and orange stripes on the rim of the abdomen. A mustache is black with yellowish rings. Blinds have two pairs of wings. The base of the front wings is dense, leathery, and the top is a film; Rear pair of webbed and covered with front wings. Insects S. incomplete transformation. Winter adult bugs under fallen leaves. Since May, the females are laying off light brown eggs on grassy plants and berry shrubs, after 1-2 weeks, larvae are fed, which feed and develop 48-53 days. Adult bugs appear in July, and the greatest number is observed in early August.

From the end of August, the bugs go to wintering. The bugs and their larvae suck juice from the kidneys, buds, stocks, young leaves and berries, which leads to their deformation and drying. The berry bug is Multiple, is found almost on all berry and decorative plants, on many fruit and hardwood.

Fight measures. Collection and destruction of single individuals. Preventive spraying of plants in the dissolution of the kidneys and immediately after flowering with the preparation of fufanon or its analogues (Kemifos, carbofos). Spraying strawberries spend two weeks before flowering and after harvesting berries, removable varieties are treated in summer, taking into account the timing of the waiting for drugs. With a large number of bugs on the berries, you can also use the preparations of Aktellik, Aktara, Spark, Inta-Vir, Kinmix.

Shelon silky POLYDROSUS SERICEUS SCHALL. - Green beetle, 5-8 mm long, covered with bright green scales with metal glitter. Legs and mustache is a reddish-yellow, crankshaft, with a darker mace at the end. Trumps short, green. Winter beetles, spring feed on leaves herbatous plants and hardwood, sprinkling them around the edges. Females lay eggs into the soil. Tolstaya larvae, legless feed on the roots of plants. Weevil is widespread on berry shrubs, fruit trees, hardwood.

Fight measures. Preventive annual spraying of gardens in the dissolution of the kidneys and immediately after flowering by the Fufanon drug or its analogues (KemiFos, carbofos) against the complex of pests, including weevils.

Weaving pear leaf PHYLLOBIUS PYRI L.. - Beetle with a short trunk, 5-6 mm long. The upper side of the body in narrow scales with a metal glitter of a wide variety of shades. Feet and mustache yellow color. Beetles appear in the spring and rudely essay the leaves from the edges of the sheet plate. The weevil is widespread on fruit cultures, berry shrubs and deciduous wooded rocks.

Fight measures. Spraying all fruit trees and shrubs in the garden before flowing and immediately after the end of flowering one of the drugs: Kinmix, Fufanon, Kemifos, Aktellik, Inta-Vir. Collection and destruction of Padalitsa apples, pears and bone crops to reduce the number of pest larvae.

Weaving nettle sheet PhylLobius urticae deg. - Beetle with a length of 7-10 mm, with a short thick toll tube, legs and black mustache. Black spryy, covered with golden-green, bluish or brown scales. The old beetles of the Nescryle are gray. Winter beetles in the soil, the kidney and young growing leaves and young rustic leaves are very emitted to the surface during the separation of buds, and after which there are holes left on them. Beetles cause significant harm to young leaves and can cause the death of the eyepieces. The weevon is powered on fruit, hardwrodding and shrubs, often damaging herbaceous plants.

Measures of struggle The same as against the weaving of the pear sheet.

Weevil oblong leaf, or weaving fruit PhylLobius Oblongus L. ., - Beetle with a length of 3.5-6 mm, shiny black-rooted color with brown hollows. Trumps short, black, on the end often yellow-brown, mustache and legs of yellow color. White larvae, thick, guilty, curved and slightly wrinkled, 4-6 mm long, feeds and develops in the soil, damaging the roots of plants. Open-type doll, gently white with black eyes, is located in an earthen cradle. Beetles in the spring go out of the soil and feed on the kidneys, flowers and young leaves, squandering in the latter edges of the plates. Weevil damages different deciduous trees And shrubs, badly harm with seed and bone cultures.

Fight measures. Preventive spraying of the gardens to the dissolution of the kidneys and immediately after flowering against the pest complex, the drug of fufanon or its analogues (Kemifos, carbofos) reduces the number of weevil.

See how these pests look in a pear in the photo, complementing their description above:


Bukarka Coenorrhinus Pauxillus Germ. . -Zhuk 2-3 mm long, with an elongated curved black toll tube. Overcrowders are greenish-blue, with a metal gloss, longitudinal point grooves are well noticeable. The larva is a non-genty, 3 mm long, yellowish color. Pile yellow pupa, 2 mm long. Winter beetles B. top layer Soil. In early spring Beetles go to the surface, crawled on trees and shrubs and feed on the kidneys first, and then buds and young leaves. By the end of flowering, the apple trees of females lay the eggs, placing them one by one, in the sprinkled holes in the central alcohol or on the bottom of the sheet. Fertility of females - up to 100 eggs. After 6-8 days, the larvae fell off and feed on the tissues of the petiole and the veins, doing the longitudinal moves in them. Damaged leaves dry out and fall.

With a large number of pests in June, there may be a massive leave of the leaves, which strongly weakens trees and shrubs. Burarka larvae continue to eat in the fallen leaves, and in July, August, they go into the soil at a depth of 4-10 cm, where they are pounded. In September, the dolls are beetles that remain wintering. The larvae, not sowed until September, remain in the soil until the fall of next year. Bucarka damages many fruit trees and berry shrubs.

Fight measures. Preventive spraying of all trees and shrubs in the spring in the spring, with the dissolution of the kidneys, the preparation of fufanon or its analogues (Kemifos, carbofos) and re-in June. Collection and burning of fallen leaves damaged by larvae.

Cherry beeman Pillon-burning PRIOPHORUS PALLIPES LEP. (Syn. P. Padi L "Cladius Pallipes Lep.) - Insect 5-11 mm long, black, with light yellow legs and transparent wings. The larva has 7 pairs of abdominal feet, grayish-green, with dark olive back, sometimes with a reddish tint, on each bodies segment has 3 rows of white warts covered with hairs. The head of the larvae is light brown with a large black spot on the tremects. Wintering larvae in the soil, in the spring there are also pumped and adult insects will fly away. The female lays 4-10 eggs from the bottomside of the leaves along the central vein. After 8-9 days, larvae are dedicated and the leaves skeleton with small areas that resemble a film-transparent windows. Older larvae eaten rounded holes in the leaves with smooth edges. At the moments of the danger of the larvae twisted into the ring and fall to the ground.

The nutrition of the larvae lasts about three weeks, after which they are pounded in cute dense light-brown cocopes in the cracks of the crust and in the leaves. The second generation of insects is observed at the end of summer. The larvae of this generation, having completed food, go into the soil and overwhelming. With a large number of pylger, the saw will harm with fruit trees and shrubs, especially cherry, pear, rowan, hawthorn, raspberry, etc.

Fight measures. Spraying trees and shrubs immediately after the end of flowering with fufanon or its counterparts (Kemifos, carbofos) against the complex of pests reduces the number of the peeling. With a large number of larvae at the end of summer and in September, they perform spraying with the same drugs, given the period of waiting for each. It is also used phytodeterm, kinmix, Aktellik, Inta-Vir.

Pill cherry mucisy

Pill cherry mucisy Caliroa Cerasi L. . - Black brilliant insect 4-6 mm long, with transparent wings with smoky shading in the middle part, yellowish legs. The larva is 9-11 mm long, greenish-yellow, coated with black mucus, the front edge is thickened. The mucus secreted by the larvae smells in ink. Pupa white, in a dense cocoon. The multicast pest, damages the seed and bone cultures, is widespread on rowan, hawthorn, rosehip, etc. The saw film develops 1-2 generations. Winter larvae in the soil, in the spring there are also pounded, at the end of May - June adult insects fly out.

Females lay eggs on the bottomside of the leaves. After 7-15 days, larvae are detected, which are soon covered with mucus. The larvae skeleton leaves within 15-25 days. Having finished food, the larvae go into the soil and picked up in cockoons. The second generation of the pylist and the egg laying are celebrated at the end of July - early August, and the development of larvae occurs until the beginning of October, when they go into the soil to winter. The number of second-generation larvae is always significantly higher and they are more damaging the leaves on trees and shrubs.

Fight measures. Spraying of trees and shrubs with a large number of larvae with one of the drugs: Fufanon, Kemifos, Aktellik, Inta-Vir.

Cerati-Tis Capitata Wied . - Twice 4.5-7 mm long insect, and the females are larger than males. Paint coloring. The head is large, whitish gray, with large red eyes, cast greenish glitter. Black chest with yellowish white lines and stains, on the shoulders of white rings. The abdomen is yellow with two transverse lead stripes. The female has a subtle sharp eggs. Wings wide with two transverse and one longitudinal smokers stripes, hidden-yellow legs. Eggs with a length of 0.7 mm, curved, yellow, larvae are white, legal, 7-11 mm long.

The female pierces eggland the skin of fruits and postpones several eggs, the fecundity of one flies is up to 800 eggs. The renewed larvae feed on the pulp of fruits and, by finishing the development, after two or three weeks they exit fruits and pound in the soil. After 7-10 days, flies from the pupae and after fertilizing the female lay eggs.

Depending on weather conditions, 2-6 generations are developing in the year. Optimal for the development of flies is air temperature of 20-28 ° C, at a temperature of 12 ° C, the development stops. Damaged flies are rewinding and prematurely falls out, and with a large numbness, the pest can completely destroy the crop of fruits. The fly damages the fruits of citrus, seed, bone crops, grapes, many vegetables, more often.

Fight measures. Preventive spraying of gardens before flowering and immediately after its ending with Fufanon or Cemifos drugs. When the flushing flies are detected, these same drugs are repeated in the summer, given the waiting time.

Gallitsa pear leaf Dasyneura Pyri Bouche. - Small Komarik pink gray, 2-2.5 mm long, with delicate transparent wings and with long mustache. White larvae, legal, spindle-shaped, which over time become orange-red and reach the length of 2-3 mm. Females lay eggs into folded young growing leaves at the ends of the shoots, the extensive larvae feed on the juice of fabrics. Damaged edges of the leaves wrap up, forming a dense tube, inside which are larvae. The development of eggs to an adult insect lasts 25-30 days and the year develops 3-4 generations. Damaged leaves over time become yellowish-reddish, and with great numbers, young leaves are underdeveloped at the ends of the shoots and twisted along the central vein.

Fight measures. Preventive spraying to flowering and after flowering by one of the drugs: Fufanon, Kemifos, Aktellik, Kinmix, Spark, Inta-Vir. If necessary, spraying is repeated in the summer with these drugs, given the waiting time.

Pear fruit Laspeyresia Pyrivora Danil. (Syn. Carpocapsa Pyrivora Dan.) Butterfly with a wings of 16-21 mm wings, very similar to the applean frozing. The wings are dark gray, with transverse wavy stripes, at the base of the wing is darker, and in the middle part light gray. On the top front wing There is an oval stain of silver or lead color (from the apple - bronze stain). Round eggs are flat, from red to pink gray color, through the shell is shouted dark red yolk. A caterpillar with a length of 16-18 mm, dirty-white, with a yellow-brown head, on the abdominal feet there is a whisen of 11-17 short cohesives. Pupa is 11-13 mm long, dark brown, in a solid cherry-black cocoon.

Winter caterpillars in cockcashes in the upper layer of the soil, in the spring there are also pounded and by the end of June butterflies overlook. Butterflies fly at twilight, they continue them for a month. After fertilization of the female, the eggs are laying on the fruit of pears, gluing them to the skin. After 7-8 days, the caterpillar is fused, it combats the fruit, it makes a direct move to the seed chamber and eats seeds. All the development and nutrition of the caterpillar occurs in one fruit and after 20-30 days an adult caterpillar makes a direct exit from the fetus, not leaving worms, and goes into the soil.

In the place of the exit of the caterpillars in the rink, spores of mushrooms fall, and fruit rotting develops. Often, the fruits of pear damages the fruit of the apple tree, but it is bungled into the fruit through a cup and fills the passage with red-brown excrement (worms), which does not make the caterpillar of pears fruit.

Fight measures. Preventive spraying of fruit trees in spring to flowering and immediately after it is one of the drugs: Fufanon, Kemifos, Aktellik, Spark, Kinmix, Inta-Vir. Directly against the frigorts spend spraying with these drugs 36-38 days after the end of the flowering of pears and re-12 days after the first spraying.

Frost leafper Exapate CONGELA-TELLA CL. - Small butterfly with severe sexual dimorphism. The male has developed wings with a scope of 22 mm, the front is reddish- or brown-gray with a dark base and two round dark spots located at the top, closer to the front edge; Rear - gray or brown-gray. The female has only underdeveloped front wings of gray, covered with long dense dark hairs, and there are no rear wings. Caterpillar is dirty green with lighter side strips, dark or light spots, yellow-brown head, sometimes with small dark dots. Breastplates black or brown. Caterpillars damage the kidneys and leaves of fruit trees and berry shrubs, as well as many hardwood.

Fight measures. Preventive spraying of trees and shrubs in spring, before flowering or immediately after it, one of the drugs: Fufanon, Kemifos, Kinmix, Aktellik, Ikra, Inta-Vir.

Spine Autumn, or Lartenza Autumn Larentia Autumnata BKH., Syn. Oporinia Autumnata Bkh., - Gray butterfly with thin gentle developed wings. Body length 12-13 mm, wings span 36-38 mm. Front wings silver-gray with numerous transverse wavy lines. The rear wings are ash-gray, brighter, with a weakly-reason transverse wavy line and clear dark longitudinal veins. The mustache is thin, long. The caterpillar is bright green, velvety, 25-30 mm long, lives and eats in rolled and bonded by a web of young leaves, which stretches around the edges. After the end of the nutrition, it goes into the soil, pumped up and overres. Pyadenitsa damages fruit and deciduous trees and shrubs. It is common everywhere.

Fight measures. Preventive spraying of bushes in spring to flowering and immediately after it is one of the drugs: Fufanon, Kemifos, Kinmix, Aktellik, Spark, Inta-Vir. With a large number of pest pests, they repeat the summer with these drugs, given the waiting time.

Prying Gray Parmashkovaya, or Prying Gray, or Podenitsa Cherrychi greenish Chloroclystis RECTANGULATA L. . , -Belver with a wings of 20 mm. Wings are wide, greenish gray, have dark wavy transverse lines, the color varies greatly. Caterpillar is green with reddish longitudinal stripes on the back and yellowish line on the sides, the body of the body is 15-16 mm. Senior caterpillars winter in spider cocopes under the leaves. In the spring, they leave the cocoons and in April-May are actively feeding, overlooking the kidneys, flowers and leaves, slightly tired by their web. On the seed crops of the caterpillar fasten the leaves along the entire length of the painter to the top in the form of a pocket. In June, caterpillars are pounding, and at the end of June - July, butterflies are observed. One generation of pest develops. He strongly damages apple trees, pear, cherry, many berry shrubs.

Fight measures. Spraying of all fruit trees and shrubs in the spring, during the dissolution of the kidneys, the drug of Fufanon or its analogues (Kemifos, carbofos).

Non-Gray Early Scoop Orthosia Gracilis Schiff. (Syn. Taeniocampa Gracilis F.) - Butterfly with a scope of the wings to 52 mm. Front wings reddish-brown with gray tint. Round-shaped and honest spots are large, gray with light edges, the rear wings are light gray with a gray fringe and with a gray middle spot. The caterpillar is bluish-green, on the back 3 whitish lines and one yellow, on the sides limited on top of a black bar. Dolls brown. Winter dolls in the upper layer of soil, the spring overlook butterflies, whose leaf is observed from March to May. After fertilization of the females, eggs are laying on the scattering kidneys and young leaves. The food and the development of the caterpillars occurs in June-July, after which they go into the soil and pound. The scoop damages seed and bone cultures, and special harm inflicts young trees in nurseries.

Fight measures. Preventive spraying of gardens in spring to flowering and immediately after flowering one of the drugs: Fufanon, Kemifos, Aktellik, Kinmix, Spark, Inta-Vir.

Pyramidal scoop Amphipyra Pyramided L.. - Large brown-red butterfly with a wings of 50 mm. Front wings dark brown, with light transverse lines and cloth, with black edges. Wavy line, passing across the wing, bright with dark clig-like stains. The ring-shaped spot is bright with a dark middle, located at the base of the wing. Rear wings are red-hot, the front edge is brown-gray.

Caterpillar up to 50 mm long, green with a shade, changing from yellow-green to the sizo-green. The head is small, green, diameter up to 3.5 mm. The body is thick, narrowed to the head, on the eleventh segment of the abdomen on top there is a pyramid protrusion of the same color as the whole body. Caterpillars stretch the leaves and getting fruits in May and before the beginning of June. Pick up since the beginning of June in loose white spider cocoons between leaves glued together. The butterflies are observed since the end of July to the fall. Developed in one generation. The scoop damages the leaves of fruit crops, forest hardwood, black currant, and also everywhere the fruits of pear.

Measures of struggle The same as against the scoop of a dark gray early.

Filter-Pie Acronicta Psi L. (Syn. Apatele Psi L.) - Butterfly with gray wings, which in motion make up 36-40 mm. The front wings have a brown tint and black touches at the base and on the outer field, the rear - gray-brown, darker around the edges. The caterpillar is black, up to 40 mm long, on the fourth segment has a long, pointed bump, and on the eleventh - a small tubercle, the back is light yellow, on the sides of white-gray stripes with short red stripes, a white foot line. The bump is covered with short black hairs, and the whole body is in rare gray hairs. Butterflies fly in July-September, caterpillars feed on the leaves of fruit trees and shrubs, as well as hardwood.

Fight measures. Collection and destruction of single caterpillars. With great numbers, spraying with one of the drugs: Fufanon, Kemifos, Kinmix, Aktellik, Inta-Vir, given the waiting time.

Choir Castle Arctia Villica L. - A large butterfly with a wings of 55-60 mm. Front wings black, with eight large white spots, rear orange, with black spots near the outer edge and the top merging sometimes in one large black spot. Head and chest black, yellow-red abdomen, with three rows of black spots, black and red, with a red longitudinal strip.

Caterpillar thick, black, with thick brown hairs and a dark red head. The pupa is black, in a white and gray cocoon. Winter-tenderlines in the grass and under fallen leaves, in the spring there are also pounded, butterflies are published in June. After fertilization of the females, eggs are laying on the leaves, and the renewed caterpillars feed until autumn, sprinkling the leaves of plants. The village of Rural hurts seeds, raspberries, strawberries, yarrow, star, often occurred on shrubs. Caterpillars are single and special damage do not apply.

Fight measures. Failure to catch butterflies with light traps, with a large number of caterpillars spend a spraying with one of the drugs: Fufanon, Kemifos, Aktellik, Kinmix, Spark, Inta-Vir, given the waiting time.