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How many types of insects exist on earth? Types of insects and their insect names with incomplete transformation

The insect class has two subclass: primynyobeschryti and winged.

TO subclass Primychnobeschryl There are insects whose ancestors never had wings (scales of sugar, chokhvostka, etc.). Scappy dwells in the barn, Chulans. basements. It feeds on decompanying substances, harmless to humans. In the flower pots with an unlimited polyvka, hazardous insects are often appearing. Feed overloading plants or their lower plants. Reliable struggle with them is a decrease in watering.

Conditions of winged divided into insects with incomplete transformation and insects S. full transformation.

The distribution of species for units are carried out taking into account such signs as the nature of the development, the characteristics of the structure of the wings, the structure of the mouth of the mouth of the main signs of some insect detachments are presented below.

Some signs of essential insect detachments
Odds Type of Development Number of pairs of wings Rota apparatus Feature of the development of wings Some representatives
Taraakanova With incomplete transformation Two pairs Rodent Naccryl Red and black cockroaches
Termites With incomplete transformation Two pairs Rodent Mesh Termite
Straight With incomplete transformation Two pairs Rodent Naccryl Locust, grasshoppers, crickets
Wrench With incomplete transformation No wings Cakes Outless Loading head, louse
Claps Louse Two pairs Cakes Naccryl Klop-turtle, rop-gladn, bug-water meter
Raw With incomplete transformation Two pairs Cakes Mesh Cycada
Grandmas With incomplete transformation Two pairs Rodent Mesh Grandmother and grandmother
Beetles, or tough With complete transformation Two pairs Rodent Overcrowders solid Major Beetle, Colorado Beetle, Beetles-Mogilers, Coroesed Beetles
Butterflies, or scraping With complete transformation Two pairs Sucking Mesh with scales Skabwoman-Belyanka, hawkerman, tuta silkworm
Refreadmill With complete transformation Two pairs Rodent, lacquer Mesh Bees, bumblebees, wasps, ants
Twit-made With complete transformation 1 pair Spiny-sausage Mesh Mosquitoes, flies, wondes, midges
Flea With complete transformation Not Spiny-sausage Outless Flea human, flea rat

Insects with incomplete transformation

The most common are: tarakanyi detachment - Typical representative - redhead cock. The appearance of cockroaches in housing is a sign of sludge. They come out of their shelters at night and feed on carelessly stored products, polluting them. Female cockroaches on the end of the abdomen wear a brown egg "suitcase" - ooteku. They are dumped into garbage. It develops eggs from which larvae appear - small white cockags, similar to adults. Then the cockroaches are black, they linked several times and gradually turn into adult cockroaches.

Detachment Termites - This includes public insects living in large families in which there is a division of labor: workers, soldiers, males and females (queens). The nests of termites are member, can be significant. Thus, in African savannas, the height of the fracthers reaches 10-12 m, and the diameter of their underground part - 60 m. Thermites feed on mostly wood, can damage wooden buildings, agricultural plants. About 2,500 types of termites are known.

Detachment straight - Most of the officials of the squad are roetters, but predators meet. These include grasshopes, kapoleninka, sarancha. Green grasshopper lives in the grass on the meadows, in the steppes. It has a long mawed eggs. Kapoolenka - has a swing leg, flies well and swims. Deals with underground parts of garden plants, such as cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, potatoes, etc. Some types of locusts are prone to mass reproduction, then they are going to huge flocks and fly to a considerable distance (up to several thousand kilometers), destroying all green vegetation on your path.

Squad Klop. - This includes well-known pests of agricultural crops - klop-turtle, sucking the contents of the grain of cereal plants. In dwellings meet klop-Bloshitsa - Very unpleasant insect for man. In fresh water bodies or on their surface, a bug-water meter that is fed by insects falling into the water. Predatory klop-Gladun. attacks various invertebrate animals and fry fish.

The detachment is relaxed - All of his representatives feed on plant juices. Many species tli cause great harm to cultural plants. Many were relying are carriers of viral diseases of plants. These include diverse cycada, the dimensions of which are from a few millimeters to 5-6 cm. Live in crowns of trees.

Detachment grandmother - Exceptional predatory insects. Adults are attacking the mining in flight. The best flyers. Their flight is distinguished by high maneuverability: they can hang in the air, be moving and can develop speed up to 100 km per hour. These include grandma-rogger, grandma-Dosoretsand etc.

Insects with complete transformation

Solid Zhuki, or severe, is the most numerous detachment of insects, up to 300,000 species. Beetles are common in a wide variety of sushi and fresh reservoirs. Their sizes range from 0.3 to 155 mm of length. Many beetles make great harm to cultural plants. One of the pests of potatoes and other plants is colorado beetlebrought to us from America. Zhuk-Kuzka. - grain pest; chafer - His larvae damage the roots of trees and potatoes; beetling weevil - Sugar beet affects. In addition, here are beetles-koroedy, pulling the moves in the core and the luban fibers of valuable breeds of trees, and larvae zlatok And I live in dead wood, make great damage to forestry industrial farms.

Many beetles spoil food stocks: pea grain, bog-bread sharpened, beetle leatherdamaging leather, woolen products. To the detachment of the beetles includes another little beetle trubovert.. Very interesting biology of these beetles. In the spring, the tubrel is specially cuts off the sheet to the main vein. The outbreak part of the sheet fades and loses elasticity. Then the beetle rolls the Ce Celets and put eggs there. Something like cigar is formed. So the pipeberry is taking care of the offspring.

Separate beetles are powered by the residues of plants and animals and in nature are in nature the role of sanitation, for example: beetles-Gnetoviki and gobaariki. Some can be used to combat harmful insects. So, ladybug destroys Tlya and big green beetles-paintotele - Caterpillars.

Beetles are extremely beautiful, large sizes, for example beetle deer., or rogachListed in the Red Book reaches length up to 8 cm, the larvae develops in rotten hemps about five years and grow up to 14 cm long. In the reservoirs they live a variety of sizes and in the method of nutrition of the beetle - a beetle-planet, and a fuel oil black. Floor beetle - a predator, a black water - herbivor.

Detachment butterfly, or czeshechy- Representatives of this detachment are distinguished by a variety of painting their wings. These include hives, cabbage butterfly, silkworm et al. Among the species living in the Far East, there are very large night butterflies, which in the wings are swingively correspond to the width of the expanded notebook. Wings in butterflies are covered with modified hairs - scales having the ability to refract light. This phenomenon depends the overflow color of the wings of many butterflies. Butterfly larvae are called caterpillars. They have a rodent apparatus, a long body. Their salivary glands, except saliva, also allocate silk threads, of which the cocoon can fly before pokucling. Adult butterflies are very good pollinators of plants. The caterpillars of most butterflies are roasting, sparing the leaves of plants, cause significant harm, for example, cabbage whitefish, apple mole, a goldenflake, neckline, and others. Room mole caterpillar feeds on wool products, damaging them, some caterpillars spoil flour and other foods.

Taut and oak silkworms - They have been breeding a person for the purpose of obtaining silk (from cocoons) for a long time. Many large butterflies are extremely beautiful, for example mahaon, apollo et al. very interesting big butterfly night peacock eye, on the wings of which there are eye stains. Her caterpillar is a large, fleshy, green, in front of the punching cocoon cocoon with a chicken egg.

Large night butterflies with acute wings, distinguished by a very fast flight - brahniki- Named because you willingly feed on the trembling and fragile juice of trees, especially birch, speaking on wounds and stumps.

Sponden detachment detachment - combines a variety of insects: bee., bumblebee, oS., riders, pilliers and others. Lifestyle in these insects is diverse. Some of them are roasting, as their larvae (very similar to the caterpillars) make great harm to grain and other plants, for example bread and pine sawers. Feeding foliage of the larvae of peelers so acquire the traits of similarity with butterfly caterpillars, which they are called false caterpillars. The striking device is the eggs of the peelers, which serves to drink in the tissues of the pockets of pockets, in which the female sawers hide eggs, thereby showing the original care for the offspring.

Beautiful pollinators of plants are bumblebee. This is a public insect. Family bumblebees There is only one summer. The nests are built in mouse minks, dupes, sockets of proteins, in birdhouses. The nest is building a female, equipping wax cells in it to lay eggs. Food is placed in the cell - a mixture of flower pollen with honey. The larvae fell out of the egg eat food and after two or three weeks torture silk cocoons, turning into the dolls. Workers, females and males are out of the pupae. By the end of summer, in large nests there are up to 500 bumblebees. In the fall, an old uterus, males and workers die, and young uterus hide in wintering.

Lifestyle oS. Looks like a bumblebee. They also exist one summer. The wasps benefit, destroying harmful insects, and the damage from the damage by them is small. More harm from shershnei (One of the types of Rioi OS): They're flashing the bark of young trees and eat bees. Settling near the apiary, they destroy thousands of bees over the summer.

From public insects, the detachment of the reference will benefit honey bee. She and a wonderful pollinator of plants, and produces an exceptionally useful food product - honey, as well as wax, uterine milk, widely used by man in perfumery. medicine, for the manufacture of varnishes, paints, etc.

The bee family is an amazingly complex integer, in which all family members are very closely connected with another friend. Life and prosperity of all kinds are equally impossible without uterus and without drone, without working bees. Using knowledge about the life of all members of the bees family, specialists of beekeepers learned to create specialized houses for bees - hives, conditions for nutrition of bees (exported to those fields where heded plants are grown) and not only high quality honey, but also .

Repfillment detachment representatives are used as a biological method of combating harmful insects. These include various riders, as well as a trichogram, which is taken artificially

Squad docks. This includes all famous insects: mukhi, mosquitoes, midge, odd., blind And other insects similar to them, possessing one pair of transparent wings. The second pair of wings turned into the so-called buzz. Ordinary Komar dwells in swampy and raw local areas. Especially numerous mosquitoes are in the middle of summer. Residents of Taiga and tundra call them clusters gnus. The mosquitoes are easily punctured by the human skin and suck his blood. Drawing mosquito larvae live in standing water. Feeding, larvae grow, linen and turn into rolling dolls. Komarov dolls also live in water, they cannot eat, so they will soon turn into an adult individual.

Malari and ordinary mosquito distinguish landing.

Ordinary Komar (Piskun) keeps his body parallel to the surface on which sits, and malarial - At an angle to it, highly raising the rear end of the body. Malari Komar lays eggs in a pond one by one, ordinary - packs floating on the surfaces in the form of dams. Mushroom mosquito larvae live in fruit bodies of hat mushrooms.

Mukhi, unlike mosquitoes. Have short mustache. Their larvae is white, as a rule, legal and headless. In the room flies, the drawing larvae lives and develop in kitchen garbage, in a pile of manure and uncleanness, where the flies lay eggs. Before poking, the larvae crawled out of uncleanness, penetrate into the soil and turn into a pupa.

Adult flies hatched from dolls fly everywhere in search of bend. From restrooms and cesspools, they fly to openly lying food and pollute them. Flies are transferred to the food of the human bacteria of gastrointestinal diseases and eggs Askarid. Therefore, it is very important to fight flies. Foods are protected from flies of gauze or caps, vegetables and fruits before use washed.

Midge - Long-sized long sizes, the larvae of which are developing at the bottom of water bodies with running water. In the tropics and subtropics, very small mosquitoes are found in Crimea - mosquito. Their larvae develop in wet soils, nonorah rodents, etc. Mosquitoes - carriers of many diseases (malaria, etc.). We live "Hessian Fly", destroying cereal plants.

Odd., blind They make great harm to human and pets with its bite, as well as the ability to transfer pathogens of such dangerous diseases as Tularemia, Siberian ulcer.

At the same time, flies are pollinators of many plants.

Rat flea It can transmit plague pathogens from sick rodents to a very dangerous disease, once who carried thousands of human lives.

All about everything. Tom 3 Likum Arkady

How many types of insects exist on earth?

Do you know how many types of insects live on our planet? From 2 to 4 million different types! About 625,000 species of insects are described by scientists, and there are practically no hope that all existing types of insects will ever be described. No class of animals can even get closer to the number of species to insect.

If you try to estimate the absolute number of insects living on Earth, the figure will be so huge that the human mind cannot even imagine her! The only way scientists can estimate an approximate number of insects living in the ground is to calculate their number of 1 square meters. m wet soil. This number varies from 500 to 2000.

Thus, in one acre good soil, about 4 million insects should dwell. Most of these insects are indistinguishable with the human eye. Many of them are simply microscopic sizes. And only a few thousand types of insects are sufficiently bothering a person to try to control them. If you think about it, you realize that a person is literally surrounded by insects, but does not suspect how many of them are around!

The overwhelming majority of insects combine two things: their body is divided into three parts and they usually have six legs, although there are exceptions to this rule.

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Insects are the youngest of the invertebrates and the most numerous class of animals, which has more than 1 million species. They completely mastered all habitats - water, sushi, air. They are characterized by complex instincts, omniviness, high fertility, for some - a public lifestyle.

When developing with transformation, the habitat and food sources between the larvae and adults are separated. The path of evolution of many insects is closely connected with flowering plants.

More highly developed insects - winged. In the cycle of substances in nature, the beetles of gravers, dungs, consumers of plant residues play a major role, and at the same time, insects are insects - pests of agricultural plants, gardens, food reserves, leather, wood, wool, books.

Many insects are carriers of causative agents of animal and human diseases.

In connection with the reduction in natural biogeocenoses and the use of pesticides, the total number of insect species is reduced, so 219 species are listed in the Red Book of the USSR.

General class characteristic

The body of adult insects is divided into three departments: head, chest and abdomen.

  • Head, consisting of six spilled segments, is clearly selected from the chest and is connected to it movably. On the head there is a pair of articular beaches or ssyzhkov, oral apparatus and two facetile eyes; Many also have one or three simple eyes.

    Two complex, or facets, eyes are located on the sides of the head, some species are very developed and can occupy most of the surface of the head (for example, some dragonflies are blind. Each complex eye includes several hundred to several thousand facets. Most insects are blind to red color, but see ultraviolet radiation and are attracted to them. On this feature of the vision of insects, it is based on the use of light traps emitting most of the energy in purple and ultraviolet areas, for collecting and studying the environmental features of night insects (some families of butterflies, beetles, etc.).

    The oral apparatus consists of three pairs of limbs: the upper jaw, the lower jaw, the lower lip (which has grown the second pair of the lower jaws) and the upper lip, which is not a limb, and represents the chitin growth. The river apparatus also includes chitinovoy dummy of the oral cavity - language or pitpofarinx.

    Depending on the method of nutrition, the mouth of insects have a different structure. The following types of the oral apparatus are distinguished:

    • rodzucous-chewing - elements of the oral apparatus have the form of short solid plates. They are celebrated in insects that feed on solid plant and animal food (beetles, cockroaches, straight flowered)
    • the piercing-sucking - elements of the oral apparatus have the form of extended hair-like bristles. There are marked in insects that feed on plants with plants or blood of animals (bugs, phones, cicades, mosquitoes, mosquitoes)
    • lyju-sucking - elements of the oral apparatus have the type of tubular formations (as a trunk). It is observed in butterflies that feed on the nectar of flowers and the juice of fruits. In many flies, the proboscis is strongly transformed, not less than five of its modifications, from the crucible-cutting body in the blind way to a soft "liding" trunk among the nectar of floral flies (or in the liquid parts of the manure falling on the liquid parts).

    Some species in adult state do not eat.

    The structure of the mustaches, or siazhkov, insects are very diverse - filamentous, bristles, sawn, comb, male-shaped, lamellar, etc. Utility is one pair; They carry the signs and smells on themselves, and homologous to crustacean antennals.

    Feeling authorities on insect musty inform them not only the state of the environment, they help communicate with relatives, find a suitable habitat for themselves and offspring, as well as food. The females of many insects attract males with the help of odors. The males of a small nightly peacock eye can teach the female at a distance of a few kilometers. The ants recognize the smell of females from their anthill. Some species of ants will make the way from the nest to the power source due to the odorous substances that are allocated from the special glands. With the help of the assholes of ants and termites, the smell left by their relatives. If both a mustache pick up the smell to the same extent, then the insect on the right path. Attractant substances that highlight the butterflies ready to mate are usually spread by the wind.

  • Chest Insects consists of three segments (forwarding, average and grocery), each of which is attached from the abdominal side along a pair of legs, hence the name of the class - the sixth. In addition, the highest insects the breast bears two, less often one pair of wings.

    The number and structure of the limbs are characteristic features of the class. All insects have 6 legs, one pair on each of the 3 breast segments. The foot consists of 5 departments: Tasika (Socha), Verter (FEMUR), hips (femur), tibia (TIBIA) and chlentey paws (Tarsus). Depending on the lifestyle of insect limbs can be very modified. Most insects have a footing and intractable type. For grasshoppers, locusts, fleas and some other species, a third pair of legs - jumped type; Near the strokes in the soil, the first pair of legs - digging legs. In the aquatic insects, for example, the boom beetle, the hind legs are converted into rowing, or swimming.

    Digestive system Presented

    • The anterior intestine starting with the oral cavity and divided into a sip and esophagus, the rear department of which is expanding, forming a goiter and chewing stomach (not all). Consumers of solid food stomach has thick muscular walls and carries inside chitinic teeth or records, with which food is crushed and pushed into the middle intestine.

      The front intestine includes salivary glands (up to three pairs). The secretion of the salivary glands performs the digestive function, contains enzymes, wets food. In bloodsuckers, contains a substance that prevents blood coagulation. At bees, the secret of one pair of glands is mixed in Zob with flower nectar and forms honey. In the working bees, salivary glands, the duct of which opens into the throat (pharyngeal), highlights special protein substances ("Milk") that larch the larvae transformed into the module. In the caterpillars of butterflies, the larvae of the streams and the refilled, salivary glands are converted into silky sequel, or spinning, producing a silky thread for the manufacture of a cocoon, protective education and other purposes.

    • The middle intestine on the border with an anterior intestine is covered with an inside with glazed epithelium (pyloric intestinal growth), separating digestive enzymes (liver and other glands in insects are absent). In the middle intestine, nutrients suction occurs.
    • The render takes undigested food residues. Here, water is sucking (this is especially important for deserted and semi-deserted species). The rear of the anal hole that outlines excrement ends.

    Options Presented by Malpigiyev vessels (from 2 to 200), which have the form of thin tubes flowing into the digestive system on the border between the middle and the rear intestine, and the fat body that performs the function of "kidney of accumulation". The fat body is a loose fabric located between the internal insect bodies. It has a whitish, yellowish or greenish color. The cells of the fat body absorb the products of the exchange (salts of uric acid, etc.). Next, the products of the selection enter the intestine and together with excrement are derived out. In addition, fat body cells accumulate spare nutrients - fats, proteins and carbohydrate glycogen. These reserves are spent on the development of eggs during wintering.

    Respiratory system - Trachea. This is a comprehensive system of air-capable tubes, directly delivering oxygen to all organs and tissues. On the sides of the abdomen and chest there are most often 10 pairs of the breath (stigma) - holes through which the air falls into the trachea. The stigma starts large basic trunks (trachea), which branch into smaller tubes. In the chest and front part, the trachea abdomen is expanded and form air bags. The tracheas permeate the whole body of insects, the fabrics and organs are deployed, are part of individual cells in the form of the smallest branching - the tracheol through which gas exchange is carried out. Carbon dioxide and water vapors are removed through the trachea system. Thus, the trachean system replaces the functions of the circulatory system in the supply of oxygen tissues. The role of the circulatory system is reduced to the delivery of tissues of digested food and transfer from tissues to excretory organs of decay products.

    Circulatory system In accordance with the peculiarities of the respiratory organs, a relatively weak is developed, which is unlocked, consists of a heart and a short unbranched aorta, departing from the heart to the head. Circulating in the blood system The colorless liquid containing white blood taurus is called hemolymph blood. It fills the body cavity and gaps between the organs. Heart tube-shaped, is on the dorsal side of the abdomen. The heart has several capable pulsating cameras, each of which opens a pair of holes equipped with valves. Through these holes, blood (hemolymph) comes inside the heart. The pulsation of the heart chambers is determined by a reduction in special wing muscles. The blood moves into the heart from the rear end to the front, then enters the aorta and from it into the cavity of the head, then the fabric is washed and the bodies are poured into the body cavity, in the intervals between the organs, from where through the special holes (oracter) falls into the heart. Blood insects colorless, or greenish yellow (rarely red).

    Nervous system Reaches an exceptionally high level of development. It consists of a stilt node, obscallery connotions, a stilt node (it was formed as a result of the merge of three ganglia) and the abdominal nerve chain, which in primitive insects consists of three breast ganglia and eight abdominal. At the highest groups of insects there is a fusion of neighboring nodes of the abdominal nervous chain by combining three chest nodes into one large node or abdominal nodes in two or three or one large node (for example, in real flies or lamellar beetles).

    Especially difficult is the headlift ganglia, which is often referred to as the brain. It consists of three departments - front, middle, rear and has a very complex histological structure. The brain innervates the eyes and mustache. In the forefront of its department, such a structure is played as mushroom-shaped bodies - the highest associative and coordinating center of the nervous system. The behavior of insects is very complex, it is a clearly pronounced reflex character, which is also associated with a significant development of the brain. Podlilt node innervates the oral organs and the foreground of the intestine. Breast ganglia innervating organs of movement - legs and wings.

    Insects are characterized by very complex forms of behavior, which are based on instincts. Especially complex instincts are characteristic of the so-called public insects - bees, ants, termites.

    Sense organs Reach exceptionally high level of development, which corresponds to a high level of insect organizations. Representatives of this class have bodies of touch, smell, vision, taste and hearing.

    All senses are based on the same element - sensilla, consisting of one cell or a group of sensitive receptor cells having two processes. The central process goes to the central nervous system, and the peripheral - to the outer part represented by various cuticular formations. The structure of the Cuticular case depends on the type of sense organs.

    Touch bodies are represented by sensitive hairs scattered throughout the body. The sense of smell is located on the mustache and the mandibular peppers.

    The organs of vision play a leading role for orientation in the external environment along with the sentence authorities. Insects have simple and complex (facet) eyes. Complicated eyes consist of a huge number of individual prisms, or ommatidis separated by a light-tight layer. This structure of the eye gives "mosaic" vision. Higher insects have color vision (bees, butterflies, ant), but it differs from human vision. Insects perceive mostly short-wave part of the spectrum: green-yellow, blue and ultraviolet rays.

    Reproductive organs Are in the trouser. Insects are separate organisms, they are well expressed by sexual dimorphism. The females are developed a pair of tubular ovaries, eggs, apparent sex glands, a seed. Receptionist and somewhat eggs. The males have a pair of seeds, seeds, seeds, seeds, apparent sex glands and a copulatory apparatus. Insects multiply in sexually, most of them lay eggs, there are nobility species, they give birth to live larvae (part of the tools, wands, etc.).

    From delayed eggs after a certain period of embryonic development, larvae are out. Further development of larvae in insects of various detachments can occur with incomplete or complete transformation (Table 16).

    Life cycle. Insects - separation animals with internal fertilization. In the type of post-mixed development, insects are distinguished with incomplete (in highly organized) and with full (at the highest) metamorphosis (transformation). Full metamorphosis includes stages of eggs, larvae, pupae and imago.

    Insects with incomplete conversion from the egg, a young person comes close to the structure to an adult insect, but differing from him the lack of wings and underdevelopment of genital organs, - the nymph. Often they are called larvae, which is not quite accurate. Humanity conditions are similar to adult forms. After several Linek, the insect reaches the limit sizes and turns into an adult form - Imago.

    In insects with a complete transformation of eggs, larvae are out, sharply different in structure (have a worm-like body) and in habitat from adult forms; Thus, the mosquito larva lives in water, and imaginal forms in the air. The larvae grow, pass a number of stages separated by minks from each other. With the last molting, a fixed stage is formed - doll. Pupae do not eat. At this time, metamorphosis occurs, the larval organs are disintegrated, and instead they develop the organs of the IMAO. Upon completion of the metamorphosis from the pupa, a semi-winding outflower comes out.

    Tab 16. Insect Development Type of Development
    Opening I. Insects with incomplete transformation

    Overcake 2. Insects with complete transformation

    Number of stages 3 (egg, larva, adult insect) 4 (egg, larva, doll, adult insect)
    Larva Looks like an adult insect by external structure, lifestyle and nutrition; Differs with smaller sizes, no wings are missing or developed Differs from an adult insect external structure, lifestyle and nutrition
    Doll AbsentThere is (in a fixed doll, the histoliz of the larval and histogenesis of adult fabrics and organs occurs)
    • Detachment straight (Orthoptera)
    • Detachment crooked, or beetles (Coleoptera)
    • Detachment of scraper, or butterflies (lepidoptera)
    • Reference Tools (Hymenoptera)

    Brief overview of the class

    The class of insects is divided into more than 30 detachments. The characteristic of the main detachments is given in Table. 17.

    Useful insects

    • Honey, or home, bee [show]

      In the hives, a family usually lives, which consists of 40-70 thousand bees, one of them is a uterus, several hundred males drone, and all the other are working bees. The uterus in size is larger than the remaining bees, it has a well-developed breeding organs and eggs. Daily uterus lays out of 300 to 1000 eggs (on average it is 1.0-1.5 million in life). The drill is a little larger and thicker of workers bees, they have no uterus with wax glands. Rods are developing from non-advocated eggs. Working bees are underdeveloped females that are not able to multiply; Their eggland turned into a protection and attack authority.

      The composition of the sting includes three sharp needles, between them there is a channel for the removal of a poison generated in a special iron. In connection with the nutrition, nectar, the rodent oral bodies have changed significantly, when eating, they form a kind of tube - trumps, nectar is absorbed through it with the help of muscles of the pharynx. The upper jaws also serve to build hundreds and other construction work. The nectar is going to the extended goiter and turns there in honey, which bee joins in cell cells. The bees on the head and chest are numerous hairs when the insect flies from a flower on a flower, pollen sticks to the hairs. The bee considers pollen from the body, and it climbs in the form of a lump, or ranks, in special recesses - baskets on the rear legs. Bees are dumping pollen into cell cells and pour it with honey. The perga is formed, which bees feed the larvae. On the last four segments, the bee abdomen are wax glands, which externally have a view of light spots - mirrors. The wax comes out through the pores and freezes in the form of thin triangular plates. Bee jaws chews these plates and builds cell cells from them. The wax glands of the working bee begins to highlight the wax on the 3-5th day of her life, reach the greatest development for the 12-28th day, then decrease and reborn.

      In the spring, working bees begin to collect pollen and nectar, and the uterus lays down one fertilized egg into each cell cell. Three days later, larvae are dedicated from eggs. Wheel bees 5 days feed them with "milk" - rich in proteins and lipid substances that allocate topless glands, and then perga. After a week inside the cell of the larva, the cocoon cans and pumped. After 11-12 days, a young working bee flies out of the doll. For several days, it performs various work inside the hive - cleans the cells, feeds the larvae, builds honeycombs, and then begins to fly for a bribe (nectar and pollen).

      In a slightly larger cells of the uterus, uncomfortable eggs are laid out, from which drums develop. Their development lasts for several days longer than the development of workers' bees. In large cells, the uterus, the uterus lay down fertilized eggs. Of these, larvae are dedicated, which bees are fed by "milk" all the time. From these larvae, young uterus develops. Before the release of the young uterus, the old tries to destroy the Musician, but the working bees interfere with it to do it. Then the old uterus with part of the working bees flies out of the hive - it takes place. Roy bees are usually transferred to a free hive. A young uterus crashes from the hive along with the drones, and after fertilization returns.

      The bees are well developed a durable knot, or a brain, it is distinguished by the strong development of mushrooms, or stem, bodies with which the complex behavior of bees is associated. Having found flowers rich in nectar, the bee returns to the beehive and the shapes resembling figures 8 begins to describe the figure 8; Absto it fluctuates her. This peculiar dance signals other bees, in which direction and at what distance is bribes. Complex reflexes and instincts that determine the behavior of bees - the result of long historical development; They are inherited.

      People are diluted bees at the daresses for a long time. The collapsible framework was an outstanding achievement in the development of beekeeping, it was invented by the Ukrainian beeper P.I. Prokopovich in 1814. The useful activities of the bee is primarily in cross-pollination of many plants. In case of beekoping, the crop of buckwheat rises by 35-40%, sunflower - by 40-45%, cucumbers in greenhouses - more than 50%. Bee honey is a valuable food product, it is also used with therapeutic purposes for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, liver, kidneys. As medicinal preparations use uterine milk and bees glue (propolis). The medicine also use bee (aspen) poison. Beeswax is widely used in various industries - electrical engineering, metallurgy, chemical production. The annual global collection of honey is about 500 thousand tons.

    • [show]

      The taut silkworm is known to people over 4 thousand years old. In nature, he can no longer exist, it is bred in artificial conditions. Butterflies do not eat.

      Lovely whitish silkworm females are laying 400-700 eggs (so-called Grenu). Of these, in special premises on racks, caterpillars are removed, which are fed by the leaves of mulberries. Caterpillar develops within 26-40 days; During this time, she lines four times.

      An adult caterpillar flies a cocoon from a silk thread, which is produced in its silic seasonal gland. One caterpillar distinguishes a thread up to 1000 m. This thread caterpillar winds around itself in the form of a cocoon, inside which it is pumped. A small part of the cocoons is left alive - later, butterflies are deduced from them, which lay eggs.

      Most cocoons are killed by a hot steam or exposure to an electromagnetic field of ultra-high frequency (at the same time, pupae inside cocoons are heated in a few seconds to 80-90 ° C). Then the cocoons are unwinding on special machines. Of 1 kg of cocoons, more than 90 g of silk raw are obtained.

    If it was possible to accurately calculate the harm and benefits of insects for the national economy, then it would be possible to significantly exceed the losses. Insects provide cross-pollination about 150 species of cultivated plants - garden, buckwheat, cruciferous, sunflower, clover, etc. without insects, they would not give seeds and died themselves. The aroma and painting of higher flowering plants have been developed in the process of evolution as special signals to attract bee and other insect pollinators. The great sanitary value of such insects like beetles-gravers, insuries, and some others. In Australia, Merrogen from Africa specially tied up, because without them in pastures, a large number of manure was clocked, which prevented the growth of herb.

    Insects play a significant role in the process of soil formation. Soil animals (insects, multi-popes, etc.) destroy the fallen foliage and other plant residues, absorbing only 5-10% of their masses. However, the excrement of these animals soil microorganisms decompose faster than mechanical crushed leaves. Soil insects together with rainworms and other soil inhabitants play a very important role in stirring. Varnish Chervests from India and Southeast Asia allocate a valuable technical product - Shellac, other types of worm - valuable natural paint Carmine.

    Harmful insects

    Many types of insects damage agricultural and forest cultures, only Ukraine registered to 3,000 pest species.


      Adult beetles essay in spring young leaves of trees (eat oak leaves, beech, maple, ilma, flakes, poplar, willow, nut, fruit trees). Females lay eggs into the soil. The larvae before the autumn feed on thin roots and humus, winter is deep in the soil, and the roots (mainly grassy plants) continue to embed the next spring. After the second wintering in the soil, the larvae begin to feed on the roots of trees and shrubs, young plantings with a slightly developed root system may die due to damage. After the third (or fourth) wintering of the larvae pound.

      Depending on the geographical latitude of the terrain and climatic conditions, the development of the May Khrushchka lasts from three to five years.


      Colorado potato beetle began to damage the potatoes in 1865 in North America in Colorado (hence the name of the pest). After the First World War was brought to Europe and quickly spread to the east to the Volga and the North Caucasus.

      Females lay eggs on potatoes leaves, 12-80 eggs in the masonry. The larvae and beetles feed on the leaves. For a month, the beetle can eat 4 g, larva - 1 g of leaves. If we consider that on average, the female postpones 700 eggs, then the second generation of one female can destroy 1 ton of potatoes leaves. The larvae is pounded in the soil, and adult beetles are in the same way. In Evresen, unlike North America, there are no natural enemies of the Colorado Beetle, which would restrain his reproduction.

    • Ordinary beet donkeeper [show]

      Adult beetles in the spring essay the shoots of sugar beets, sometimes completely destroying crops. The female lays eggs into the soil, the larvae feed on roots and roots of sugar beet. At the end of the summer, the larvae is pounded in the soil, young beetles winter.

    • Knop harmful turtle [show]

      The bug is a harmful turtle harms wheat, rye and other bread cereals. Adult bugs winter under fallen leaves in forest belts and shrubs. Hence in April-May, they fly to winter crops. First, bugs feed, piercing the trunk of the stems. Then the females postpone 70-100 eggs on the leaves of cereals. The larvae is powered by a cellular juice juice, leaves, later switch to the wound and ripening grain. Corolors grain, the bug allocates saliva into it, which dissolves proteins. Damage causes a drying of grain, a decrease in its germination and deterioration of bakery qualities.

    • [show]

      The front wings are light brown, sometimes almost black. They are a typical "drawing of the scoop", represented by the scoring, round or wedge-shaped stain, edged with a black line. Rear wings light gray. The mustache in males is weak, in females of filamentons. Wingspan 35-45 mm. Earth-gray caterpillars, with dark head.

      The caterpillar of the winter scoop damages in the fall (he cuts out) mostly sewers of winter cereals (hence the name of the pest), to a lesser extent, vegetable cultures and root crops; In the southern areas harms sugar beet. Adult caterpillars winter tearing into the soil on the fields inhabited by winter. In the spring quickly pound. The butterfly fell out of the butterfly dolls fly at night and at dusk. Females lay eggs on millet and disappear crops - sugar beets, cabbage, onions, etc. and in places with sparse vegetation, so they are often attracted by plowing fields. Caterpillars destroy the sinky grains, divert plant shoots in the root neck area, eat leaves. Very voracious. If 10 caterpillars live on 1 m 2 crops, then they destroy all plants and "Pleshins" appear on the fields. At the end of July, they are pumped, in August, the pupae takes out the butterflies of the second generation, which lay eggs on weeds on the sword or jumps in winter. One female of the winter scoop can postpone up to 2000 eggs.

      In Ukraine, during the growing season, two generations of winter scoops are developing.


      One of the most ordinary our butterflies. The top side of the wings is white, outdoor corners. There are no black spots on the front wings of black spots, in the females on each wing of 2 black round spots and 1 male-shaped spot. The rear wings of both males and females are the same - white, with the exception of a black wedge-shaped spot at the front edge. The bottom side of the rear wings of a characteristic yellowish-green color. Span wings up to 60 mm. The body of the cabin is covered with thick, very short hairs giving him a velvety look. Pepling painting of caterpillars is a warning of inconception.

      Caterpillars Blue-green, with yellow stripes and small black dots, yellow abdomen. The caterpillars of butterflies-cells, poisonous iron located on the lower body surface, between the head and the first segment. Protecting, they break off the green kashitz from the mouth, to which the isolation of a poisonous gland is mixed. These discharge are an eating bright green liquid, which caterpillars try to deceive the attacking enemy. For small birds, dose into several individuals of these animals can be fatal. Swingred cabbage caterpillars are the cause of domestic ducks. People who gather these insects with their bare hands happened, fell into the hospital. The skin on his hands was lying, inflamed, the hands were flipped and itching.

      Butterflies - cabbagers fly in May-June and with a slight break throughout the second half of summer and autumn. Feed the nectar of flowers. Eggs are deposited by bunching 15-200 eggs on the lower side of the cabbage sheet. Total butterfly postpones up to 250 eggs. Young caterpillars live with groups, scrape the pulp of cabbage leaves, more adults eaten the pulp of the sheet. If 5-6 caterpillars eat on the cabbage sheet, they eat it entirely, leaving only major veins. For the pounding of the caterpillars, they are overpowered by the surrounding items - the trunk of the tree, the fence, etc., the vegetation period is developing two or three generations of cabbage whitening.

      The cabover is common in the European part of the former USSR, in Siberia this pest is not, as the butterflies do not stand the strong winter frosts.

      Harm caused by cabbage is very large. Often, many hectares of cabbage are completely destroyed by this pest.

      Interesting flights of butterflies. With strong reproduction, the butterflies are harvested with large masses and fly to considerable distances.


      Woodworks Yves - Cossus Cossus (L.)

      Validochiets IVLE damages lob and wood of poplars, willow, oaks, other deciduous trees and fruit breeds. Butterflies appear in nature since the end of June, mainly in July, and depending on the geographical location, in places even until mid-August. Fly slowly late in the evening. Years lasts the maximum of 14 days. The day is sitting in a characteristic position with an oblique breast on the bottom of the trunk. The females lay eggs with groups of 15-50 pieces in crack cracks, on damaged places, cancer wounds of the stems at altitudes up to 2 m. The caterpillars are dejected after 14 days. First, the tissues of the Luba jointly eaten. On older trees with thick bark at the bottom of the trunk of the caterpillar, separate long, incorrectly passing, on the cross-sectional, oval moves only after the first wintering. Walls of moves are destroyed by a special liquid and are brown or black. On thinner trunks with a smooth bark of the caterpillars penetrate the wood earlier, as a rule, within a month after the degeneration. Slops and excrement of the caterpillars pushed out through the bottom hole. At the end of the growing season, when the leaves fall out, the nutrition of the caterpillars stops, which winter in the turns before the period of the dissolution of foliage, i.e., until April - May, when the caterpillars continue to eat in certain moves again to the fall, the food and finish the caterpillars. Poves or at the end of the circular stroke, where the air hole is prepared in advance, closed with chips, or in the ground, near the damaged trunk in the cocoon of sins. The pupa's stage lasts 3-6 weeks. Before departure of the doll with the help of spins, half is turned out of the flying hole or from the cocoon to the outside so that the butterfly could be easier to leave the exhaust. Generation as much as possible.

      Woodworks are distributed throughout Europe, mainly in the middle and southern parts. It is found throughout the forest zone of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in Siberia, as well as in the Far East. Known in West and Northern China and Central Asia.

      Front wings of butterfly from gray-brown to dark gray with "marble" pattern and blurry gray-white spots, as well as dark transverse wavy lines. Rear wings are dark brown with matte dark wavy lines. The chest is dark on top, to the abdomen whitish. Dark abdomen has light rings. The male in the sputum of the wings has 65-70 mm, the female - from 80 to 95 mm. The abdomen of females are completed with a retractable, well-visible eggland. Caterpillar immediately after the cherry-red dilution, later - meat-red. Head and chill shield black shiny. The adult caterpillar has 8-11 cm (most often 8-9 cm), then there is a yellowish meat color, a burying with a purple tint. Yellow-brown occipital shield has two dark spots. Brown respiratory hole. Egg oval-longitudinal, light brown with black stripes, dense, 1.2 mm value.

    Many insects, especially with a piercing-sucking mouth, transfer pathogens of various diseases.

    • Malari plasma [show]

      Malyary plasmodium - the pathogen of malaria - enters into the blood of a man in the bite of a malarious mosquito. Back in the 30s of the XX century. In India, more than 100 million people became ill in India, in the USSR in 1935, 9 million malaria diseases were registered. In the last century, in the Soviet Union, Malaria was eliminated, in India the incidence decreased sharply. The incidence center Malaria moved to Africa. Theoretical and practical recommendations for the successful struggle against malaria in the USSR and neighboring countries have been developed by V. N. Beklemishev and his disciples.

      The nature of the damage to plant tissues depends on the structure of the oral melting machine. Insects with rodent octoral organs are unloaded or reserved sections of a sheet plate, stem, root, fruits, or paving moves in them. Insects with a piercing-sucking rotter apparatus pierced the covering fabrics of animals or plants and feed on with blood or cellular juice. They are direct harm to a plant or an animal, and also often tolerate the pathogens of viral, bacterial and other diseases. The annual losses in agriculture from pests account for about 25 billion rubles., In particular, the damage from harmful insects in our country annually amounts to an average of 4.5 billion rubles, in the USA - about 4 billion dollars.

      Dangerous pests of cultivated plants in Ukraine include about 300 species, in particular Khrushchi, larvae-clock beetles, Medveda, bread beetles, Colorado potato beetle, ordinary beets, whoneware, bugs, meadow and stem moths, winter and cabbage scoops , hawkerman, unpaired silkworm, roxal silkworm, apple tree fruit, american white butterfly, beet root fault and others.

      Fighting harmful insects

      To combat harmful insects, a comprehensive system of measures has been developed - preventive, including agro- and forestry, mechanical, physical, chemical and biological.

      Preventive measures are to comply with certain sanitary and hygienic standards that prevent mass reproduction of harmful insects. In particular, timely cleaning or destruction of garbage, garbage helps to reduce the number of flies. Drainage of the marshes leads to a decrease in the number of mosquitoes. The observance of personal hygiene rules is also of great importance (hand washing in front of food, thorough washing fruits, vegetables, etc.).

      Agrotechnical and forestry events, in particular, the destruction of weeds, the right crop rotations, the proper preparation of the soil, the use of healthy and sedimentary material, pre-sowing seed cleaning, well-organized care for cultural plants, create adverse conditions for mass reproduction of pests.

      Mechanical events are to directly destroy harmful insects by hand or with the help of special devices: flies, adhesive tapes and via tubers, crankwear, etc. in the garden in the gardens are removed from the trees and burn the wintering gearheads and golden jacks.

      Physical events - use to destroy insects of some physical factors. Many night butterflies, beetles, twisted fly to light. With the help of special devices - light traps - you can learn in a timely manner about the appearance of some pests and start fighting with them. To disinfect citrus fruits, infected with Mediterranean fruit flies, they are cooled. Ambar pests are destroyed by high frequency currents.

      Of particular importance, therefore acquires an integrated pest control, which provides for a combination of chemical, biological, agricultural and other methods of plant protection at the maximum use of agrotechnical and biological methods. In integrated methods of struggle include chemical treatments only in foci, threatening with a sharp increase in the number of pests, and not solid processing of all areas. The situation of nature protection is envisaged to the central use of the biological agents of plant protection.

The number of types of insects. Tough (beetles). 30000. Majà beetle, insurgent, woodcutters, usachi, cores, ladybugs, shortcuts. Czesheuble (butterflies). 13000. Majaon, Kapuatnitsy, Urthius, scoops, Glovenki, Pyatnitsy, silkworms. Interfluent-covered. 90000. Bees, wasps, bumblebees, ants, riders. Two. 85000. Flies, mosquitoes, wheels, blind, midges. Semi-rigid - covered (bugs). 40000. Clap-soldiers, watermarks, children. Straight. 20000. Saransch, grasshoppers, crickets. Characteristic species. Insect troops. In total on earth.

Slide 6. From the presentation "The World of Insects". Archive size with a presentation 636 KB.

Biology Grade 7.

Summary of other presentations

"Animal Monuments" is a monument to the dog. Symbol. Questionnaire. Facade decoration. Monuments animals. Questioning of students. Acquaintance with the manifold of monuments of animals. Cow. Mature monuments. Hachiko. Modest Ptahi. Seagulls. Avalanche. History. The reasons for the production of monuments of animals. Class spider. Animals. Merit. Monument to the toad. Agriculture. Leech. Sparrow. Sculpture of beaver. Monuments. The results of the survey.

"Primate types" - Gorilla Mountain. Ordinary toilet. Lower monkeys. Height of monkey. Large monkeys. Primates. Pavians. Wide monkeys. Orangutans. Live Orangutans singly and families. General characteristic of the detachment. Stop gorilla. Subspecies. Gorilla. Monkey. Man-like monkeys. Focusing monkeys. Ordinary chimpanzees. Chimpanzees.

"Sosnovy Bor" - Raspberry. Practical conclusions. Suggestions. Scale estimate the state of the stand. Oak. Studying the state of the stand. Gas composition. The influence of plants on the composition of the air. Assessment of the state of the stand of pine boron. Spruce. Pinery. Aspen. Liery. Bioindicated technique. Pine. The state of the stand of pine forest. Gas composition of the atmosphere. Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bgreen plantings. Pine boron state. Coniferous trees.

"Type of wilderness" - the ability to name and show organides of infusoria. Fizkultminutka. Stage "Call". Goals. Brief self-analysis of the lesson. At the "Reflection" stage, the analysis of new information was carried out. Stage "Conference". Stage lesson. Type of lesson: learning new knowledge. At the "Challenge" stage - the actualization of knowledge. Type of infusoria or wilderness. Primary fixing material. Stage "Reflection".

"Animals of the rodent detachment" - a general characteristic. Habitat. Systematics. The kingdom of animals. Scientists distribute rodents on several main sublitations. Self-shaped cross. Features. Rodent squad. Vibrisians. Bombrov skull. Studying the truth, you can have a troch target. Nimb around the face. Interesting Facts. Mouse. Classification of rodent detachment. Dico-shaped followed. Reproduction. Vibrisa mouse. Intestines. Vibrisa at home cats.

"The World of Insects" is the value of insects. Honey of wild bees can be mined in dupes. Biological problems. Insects have no voice apparatus. Insects possess very perfect protective devices. Insects. Work in "Insects is protected". The mosquito female mosquito the mouth of the piercing-sucking. The reasons for the prosperity of the insect class. The number of types of insects. Creative project "Life of insects". The purpose of the lesson. May beetle, crab, watermark.

Calculate how much insects live on Earth, it is absolutely impossible, but scientists take attempts to establish at least the approximate number. First of all, they defined what insect. Insects began to call small invertebrate segmental animals. The animals, mosquitoes, moles, beetles, ants, bees, butterflies and others were attributed to this class of animals. But this was not enough, since all the beetles, butterflies, ants and other insects are not the same, they differ very much and among themselves. Among all the types of insects were allocated for subspecies.

To date, it has been established that there are about 4 million different types of insects on Earth, but this number scientists have defined approximately. How many of them really exist, no one knows. Only 625 thousand species managed to describe everything, and then there were long years of painstaking work. Each of these thousands had to be found, catch, explore, determine how it differs from already known species, and establish its distinctive features.

With all certainty, one can say only one thing: only by type of insects on Earth many times more than all other animals and fish. And if you try to calculate the number of insects all living on Earth, it turns out a completely huge number. To the extent possible, scientists are trying to resolve this practically intractable task.

A method was developed by which it was possible to approximately calculate all insects found on an area of \u200b\u200bone square meter of fertile wet soil. They are about 500 to 20,000 there. This means that about 8 million insects live in one hectare of a similar soil.

Of all insects there are several thousand harmful, which scientists are trying to explore better to find a way to deal with them.

Take, for example, all familiar flies. There are about 40 thousand species. Among them are harmless, like drosophilas, and there are those that will deal with pathogens or their bites can cause a fatal outcome. So, for example, Forest Forest Flying Fly Fly Flies are known to the fact that their bites often end in the death of people and animals. The Tsetz-darling in Africa Tsets suffers the deadly microbes of a sleepy disease, even ordinary room flies distribute many dangerous viruses of type of dysentery, cholera, hepatitis, tuberculosis, typhoids, etc. The same typhoid and other infectious diseases are transferred to lice and fleas.

Among the poisonous spiders is a black widow spider, living in wet hot places of Southern California, Chile, and others. The poison of this spider causes a spasm of intestines, which comes to death.

Many insects are also dangerous by the fact that they will not immediately notice them. Most insects are so small that they can be seen only under the microscope, which means that we simply do not see them when we take into the hands of the earth or hurt the harsh water from the stream.

When the land says that this is a planet of people, it would be more correct to say that the Earth is a planet insects, among whom the person lives.

Where do the biggest and most poisonous snakes live?

There is a saying: "The eyes of the eye is great." The same can be said about all the legends that exist about snakes. So, they say that there are huge snakes somewhere, length up to 20 or more meters. But no one really saw such snakes and, fortunately, will not see.

Experts claim that the biggest snake, which only is on the globe, is the Royal Python, the length of which is 10 meters. This is also not a small value, but to 20 meters it is far away. Royal Python lives on the Malacca Peninsula, in Burma, Indochita and the Philippine Islands.


Slightly less in size, only 7 meters, Anaconda, which lives in the tropics of South America.

The third largest is the Indian Python - 6-7 meters in length. He lives in India and on the Malacca Peninsula. Approximately the same length has an African rocky python. A little smaller, up to 6.5 meters long, the diamond python growing in Australia and New Guinea.

For some reason, the most large snake in the world people consider the best, but it is not so large and reaches only 5 meters long. Blows live in South Mexico, Central and South America.

Finally, Royal Cobra. It is considered not only one of the biggest snakes (its length reaches 5.5 meters), but also the deadly. Cobra poison is very dangerous and fast. It happens that people die from the bite of the royal cobra within an hour.


By the way, the longest snakes are not always the hardest. So, the Royal Python, the longest snake in the world, is inferior in the weight of the same anaconda that can weigh up to 160 kilograms, which is 45 kilograms more severe python.

Of all the well-known poisonous snakes, which are approximately 412 species, 200 are dangerous for a person. Of these snakes in Russia, only Vijuk lives. Its length is not so big, total half the meter, but in India lives the most poisonous of the viper, the length of which is one and a half meters.