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Elecampane. Growing nine high. Description of therapeutic properties of nine

Ninexil is a well-known and widely used medicine in folk and official medicine. The plant grows on extensive forest-steppe spaces, the forests of Crimea, Central Asia, the Caucasus. Flowers in the second half of the summer - early autumn.

Herbaceous Perennial Astrov family has one hundred species. Large inflorescences in the form of baskets are located one by one on the stem, up to 2 meters high.

Often, nectar collections are gathering in scattered or palate inflorescences. Rhizome thick, long.

Leaves of different shapes:

In Russia, it was believed that the use of infusion of nine gives a man 9 forces. In China, healers argue: Inula ("Ninasil" in Latin) helps in the treatment of 99 diseases.

Flowers U. different species differ from the outlines, the device, as well as in sexual signs (there are men and women). The most popular product in medicine is rhizomes and roots. The use of leaves and seeds is not excluded.

The grass is rich in substances from the group of polysaccharides, including inulin (the content in the underground part reaches 44%).

In the study of the composition, experts identified: a volatile concentrate (alantan essential oil) in rhizome and roots containing up to 4.3%, in the grass - up to 3%.

Chemical composition

Laboratory has been determined - the oil-like liquid with a characteristic strong smell and taste contains such substancesConditioning medical properties This complex mixture:

In addition, the roots are contained:

  • resin;
  • gum (reduces cholesterol, improves the operation of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • traces of alkaloids (have a soft vigorous action);
  • complex bezotic organic compounds from glycosides of vegetable origin of saponins (strengthen the secretion of bronchial glands);
  • strong antioxidant tocopherol;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • alanteopicrin.

Studies have shown that ninened well established itself in the treatment of uncoiled ulcers in chronic diseases of the stomach and the initial division of the small intestine (12-roster).

The prevalence of Alanton contains sesquiterpene lactones, which have a wide range of biological activity (anti-breast, anti-grapple, anti-inflammatory, etc.).

Nine High (ínula Helénium)

Most known and widely used for healing from diseases, ninth is high.

The medical canon (1024) of the Persian scientist, Avicenna's physician (980-1037) narrate on its use in medical practice. The ancient Greek warriors in Sparta raised endurance, drinking wine, infused on the roots of the inuls.

Inula Helenium in the people called "Bear Ear", sunflower wild, Lenin Grass, etc. The most healing view of the perennial differs in a dark brown color with a volume root with long roots.

The upper part of the stem (grows up to 1.5 m) briefly branches and "dressed" by leaves of a form resembling an oblong egg. On the top of the aircraft, aircraft is eliminated with rigid hairs, below - velvety felt. Fruits - seed tetrahedral.

Nine British (Inula Britannica)

At Natherille, the British rhizome is subtle, the stem is single, low, straight. The heads of yellow flowers are 3-4 cm in the diameter, assembled by a shield, there is a wrapper from linear lanceal pointed leaves. Fruit - fluffy seed (row of rough hairs).

Such a nine has a multitude of medicinal properties, so it is used in the fight against of different kind Inflammation, if necessary, take measures of a disinfecting nature.

This is a coorative, wound-healing, anesthetic, laxative, diuretic. Medical practice shows: tinctures are effective in treating hemorrhoids, diarrhea, bleeding, cough.

Doctors pay attention! The mass of crushed fresh leaves, imposed on the wounds, which bleed, and the surrounding tissues are inflamed, helps in the fight against the advent of muddy exudate (pus).

In folk practice, the substance is used if necessary to disinfect and painfall the bite of animals, snakes, insects.

Nine dreamer

Nine dreamed short-term representative of the genus (H \u003d 15-20 cm) grows quickly into width. Thin stalks of the plant are weakly branched.

For development, not all soil is suitable. It is important that the soil is sufficiently dry, well drained, alkaline. Widely known as decorative plant.

"Nine Premium"

Therapeutic and prophylactic agent is made by the companies "Parapharm" and "Ninexyl-P".

Tablets are packaged 100 pieces, consist of a powder of a high-grade rhizoma with vitamin C.

Premium Nine Premium preparation is used as:

  • preventive remedy for colds;
  • expectorant, pulp;
  • improving digestion (therapeutic properties of ninexils are especially useful at low acid concentration in gastric juice);
  • antiseptic;
  • choleretic;
  • soothing;
  • the ovarian function regulator, if necessary, align the menstrual cycle and other gynecological diseases.

Nine "Christ Ok"

"Eye" - so called nine eyes (Inulaoculus-christi) in the people. Occurs in different countries, including Belgium, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Russia (listed in the Red Book in Saratov and Voronezh regions).

Stem 15-20 cm height, with iron-puming. Flowers are yellow, complex-tongue petals on the edge, tubular in the middle. Used when decorating areas.

Useful properties of a medicinal plant NiSil for the body

From the roots and rhizomes make ragners and tinctures. Pharmacologists recommend them as an expectorant, if necessary, stimulate urination, to improve the health and resort of the body.

In the annotations to the means containing the treated plant, it is indicated that they are shown in the disease of the stomach, gallbladder, enterocolitis, constipation.

IN folk medicine A steep decoction lubricates skin rashes (itching swears, mocking wounds dried). Ninexyl is used with jaundice, water, hemorrhoids, tumors.

Useful properties of honey from nine

Nine Honey is a big rarity. Dark yellow with brown tint The product has an unusual taste, an aromate.

Experts believe that honey helps to stimulate metabolic processes in the body, improves the work of the stomach and intestines, facilitates the symptoms of the cold, increases physical endurance.

Collection and billet Nather at home

To take advantage of the healing agent at home, the rules and methods of its collection and workpiece should be known.

When collecting flowers, leaves, seeds

Collect and dried leaves in early springWhen the plates are very young. Autumn collection (flowers, seeds, roots, rhizomes) must end before the onset of frosts.

The workpiece leads in the intensive growth places intensively. It is not allowed to fall into the collection of foreign particles.

When digging and how to dry roots

Digger root no younger than 2 yearsAt the time when the ground part of the nine was almost died (autumn).

Separating the remains of the stems, the roots shake off from the nanileous earth, washed, short roots (less than 5 mm) are cut. The remaining part is cut into pieces of pores 10-15 cm. Before drying in the oven, they are brought into the sun (within 2-3 days).

Temperature mode oven Exhibited at 40 ° C. As a result, the raw material should be white on a break and yellowish-brown outside.

Release form, instructions for use

Ninexil goes on sale in different formsEach of which is distinguished by certain advantages and disadvantages.

Roots and roots nine

Produced in packs of 50 g, as well as in filtakerscontaining 1.5 g of raw materials (50 packs per pack). Price - 50-90 rubles. Appoint adult children over 12 years old as an expectorant.

Cooking method:

  1. 2 tbsp. Spoons of dried grass (or 2 bags) in enameled dishes are poured with boiling water (200 g).
  2. 30 minutes insist on the "water bath".
  3. Cool 10 min.
  4. Filter, pressing.
  5. The decoction is adjusted to 200 g, adding boiled water.
  6. Warm drink on a half package is used per hour before breakfast, lunch, dinner. Course - 2 weeks.

Tablets with Natheriil

The solid dosage dosage form is fusing in jars of 90 tablets. Price - from 150 rubles. The ninewide root is included.


Take 2 tabs. 2-3 times a day, for 30 minutes. Before meals for 12-18 days, in preventive purposes.


The liquid with the addition of vitamin from the medium thickness of yellowish-brown (up to brown color). The taste of bitter-sweet, characteristic smell. Available in bottles of 125-200 g. Price - 67-120 rubles.

It is made of roots and roots of nine. Give children for 20 minutes. before meals, 1/2 teaspoon three times a day at:

Phyto tea

We produce in boxes of 30 bags. Price - from 80 rubles.

Cleansing phyto-tea with ninewide drink in the evening to normalize the opening of the intestine.


Produced in tubes for 75 g. Includes additives (cleanliness, turpentine). Depending on the composition, it is used for skin diseases, back pain. Price - from 65 rubles.

Nather Powder

Powder (powder) is packaged in filtockets. Costs 150 rubles. The substance contains essential oils, applied as an expectorant.

Plant seeds

Seeds can be bought in specialized stores ("all for cottages"), in bags of 0.03 g, the price is 15-17 rubles.

Overdose and side effects

Preparations are contraindicated in pregnant women, people suffering from renal diseases that have a tendency to high blood viscosity.

In case of overdose, symptoms are similar to those that happen when poisoning - Nausea, vomiting, dizziness. Allergic reactions may occur.

Interaction with other medicines

Healing, based on therapeutic properties of nine, relevant and XXI century. Nine-containing forms are well combined with other drugsThe cases of serious complications have not been recorded so far.

Recipes for use in folk medicine

Nine, therapeutic properties of which have a positive impact on all systems human organismoften found in the recipes of traditional medicine.

Nine for male power (potency)

With the help of brave and informations from nine, many aspects can be improved sex life Men.: Erection, spermatogenesis, sperm quality.

For these purposes, a predominantly rhizome plant is used, where the maximum amount of beneficial substances is concentrated.

Recipes for male potency:

  • Decoration from the roots. To get rid of male infertility and improve sperm production, you need to do the following: hot water (500 ml) pour into the tank with 3 tbsp. l. Roots, bring the mixture to boil and keep on fire for 10 minutes. Ready warm decoction drink with small doses (1st art. L.) 3-4 p. per day. The procedure lasts 3 days. Next make a weekly break and repeat the cycle.
  • Powder from the root (1 tbsp. L.) Raw 1 tbsp. hot water. To maximize the preservation of useful properties, the solution will not boil. Reception is carried out 4 r. per day every 2 days 1 tbsp. Such a scheme adhere to a month. On the days of reception, the tincture should be abandoned by sexual relations. During breaks, intimate relationships are shown.

When a monthly delay to call them

Nine, whose therapeutic properties strongly affect the restoration of the female cycle, is recommended for applying even gynecologists.

Fitogormon enters the nineIn terms of the composition of the female sex hormones, due to which processes in the uterus and ovaries occur. However, the concentrations of decoction and dosage when admitting inside are corrected by the attending physician individually.

Recipes for calling menstruation:

  • Grinding roots (1 tsp) are immersed in water (1 tbsp.). The mixture is boiled 15 minutes. On a small fire. Leave for 4 hours, covered with something warm. After polling the decoction drink 2 p. per day exactly 50 ml.
  • This infusion is more concentrated: 300 ml of mountains. Waters account for 1 tbsp. l. Right roots. The solution of tomatifs no more than 15 minutes. Over the ferry, insist in warm and filter. It should be used for 1 tsp. 4 r. per day. Menstruation, as a rule, comes on the first day of the reception of nine.

Ninexil has a very powerful impact on the female organism and can harm him. therefore before use of the plant for the purpose of restoring menstruation, you should make a pregnancy testSince the delay can be caused by this.

It is also necessary to refrain from the reception of ninewide during menstruation, since the components of the plant provoke elevated bleeding.

Nine with radiculitis, bruises and articular pains

Recipes for getting rid of pains:

Nine with thyroid

For the treatment of the thyroid gland is used in the root.

In the mixture weighing 200 g, you need to pour 2 tbsp. Alcohol and give to stand the week in the dark and coolness. Drink infusion 1 r. per day on an empty stomach, diluting with water.

Nine with gastritis with increased acidity

Also, when gastritis helps a decoction from the following collection:

  • roots of nine, sprinkle, loving, midge;
  • math and stepmother leaves, cleanpiece and pepper mint.

Takes 10 g of each plant. 300 ml. boiling lay 1 tbsp. l. finished mixture. The decoction is recommended to drink 3 tbsp. per day.

To prepare a decoction, 100 g of crushed roots and 300 ml of water will be required. Next, the broth should be left for an hour in warmth. Children - take 1 tsp. fluids before meals, adults - 1 tbsp. l. Recommended reception time - 4 p. per day.

Nine with burdock from hair loss (with baldness)

In the container with crushed roots of burdock and nine (1: 1), it is necessary to pour 500 ml. alcohol.

After thorough mixing, the solution put in a dark place, biting warm things, and leave for 14 days. Then the decoction of massaging movements rubbed into bald. The procedure is carried out for the night for 8-9 months every day before the hair appearance.

Nine at Psoriase

For the treatment of skin problems apply ointment and infusions from the roots of the plant. Ointment is prepared according to the recipe: 2 tbsp. l. The roots are diluted with 50 ml. Waters and keep on a water bath for 20 minutes. Ready Mass need to be mixed with solidol.

Ointment is applied with a layer of 1-2 mm. For 1 hour, then thoroughly wash off the economic soap.

For the preparation of tincture, it will be necessary: \u200b\u200b250 g of riveted rhizomes and 2 p. Larger alcohol. The solution must be left for 14 days. With eczema, psoriasis and neurodite with infusion drink 20 drops along with filtered water 3-4 p. per day.

Nine in gynecology - "Female collection"

To maintain women's health, use infusion from the roots, which is prepared in this way: 1 tsp. dried powder poured 1 tbsp. Boiling water and heats up for 20 minutes. The mixture is insistant 4 hours.

Recommended daily consumption rate - 1 tbsp. l. 4 r. half an hour before meals. Reception of the medicinal product is made only in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle.

Nine with udam

When omitting, the uterus should be used in the indestiment from the root of ninexil, which is prepared on the basis of 60 percent alcohol (1: 2).

The mixture is insisted before falling out. Before use, the solution must be shaken. The tincture of 2 r is accepted. in a day.

Nine against kidney stones

Due to its diuretic properties, ninexil improves the work of the kidneys, cleans them from toxins and slags. A tincture of dried roots contributes to the removal of kidney stones.

For the recipe you need:

The mixture must be prevented and allowed to stand in the dark of 2 weeks. Throughout 3 days, infusion drink, increasing the dose of 1 tbsp. l. Up to 3, then from the 4th to 7th day, the dosage gradually decreases to the 1st l. The whole cycle must be repeated until the solution will not end.

Nine in diabetes

For the treatment of diabetes prepare cold infusion: take 2 hours l. roots and 600 ml. Waters are left for 8 hours. and filter. Doctors recommend taking an infusion of half a cup of 3 r. per day no less than 30 minutes before the start of food.

Ninexil for weight loss

Ninexil use as an effective weight loss Due to its diuretic properties and acceleration of the intestinal work.

For this purpose, you need to make a decoction of 1 tbsp. Spoons of root and 1 tbsp. water. The solution should be boiled 2 minutes and leave half an hour. Nutritionists recommend drinking to eating 3 tbsp. l. 4 r. per day.

Nine from cough for children 2 years

Nine with kashe children

With a strong cough of 1 tbsp. l. Powder poured 1 tbsp. Water and warm half an hour. Tabs from 3 to 7 years old are recommended to give 1 tbsp. l. for 40 min. before meals.

Guys younger thank. age (7-12 years) dose increase to 2 tbsp. spoons. Children over 12 years old infusion take 5 tbsp. l.

Nine from schizophrenia

In the manifestation of increased aggression, the patient must be given a half-table of collecting from the vocabulary, mistletoe and roots of ninexil 4 r. per day.

For cooking you need 3 tbsp. l. All ingredients pour 1 l. boiling water. The solution is placed in a thermos and insist one night.

Nine from alcoholism

Ninexyl is used for intoxication of 1 tbsp. l. 4 r. per day. On 2 tbsp. l. The roots will need a glass of boiling water. Infusion must be covered and leave for 20 minutes.

Nine from bronchitis

Nine at bronchitis uses with Anis and Timyan (1: 1). In the tank with the finished collection (2 tbsp. L.) Take 1 liter. Waters boil 15 min. and leave for 4 hours. The mixture should be drunk on 1 tbsp. on an empty stomach 2-3 days.

The plant has ninced, therapeutic properties and contraindications of which must be studied before use, are actively used in folk medicine to restore immunity and improve well-being.

Nine with diabetes

The roots of ninexil in the amount of 50 g are poured 300 ml of boiling water and prepared over a ferry for 30 minutes. Infusion is filtered and used 150 ml of 3 p. per day 40-60 minutes before meals.

Nine at Pancreatitis

With pancreatitis you can use both infusion and decoctionor apply the powder from the roots and root of nine. Infusion consume 4 p. per day by half a cup, decoction 3 r., and powder 1 g twice a day.

Nine with hemorrhoids

From hemorrhoids helps such a recipe: 1 tbsp. l. The roots must be pouring 600 ml. boiled and cold water and leave for 8 hours. The solution is drinking in front of 250 ml.

Properties and application for men

Therapeutic properties of Natherish are known as the people have long been, thanks to which the plant is widespread in folk medicine.

Grass is popular in folk recipes For compositions that help to activate the activation function of spermatozoa in men, because it increases immunity and strengthens the allocation by the secrets by seeds.

The use of grass roots per month before the alleged fertilization helps to increase the mobility of spermatozoa. To do this, brew 2 tbsp. Funds 2 tbsp. Boiling water in thermos.

Use the decoction is necessary 8 times a day with equal doses within 1 month. During this period, you should refrain from sex. After graduating course, a couple of days must be actively involved in fertilization.

Nine and for the treatment of male infertility, improving the qualitative properties of sperm and increasing the likelihood of conceiving a child is widely applied.

For this follows 400 ml. Water pour 2 tbsp. Spoons of grass. Cooking is necessary 15 minutes. The decoction is transferred through the sieve into the container and are used daily for 1 tbsp. l. 4 to 6 times for 1 month.

You need to know!After the use of nine, the re-course of its application is possible not earlier than 30 days.

Contraindications for the use of grass Men:

Properties and application for women

In the treatment of gynecological diseases, ninexil received widespread, namely:

  • in the fight against infertility;
  • in case of inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages;
  • with various infectious lesions of the mucous membrane.

The benefits of nine for women are indisputable. Therapeutic properties and contraindications knew more ancient Romans, the Greeks, the peoples of Tibet.

The grass tincture is widely used in the menstrual cycle, inflammation of the small pelvis organs.

Apply inside, and also impregnate with it tampons. To prepare the decoction follows 2 tbsp. Spoons of Nather Add to 0.5 l. Vodka and leave to appease for 3 weeks.

Reception dosage - 2 times a day at 50 ml., Pre-bumping the tincture. At night sleep, sterile tampons, moistened in the ninewriting agent.

In the case of regular failures in the menstrual cycle, a decoction of the plant roots is applied.

To prepare it, take 1 tbsp. A spoonful of finely chopped rhizomes and 1 tbsp. Cool boiled water. Next, you should mix everything. Cooking you need 5 minutes. Next insist the decoction of 30 minutes and take twice a day at 50 ml. Course 10 days.

Attention! Take the tool is necessary in strictly indicated proportions. Excess dosage is fraught with bleeding and intoxication.

When infertility, it is recommended to drink decoction in 3-4 receptions during the menstrual cycle after ovulation. Daily norm - 1 tbsp. the spoon. As a result, in a fertilized egg, the chances of attaching to the wall of the uterus will increase at times.

Occasionally, the grass is used as a means of provoking miscarriage, which is categorically contraindicated by specialists in the field of gynecology, due to the high probability of bleeding in the uterus.

Contraindications to the use of ninexil in gynecology are:

  • features of the child tooling the process;
  • lactation period;
  • abundant menstrual discharge;
  • changes in blood clotting.

Nine for women with infertility

Therapeutic properties of ninestiles are often used to conceive. The collection includes finely chopped rhizomes of nine, the roots of the dandelion and the burdock. Each ingredient is taken in the amount of 2 tablespoons. In the mixture poured 0.5 liters of 70 percent alcohol.

It is important to inflate drug 21 days, every day shaking. When a white precipitate appears at the bottom of the capacity, the mixture will be ready to use. The infusion is recommended to drink 50 ml twice a day.

Properties and contraindications for children

Therapeutic properties of ninexils are applicable for children, but there is also contraindications. Alcohol tincture Herbs kids are contraindicated. Therefore, it should be treated only to tincture of the root.

To cook it, you need to pour 1 tbsp. A spoonful of plants in a saucepan, in which 1 cup of water is pre-pouring. Cook 30 min. The cooling and pasture decoction should be diluted boiled waterSo that the output is 200 ml. liquids.

It is necessary to drink it in the afternoon of 3 reception, pushing away from the full years of the child. For disclosure of medicinal properties, the grass should be taken in certain dosages.

Contraindications for children:

  • the child is not 3 years old;
  • allergic reactions;
  • baucker intolerance.

How to brew, insist and apply champs

The decoction of ninexil helps to reduce the release of mucus from the respiratory organs and expectoration of the sputum in the event of a cold.

Thanks to therapeutic properties, it has a positive effect on the process of digestion, strengthens appetite and improves metabolism. And this, in turn, reduces catarrhal phenomena, contributing to the transfer of cough with tuberculosis in a slight form.

Raars from the roots of nine are useful in disorders of the digestive system. Used with scant menstrual discharges due to properties to enhance the cuts of the uterus.

Also the grass treats the inflammation of the larynx and the mucous membrane of the mouth with a regular rinse. Removes the decoction and those present in the rays of the non-waving nature of microorganisms that cause infections.

Preparass the ninexils are preparing: mixed 1 glass of boiling water with 1 teaspoon of rhizomes, grinding them before it. Then boiled 15 minutes. And they leave to be for 4 hours. It is necessary to take it a couple of times daily for 1 tbsp. spoon.

How and how much drink decoction

Therapeutic properties of bravery devices are used with multiple diseases in traditional medicine:

  • Decoration from 1 tbsp. spoons of nine and glasses of water use as mouth rinse. Dosage daily - half a glass 2-3 times before meals;
  • For therapy of wealthy dry wounds - a decoction of 100 g of herb root and a liter of water use for washing, rings, compresses, baths;
  • With gastric letters - Broth of 30 g of grass on 1 liter of water. On the day you should drink 30 g twice before meals;
  • At stomatitis Receive 1 Art. Spoons 4 times a day of beam from 20 g of roots by 0.2 liters of boiling water.

How to make a tincture on alcohol, vodka, fault

Recently occupied the recipes of tincture of grass on vodka, alcohol and wine.


Rules for storing plants

Before use, it is certainly necessary to check the correctness of the storage of grass.

Open packaging in no way should have nasty smell, not peculiar to grass. The appearance of the plant must be responsible for the declared instructions.

IN obligatory It is necessary to check the raw materials for insects, rodents or waste of their livelihoods. When identifying such, the use of plants is unsafe for health!

Therapeutic properties and contraindications of the plantElecampane:

Recipes and rules for applying Nather:

Department of coated bridge, flowering
Nineish eyes, or Eye of Christ
Inula Oculus-christil.
Astrovaya family, compositae - Asteraceae, Compositae

Status. Category 3. Status in adjacent regions. Made into the Red Book of the Saratov region. (Category 2).
Spread. European-Asian steppe view. Distributed in the middle and east. Europe, in the Caucasus, in Central Asia, Mediterranean, Malaya Asia and Iran. IN middle lane European Russia is known from the Voronezh, Penza, Samara and Saratov region, also indicates for the Belgorod and Tambov region. In Voronezh region: Talovsky, Rossoshansky (OCP. Former Sch. Voroshilova - VOR: 2), Bogucharsky (Chirpunskaya Steppe - Vor: 1; Occ. Crycitney and Lebedinka - VOR: 3; OCC. S. Zaliman : 2), Kantemirovsky (OCP. S. Garthshevka - VU: 1) Rh.
Description. Perennial herbate plant 25-50 cm tall, dense long white pressed hairs. Rhizome horizontal, creeping. Straight straight, longitudinal-furred, in the upper part is weak. Bottom leaves are oblong or oblong-elliptical. Top leaves lanceal, seating, heart-shaped. Inflorescence in the form of a thick panel with 2-4 baskets. Outdoor leaflets Wrap Lancing, straight, sharp, whitish. Language flowers 1.3-1.6 cm, yellow. Tubular flowers 7 mm. Linear-oblong seeds, chopped by red hairs, Khokholki with numerous bristles
Features of biology and ecology. Flowers from June to Augustus inclusive. It grows in the divergent-ticker-nude steppes and their petrophite versions, on the windy meadows and among shrubs on the slopes.
The number and trends of its change. The current state of the type in the region is not sufficiently studied. The small populations are registered only in the Kantemirovsky and Bogucharsky district. It is rare, small groups of individuals.
Limit factors. Minor areas of habitats suitable for growing; Active economic activities: The decay of virgin sections, grazing and rolling of livestock, regular vegetation feet, sealing to fruiting view.
Accepted security measures. It is guarded in the monuments of nature: the Chripoux steppe and the tract is flipped (Bogucharsky district). Recommendations for the preservation of the species in natural conditions. Special studies of distribution of species in the area. Expansion of the territory of the monuments of nature: the tract is flip and the chrippery steppe.
Information on the preservation of the type in culture. There is experience in growing in GBS RAS (Moscow) and the Donetsk Botanical Garden.
Information sources: 1. Keller, 1931; 2. Kamyshev, 1976; 3. Kamyshev, 1978; 4. Agafonov, 20066; 5. Cadastre ... 2001. Herbarian data - VOR: 1. Egorova (1959); 2. S. V. Golitsyn (1958); 3. V. V. Matyushenko (1960); Vu: 1. S. V. Golitsyn (1958); 2. S. V. Golitsyn (1959). Compiler: V. V. Negrobov; Photo: A. I. Kirik.

It also known and called Christ's eyes, in Latin, the name of this plant will sound as follows: Inula Oculus Christi L. As for the very name of the family of nine-headed eyes, it will be like this: asteaceaedumort.

Description of ninexial glaze

Nineish eyes is a perennial herbaceous plant, the height of which will fluctuate in the interval between twenty-five and forty centimeters. This plant will be pretty thickly covered by white hairs. The diameter of the root will be about one or three millimeters, this root is horizontal and creeping. The stem of nonyils of the eye will be straight and simple, and in the upper part, such a stem is a little branched. The length of the lower leaves will be about twelve-fourteen centimeters, and the width is about one and three centimeters, such leaves will be stupid. The top leaves are lanceal, their length is equal to two-six and a half centimeters, and the width will not exceed two and a half centimeters.
The diameter of the basket of nine-sided eyes will be about three or four centimeters, they will be in a thick shield. The tongue flowers will be three-way and they are painted in yellow tonesTheir length slightly exceeds one centimeter. The diameter of the five-rigid tubular flowers will be about seven millimeters. Seeds are ribbed, sowned and brown. The bloom of nine-eyed eyes falls on the period since June and ending with August a month. IN natural conditions This plant can be found in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, Belarus, Central Asia, as well as in the European part of Russia: namely in the Volga region and the Black Sea region. To grow, ninened eyes prefers steppes, places among shrubs, as well as steppe grassy dry slopes. It should be noted that sometimes this plant acts as a weed, and this plant is also decorative.

Description of therapeutic properties of nine

Nine's eyes are endowed with very valuable healing properties, while therapeutic goal It is recommended to use the grass of this plant. The concept of grass includes stems, flowers and leaves of nine-eyed eyes. The presence of so valuable healing properties Explained by the content of alkaloids and sesquiterpenoids. In the above-ground part of this Race, there is rubber, essential oil, flavonoids, kumarins and aromatic compounds.
This plant can be used as a very valuable wound healing agent, as well as its beneficial features Apply with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The leaves and flowers of ninexils of the eyes are endowed with antiphongynal, antibacterial and antiprotozoic properties. Crumpled fresh leaves or dry powder based on them can be used locally in the treatment of a variety of cuts and wounds.
For the treatment of gastritis, ulcerative duel and stomach, as well as the rectum, it is recommended to use quite effective tool Based on the ninth of the eyes: For its preparation, it will be necessary to take one tablespoon of crushed grass of this plant on one glass of water. The resulting mixture should be boiled over three to four minutes, after which such a mixture should be insteaded for two hours and carefully filled. To achieve the greatest efficiency, when using such a fund, it is necessary to strictly observe not only all the rules for the preparation of this fund, but also all the rules of its reception. Take such a means on the basis of nine-eyed glasses on one third part of a glass or its half three times a day before the start of eating.

Nine - a perennial grassy plant of a family of complex color compositae, the dimensions of which reach 150-160 cm. The root of nine fatty, fleshy, short with a few apparent roots, and the stem furor, a reprehensive, sowed with white short and thick hair down, the upper part of the stem is short-tank. Nine leaves are large, regular, slightly wrinkled on top and velvetisto-gray-felt bottom, non-uninhamed. The plant in July-September golden yellow flowers, and the fruits of nine are 4-5 mm tetrahed brown seeds with a hokholk.

The birthplace of Natheris is considered to be the Caucasus, Western Siberia and Central Asia. Growing a plant in glades, forest edges, output places groundwater, Highway meadows, on the shores of lakes, rivers and mountain streams.

The genus nineteen has more than 90 species, the most common and well-known of which are:

  • Nine Altai;
  • Nineteal estate;
  • Natherish German;
  • Nine high;
  • Ninced christian eye;
  • Nather East;
  • Ninced or rooted;
  • Natherish is iris.

Indications for use

In medicine, the rhizomes and roots of the ninexil are widely used, which include 1-3% essential oil, inulin, unstable polyens, resins, pseudoenulin, phytomellan, stigsystems, saponins, mucous and bitter substances, dihydroidolactolactton, fridegenin, dummaradienylacetate and Dammaradienol. Plant-based drugs have anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect, reduce increased secretory and intestinal motor functions and are used in the treatment of bronchitis, tracheite, non-infective gastroenteritis and diarrhea. The essential oil is included in the nineneal oil has an anti-shine and antiseptic effect.

In alternative medicine, ninexyl juice, ragners from the rhizomes and the roots of Natheriole and Nijila's Grass Cooks are widely used. To prepare the decoctions, 1 tablespoon of crushed roots and roots pour the glass of water, put on a slow fire and bring to a boil. Then the liquid is cooled and taken 1 tablespoon every two hours in warm form. Also, the decoction from cough can be made on the basis of the dry herb of Natheriil British.

With bronchial asthma, the use of niolel juice with honey (in a ratio of one to one) is effective.

In the gastric diseases, take a tablespoon of the finished branch of the root of Ninasil Altai three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Under the skin diseases, the use of ninth in the form of a decoction of fresh rhizomes used to wipe the affected skin sections.

Rhizomes and root of ninexils are used in the fish and canning industry as a substitute for ginger and as a spice.

In industry based on roots and rhizomes, ninexils, mixed with potassium carbonate get blue paint.

Contraindications for use

In most cases, the use of ninexil is safe, however, in the event of an overdose, there are such side effects as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps and paralysis.

The use of nine-sided is contraindicated with:

  • Allergies on ambrosia, chrysanthemums, velvets, daisies, etc.;
  • Reduced blood pressure;
  • Elevated blood pressure;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Diabetes mellitus.

With caution should be used by nine-sized surgery, since the plant affects the central nervous system And may cause drowsiness. There is a fear that the combination of nine-haired anesthesia and other drugs before or after surgery can lead to increased patient drowsiness. It is necessary to stop the use of nine, at least two weeks before the scheduled operation.

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Nine Christova Oko.

Scientific classification

Intermediate ranks [show]



The Department:








Nine Christova Oko.

International Scientific name


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Nine Christian Oko, or nine-eyed eyes (lat. Inula Oculus-Christi) - the type of dicotyledonous plants of the genus Nather (Inla) Astrovy family (AsteracEae). The taxonomy name was first published by Swedish Systematics Karl Linneem in 1753.

1 Distribution and habitat
2 Botanical description
3 Mean
4 Environmental situation
5 Notes

Distribution and habitat [edit | edit wiki text]
Known from Belgium, Netherlands, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Romania, Hungary, Montenegro, Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, Albania, Turkey, Macedonia, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Russia (Center and South of the European Part, North Caucasus), Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Iran, Syria, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Iraq and Algeria.
It is found in the steppes, on stony and steppe slopes and among shrubs.
Botanical description [edit | edit wiki text]


Perennial 15-50 cm high, rhizuke, rosette.
Stem with ferrous flood.
Leaves are oblong, cherry, iron-chosen.
Inflorescences and baskets with golden flowers; Furnace sheets linear lanceal.
The fruit is the pubescent seed.
The number of chromosomes is 2n \u003d 16.
Flowers from May to July.
Meaning [edit | edit wiki text]
It is grown as a decorative plant.
Environmental situation [edit | edit wiki text]
The plant is listed in the Red Books of the Voronezh and Saratov regions of Russia and the Dnieper region of Ukraine.
Notes [edit | edit wiki text]

On the conventions of the instructions of the two-dollar class as a higher taxon for the plants described in this article, see the Systems of the APG Systems.
Jump to: 1 2 Inula Oculus-Christi: Information about Taksone in the Plantarium project (determinant of plants and illustrated atlas of species).
Jump to: 1 2 Inula Oculus-Christi L. - The Plant List
Catalogue of Life: Inula Oculus-Christi L
Jump to: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Herbarium Rostov region
Tropicos | Name - Inla Oculus-Christi L

Source - "\u003ddexilla_chritovo_OK&oldid\u003d84365054"
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