Repair Design Furniture

Where to put a live Christmas tree. How to install a Christmas tree in an apartment without a stand. How to install a Christmas tree on the street. DIY wooden Christmas tree stand

Assumes the creation of a festive atmosphere. To do this, you need a forest beauty, which must be reliably and efficiently installed. Some people prefer artificial Christmas trees because they are easy to assemble and take apart. But such plastic counterparts are inferior to real beauties, because they cannot boast of the chic aroma of pine needles and fluffy spruce branches.

Lovers of real Christmas trees know how hard it is to install a beauty from the forest. After all, an artificial Christmas tree is sold with a stand, and for natural wood a special approach is needed in this matter.

There are many methods to install a Christmas tree.

How to put up a Christmas tree without a stand - a bucket of sand

To do this, you need a bucket of stones or sand. A Christmas tree is placed in the center, which is compacted on the sides with the selected material. People used this method a few years ago, so each owner had a bucket in his apartment that was waiting for its time. Currently, this method is used extremely rarely as a result of numerous shortcomings, including the ingress of sand on the carpet and many others. Therefore, if you chose it, then the sand must be constantly moistened. This will allow the Christmas tree to be held tighter in the bucket. The method of installing a Christmas tree in a bucket also has advantages, so it will dry out longer and long time to please with its beautiful green view.

How to put up a Christmas tree without a stand - a bucket of plastic bottles

Not every city dweller can find sand in December, for this reason a more modernized method with plastic or glass bottles is suitable. To do this, you need to take plastic bottles and fill them with water, thanks to this the tree and the bucket will receive good stability. You need to put them upside down and distribute them tightly in a bucket, and then install a Christmas tree in the middle. After that, fill the bucket with water and mask it all with rain or a white cloth. So the tree can stand for a long time.

How to put up a Christmas tree without a stand - a cross

The cross is robust design, firmly holding the tree in the presence of dogs, children and cats in the house. In order to build a cross, you need hands and a minimal set of tools (hacksaw, hammer, nails). Today you can buy a spruce with a cross, which is made individually for each tree. If you yourself cut down a tree, then you can do it yourself. To do this, you need to take any wooden base. It can be a board, picket fence or a bar. The manufacturing process consists in connecting two bars to each other perpendicularly using a large self-tapping screw at the intersection of the bars. Then screw the self-tapping screw into the tree trunk.

How to put up a Christmas tree without a stand - a leg from an office chair or a fan

A broken tripod from an office chair is considered the most original and quite convenient installation method. Also suitable rack from a cheap fan. Nowadays, this promotional product breaks very often, and models have collapsible racks. It will take about five minutes of your time to install. To begin with, cut off the lower branches of the spruce, insert the trunk into the hole in the leg and secure it with tape or rope. Thus, a tree is obtained that can be moved around the perimeter.

How to put up a Christmas tree without a stand - kitchen stool

The stool must be turned upside down, placed conifer tree to the bottom and with the help of a rope tie to the legs. This method is suitable for small and not very lush forest beauties. You can also place the Christmas tree in some kind of dish that will fit between the legs.

These simple rules New Year's attribute settings will allow you to enjoy the smell of pine needles in the house. If you properly install and secure the Christmas tree, it will delight you and your children throughout the holidays, and after they are over, the tree can be easily removed, leaving a minimum of debris.

The New Year holidays are approaching and everyone has long been thinking about when the first lights on the Christmas tree will light up in their apartments or houses. Indeed, there is not much time left to wait, the markets are already crowded various types Christmas trees different sizes and from different materials. It seems that there is already a small matter - to choose and install. But in reality, everything is not quite so. A Christmas tree is not only a beautiful, decorated tree, but also a big fall if used improperly. Therefore, today we want to dwell on the question of how not to spoil your holiday: we put the Christmas tree correctly.

Felled spruce: how to properly prepare a tree for installation

After you have visited the Christmas tree market and purchased a fluffy beauty, do not rush to bring her into the apartment. Let her get used to the temperature change a bit, and if possible, live as long as possible on your balcony, in a cool passer-by or garage. We advise you to put the spruce just a few days before the holidays, so it will delight you with its freshness longer.

When you're ready to install festive tree, remove a couple of large lower branches (you can ask the seller on the market to do this), just don’t throw it away, but set it aside, they can still come in handy for additional decor. The place of the log house should be updated by sawing off a few centimeters. This will help the wood soak up the water more easily when you install it. Before you bring the spruce into the room, tap it several times on the floor, this will help get rid of the already dried needles. In order to prolong the life of a cut down Christmas tree, we advise you to add a few aspirin tablets or a couple of tablespoons of glycerin to the water, they serve as preservatives that will keep the tree alive for a long time.

Ways to set up a Christmas tree

Despite the simplicity of the task, in fact, there are quite a lot of basic methods (methods) for installing a Christmas tree. Let's take a look at each of them:

- installation in a bucket filled with sand or stones. This method was the most basic a few years ago. Every apartment has always had such a bucket, waiting for its time. However, it is now used much less frequently;

- installation in a bucket using bottles filled with water. Not every city resident can just find sand, so the use of plastic or glass bottles will be more acceptable;

- installation with a cross. Nowadays, it is quite freely possible to purchase fresh spruce already with an installed cross. But, if you didn’t come across one, or you cut down the tree yourself (only with the appropriate permission), then we will briefly tell you how to make a crosspiece yourself. You will need two bars, which will need to be connected perpendicular to each other. Then we first install a large self-tapping screw at the intersection of the bars, and then we screw it tightly into the tree trunk.

- installation with the help of a leg from an office chair. This is the most original and even the most convenient way. If your chair breaks, do not be sad, its "tripod" can be an excellent basis for a festive spruce. And the installation process itself will take no more than five minutes. You just need to insert a tree trunk into the tripod hole and voila, you get a spruce that can ride.

Choosing a place for the Christmas tree

When thinking about a place for a festive tree, you need to remember that you need to put up a Christmas tree in the same way as for small children. The most suitable place will be the far corner of the room, where the movement of the household is reduced to a minimum. In addition to safety, you should also worry about the “well-being” of the most magnificent beauty. Try to keep it as far away from batteries and other heating appliances, preferably closer to natural light, otherwise in a couple of days it will turn from a beautiful green tree into a herbarium.

Basic Mistakes

The rules for using and installing a festive spruce are quite simple, but many still celebrate the New Year in the company of a stale or spoiled tree. In this regard, we want to once again draw your attention to the most common mistakes:

- installation of cut spruce near heat sources will cause it to dry quickly, even if it is in water;

- installing the tree close to the wall. Someone may dispute this statement, because such an arrangement will make the spruce more stable and prevent a possible fall. On the one hand, we agree, but on the other hand, hard branches and needles of a tree can damage wallpaper and wall paint;

- installation of a tree in the middle of the room. It is undoubtedly fun to dance around a winter beauty, but it greatly increases the risk of her falling, and besides, the spruce will simply interfere;

As for the artificial Christmas tree, you should avoid branching errors. After you pull the tree out of the box, you don’t need to straighten the branches in an orderly and clearly parallel way, let it be chaotic and slightly messy, because this way it will look much more natural.

Where to put the Christmas tree after the holidays?

When all the fun festivities are over and everyday life begins, the question will sharply become what to do with the symbol of the holidays. Do not rush to take the spruce to a landfill or burn it. Needles can serve as an excellent bedding indoor plants, will be an excellent humus in compost pit small animals (hedgehogs, mice, frogs) can build houses in the garden or from them.

I think it's time to think about it. In general, the sooner you start, the longer it seems to me to last. So let's start, and start with There are many ways to install it, each has its own. Who puts a Christmas tree on a cross, but on such a cross, especially if the room is warm, it will not stand for a long time. There is a lot of trouble with sand, especially in the city, where it is not always at hand. There is another, very simple way to install a Christmas tree.

We install a Christmas tree in the apartment

To do this, we will take "one and a half" or 2.5 liters and install a Christmas tree with their help in a bucket. We fill the bottles with water, so they will give the tree and the bucket good stability. They need to be turned upside down and distributed tightly over the bucket, and a Christmas tree should be placed in the very center of the bucket. Then we pour water into the remaining volume in the bucket and mask this whole unsightly stand with something, better of course with something white - the same sheet or other material that resembles snow.

Christmas tree food

Although the tree is already, as it were, lifeless, but nevertheless, by inertia, it continues to quietly “drink” water, while sometimes it “drinks” 2-3 liters a day. Therefore, do not forget to “drink” it, it is better to do it every day. Like this, in the water your Christmas tree can stand for a very long time, of course, under optimal conditions for it. Just do not forget to add water and make sure that the water does not sour and deteriorate, for this you can use various solutions. Such solutions are also good top dressing.

Before you install a Christmas tree, you should definitely “renew” the place of the log house on the trunk and also remove the bark at the bottom of the trunk by 10-12 centimeters.

Nutrient solutions for Christmas trees there are a lot. Here, too, everything is simple, you do not need to bother and it is better to use what you have in the house. For example, 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water, you can add the same salt that is used for baths (preferably with coniferous extract), you can use sea salt or just iodized table salt. Suitable as supplements essential oil, again coniferous (10 drops per liter of water); 2 or 3 aspirin tablets, a couple of spoons or mustard. To prolong the life of your Christmas tree, you can add glycerin to the water (stir 2 tablespoons in 10 liters of water), a pinch of salt, a spoonful of sugar or the same aspirin tablet.

With such an attitude, there is quite a hope that your Christmas tree will not crumble until March 8th. But in this video there is still a very interesting option for installing a Christmas tree. Be sure to look.

P.S. If the article was useful to you, please share it with your friends. I will be very grateful to you for this.

found. But since I promised to show a couple of options for installing a Christmas tree on hastily then you have to make a new one. This is a simple matter, but you never know, maybe someone will come in handy.

I will make a reservation right away. By tree I mean a tree softwood two meters high. A meter stump can be stuck in a bucket of sand and not bathe. But this, to be honest, is not a Christmas tree. This is a potted plant. A Christmas tree is when a star is above your head, and not under your armpit. I have nothing against artificial. Beautiful, practical, comfortable. Just the sight of a plastic Christmas tree keeps giving me the same thought. If the Christmas tree is artificial, then why isn't Olivier made of papier-mâché? Logically, if the Christmas tree is plastic, then the herring under a fur coat should be synthetic. Plastic champagne, plastic caviar, dummies instead of gifts, latex inflatable guests. Comfortable, practical, beautiful. No one falls face down with a salad, does not vomit vinaigrette in the toilet, you don’t need to wash or eat anything, wipe it with a cloth in the morning and put it away. And that's it, I forgot. Well, is it great?

In short, I am a supporter of a live Christmas tree. And I try, if possible, to follow her not to the market, but to the forest. It's not about money, it's just somehow strange, living in the forest, buying a Christmas tree in the market from Azerbaijanis. The Christmas tree is not a watermelon. But on by and large It doesn't matter where the tree comes from, the main thing is that it be. And when there is a Christmas tree, it needs to be put up somehow.

There are a million ways and options. You can stupidly buy a crosspiece, such as this, in the market or the Christmas tree bazaar.

I won’t talk about the shortcomings of this method, whoever came across knows. If there is no time, opportunity, or desire to do this, then there are several simple, practice-tested ways to install a Christmas tree neatly and reliably with your own hands.

Option one. Cross.

The cross, in my understanding, should be of such a design that it would hold the Christmas tree in the presence of randomly moving objects in the house, such as dogs, cats, children, drunken relatives. The only way to knock her down was to fall flat on her stool. You can make a reliable cross with straight arms and a minimum of tools in an hour. With experience - half an hour maximum. In general, according to the mind, the cross is made every time for a specific Christmas tree. She throws herself out with her.

What is needed for this?

Some wooden base. Anything will do, a board, a bar, picket fence from a neighbor's fence. Last year I bombed a pallet that accidentally turned up in the yard. It didn't turn out pretty, but it was reliable.

This time the base will be such a 5x4 bar.

To be honest, it should be wider. The wider the beam, the more securely it holds the tree. But what is, is what it is.

Tool. A maximum set - a tape measure, a hacksaw, a pencil, a square, a drill, a screwdriver, a dozen self-tapping screws. A minimum set - a hacksaw, a tape measure, a hammer, a dozen nails-hundredths.

We cut off, trying to observe the semblance of a right angle.

Let's see how it all fits together.

We measure the thickness of the butt of the Christmas tree. (Since our hole is square, then the butt can be cut in principle, made square. But if there is no experience, it’s better not to. You can grind the Christmas tree and get exhausted yourself)

Set aside this distance from the edge of each bar. (It’s better to take a little less so that the butt is well clamped. My butt is a little more than five centimeters thick. I put off exactly five.)

I immediately postpone the second distance, the line along which the bars will join. This is half the thickness of the bar.

We drill, countersink, screw.

Well, that's basically it. You can put up a tree. Having previously placed some kind of cap for water from below.
If necessary, we equalize the trunk with wedges.

The second way. Cup.

For this option, no tool is required other than a screwdriver and a dozen self-tapping screws. Still need some kind of massive base. I have two trimmings lying around on my balcony kitchen worktop remaining after the installation of the stove and sink. Three more corners are needed. The range of such corners in every household is in abundance.

Everything is quite simple here. Find the center, draw a circle.

We put the corners, we turn.

You can put up a Christmas tree and fasten it. Five minutes time.
If you wish, you can take polypropylene plumbing pipe suitable diameter

and cut off a piece.

Get a glass.

Pulling a pair of condoms on him from below, you can safely pour water.

Not particularly aesthetic appearance is easily draped with improvised means.
Well, like everything. It took me three times less time for all this homemade work than for writing a post.

Option three. Stool.

If it’s completely edgeless and there’s nothing at hand, you can stupidly turn over the kitchen stool and tie the Christmas tree to the legs :))

And in conclusion.

If anyone has problems with their hands, or he is a girl, then you can come and take this cross for yourself. I can even write on it "Hell daragog Raketcheg for eternal memory."

If possible, show how and what your Christmas tree is. Just wondering.

About the quality of the photos.
Since during the shooting, the shket went to some kind of New Year's performance and dragged the camera with him, the pictures had to be taken with what was at hand. At hand was a test smartphone Highscreen Boost II. The camera, of course, is not its strongest side, but for everyday needs, and given my humanitarian curvature, it is quite suitable. Fortunately, with such a battery, you can click without bothering to save the battery.

All with the upcoming!

Checked: the longer you wait for the holiday, the less you are ready for it: We actively buy gifts, trying not to forget anyone, manage to stock up on food so that we don’t leave the house for the next couple of weeks, and most importantly, the symbol of the New Year, the Christmas tree, is purchased at best a couple of days before the main holiday. At worst, in a couple of hours. How, then, to have time to set the table and set up the Christmas tree? Calmly! There is an exit. Even three or even more! So tree...

....Christmas tree in a chair on wheels

Well, this is the easiest option - just find somewhere lower part from office chair- break a new one or find an already broken chair - it's your choice....
And then simply install the tree in this stable and mobile cross!
Great base for a Christmas tree!

WHAT YOU NEED: a stick (pipe, mop or regular "lazybone"), the length of which depends on how high you are going to hang the Christmas tree; strong rope, self-adhesive hook, which after the holiday, if desired, can be easily removed from the wall.
PROCESS. Rest the stick against the plinth and fix it at an angle of 40 degrees with a rope and a hook on the wall (photo 1).
It remains to attach (tie) a Christmas tree to the free end of the stick (photo 2). The junction should be just above the center of gravity of the Christmas tree: this is necessary so that the green beauty hangs freely.
The ability to “hover in the air”, practically without relying on anything, will be given to the New Year tree thanks to the laws of physics: the tension force of the rope and the force gravity will become equal.
This installation of the Christmas tree takes only a few minutes. The rope can be masked with tinsel or rain. This will give the installation a futuristic look. You don't have to reveal the secret of "weightlessness" to guests and relatives: just say that you are a magician (which doesn't happen on New Year's Eve!). The main thing - do not forget about the secret yourself, so that on the morning of January 1, having discovered the effect of weightlessness in the apartment, do not try to "go out into outer space."

WHAT YOU NEED: old office chair on wheels, or rather, its lower part.
PROCESS. Carefully disassemble the chair, leaving the support on the rollers. The freed sleeve will serve as a nest for the Christmas tree trunk. By the way, if there is no old unnecessary chair, you can disassemble the new one, and after the celebration of the New Year, put it back together.
We adjust the diameter of the trunk to the hole with an ax or a knife, assemble the structure.
"Mobile tree" is easy to move and therefore will not interfere with anyone during the holiday. People who have already experienced this "know-how" claim that after a couple of hours of a feast, many are trying to invite the Christmas tree to dance.

WHAT YOU NEED: a knife, a hacksaw, a drill, a drill and a steel pin 10 - 15 cm long along the diameter of the drill. And, of course, the tree itself.
PROCESS. We saw off the lower part of the Christmas tree with a tier of branches (the so-called butt), turn it over. Does it really look like a cross? We will use it. We remove the bark, drill a hole in the butt trunk for a metal rod (Fig. 1) and the same one in the main trunk of the Christmas tree.
We connect the structure with a rod (Fig. 2). For greater stability, the branches of the "cross" must be attached to the floor. On March 8, 2007, when the Christmas tree is supposed to be thrown away, do not forget to leave the bottom part: it will come in handy in a few months!

We select a good fresh Christmas tree of the required height. Need to remember that a very large tree (in height) will need to be cut down and your New Year's tree has the risk of losing the most beautiful and lush branches. Also, Christmas trees with a sawn top look very bad. Purchased Christmas tree Not recommended bring from the street immediately to a warm place. Should be left her on the veranda or balcony for several hours, so that the tree gets used to the warmth. Then there is a low probability that the tree will crumble earlier than usual.

Christmas tree installation process

We will choose a place in the room for installation. Elka doesn't like heat, so you do not need to put it near the radiator, fireplace or stove. We take into account the fact that the tree should not only look great in the room, but also have an accessible approach. If there are children or a large adult company at the holiday, then the Christmas tree should be placed in the center of the room. Children love to dance around the Christmas tree.

Before we decided to bring the tree into the room, need to shake it a little so that weak twigs crumble. Next, you need file trunk two or three centimeters, or ten centimeters of bark can be removed. Such "chip" will allow your tree to drink water. We prepare a stand, as well as a container with liquid.

Christmas tree stand and some tips

Today, many stores offer a huge assortment of coasters of various shapes, specially created for Christmas trees. They are equipped reservoir for water. If you have missing this device is Alternative option- a bucket of wet sand.

V special coasters provide mounts and clamps for the barrel. Fully Convince that the tree stands firmly, because the mass of the decorated tree will be greater. If you do not have such a stand, we recommend that you firmly fix the barrel with braces using planks and rope. In the water that you use for a tree, you can add one an aspirin tablet, Little salt and one tablespoon Sahara, as well as specialized fluid for cut flowers.

Don't forget regularly, add liquid to a bucket of sand, and spray branches with water using spray.Now it is also very convenient to use a small real Christmas tree in a tub. With this option, no effort will be required from you (in the process of strengthening), and the tree can be placed on the site of your dacha.

So, we go to the finish line and turn on the acceleration! There is a week left before the New Year and it is time not only to think, but to start actively preparing the Christmas tree!

The debate about whether a live Christmas tree should be or an artificial one ... we'll leave it for later. Personally, I am of the opinion that _ But we'll talk about this some other time. Now those who have an artificial Christmas tree - just click on one of the "Like.buttons" and you can safely not read further, because the stand is included in the kit and you should not have problems with installation. The rest - you are welcome under the cat - I will tell you how it is not the first time that I easily and simply solve the problem with the installation of this New Year's attribute
Tree stands are different. As a child, we had a metal bucket on a tripod with three clamping screws, with which the Christmas tree was clamped like in a clamp. It was very convenient - there is not enough space, it holds firmly and you can pour water so that the tree stands longer. But ... the bucket broke a long time ago, and we never found a new one like it (although we didn’t really look for it).
For some time we used for a stand ... an ordinary bucket! Yes, yes - this is the easiest way to install.

1 Way:
What do you need:
1. Bucket (any, you can plastic, we had a wide metal one. The larger the bucket, the larger the Christmas tree can be placed in it - after all, a very large Christmas tree, respectively, is heavy, which means that a decent mass of cargo is needed from below).
2. Several plastic bottles filled with water (bottle sizes vary depending on the size of the bucket and tree).
3. A few ropes for stretch marks (sometimes it is necessary to fix the Christmas tree additionally either to the bucket itself in the form of a stretch mark, or to a nearby cabinet-battery-shelf, etc.).

What we do:
- On the bottom of the Christmas tree, extra branches are removed to the height of the bucket.
- The Christmas tree is installed in a bucket :) And it is bursting with plastic bottles from all sides (fixed). Some bottles are completely filled, the filling of others should be selected in order to align and fix the Christmas tree when inserting them into the bucket. Bottles can be alternated - insert one up, the other down with the neck. Those that are inserted upwards with a lid can easily be used for "balancing" during pre-installation: by unscrewing the lid, we drain under pressure excess water and the tree "finds" its place more easily.
- If necessary (if the tree is crooked and warps), it should be attached with small ropes to something (yes, even to the same bucket, if the bucket is of sufficient mass). The main thing to pay attention to is that the Christmas tree should stand on its own! The ropes only _fix_ it in the right position, so that if you move carelessly during the round dance, do not disturb your balance. A properly installed Christmas tree does not need additional fixation! :)
- And now, fill the bucket with water - with this we create a heavy base for the Christmas tree, and secondly, we extend the time it will stand. We had up to a month and a half, the main thing is not to forget to replenish water in time - pine absorbs it very well :)

A big bucket under the Christmas tree doesn't always look nice... (and we had a well-worn bucket, touched by rust...) so the bucket is wrapped in a layer of packing cotton - it turns out a wonderful snowball! And the Christmas tree looks like it was installed right in a snowdrift. If your company does not receive devices wrapped in tens of meters of packing cotton (do not confuse with medical, it is much more expensive) :))) - we are looking for any fabric or cardboard - at your discretion. If only it was beautiful :) In the end, the traditional figures of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden can also be placed.

Little Christmas tree for the New Year 2007. Installed by method 1- a plastic bucket disguised as a snowdrift (a 15-liter wide metal bucket was used for large Christmas trees).

2 way:
We used this method when the Christmas tree was of medium size (up to 2 meters), and we installed it for a short time.
What do you need:
1. An ordinary rack from an inexpensive fan. V last years we are so hot summer days... that you bought a "promotional" cheap fan, if not at home, then at work for sure. Unlike expensive models, his stand is collapsible. We take the lower part from it, separating the fan itself.
2. A little adhesive tape (scotch tape) or rope.

What we do:
Actually, that's all! :))
- We attach the Christmas tree with a rope / adhesive tape to the stand - and rejoice :) In a non-hot room, the Christmas tree stands calmly for up to two weeks, does not crumble. The stand is lightweight and can easily be moved from place to place.

3 way:
This year I used it for the first time. Actually, this is a combination of methods 1 and 2. Initially, I was going to use method 2, but then ... I took pity on the Christmas tree and decided to add some water to it.

What do you need:
1. An ordinary rack from an inexpensive fan (see method 2).
2. Some tape or string.
3. Plastic bottle (minimum 2 liters. In general, the size depends on the thickness of the barrel. In our case, a 5-liter container was required).
4. I also needed one 30 mm self-tapping screw, but I could do without it.

What we do:
1. First of all, as before, we release the trunk from the lower branches to the height of our container.

It is convenient to do this with a hacksaw, but sometimes, with a crooked trunk, it will also require refinement with a "file" (axe)

2. Having tried on the container, we attach it to the stand. From below, this can be done simply with a rope or tape - they wrapped / tied it up and that's it, no problem. But from above ... we cut off the top! It is now soft and cannot be screwed on. We make a couple of holes with an awl (above), stretch the rope ... well, my photos are unsuccessful, the battery, as always, did not sit down at the right time and there was no time to play with the settings.
To prevent the plastic from tearing, something should be placed under the rope on the inside. It can be a spool of thread or any bar / piece of wood. In my case, an empty vial of effervescent tablets was the first to come under my arm. We wrap, tighten ... everything, the stand is ready.

3. Now we put the Christmas tree. This year, our Christmas tree is quite high - 1.85 m. And even the trunk was heavy and not very even ... Therefore, in the stand I had to completely pull out the tube on which the fan is attached. We nail with adhesive tape or a rope (here, see for yourself, it all depends on the mass of the tree). The main thing is that the fastening must be reliable. Narrow stationery tape (which is exactly what I found) is not good - it is too elastic, it stretches. You either need a lot of layers (which is not economical), or be prepared for the fact that after a few days the tape will stretch and have to be updated. It is better to make secure with a rope, as can be seen in the photo :). I “grabbed” it with adhesive tape, and then calmly tightened the rope with both hands. But if there are two or three of you, then everything is simpler - while one holds, the second strengthens, and the third, of course, manages the process and carries drinks.

In the process of finding balance, I had to turn the Christmas tree for about 15 minutes ... and even once completely cut off everything that was previously screwed on and re-fastened it in a completely different position. The main thing, as I said above, is that the tree should stand by itself without additional loads and stresses!
In one place, I even had to screw in a small self-tapping screw (which, by the way, is visible in the photo below) so that the stand does not slip off desired position. I got a very complicated Christmas tree this year, capricious. But I had fun installing it.

The lower part of our coaster with a container that has not yet been filled with water.

“What is the New Year 2020 without a Christmas tree?” - Says the man from the cartoon “Last Year's Snow Was Falling”. Indeed, without this evergreen tree the holiday somehow does not seem. The Christmas tree is a traditional decoration for the New Year, such an attitude towards it has been instilled in us since childhood. In the room kindergarten or school, there was always a beautifully decorated Christmas tree up to the ceiling. V modern apartments, mainly installed, since there is not always a place to put a tall tree, and even in the center of the room. It's most likely a privilege. country houses. Well, if in the living room there was a place for a forest guest, then what about pets, children, and guests invited to the holiday. Consider several options for how to install a Christmas tree at home for the New Year 2020 correctly and beautifully.

First you need to decide what kind of Christmas tree you will have for the year of the rat: artificial or live real. If the tree is artificial, and it is much more practical and durable, then before buying, make sure that the artificial decoration of the Christmas tree does not start to crumble at the first touch. Choose a Christmas tree in disassembled form to buy the most magnificent spectacular version.

artificial Christmas trees

Buying live spruce New Year, you will provide the house with a wonderful aroma of pine needles, but if living tree install without following some recommendations, then in a day the needles on it will begin to crumble,

Buy a tree, focusing on the size of the room where it will stand. If there is not enough space, it is better to buy a small Christmas tree that can be put on the table as a New Year's bouquet.

Artificial Christmas tree construction is most often sold with a ready-made cross. Collect Christmas decoration and it won't be hard to install.

When there are children and pets in the house, fix it when installing the Christmas tree. If the tree is tall, then you can screw the hook into the ceiling and tie it to the crown. When installing the tree in a corner or on a chest of drawers, also tie it to something so that frolicking children or animals do not overturn the tree on themselves and fragile decorations do not break.

In principle, if there are kids in the house, do not use glass as decorations, save them until the next New Year. All fixing elements are easy to hide by decorating them with rain or tinsel.

In decorating the New Year's beauty for the year of the rat, follow the sequence, first electric, then toys and serpentine.

What to do if the cross under the Christmas tree is broken or it was not there at all? How to properly install a Christmas tree for the New Year 2020 in this case?

  • If you have a tree from the forest, then you can use the bottom of the spruce as a cross. Saw off the lower part along with the branches, turn it over, make a hole and install the Christmas tree.
  • You can make a stand from improvised material for a Christmas tree, a pair of boards fastened to a cross between each other with a hole in the center.
  • Some craftsmen recommend using an inverted sink or a base from a computer chair on wheels as a cross. For a more secure fixation, it is better to drive a wedge between the tree trunk and the hole in the holder.

Cross mount option

Preservation of appearance

In order for the forest beauty to stand for a long time, to please with greenery and aroma, it is necessary to observe important rules to save its appearance in :

  1. If the tree was bought in advance, and you plan to install it only on December 31, leave it on the balcony or in the country, in general, in the cold. Do not bring the Christmas tree from the street immediately into warm room, the temperature difference will badly affect the needles. Let the spruce paws move away from the frost for half an hour in a cooler room.
  2. Before installing the Christmas tree, the base of the trunk must be planed sharp knife. Trim the crown, if necessary, and treat the cut with ointment or brilliant green.
  3. It is best to put a living tree in a container with wet sand. Pour sand into a barrel or bucket and moisten it with water. In water, you can pre-diluted several tablets of acetylsalicylic acid. As the sand dries, it must be moistened with water.
  4. You can set the Christmas tree for the New Year 2020 directly into the water like fresh flowers. Here is one option for small tree. Take a 5 liter plastic bottle, cut off 1/3 of the canister, turn it upside down and install it in the other half. Next, you need a smaller plastic bottle. We cut off a strip from it (we cut off the neck and bottom from the bottle, and cut the resulting segment in half). We twist the strip into a roll and place it in the neck of a large capacity, the roll straightens out and takes the right dimensions. Carefully remove the workpiece and fix the edges with glue. We insert back. It turned out to be a good holder. Fill it up with water.
  5. In order for the spruce to please the eyes for a long time, it is necessary to periodically spray the branches with water and not install it near heating devices.

Christmas tree preservation methods

Video instructions for installing a Christmas tree in the house with your own hands:

A properly selected and well-installed Christmas tree will decorate your home for the New Year and extend the feeling of a winter holiday for the entire New Year holidays.

Perhaps the main chores, in addition to preparing festive dishes, on New Year's Eve are created by a Christmas tree: find, choose, buy, install and decorate so that it is without unnecessary nerves and expenses, and the result turns out to be beautiful and safe ... Having reached the installation, many owners live forest beauties may face difficulties if the household does not have a special stand. But with some ingenuity, dad can always find an alternative and still install a live Christmas tree at home.

How to do it?

If the Christmas tree is artificial, then there should not be any special problems with its installation: all such models are equipped with ready-made stands, which only need to be assembled correctly according to the instructions.

But what to do with a live one, if there is no special device or there was, but it broke?

There are 3 most common ways to install a green beauty without a special stand:

  • in a bucket;
  • on a homemade cross;
  • with additional fastening (if the tree is too high).

The most common way is with a bucket of sand (or sand and gravel). However, you can get sand in winter only in a hardware store. Yes, and a neat process of such an installation cannot be called - the sand will surely spill onto the carpet. But if you need the Christmas tree to stay alive as long as possible, it is wet sand that will come to the rescue.

The Christmas tree must be prepared in advance: update the cut of the trunk (as flower stems are cut), cut off the lower branches so that 20 centimeters of the trunk fit in the bucket. Sometimes, in order for the tree to become more stable, it is necessary to thin out or shorten some branches at different heights.

Now you need to put the Christmas tree in a bucket, fill it with sand, compact it properly, making sure that the trunk is clearly vertical, and then pour water over the sand with the addition of an aspirin tablet.

If a fluffy, branchy pine tree is bought instead of a Christmas tree, for additional stability it is advisable to first fix the trunk in a bucket with gravel or stones, and then sprinkle it with sand.

Also, if there is no stand, instead of sand, you can use water-filled plastic bottles. They are installed in a bucket in a circle, a tree trunk is placed in the center. For greater stability, the voids are filled with pieces of fabric.

If it was not possible to purchase a real, industrial stand, you can replace it by making a simple cross from two wooden bars, sawn in the middle and fastened together. To install a Christmas tree on it, you need to place it in the center of the cross, screw a long self-tapping screw first into the cross (from below), and then directly into the trunk.

If there is a financial opportunity, get a forest beauty already in a tub. It will be constantly alive, will not crumble, and will last for several years. And you don’t have to install it at all: it will be enough just to put the tub with the Christmas tree in the right place.

How to install a Christmas tree if there is a small child at home?

This situation radically changes the approach to the question of the place and method of fixing the Christmas tree or pine.

To begin with, you should clearly understand what concept we will adhere to: we will give the crumbs the opportunity to explore the world and get their personal life experience, closely watching him, or we will try to protect him from possible injuries as much as possible, because we do not have the opportunity to be there every second. It is from this that further actions will depend.

For the first option, the stability of the Christmas tree and the safety of toys for the baby are important. Therefore, the bucket is chosen the deepest. If the parents settled on the option with a cross, then, if possible, it is attached directly to the floor.

It makes sense to cut the lower branches.

Toys must be unbreakable: foam, plastic, textile, cardboard.

If the tree is quite high (above one and a half meters), it becomes less stable, which means it is easier to knock over little child. In this case, it is advisable to additionally secure the Christmas tree by tying the trunk with ropes to a nearby support (curtain rods, heating pipes, etc.) or by attaching the ropes to the wall or ceiling.

The crumbling needles will need to be constantly collected so that the baby does not accidentally swallow them or get scratched.

If parents seek to prevent possible troubles from the contact of the child with the tree, it should be out of reach for him. That is, it can be placed on a table, a chest of drawers or inside an arena.

As an extravagant option, you can suggest fixing the Christmas tree upside down under the ceiling. There, the baby will definitely not get it, but he will be able to admire it as much as he wants. True, it is not so easy to fix and decorate a tree in this position.

New Year is perhaps the brightest and most grandiose holiday for every family. And nothing should overshadow him. A properly installed Christmas tree will eliminate the need to periodically lift it and reinstall it, distracting from the celebration and losing the magical mood.