Repairs Design Furniture

Homemade lamp made of tap pipe. Lamps and lamps from pipes with their own hands: Four simple instructions Lamp made of plumbing pipes

Not every connoisseur of Loft style can afford to live in the present former workshop - if only because there are not enough abandoned factories. But the decor in the industrial style is quite accessible. Moreover, it can be made with your own hands.

To write today's material, we went to the past recently in Moscow loft Picnic Palleto And under the supervision of the masters from The Sarai collected their first lamp from the pipes and drinking a tree. Share with you subtlety and secrets!

You will need:

  • Fittings for cast iron or steel pipes: clutches, tees, splits, barrels, corners (including transitional), threaded flange.
  • Cartridge with carvings and wiring.
  • Wire with a fork and switch.
  • Heat-shrink tubing.
  • Drill with ordinary and perovy drills.
  • Saws.
  • Decorative incandescent bulb.
  • Woodwood.

Step 1

Select everything you need for a rack. Watch the details match the thread. Required elements: flange to fasten the design to sleep, and a transitional corner, in a wide part of which you insert the cartridge (we, however, used the coupling).

Step 2.

When all the details are found, go to search for a suitable cartridge with wiring. Ideally, the cartridge should be with a suitable thread with a corner / coupling, but you can get smooth if it is enough to enter the cavity.

Step 3.

Prepare the base: Drill the holes in the wire hole (as in the photo): Vertical from the bottom expand the feathery drill and make a horizontal output. Stretch the wire through the holes.

Step 4.

Start collecting the rack of the lamp. Stretch the wire with the switch from the base side, and the wiring from the cartridge is from the opposite side. Connect the wires and finally twist all the details.

Important!Since the lamp is metallic, wires must be connected and isolated as securely as possible. Instead of traditional tapes, use a heat shrinking tube: first close each of the two wrappers, then insulace them together again. The tube is seated with thermofen, but at home you can try to do the lighter.

Step 5.

Put the rack of the lamp on the sleeper and mark where it will be attached to the screw. Make a thin drill in these places hole. Using a screwdriver or screwdriver, screw the design of pipes to sleep.

To date, the topic of creating all sorts of desk lamps and lamps is quite popular, the main task of their manufacturing is, of course, the uniqueness so that this product was the only one in its kind. The style of "Loft" is pretty moden today, but designer products in this style cost a lot of money. You can make them yourself quite well, for example, the author made a table lamp made of copper tubes, fittings, the stand made out of the tree, connected the cuts of the tubes through the fittings and extended the wire, connected the cartridge with the relay and the lamb to regulate the brightness of the glow, screwed the Edison lamp. Previously the cartridge was painted in the copper color so that it was combined with the pipe. The stand from the tree was covered with a mourn and varnish.

And so, let's look at what exactly will need to create a desk lamp?


1. Copper tube 12 mm
2. Copper fittings
3. Clay
4. Wire
5. Edison lamp
6. Cartridge with relay and lamb for adjusting the lamp
7. Paint in the canopy (copper color)
8. Board 13x25x5 cm
9. Morilka
10. Lac.


1. Drill
2. Truborez
3. Pliers
4. Screwdriver
5. Brush
7. Emery paper

Step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of a table lamp made of copper tubes with their own hands.

First of all, prepare the entire listed tool and materials so that you have everything at hand and in sight, in order not to miss the details when assembling.

Then the board with dimensions of 13x25x5 cm is needed, it should be well polished using sandpaper, and then coat the vessel in several layers with a periodic dry surface.

After that, it is necessary to drill a hole with a diameter of 19 mm, but only until the middle of the board.

We drag through the end hole wire.

To the top hole, tighten the adapter using a wrench.

Copper tube cut into parts with the help of a pipe cut.

The length of the blanks should be as follows: 35, 15, 5, 6 cm.

Then we drag the wire through the long tube and connect it with the adapter. In such a spirit with the help of fittings, the entire base of the desk lamp is assembled.

We disassemble the cartridge and connect the wires.

Paper spacer do not touch, because it serves as an insulator.

In principle, all, the lamp of copper tubes is ready, you can screw the Edison lamp.

Read 6 min.

Various interior items made from the most unexpected things and even scrap metal are increasingly becoming decorated residential premises.

Luminaires made of water pipes such as plastic and metal, cast iron makes many craftsmen, turning a simple plumbing product in designer things, unusual in appearance.

Water pipe lamp

Independent assembly of pipe lamps

Alone to assemble the lamp from the remnants of the water pipes is very easy. It does not depend on the material of the manufacture. Thinking out the appearance and purpose of one or another lighting device, the stylistics of the room in which it will be located is taken into account. They take into account the properties of plastic to succumb to heat treatment, metal-plastic pipes bent, and cast-iron - fold through adapters and connectors to the most bizarre forms.

The main thing is that attracts the creators - cavity in which you can easily skip the electrical wire. The variety of cartridges will allow you to choose the most suitable size and simply glue the material in the right place.

The lamp of water pipes is perfect for the placement in the Loft or Country style. A pattern, carved in a large diameter PVC pipe, highlighted from the inside, will decorate even the most exquisite interior.

Outdoor lamp of PVC pipes

Production of lamps from plastic pipes with their own hands - a very simple process. The material is easy to cut. It can be bent after heating. At the same time, it is not expensive, does not pass electricity and can serve as an additional insulator. But it should be remembered that plastic is subject to melting and deformation, so the lamps should choose those that do not heat.

If you use the pipes with a small diameter, connectors and tees, you can collect the design of any configuration, simply inventing the appropriate design and folding the components of the designer. For example, a very effectively looks at an outdoor high product, folded through tees, with curved upper lines. Such a lamp can be 4 legs or a wooden round basis. The number of mounted lamps depends solely on the desire of the creator.

Decorate the pure living room will be able to an outdoor lamp from a large diameter pipe, in which patterns are cut. Warming up its individual parts by a construction hairdryer, you can exhaust the material and make the drawing volume. Cutting some sections, you can make them more translucent. If desired, paint the surface in any color. It will only be to fix inside the light source, put everything on PVC or wooden base and connect electricity.

The compound of individual elements is strengthened with a glue layer, passing the maximum length cable in advance.

For dacha

The manufacture of decorative products from old cast iron pipes is very in demand for use in the country. It can be stylish sconce with large beams or loft style chandelier, assembled in the form of bizarre bending lines with several lamps at the ends.

Homemade lamps are appropriate and as street lighting mounted on wooden columns and facade of the structure. The main thing is to remember that any metal conducts electricity, so you should take care of the reliable insulation of the cable.

For the playground

Homemade variants of pipe lamps are perfect for playgrounds. They can be collected in the form of a fence, inserting the lamps inside the sections with a large diameter. Such a design will reliably protect the light source from mechanical damage, and the hidden cables completely eliminate the possibility of injuries from electricity.

Securing the pipe around the perimeter of individual entertainment sites, drilled in it holes over the entire area and inserting inside the LED tape, you can turn the most banal pad into the fabulous world.

Wall lamp made of flexible metal

Metal-plastic pipes has 1 essential advantage over PVC products - they are bent. The light source with such a housing can be rotated in any direction, without surviving that the movement will lead to a breakdown.

For assembly, it will take a blank from a tree or thick plywood. It is made of the base that is attached to the wall. In addition, it is necessary to prepare the pipe of the desired size, a suitable cartridge, cable, isolent.

Installation instructions

First you need to draw the design of the future product on which it will be shown how to make the main components. To work, you will need drill, jigsaw, stationery knife and several screws.

From a piece of wood or thick plywood cut out the workpiece of any shape. In the place of the alleged attachment of the pipe drill the hole of the corresponding diameter.

For full functioning, a pipe is 5-50 cm (more than). It is inserted into the opening of the base. Then the electric cable traveled through the pipe. From an inverse movable side, it is necessary to fix the cartridge. If necessary, you can use additional plumbing fittings.

When a wall lamp from flexible metal plastic will be fully assembled, it is screwed to the wall with dowels or screws, the LED element is installed and put into operation.

LED night light from plastic pipe

If pig-iron products are more suitable for making lamps in the Loft style, the gentle white plastic is better to use to create nights, which will fit into any interior. They are decorated with openwork patterns of any stylistic orientation, ranging from exquisite floristics and ending with fabulous heroes.

Instructions for manufacture

Making plastic lampshade is very simple. To do this, you will need a wooden or metal base with an elevated cartridge, a PVC pipe segment with a diameter of at least 15 cm and a length of 20-30 cm, a drill with a set of drills, a stationery knife.

To begin the edge of the future, the lampshar grind and apply a drawing. Then the holes of different sizes drill on the outlined lines. The oblong lines are cut out with a knife. If you want to give the image a great realistic, you can cut some surface areas by making it thinner to increase the bandwidth. Change the shape and bends of some areas can be heated by the construction hairdryer and extinguishing.

After the pattern is worked out, the lamp shade is attached to the base and screw the light bulb. Now the whole design is collected and can be connected to electricity. If desired, the ceiling can be painted.

Luster manufacturing technology

Many may seem that when using pipes and components, plumbing chandelier will look robust and even straight, but it is not. With the right approach and careful performance, the work of art is created even from such simple materials.

Assembly process

For the manufacture, you will need pieces of metal-plastic pipes, splitters, ceiling outlet, cartridges.

To begin with, we think about the design of the future product and the number of lamps that will be installed. In the center of the whole design there will be a splitter to which pipes connect and fuse them into the desired shape. Through the resulting workpiece skip the wires. Since the cord will pass through several endpoints, it is recommended to run parallel lines in each individual branch, connecting them only under the ceiling outlet, excluding the gaps inside the chandelier.

Cartridges are fixed to each pipe at the ends, connecting them to the cable in advance. Through a small piece, connect the socket to the splitter. Then the electricity is connected.

The finished product is painted and equipped with flames. The main thing is that the result pleased the inhabitants of the house.

One of the tools to help create a comfortable setting in the house is a beautiful lamp. The stores present a large number of diverse models. The better and more beautifully the device, the more expensive it is. Therefore, many masters are decided to make lamps from pipes with their own hands. In such a process there is nothing complicated: having in stock simple details, you can make a unique design. With a special ease, such instruments will be able to plumbers.

In this article:

We collect a chandelier of pipes

The main source of light in the living rooms, in the kitchen and bedroom choose ordinary chandeliers. Diversify the design of the room and stand out on the background of familiar and friends will help the device made from infirred materials.

To assemble a lamp of polypropylene pipes and fittings, you will need the following components:

  • plafond with grille from an industrial lamp;
  • two segments of plastic pipes;
  • the wire;
  • plumbing tee and corner;
  • two flanges, in size, coinciding with the cartridge;
  • wooden bar or other base;
  • paint can
  • paper;
  • screwdriver and screws.

First, disassemble the ceiling, removing the grille and the cartridge if the lamp will look at your interior well with the lattice, then leave it. On the outside of the cartridge, screw the metal flange. Act care not to damage the wires.

Screw the plastic pipe to the metal flange, then consecutively attach the corner, then another segment of the pipe, the tee and, finally, finish the flange. With each new detail do not forget to stretch the wire.

Make a few such designs, and after everything is ready, you can be screwed to a wooden basis. Do not forget to bring and connect cables with the central system. The finished product can be painted in any color so that it approached the interior of the room. Do not forget to lay paper before this, so as not to get into the floor. Screw the lamp and by clicking the switch, check the performance of the PVC pipe fixture.

By eliminating the corner and extending the pipe from plastic, you can make a flooring. The main thing is to prepare a sustainable base.

Wall lamp made of flexible metal

You can independently collect wall lamps made of tap pipes with rotary lamps. To change the angle of falling light, it will be enough to rotate the lighting device in the desired side. During work, you will need:

  • flexible plastic pipes 20-50 cm long;
  • array of birch, pine or thick plywood for the base;
  • electrical wire;
  • cartridge and lamps;
  • lobzik;
  • screwdriver and screws;
  • caller with paint and paper;
  • sealant.

Based on the holes, the diameter coincide with the pipe. From a small bar, drink a place to mount the cartridge, do not forget that the metal-plastic case will be supplied on the reverse side. Start the wire through the flexible base and a wooden array or Phaneur.

Insert the metal-plastic pipe to the base and fasten it with the help of screws or glue. Fix the cartridge in the prepared bar, and the contour is insulated with a sealant. The finished design of plastic pipes is painted in a pre-selected color and after drying, we hide on the wall.

You can make or buy a beautiful floor lamp to the cartridge - then the luminaire of the pipes will look more attractive.

Cup Lamp

Let's go back to the Loft style, just now we will make a table lamp with one source of light. It is suitable for the office of the house or office. Depending on the selected light source, such a product will help either focus or relax.

Required tools and materials:

  • long and short nipple;
  • fitting (six metal corners and three tees);
  • six small nipples that will connect corners;
  • drill with a metal drill;
  • wire with a fork and switch;
  • glue;
  • insulating tape.

Prepare metal details, having first cleaned them from oily spi-spirits. Since the reason it will be necessary to stretch through the narrow holes, cut the switch. Screw the lamp into the cartridge and insert it into the first carbon, before it extends the wire through the part. Fasten the lighting device using glue in the project position.

In one of the tees, make a hole for the cable output. In order not to make a mistake with a drilling site, imagine how the lamp will stand.

To the central tee with the hole we screw small nipples. Connect tees with nipples and corners on the sides. This will be the basis of the product. The corner in which the cartridge is with a lamp is screwed to a long nipple, then there is a corner and a short nipple. Connect two parts of the lamp together. Do not forget to stretch the wire in advance. Insert the switch back and check the desktop lamp.

Such lighting instruments from the pipeline parts will be shown to guests and their own resourcefulness. Seeing the finished result, experience the huge joy and feeling of pride. The lamps made by their own hands will serve for a long time and will never come out of fashion.