Repairs Design Furniture

Mastery Countertop made of concrete with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions. How to cover the concrete countertop. Concrete table tops than polishing concrete countertop


Beautiful, functional and budget tabletop from concrete with their own hands - this is a sink assignment for those who wish to significantly save money, having received a strong, reliable and pretty stone countertop. On the market you can find thousands of finished products like from natural materialsand from artificial, made in various designs. But a serious minus is their price. That is why it is worth trying to make a worktop yourself.

The concrete countertop is distinguished by durability, ease of manufacture and beautiful appearance.

Getting Started to the work process, consider the fact that you have to make a product that must meet first-class operational standards and very strict requirements for its reliability and strength. Therefore, it will be very responsible for the selection and preparation of materials. After all, the surface of the finished table should turn out to be not only durable, but also wear-resistant, not susceptible to contact with hot or mechanical damage.

Tools and materials that will be needed for work

Before going to buy everything you need, count how much you need. Even if you calculate everything exactly in terms of the size of the future tabletop, take the materials "about the supply" in small quantities, because no one is insured against unforeseen situations.

Required tools and materials:

  1. Cement, pure water and sand (for kneading).
  2. Capacity and shovel, drill with special nozzle (If the volumes required for fill, small) or a concrete mixer.
  3. Roulette.
  4. Rule.
  5. Putty knife.
  6. Master OK.
  7. Building level.
  8. You can also buy an additional mixture (there is a masonry or plaster), small and large fillers.
  9. Profile (material - plastic or aluminum) to perform the finish of the edge of the product.
  10. Bars of wood, plywood (optimally laminated), strips plate MDF. (for making formwork). Do not forget that the frame must be very durable and high-quality, then it will be easier for you to do the trim, and your future countertop will find a beautiful appearance (without bends, irregularities and recesses).
  11. For the subsequent reinforcement, you will need rods. Armature can be taken classical (made of metal) or fiberglass. The latter is less than the mass and higher strength.
  12. Screwdriver or drill (to collect frame and formwork).
  13. Liquid Nails.
  14. Plasticizers and pigments for concrete.
  15. Bulgarian with cutting circle.
  16. Electrolzik (or hacksaw).
  17. If you plan a tiled cladding, then prepare the styling grater and the cutting machine plus the composition for the grout of the seams, the glue and the tile itself.
  18. Grinding machine (complete with polishing and grinding circles).

Do not forget about special clothes (better from dense tissue) and shoes. Take care in advance about the face mask or safety glasses and the respirator, so as not to breathe cement dust and prevent her eye contact.

When choosing the initial color of the material, consider that it will be the color of your future product. If you want to achieve some special shade or tone, better use the collers for concrete, then you can get any desired effect.

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Concrete countertop do it yourself: the main stages of work

Whatever product you need to make, first decide on its shape and sizes.

You can take measurements with old table topIf you plan to replace it. And for the new furniture you need, firstly, remove the size of the foundation, and secondly, to take into account all existing standards for this room.

For a visual sample before your eyes, try to perform an approximate sketch of the future product on paper, at least without technological holes for pipes, sinks and stove. Then you need to create a layout in real sizes. To this end, take solid sheets (or strips) of rigid cardboard, so that the result is a full-fledged layout. If you use stripes, the perimeter of the tabletop will have to glue, and if the sheet is cut. After making try to check to ready layout I got exactly in place, tightly adjacent to the walls, without distortion or protrusions. So you will substantially facilitate yourself the subsequent installation of the table top.

Now the layout can be cut into separate details (if your table top is not a simple rectangle). Having ready-made detailed layouts, you can safely begin the manufacture of the product itself.

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Framework and formwork

This stage of work can be called almost the most responsible, because on how dense, durable and reliable will be a blank, the quality and appearance of the future product, as well as its durability.

Deciding with the height of the product, cut off from the bar 40x40 or 50x50 mm fragments of the desired length - it will be vertical stands Your framework. They will need to attach to the floor. To do this take metal corners. With direct adjoining to the walls, you need to drill the racks through, fixing with anchor dowels. After installation, connect them with horizontal jumpers. So you have to get a ready frame frame.

For the bottom you will need boards. Collect formwork so that you can remove it without damaging the concrete itself. If the sink should be located in the tabletop, put the ring from a metal strip inside the formwork in the right place. And if you plan to install and cook surface, it will also be needed to lay out on its perimeter to stern from metal or wood.

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Production of table tops

The formwork will need to lay reinforcement bars (grid). When making a solution, mix cement, sand and crushed stone in a ratio of 1: 2: 2. In order to improve the quality of the solution, you can add a plasticizer.

We gradually divide the solution with water until you achieve a creamy consistency. If you want to make a tabletop, the surface of which would imitate natural stone (for example, marble or granite), just need to domine a special pigment into the solution.

Prepared solution can be poured into formwork until necessary height, Just control the level horizontal surface using the level. Next, crumple the solution, cover it with a film and let me dry, leaving for 7-10 days. Make sure that the countertop does not dry out due to solidification of the solution. Just check the surface, and if necessary, moisturize it from the sprayer.

After the product is completely dry, you can remove the formwork to start the final trim.

If you no longer want to see in your kitchen or in any other room at home the usual can order an expensive marble analogue. However, you can perform such a product alone using concrete. As practice shows, it looks very attractive. And it can be decorated with different elements, including glass. After completion of the work, it will be possible to get a unique table that will cost very cheap.

Preparation of materials

If you are running a tabletop from concrete, it is important to prepare the desired set of materials. Among them should be highlighted boards, phaneur, cement, fiberglass, polymer concave based on acrylic, guides, broken glass, as well as fiber optic cable. It will take a canvas laminated plywood, two sheets of plastic, sand, sealant, handles for drawers (if such is supposed to do), as well decorative elements.

Boards must be made of hardwood. And their total length should be 6 meters. Plywood may be the most common. There is no need to use moisture-repellent material. When preparing plastic, it should be remembered that its thickness can be equal to about 18 millimeters. Such sheets will need two. The volume of cement will depend on the specific dimensions of the future table top. However, this article discusses an example that provides for the use of two 50-kilogram bags. Therefore, we will give numbers characteristic of this model. As for the sand, it will take six bags, each of which should be 25 kilograms. Silicone sealant will be enough to purchase in the amount of one tube. But for the decor you can use different items, and not just glass.


The tabletop from concrete will be performed using some tools, namely: a set of polished, woodworking devices, an electric grinding machine, as well as devices for working with concrete. Initially, it will be necessary to create an action plan that provides for creating a drawing of a future design. You must clearly imagine how the table will look like. You need to measure the room where the product is planned.

You will spend in vain if, after completing the work, find that the countertop is not suitable in size. It is not recommended to pour solid monolith. The process should be divided into several stages. This will eliminate the formation of cracks. In addition, to move and install separate parts will be much easier than the whole product, the weight of which is quite impressive. When a tabletop is performed from concrete, the master must take into account the interior features. This will make it possible to make a design, the design of which will correspond to the decoration.

Construction of carcass

The design of each table will be unique. Therefore, there is no point in describing in detail the technology of the framework of the framework. It is necessary to take into account, however, that the facades of the table will be made from the tabletop at the same time can rely on two pipes. In central parts, you can envisage drawer. Carrier carrier elements are recommended from solid wood. In order to create drawers and facade, the plywood sheet is recommended to cut.

Creating a form for fill

If you are running a tabletop made of concrete, you need to initially create a form, which will perform 18 mm plastic sheets. On the perimeter it is necessary to install onboard. Their height will be 50 millimeters. Thanks to such parameters, it will be possible to pour the required layer of concrete to ensure high strength. It is important to perform forms, given the sizes of the frame. Already at this stage, it is recommended to do everything as much as possible, since after the fill of the concrete, it will be impossible to correct the situation. The joints obtained between plastic sheets and sides must be fill in silicon hermetic. It will eliminate the leaking beyond the limits of liquid concrete.

Laying of decorative elements and framework systems

The concrete countertop should be not only aesthetically attractive, but also as strong as possible. To do this, use a wire mesh as it can be used. Decorative elements should be put on the bottom. There may be broken glass in their role. After surface treatment, the decor sticks out and will be visible on the ground.

The concrete countertop can have holes for laying communications. If so, then their presence must be denoted at this stage. To do this, you can use a ring made of pVC pipes. The billet turns into polyethylene and stacked in the designated place. After solidification of the concrete, the pipe is pushed out, and from polyethylene will easily get rid of.

Methods of work

The grid rises above the base surface of a form by 25 millimeters. The easiest way to do it with a wire. It should be given great importance to the decor. For attractiveness, it is necessary to prepare transparent, brown and green glass that is broken down into fragments. If there is a desire, you can apply coins, pebbles and other items.

The original countertop will look at for this in a plastic sheet form you need to drill holes. The cable is installed in them. Clauses should be filled with sealant. The ends of the cable will hang under the form. They must be collected in bundles. Later, light elements are inserted into them, which will create an effect. starry sky. Glass fragments can easily shift when pouring the solution. To exclude it, you should fix them with glue in the form of a spray.

Pouring concrete

The manufacture of tabletops at the next stage provides for the fill of the solution. To do this, mix the cement and sand, using the proportion of 1 to 3. The water must be added until the mixture is like a thick sour cream. Pulling the composition is needed as much as possible. After it turns out to be filled with half, the mass must be distributed across the form. The formwork shakes, which will allow to get rid of air bubbles. Then you can start kneading another serving of concrete when applying the same proportion.

However, in this case, you should add fiberglass. The composition is poured into a form, and the surface is pulled by the rule. In such a state, the design is left for 24 hours. After that, the base can be covered with a wet towel, which will slow down the solidification process and will have a positive effect on the strength. Manufacturing tabletops provides removal finished product From the form in two days. However, experts recommend waiting another day. If you get rid of the form it turned out to be problematic, then you need to pose the edge of the spatula. As a support, you can use brick.


The surface of the plate after the frozen of the concrete should be ground. This is necessary in order for it to stick the glass battle fragments and other decorative elements that were used when filling. Grinding will make it smoothed irregularities and relieve glue from residues. To carry out these works, the master should be used by clothes that will not be sorry to be stained. After grinding the stove is again left for graze.

Kitchen countertops are usually very smooth. In order to achieve a similar effect, at the next stage it is necessary to let the cement with an acrylic fixer. Mass should not get too thick. Its applying is best carried out in three stages. It is important to remember that when drying, the material gives shrinkage. It must be distributed over the surface by filling out all the slots and emptiness. Surplus should be removed from the surface, leaving the design for drying.

What to do next?

At the time of the second application, you must try to fill all the empties that you missed the first time. When the kitchen countertops are covered with a third layer, no need to get rid of the mixture. For graze, the plate will be enough one night. Then you can process the surface grinding machineBy providing its coarse-grained polisher. If during grinding you notice voids and holes that did not manage to fill in acrylic cement compositionThe process can be repeated by applying another layer.


After the completion of all the above works, a dark countertop will be obtained, the shade of which will be somewhat different from the concrete. At the final stage, it will be necessary to make polishing. In this case, the working element must be constantly wet. Do not hurry. Movements should be uniform and slow. If you think about what to cover concrete countertop, you can learn this by reading the article. Gradually grinders are changing in grain. This is done until 1500 units can be achieved. Can be found polished, whose grit is 3 thousand units. But in order to cover the surface with a primer varnish, the base should be made as smooth as possible.

The manufacture of concrete countertops ends with applying a primer varnish. He should afford to dry well. To achieve a positive result, the lacquer can be deposited in several layers. And then the surface must be careful wax, After the frozen of which the countertop is cleaned with a clean rag.


If you are interested in the question of what minimal thickness Concrete countertops, this parameter must be equal to 5 centimeters. But even in this case, it is recommended to use a reinforcing grid that will increase strength. Many masters neglect the creation of the template. However, these manipulations are very important to create the design of ideal proportions.

To do this, you can use fiberboard and trimming of cardboard connected with a glue. Do not forget that the sink can be embedded in the worktop. This should be foreseen before the fill stage so that after it did not have to cut the material. Cost of factory-proof worktops can reach 20 thousand rubles. However, if you wish to work yourself, then the costs will be limited to the price of sand and cement.

Cost: Depends on the size and thickness, specify from the operator:Contacts .

Dates: from 7 days.

Material: high-strength washed decorative concrete Pleasant to the touch.

Color: A dye of the desired shade is added to the concrete.

The use of concrete and granite in one tabletop benefits beauty and practicality, and also looks original. Concrete countertops have a smooth surface. They look natural and organically complement your design. Concrete product must be poured with the base (metal grid), according to production technology. They may also consist of several prefabricated details.
* Outward concrete countertops can be decorated with porcelain or glass tiles along the edges. Return the lossed glitter will help rubbing wax, it is recommended every 6 months. Spots need to be removed immediately. Using detergents permissible only for its intended purpose.

The information you need to own when choosing a tabletop for your kitchen. Nowadays concrete table tops For the kitchen is quite diverse. There are many materials, colors and styles.

When buying a kitchen countertop, you need to consider the following:When choosing surfaces, a key role is allocated with solid surfaces. Today, the sales market belongs to decorative, but durable table tops on affordable prices. Perhaps a combination of glossy and matte surfaces in the table top.

The kitchen, the most popular place in the house, so choosing countertops, you want them to be comfortable, practical and beautiful. Granite can decorate your home, as it is one of the most expensive options. Granite is a naturally career product. Granite is very durable, it does not burn, resistant to scratches. It does not show stains. But its size is limited, therefore there may be seams on the product. The surface of the granite is porous, so it can absorb water and oils. Therefore, it is necessary to polish the surface at least 2 times a year.

Coapstone is a material with a matte surface. Happens most often dark gray. Can darken during operation. He is susceptible to the formation of spots. The surface is not solid enough, it can be scratched with a nail. For the price it is comparable to granite.
* Concrete countertops can be sold in size already ready or under the order.

Economically effective option It is a hard surface table top. They are made of natural materials and acrylic polymer. This surface is durable, non-porous, resistant to stains and scratches. This product is 20% cheaper than stone countertops.

If your budget is limited, you can get a laminate.
* Laminate is known for quite a long time. Laminate is simply maintained clean. Laminate also enters the range of colors, but it can be easily changed. Look at them with a different look and you will be satisfied with your choice.


We can make any products (concrete countertops, concrete tile, concrete panels, concrete sinks, concrete facades, decorative plaster Under concrete, concrete windows, concrete urns, benches and tables. We use concrete in the interior, decorative concrete).


The dream of almost every mistress is cozy and functional interior Kitchen. In modern conditions, the central place in this room occupies a tabletop. It is made from different materials. However, B. lately Conquered the popularity of the tabletop from concrete.

This product can be made independently without attracting third-party specialists and designers. It is enough to have a cooked concrete for tabletop at hand and make drawings / product sketches in such a way that it can easily fit into the designated space. An individual approach will allow the horizontal working surface as clearly as possible.

What pluses of concrete countertops

Created concrete countertop with their own hands fake diamondobtained as a result of molding and solidification of a mixture of a specific composition. It includes the main components:

  • the binder, as qualitative cement, in the role of which is
  • fillers, they are selected by fractions (large and small) and color;
  • solvent - water with reduced salts;
  • additives (mineral and organic), allowing to improve the quality of the finished product.

As one of the types of fillers, marble crumb - with their own hands, or acquired in finished video. The second material for molding is pure sand. The number of organic bonding additives does not exceed 2%.

In addition to the original texture, colorization can be applied. For it, special painting powders are provided. They are diagnosed in advance in the dry composition to get the desired shade.

Imitation of natural stone with concrete

The structure of the interior concrete is a solid and solid texture. In terms of its characteristics, it is weakly inferior to natural granite, but has a significantly less cost. When using such countertops, it is necessary to take into account their features. Concrete has a porous structure. Small micro-foams are capable of clogging by organic residues, which forces the use of a special technique in caring for the surface.

It is important to remove the space from the effects of acidic products. This feature comes from the fact that the main chemical elementwhich contains a cement countertop, is calcium. It is able to collapse from the effects of acids. Even a small drop from lemon juice on an unprepared surface is able to leave a noticeable mark.

To protect concrete countertops from acid, alkali and other reagents, polymer coating are used

The disadvantage is eliminated with the applied protective polymer layer from the work side. This allows you to make a concrete countertop to a more practical and resistant to external stimuli. The material is applied after the final pouring of the structure. As a result, the homemade product will last for a long time. It will not be possible to use a similar coating for hot frying pan, since polymers are sensitive to high-temperature effects. Also coating less hardy for mechanical load.

Aesthetic countertop with a polymer layer will be an excellent decoration for the living room, a bedroom or a working office. There is no most harmful factors.

Without polymer coating The surface will gradually collapse. But when it is applied, you should be careful with hot objects.

Video: examples of concrete countertops

Preliminary operations

Before making a tabletop from concrete with your own hands, you need to spend some preparatory operations. One of them is the collection need quantity Materials.

Concrete is preparing traditional way. For him will be needed:

  • cement of strong brands without impurities;
  • large-phrastructive and small sand;
  • marble crumb or its analogues in any form;
  • color pigment or several different shades;
  • water.

Special colors help to give a special color. They are sold in construction stores.

Further according to installed instruction Preparing formwork. It is made of wooden bar. For the frame, the material 50x30 mm is suitable. Walls form because laminated chipboardhaving sufficient moisture resistance.

The base in the manufacture of table tops from concrete fill must be as even as possible without possible deformation under the load of its own mass.

Since the work is assumed on its own, then the instrument will be required:

  • trowel or celma;
  • metal bucket for solution;
  • shovel;
  • concrete mixer for small volume;
  • schlifmashinka;
  • hydroelectric system at least 100 cm;
  • roulette.

For the frame assembly, a screwdriver and an electrolybiz may be needed. If there are no, it is enough to use their mechanical analogs.

Preparing drawing countertops

It is necessary to prepare a fairly detailed sketch or drawing in advance. It is desirable to perform it on a certain scale to have a visual picture in front of him.

The measurements of the room must be carried out with the maximum accuracy so that in the future the manufactured table top of the concrete is easily fitted between the cabinets and the stove, and also combined with the integrated plumbing. The dimensions are applied to a sketch with an accuracy of 1 mm.

It is not recommended to make a sensible large surface, as it will be hard to install it. If there are no other options, it is preferable to divide the large area into two or smaller surfaces. It is important for the joints between parts to provide in transverse form to provide them with a slight coincidence and support on wooden stands.

Usually, corner structures They are divided into two parts, connected at right angles. The joke falls on one of the wooden supports under the table top. This will avoid the formation of cracks and chips.

We collect a formwork under the shirt of concrete in a tabletop

To make a concrete countertop, you need to knock down the formwork framework. Moisture-resistant faeer We put on a flat horizontal surface. We transfer dimensions from the drawing to the real surface of plywood. The edge of the future countertop is eating 50x30 mm boards. Accordingly, the height of the plate will be 50 mm. It is not advisable to do a thin slab, as it will increase its fragility.

Concrete will create a significant effort on the bars. They can additionally be restored metal corner From the back.

Metal fittings will help strengthen the design. We prepare from it a conditional mesh with a cell of 20x20 or 25x25 cm. It should not reach the edge of the plate 3-4 cm.

We have a film along the horizontal surface in such a way that there are no folds that are subsequently capable of imprinting on the texture. Carrying construction You can collect separately or on the spot. Self-mounted for installation.

Radial angles will decorate the future design

Before the fill of the concrete, we proceed all the joints with a sealant. It is important that he poured only conjugate cavities, and did not penetrate the future plate. For greater aesthetic, you can prepare templates with radius angles. For this operation, you will need to cut in advance the template by the electroll bison.

The solution is prepared traditional method, in compliance with the proportions:

  • cement - 1 part;
  • sand - 2 parts;
  • marble aggregate - 4 parts;
  • water - 0.5 parts.

Stirring begins with the formation of a solution of water and cement. Next, the remaining elements are put into the thoroughly assembled mixture. It is necessary to mix most carefully.


When designing a surface, you can realize all the most bold fantasies. Polyethylene can be laid different components:

  • beads;
  • pieces of fine broken glass;
  • metal wire in the form of a pattern;
  • colored pebbles.

The decor is desirable to fix glue. So he will remain in the right place.

If the use of multilayer fill is assumed, then the front layer must be made with fine-grained sand. Water must be supplied in this case dosed, since its disadvantage will lead to cracking, and excess - to the fact that everything floats or will dry.

For citizens who doubt the concentration of the solution, you can pre-purchase ready-made dry mixes for screeds. Instructions on the package will prompt all the necessary proportions.

After half an hour after the facial layer, fill the main one. It can be added to its composition, facilitating the total mass of the design.

For concrete countertops, it is important to span high quality and polish the outer layer. In this case, without a grinder can not do. The first operations are carried out with coarse-grained circles, and then fine-grained grinding or diamond discs are used.

Be sure after frozen the surface of the table tops are grinding

Technological deposits may be on the front side. Get rid of them helps the sealing mixture on acrylic basiswhich is sold in postmarkets.

Video: how to make kitchen countertop From concrete

In order to buy a tabletop for a kitchen, which will fully meet your needs in terms of aesthetics and functionality, it is necessary to prepare a significant amount of money. Much more economical to fulfill its production personally, especially since it is completely possible to produce this at home. It can be carried out with the help of concrete, due to the availability of material and comparative easy operation with it.

How to make a tabletop made of concrete with your own hands? Understanding the main manufacturing technologies and knowing the concreting instructions, it is possible not only to make a new surface in the kitchen, but also restore the previous thing, which makes it possible to save money even more.

Development of drawing countertops

First of all, it should be decided on how your table will look and what sizes will be. In the production of its tabletop for the kitchen of the edge of the plane, it should certainly be clearly adjacent to the walls.

Manufacturing a clear drawing of a concrete countertop is the main step of work, since the quality of the finished product will depend on its development. During the manufacture of the drawing it is necessary Calculate the creation of table tops from parts. The weight of the finished product in a solid version is great, consequently dividing it during production on the part makes it possible to easily move their movement and processing, and in addition, it will be protected from cracks.

In the manufacture of concrete countertops frame own hands It is necessary to calculate the strengthening of its main part of the transverse boards, and besides its connection in separate parts with the tabletop. For frames use wood boards. Upon desire, you can use trimmed cabins with boxes. It all depends on the imagination of the homework.

Materials and tools for work

Calculating the required number of substancesFrom which the kitchen countertop will be made, add a little to the stock.

For countertops, the following materials are needed:

  • cement is not lower than brand M500;
  • river sand;
  • water;
  • plasticizer.

To make a cement base, it is necessary to build a formwork - a form for filling. For it, smooth, strong materials are selected and made according to technology.

We will also need:

Creating formwork and preparation of concrete solution

Sheet of plywood or chipboard on a smooth plane, after which we carry before organized drawing Using a ruler and pencil. On each line put wooden bar. 50x30 millimeters so that as a result of the thickness of his countertop equal to 50 millimeters. It is this parameter that is suitable for a concrete product: the reduction of thickness makes the structure of the fragile, the increase is very heavy.

The mounting of the formwork walls should be quite reliable to make the load formed by concrete during its curing. The joints of the two walls are more correct to combine with the help of corners or long screws (from 60 millimeters). The scene is located depending on the type and size of the plumbing device.

There are 2 types of miles:

  1. Embedded.
  2. Overhead.

The 2nd view has a horizontal side of about 30 millimeters wide, which must be taken into account when drawing up the drawing. In case you have decided to produce The countertop for a kitchen made of concrete, in which case it is more correct to use an overhead sink. First, embedded modifications have a landing party, which is not so easy to do. Secondly, the presence of the Borchik makes it possible to allow small inaccuracy when forming a hole under the sink. In addition, you must definitely calculate the passage for the mixer. To do this, it is allowed to use a plastic pipe with a diameter of 35 mm.

After preparing the form with your own hands Solution can be kneaded. First of all, 1 part of the cement is mixed and 3 pieces of sand. Next, a plasticizer and water is added to the acquired composition. The prepared composition should be in the form of a paste.

To obtain a painted concrete or marble countertops, it is necessary to add a special painting pigment or a special crumb. If you need a measured color, in this case the pigment is added to the dry mixture, and to obtain the characteristic granite divorces, the pigment is divorced by water and is added to the prepared concrete composition.

Before moving to the fill concrete solutionThe form is placed in a precisely horizontal position with horizontal control level. Prepared, carefully mixed composition, carefully poured into the prepared form several times. The surface of the shape for a concrete countertop is covered with a film and withstands at least 10 days. Next, the film is removed, and the form is disassembled into parts. Subsequent processing of the product can be carried out in a week. During this period, the concrete blank created by his own hands will completely dry.

Grinding and polishing products

Grinding process proceeds in several steps. At first, a coarse grinding disk is used, cultivating all the edges of the workpiece. However, more attention is paid outsidepreviously staying at the bottom of the table top form.

Grinding the plane of the table top is carried out in the following way:

The final step of production of the table top with your own hands is polishing the product. When polishing, alternately grinding discs are used with abrasiveness from 400 up to 1500 units. A plane is polished with a slow pace and carefully, when working should be continuously wetting the polishing layers.

After completing the polishing process The plane created by your own hand-tops looks smooth and shining. At first glance it will be difficult to distinguish from natural stone. The completion of the work is the processing of the plane to protect against contamination with a special sealant and the installation of the trimmed countertop in a specialized place for her.