Repairs Design Furniture

Old table top table. How to update the coffee table. What can be done with an old coffee table

Probably, many have an old dining round table at home, which, because of its goodness, throw out a pity and not put on the prominent place due to a bad look. So he stands without a case somewhere in the storage room or in the attic. In this article we want you to show that the old dining table can get a new life. The main thing is to want to gain a little patience, and you will understand that the restoration of the round table is quite possible.

Restoration process Consider on the example of an old round wooden table.

First of all, we look at the table and determine defects. On our table, for example, there are scratches and cracks. Also, the lacquer layer is outdated, and in some places it is erased and it is necessary to update. The legs are not wounded, so we will not disassemble it.

If the legs of your dining table loosened them to put them in order.

In the case of attaching leg screws, you just need to pull the screws. If the legs are attached in the tide on the glue and are very staggering, you will have to disassemble the table, clear all the connections to apply a new layer of glue, collect all the details again, fix the table with clamps and leave for a day until the whole drying is completely drying.


At the next stage of restoration, we will grind the table. For grinding, we need a grinding of different granious numbers, and makes it easy to work the grinding machine.

If you do not have a grinding machine, you will have to grind manually. Although it is more complicated and longer, but maybe.

So, we take the machine with the sandwich sandpaper the greatest graininess and pass on the surface of the table. Grinding neatly without strong push. For a better removal of varnish and leveling the surface after grinding, large sandpaper should be used by the skin of a smaller grain. And again neatly grind the surface of the table. In the case of curvilinear details, they will have to grind manually.

If, after a two-time grinding on a round table, unevenness or old varnish remained, it will have to grind another third time with sandpaper zero grain. After grinding, it is important to remove all dust from the surface of the dining table. To do this, use the vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth.


With severe scratches or dents that have not been removed after grinding, damaged places should be covered. We apply a rubber spatula to the spacure on scratches.

After drying the putty, and this is about 30 minutes, skin with zero grubasted places.


At this stage of restoration, proceed to painting. For painting, we chose a veil and varnish on a water basis, because they do not have a sharp smell and such materials can be used in residential premises. We will also need tassels.

Morilka can cover a round table in one or a few layers depending on which color we need at the output. After each new layer, the color of the table will become deeper. Also, after each application of the veil, you need to wait until complete drying (the time is written in the instructions of the paints and varnishes), and only then apply the following layer.

When we got the color we need, proceed to applying a varnish. It is gently appreciated, slowly. Tassel pick up a small amount of varnish so that there are no outers. The painted table is left to complete drying, about a day.

After the first application of the varnish on the surface of the table, the pile can rise, these are small particles of wood. Therefore, the table needs to be stuck with a grinding with a zero.

Grinding better manually, not strongly pressing. Next, we proceed to apply the second layer of varnish. Leave the table again until complete drying.

It is necessary to dry in a well-ventilated room. At home, it can be a terrace, a balcony, summer kitchen. The main thing is that water does not fall on the surface.

Well, our round table after restoration and ready. And his appearance is much better. This table is not even ashamed to put in the living room. And, most importantly, we spent all the repair work at home with their own hands with minimal costs from the family budget.

The old table, breaking and quicken, and even, besides, a creaky, like a non-shy cart, and itch your hands send to the fire or landfill. But if you work a little over it, you can get a very good furniture accessory, such as a coffee table (if you shorten the legs up to a certain length), or a TV table. In my Saraj lay on the shelf, forgotten by everyone, the usual kitchen table. In disassembled state. Four legs on bolts, wooden base bonded by metal brackets, and three fragments of table tops.

Having inspected this rarity, I first decided to send it to the trash machine; From long lying, fragments of countertops, made of chipboard, were swollen under the influence of moisture, and after drying, it is already not returned to the original form. Yes, moreover, they became fragile and the opil, from which they, in fact, were fraught with ...

The wooden basis, on the contrary, was shuffled to the fact that he went to the chance, as a lively, it was worth it to take her! Thinking a little, I decided, after all, try to "reanimate" him. Anyway, I will not lose a lot, in case of failure.


  • Hacksaw.
  • Gas key or pliers.
  • Adhesive universal (you can "moment").
  • Adhesive composite (cold welding).
  • Cyan Cyan Acrylate (super glue).
  • Marker.
  • Drill and twisted for 4 and 9.
  • Long line (or level with line markup).
  • Four thick furniture screws under the hexagon.
  • A small sheet of chipboard for a new table top.
  • Decorative self-adhesive film for tabletop cladding (with a picture of your choice).

Restore the old table

First you need to disassemble the wooden basis. Unscrew all existing screws, remove metal brackets.

The table we will have twice as smaller than the former, and therefore the crossbars that were used to be a width of the table - now they will become long.

The width of the new table can be selected independently, to your taste. You can do it at least square! To do this, take the remaining long crossbars, and shorten them to the width of the future table you need.

Just calculate the width of the future table to be at least half of his long, otherwise it will be unstable! Now, on the unpacked ends of the crossbar, we will make a hacksaw groove for metal brackets, as before.

Next, we get holes left from the screws after disassembling the table. Most of these holes will again be in the former places, and that they keep screws that hold metal brackets well, we use matches and universal glue. Makazy match in glue (or dripping glue into the hole), pushing it until it stops into the hole, and climb.

It turned out a peculiar CHEKL card. Now in this hole, the screw will be well held, and the table will not be fused. Well, so that the "new" table does not creak - drip on a drop of machine oil to the places of contact of all individual fragments of the table, both wooden and metal. Now we will deal with legs. If the threaded compound is twisted in these legs, it is desirable to unscrew it from the leg. To coole the thread with composite or universal glue, and screw it back.

Before the stop. If the connection is dangling, but it does not get out (it happens when the thread pin has inside the legs "T" -ny end), then you will have to use Cyan acrylate (super glue). We drip it into the gap between the connection and wood until it stops to go inside. We leave the knocked legs to dry. For a couple of hours, so that I manage to grab composite glue. (By the way, the legs can also be shortened, to the height you need, overshadow the plane, to narrow them down the book, if they are square, and cover the mournicle.) During this time, you can collect a wooden foundation; We fasten the cooked crossbars using brackets and screws.

After the time allocated to frozen the composite glue, we screw the legs to the base. As before to the old table.

Now we take a prepared sheet of chipboard (I took the end wall from the old cabinet for this purpose), cut the required area of \u200b\u200bthe worktop and the sandpaper, or a wooden file, dumping edges.

We put the table top on a flat surface, facial (the most smooth!) Side down. We put on top on the table top the base, legs up and mark the marker of the corners of the legs.

We remove the basis and drill holes by 4 millimeters in every corner, with such a calculation so that the holes fall into the centers of the legs. Now we put the foundation on the legs, put onto the worktop on it, and look at the bottom to come together marker made earlier. Now on the holes available in the tabletop, drill holes further - inside the legs, on the length of the screw.

Well, by a drill on eight millimeters, we will make a small deepening-sweep over holes, for screws of screws and screw the screws.

Mind screw screw with composite glue, so that the countertop should have a smooth surface. You can pre-lubricate the surface of the deepening, and the screw screw in it, machine oil, then it will be possible to easily dig these reversed plugs to dismantle the table, if necessary.

We are waiting for the composite glue and, in conclusion, we glue the countertop with a sticky decorative film.

Plug by self-adhesive wallpaper should be as accurate as possible; The second chance will not be to cross. To do this, I had to dismantle the table (good, it is not long - unscrew the four screws and unscrew the four nuts!). I moistened in the room the air with a sprayer, so that the dusting does not lie down on the surface placed, and have not formed irregularities and bubbles after the work done. The surface of the surface with alcohol, and carefully, starting with one of the corners, smoothing the film in different directions from the angle of a dry cloth, for each item in turn, pasted the film. If bubbles could not be avoided, pinched them with a thin needle in several places, put an ordinary kitchen napkin on the bubble and put a mug with a flat bottom filled with boiling water on this place. For one or two minutes. After this procedure, the bubble will disappear. And one moment; Ploying the countertop, I changed my mind to hide the screws of the screws - I really liked it, how the shiny metal caps are looking, recessed in the texture of "stone".

But this is the case of each individual. If anyone does not like it - you can hide the hats. It is also smeared with glue and stick on top of the patch cut from the same film ... This table was (in size!):

And so became small and compact:

He will fit well in the interior of some small room in the country house. I think it turned out well. Even very good!

There are no rare cases when the favorite object of the interior loses its primary appearance, and there is simply no funds for the purchase of a new one. In such cases, the restoration of furniture can help. Consider in more detail how to renovate the table at home, which is important to consider and what stages cannot be missing.


There are quite a lot of ways to restore furniture, ranging from the light "cosmetic" decor and ending with the capital alteration of the product. Restoring the old table with your own hands is not so difficult if it does not have any serious damage. In this case, it will be enough to handle emery paper and paint the old piece of furniture so that he shine in a completely new light.

Repair of glass tables at home can be more time-consuming, as well as a very cost process. In case there is a breakdown of a glass surface, it may be necessary not easy to repair, but also in the purchase of a new one, because far from all deformation of the glass can be eliminated by gluing and grinding.

The greatest space for creativity opens when the wooden table is restored. After all, it is precisely to the objects of the painting and applying patterns, including the Decoupage technique. It is worth noting that painting and various decorative techniques are most appreciated to the tables of small sizes. So it can be finished, for example, a small written table or a compact coffee table. But for the restoration of the oak folding model, additional resources may be needed. Since the table has a greater solid surface, then the finish of its parts with such materials as MDF and chipboard will be completely allowed. Reliably fastened and neatly processed they will give the table not only a new life, but also give a completely different appearance.

The plastic table can be renovated using the same painting, but it is possible to be done only if the piece of furniture does not have serious cracks. Plastic is a rather capricious material, and when exposed to high temperatures, the glued seam can not withstand, which will lead to a new breakage.

Computer tables made from chipboard and chipboard are quite often disappeared, in view of which their appearance becomes sloppy and negligent. For the repair of such models, special adhesive tapes and films imitating a wooden surface are suitable.

Kitchen table book must be reconstructed as careful as possible, using exclusively environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic materials. Since the tabletop is often in contact with food, it is necessary to take care that the materials for finishing its surface are not toxic and harmful to health. The same applies to the children's table.

The restoration of the dining polished table can be performed using a surface grinding and applying a new layer of decorative varnish. So the surface of the furniture attribute will again acquire a glossy shine.

Sometimes it may be necessary to increase the height, for example, toilet table, in the event of a breakdown of his legs. In this case, special surcharges or new legs of the required size are constructed from wood material. To update any model, you can use a classic manual painting. This technique is suitable for sliding tables that do not have any critical surface damage.

Materials and tools

For the restoration process, various materials and tools may be needed.

Read more with their list and destination:

  • To restore the tables with a wooden surface, you will definitely need a machine for grinding or rude sandpaper. With these tools, you can make a surface smooth, removing all roughness;
  • To give the surface of a more fresh look and other color, completely ordinary paint will be needed. To find out which species can be painted quite easily, because the scope of application is almost always described on the packaging of any manufacturer;
  • Apply various patterns and ornaments best acrylic paint, since it is very raven and will stay on the surface of the furniture.

For the repair of any individual parts of the tables may also be needed and various construction tools:

  • For example, with the help of a hammer, screws and simple nails, you can thoroughly fasten the feet of the table;
  • To attach plastic and MDF panels, it will be necessary to get a special glue, which is also called liquid nails and is often used during repair;
  • To work with wooden parts, it is necessary to have a small saw or a jigsaw with you, with which you can cut the necessary part from a piece of wood array.

Various small details should not be missed, in many respects simplifying the restoration process. So with you it is better to have a large ruler or roulette, a bright marker or pencil, construction tape, brushes for removing dust and sawdust, protective equipment and wet fabric.

The process of updating stages

Repair the object of furniture at home is entirely, in this form, in which it is - the task is practically unresolved, since many details need an individual approach. For example, the worktop during the finishes of the rest of the details is better to remove, in order to protect from applying even more damage.

An independent restoration of even the smallest table can become a very time-consuming process, if you do not correctly, passing important details and steps. It is for timely execution of each stage of the work to be a plan of action.

Inspection of damage

Before proceeding to the restoration, it is necessary to thoroughly examine the front of the upcoming work. Very often there are products with serious damage, it is impossible to cope with which it will be possible only by cosmetic finish. For example, if the table fell off the leg, painting it would not fix it.

First of all, you need to disassemble the table if the model allows, and carefully examine the surface of each part for the presence of serious damage. If these are missing, you can proceed to further actions depending on the intended restoration work.

If the surface of the parts has pretty deep cuts, strong chips or serious breakdowns, it will be necessary to take measures to eliminate them. If damage cannot be simply eliminated, you may have to resort to replacing any part of the furniture attribute.

Only after careful inspection and identifying all the "weak points" of the furniture subject can be a further plan of action and start directly to the process of restoration work. Compliance with the sequence is very important in this matter.


In any repair process, after determining the "front of work", a step of purification and smoothing the surface should be followed. Restoration of tables is no exception and, regardless of their varieties, grinding individual parts is a mandatory part of the entire process.

If there is no special device for grinding the surface at hand, it will be necessary to use sandpaper. To remove the remains of the old surface, you will need a view from the coarse surface.

If you can use the tape machine for grinding surfaces - you should make a choice in favor of it, because it will help speed up the process. But you should know that the machine is suitable only for processing spacious smooth surfaces, and small parts still have to handle manually.

If the coating is removed completely and it is only necessary to give the surface of smoothness, you should use fine-grained paper. Thus, roughness will be smoothed without surface damage. In no case can not be sanded the surface across the fibers, as they are quite badly damaged and form scratches of different depths. Processing is performed exclusively along the location of the fibers. It is also worth using a respirator or a special mask, in order to avoid dust and small particles of wood in the respiratory tract.


As previously said, in the presence of strong damage and deep scratches, it will be necessary to get rid of them. The simplest and most affordable way is putty. In addition, even the biggest holes can be sealing, thanks to which the replacement of the part can cease to be needed.

It is necessary to use an extremely special putty for wood, since the usual composition for other repairs will not fit and will not stick on a wooden surface.

If the surface of the product has only shallow cracks, you can use the mourn, and then apply several layers of protective varnish. Thus, the fibrous structure of wood elements will be saved and beautifully decorated.

After applying putty and before applying the final coating, it is necessary to thoroughly prejudice the surface and pollize again. The primer will help to degrease the part of the furniture attribute, and re-grinding - smooth out the remaining irregularities.


The final and very important stage requiring special attention is the process of painting the surface. It is important not only to choose the right paint, but also carefully apply it without various formations, lumps, irregularities and protect the freshly stained surface from entering small particles of wool, dust and hairs.

Dark shades are better to apply in several thin layers. So the paint is better grabbed, and the color will be more saturated.

To create the effect of antiques and scuffs, the painted surface of the table will need to be treated with sandpaper in certain places.

It is necessary to carefully select shades and very carefully apply paint, because in case of discontent with your work, it will be quite difficult to repaint the table, it will have to re-perform all the time-consuming operation, starting from the surface grinding phase.

In order to shine beautifully on the surface, the surface of the lacquer layer should be treated, and after drying it and the protective layer. Most often, various polishing compositions are used to protect the surface of the furniture, as well as wax mixtures, which, when rubbing into the surface of the table, will give it a glossy shine, protect against dirt and large dust accumulation.

On how to update the old table, you can see in the next video.

Finishing and decoration

After painting, or in its process, if you wish, you can additionally decorate the surface of the table, giving it a easier, relaxed and informal look. Consider the most common and beautiful ways of decor of restored tables.

If you have an old dining table that you are roads like memory, or you just want to reasonably save on the purchase of new furniture, then you have to be interested in the quality of the restorer or decorator.

Keep in mind that the restoration of the kitchen table with their own hands is not the simplest and, in some cases, not justified, because not every table is subject to repair, and antiques are better to entrust professionals at all. But most often, the correct "upgrade" can return your old friend to life and transform it to be unrecognizable.

What ways can we update the table?

To update the kitchen table with your own hands, you can use one of the following proven technologies:

  • Traditional painting - it is this way that we will consider in detail in a step-by-step master class.
  • An interesting way to decorate and paint furniture is staining through tulle - a tabletop is painted through it, and on the principle of the stencil is formed a lace pattern.
  • Ceramic tile will allow you to decorate the dilapidative, strongly damaged countertop and make it more practical - you can put hot and soak on this surface in any way.
  • Refresh the old table in the technique of decoupage. We will also talk about it in more detail about him.
  • Easy way to modify the table with your own hands quickly and budget - to kill it with a self-adhesive film.
  • The burning will refresh the non-damaged wooden surface.

Master class - 6 steps on the way to a new life

In this master class on a simple restoration of the dining table, we will update, repair and repaint this old veneered table with a moderate amount of defects.

So, to update the kitchen table you will need:

  1. grinders or sandpaper large, medium and shallow grain, as well as glasses, respirator and gloves;
  2. alkyd enamel paint of the desired color (or other desired coating, for example, a simulator), as well as a flat non-liner painting or artistic brush;
  3. fortress for wood and small roller / brush for priming;
  4. wax pasta or varnish.

Step 1. View and repair the details

Carefully inspect all the attachments in the designs and defects of the countertops - as far as the veneer was smelled or the tree was damaged.

If the table is a bit broken, then you just need to pull out all the screws. If it requires a more serious restoration, then you need to fully disassemble the table, reject all the details or clean and sand all the grooves and places of compounds so that the new glue is better grabbed, fix the glued parts with clamps or screws, and then remove them after 15 hours, and then remove them after 15 hours, When the glue dries completely.

  • Sometimes a substole requires a replacement not only because its details have dilapidated themselves, but also because the legs will be able to fully change your old table. For example, if before the legs were simple, now you can replace them with beautiful carved bales.
  • Disassembled furniture, do not forget to mark the installation site of each of the parts, so you do not confuse and quickly cope with the task.

Step 2. Remove the old coating

Now wear safety glasses and prepare 2 kinds of sandpaper: coarse-grained - for primary processing and fine-grained - for giving smoothness. Get ready for long and time-consuming work - to remove the old paint or varnish the case is not simple.

Step 3. Close the cracks and chips

After grinding, we carefully clean the table from dust, inspect the worktop and looking for defects. Keep in mind that even the smallest damage will be noticeable after painting. All chips and cracks should be locally closeing with a putty for a tree or a polyester putty, and then abandon the entire surface again, when "patches" dried.

Note - Wall coating by Morilka:

  • if the countertop does not have strong damage, then you may not hide the natural beauty of the tree and cover it with a verse, and then varnish, shellac or wax. In the photo below, an example of a renovated table with a tabletop, a moraine in the color "Chojled oak".

Step 4. Ground and spool again

We continue work. Now we need not only to clean the table, but also to degrease it. And after the table is dry, proceed to the primer. This stage is required, since without it, the paint coating will be laid uneven and will be raised quickly. You can use alkyd or shellak primer for wood. In this master class, a universal alkyd primer Zinsser Cover Stain was used (in the photo below), which dries in just 1 hour, protects the tree well and prepares it to paint. It is worth it about 500-600 rubles, but is not sold everywhere. The table can be predicted in 1-2 layers using a small spongy roller, while each layer must dry completely.

When the primer is driving (in 1 day), again stratum the tabletop with a sandpaper or grinding sponge of medium grain to smooth the projected surface and prepare it to paint. And do not forget to put the respirator again!

Step 5. And now proceed to painting.

It is very important to choose the right paint and its color. Avoid cheap paints, because it is a dining table, which means that the countertop must wear frequent wash, wiping, shocking, and so on. In this case, the enamel alkyd paint premium class is used with satin finishes, but you can choose more eco-friendly enamel on acrylic basis. Also with addiction, select a high-quality brush so that it does not learn in the process. Not painful, but a large flat artistic brush.

The paint should be applied in 2 thin layers, while the finishing layer is better to leave to be dried for 3-4 days.

  • If you chose the dark color of the paint, then it is better to apply in 3 thin layers;
  • To create crab in the style of Shebbi chic paint, you can take a sand in some places, for example, on the head of the table;
  • Also, to create the effect "under ancient", the table can be sent.

Step 6. Apply Protective Coating

As we have already said, you can protect the surface of the table with varnish, for example, matte polyurethane on a water basis (on the photo on the left, great varnish from Varathane). It is necessary to apply it evenly in 2-3 thin layers, slightly squeaking each layer before applying the next layer of varnish. Of course, all layers before the Okurivation must completely dry (4 hours).

The second option is to protect the wax that will make the worktop matte and it can be gratened to shine. For this, the wax must be milded with cotton fabric in wood, then give the first layer to dry for at least 1 hour. After that, polish the surface with circular motions, and repeat the procedure 2 more times within one day. Well, now take patience and leave the table for 1 week so that the surface has acquired the necessary operational properties.

Well, that's all - the restoration is finished, and the old table has gained a new life in a trendy white color.

And here is another interesting video from the transfer of "cheap and angry" on the topic of tabletop restoration at home from the remedies.

Countertop Update With Decoupage

If you do not want to stop there or your table does not have serious damage, but simply needs a small update, you can decorate the table with drawings: to write it with acrylic paints manually, use stencils and stamps, or update the table with the help of decoupage. Perhaps, it is this particularly popular decorative technique that will look at more detail, after all, decoupage will allow not only budget and quickly transform a table or, for example, to stylize it under Shebby Chic (as in the photo below), but also hide some defects of the dilapidated surface.

Furniture, which is covered with varnish, returns to everyday life. After all, lacquered products are richly looking, and the interior attach originality and solidity. Although that it is a rather problematic to criticize the soul. It can easily be damaged. Very frequent defect - the emergence of scratches. You should not immediately get rid of the spoiled table, and you should try to restore it. This process can be assigned to the masters of restorers or try to restore the lacquered table with your own hands.

Restoration technique

Let's discern how to restore the lacquered desk by the method of restoration. This is one of the best ways to return a decent species with a lacquered table. For example, to eliminate scratches, it is necessary to remove the layer of varnish on defective places, and then apply a new one. This method is quite effective and allows you to get rid of any scratch. But not only scratches are a problem for lacquered furniture. The next disadvantage that may appear over time is the darkening of the lacquered surface. As a result of clouding the surface of the table top, the appearance of the table begins to significantly lose in relation to other furniture. Such a defect is corrected in the same way: removal of the old layer of varnish and re-applying new. This method is simple enough, and it is quite realistic to cover the old table with your own hands.

The sequence of restoration work

You can update the old lacquered table in several stages. But it is worth pre-prepare some tools and materials and think about your safety. So, you will get acquainted in detail with the algorithm for restoration of the lacquered table.

Determine the degree of worniness

Before restoring the lacquer on the table, it is necessary to initially assess the degree of defects formed.

We choose the material

The question arises how to remove the varnish from the table. To ensure the quality of the restoration, the materials should correctly choose. Many believe that distressed places can be removed by alcohol. In some cases, minor defects can really apply alcohol, but unforeseen consequences may arise, such as roughness, light areas and so on. Therefore, we will dwell on specialized materials that will be good assistants for beginner masters.

  • Polish shellaic. Such a material not only helps to restore the surface, but emphasize its originality. This is one of the oldest and proven materials. In terms of its consistency, the polish is more like a liquid, and not varnish. To achieve a qualitative result, this composition is applied about 50 to 60 layers. It is because of this, an original deep color is achieved. This is a very successful option that will remove scratches on the lacquered table.
  • Nitrocellulose varnish. This solution is used to restore large surface surfaces. For its application, sprayers are used, which provide very fast and uniform spraying. At lower speed, the droplets of the solution begin to stick, and the desired effect of a smooth and uniform surface will be quite difficult to achieve. That is why it is not recommended that the use of standard pulverizers, which additionally form air bubbles, from which it is almost impossible to get rid of it.
  • Pentafthale varnish. This is the perfect material for the restoration of the table, as quite easy to work. It does not require special devices for applying and dry out quite quickly. Apply it at least in 4 layers. You can eliminate the acquisition of primer solutions, since the first layer of pentaphthalic varnish will be primer. After applying the composition and complete drying, grinding should be made.

After the choice of restoration composition was determined, it is necessary to pay attention to such a moment as a definition with color. You can use a colorless varnish, and you can buy a varnish that imitates the color of any wood. In the second case, it is necessary to correctly determine the tone of the varnish.

Step-by-step instruction

We give a detailed instruction that will answer the question of how to properly cover the wooden table. It consists of several stages:

  • The preparatory stage consists of such aspects:
  • the surface of the table is thoroughly cleaned with the help of a specialized composition or using conventional warm water;
  • we remove the spoiled layer using a scraper;
  • we start to grind the surface with the help of sandpaper until the matte achievement;
  • clean the surface from dust.
  • Water based varnish:
  • the surface is covered with several layers of water based lacquer;
  • each subsequent layer is applied after complete drying of the previous one;
  • after the last layer is completely drying, perform surface grinding;
  • clean the surface from dust.
  • Performing works with a varnish on an acrylic basis:
  • initially, choose a varnish that suits the surface of the table on the shade and gloss;
  • dilving varnish by 15% White spirit, we carry out the surface graft;
  • after drying the primer layer, we produce intermediate grinding;
  • cover the surface of the table with undiluted varnish in several layers, giving pre-dry the previous layer;
  • we produce finishing surface grinding.
  • We draw attention to the fact that after applying all the layers to impart the surface of the glitter, surface grinding should be made.

Performing all recommendations, you can get a very high-quality surface covered with varnish. It is clear to get a decent quality to use the spray gun. The video is translated on the varnishing table and useful restoration tips are given.