Repair Design Furniture

Feng Shui for the home. Arrangement of furniture, flowers in Feng Shui. The rule for the front door. What is Bagua Mesh

A well-equipped Feng Shui room ensures that all energy flows will be the best way affect health, life and luck. The arrangement of furniture plays an essential role, because if it is incorrectly arranged, all the energy will "go away". How is the desired attraction attracted - love, prosperity and health?

A well-equipped Feng Shui room ensures that all energy flows will have the best effect on health, life and good luck.

Feng Shui cardinal points in the room

When arranging a Feng Shui zone in a room, it is very important to know which side of the world it belongs to. To clarify this question, first you need to take a compass and determine where the north side of the room is.

However, as a result complex design apartment or private house ( metal fittings or other building materials) the compass arrows do not always show accurate results. Therefore, you can use special maps that schematically explain the cardinal directions - north, south, west and east, as well as their intermediate directions.

When arranging a Feng Shui zone in a room, it is very important to know which side of the world it belongs to

Next, you need to determine the center of the apartment. To do this, take a housing plan and find the center at the intersection of the diagonals. If the apartment does not have the shape of a regular rectangle, you need to finish it yourself and do the same manipulations.

Then the housing plan is divided into 9 regular rectangles, while dividing also the opposite sides into 3 equal parts and drawing straight lines through the points.

The last step is to reconcile the floor plan and a special map. It is necessary to determine the angle of rotation of the apartment, which will indicate the correct direction of the room, corresponding to the parts of the world.

It is necessary to determine the angle of rotation of the apartment, which will indicate the correct direction of the room, corresponding to the parts of the world

This will help determine the zone of love, wealth and other desired. The Bagua grid is designed to strictly assign 9 vital categories. It is superimposed on the marked out plan of housing in order to understand how to properly equip it according to Feng Shui. According to the Bagua grid, each cardinal point is responsible for one category:

  1. Sever (Water) is in charge of the career.
  2. North-East (Earth) - for knowledge.
  3. East (Tree) - for the family.
  4. Southeast (Wood) - for wealth.
  5. South (Fire) - for glory.
  6. Southwest (Earth) - for love.
  7. West (Metal) - for creativity.
  8. Northwest (Gold, Silver) - for helpers.

Guided by a compass, a special map and a Bagua grid, you can determine the north and other directions of the world, where the entrance to the room should be, equipping it with feng shui.

Guided by a compass, a special map and a Bagua grid, you can determine the north and other directions of the world, where the entrance to the room should be, equipping it with feng shui

Arrangement of furniture in the room according to Feng Shui

When arranging rooms according to Feng Shui, the main rule is the free movement of qi energy.

Attention! To create harmony in your room and attract wealth, love and health, you need to arrange the furniture correctly.

In the living room. Tall cabinets should be placed against solid walls, keeping them away from doors. There should be no stairs or doors in the reflection of mirrors. Armchairs and chairs are best placed with their backs to the windows, preferring furniture with high backs and armrests. Great for the living room round table, for which family and friends will gather. The TV cannot be placed with the screen to the window or door. In the southwest area, it is advisable to hang a family photo. The walls can be decorated with landscapes.

A table is great for the living room, at which family and friends will gather.

In the bedroom. It is best if this room is square or rectangular. The wardrobe and bed should be placed along the walls without cluttering up the space. It is advisable to choose a bed with legs so that qi can circulate under the bed. When positioning the bed, it is necessary to take into account that the lying person can see the doorway. Opposite the head of the bed, you can hang a picture that pleases the eye. When choosing furniture for the bedroom, you should give preference to rounded corners and a smooth surface. From the mirror and indoor plants in the bedroom it is better to refuse altogether.

When positioning the bed, it is necessary to take into account that the lying person can see the doorway

In the kitchen. A slab is placed in the southeast, avoiding dark corners. In this case, the stove should not stand next to the sink and refrigerator. When arranging furniture large room zoning can be used, for example, to delimit the hostess's work area and the bar counter. It is not recommended that the door and window be on the same wall. The kitchen needs to be well lit, so light curtains and assorted lighting fixtures are welcome.

The kitchen needs to be well lit, so light curtains and assorted lighting fixtures are welcome

Feng Shui room layout

The layout of the room directly depends on how the house itself is placed. It is undesirable if the house is built on an uneven surface, because this will attract negative energy... Because feng shui loves correct forms, the house needs to be built on a flat area.

What objects are located next to housing is also important. Therefore, a landfill, cemetery, power plant, dam, prison, factory or hospital is not acceptable. It is also important that neighboring houses are not located at the corners of your house, shooting "arrows". There should be no obstacles in front of the front door so that Qi can freely penetrate inside.

According to feng shui, the height of a residential building should not be greater than its width or length. So ideal option is considered a one-story building. If you live in an apartment, then you need to pay attention to the following features. For an authoritarian personality or a person who is afraid of heights, an apartment on the lower floors is suitable, and for those in constant motion, an apartment on the upper floors.

Attention! When painting your home, avoid black and blue tones. When choosing the color of the roof and walls, you can trust the taste of the owner, because the rest of the household is under his patronage.

The correct arrangement of rooms in the house attracts only positive energy. This is helped by the Bagua mesh, which was described earlier. By the way, it is not always rational to place the bedroom in the love sector, and the nursery in the children's sector. When disposing of a room, it is necessary to be guided by what we most desire. In this case, you will have to sacrifice some area by placing a toilet or bathroom there.

The correct arrangement of rooms in the house attracts only positive energy.

Feng Shui wealth zone in the room

Eastern wisdom says that favorable energy - qi - should circulate freely in the room. Therefore, it is recommended to walk around the entire perimeter of the room, and if a wardrobe, chairs, table and other objects are not found along the way, it means that there is a positive aura in it. Otherwise, you will have to remove unnecessary items and free up space in the room in order to attract success.

Eastern wisdom says that auspicious energy - qi should circulate freely in the room

After all the furniture and objects are in place, you need to define the southeast zone in your room. This area should not contain the following items:

  1. Failed devices and broken things. Their presence in the zone of wealth nullifies any undertakings of a person, since, according to feng shui, they emit negative energy and do not allow qi to function.
  2. Antiques and second-hand things. They not only bring "poverty" into the house, but also preserve the energy of the former owners. Having persistent negative energy, such objects violate the harmony in the apartment.
  3. Bin. This is a kind of abyss that will absorb all positive energy along with luck and wealth. The location of a trash can in the money zone indicates that the owner does not need it. In this regard, they will simply leave.
  4. Fireplace. This element of the interior is directly related to wood. The location of the fireplace in the room to attract money is dangerous, because it will "burn" new opportunities and prospects.
  5. Withered or dry plants, cactus. "Dead" plants evoke bad energy that takes all the wealth with it.
  6. Refrigerator. There are different opinions about its placement, but most agree that it "freezes" all our plans. If it is not possible to remove it, you need to make sure that it does not freeze and is clean.

To attract wealth and success, it is important to constantly maintain order in the southeast area of ​​the room.

To properly equip a Feng Shui room to attract money, you need to place:

  • items made of metals and precious stones;
  • an aquarium where goldfish will swim;
  • a silver vessel filled with water;
  • small indoor fountain;
  • tubular bells;
  • indoor plants in a pot, especially a money tree.

To attract wealth and success, it is important to maintain order in the southeast area of ​​the room at all times. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room and illuminate it. And if the zone of wealth comes into contact with a toilet or bathroom, you need to "neutralize" it. For this, tubular bells or figurines of guardian deities will help, which will cleanse the qi of all negativity.

It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room and light it.

Feng Shui love zone in the room

To activate the zone of love and marriage, it is necessary to arrange the western direction of the room as correctly as possible. This is very true for those who are single or looking to strengthen their relationship.

The main colors in the arrangement of the love sector are pink and red, denoting the energy of Fire. This element invokes the Earth element, which favorably influences our relationship. Its primary colors are yellow, terracotta and brown. Therefore, adding such shades to the western side of the room, you can achieve a stable and long-term relationship.

To activate the zone of love and marriage, it is necessary to arrange the western direction of the room as correctly as possible

To improve the atmosphere in the room, it is necessary to use paired objects when arranging it:

  • scented candles;
  • sofa cushions;
  • lamps;
  • images of mandarin ducks, doves or cranes;
  • sculpture in the form of a pair of butterflies;
  • chocolate candies.

In a room equipped with feng shui, you can place a photo in which a couple is happily depicted. If there is no other half yet, then the image of another happy couple will do.

On a note! Experts who know a lot about the teachings of feng shui advise lonely hearts to write on red paper the traits and qualities that they would like to see in their future soul mate.

Melodic music is an essential attribute for attracting love. Aromatic oils and plants - jasmine, geranium, cedar and ylang-ylang - also channel energy into the love channel.

When it is not possible to equip the love zone, the mirror located on the west side makes up for it.

  • As with the money zone, antiques, used items and broken items should be avoided.
  • You cannot store photographs with a former passion or single relatives or acquaintances.
  • Elements of Wood, Water and Metal (aquarium, fountain, wood and metal products, furniture) cannot be placed in this zone.
  • Eliminate contact between the love area and the room of the toilet, bathroom or closet.
  • If the zone nevertheless comes into contact with one of the listed rooms, you need to keep the doors to the bathroom or toilet closed. In this case, talismans are not used.

    The main colors for arranging the love sector are pink and red, denoting the energy of Fire.

    When it is not possible to equip the love zone, the mirror located on the west side fills it. But it should not display the front door, otherwise the supportive energy will leave the house.

    Mirror in the Feng Shui room

    A mirror is a necessary attribute of every home. Especially for a woman, because the fair half of the sex should please both herself and those around her.

    Not only the arrangement of furniture, but also of mirrors in the room plays an important role, according to the teachings of feng shui. So, large mirror best placed in a bathroom where all family members can see themselves in full height... It will be good if there is some more free space in the reflection above your head. Feng Shui experts argue that a vacant lot means an opportunity for "growth" - spiritually, physically, financially, or for career advancement.

    Advice! In order for the mirror to bring positive qi energy, it is necessary to place it in such a way that it reflects only beautiful objects. For example, talismans of love, wealth, or photos of people dear to us. A round mirror with a sun-shaped frame would also be an excellent option.

    It is very important to place the mirror correctly in every room of the house. In the dining room or kitchen, it should reflect the table, which will increase the family's wealth. Regarding the bedroom: it is better not to hang a mirror in it at all. But if it is so necessary, it cannot be placed so that it reflects the faces of sleeping people. Not only feng shui, but also other teachings believe that a mirror is a guide to another world.

    The arrangement and furnishings of feng shui rooms is a whole art that will fill the house with light energy and help attract wealth, health, love, fame, and more.

    Another important point is how we look in the mirror. It remembers all the images of people, so you need to look at it only in a good mood.

    The arrangement and furnishings of feng shui rooms is a whole art that will fill the house with light energy and help attract wealth, health, love, fame, and more. This ancient science fills the house with harmony and adjusts the relationship of its inhabitants in a positive way.

    Let's figure out how to decorate the interior so that the atmosphere of the room is child-friendly.

    Ideally, the children's room should be located in the eastern part of the apartment. According to Feng Shui, energy is concentrated in the East, which has a beneficial effect on the health of children, helps them to develop harmoniously and reveal their creative abilities.

    To decorate the interior and enhance positive energy, you can use:

    • Chinese fans - relieve fatigue, invigorate and strengthen health. It should be placed with the wide part up
    • Sakura flower images or decorative flowers of this plant. You can paste over the walls with photomurals with flowering twigs, put vases with artificial sakura
    • Sunrise images are paintings or photographs in which children greet the sunrise. It is a symbol of the awakening of a new life, development, and the disclosure of creative potential.
    • Any symbols of the East

    Important so that the door to the nursery is not opposite the entrance to the parents, the bathroom or toilet rooms... The energy of these premises is very strong and can "interrupt" the nursery.

    If this is not possible, you can hang at the entrance to the nursery protective talismans- "wind chime", which will balance the energy flows.


    From correct lighting it also depends on how correctly the children's room will be filled with energy, and how freely the energy flows will circulate around the room.

    There should be enough daylight in the nursery, dark curtains are undesirable. A large and colorful lamp with bright lamps should be placed in the center of the ceiling.

    Individual sections of the room can be supplemented with lamps with soft, dim light, but this is no longer so important.

    Organization of a sleeping place

    In a dream, the child rests from the impressions experienced during the day, is filled with strength for new achievements. In order for it to develop harmoniously and get enough sleep, you need to properly organize the sleeping area in the room.

    • There should be enough free space between the bed and the floor to allow the light Chi to move freely around the room.
    • At the same time, old things, toys or educational supplies should not be stored under the bed; this area must remain empty. Don't clutter her up
    • Popular bunk beds not suitable for arranging a room for a child, from the point of view of feng shui. It is believed that when one child sleeps above the other, he suppresses the energy of the one who is located below.
    • Make sure that the legs of the child during sleep do not "look" to the side front door... It is believed to have a negative impact on health, provoke insomnia and may even lead to nightmares in a child.
    • It is also important that the child can see the whole room while lying in bed. Therefore, the space near sleeping place can not be covered with anything

    It is not always possible to comply with all conditions, especially if the room is small. But by doing your best, you will already improve the situation.

    Arrangement of the training area

    If you want your child to enjoy learning, doing homework, so that he strives for knowledge and enjoys educational process, take care of correct organization his workplace.

    What is important to consider:

    1. The writing desk should be placed in the northwestern part of the room. Then the energy will be directed to the comprehension of knowledge, the child will always feel a craving for learning.
    2. It is advisable that sitting behind writing desk, the child saw the front door. If this is not possible, hang a mirror behind him or put metal objects with a glossy, reflective surface

    Eastern teaching disapproves Appliances, computer equipment and gadgets in the nursery. But it is impossible for children to learn without a computer, without table lamp eyes get tired quickly. In order to neutralize the "dead" energy of electronics, put in the nursery as many fresh flowers as possible. This will restore balance.

    Zone of games and creativity

    It is very important to properly equip the playing area. During games, the child develops imagination and creativity, turns into a personality, reveals his individuality.

    1. Decorate the play area with your child's crafts, drawings, or homemade items. Put there plasticine figures, casts of palms, clay crafts, etc.
    2. Should be a large number of bright colors... Therefore, paste over the walls with colorful wallpaper, hang up cheerful pictures, put unusual decorations. Turn on fantasy and imagination

    Watch a video on how to decorate a nursery according to Feng Shui:

    Here are some more tips to help you organize your nursery space using Feng Shui:

    • Keep order. Throw away the trash on time, do more wet cleaning... Broken toys should be disposed of immediately. Spoiled objects and dirt not only litter the space, but also prevent energy from circulating freely throughout the room.
    • It is especially important to keep the glass panes clean - light enters the room through them, and there should be no interference in the form of dirt or smudges
    • It is desirable that the floor in the room is "soft". Carpet is ideal. As a last resort, cover most of the floor with rugs that are pleasant to the touch.
    • You can place figurines or figurines of animals around the room - they perform the function of amulets
    • There must be moving objects in the room: walking clocks, dream catchers, bells. If possible, get parrots or other active pets.

    The correct organization of space in the nursery will turn this room into an island of creativity, love and development for your child.

    Guess today with the help of the "Card of the Day" Tarot spread!

    For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

    When you're ready, draw a card:

    As a rule, little attention is paid to the correct arrangement of furniture in the bathroom. This is understandable: in our realities, the first thing you think about is how to fit everything you need in the bathroom.

    but correct location furniture and decor has crucial for a quality rest. And the bathroom should be perceived - not as a washing room, but as a place of complete relaxation. According to the Feng Shui commandments, the bathroom is the most important place in housing. So how to arrange all the elements correctly to equip the bathroom with Feng Shui?

    Feng Shui rules for the bathroom

    Water as a symbol of well-being

    The bath symbolizes the process of cleansing from all bad and the opportunity to be filled with life energy. For the free flow of energy, it is necessary that the bath fits perfectly into the design of the entire room.

    Bathroom door

    According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a person lying in the bathtub should be able to see the person entering the room, so the position of the door relative to the bathroom plays an important role. In other words, position the bath so that the person lying in it is facing the door. For a harmonious flow of energy, make sure that all plumbing works without interruption: a leaking tap symbolizes obstacles. The bathroom door and toilet lid must be closed.

    Hide the toilet

    The toilet should not be the very first thing we see when we enter the bathroom. If possible, hide it behind furniture or a curtain. In general, feng shui strives for balance, which means that it is necessary to avoid the dominance of the "water" element in the room. Rooms associated with water are considered energetically unfavorable in Feng Shui. Toilet, bathtub and sink are, so to speak, “passages” outward through which positive energy flows. You can counter this by using the appropriate colors and materials: natural shades and unobtrusive patterns will create a harmonious atmosphere in the bathroom.

    Feng Shui bath shape

    Most often baths have rectangular shape which, according to feng shui, is not so bad. But it would still be better if the bathtub was oval: this will invoke monetary energy into the house.

    Feng Shui bathroom color

    White, cream, sand, terracotta, yellow, ocher are the perfect shades, perfect for wellness. Whenever possible, avoid the red color attributed to the element "fire", as fire and water are in opposition. Materials such as marble, enamel, porcelain will become perfect choice For bathroom.

    Color uniformity

    It is good if all the main elements of the bathroom are made in the same color and style - bath, shower, toilet, etc. This brings harmony and beauty to the house. Special attention should be paid to accessories. Bright towels, paintings and bottles transform the bathroom. And you can create the energy center of the room by placing a beautiful vase on the floor or next to the sink.

    Window and greenery

    Feng Shui teachings say that the bathroom should have a window, as well as plants. As for the first point, it turns out that the Khrushchev buildings were built according to Feng Shui, and it's a pity that in modern apartments the window in the bathroom is most often missing. If you are the lucky owner of a private house, then you have the opportunity to heed the advice of ancient teachings. Both the window and the plants fill the room with freshness and comfort, as well as improve air circulation. And this is very important.

    READ ALSO: Plants that don't need a lot of light

    Cabinets and shelves

    The bathroom should have as much storage space as possible. So you will have the opportunity to remove all the little things from the "showcase" and create a feeling of absolutely free space. Strive to ensure that every element in the bathroom is functional, reduce excess items to a minimum, choose a simple and comfortable furniture... Ideally, only what creates harmony in the bathroom should be visible.

    Feng Shui bathroom lighting

    Light is very important point in the philosophy of feng shui. In the bathroom, it should be, on the one hand, functional, and on the other, muted. Opt for rounded fixtures and make sure the mirror is illuminated from both sides.

    Feng Shui bathroom - photo

    You can do the first steps to improve the feng shui room yourself. It would seem that there is nothing easier than taking out all unnecessary, broken or simply unpleasant things for you. However, people who are versed in feng shui know that such actions are filled with deep symbolic meaning - in this way you free up the space of your room and let in vital energy(in feng shui terms it is called qi).

    Next, you need to take care of the door. For a favorable feng shui room, it is necessary that the qi, going inside, does not immediately leave it. It is because of this that it is bad if immediately in front of the entrance there is some massive object like a closet - there is a place for such things in the back of the room. For the same reason, you should not place a mirror in front of the entrance - it is believed that it immediately reflects the energy entering the room.

    Finally, from the point of view of feng shui, it is not very favorable if there is a window immediately opposite the door. The fact is that the action of windows is the opposite of the action of doors - they release qi from the house, and therefore their size should correspond to the size of the entire room. However, if the windows are too large or too small, this can always be corrected with curtains or some other accessories. You can do the same if they are unsuccessfully located. In a sense, feng shui is the art of detail.

    When choosing furniture and lighting, it is important that things do not "compete" with each other. For example, it is not recommended to place objects belonging to opposing elements next to each other - to put a metal table next to wooden cabinet... The same applies to the colors that you use in the design of the room: feng shui considers combinations like "red and blue" unfavorable, since red means fire, and blue means water.

    Feng Shui connects each room with a certain element. For example, for the bedroom, the dominant element is Earth, and in the living room, Fire is most desirable; a room for the elderly is best suited for wood, and the best element for a nursery is metal. However, you should not get carried away with one thing either: all the elements should be present in a small amount in the room.

    As you can see, the most simple solutions feng shui rooms largely depend on its purpose, as well as on your taste and sense of proportion. A more difficult task in feng shui is to take into account the mutual arrangement of rooms and their influence on each other. Here you cannot do without specialists.

    In general, it should be remembered that correct feng shui always relies on the individual characteristics of a person. With a deep study of feng shui, masters examine the individual energies of all people living in the house, and select an individual room for each. If you are not ready for this yet, it is worth starting small. Even by equipping just one room in accordance with the laws of feng shui, you will feel a favorable result. Specialists of the Imperial Feng Shui Center will help you solve the following tasks:

    They will conduct a full study of the energies existing in the house and their impact on people's lives.
    They will draw up energy maps of all living and select a suitable room for each.
    They will choose a place to sleep, a workplace. They will advise how to arrange them correctly, based on the personal characteristics of each and taking into account the requirements of the feng shui of the room.
    Will help you choose design solutions interior, corresponding to the energy of the room.
    They will give recommendations on the arrangement of furniture, the selection and placement of lamps.

    Kostina Ekaterina

    Indian scriptures say that water brings good luck and prosperity to the house, and the place of ablution is a cleansing zone. Accordingly, the bathroom must be kept clean, light and ensure free movement of the energy flow of Chi. This energy is the beginning and foundation of all life on Earth.

    Bathroom location

    • It is the northern part of the dwelling that is connected with water, and here there should be a bathroom, which can be narrow and long. Its shape can be square or round. But the most important thing is that the entrance to it is not on the same axis as the entrance to the living quarters.
    • In addition, a bathroom with a toilet should not be located on the same axis as a table, bed, refrigerator or stove, since water leaving the house through the sewer will carry away the energy of important places in the home.
    • The most optimal layout, in which the bathroom and the bedroom are separated by a dressing room.

    Advice: it is unacceptable that the entrances to the bathroom and kitchen, as well as the window, are on the same line as the main entrance to the living quarters, since the flow of Qi will leave without hindrance without lingering. As a last resort, you can prevent this by hanging a mirror at the entrance to the bathroom.

    • The bathroom, located at the end of a long corridor, is an "arrow" that takes your health.
    • Close the doors of the bathroom and toilet, and their entrances should not be located opposite the kitchen that feeds us. This is fraught with deterioration in financial and physical condition families. The toilet lid must also be closed.

    Bathroom furnishings

    • The round, coin-shaped bathroom ideally helps the free flow of Chi energy and attracts cash flow to your home.
    • It is also not advisable to run sewer pipes under the kitchen. Being drains, in this case they will carry away positive energy from the dwelling, and this is the health and financial well-being of the inhabitants of the house.
    • In combined bathrooms, it is necessary to separate the toilet and the bathroom at least with a curtain.

    Advice: the door to feng shui is responsible for financial position, therefore, do not place doorways opposite each other. In this situation, well-being will not be delayed.

    • The toilet should not be in the middle of the combined bathroom, and especially opposite the entrance to it.

    Engineering Communication

    • The water changing from clean to dirty prevents the flow of Chi. Therefore, it is important that all engineering systems the bathroom was in perfect working order.
    • The location of the communication system in the center of the dwelling is not desirable. The Chi flow needs to move, not "stand." Passing through the sewer pipes, this energy, unfortunately, disappears.

    Advice: instead of a window in the bathroom, you can hang a mirror that will reflect sparkling objects. And for an unobstructed flow of Qi energy in the room, hang the "wind chime" in the center of the ceiling, above the entrance or window.

    • Leaking faucet promotes the "flowing" of Chi energy. According to Feng Shui, the toilet and the bathroom are the genitourinary system, therefore perfect cleanliness and the serviceability corresponds to good health in this area.
    • The window will furnish the bathroom natural light in the daytime and additional air flow, which contributes to the free movement of Qi.

    Color palette

    • The optimal colors for the bathroom are white, beige, light green, light pink, bluish colors, which will contribute to complete relaxation.
    • The perfect combination of a dark floor with light walls.
    • Do not overuse bright colors and decorations. Pictures depicting nature in light, red and yellow-green tones will be a good addition.


    • The bathroom should be in perfect order, dirty laundry be sure to hide in special baskets.
    • Furniture is selected, taking into account the individual needs of the owners, washing machine it is recommended to place it in the closet, since feng shui does not welcome the technique.

    Advice: the bathroom should be decorated in the same style, and the appliances are bought in the same shade.

    • Decorations made from natural materials, living plants will help provide the right atmosphere for the energy of Qi.

    Materials (edit)

    • It is optimal if the plumbing is chrome-plated and made of light faience, and the surfaces are made of marble, tiles or natural stone... The wood should be naturally water-repellent, while the ceramics and glass should be in pale shades.
    • Eliminate synthetic components such as plastic or hardboard.

    According to Feng Shui, everything in the bathroom should have its place and purpose, everything superfluous and unnecessary must be removed. And impeccable cleanliness and order will always help you to feel calm and positive.