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The child incorrectly pronounces the sound with and other whistling sounds. What to do? Exercises for training. Stages of working on sound

speech therapy exercises. By the age of 4-5 years, the child should correctly pronounce all sounds

By the age of 4-5, the child must correctly pronounce all sounds - this is necessary for his further development, correct writing and reading. Some of our tips can help you:

1. You need to find out exactly which sounds are disturbed. To do this, invite the child to name the pictures or repeat after you the words that have the sound you are interested in at the beginning, middle, end of the word, for example [C]: sled, scales, bus; [Z]: hare, goat; [C]: chicken, cucumber, chicken; [W]: hat, mice, reeds; [W]: giraffe, skiing; [S]: brush, lizard, cloak; [H]: kettle, cloud, ball; [L]: shovel, saw, woodpecker; [R]: fish, cow, ball.

2. You need to work with each sound separately. Start with the “lightest” sound, then take on others in order of increasing complexity: k, g, x, s, s, c, w, g, u, h, d, l, p.

3. Work on each sound, start with gymnastics for the lips and tongue. They do it in front of a mirror so that the child can not only feel the work of his organs of articulation, but also see it - this will have a positive effect on the development of his phonemic hearing, and therefore on sound pronunciation. Perform each exercise 10 times, but make sure that the child does not overwork, does it with desire. You can only achieve results if positive emotions child.

Exercises can be found in any book on speech therapy. Here are some of them.

“Proboscis - smile”: the lips either stretch out with a proboscis, like an elephant, then they smile like a frog.
“Shovel-needle”: the tongue is sometimes wide, sometimes long and narrow.

"Swing": the tip of the tongue either rises behind the upper teeth, then falls behind the lower ones. The mouth is wide open.
"Watch": the tip of the tongue, like a clock pendulum, moves from the right corner of the lips to the left and back at different speeds.
"Malyar": "paint the sky" with the "tip" of the tongue (drive only along the front of the sky).

4. First you need to achieve the pronunciation of one sound, not whole words. The best way to get the sound is by explaining to the child where and how to put the tongue and what to “make” the lips. K, d, x: raise the tongue in a “lump” to the back of the sky, the tip of the tongue is lowered, the lips are parted; c, h: tongue with a "groove" at the bottom of the mouth, lips smile, air goes in the middle of the tongue along the groove; c: the sound consists of the rapid pronunciation of two sounds - [t] and [s], at the first moment the tip of the tongue rests on the “tubercles” behind the upper teeth, as with the sound [t], then bounces to the position [s]; w, g: stick out the tongue, make a cup (“so that water does not spill out”), remove the cup by the upper teeth, lips are rounded, stretched forward with a “mouthpiece”; l: the tongue rests on the bases of the upper teeth or on the teeth, stands firmly, like a “soldier on duty”, does not let in the air that goes along the sides of the tongue; p: the tongue is raised to the alveoli, trembles finely under the pressure of a strong jet of air, the lips make a "grin like a dog's", hard, tense.

5. To achieve a strong directed exhalation, come up with all sorts of games: bubble, blowing bubbles through a cocktail tube into the water, just blow hard on the water in a deep bowl, turntables, whistles, drive a “boat”, a sliver through the water, drive the ball into the goal, a cotton ball between two pencils. In all games, one condition: the cheeks must be thin (do not swell).

R is the most difficult sound. Often it is pronounced in French: the tip of the tongue is below, and its root or uvula, a small tongue, trembles. It's hard to fix, but it's possible. Try the exercises: 1) hit the alveoli with the tip of the tongue, pronouncing "d-d-d ..." (as on a drum); the lips are tense, the mouth is open. Then exhale strongly on the tip of the tongue "d-d-d-dr-r"; 2) put small pieces of paper on the tip of the tongue, quickly bring them over the upper teeth and blow them off with a strong exhalation; 3) pronounce "w-w-w" and move the tip of the tongue at the same time.

That is, when performing all these exercises, you need to ensure that the tip of the tongue is raised to the bases of the upper teeth and “trembles”. Now your child has a new sound!

6. In the next lesson (and you need to practice 15–20 minutes daily), fix sounds in syllables, for example SHO, SHU, SHA, SB, SHI, OSH, USH, ASh, ESH, ISH or TRA-TRO, DRO-DRY, ATP -ADR, OTR-ODR. When it becomes easy, start repeating words, naming pictures with these sounds.

7. Now make sure that the child pronounces the mastered sound in his free speech. This stage of automation can take a long time, even a year. Be patient.

8. Fixing one sound in everyday speech, at the same time start working on the next one.

9. It happens that a child perfectly pronounces similar sounds, for example, “z” and “g”, or “s” and “sh”, or “h” and “u”, and in his speech he interchanges them. This is dangerous for future writing. The same errors may occur when writing. Moreover, the child will confuse not only these letters, but also other paired consonants (b - p, d - t, d - d, t - t), since with such a violation, not only sounds mixed in speech are affected, but also sound letter system as a whole. To avoid future mistakes, you need to consider with the child what is the difference in the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing these sounds, listen with eyes closed their sound, compare, think with the child what you hear in the sound - the squeak of a mosquito or the buzz of a bug.

Then - such a game: you call the child syllables with mixed sounds, and he determines what sound is in this syllable. Then do the same with words. And then pick up and teach how to correctly pronounce tongue twisters like “Drying on the table, cones on the pine tree” or:

The bear rides on a stick!
Squirrel on a trolley
Cracks nuts.

Or a poem by A. Barto "We did not notice the beetle."

What else, besides the correct sound pronunciation, should be in the speech of a six-year-old child? He not only generalizes in one word "vegetables" - cabbage, potatoes, beets - but also independently enumerates what applies, say, to fruits. When listing "airplanes, cars, trains, tractors," he singles out the plane and explains: "It flies, it has wings"; a six-year-old is already able to explain the differences between, say, the same plane and a bird: “She is alive, and he is iron, he has a motor” (the selection of the most essential must be tirelessly taught). In a book, picture, film, the child highlights the main thing, is able to retell the content, understands who the hero of the work is, who acts correctly and why, condemns negative characters.

A child at this age composes fairy tales, stories, understands fiction, fantasy and distinguishes them not only from reality, but also from lies, which he condemns. He is able to speak to adults with a poem, reading it expressively, conveying the mood. He learns the alphabet, composes syllables and remembers the spelling of several words, highlighting them in the text; he writes in block letters some words of three or four letters and his name - of course, while making monstrous mistakes; understands the plot connection of three pictures, composes a story, a fairy tale based on them.

If your preschooler has not yet achieved something, help him patiently and joyfully. And your hard work will be rewarded a hundredfold. The receptive age of your child will also help with this.

It will be interesting too

One of the most necessary skills that a baby should acquire in his first 2 years of life is to learn how to speak correctly, to speak and convey thoughts in words. It depends on whether he can find mutual language with those around you.

You do not know how to make or teach a child to speak without much difficulty? Then you should read this article.

Every parent wants their child to start talking as soon as possible. But all children are different, and the process of speaking they begin in different ways. Therefore, they think about how to teach a child to speak and help him cope with the difficulties of pronunciation of sounds and syllables.


In order to properly prepare the baby for adulthood and teach him to verbally express his thoughts, you need to learn a lot.

The process of mastering speech signs takes place in several stages:

  • The baby begins to make the first sounds at the age of 2-3 months, it can even distinguish voices. The rest is like a pleasant melody for him.
  • At 7-9 months, the baby tries to pronounce short words consisting of syllables - “pa-pa”, “ma-ma”, “give-give”, emotions are connected.
  • At the age of one, a little talker has a meaningful speech, his vocabulary is a few simple words.
  • After a year, the vocabulary is replenished up to 50-70 words.
  • At 2 years old, the baby uses more detailed phrases, uses 120-300 words.
  • In the third year of life, there is an increase vocabulary(up to 800 words). Here it is necessary to help develop articulation (during this period, he tends to replace complex sounds with simple “sharik-saik”).

How to teach a child to talk, which exist effective exercises and methods for developing the speech of a toddler? Many and other questions are of great interest to parents, so this topic must be approached seriously and with responsibility.


It is important for parents to know how to teach a child to talk using effective methods so that the learning process is interesting and does not tire the little one.

In order to develop logical thinking and imagination, you need to use games for comprehensive development. The assimilation of new knowledge occurs best during games, using figures of different geometric shape, puzzles, origami.

develop intellectual ability fine motor skills of the hands using finger gymnastics will help. Applying this system of development, the child forms a connection - thinking with action.

Conversational speech actively develops in children, starting from the age of two. Parents often wonder how to teach a child to speak?

There are several methods for teaching a child to talk at 2 years old:

  • Talk to your child a lot and everywhere.
  • Introduce the child to the surrounding sounds.
  • Let the baby play with small objects: beans, beans, beads, sand.
  • Reading fairy tales, stories, poems, singing songs together.
  • Encourage the child to name the object that he asks for and mumbles, but does not name.
  • Encourage your child to interact with other children.

Small details are very important, even if you don't think they are. Books, bright pictures and loud sounds, and much more shape artistic tastes. If the baby learns to express emotions in creativity, then verbally it will not be a problem for him.

Speech therapy exercises for speech development

How to teach a child to speak at 2 years old- This issue is carefully studied by physicians. If the baby is almost 3 years old, and he is still silent, or, conversely, speaks a lot, but nothing is clear, you need to help him cope with the difficulties of sound pronunciation.

Speech therapy exercises will help you understand how to quickly teach a child to talk.

At the age of 2-4 years, it is difficult for children to pay attention to learning activities Therefore, training should be carried out in a playful way. Particular attention is paid to preparatory exercises and articulatory gymnastics.

Preparatory exercises

Silent mothers are looking for good advice on how to teach a child to talk.

Before you start staging a particular sound, you need to prepare and normalize:

  • Muscle tone.
  • Motility of the articulatory apparatus.
  • Speech exhalation, the development of a smooth and long exhalation.
  • Fine motor skills of the hands.

Even such details of the child's body greatly affect the pronunciation and the utterance of the first syllables and words. If you cannot help your child on your own, seek help from a speech therapist.

Articulation gymnastics

The purpose of articulation gymnastics consists in the development of full-fledged movements, certain positions, as well as the development of the muscles of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

To put the correct pronunciation of sounds, you need to follow the rules of the exercises:

  • Daily lessons.
  • It is better to perform in front of a mirror.
  • Do not perform more than 3-4 exercises at a time.
  • The child consistently repeats after the adult.

These simple tips will help caring dad and mom learn how to teach a child to speak at home.

How to teach a child to say the letter P: speech therapy exercises

Many parents are interested in the question of how to teach a child to say the letter "r". For the successful development and assimilation of the technique of setting, it is necessary to follow the following rules:

  • Graduality.
  • child's interest.
  • Regularity of lessons.

By doing them, you will achieve dramatic changes, and your baby will begin to take the first steps in pronunciation. But this is not enough, since this letter is very difficult and pronouncing it is not so easy.

Effective speech therapy exercises for the sound "r", which will bring the desired result:

  • First, the sound "r" must be pronounced separately (growl).
  • Training the correct setting of the sound "r" in syllables and simple words.
  • Automation of pronunciation with the help of tongue twisters, poems and in everyday speech.

For such a simple technique to help, it should be performed daily, but if the baby refuses, then you do not need to force it.

How to teach a child to say the letter S

Cases when the baby is bad, or even does not pronounce some letters of the alphabet at all, are very common. Moms are worried about how to teach the child to speak (hissing) sounds that are difficult for him. You should not worry too much about the baby's lisp, since he develops the correct pronunciation by 5-6 years.

How to teach a child to say the letter "Sh" without the help of specialists, we will now discuss. Before you start setting the letter "Sh", you need to do articulation gymnastics. A warm-up is used for the lips (tube, smile) and tongue ("tongue-cup", clatter).

Speech therapists advise first to work out the pronunciation of a single sound. You should ask the baby to say “ts-s-s”, hiding his tongue behind his teeth.

When the isolated sound "Sh" is fixed, you can pick up simple words with the letter "Sh", tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, rhymes.

How to teach a child to say the letter L

You need to know in advance how to teach a child to say the letter “L” in order to prevent the transition of incorrect speech into a habit. After all, correcting is always more difficult than teaching.

In order to put the correct articulation of the sound "L", you need:

  • Show clenched teeth by stretching your lips into a smile (this will make it easier to pronounce a hard sound).
  • The tip of the tongue may press on the upper teeth or on the alveoli.
  • Make sure that the tongue is not adjacent to the side teeth, thereby allowing air to pass through.

To put the correct pronunciation of this sound, you need to repeatedly train it in syllables: LO-LY-LA-LU OR AL-OL-UL-YL.

Games and tongue twisters for speech development

The development of children's speech in the game gives parents an additional emotional connection, forms trusting and friendly relations. And the most fun game- joint learning of tongue twisters.

tongue game Help your child to learn the pronunciation of complex sounds for him. Mom needs to pronounce the selected sounds with him.

The cow grazes in the meadow - "Moo-moo-moo"

The bug is buzzing - "W-w-w"

Wind is blowing - "F-f-f"

Grasshopper chirps - "T-r-r-r", "T-c-s-s".

Game "Add a word" consists in adding one word to the phrase each time, while repeating the resulting phrase in full.

Tongue Twisters develop the baby's speech with the help of repetition and rearrangement, certain of the same sounds and syllables will be a great addition to children's activities.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

Frightened bear cub

Hedgehog with hedgehog and hedgehog.

Four turtles have four baby turtles.

Two puppies, cheek to cheek

Pinch the brush in the corner.

The seal lies all day

And he is not too lazy to lie down.

When to start teaching your child to talk (Age)

It is important for parents to remember that nothing can be achieved by force, if your baby does not want to pronounce something, you do not need to force it. There is a time for everything, but it will not be superfluous to look after.

The speech development process can be divided into 4 stages:

  • From birth to 6 months (it is important to talk to a baby who babbles in response).
  • From six months to 1 year (reproduction of short fairy tales by the baby).
  • From 1 year to 1.5 years (name all surrounding objects).
  • From 1.5 to 3 years (setting the correct pronunciation).

The most attention should be paid to the last stage. If development is left to chance, problems with speech in the future cannot be avoided. It is necessary to follow all the above methods, and it will be easier for your child to master and develop his speech apparatus and the ability to control it.

Young children do not always understand what their parents want from them, and sometimes you have to wait until he matures and speaks easily and without hesitation. Believe me, such a day will come, and then you will run away from annoying questions and stories.

How to teach a child to speak? Will mom be able to cope with this task herself, without the help of a specialist? Yes, he can. We have collected 10 rules, following which you will help the baby to start speaking early, accumulate his vocabulary, make the child's speech as clear and correct as possible.

When my daughter was born, I received a second education in the specialty "speech therapy". Working with my daughter and applying methods of communication with children with speech disorders, we have achieved very good results. My child's speech has become clear, rich, my daughter is happy and talks a lot. These rules are suitable for both children with normal speech development as well as for children experiencing any difficulties.

1. In the first months after birth, the baby spends all his time with his mother, he needs her for full development. Mom leans over to the baby, looks into her face, coos affectionately with him, intuitively choosing The right way communication.

It is important that the mother constantly talks to the child, sings to him: Ah-ah-ah! Ltd! So that the baby sees the mother's face, sees her articulation.

2. Talk to your child about everything, comment on all your actions:“Here, my mother took a bottle. Mom poured milk into a bottle. Mom gave a bottle to Masha. Mashenka, on! It is you who know what you are doing, you perform this operation automatically, and the child has not encountered these actions in the past life experience. It is necessary to tell the baby about everything that the mother does.

3. Talk to your child so that he sees your face, your articulation, your facial expressions. Do not throw words on the run. The child begins to speak, imitating the adult, and we must help him. Pronounce words clearly, draw stressed vowels. For example, when showing a picture of a cow, say out loud with your mouth wide open: “This is KA-ROO-WA. (We write cow, but we pronounce karova, so the child should be told). The cow says: MU-U-U! Pull the lips forward, and the child will soon understand how the sound U is formed.

4. When the baby becomes older (from about 1 year 4 months - 1 year 8 months) and already begins to speak on his own, start talking to him in your normal voice, while clearly pronouncing sounds. Only when naming new or hard-to-pronounce words, look the child in the face and articulate exaggeratedly, i.e. louder, clearer than usual pronounce each sound. This will help your child understand how to pronounce a difficult word.

5. Do not replace complex words with simple ones. If there is an octopus in the book, call it that. Do not generalize in one word, for example, "hat" cap, scarf, panama, hat, helmet. The child sooner or later learns that these are different hats, each with its own name. If you immediately call a bun, cake, cookie, shortbread, mannik, sour cream, etc., by their own names, then the baby will begin to distinguish between them.

6. Don't forget the verbs! Moms, as a rule, comment on everything that the child sees, using only the names of objects: This is a pussy, a dog. Look what a machine! Rain, cloud, sun! As a result, the child does not accumulate a verb vocabulary. And if a child with normal speech development himself accumulates this verbal dictionary over time, then a child with some kind of underdevelopment of speech will need the help of a specialist.

Talk to a small child simple sentences: The car is driving (rushing, standing). The sun is shining (rose, hid, smiles, looks at us). Kitty sits (stands, lies, sleeps, washes, eats, plays, meows, runs, jumps, catches a mouse).

Also accumulate signs of objects when walking or looking at pictures with a child. The sun is radiant (beautiful, yellow, kind, warm, affectionate, summer).

7. Use opposition. The bunny jumps and the bird flies. The sun is bright, joyful, and the cloud is dark, gloomy, sad. The elephant is big and the mouse is small.

Enriching the dictionary in this way, you will not only increase it in volume, but also systematize it, “sort it out” in the child’s head. When the time comes, it will be easier for the baby to “get it”, pick up the right word.

8. Read fiction from birth- poems, fairy tales. It is important that fiction is appropriate for the age of the child. Works must be illustrated. A small child has visual thinking, there are few images in his head, therefore, when reading a fairy tale or a poem, be sure to look for characters in the pictures together, examine, discuss what they are, give an assessment. Reading fiction- enriches vocabulary. In everyday life, we use simple verbs, a small number of signs of objects, and writers and poets use more colorful epithets.

9. Play with words, syllables, sounds. There is no need to devote special time to this kind of games; you can play in transport, sitting in line at the clinic. Play syllables with a small baby. You tell him: “Ta-ta-ta”, he tells you: “Tu-tu-tu”, you tell him: “Ma-ma-ma”, he tells you: “Pa-pa-pa”, etc. As a rule, children are willingly included in such games, but there is enough interest for 5-10 minutes. And we don't need more! And they practiced in the clarity of pronunciation and did gymnastics for the tongue and lips.

From about two years old (even earlier, if the child already speaks well), play with words. For example, what is soft (bread, pillow, clothes, grass, tummy, cat, etc.), green, edible? Name the words in turn, help the baby if he finds it difficult. Children love the game: "What is this?" Point to any objects, ask and answer the question “What is this?” This game can be played for a very long time, especially outdoors.

10. Develop fine motor skills. The hand, according to experts, is the second organ of speech, you should not leave it unattended. When the baby is very small, massage his fingers with your hands or “hedgehogs” (bumpy balls), play melodious games with him (“Magpie”, “Ladushki”). In the future, introduce the child to different toys or objects - soft, rubber, plastic, wooden, rough, prickly, smooth, pimply. The kid will study these objects with his hands.

Starting from about a year (and earlier), give your child cereals, pasta, beans, sand. Sculpt from plasticine (salt dough), assemble a mosaic, design, draw.

Talk more, joke, encourage any speech activity of the child and soon you will get the most interesting interlocutor for yourself!

Children's self-esteem suffers greatly from the fact that the child fails to pronounce the letter "R". Especially if already kindergarten they begin to tease him burry and offend different kind gimmicks. Parents begin to worry, they take their children to appointments with the most expensive speech therapists, study tons of literature, and the child still does not learn how to pronounce a difficult sound. Instead, it turns out "l", "l", "th". What to do? How can I help my child learn to pronounce "r"?

Just don't panic! We'll fix everything. Although there is a specific schedule for the formation of speech, and it is better to start preparing the baby’s speech apparatus from the age of two, nevertheless, at 5-6 years old, it is quite possible to cope with the automation of a growling sound on your own.

Where to begin

You will need time and a little patience. The result will be obtained after regular classes and only if you conscientiously follow all the recommendations.

The simplest option is imitation. The child should try to repeat all those actions of the lips and tongue that you demonstrate. Sit the baby in front of you and explain to him what is required of him: a wide setting of the lips in a smile so that the tongue tightens. If the lips are sluggish, a hard "r" cannot be pronounced.

Do not ask him to say "r" - he will instantly return to his usual way. Better let him repeat after you how a tiger or a tractor growls. Pretend you didn't hear and ask them to repeat it over and over again.

Learning in the form of a game

Game training option is optimal for fidgets different ages. A new sound must also be taught in the form of a game, otherwise the baby will quickly get tired or even begin to act up, realizing that he is being taught something.

If something doesn’t work out for a child, in no case do not scold him or raise your voice. Repeat all the words with him. At the same time, choose simple, short words that he can remember: tractor, paint, etc.

In the form of a game, you can ask the child to reach out with the tip of the tongue to the nose in a race, tease, sticking out the tongue, who is further, and chatting it up and down. A simple lesson will help to teach how to keep a wide smile - imitation of cleaning the upper dentition with the tongue.

Workout Exercises

  • "Sail" - a mouth in a wide smile, the tip of the tongue - on the tubercles of the upper front teeth. Repeat 2-3 times, holding the tongue for 10-20 seconds.
  • "Komarik" - the tip of the tongue sticks out and is complex with the upper and lower lips. We inhale deeply and try to blow out the air strongly through a small hole so that the tongue trembles. Repeat 3 times, make sure that the exercise lasts no longer than 20 seconds.
  • "Woodpecker" - the mouth is wide open, the tip of the tongue hits the upper teeth, trying to pronounce "d". Continue for 20 seconds.
  • "Horse" - the tongue touches the upper palate, clattering like a horse. Repeat 15-20 times.
  • “Bite your tongue” - in a wide smile, lightly bite the tip of the tongue. Repeat 10 times.

These simple exercises help your child learn to pronounce complex sounds faster and articulate correctly by school age, pronouncing words with the letter “r”. Be patient, practice as often as possible - and everything will definitely work out in you!

The speech of the child is formed during preschool age. You have to follow her early age so that by the first grade the correct pronunciation of letters is fully fixed in the child. But it happens that children of school age have impure speech.

Reasons why a child may not pronounce letters

Wrong pronunciation of letters can be explained by wrong education. If parents, communicating with their child, change their voice, lisp or babble, then the baby gets used to such communication and the incorrect pronunciation of letters is fixed in him.

Therefore, you need to speak with the child in the right and clear language. Immediately stop the slightest flaws in your baby's speech, because with age it will be several times more difficult to correct them.

Wrong attitude towards colloquial speech. There is an opinion that the learning of colloquial speech occurs without the intervention of adults. But if the parents do not participate in the process of the formation of the child's speech, then over time the baby's lag in speech development will begin to appear.

Teaching a child to pronounce sounds

There are many different techniques for the correct formulation of the speech of the baby. But many parents do not know how to teach a child to pronounce letters at home, and therefore immediately turn to speech therapists for help. Although often this problem can be solved at home. It is only necessary to correctly approach the organization of classes. Parents should remember that you can not overload the baby, the duration of each lesson should not exceed 15 minutes. If the child shows reluctance to study, postpone classes for a while. By forcing the baby to pronounce letters by force, you can forever discourage him from speaking correctly, and indeed learning in general.

Before each lesson, it is necessary to seat the child, making sure that he sits straight. All distracting objects are removed, the TV is turned off. An excellent option would be classes in front of a mirror so that the child sees not only the articulation of the adult sitting in front of him, but also his own.

Exercises for pronunciation of sounds

Initially, it is recommended to prepare cards on which animals and objects will be depicted, at the beginning, middle or end of which there are problematic letters. It is necessary to observe whether the pronunciation of a complex letter always turns out to be problematic, or in some positions.

  • "Rails" (when the tongue should "ride" along the inside of the upper teeth).
  • “Silence” (repeat the sound “t-sss” several times, stretching the letter “C”).

As a fixing of the letter, you need to choose pictures or words where the letter “C” is present: sleigh, sieve, belt, sun, light. You can use sentences: Sasha sows seeds or poems:

"It's dark in the forest,

Everyone has been sleeping for a long time.

One owl does not sleep

She sits on a bitch."

2. Letter "Z" is a colleague of "C", only voiced. Therefore, in order to teach a child to pronounce the letter “Z”, you need to pronounce “s” only by raising your voice. Show the baby, by bringing your hand to his neck, how the muscles tense up, making sonorous sounds. We fix the letter with the words: hare, beast, tooth, star, as well as sentences: A bunny in winter is like a small animal.

3. The letter "C" can be mastered by resorting to the Silence exercise, only you need to pronounce not “t-sss”, but “ts-ts-ts”. We fix with the words: heron, chicken, chain, pizza, and sentences: What color is the bird?

4. Pronounce the letter "Sh" you can use a small trick: ask the child to pronounce the letter “c”, and with a spoon, lift the baby’s tongue to the sky. Get the sound "sh". The letter is fixed with the words: awl, whisper, ears, noise; sentences: Our Masha rustles; as well as verses:

"Dear bear,
nice bear,
All plush
Our bear is sewn.

5. The same trick can be done with the letters "z" and "g". Pin the letter "J" you need the words: beetle, hedgehog, toad. And also with suggestions: Zhanna is expecting a book.

6. To master the letter "Ch", ask the baby to say "t-t-t", while pressing the baby's cheeks with your fingers. Then you will hear the coveted "h". And to fix the letter, ask the baby to say the words: tea, turtle, daughter, ball; Suggestions: Clean the siskin bath.

7. The most common problem for parents is the problem of the letters "R" and "L". tricks and exercises to solve this problem are aimed at teaching the child to growl without swallowing complex letters and without replacing the complex "r" with an easier "l":

"Horse" - together with the child, depict the clatter and clatter of the horse's hooves.

“Toothbrush” - ask your baby to smile widely. Then you need to run your tongue along the inner surface of the upper teeth. Make sure that the child's lower jaw remains motionless.

"Teaser" - the child is invited to tease. To do this, a relaxed tongue protrudes and dangles up and down. Accompanied by a teaser growl.

Special attention in teaching the letters "P" or "L" is given to tongue twisters:

  • Grek rode across the river, he sees Grek: there is cancer in the river.
  • There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass: one, two, three, there is firewood.
  • The brave man ate thirty-three pies, and all of them with cottage cheese.
  • You can't repeat all the tongue twisters.

Secrets to quickly teach a child to pronounce letters

In addition to direct training with the speech muscles of the child and exercises for teaching a complex letter, it is necessary to pay attention to the development fine motor skills. Together with your child, sort through the cereals, string the beads on a string, sculpt from plasticine or dough. And most importantly: while working, do not be silent. Tell your child stories, nursery rhymes or tongue twisters.

Another secret is to teach the child to repeat the letter "D" often. By pronouncing this magic letter, the muscles of the tongue are trained, it is correctly positioned in the mouth, and with constant training, the child will learn to pronounce the complex letter “r”.

When should parents "sound the alarm" and contact a speech therapist?

If a child cannot master the pronunciation of sounds for a long time, it is necessary to seek help from a speech therapist. Since there are cases when the inability to pronounce certain letters is explained by the physiological characteristics of the child. So, an incorrect bite can cause burr or lisp. In such situations, the doctor may prescribe special exercises or surgery, depending on the causes of speech difficulties. Also, a speech therapist as a professional can find other causes of poor pronunciation and work with them on a more serious level than parents.