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What is coaching? What gives coaching? Why do you need coaching? Coaching - what is such simple words

Coaching in Russian: the courage to wish

Chapter 2. Why and who needs coaching?

"Simple question. Okay, comrades of Cuchi, if you are not able to simply and how to say how to say what the "beast" coaching is, then at least tell us why he is needed, again, needed? In how! "Supporter of Truth"

It is very difficult to answer the question, the answer to which it seems to us so simple and clear. Coaching?! It's like if a man looking through a dirty glass, suddenly took and washed him. "What has changed in your life?" - Ask him. We are confident that nothing. We have the same windows like yours. The same glass glass, how about you. We even look through them as you !!! We do everything as you do, even better !!!. And if you can bring in the window to your window and allow it to take a look at the amazing, "clean" world, then it is impossible to let anyone in your soul, that would allow to get in touch with the joy, full, by force, the meaning that you take by using coaching.

Very emotionally and ... confused one of our customers, when we asked him this question. "When there was no coaching, was Soviet Union. It was all! Only there was neither oil, nor sugar, nor cinnamon ... "

Once again, thinking about this issue, I remember the parable:

Parable. Once a dark rainy at night young man It was necessary to twist a wide, fast river. The old fisherman gave him his boat and pointed to the barely noticeable light on the opposite shore: "Grekety on him, son, that there is forces, Grey, and do not attend to omit." And the young man swam. Strong wind blew towards him. The rain stood his eyes, and he Greob and Greob across the flow, holding the landmark in front of him. Each subsequent rowing was harder than the previous one. As suddenly he saw a big white steamer, which was saved by the flow. People on it drank wine, ate, having fun. He looked into the darkness and saw another little shy, sailing downstream. And also, and more ... It seemed that the whole world was given in the mouth of the mighty stream of the river. And he took out of the water wheels and put them on the bottom of the boat, and Løge himself from above. The indescribable weakness filled the tired body, the eyes of themselves closed and the whole mind was dissolved in the dimensional movement of a man, boat and flow. Sweet dream was enveloped consciousness. It seemed that Eternity itself came to visit. Suddenly the dream passed, giving way to an increasing alarm. Some incomprehensible sounds began to persistently penetrate the world. Every moment they became stronger and stronger. The boat approached the waterfall ...

So, what brings coaching? First of all, the memory of his "beacon". His guiding star. His destination, mission. Coaching introduces the desire to gain a dormant inside every force. And start moving towards your goals, guided by your inner wisdom. Refusing to prompts "specialists in the field of how to live." Coaching, no matter how pathetic sounded, allows, at least to get in touch with his truth.

Parable. One day gods gathered and created a man. And there was a serious question in front of them - where to hide the truth from him?

Let's hide it at the bottom of the ocean!

No no! Let's hide it on back side Moon. No soon they will be able to get there!

GM! And do not hide it on the edge of the universe!

And then the wisest of the gods said. We hide the truth in their hearts. And I am sure that they are in search of her will be devastated to the bottom of the ocean. They will look for her on the other side of the Moon and throughout the Universe, without even suspecting that it is so close.

What comes to life with coaching?

We asked to answer this question more than 70 people - our customers and participants of the program on the program "Coaching as a management style". The answers were very different, or rather diverse. Here is some of them

"Coaching wakes up in a man" Sleeping "resources, helps to dismiss the bootons of abilities, allows you to manifest itself and implemented talents," Ivan Z.

"The amazing discovery is awareness of the fact that the person inside him is the answers to all the questions he asks, it is only necessary to find them ...", - Natasha A.

"The world became multi-colored and I began to take pictures. I didn't even think that it would grow into something serious. Soon I have the first exhibition," - Natasha b ..

"I didn't even think that I could have time so much. As a second breath opened. And the mass of new ideas," Yura.

"The meaning is the most important acquisition. The meaning that is finding out inside you the very meaning, which as the light illuminates your way," Paul N.

"I earned a lot of money. No, not much, but a lot!" - Sergey P.

Someone answered very emotionally, someone consistently listed its acquisitions and losses. Yes Yes! Losses! Combining something, you lose something. Otherwise it is impossible. And it scares many. We are afraid of losses. Fully forgetting that grain abandoned in the soil, forever disappears, turning into a fragile sprout which is difficult to find in a ripe plant. So life is arranged.

All that is written about the personal acquisitions of a person concerns the organization. When coaching comes to the organization, it makes no sense - not just a business for money; and the resources hidden earlier begin to be used; and much more Employees have real pleasure from their work.

But about it a little more detailed in the chapters "Coaching for teams and organizations" and "Coaching as a management style".

Energy from the Future

But before asking others, we wondered by this question - and what has changed in our lives since we have become "skipping" coaching, like real naturalists, through ourselves? And looking back, we are experiencing, first of all, admiration - did we do this path? Now with surprise you remember a three-year old ago. Many things then seemed inaccessible, unattainable, and it seems like not very necessary.

And why did it all start? Let me boast, dear reader!

And let's go in a year we will have new 25 organizations! Said Alexander.

Come on! And we will make a new unique program - "Coaching as a management style", - added Marina.

In two years we will write a book, "Alexander said.

Yes, and spend the first Russian coaching conference! - answered Marina.

And since then it began, in large and small: the idea comes, pronounced "Magic" "will be so!", And forward! Often, the one who hears the next idea of \u200b\u200bthe other, the thought arises: "Can't be", "but she is very quickly leaving. Then we remember with laughter: "Remember what eyes did you have?" Over time, not only we, but those who next to us have ceased to be surprised by our fantasies. Our employees are just reminded: "Do not forget to inform us - what have you been invented there? We are accustomed to this thought." Yes, and we repeatedly convinced - how just "floats" in the hands of what is really important; how after some time "suddenly" everything is developing the best way. We wanted to television - the call: "We decided to make a program about you"; We decided that we need to go to the Moscow market - after some time, a proposal to cooperate from the Moscow consulting company; They thought to conquer the vertex, and "herself" the expedition to Elbrus was formed.

And such examples are many confirming that our thoughts and dreams are materialized if you do what you are really important. In this case, it is necessary to "just" help the world to help you. A huge amount of energy lures in our dreams. We create more and more new plans, constantly moving the horizon, and move forward, leaving behind what has recently seemed completely unreal. Looking at the traveled path, it is absolutely clearly aware - except for the achievements that you can "touch" with your hands, appeared and became part of us one of the most important things: the courage to desire!

This is also said to other people who let coaching in their lives.

"Coaching is energy from the future. Coaching allowed me to decide on the space of our world, to know its coordinates exactly: Where am I now? Where, with whom and with what I move in next instant? I had confidence that I can simulate my Life, as I wish, "- Olga.

"I needed confidence. Confidence is that I can achieve the result. Why did such confidence appeared? Because in the process of coaching, it was possible to solve several tasks to which I didn't know how to approach, it seemed simply impossible. A positive worldview appeared - Vera in the fact that unrealistic in this world is negligible and everything I need, I can get, "- Cyril.

"Coaching helps to achieve high goals, higher than you imagine at this real moment. You work for a long time, and it seems to you that something you do is good, and everyone likes it, and you like it, and where where are you Well, in your subconsciousness there is a thought that you can do better. The thought occurs in the subconscious and, in principle, it does not go anywhere, and in real actions it does not go. The setting of the goals that coaching is engaged, helps to get this thought from the subconscious Slap it, prescribe, imagine and just do real, "Galina

"I saw my goals and learned to respect them, otherwise, how to respect myself?" - Natasha.

But coaching is not magic! And, unfortunately, or fortunately, we do not possess the power of Sai Baba and do not know how to materialize the desired from the air, without taking off the place. The courage is desired - only the first step, or takes off. This is an incomprehensible wonderful feeling of flight when you allow yourself to form your dream when you are doing it, you are painting, draw it. The shoulders are spread, the eyes begin to glisten, it seems, that's about the legs will break away from the ground. Yes, here it is - mine! This is what I want. That's what? That's your decision? Well, let's see what is waiting for you on the way to her!

Labor, permanent work!

Labor awareness - What am I doing? How? And for what? Solved - I need there! But as I do not want to get up and go, making every day at least a small chamber. During the discussion of this topic, one participant told the parable, which he read from Osho:

Assemmed once rabbi his flock and says:

Jews, from now on you can do what you want: There are what you want, drink what you want, to sleep with whom you want, but, exactly the day before death you should start repent!

There was a sobral silence. And after some time one of the Jews asked

Ravi, how do we learn that we have one day left to death?

In! That you never know for anything. Therefore, start to repent right now !!!

You change your attitude to life. Change the quality of her stay. Despite everything! Surprise, and it happens and condemnation of others: "Did you think something to change? Why? Look at how others live, well, what are you sprinkling! No, you will not succeed! This is unreal !! Introduction, the feeling of guilt, especially at the time between The awareness that is desirable and necessary, and the beginning of the movement to this - you become myself for yourself. You already understand what is happening, that in fact it is important to you that for this you need to do, but keeps fear. Yes, and patience has not yet ended, not Very even got the old state of affairs. Scary and the unknown - and how will it be there ahead, and is it good, as it seems. Yes, and then, when you begin to exercise conceived, it is very unpleasant when you do not fulfill your own solutions.

It becomes simply impossible to lie yourself. After all, you understand how really everything is in your hands, repeatedly survived the success of their undertakings. Here you can not fall out on others, on the circumstances. Here, the role of Cucha, who acts as a conductor, not allowing the client to fall into laziness or self-called to the client. Together we find the optimal pace of movement towards the goal so that it is not traumatic or too slow. But despite this, the losses on the path of the bird of good luck are inevitable.

This is what people say this, who did not minimize anything from the selected roads:

"You become a foreign author in your organization. Colleagues and bosses first welcome your undertakings, initiatives, and then suddenly understand:" It looks serious! We don't need it. "And if you are not at the very top of the pyramid and you do not have enough authority, you are beginning to squeeze, reject, as the body rejected the foreign body," Vladimir.

Yes, really about 40% of the participants of the program "Coaching as a management style" changed the work. Many of them have passed through attempts to change anything in their organization, without leaving some time hopefully fulfill their ideas. Someone decided to immediately go there, where his skills will be in demand and evaluated worthy.

"Coaching asks questions and makes you give answers. It is not easy, believe me. This is the thread that stretches between your feelings, thoughts and your goals in this life. And this thread does not fail to fall down to you, in chaos of our life. To be honest With itself, the coach helps to hide in saving bushes. However, it's still not always pleasant, "Marina

Leadership and creativity

Decorating Life own hands - The position of the leader. Coaching allows you to become a leader on all of its 100%.

Recently, we have especially abroad, special attention is paid to the problem of leadership. Yes, yes it is the problem! Many smart, knowledgeable, professional employees. Little, very few real leaders. Training top managers and middle managers Cowching as a management style, we spend one simple, but very demonstrative exercise. We ask the participants to get up in a circle, tie your eyes. A rope is awarded in the hands. And we ask them to keep silence, build a square from the rope circle. What starts here! Someone falls into confusion, and remains in it throughout the exercise. Someone pulls the rope in front of them and freezes. Someone, "the most advanced" makes a straight corner in front of him and protects it to the end of the exercise. At the same time, the square is observed up to seven straight corners. It would have looked like it, if it were not for the pain that we experience every time. This exercise can only be done if someone takes responsibility for its implementation and is creatively suitable for solving the problem. Shows himself a leader! In this case:

Consists how you can build a square in full silence, and without seeing

Will find the courage to organize the construction process and take responsibility for the result.

But even the top managers of the largest companies refuse to show their activity. They begin to violate the rules: speak, check out, give the right, notice the right, tips. But even when the actions algorithm becomes clear to everyone, no one takes responsibility for introducing it into life. Why? There was no personal order !!! And how much is radically changing the situation when such an exercise is given at the end of training. It's nice to realize that the training of coaching, despite the fact that it is not focused on leadership, nevertheless, it grows up this quality in people!

"I am the Creator of my life, when I myself choose where, why and how I go. It is so nice to compose a melody of my life. If I allow myself to melt downstream, I become the performer, the performer of someone invented play. Horribly tired of playing someone else's music, "- Elena.

Loneliness is another side of the medal called "Responsibility for His Life".

Many things are becoming clear and simple as on the palm. It becomes just nothing to talk with others. Just so "Bazak" is not interesting, boring. Mix bones, relent details, discuss the problems - a waste of time.

"I used to go in a circle: according to my friends for pity, by colleagues for help and sympathy. And nothing has changed. I saw myself from the side. I changed, I began to do things that I did not expect from me, I became more likely to allow myself To say that I feel and feel. Everything was surprised. And I became bored with those people who previously considered friends. I saw envy in the eyes of some of them, in others - bewilderment, irritation. They for some reason they were not happy about what I was happy . Once I looked around and understood - I am alone. It was scary - suddenly it's forever? "

In general, everyone lives and without coaching! Something is acquired, something is losing. When you start to manage this process, life becomes bright, filled with feelings, new sensations, impressions, events. From everything around as if dust is erased, and the paints become alive, playing in the light, jump sun bunnieswho please and pull the eyes at the same time. Inexpressible pleasure is experiencing from what you do what really wants, and the joy of acquiring what is important to you. There appears the ability to create around itself the space that attracts the people you need according to the principle "similar attracts the like".

Most often a foreign word "coaching" (coaching) can be heard in the office large companywhich, by the nature of its activities, is associated with foreign firms and has access to the market abroad. An ordinary citizen is unlikely to say. Calls only a number of questions: what it is, "coaching", simple languagewhy and who needs it. Training is the same or something else?

Often it is a relatively young phenomenon confused with consulting in terms of business or psychology. But dare you to assure that coaching that helps people formulate their goals and achieve real results in professional activities and personal life, and only him belonging to the niche. Customers who received a similar service greatly improve the quality of their life, increase the overall level of knowledge and begin to feel more confident in terms of their creative potential. So what is coaching? What tasks he helps to solve? Let's deal with.

Coaching, which means this term

The word "coaching" comes from the English coaching, which means the process of training, tutoring or training. You can choose any of the three translation options that you like most. The one who helps learn is called that is a coach, a tutor or mentor.

What is the work of CUCH? Setting a large number of Questions to your client (perhaps that a man before himself never asked or did not want to do this), the coach allows you to look at the problem at a different angle. In the process of coaching in the consciousness of a person who addressed for help, there is a destruction of the current stereotypes and the natural formation of new habits. Moreover, the analysis of the entire Customer is carried out by itself, and the coach only helps him in this.

What tasks helps to solve coach

After going to coaching, you must clearly make aware that no one will solve your problems for you. And only you are the "blacksmith of your happiness." Well, what's the function of the coach? The role of the coach is as follows:

  • determine your desires;
  • highlight the main idea;
  • reveal what exactly does not give you to develop in right directionand help eliminate this problem;
  • find faith in yourself;
  • find motivation to work out effective solution to achieve their goals;
  • determine the main vector of development in terms of professionalism and life;
  • help see new horizons;
  • lower a plan to achieve your desires.

That is, the coach does nothing for his client. He just helps a person to find resources and make a specific action plan. The main goal of the coach is to summarize the client to the awareness of what needs to be done to achieve the target target. But the person will achieve this itself, and only himself.

Personality coach

Coach - Who is he? This is a successful and consisted person, all the time in the process of working on itself. That is, it is constantly developing not only as a professional, but also as a person.

To become a coach, you need to get an international certificate. Only so and nothing else. A coach is determined exclusively by the number of hours worked. Cauche must be:

  • Pleasant in communication. Then customers will be able to open up and tell about the sore.
  • Be trustworthy.

  • Be able to listen.
  • Set questions correctly.
  • Read the client's reaction to stimuli of different kind.
  • Be able to adapt the technique under each particular person.
  • Flexible. That is, not to put pressure on the client and be able to stop in time.

What is the difference between coaching from the training?

By big account . Formally it is believed that training is classes conducted with a group of persons, and coaching is solely personal work with the client. But who prevents the coach to work with a certain individual individual, and the coach is to advise many at once?

To whom coaching needs

He needed to those who wish to develop, understand fully and their desires, to reveal to all 100% its potential, improve their lives, as well as achieve significant efficiency of their business. And such people in our country are becoming more and more.

Who do not want to succeed in love, personal life or work? All. But not everyone knows how to do it. But not in vain said the goat of rods: "Want to be happy - be it." That is, everything is in the hands of the person himself. Just have questions that you have to help answer. Here it is necessary for the help of a professional coach, which, using a system of special questions, will help a person to decide on blocks that prevent him from approaching its goals.

Basic coaching bases

The philosophy of the method is pretty simple. Each individual:

  • knows what he wants;
  • i am confident that it is capable of more;
  • wishes to be successful and happy;
  • himself is responsible for how his life takes place on the planet Earth;
  • he knows that he can all if only wants.


Coaching affects a variety and it is quite natural. Based on this, coaching is divided into several types:

  • (or Life);
  • in the field of education;
  • career;
  • in the field of business;
  • sports;
  • in the field of management.

By the number of participants, coaching can be:

  • corporate;
  • personal.

According to the format of communication:

  • full-time (at a personal meeting);
  • correspondence (by phone or by Skype).

Life trainings

What is coaching in terms of life? The client wants to get rid of personal disappointments who pursued him in a past life, again believe in their forces (both physical and moral). Stop thinking in a negative key, to start positively thinking and act as you want, and not everyone surrounding.

In this, he can help the coach, who observing, asking and listening, provides him with support in adoption independent decisions Regarding the most effective ways to achieve the desired. The client increases self-esteem, he begins to appreciate himself as a personality, and also believe in his exception.


How to increase the motivational component of students to self-development? Is it possible? Coaching in education is able to cope with the tasks. As a result of the work of coaches, students begin to seek high results. Moreover, without any coercion by teachers. Cauche has been working with teachers, changing their attitude towards their professional activities and motivating to apply progressive learning methods.


What is coaching career? IN lately It is so called consultations about the assessment of their professional opportunities, career planning, choosing a certain way of development, as well as all issues related to the search for work.

Career coach is working with people who themselves want to create their own future, increase their income and rejoice in all that is positive what is happening.

Naturally, the coach does not offer ready-made recipes, and trying to inspire a person to find independent solutions and motivations to certain steps.

Business coaching

What does this mean in terms of business? Everything is very simple. The main task of this type of coaching is to help a person who has its own business (no matter, small or medium), to develop it in due measure. The coach must focus on a scrupulous analysis of the decisions taken by the head, and also determine how his personal life and friends affect the course of business in general.

The coach helps the client and his company to go to the cardinal new level development. Moreover, work is carried out not only with each leader and manager separately, but also with groups of employees. That is, individual progress is supposed to imply the development of a more efficient style of the leadership, as well as the development of motivational and emotional competence. Also provided and work in a team involving its cohesion to solve common tasks, Formation of a specific strategy and analysis of the interaction of employees with each other.

Business coaching helps the client learn to give the right and fast response to situations that may arise during the work, resolve the conflicts that have arisen and build work relations with employees.


This type also exists. How did you think? And who will save athletes from all those fears who are subject to? Who will help to cope with emotions and inspires confidence in future champions? Of course, these are coaches.

Coaching in the field of management

Coaching in this area is:

  • Motivation and planning.
  • Analysis of relations (professional and personal) between employees in the team.

What is coaching in the field of management? It helps employees to fully reveal its potential, learn how to work in a team, to become an initiative and more conscientious about their duties.


A similar type of coaching is carried out with a small group of persons (for example, employees of one department), which are combined with a specific goal (work on some project) and for which the team activity is very important.

In addition, members of one may resort to corporate coaching big family or sports team.


Individual coaching helps a person to uncover the potential that was not previously identified, to increase self-esteem, to concentrate on the real tasks and how to achieve them. Sometimes a person is not quite confident in its capabilities. Coach helps to go to a new round in development, achieve tangible personal changes, get rid of harmful habits, implement not only current, but also new projects, as well as balance your personal life with professional activities.

Coaching methods

There are several coaching formats:

  • A specially organized conversation coach with a client. It is called session.
  • The method assumed to use the questionnaire specifically prepared. Technology helps to better realize reality based on the analysis of the tasks. Moreover, the collection of information that is necessary to achieve a certain goal is, and the analysis of the client itself produces independently, but under the sensitive manual of the mentor.
  • Coach interaction with a person for help, with the involvement of yoga elements. The method contributes to a better understanding of the task and selection of activities to achieve it.
  • To ensure a better cooperation with the conversation client, it can be built using breathing exercises.

How to become Coach

How can you become a coach? To do this, it is not necessary to finish the higher educational institution and receive a diploma of a psychotherapist or a psychologist. There is no need. It is enough to be simple educated personimproving both in personal and professional Plan. And also have basic knowledge of psychology, and to be more accurate, on the psychology of communication.

Previously (10 years ago), the training of coaching could be carried out exclusively abroad. Today in Russia, such schools opened a great set. For example, you can apply for this issue to the International Coaching Academy and go online. At the end of the graduates receive certificates of international sample. The Academy is accepted both newcomers and professionals who have a desire to improve their qualifications. Why not!

Another option to pass coaching learning may be courses. They are organized either as master classes (with personal participation) or as online classes. Coaching can be useful not only to the leaders of large firms and their employees, but also ordinary peoplewho are not afraid of change and want to live in harmony with themselves.

Erickson and his principles

The method of the name of the American Psychotherapist Erikson, which in 1923 developed the technology of hypnotherapy, based on the features of the functioning of the human brain and psyche. The principles of scientist relating to how to control their lives and move forward to the intended goals, shocked the enlightened public. But life in practice confirmed the correctness of Erickson's ideas.

The method is based on three basic principles:

  • Any individual can make oneself to others, as well as change their attitude towards others, to the case he is engaged in strategies. Moreover, the results do not have to wait long.
  • Each person who applied for help has all the resources (sometimes hidden) to solve their own problems. Coach only helps to find best exit Of the situation, asking questions on a specific algorithm.
  • Changing personality is possible.

The core of Erickson coaching is the four-bed model. She confirms the idea of \u200b\u200bthe balance of spiritual and material: business plans and personal relationships, innovations and strategies, art and science.


Now you know what it is - coaching - simple wordsAnd also what tasks it helps to solve. Yes, this phenomenon in our country is still gaining momentum, but it can be confidently to argue that coaching is at all a useless event, but very necessary. By the way, coaching and Zhospara is the same thing, what was talked above, only for residents of Kazakhstan and their native language.

Why do you need coach? This question, for which, apparently, needs to be answered by each coach. My answers sounded like this.

Coach is needed to find their true desires, set goals and achieve them. In order to change your life for the better. To get rid of misfortunes, diseases and poverty. To move towards happiness, health and wealth.

The coach is needed to decide on their desires and clearly understand them. To reach the result faster and that the result even exceeds expectations.

Coach helps me understand my main values \u200b\u200band build my life in accordance with them. Coach is a conductor. He takes my hand and helps to go along the mountain path of life, not stupid and not fall into the break.

Coach is needed that with it I revealed my hidden opportunities. To see what to see that I can not see.

Coach is needed to help me quickly achieve your goals. To do your work at different times than I can do it yourself. To bring much more benefit to your customers.

The coach is needed so that I have always had clarity than I do, why am I doing this and what results I want to come.

The coach is needed in order for when I get involved in something else and lose interest in my goals, he will carefully return me back, remind you of the important thing in my life and in my goals. And it will help me to challenge them again. Thus, the coach helps me bring the conceived matter to the end to the result. And then rejoices and claps in your hands with me.

The coach is needed not to stop there. To connect all my possible resources. To overcome fears and self-skating, which occurs. To, when I start to deceive myself and look for excuses that I don't do anything, Cauche could show me this situation on some other side, with which I do not see her. And I have awareness - my God, I am contradict myself! I restrain myself!

The coach is needed that when I fall in spirit, I lose faith in my senses or in my project, he will raise me in his hands and will help you pass this difficult, but the necessary part of the path. He will breathe new forces and inspiration into me.

The coach is needed to have someone to tell their innermost dreams and secrets. So that you can tell someone your experiences and doubts. Share your fears and pain.

Coach helps me to establish tasks. It helps to draw up a current plan for a week and takes my obligation to follow this plan. And I follow him. And of course making daily simple stepsI'm moving towards my results.

Coach - this as a coach in sports. Of course, you can independently achieve the result. But the Olympic heights can be achieved only with the coach. This is all perfectly understood and accepted in sports. The same thing in life. The coach is needed in order to fill their lives with happiness, health and wealth with it. To fill your life with meaning and amazing results!

Promotion of new business services We usually begin with attempts to explain how "it" translates from "Business-English" to "Business Russian" and what "this" is not. Coaching is not counseling, not mentoring, not psychotherapy ... In simple translation from English "Coaching" means coaching. The meaning of modern coaching is the easiest to understand, tracing the history of its occurrence and development in the West.

American experts believe that the very concept of "coaching" invented American named Thomas Leonard. In the 1980s, he was financially advised by his clients (private and corporate), provided financial support and planning services. At some point, Leonard noticed that his most successful customers want not just consulting, but more "personal" councils in the field of professional life. We repeat that these were people wealthy, American successful, who occupy leadership posts in business. Some of them wanted to learn and learn new "response technologies" to events in professional situations, someone suffered because everything was already achieved, and did not know how to formulate the goals of further life. Leonard, a person with experience in the field of consulting and psychology, took to help them. And in order to "formalize" the service, the name "Cauche" has accepted for itself. So born coaching.

In the American environment, the word quickly gothes. It is clear to the cult of success to the success of the Americans that a personal trainer significantly increases the chances of winning. In the 1990s, coaching got widespread, appeared different kinds Coaching, his ideology has formed. Coaching began to share for "personal" and "business", as part of each direction "subspecies" were formed. Now in the US, there is even "coaching of pensioners." Over time, many experts stopped satisfying the rustic concept of "coaching". To provide the service is the best "promotion", some authors have become the concept of "coaching" from "Co-Achieving" - "co-achievement". Product with more "global" sound and costs more.

Coaching is not ... this is "yes"

Most articles written by professionals begin with explanations that coaching is not consulting, not mentoring and not psychotherapy.

In Consulting, the client buys from a consultant ready decision Problems. The consultant, of course, argues its proposal, but does not teach the client to solve problems at all. In the future, the bought decision is not applicable at the slightest change in the conditions of the problem.

In mentoring, a more experienced person conveys his knowledge less experienced. In this way, you can learn the experience of the mentor and try to apply it in your work. But the mentor cannot teach a person something that he does not know himself.

In psychotherapy, the patient helps to understand the mistakes committed in the past. The psychotherapist then offers a way to correct in the present the psychological distortions that were initiated by an error.

Unlike the above, the coach helps the client learn to solve problems in a new way, respond to phenomena, orient in situations, set goals and achieve harmony in their activities with environmental. Of course, CUCH client is not a patient psychotherapist. In personal coaching, these are managers or top managers, bright personalities who have passed the next professional stage in the life and want to master the new one as effectively. The coaches are usually searched for a "task". This VIP coaching can be explained using an analogies from education or sports.

For example, a student at the University studies "Technology" of management. Then begins to work and in practice comprehends how to apply them in the work. This is a regular training. A personal training begins when the virtuoso coach helps him understand which of all possible technologies are most suitable for his personality, his character, its resources. "Suitable" from the point of view of its goals, of course. And in this work, the coach inevitably should help the customer better understand his personality and its goals at this stage of life.

People are very difficult to do this work independently, because for this you need to look at yourself at some point. We do not do this and use a small part of our resources. With a newcomer or ordinary employees, no one will mess around - but the top manager has the ability to gain a coach and develop its advantages up to new heights.

Another example can be taken from equestrian sports. Even outstanding riders, the Olympic champions need a coach. Just because they do not see from their landing. Need someone who does not sit with you on a horse, and intently looks at you from the side and comments on what is happening. Of course, the champion coach is not limited to this - he helps the rider to reveal individual opportunities to the end. And he always takes into account the nature of the athlete and the horse on which the athlete rides.

When the need is born

From the point of view of "big business", coaching is a natural step in the development of the service sector for management.

By the second half of the twentieth century, management in developed countries became utilitarian. The leaders became companies that were introduced into production new technologies. And maximum efficiency was achieved using management technologies. "Technology" and "Efficiency" are key concepts in the worldview of that era. The ideology of personnel management has developed on their foundation. Hundreds of thousands of highly qualified, correctly motivated "management-managers" fastened the huge mechanisms of transnational corporations.

But the constructed system grew to some limit, and then began to grow themselves. Efficiency in many large companies by the end of the century decreased, Western managers in their mass began to lose a creative start - despite the motivation. Again, the need for leaders and leaders, creative personalities. And the practice gave birth to new ideas and funds. Coaching is one of them.

We can say that coaching is a work tool with " virtual Realities»Business through improving the principles of work of those people who determine the life of the company. Non-standard solution The head of some kind of fatal problem can, on the scale of the corporation, bring profits in tens of millions of dollars - sometimes even without investment. If there is a coach that is able to help almost every leader develop further, then the demand for this service is guaranteed.

With increasing numbers of people who received positive coaching experience for new services All new and new areas began to be opened. Gradually arose sophisticated specialization: coaching for top managers, financial, marketing, organizational development, personnel services, coaching in the field of small business, in the field of partnership, leadership, team, special projects, etc. There is also motivational coaching, coaching troubleshooting, time management, coaching style and professionalism, career, achievements ....

In the 1990s, coaching entered Russia. And still looking for a place on her immense expanses.

Russian coaching

In Russia, coaching passes the same way that consulting or corporate trainings defeated him. Recall how these services were approved in the 1990s. Initially, little-known concepts appeared, then they became fashionable. There were firms that ordered consulting or trainings from "specialists" - and received a portion of useless chatter or reprint from our management tutorials. Expensively shielded (in the literal) for his experiment, these firms have long acquired immunity to proposals from "professionals." Nevertheless, large companies (Moscow or Western investments) meaning of services understood and made them demand. After some time, the market began to stabilize, a positive appeared practical experience, business reputations have been formed. The matter went.

This happens with coaching, only before stabilization here is still far away. Some of the modern Russian coach won their first customers on the same principle as American Thomas Leonard. They successfully worked in the field of business counseling or learning, had communication with interesting leaders and at some point felt that they could earn coaching. After all, the starting capital in this area is the confidence of people who can be your customers. If the qualification allowed, they did a successful debut - and then the gradual development began.

Over time, coaching services have begun to offer companies engaged in learning. They have a client base and the possibility of coaching as one of the company's services. I must say that so far in Russia (and in any other country of the world) very few companies or people who would be exclusively coaching. Most specialists have other occupations and sources of income.

Together with the birth of a new market, charlatans and amateurs are fixed on it. Despite the fact that high-quality coaching in Russia, according to specialists, is very poorly developed, and the overwhelming majority of successful examples account for Moscow and St. Petersburg, who want to "practice" Russian top managers every year becomes more. In principle, any Economic University Countries can hold a coaching seminar for their students or a retraining course for people with diplomas. After that, some graduates give ads in the media and the Internet about their readiness to work as a coach. Naturally, the leader is with all his life and professional experience since the time of restructuring - these proposals cause laughter. In order to teach such a person to some "delights" in building life and functioning, the coach itself should be a person not less than bright.

Criteria for evaluation

So, I will present the situation: the "business athlete" of X is looking for a personal coach. Perhaps X is the top manager of a large company that has grown up to strive for the most efficient management, to his "personalization". Or in the work of the management companies there is a problem, the elimination of which is in the competence of the X. Or X wants to enjoy your achievements, discover new techniques of behavior, attitudes towards situations and people, make their lives more interesting. Or reorganize work so as to get greater leisure. How can Iks find a good coach under his task?

You can contact a reputable company that offers coaching among other business services. In some of the companies, the customer is offered to meet with several candidates for the role of the coach and choose who will like more. But the appeal to the company engaged in coaching does not guarantee that the client will receive the VIP-level and does not experience frustration. Kuchi themselves cannot conclude an agreement - how many, for example, in St. Petersburg "real" specialists (and who can generally be considered "hereby").

Others find the coach on the recommendation. Recommendation is the most reliable quality certificate in coaching. After all, there is no formal reason for classes in this type of activity. The work of the coach is not certified, they did not create a single association. Both in business, and in personal coaching successfully operate "coaci individuals". They go from one cooperation to another, do not enter into associations, do not organize companies. "Organized" coaches call them "shadow" coaches. For the client, only the result of cooperation with the coaching is also important, and not disassembly in their environment. If he is satisfied with the result, then leads the coach of the new client.

However, most experts express the idea that the development of coaching in Russia is stabilized. Certificates, associations and uniform approaches to specialist training will appear. In the meantime, the selection criterion remains the correspondence between the personality of the coach and the expectations that the client has before handling.

If we talk about the criteria for assessing cooperation, most of the specialists are proposing to navigate the client's results. When the client company develops, its turnover increases, new interesting projects, New goals, the client himself begins to go to those positions that he dreamed of and to whom it was striving, it means that the work of CUCH was effective.

Work process

In working with coaching general principleswhich are traced with any variations. First, the coach is always a "man from the side." He can not be a member of the team nor a partner of who works with. Under any circumstances, it remains an external, independent specialist. It is able to keep confidentiality of information, to establish trust relationships with the client and empathize with its successes and failures.

These are elementary requirements, without doing no sense to talk about the future. Of course, it is good when relationships begin with something more familiar, less personal than coaching. For example, with consulting services. If the Client felt confidence in a consultant as a person and as a professional, then consultations become individualized, naturally develop into joint work on the implementation of the client's goals. In this case, the issues of payment are much easier. The client creates an idea of \u200b\u200bthe degree of "exclusivity" of the service and determines how much he is ready to pay for it. And the coach decides how much energy and time it can in such a payment to invest in support of the client. In addition, both can adjust their positions with the circumstances.

But experts seek to coaching an independent area of \u200b\u200bservices. For this relationship it is necessary to formalize, work out the rules of the game. Today, the coaching process already has some such rules.

Usually collaborative work begins with an interview. During the interview, it is determined which the client of the goal and expectations. In fact, the interview lays the foundation. Cauche makes for himself psychological picture client determines its strong and weak sides (From the point of view of the goal, of course) and formulates its position. Coach and customer discusses the present and future of their partnership, at that moment their compatibility is determined - from "ideological" plans to technical issues of payment. If the relationship is folded, coaching begins.

It may include individual consulting on business and personal matters; determination of the basic psychological advantages of the client, its successful behavioral strategies, key problems and restrictions in order to further correction and compensation; Personal trainings; psychotherapy, individual work With significant persons from the nearest client's environment. And, of course, support - participation in the customer's daily business life (meetings, negotiations, decision-making, public performance, various recommendations, up to the choice of wardrobe, office design, etc.).

For the real coach, it is very important to clarify his "life mission" with the client. After all, people often fall into the situation when subconsciously seek to one, and the mind formulates other goals. This happens under the influence of the environment, or tradition, or habit. It is necessary to understand what the client actually wants, - then coaching will bring him maximum benefit. For example, the client wants to become a market leader, or to enter the international arena, or take a stable position in the local market and devote himself to the family, or become a billionaire, or to realize his ideas, or get fame.

And when the real purpose is defined, the coach and the client are planning ways to achieve it. For this, it is most important to understand - what the client has resources. It is here that it is almost impossible to do without the help of a personal consultant who looks at the client's situation on the part. The consultant helps the client to take a fresh look at himself and its business, include internal reserves, cover the motivation system, develop personal potential, correctly position itself and form an appropriate image.

Of course, if the coach sees that the goal of the client is unattainable, he must tell him about it. This coach respects himself and its client. He organizes the information field to him, helps to identify the pros and cons of certain decisions, offers some possibilities for compensating for the refusal from one purpose or another. But the decision-making still remains for the client. Condakingly speaking, if the sixtieth-year director of the Bank will put a goal to become a cosmonaut, his personal consultant is obliged to submit to him a real picture. If a person still insists on his own, he must be ready to be responsible for the decisions made.

Coaching in Russia is gradually developing, because it promises customers high results. Negative examples, the "mastering" of the market brake, of course, its development, but cannot stop. Customers who represent coaching capabilities continue to look for the coach even if the first attempts turned out to be unsuccessful.

training schedule 2019 in Kemerovo - Click on the picture!

Coching - This is a conversation between the coaching (specialist) and the client ("champion"). As a result of this conversation, an irresistible image of the future is created, from which the client can no longer refuse. He wants to get it so much that he begins to act. If short, coaching is the ability and ability to dream and inspire. Coaching helps to open inner genius, reveal its inner potential.

The coach is a person who asks questions and thereby helps the client (champion) to make a plan and start acting! What else does the coach?

  1. Asking questions
  2. Accepts the client as it is
  3. Exhibits sincere interest in his "champion"
  4. Orienses the future and helps the client orient him
  5. Supports through questions, gives supporting feedback
  6. Helps to bypass psychological internal blocksLimiting beliefs.

What does not do the coach?

  1. Does not impose his point of view
  2. Does not appreciate, does not allow interpretations
  3. Does not get stuck in the negative past of the client. He goes only for the positive past.
  4. Does not dominate communication, does not give advice and ratings.

Coching - this is a work on creating a future through the setting of magical issues, work on the creation of "Champions". In the coaching coach and the client ("champion") sit together and look in one direction.

Task Coach - Create such an atmosphere where the client relaxes where it begins to show his creativity in this atmosphere. Thanks to the coaching focus of the client's attention happens on a positive. And it follows what the client wants.

As a result of the coaching session A person himself makes up his action plan, he himself assesses the result, it affects himself and takes responsibility for the result.

Coach does not change Human values. It explores the true needs through questions that the client actually wants ("Champion"), why does he need it.

Some confused concepts and coach are called mentor. This is not at all, because the mentor is a narrow specialist in anything expert.

COOH - this is not an expert at all. And the coach can be a mentor for anyone. He can be a mentor for the financial director, without understanding the accounting record. Coach is not a mentor. The mentor always transmits his experience, and the coach helps a person to reveal its potential.

Cauche session steps

The simplest coaching session occurs in 4 stages.

Stage 1. - inspiration.

This is the stage when questions are asked. This stage gives a stimulus to go beyond some restrictions and doubts.

  • "What do you want?"
  • - "What are you dreaming about?"
  • - "What is your goal?"
  • - "What are your desires?"
  • - "Tell about it, describe it, what do you want such a large thing."

Stage 2. - Implementation, writing plans

Questions asked at this stage:

  • - "How do you see how to achieve this?"
  • - "What strategies see?"
  • - "What are your plans to achieve this?"
  • - "How could this be done?"

Stage 3. - initiative

Questions asked at this stage:

  • - "Why is it important?"
  • - "Why do you need it?"
  • - "What else does it give you?"
  • - "What is important there for you?"

Stage 4. - Completion

  • - "How do you understand that you achieved this result?"
  • - "For what criteria will you understand?"
  • - "How do you see what came to your goal?"
  • - "How will I see it?"
  • - "How others see it?"

This is the easiest coach session 🙂

But not all suitable for coaching!

there is three types of people By levels to openness to changes:

  • 1. Poslanders:

These are people with the consciousness of flies that see all the bad, focus their attention only on the bad. They seem to want change, but they do not believe at all. Their psyche is set completely. They do not believe that they can. They only focus on what they will not work. Moreover, they receive a huge buzz from some suffering, from failures. There are secondary benefits. First, you don't need to do anything, you do not need to take responsibility. They justify themselves and accuse others. And they get a certain taste from it, pleasure when they justify themselves. It gives them calm, security, because you do not need to take responsibility, you do not need to answer. Well be in the comfort zone. They can perceive information, but just pretend that they perceive it. In fact, no changes will be. Coaching does not fit them.

  • 2. Visitors:

They are wondering, curious, but not so interesting that they are ready to work, take responsibility, talk about it, explore it. They say: "Well, yes, but it's not about me! I am so special. I have my own concepts, beliefs. I know how to do it. I myself will achieve my result. "

  • 3. Reactors (creators):

They believe they want, they know what they want. Or at least can explore this issue with coaching. But they do not know how to achieve it. They need to give tools, knowledge, help in this plan reaching. They act. For them, coaching is perfect.

Coache session structure:

  1. We conclude a contract
  2. Create the result, what we want
  3. The client writes his brilliant plan
  4. He can evaluate its plan and analysis
  5. Let. homework. Determine clear terms, dates, specific steps
  6. We ask what was valuable, which was important.
  7. Thank you

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