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Complete guide to remote work, based on personal experience. What is a remote job and how to succeed, working at home

I am convinced that remote work is the future of our planet. Not in single manifestations, as it happens now, but on the scale of the entire population of the Earth. Today, technologies are developing with mad speed, and sometimes it seems to us that we are the heroes of a futuristic book.

Technological progress is stunning, striking, inspires and scares at the same time. But one thing can be said with absolute confidence: a person has never had so many opportunities in any life sphere. This is especially true of work - the main component of a person's life. In this article, I want to consider in detail changing consciousness The phenomenon of the XXI century is the possibility of remote work.

What is a remote job

It would seem that everyone understands that remote work is when an employee is not tied to his workplace, and performs its professional function "remotely". The ability to work remotely appeared with the development of the Internet, when the participants in the intellectual labor market have realized that it is possible to transfer the results of work and receive new tasks using a computer and a global network, without having to sit at a particular table in a particular office.

The concept of remote work developed an American Jack Nilles. In 1972, he expressed the idea that it was not necessary to keep employees in the office, since modern means of communication allow you to maintain contact between employees at a distance. The authorities showed interest in the development of the idea of \u200b\u200bremote work, seeing the solution of transport problems in it, acutely stood in cities. A new organization of labor could afford to solve these issues, and at the same time to provide the work of the population of remote rural areas.

Nevertheless, in many cases, people who work remotely still look with the square, identifying them with anything, but only with not honest labor. Most people, absolutely does not understand the phrase "remote work", despite the fact that the most most of the most every day uses all the benefits of the Internet.

Believe me, I know it is not a bit. In our day, ask: "How do you work remotely? Do you have your own business? What do you do? How exactly do you earn? " It seems that people have the impression that remote work - for some elected. This is not true! Remote work is not a business, not hack and not deception. Just people are divided into two types: those for whom the Internet is entertainment, and sometimes the murderer of the time, and those for whom the Internet is a sea of \u200b\u200bopportunities and a tool for earning.

Remote work is common work with an employment contract, schedule, weekend, paid leave, supervisors and subordinate, workdays, stress and grandwords. All like on classic work In the office, only outside the office.

Than remote work different from freelance

I noticed that many confuse remote work and freelance. Nikita is often referred to as a freelancer, although it is not so. In fact, remote work and freelance have only one common feature - the Internet as a way of communication. Everything.

The word "freelancer" is literally translated from English a "free worker". This means that the freelancer is not connected with any company, it works for various companies, different customers, and is looking for them on their own. Perhaps the freelancer is registered as individual entrepreneurHe has his own website where he describes his services, or glory goes on the Internet, and customers themselves find it. Maybe he is an active participant in such specialized sites as or customers and performers of any service find each other.

Freelancer is in a free flightHe has no schedule, chief, teams and most often there is no permanent job. there is different projects - One or five to twenty a month - who bring revenue to him. It is already depends on the specialization and authority of the specialist. A remote worker has a permanent contract with one company, Fixed working day and fixed monthly salary. It is not free in the choice of projects and tasks, he does what His leader tells him. Maybe he himself leads someone. After all, today there are whole "distributed" teams, where all employees work from different cities And even countries.

Why remote work and earnings on the Internet are different things

There is another big confusion in the concepts. And I really want to place all the points over "I". What is a remote job, you already understood. Now let's figure out what is the earnings on the Internet.

Work on the Internet is the fulfillment of certain actions that make a profit, but the work process and the results of labor do not have to go beyond virtuality. I will not consider everything possible methods In earnings on the Internet, I will give only examples. There are special sites where any Internet user can perform tasks and receive money for them: put likes, leave comments, subscribe to publics; In addition, there are sensational binary options and other financial operations, which can be obtained in which money can be obtained; There are all sorts of info products - courses, lectures, e-bookswhose authors also earn.

What is the difference from remote work and from Freelance? The Internet in such a job is not just a communication tool, but directly material for earnings. Roughly speaking, remote work and freelance are possible without internet - Specialists perform the task of the house (for example, make cadastral calculations or accounting reports) and personally bring to the office on the flash drive or send documents by mail. The Internet is not needed. Namely, "earnings on the Internet" without the Internet is not possible.

Myths about remote work

Myth 1. Remote work is very difficult to find.

Reality: Find a remote job is also difficult, as well as the usual work. It all depends on your knowledge, experience, personal qualities, goals, etc. The remote positions also need to be interviewed, tests, show your portfolio.

Myth 2. Remote work is not suitable for everyone.

Reality: The remote labor market is developing with each day. I am sure that in a couple of years, even the typical "applied" professions of the type of doctors, teachers and even cleaners will find themselves in remote work. The spectrum of remote vacancies is much wider than we used to think.

Myth 3. Remote employees get less than office.

Reality: Perhaps at dawn remote work, as phenomena, such discrimination took place. Now it is not.

Myth 4. A remote worker cannot build a career.

Reality: If you understand the main thesis of this article, then this myth is no longer relevant for you. A remote worker is a regular worker, and if he is worthy of raising, it will increase it.

Pros and cons of remote work for employee

pros Minuses
Freedom of movements: A remote employee can work at home, in the park, in a cafe, on the beach, travel around the world.Permanent search good Internet: Any most fabulous job for work may be a hell for a remote employee if there is bad Internet.
Comfortable workplace: Warm bed with hot cocoa, a hammock between palm trees, a surf noise - anything for your inspiration. You can work naked, in pajamas, without makeup and hairstyles.Water costs, toilet paper, electricity and the Internet are your care, the company does not pay this. Also, you yourself provide yourself with the necessary equipment.
Saving time on the road and fees: no need to get to the office with traffic jams or on the subway. In addition, there are no morning stresses. Saved time can be spent on family, self-education and rest.Merry drunken corporate standards with colleagues will no longer. Although, for someone it is a plus.
There are no extra distractions from the workflow: the colleague at the adjacent table will not be taken to jokes, and the lunch break can no longer devote to the discussion of the New Year's gift to the boss.New Year's and any other gifts you will not have. But in a noisy cafe can also prevent your productive work.
If you are an introvert, it is impossible to present more ideal for you.If you are an extrovert, then you will not have enough communication for a cup of tea, collective jokes and the opportunity to make new friends. Although remotely, you can also be deleted.

Pros and cons of remote work for the employer

pros Minuses
A remote employee is more motivated: it is not obliged to sit in the office eight hours. He fulfills his tasks, the faster he will fulfill them, the more personal time he will have. As practice shows, more often, remote employees work even more than eight hours, because They are passionate about the task and want to complete it.Set up the competent work of the "distributed" team is not so easy. It is necessary to thoroughly consider the reporting system, communications, online plates, and so on.
The selection of the applicant is not limited to one city: you can choose to your team of the most talented specialist in the industry, even if he lives in another country.The personnel service should be ready for the procedure for the official design of remote employees. This will attract additional operations, for example, shipping contract, registration of remittances, etc.
Saving costs for renting a workplace and wear equipment, as well as other accompanying spending: A remote employee assumes the costs, for example, for the breakage of the computer.If the employer does not provide employee necessary equipmentHe has no right to demand certain things. For example, in the case of force majeure: the breakdown of the computer, turning off the electricity or landing in the place where the employee works, the work will temporarily be suspended, and it should always be borne.

Rating demands of remote professions

I studied the several largest Russian and international sites, which regularly publish new remote vacancies, also analyzed the popular pages with current proposals on working on social networks. Based on this study, I am a rating of the most sought-after remote professions today.

  1. Information Technology: Programmers, all kinds of developers, HTML-vestors, SEO specialists and others.
  2. Financial sector: Banking specialists, accountants, experts - estimates, financial managers of projects and others.
  3. Sales: Sales Managers, Call Centers and Other Operators.
  4. Education: All sorts of tutors, coaches, student authors and others.
  5. Administrative sphere: Assistants, application collection administrators, text decoding, database operators and others.
  6. Media, Marketing, Advertising: PR specialists, SMM specialists, copywriters, journalists, Internet marketers, site editors and others.
  7. Hr: Specialists in recruitment, personnel managers and others.
  8. Design, photo, video: Graphic designers, web designers, illustrators, photo and video, video editing, creation of video clips and so on.
  9. Consulting: Project managers, consultants and others.
  10. Others: Translators, tourism managers, insurance agents and others.

Ways to find a remote job

For most people, the search for remote work is an unknown mystical ritual, seasoned by wild dances and entry into the selection of the Favorites. Many told me that remote work is available only to residents of megacities, although the idea of \u200b\u200bremote work just breaks any binding to geolocation. Let's look at three basic ways to find a remote job.

  1. Talk to your boss. Maybe he wants to translate you to a remote position with a visit to the office once a week, and then at all without participation in weekly planners. Personally, we had such an experience, it works in practice. Even if your company has no remote employee yet, you can become a pioneer.
  2. View numerous job search sites. Even on the same, more than 12 thousand remote vacancies are available today. There are specialized sites for finding precisely remote work. I will write about them in a separate article, because I have accumulated a good basic resource base.
  3. Consult profile specialistswho professionally prepare people to remote work, help retracted if it is necessary, advise, traineled and help with employment. Today there are many free consultants for remote work, as well as webinars, books, articles in which experts are divided by secrets to find a remote job.
If you are really interested in remote work, but absolutely do not know where to start, I advise you to pay attention to. "RD2" is one of the most dynamically developing companies in the field of online learning remote work. The company was founded in 2012, and today is an international organization that teaches the remote work of Russian-speaking people with more than 30 countries in the world on five continents. The company's team consists of 65 people, and all employees work remotely from different parts of the planet.

The company conducts unique trainings that help people find their strengths and apply to earn money in a new sphere for themselves. Company motto: "Deleted work will be found for everyone"that I fully share.


Remote work allows you to manage your life, gives more freedom, more opportunities, and this is exactly what the average middle-service manager dreams of any country. Large international corporations have long been practicing a partially remote schedule for employees, and young effective startups generally rarely consider standard offices as a space for the workflow.

In Russia, remote work, as a phenomenon just starts his way. IN big cities everything more companies Open remote positions, and people still strive for such work. But in our mentality, such a strange approach to work still does not yet fit. What is evidenced by numerous misunderstandings, myths and stereotypes regarding remote work.

Unfortunately, I did not find any polls, nor concrete statistics on this matter. Only on personal experience I can say that among the youth of the whole world, remote work is not just fashion trend, and the most acceptable lifestyle in which work, family, travel, leisure and hobbies are combined balanced.

I have long collected information and my thoughts on this, so the article turned out to be big. I hope you take it as a basis for reflection and your own conclusions, and not as the truth in the last instance. Share in the comments what you think about the remote work? Do you have such an experience? What would you add to my theses?

Next article

We all heard about remote work. Modern means Communication, the digital world that surrounds us creates conditions for efficient business and comfortable life. We do not need to go to the bank to pay utility bills. Having made a purchase in the online store, we pay it using electronic payment systems, and the goods will be delivered to the doors. What does remote work mean for ordinary person? Is remote work suitable for students, workers, engineers? What skills are needed? Should I make it the main source of income? Questions mass, and answers ... even more. The Internet is littered with various offers and vacancies. Let's try to figure it out. As an example - work on KWORK.

Advantages of remote work

  • The first advantage of remote work is the lack of a mandatory place of collecting employees. You are not attached geographically to your employer. There is no tedious road to work and from work. There is no need to buy a business suit, follow the dress code, sit on the plates, eat all the "charms" of office life.
  • The second advantage is the level of wage. The employer may be from anywhere in the world. The standard of living is different everywhere. The cost of one and the same work can be very different both in the greater and in a smaller side.
  • The third advantage is the time of work. Basically, pay for the action performed. How fast and at what time of day you do it - depends only on you. There are, of course, such a remote job on which you need to be in touch with ... and before ... in a certain time. For example: Call center operator or online consultant.
  • The fourth advantage is social equality. The floor does not matter, age, appearance, number of children, religion and health. The main thing is how professionally work performed.

Disadvantages of remote work

  • The first and most importantly - the need for strict self-discipline and responsibility.
  • Second - on creating a workplace it is necessary to spend your own funds. But it can be made as comfortable as possible for himself.
  • The third is the uncertainty of career growth. However, no sensible employer will not give up services good employee.
  • Fourth - there is a risk to run into fraudsters. But no one is insured and on the usual work.

To whom first of all is suitable for remote work and where to look for it

Considering how such a type of activity is rapidly developing, remote work is suitable for everyone and a high-class specialist and a person with a small experience. There is quite a lot of special sites in the network - stock exchanges created for communication between customers and performers. For example - KWORK freelance services store.

Work on KWORK.

KWORK is a new service format for searching for remote work. The creators took as a basis the idea of \u200b\u200bselling services at a fixed price of 500 rubles. The performer creates a CVKK - a service card in which it describes in detail what it will do for this amount. More precisely for 400 rubles, as 100 rubles Commission of the system. The customer takes the number of quractors you need to the basket, as in the store and pays. The artist performs work. Runs to check the customer. After confirming the correctness of the execution by the Customer receives payment. Everything is very simple.

The service creates the most comfortable conditions for working as a performer and the customer. Registration Simple - use email or account on social networks. After registration, you must fill in your personal profile. Write briefly about your skills and experience or in which area you can specialize.

Now you can go to the creation of Quicks - Card Services. Describe your services in detail. Since all the quractors are divided into categories, then when creating various fields will appear for filling. Very good hint. Expensive services can be divided into several kvkkov. The kvk then goes on moderation. If everything is filled correctly and complies with the rules, the service appears in the showcase.

Created kvk remains active year. If necessary, it may be temporarily disabled.

KWORK service is a guarantor of compliance with the customer's rights and the rights of the Contractor. The customer will not be able to not pay the work performed if it fully complies with the description in the Quarter.

The reputation of the artist (stars) is an important indicator for a potential customer. It affects it both the number of orders made and customer reviews.

Dream work is a myth or reality? According to statistics, a very small number of applicants manage to get a good, interesting and highly paid job. Many are looking for suitable vacancies for many months, and, often, search attempts are unsuccessful.

But even if you work, it would seem, on a good position - you can always experience discomfort from the workload or complex relationship Inside the team. The rabid rhythm of megacols is strongly tiring and people experience stress from early awakening, delays in the service, unexpected Avrals, harsh critics of bosses.

A large number of employees think about changing the workplace. But will it be a panacea? The most enterprising people are thinking about opening their own business, because it is always pleasant to work for yourself. As practice shows, your business business is troublesome and requiring large costs. In this case, one option remains, remote work or freelance.

Remote work is an opportunity to work at a convenient time and do not depend on the location. The main thing is to have the Internet. An employer no matter how many hours a day you work and where you are. He is only interested in the result.

What is the difference between freelance and remote employment?

Some people confuse these concepts and believe that freelance and remote employment is the same thing. But these types of work are diametrically opposed to its essence. Remote employment is usually official.

You find a suitable vacancy and sign all necessary documentation Without special problems e-mail or in the office of the employer. And Freelance is a job without a guarantee of official employment.

Work on stock exchanges or collaborate with customers directly and receive money on the implementation of a particular service. But, by habit, freelance is also called remote work. It seems that the removal is a real paradise.

Remote work requires high self-organization

You are sitting in a warm home setting or for a cup of coffee in a cafe and, slowly, perform your work responsibilities. But this is far from that. Sometimes it is very difficult to work remotely, you should know many nuances and be ready for underwater stones in this area.

Pros and Cons

Do you think that remote work completely consists of advantages? Absolutely no. As in any case, there are their advantages and disadvantages. Pros of remote work:

  1. Free labor schedule
  2. Savings on the road, lunch, office clothes
  3. Choosing a deployment site. It is important that the Internet is always at your hand. You can live in a major megalopolis, a small town or even in a small village. Employer is not fundamentally your location
  4. You yourself manage your working time and rates for your work.
  5. You will never be denied employment due to external view, floor or age

Now let's talk about the minuses of remote work:

  1. It is necessary to have a self-discipline, laziness - non-disabilities for such employees
  2. Ghost career growth prospects that directly depend on the working capacity and professionalism of the employee
  3. Hypodynamia, no motivation look good
  4. Lack of verbal live communication with other people
  5. There are risks of meeting with an unfair employer

As you can see, the pros and cons of such work is mass. Select or not remote work - to solve only you.

Who can be done remotely?

To work remotely, you need to know which specialty are the most popular. With the development of the Internet, communication between people has grown significantly. And now you can cooperate with the employer, being even at the other end of the country. Electronic payment systems allow you to quickly and instantly pay any remote work.

Pretty developed remote cooperation:

  • in the advertising sector (selling links, customer search, placement of banner and media advertising);
  • in the field of web programming, site construction;
  • services of qualified translators are in demand;
  • in the field of filling sites content (, rewriting, seo copywriting);
  • in the management and document management (courier services, operators for call centers, sales managers for some other products)

Who gets remotely? The choice of profession should depend on your qualifying knowledge and skills. If you do not understand anything in the principle of seo-optimization of the site, then you will not be able to start effective work Web master.

But if there is a desire to master a new profession, you can always find special free learning courses. It is important to know that the degree of income will depend on your professionalism. There are no certain rates for remote work in the world of remote work, some famous freelancers receive up to 300,000 rubles. per month.

But the achievement of such high goals will need a lot of time and hard work.

How to find a remote job?

First you need to decide in what area you would like to work. There are two main ways to search for employers for remote work: at the place of residence and through specialized exchanges in the worldwide network.

If you see the sites of famous banks, delivery services, advertising agencies, you can see that they often need managers, couriers or specialists in support centers. There are similar ads on well-known portals for finding a job.

For the employer will be a plus if you personally come to the interview and show your professional level. The following option is the search for remote vacancies, these are the so-called freelance trading. On these exchanges, you can easily find customers in order to fruitfully and for a long time to cooperate with them.

There are sites where only work with text material is required, the so-called copywriting exchanges. On other exchanges, you can work not only by the author of texts or translator, but also a web programmer, designer, artist. The most popular sites for remote labor:

The two largest markets of Freilance Runet, a lot of vacancies for workers appear on the site every day.

The site on which employment with remote workers is officially executed. There are several directions for activity (travel case, banking, insurance).

Text stock exchanges for copywriters. The most famous of them:

Sites for remote work, which will be useful to programmers:

Exchange for personnel workers and lawyers:

There is still a huge mass of the Freelance Exchange, which can be found easily on the Internet. Work on them is based on partnerships. The worker performs a task, taking into account the requirements of the customer and receives a certain amount of money for this.

Plus such work is that the possibility of earning is not limited, and minus lies in the inconstancy of earnings. Yes, and officially get enough impossible if you do not take into account suggestions from the website.

If you are attracted to official employment, then you can look at the proposals of banks, delivery services, insurance organizations, providers providing telecommunications services. Good managers are always required.

How to protect yourself, working remotely?

Having painted obvious advantages of remote work, do not forget that there is a mass of fraudsters on the labor market that they want to take free to someone else's work. Particularly often in the network of unscrupulous employers come across newcomers who do not know how to behave with the customer in a difficult situation.

Fraudsters are calculated on the confidence of potential employees and use a wide variety of deception schemes. There are several rules whose compliance will allow you to receive from remote work only positive emotions:

If you are able to remotely officially, be sure to look for information about the reputation of the company, examine the reviews of the workers, the license from the company itself labor contract.

Require an employer an employer contract
  • Working on Freelance Exchanges, closely treat the proposals of cooperation directly.
  • Never agree to work without prepayment.
  • Create a favorable impression about yourself, work over your portfolio.
  • Always go out with the customer for contact, try to communicate.
  • Do not agree to too generous offers, evaluate your strength.


Using these simple tips, you can start working remotely. When choosing a similar system of work, it is important to calculate your strength, select the most suitable specialty for yourself, and remember that your earnings, first of all, depends in many respects from your self-organization.

If you are interested in earnings via the Internet, then be sure to subscribe to my newsletter! Subscription form is below.

What is a remote job: an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of remote work + 5 the main differences between the remote employment from freegens + 5 promising professions for work at home.

Distant work - it is a phrase that in lately Always on the hearing. Especially often it can be heard in conversations of students and pensioners. But what is a remote job, and what is the difference between such a kind of employment and freelance, not everyone knows.

Let us consider in more detail the concept of remote employment, its pros and cons, analyze the differences from Freilance and tell you what specialties will be allowed to be successful without leaving the house.

What is remote job: a detailed explanation

Remote work is made to call such a type of employment, in which the regulation of the workflow between the boss and subordinate is carried out through the phone or the Internet, in other words, remotely.

Features of remote work:

    Organization of the workplace at home.

    Unlike other state employees, you work at home and decide all the questions with the authorities and colleagues through available tools Communication.

    Official employment.

    Despite the fact that you do not work in the office, you are an officially employed employee of the company.

    Clear work schedule.

    You have certain working hours, as well as office staff. You are available days and leave.

This way of employment has already become an integral part of the workflow of leading companies around the world. In Russia, remote employment is also becoming increasingly popular.

Recently spent statistical studies It indicates that by the end of 2020, 20% of all employed Russians will work remotely.

This is largely due to the fact that the spectrum of professions allowing to work remotely, expanding every day.

But big choice Professions suitable for remote employment is not the only reason for which many employees prefer. Some people simply cannot work in the office, as they combine employment with other activities.

That is why remote employees most often are:

  • Studentswho want to get additional earnings without interrupting the learning process. Most often, young people choose the profession of translators, call center operators, programmers.
  • Women on maternity leavewho want not to lose professional skills and earn a little. Very often young moms during maternity leave Continue cooperation with their employer, only remotely.
  • Pensionerswhose pension is insufficient for life. Many managers Rado provide retirees remote jobs, since such employees have extensive experience and can be positively influenced on other subordinates. These include lawyers, accountants, financial analysts.

Advantages and disadvantages of remote work

1. The benefits of remote work.

    Comfortable workplace.

    The first plus of remote employment is a workplace at home. You can organize it as you want to you. No longer have to sit in a noisy, stuffy office, full of people.

    Freedom in the organization of working time.

    This statement, unfortunately, is not always true for remote work. After all, if you work the call center operator, your working hours are strictly regulated. But the rest of the professions often do not require working from 8.00 to 18.00. The main thing is to be in touch due to the time.

    Saving time and money on the passage.

    Since you work at home, you no longer need to get up to get to the office. Also do not have to spend time on the evening traffic jams on the way home. And for the passage you do not need to pay anymore.

    Free shape of clothing.

    Remote employees should not follow the dress code. You can wear comfortable clothes and not spend money on the purchase of another costume.

    The ability to combine employment with other affairs.

    If you do not have to work strictly in time every day, you can combine your work and with study, and with motherhood. In addition, you can take breaks when you feel the need.

Remote work has enough advantages, which explains its popularity. In addition, as practice shows, remote employees earn at the level of regular, and sometimes more than them.

But you should not forget about the shortcomings of this type of employment.

2. The main disadvantages of the remote organization of labor.

    Arrangement of the workplace at its own expense.

    If during the remote work, you need a laptop or other office equipment, then you will have to buy it for your money.

    Problems with the organization of working time.

    In cases where the employment contract strictly does not regulate your working hours, it will not be easy to force yourself to work. Because of the wrong organization of labor, you can work on weekends and on holidays. Therefore, you need to think seriously about time management.

    Insufficient communication with the boss.

    It happens that due to the lack of live communication with its bosses, the employees are harder to carry out the tasks, as there is no possibility to quickly clarify the working nuances.

    Lack of communication with colleagues.

    If you are a sociable person and love to work in the team, the lack of communication can become a certain problem. But if you have enough friends, the problem will decide by itself.

In a word, remote work, like other types of employment, has its advantages and its shortcomings. Therefore, it is remote or not, depends directly from your capabilities and preferences.

Remote work and freelancing: 5 main differences

When we are talking About what remote work is, many mistakenly believe that remote work is freelance. But this statement is incorrect. Despite the fact that these two concepts are very close, they have many significant differences.

While remote work is the same job, only at home, Freelance is self-employment. Freelancers themselves are looking for customers, choose projects over which they want to work and organize workflow.

Let's call 5 most significant differences between freelancers and remote employees:

Top 5 Professions for Remote Employment

Now that we figured out that it is a remote job, analyze which professions with remote employment are the most promising, and where to look for vacancies.

Because remote employment and freelance are different concepts, it means that the search options for working proposals will be different. If freelancers are engaged in finding free projects on freelance excavations, then remote employees use other sites to search. But first things first.

Let's start with promising professions for employment at home.

№1. Programmer.

Programmers have many years have been the most demanded staff all over the world. But since good programmers are not very much, the demand for this profession does not fall.

This is one of the most popular distance specialties, because the main labor instrument of such employees is a good computer. In addition, programmers are quite closed people and work remotely for them - a big advantage.

On average, the salary of the competent programmer is up to 200 thousand rubles.

Where remote programmers are looking for work:

  • - Playground, which specializes only at job work jobs in IT technologies. More than 32,000 companies place their vacancies here, 35% of which are proposals to work remotely.
  • - A large platform with a large number of vacancies on an ongoing basis. IT technology offers are updated every day, there are many options for remote employment on the site.
  • - One of the largest platforms on which more than 50,000 topical vacancies are published daily. Here you can find a job as remote and office, regardless of the profession.

These platforms are arranged according to one principle. You just need to go to the site you are interested in and, using the specified search words, find the desired vacancy. Consider this on the example

Similar sites allow you to quickly find a vacancy. The main plus of such sites is that all companies hosting their vacancies are checked, and there is no risk of cooperation with an unscrupulous organization.

№2. Translator.

Translators, as well as programmers, are in demand by experts. The salary of experienced translators is up to 150 thousand rubles.

Very many popular translation agency are gaining remote employees. This is due to the fact that such a profession does not require the mandatory availability of office space.

Another plus of such a profession is that you do not need to have special education. Enough, everything else can be learned during the work.

The most popular translation agency that allows you to work remotely:

  • Transsevrope ( - Translation agency that hires translators to the state on a remote basis. It is possible to cooperate and without registration.
  • Translink ( - an organization that is engaged in all types of translation services. Here are looking for regular and freelancers.
  • Partners ( - Translation agency in Moscow, where you can find a vacancy of a remote translator with registration in the staff.
  • Lingvo service ( - You can find the vacancies of the translator for the remote form of employment. Perhaps employment by a regular and freelance translator.

The search scheme of vacancies on these sites is the same as those considered above. Each site has requirements for applicants. We advise you to study them in advance to have more chances to get a job.

Number 3. Designer.

Designer - This is another profession that will allow successful person, working at home. You can work both regular and web designer.

Wages of remote designers reaches 120 thousand rubles. The only nuance of such a specialty on distance based - that will convince the potential employer in your professionalism.

These platforms have many offers for staff members, but also offer vacancies for those who want to work remotely. In addition, here you can find a job, even without having experience in the design area.

№4. System Administrator.

The system administrator is an employee of the company that monitors the stable operation of the servers. This profession is ideal for employment at home, since all the problems administrator can solve remotely.

Payment of such a profession is very good - up to 150 thousand rubles. But considering some nuances of this specialty, not everyone can take the position of the system administrator.

Features of the profession of the system administrator:

  • Certain knowledge is needed to start work in this area.
  • It is important to be in touch the whole day, since the server failure may occur anyfit.
  • Required employee qualities: attentiveness, operational, responsibility.

If you have such qualities and have an idea of \u200b\u200bthis profession, then this specialty for you. The purposeful specialists of this industry, working remotely, often exceed their office colleagues in the wage level.

To find a vacancy for the position of a system administrator, it is worth using platforms discussed for the programmer profession.

Want to figure out what remote work is?

From the video, you will learn what it, who has the opportunity to work remotely and how much can you earn:

№5. Sales Manager.

Sales Manager is a profession that is rapidly gaining popularity today. And with it there is a popular remote way to organize the work of workers in this area.

First of all, it is very profitable to the most employer. He does not need to spend money on the maintenance of the office, especially since working as a sales manager even more convenient.

Qualified specialists receive salary up to 300 thousand rubles. This figure does not give up at all wages professionals who work in the office.

Search for vacancies on this position is best on the online venues of vacancies, which are posting thousands of jobs every day.

List the largest of them:

    One of the largest platforms to find a job. Here daily published a huge number of vacancies - both for the office and for the remote. There is even a special section for remote employees.

    A very convenient platform for searching for vacancies on which offers for specialists of all areas. There are convenient filters that allow you to find the most appropriate job.

    Large platform of vacancies, allowing to search for vacancies by cities, companies and categories. Here you can also find suggestions on learning for the necessary position.

The main thing when searching for remote work on these sites is to fill out an advanced search in order to find exactly what interests you.

For example, you want to consider offers on site First you need to follow the link and in the search window Select Search for positions:

Next, select the advanced search in which you specify the parameters you need and be sure to specify that you are looking for remote operation:

If you all have done correctly, you will appear a list of vacancies with remote employment. Now you can start choosing offers of your interests.

We called the 5 most promising professions for remote employees. All of them have one big plus - you can succeed in these specialties, even if you have previously worked in another area.

Let's summarize. We defined, what is a remote job, analyzed what the differences and the main advantages and disadvantages were called. Also familiarized with promising professions and popular sites To search for remote vacancies.

Remote employment - New in Russia, but very perspective way Labor organization. Is such an option to employ you, decide for yourself. You may have already ready to give preference to remote employment, and you can be prepared in a few years.

Determine your interests and achieve your goals ...

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Most of us got used to work "on Uncle". We live according to the "House-Work-Home" scheme or, more precisely, the "House-Cork-Cork-Cork-House". Sometimes on weekends, it is possible to meet friends or get out of the whole family on the weekend. Vacation - on schedule, root and engage in personal affairs in a convenient, usually working, time is not recommended at all.

Pros and cons of remote work

Not everyone is ready to put up with these shortcomings and restrictions. Therefore, such a form of work is rapidly gaining popularity. distance work at home.

It should be noted that the concept of remote work came up with American Jack Nilles back in 1972. Already then existing means of communication allowed employers to support contact with employees at a distance. After 7 years, the term "Flexiplace" was invented - "flexible workplace".

Now, thanks to the development of the Internet, it works and earns without leaving the house, a huge number of people around the world. These are men and women, pensioners and students, moms with babies in their hands and professionals who are tired of daily many hours of trips to work. There are many types of remote work at home. And everyone, whether it is a high-class specialist or a person with a little experience, may choose the appropriate option.

Modern businessmen willingly take away remote employees in their teams. It is very profitable: no need to rent a room, buy furniture and office equipment, hire service staff. People who live in different parts of the globe are fulfilled all the work. If, at the same time, the work of remote employees is organized correctly, then the company's customers will not even understand that the staff is not working in a single office, but at home in comfortable conditions and according to individual graphics.

Pros of remote work

  • No need to spend time and money on the road to work and back.
  • Free work schedule.
  • You can live where you want (and there is internet).
  • Himself owner: you can freely dispose of workday, rates for services and work with customers on your own choice.
  • No need to be afraid that the employer will refuse due to age, gender, appearance, or the presence of young children.
  • You can work people with disabilities and weak health.
  • It is possible to choose such work, where communication with people will be minimized (for some it is very important).

Cons of remote work

  • It is necessary to support self-discipline and high responsibility.
  • The prospects for career growth are not always clear.
  • Problems with excess weight and health generally because of low mobility, a large load on the eyes, no motivation look good.
  • In some regions, there may be expensive and / or slow Internet.
  • Limiting the "live" communication with colleagues (although "minus" dubious).
  • You need to spend your own money and time to arrange a remote workplace.
  • There is a certain risk to run into fraudsters.

By the way, since 2013, the legal regulation of remote work has been provided in Russia. According to Labor Code RF, remote work is officially referred to as remote operation. A labor agreement on remote work can now be concluded not in paper form, but to sign using an electronic signature. This allows you to find official work at home and reduce the risk of fraud by employers.

If you are attracted by the "pluses" of remote work at home via the Internet and do not confuse "minuses", then you can easily find yourself remote work In the soul and in accordance with your abilities, including as a part-time.

The next time we will talk about the most popular online professions and about what parameters you can or part-time at home to.

Remember the words of Confucius: "Find a job in the soul, and you will not have to work in your life."

To better understand what is a remote job, see a small video movie about people who are successfully working through the Internet. They share their feelings from new form Works, they say about what has changed in their life for the better.

According to the books of the book "24 Internet professions, or how to work without leaving home."