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Most popular electronic platforms. Best B2B online

Signature for trading "Basic"
Signature for trading "Extended"
Signature for trading "Maximum"

Federal Ethp.

  • Unified Electronic Marketplace (ETP) - RoselTorg.Ru
  • Sberbank-Ast -
  • National Electronic Place -
  • All-Russian E-commerce System -
  • RTS-tender - RTS-Tender.Ru
  • All-Russian Universal Marketplace "Russian Auction House" -
  • ETP GPB. Section "Public Procurement" -
  • Specialized ETP for closed trading AST GOZ - ASTGOZ.RU

Commercial EtP.

  • 223etp.zakazrf -
  • -
  • -
  • RhTorg -
  • -
  • Universal electronic trading platform ESTP.RU - ESTP.RU
  • EtPrf -
  • IceTrade. Unified National Information Resource of the Republic of Belarus - IceTRADE.BY
  • EtP of the State Registration Herald -
  • PropertyTrade -
  • Group of sites - OTC.RU
  • Onlinecontract -
  • RB2B -
  • Region-AST - Region-ast.Center
  • SakhaelTorg.Ru -
  • Zakazrf. Section "Implementation of Property" -
  • Zakazrf. Section "Electronic Exchange Platform" -
  • Zakazrf. Exchange platform of the Republic of Tyva -
  • Zakazrf. Exchange platform of the Sakhalin region -
  • -
  • Autodor-TP -
  • Electronic Marketplace of Agroholding "Siberian Premier" - SIBPRIME.RU
  • Alfalot -
  • Ms service. Trade and Procurement System -
  • Arbitrat -
  • Auction + (auction plus) -
  • Siberia Auctions -
  • Auctions of the Far East -
  • Auction competitive house -
  • Auction Tender Center -
  • Auction Center -
  • Baikal Tender -
  • Baltic ETP -
  • Bankruptcy RT -
  • Belarusian universal commodity exchange. Section "Electronic Marketplace" -
  • Stock Exchange "St. Petersburg" -
  • Stock Exchange "St. Petersburg". Section "Transneft" - ETP.Spbex.Ru
  • Verdict -
  • All-Russian electronic trading platform (WETP) - trade-platform-WETP.RF
  • Trading system "" -
  • Automated system of electronic purchases PJSC Gazprom (ASEZ) -
  • Eurasian Marketplace -
  • Unified Trade Agregator (Eate, Birch) -
  • Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information -
  • ETP Section "Property Bidding" - Sale.RoselTorg.Ru
  • Electronic Marketplace of Krasnoyarsk -
  • Crimean electronic trading platform -
  • Interregional Electronic Trading System (Mats) -
  • National Electronic Exchange - NEB24.RU
  • National Center for Marketing and Prices -
  • New Information Services -
  • Non-profile assets - non-profile assets
  • NEP. Section "Property Bidding" -
  • NEP. Bidding on 223-FZ -
  • NEP. Section "Bidding by overhaul" -
  • Trade System "Defenseorg" - Oborontorg.Ru
  • Portal Procurement Group of Companies Peak -
  • Prom Consulting -
  • Profit -
  • PTP Center -
  • GLAD. Section "Bankruptcy" -
  • GLAD. Section "Auctions" -
  • GLAD. Section "Purchases on 223-FZ" -
  • GLAD. Section "Pledge Property" -
  • GLAD. Section "Privatization" -
  • Region (St. Petersburg) -
  • Region (Ufa) -
  • Rosseti -
  • Russia online -
  • RTS-tender. SME section -
  • Universal trading platform Sberbank-Ast -
  • Sberbank-AST. Implementation of block freight transportation of OJSC Aeroflot -
  • Electronic Marketplace "Network Company"
  • E-trading platform CJSC Siberian Agrarian Group -
  • Siberian Marketplace - SIBTOPTRADE.RU
  • Electronic Trading Platform "Power" -
  • Electronic Bidding Systems Salt -
  • Electronic trading system Property -
  • Trading System "Specstroytorg" - SSTORG.RU
  • Stroytorgi -
  • Bidding 223 -
  • Torg-i. EtP St. Petersburg International Commodity Exchange (SPBMTSB)
  • Tender Garant -
  • Tenderstandard -
  • ETP "TEK-TORG" Section "Rosneft" -
  • ETP "TEK-TORG" Section of JSC "Russian Railways" -
  • ETP "TEK-TORG" Section "Gazprombing"
  • ETP "TEK-TORG" Section "Inter RAO UES" -
  • Smart purchases. Intelligent automated system -
  • Universal Electronic Marketplace JSC Russian Railways (WetP RZD) -
  • Ural ETP (UETP) -
  • UGMK -
  • Federation -
  • Purchase Automation Center - Etpcaz.ru2017
  • RT procurement development center -
  • Electronic Capital -
  • Electronic Volga Systems -
  • Electronic Auctions Siberia -
  • Standard -
  • ETS24 - ETS24.RU
  • South Electronic Marketplace (YuETP) -

The signature for trading "Extended" gives an additional opportunity to participate in the auction on:

  • AGC Glass Russia -
  • B2B Center. B2B -
  • Eltorg -
  • uTender -
  • ETS. EtP "Eurotransstroy" -
  • Joint Marketplace -
  • Manufacturer. Space Group -
  • Realization Center - Centerr.Ru
  • Stork -

Signature for trading "Maximum" gives an additional opportunity to participate in the auction on:

  • Section "Purchasing GK GAPROM" -
  • Section "Purchases of corporate customers and a shopping portal of the procurement of small volume" -

Today, most of the procurement is made through the Internet. Therefore, it is quite unreasonable that federal trading platforms began to be gained great popularity, on which all transactions are made without paperwork, that is, exclusively in electronic form. This type of earnings especially came to the taste of Russian entrepreneurs, as the tenders are an additional way of earning. However, to receive income, participating in such a project, maybe anyone.

What is electronic trading platforms

The ETP is sites created specifically for procurement using ordinary portable computers. Thanks to open access in the auction, any business entity can take part.

On electronic trading platforms, all the necessary data on the product are presented, as well as on working conditions on the resource. Thanks to ETP, customers and performers interact with each other by electronic document management.

By and large, the electronic resources of this type can be compared with online stores, where people offer or buy a certain product or service.

Varieties ETP

Electronic federal trading platforms are classified for several features. First of all, the level of their influence on buyers and sellers is estimated.

Also, the ETP is distinguished by the control method. Based on this parameter, the playground can be:

  • Independent. In this case, it will be regulated by a virtual operator.
  • Clean. Services of such sites are engaged in licensed commercial enterprises.
  • Industry. Most often, such etc.tes are characterized by a narrow specialization (for example, petrochemistry, defense, etc.).

By the number of participants there are:

  • Federal. In this case, an individual entrepreneur, but a state institution, acts as a customer. Most often, federal trading platforms are used for large state procurement.
  • Commercial. Such resources are created both suppliers and buyers or third parties.
  • For private trading. In this case, private persons who want to buy assets or realize them independently become trading participants. A good example of such a site is the EBay service.

There are smaller resources on which private trade is carried out (for example, online shopping), as well as sites for the sale of private ownership of the state debtors. Separately, it is worth considering a list of federal shopping areas and commercial resources.

Federal Ethp.

On the services of this type, the state budget is used as the calculated funds. Based on this, all transactions are drawn up as state order. Large businessmen are trusted by this ETP, since in this case they are guaranteed to receive declared payments. Consider the top 5 federal shopping areas.

RTS tender

Every week on this platform is turned up to 20 billion rubles. This proves the popularity of this resource. To personally make sure these data, it is enough to register on the federal trading platform and go to the section "About the company", where all statistics are presented on the latest transactions. Any user can analyze the situation in a certain region.

The main advantage of the RTS is to search for the specified parameters. For example, you can specify a certain federal law or other conditions.

To use the resource, you must install special software and certificates on your computer. The browser setting is carried out in automatic mode. For those who are not yet ready to participate in trading personally, a training center has been created, where you can pass on the customer or supplier.

Those interested in accreditation on federal trading platforms is enough to go to the appropriate section where you can also receive an electronic signature or bank guarantees.

Unified EP.

This platform appeared in 2005 and initially it was carried out exclusively trade auctions from the government of St. Petersburg. After 4 years, the resource received the status of a single ETP and today it is included in the top 50 most successful companies in the Russian Federation. A variety of bidding is carried out on the site and state procurement are carried out.

ETP Sberbank-Ast

This platform was born a little earlier, in 2002. Today it is recognized as the most authoritative in its segment. On the basis of Sberbank-AST every year up to 50% of tenders, whose owners are state customers.


The main plus of this site is the ability to use the resource not only through the Standard Internet Explorer browser, but also with Google Chrome. As well as on the previous ETP, this site is carried out exclusively government auction. However, for commercial entrepreneurs, an additional service from the MICEX called "manufacturer" was implemented.

In all the rest, this resource is not much different from other federal shopping areas. Here you can also get accreditation and electronic sample signature.


The main founder of this ETP is the Bank of Moscow, whose share is 48% and the Government of Moscow (52%). You can also find a huge number of other state customers (Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.). In the total amount today on the Rosseltorga website you can find more than 3 million different companies.

This ETP also provides training services (remote or full-time). In addition, the Rosseltorg website periodically operates property trading. Technical support for the service works daily without breaks.

Commercial EtP.

In addition to the sites described above, you can find a huge number of other resources in the network that allow individuals to take part in the auction.

If we talk about the differences of such sites, then on the commercial EPP registration is usually paid. In addition, large customers who prefer to carry out large-scale purchases of a variety of assortments of the products are mainly "found" at the sites of this type.

The commercial ENP system helps plan future actions and collect statistical data on already perfect operations. Also, they can monitor the needs of buyers and offer them the most profitable product.

In addition, on such electronic sites can be participated in special competitions and auctions, which are usually aimed at attracting new customers.

Also many entrepreneurs are attracted by a wide one represented on similar resources.

If you correctly position and promote your enterprise, periodically expand the range of products, then you can achieve excellent results. The more active the interaction with potential customers, the more profit can be obtained.

Hello, dear (Aya) colleague! The trend of modern purchases is such that most tenders are carried out in electronic form. Even in the public procurement sector, the transfer of paper procedures to the electronic format is scheduled. Therefore, not far from the mountain is the time when absolutely all state procurements will be carried out through electronic procedures. As you understand, such electronic procedures are carried out on specialized sites on the Internet, which will be discussed in today's article. From this article you will learn: what kind of electronic trading platforms, which types of sites exist in Russia and what advantages they give to customers and suppliers.

1. What is an electronic trading platform?

By the already established tradition, I will start an article from the definition.

Electronic stockpad (ETP) - This is the site on the Internet, which are held(Procurement). The electronic platform combines a complex of organizational, information and technical solutions that ensure the interaction of the Customer (Buyer) and the Supplier (Seller). Such interaction is carried out through electronic document management.

In fact, at present, any Internet resource can be called an electronic trading platform, with the help of the sale and sale transactions between buyers and sellers.

Customers (buyers) are a bid organizers, thereby optimizing their costs for the purchase of goods, works or services, and suppliers (sellers) post information about their products or services.

The mediator between the customer (by the buyer) and the supplier (seller) is the electronic platform operator (owner of the Internet resource).

In order to work on the ETP buyer and the seller must necessarily have. About how to get it in detail written in. And also to work on the site I need registration andon it, otherwise, you can only view the information placed in the open part of the site.

The site visitor who has passed the accreditation procedure becomes either the customer (organizer of trade procedures) or a bidder (supplier).

2. Types of electronic trading platforms

There are several types of electronic platforms.

Firstly These are federal (budget) trading platforms or, as they are also called - B2G sites (Business-to-Government). These are platforms in which enterprises and government agencies are customers. Such playgrounds are used to organize public procurement.

Secondly , these are commercial electronic platforms, i.e. B2B sites (Business-to-Business). On these sites, customers are commercial organizations.

There are electronic platforms that are created and supported by buyers (Buyer-Driven). In order to optimize your procurement process, one or several large companies create their own shopping area to attract a large number of supplier firms.

There are platforms that, on the contrary, are created and supported by large suppliers (Supplier-Driven or Seller-Driven). Such companies are interested in expanding the sales channels of their products.

And finally, there are sites that are created and supported by a third party - an intermediary between sellers and buyers (Third-Party-Driven), this category of sites is the most numerous. This type of platform in turn is divided into sectoral and diversified. Industry are created for one specific enterprise, for example, for Gazprom or Russian Railways. Multi-sectoral platforms on the contrary are not limited to the nomenclature of only one enterprise.

Thirdly These are e-commerce platforms between private individuals C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer). A bright example of such sites is an electronic auction - At such sites, some individuals can sell goods to other individuals.

Fourth This is a retail electronic commerce system, where the seller is a company, and buyers are mainly private individuals B2C (Business-to-Consumer). Most often it is online stores, such as, and others who sell a large range of consumer goods.

Fifththis is an ETP for the sale of property of debtors (banks). Such platforms are designed to automate the procedure for conducting trading when selling property of debtors during the procedures applied in bankruptcy in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 26, 2002 No. 127-FZ "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" and the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 495 July 23, 2015

Federal trading platforms of electronic trading

The list of federal shopping areas was determined by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the FAS RF as part of a special procedure and only budget organizations (state and municipal customers) operating under the contract system (federal law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-ФЗ "may appear on customers. About the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, works, services for providing state and municipal needs "). All federal platforms have free access.

Currently, the state procurement is carried out on 5 federal electronic trading platforms (FET) is:

1. CJSC Sberbank - Automated Trading System "(Sberbank-AST)

This is the subsidiary of Sberbank of Russia. To date, the most popular electronic trading platform in Russia. The site began work on July 1, 2009. State and corporate procures are held on the electronic platform, as well as the sale of bankrupt enterprises.

Site platform - .

2. JSC "Unified Electronic Trading Platform"

The largest electronic trading operator for state customers and commercial enterprises. ETP JSC was formed in 2009. The company's founders are: the Government of the city of Moscow (52%), Bank of Moscow (48%). The main customers in the public sector are such subjects of the Russian Federation as Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Republic of Bashkortostan, as well as a number of major departments - the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and others.

Site platform - .

3. FSUE "State Orders Agency, Investment Agency and Interregional Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan" (Electronic Bidding System)

The site appeared in 2005 and originally served the organization of the Republic of Tatarstan, but subsequently expanded its scope.

Site platform - .

4. RTS - Tender LLC (RTS - Tender)

The playground was formed in 2010. In October 2015, a section on property trades was opened at the RTS-tender electronic platform, and in December 2015 - for procurement according to law No. 23-FZ and commercial procurement.

Site platform - .

5. CJSC MICEX - Information Technologies (ETP "MICEX-IT")

The platform was formed in early October 2010, under the control of the MICEX, the operator - CJSC MICEX-information technology. Customers - Federal Treasury, Federal Service for Defense Orders, Nizhny Novgorod region and others. The site also pass property trading and purchases of 223-ФЗ.

Site platform - .

Commercial trading platforms of electronic trading

In addition to the 5 above federal shopping areas, there is a sufficiently large number of commercial ETP.

On commercial sites in the role of the Customer, any legal entity or any individual, including an individual entrepreneur.

Each commercial electronic trading platform (ETP), as well as the Federal (Budget) has its own address on the Internet (its website).

One of the differences between the commercial ETP from the federal is that the connection (participation) is paid to these sites. However, there is a possibility of free participation in procurement in some customers, or the cost of such participation (connection) is symbolic.

Commercial electronic trading platforms are divided intoindependent (publicly available) andprivate (corporate) platforms belonging to specific organizations.

Corporate trading platforms are focused on large customers with large volumes of procurement and a wide range of goods and services. Such sites make it possible not only to use electronic auctions, but also provide procurement planning, collecting and analyzing inventory needs (TMC), holding contests and auctions, qualification selection of suppliers, reporting and analysis of procurement activities.

Public sites have a different purpose. They form an information space for effective interaction of suppliers and customers as part of a particular industry. The main advantage of such sites is a wide client base due to competent positioning and promotion, a constantly expanding product catalog and a large number of participants. As a result of work on such sites, it is fairly easy to obtain advantageous offers and delivery conditions.

The exact number of commercial sites is quite difficult to determine. In open sources, information is found that there are about 5-6 thousand such sites in Russia. However, the most popular of these 5-6 thousand sites are about 100 ETP.

Association of Electronic Trading Plates

The most popular commercial electronic platforms are included in the "Association of Electronic Trading Plates" (AETP).

This association includes:

  • Federal etc.tes;
  • Groups of sites;
  • Commercial trade and procurement systems;
  • ETP for the sale of property;
  • International trading systems.

In order to familiarize yourself with the full list of such sites, you need to go to the site of this Association - .

3. The main platforms of electronic trading

As you have already managed to understand, sites for trading are very and very much. Each such platform has its own specifics, the procedure for accreditation, tariff plans, etc. Therefore, each customer and the supplier himself has the right to choose on which platform it will work. Accordingly, a set of such sites each may have its own.

The most popular federal platforms are:

  • CJSC Sberbank-Ast (more than 39% of all state transparencies in electronic form are carried out on this site);
  • RTS-tender (more than 26% of state procurement);
  • JSC "ETP" (more than 25% of state procurement).

From commercial trading platforms the most popular are:

Electronic Bidding Center B2B-Center

This is a system of electronic shopping sites, established in 2002, JSC "Center for Economic Development" for corporate sales and procurement.

The B2B-Center electronic trading center allows 43 types of trade procedures, both purchases and for the sale of goods and services. The system unites purchases of various sectors of the economy: energy, petrochemistry, metallurgy, automotive industry and many other industries.

The advantages of the B2B-Center system are: stable and reliable operation, a large number of customers, a convenient and understandable interface, configure the automatic distribution of tenders.

Site platform -

Shopping portal "manufacturer"

The largest Russian and foreign companies produce electronic purchases on this site. The site presents a wide range of tariff plans, both for participants and for bidding organizers. Some tariff plans do not require accreditation on the site.

Site platform -

Sectoral and interregional electronic trading platform "Auction competitive house"

This is a company that provides a wide range of legal, consulting and legal services in the field of bidding and is one of the leaders in the Russian Federation by the number of auctions carried out for the procurement of goods, works and services.

Main activities:

  • organization and conduct of trading in the form of auctions and contests of various levels of complexity and responsibility (conducting trading in electronic form, contests for the selection of investors, auctions for the sale of property, etc.);
  • the implementation of the functions of the official sectoral electronic trading platform of the State Corporation Rosatom.

Site platform -

4. Electronic platform functions

Electronic platforms perform the following important features:

  • placement of procurement information;
  • search for information on procurement on various criteria;
  • search for information about organizations operating in ETP;
  • view purchase documentation;
  • personal account for providing applications for participation in trading procedures;
  • cash management on account;
  • conducting electronic procurement procedures (auctions, competitions, proposals requests, etc.);
  • feeding requests, signing contracts;
  • analysis of various performance indicators of organizations;
  • protection of information (use of electronic signature).

Let us now consider with you, what is the advantages of working on the ETP for customers and suppliers.

Advantages for customers:

  1. Saving work time, because Conducting electronic procedures much easier than paper;
  2. Reduction of expenses for the organization and procurement;
  3. Transparency and openness of the procurement process due to a decrease in the influence of the human factor;
  4. Honest competition, excluding unfair employees with "its" suppliers.

Benefits for suppliers:

  1. Fast and convenient search for information about holding new purchases;
  2. Expanding the market for the sale of their goods, works or services;
  3. Transparency and open procurement process;
  4. Healthy competition, excluding non-counseling methods of fighting;
  5. Reducing the cost of time and preparation of preparation and submission;
  6. The possibility of participating in the auction from anywhere in the world (if there is a computer and Internet access).

6. Conclusions

And so, summing up all of the above, you can make the following conclusion. In the Russian market there is a sufficiently large number of tender sites for any purpose and objectives. Electronic tender sites contribute to facilitation of work, both for customers and suppliers. Customers can minimize their costs for purchasing procedures and find a supplier with the most favorable conditions. The transparency and openness of the procurement process increases, corruption risks are minimized.

And at the end of today's article I suggest you to see a small video about the electronic trading platforms:

That's all. I hope that the information was useful for you. See you in the following issues.

P.S.: Put like and share links to an article with your friends and colleagues in social networks.

The National Association of E-commerce participants (Nouture) presented the rating of federal electronic trading platforms to Russia.

Recall that in September 2009, the Ministry of Economic Development selected five electronic platform operators authorized to conduct trading in electronic form in the state order sector. The selection was carried out for a five-year term, and in September of this year, new platforms will be selected, where federal, regional and municipal customers will be able to place trading. Four years out of five work went under the law 94-ФЗ on state procurement, six months in accordance with the new law 44-ФЗ on the federal contract system, which entered into force on January 1, 2014. The rating presented by Nouture is compiled by the first half of 2014.

The rating results have shown that, despite the internal fluctuations in the indicators, the market alignment of the forces has not changed radically. The leaders in terms of indicators still include a single electronic trading platform (152 points, 1st place in the ranking) and the electronic platform "Sberbank-AST" (130 points, 2nd place). According to experts, Nouture, Sberbank-AST leadership in quantitative criteria is inferior to high estimates of the ETP service system. Naouth experts note that with the general trend of the development of electronic trading platforms - transfer of accents from the customer to the supplier - this is exactly what the ETP takes the first place in the ranking.

RTS-Tender ranks third (81 points), having only one higher score on the speed of searching for technical support contacts on the site. The MICEX-IT positions were laid after the owner's change, so the platform fell from the third to the fourth place (76 points). Agzrt, working only with one region, takes the last place in the ranking (56 points).

According to the executive director, Naouth Anton Nazarkina, the main rating criteria are formed in two basic groups: a quantitative statistical and customer-oriented service. "In most cases, Naouth analysts used the data of the site and the site of the electronic platforms themselves, and also based on the conclusions of independent experts," says Anton Nazarkin. - Evaluations were exhibited on a 5-point system, where the maximum score was received by the operator who informed the best. Result in category. The final score for each operator was obtained by summing up all the points assigned to it. "

The ETP belongs to the Government of Moscow (52%) and the Bank of Moscow (48%). The main clients of the site in the public sector are subjects of the Russian Federation: Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Republic of Bashkortostan, as well as a number of major departments - the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and others. The ETP has a block for working with corporate clients in accordance with the law "On the procurement of goods, works, services, individual types of legal entities" (223-ФЗ). Among them - Rostelecom, Rosatom, Moscow and St. Petersburg Metro and others. In March 2014, the ETP launched a pilot project for the sale of state real estate Moscow in accordance with the Privatization Act (178-FZ). For the studied period, according to the statistics of the portal, there were more than 115.1 thousand trades in the field in the amount of 432.1 billion rubles, which is 27.2% of the total amount of procedures.

Electronic platform "Sberbank-AST" belongs to Sberbank of Russia. Conducts state and corporate purchases, selling property-bankrupt enterprises, privatization and rental of property, as well as procurement for the needs of Sberbank of Russia. For the previous six months, the platform held 279.3 thousand trades in the amount of 689.8 billion rubles (43.4% of the amount of all procedures conducted).

Owner "RTS-Tender" - a non-profit partnership for the development of the financial market of the RTS NP. The playground holds about 80% of the state procurement of the Siberian Federal District, and a number of federal departments are also among its clients. The RTS-tender does not have its own business trading unit for 223-ФЗ, but provides such an opportunity through its partner "OTC-TENDER". From January to June 2014, the platform held 96.7 thousand trades in the amount of 290.5 billion rubles (18.3% of the total amount of procedures).

MICEX-IT, 100% of whose shares in January of this year, Moscow Exchange sold trading portal, has changed the branded name to "Electronic Trading Systems". The amount of the transaction was 440 million rubles. Customers Platy - Federal Treasury, Federal Service for Defense Orders, Accounts Chamber, Nizhny Novgorod Region, as well as a block of procurement of the Republic of Belarus. The playground does not have its own block of commercial trading and conducts them on the platform. Since the beginning of this year, the platform conducted 14.5 thousand trades in the amount of 84 billion rubles (5.3% of all trading).

AGZRT serves the organization of the Republic of Tatarstan. Among the clients are platforms - municipal formations of the republic, as well as various regional executive structures and military organizations. For the studied period, the site conducted 27.4 thousand trades in the amount of 92.5 billion rubles (5.8% of the total amount of procedures).

In Russia, in 2013, the state procurement market amounted to 6 trillion rubles, which is almost 10% of annual GDP (66,689 trillion). According to the national rating of transparency of procurement (NRPZ), trading in electronic form amounted to 73% (4.4 trillion rubles) from the total volume of state order, and the loss of the state from the corruption component - procurement at overpriced prices - increased in 265 billion rubles (5.5 billion euro).

"The government procurement market is an impressive share of the state economy, and the control of the feasibility and efficiency of budget spending is one of the strategic objectives of any government," says the Executive Director of the Association of Electronic Trading Platforms Elijah Dimitrov. - Conducting public procurement in electronic form many times simplifies the control procedure and, Accordingly, prevents the development of corruption. "

A list of electronic trading platforms that procurement in electronic form for various commercial organizations is quite large. It is quite natural that it includes all the ETPs listed above, which are engaged not only by the exercise of trading on 44-FZ and 223-FZ.

Moreover, it is safe to say that the largest site in terms of the volume of state procurement is almost always headed and a rating of commercial trading.

This is explained quite simply to customers who in this case are various commercial organizations and companies with stateships, but not subject to the above laws, much more convenient and easier to work with well-known and long-established trading platforms.

In addition, it is these etc.tes like EPP GPB, Sberbank-AST, B2B-Center and those like it, have the largest number of registered suppliers, which is a serious argument in favor of working with them.

At the same time, the list of commercial ETP includes a wide variety of trading platforms, some of which are universal, part - sectoral, and others are clearly tied to a particular region. Such a variety of ETP allows any customer and supplier to pick up the most suitable shopping area for it. The most famous commercial ETP includes:

    Purchase PJSC Gazprom.

    ETP TEK-TORG Gazprom-drilling.

    Procurement of PJSC Rosneft B and subsidiaries.


    The bidding and procurement system RUSNANO. Enters the B2B-Center group.

    Purchase PJSC "LUKOIL".

    Purchase PJSC Transneft.

    URPS tenders PJSC Tatneft.

    Purchases of OJSC Surgutneftegaz.

    Purchases Russneft.

    ETP Bashneft. Enters the B2B-Center group.

    Procurement of OJSC NOVATEK.

    Tenders SIBUR. Enters the B2B-Center group.

    Electronic purchasing and trading platform ETZP RZD.

    Electronic location for the purchase of ALROSA.

    Tenders VTB.

    Procurement Skolkovo.


    ETP Gas. Enters the B2B-Center group.

    EtP AvtoVAZ. Enters the B2B-Center group.


    Shopping ground Evraz.

    Purchase Rusal.

    ETP AUTOTOR. Enters the B2B-Center group.

    Purchases of the GC Severstal.

    Purchases Eldorado.

    Purchases Beeline.

    Purchases to Euroset.

    MTS electronic trading system.

    Purchase AFK system.

    Etp MegaFon. Enters the B2B-Center group.

    Purchases of the company "Baltika".

    Purchases of the Megapolis Group of Companies.

    Tenders and contests of Alpha Bank.

    Tenders and contests of the bank Opening.

    Rate-bank tenders.

    English Standard Bank Tenders.

    Purchases and tenders of Aeroflot.

    Purchasing PJSC "Mosenergo".

    ETP PJSC "Russian Networks".

    Purchase PJSC "Central Telegraph".

    Purchases of the group of companies "Rao Inter".


    SUEK trading platform.

    Tenders and purchases TGK-1.

    Uralchima tenders.

    Tenders and procurement of Imperial Energy.

    Purchases of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (OSK).

    Procurement and Competitions of the Joint Engineering Corporation. Included in the B2B-Center ETP group.

    EUROSIBENERGO tenders.

    Trading platform T-plus.

    Marketplace of JSC "Helicopters of Russia". Included in the group EPP B2B-Center.

    EtP of the company "Eurocement Resource".

    Procurement site Rosgosstrakh.

    Purchases of the shopping and retail chain of magnet stores.

    Purchases of the trading network "ABC Taste".

    ETP of the agro-industrial holding "Miratorg". Included in the B2B-Center ETP group.

    Purchases Dixie.

    Electronic stockpad X5 Retail Group.

    Tenders and procurement of the company "Metro".

    Purchases Auchan.

    Tenders of the trading network "Seventh Continent".

    ETP Wildberries.

    Tenders of the pharmacy network "Rylag".

    Trade platform of the "Aromatic World" network.

    Purchases of GK "Protest".

    Tenders of JSC "Medicine".

    Tenders Group of Companies "Rusagro".

    Purchases of TMK.

  1. Purchase of Polyus Gold.

    Tenders Corporation Tekhnonikol.

    Tenders of Glavstroy Development.

    Purchases of the RDI group of companies.

    Marketplace of the InvestGroup "Absolute".

    Purchases of the company "FOSAGRO".

    Marketplace of the group of companies "Peak".

When conducting electronic trading on the venues listed above and other, procurement organizers are guided by the rules established on them, which may differ significantly from the provisions of federal laws 44-FZ and 223-FZ.