Repair Design Furniture

Nitrafen method of application. Characteristics of the most promising drugs for the control of pests and diseases of plants in personal plots. Use in horticulture

Currently drug Nitrafen it is rarely used, since after the autumn processing of plants, it remains in the ground throughout the winter. However, in Soviet times, such resistance of Nitrafen was considered an advantage, therefore, all plant-growing complexes used the chemical preparation.

Today summer residents also spend processing with Nitrafen... It is used against diseases such as apple scab and frost-resistant pest larvae. Apple, pear and plum trees are processed. Use a drug against leaf spot of berry bushes (infectious, fungal), anthracnose and powdery mildew. Plants are treated until leaves appear. They fight gray mold and weevil on berry bushes.

Scope of application

On fruit trees

The drug Nitrafen is used to treat and prevent fruit trees from:

  • Scab;
  • Leaf spots;
  • Moss and lichens.

Also, the tool fights:

  • Aphids;
  • Ticks;
  • Shield;
  • Caterpillars;
  • Leaf rollers;
  • Other sucking and gnawing pests.

A solution for treating trees is prepared as follows:

  • 200 g of the drug;
  • dissolved in 10 l of water.
  • For 1 adult fruit tree and the soil around it, there is 10-30 liters of solution.

Important! To disinfect the soil for 10 liters of water, take 300 g of the drug.

On berry bushes

The chemical is used to treat berry bushes such as gooseberries, currants, raspberries, and for grapes to get rid of such diseases:

  • Anthracnose;
  • Powdery mildew.

And also for the fight against aphids and other harmful insects.

Treatment of bushes and soil around them is carried out after the leaves fall. The solution is prepared at the rate of 150 g of the drug per 10 liters of water.

On strawberries

Nitrafen effectively fights leaf spot and gray mold, as well as weevil on strawberries. For this, the bushes and soils around them are sprayed with a solution of the drug, which is prepared in the same proportion as for berry crops. The procedure is carried out in the spring, before the leaves appear.

Watch the video! Treatment of trees and bushes in spring with NITRAPHENE

Weed control

Nitrafen effectively fights weeds such as:

  • Woodlice;
  • Rape;
  • Other weeds.

In order to prevent weeds on the site, the soil is cultivated in early spring. To prepare a solution in 10 liters of water, dilute 300 g of the product.

For preventive purposes and to destroy the infection, a general spraying of the garden is carried out. For this, the soil under the bushes and trees is treated with a working solution, which is prepared from 300 g of Nitrafen and 10 liters of water.

How does it work

The drug acts as an enteric poison, has a fumigation effect. After spraying, the product remains on any surfaces (organic matter, soil), protecting garden crops for a long time.

Nitrofen, after being absorbed into the soil, inhibits the growth of weeds in this place (indiscriminate effect), however, it is not used as a herbicide, since according to reviews the preparation greases the soil.

How to use

Nitrofen working solution is prepared from paste or powder. It is added to water and mixed thoroughly.

Usually for 10 liters of water they take:

  • For spraying horticultural crops 150-200 g of the preparation;
  • For soil treatment - 300 g of the product.

Important! The product must not be applied over greens. It is best to process in early spring or late autumn when there is no foliage.

The drug Nitrafen can be classified as a prophylactic agent for multipurpose protection of areas. Plants should be treated with this agent in dry, calm weather in the early morning or after sunset. It is necessary to dilute the drug strictly according to the instructions, observing the dosage.

Watch the video! Spraying and processing trees and a garden in spring with Nitrafen

Safety measures when working with Nitrafen

Nitrafen in a diluted form is moderately dangerous to humans, but in its pure form it is extremely toxic.

The insecticide is toxic to humans, animals and bees. It is necessary to work with this product using a respirator, goggles, gloves, and special closed clothing. After spraying, wash your hands and face thoroughly. Remember that Nitrafen is flammable and can ignite.

Early spring works to protect the garden lead from mid-February - early March to bud break. The relatively high daytime temperatures during this season can drop sharply at night. On a sunny day at the end of February, the surface temperature of the bark on the trunk in the sun from the southwestern side is 12-15 ° higher than on the shaded northeastern side. If the stems and uterine branches have been whitewashed with a 20% lime solution (2 kg of lime per 10 liters of water) since autumn, then the difference in heating does not exceed 3 - 5 °.

The importance of this protective measure is clear. After all, overheating and thawing of the bark during the day, followed by freezing at night, can cause burns to the bark. More often this (like freezing) occurs in lowlands and in plantations on the lower part of the southern slopes.

Burns appear in the form of various kinds of spots, usually from the southwestern side of the tree. The bark at the sites of damage becomes somewhat depressed and differs in color. Wounds are formed, through which the causative agents of black cancer, cytosporosis and a number of other diseases of boles and skeletal branches mainly penetrate into the plant.

Early spring burns can cover quite large areas of the bark, causing the death of skeletal branches, and sometimes the entire plant. That is why, in the very first days of the spring thaws, restore the whitewash if it turns out to be broken.

Take care of gardeners' assistants - insectivorous birds: titmouse, nuthatches, pikas, living in gardens, parks, forests all year round. Indeed, the great tit, for example, eats as many insects as it weighs during the day.

Attract tits, starlings, flycatchers, redstarts and other birds to your gardens by hanging artificial nests. They are attached to buildings or poles at a height of 3-6 m. Place titmouses at a distance of 15-20 m from one another. Birdhouses can be placed in groups.

To attract birds it is advisable to plant a hedge along the fence of well-branching shrubs: yellow acacia, gooseberry, rose hips.

Many pests and pathogens of plants overwinter on weakened branches. Therefore, in time, remove dying and damaged branches, take them out of the garden and burn them. Clean the sections and cover with garden varnish or oil paint on natural linseed oil.

If during the winter you did not remove and destroy the cobweb nests of dry leaves with the caterpillars of the goldentail and hawthorn from the trees, as well as mummified (dried) fruits affected by fruit rot, do this work in early spring.

The success of pest and disease control in the garden depends mainly on the timely and correct application of chemical and biological plant protection products. However, this does not mean that you should spray the garden with drugs every year according to the established scheme.

When planning control measures, proceed from the degree of plant infestation by pests and the expected appearance of diseases. Chemicals should not be used "just in case".

Before bud break when the average daily air temperature reaches 5 °, the time comes for the first spraying of fruit and berry plantations. It is directed against wintering on the bark of Californian trees and other species of scale insects, eggs of apple sucker, fruit mites, various species of aphids, caterpillars of apple moth, against pathogens - apple and pear scab, leaf spots, as well as against mosses and lichens.

Before budding in gardens, you can use nitrafen, drug No. 30 and its analogues, oleocobrite, iron and copper sulfate.

Inexperienced gardeners mistakenly believe that crop protection chemicals recommended for early spring garden spraying are equally effective against all types of pests hibernating in the garden. Far from it.

Preparation number 30(and its analogues) - 76% oil-oil emulsion - highly effective against the Californian scale insects and other types of scale insects hibernating in the larval stage and females, against false scale insects and eggs of fruit mites. The drug is less effective in the fight against the eggs of aphids, suckers, scale insects, leafworms, apple moth caterpillars under the shields. It does not give the desired effect in the fight against plant pathogens.

It is used in a concentration of 3% (300 g per 10 l of water) for spraying fruit (apple, pear, cherry and plum) trees and berry bushes (gooseberries, currants, raspberries), as well as ornamental plants.

60% nitrafen paste It is used to combat the stages of scale insects, aphids, ticks, leaf rollers, moths overwintering on the bark of trees and shrubs, as well as on fallen leaves with pathogens of scab and other diseases.

When spraying fruit trees, nitrafen is used at a concentration of 3% (300 g per 10 l of water), and 2% for berry bushes and strawberries (200 g per 10 l of water).

To destroy pathogens and pears in fallen leaves in spring, instead of nitrafen, urea can be used at a concentration of 7% (700 g per 10 l of water), the solution consumption is 25 l per 100 m 2. To avoid burns of the bark, do not allow the urea solution to get on the branches.

Oleocobrite- the preparation contains petroleum oil (73%) and copper naphthenate (15%). It is used by spraying apple trees before budding to fight the eggs of aphids, copperheads, ticks, as well as against scab and other spots. The concentration of the working solution is 4% (400 g per 10 l of water).

Copper sulfate- 98% soluble powder - used before bud break to combat pathogens of scab, various leaf spots of apple and pear, cloisterosporium disease, and other spots of stone fruit trees, anthracnose, septoria and other spots of gooseberries and currants. The concentration of the working solution is 1% (100 g per 10 l of water).

inkstone- 53% soluble powder - used for spraying apple trees, pears and the soil under them before the growing season, as well as for combating diseases of boles and uterine branches, including for combating mosses and lichens. To a certain extent, it inhibits the development of scab, other spots and moniliosis. The concentration of the working solution is 2-3% (200-300 g per 10 liters of water).

Spraying trees and shrubs before budding is carried out by the washing method, since only with abundant wetting of the branches it is possible to destroy pests and spores of pathogens, most of which hibernate in cracks in the bark and other secluded places.

Even with very careful spraying, part of the working solution is sideways, therefore, if strawberries, perennial vegetables and flowers are planted in the aisles of the garden, in order to avoid burning the growing leaves during operation, they should be covered with synthetic film or other dense material, and the liquid accumulated on the coatings should be drained on the ground without getting on cultivated plants.

On berry crops, the growing season of berry crops begins early; in a number of varieties, the buds open immediately after the snow melts.

In early spring, cut and burn any broken, weakened branches. They can contain caterpillars of glass, stem gall midges and some other pests. Cut the cuts of large branches and brush with garden varnish or oil paint prepared on natural linseed oil.

At the same time, cut and burn the affected ends of the gooseberry and currant shoots. They turn black, hook-shaped, dried out. When cutting into 1 - 2 buds, capture the apparently healthy part, since the mycelium of the fungus usually penetrates into them.

Before bud break on the branches of black currant (less often red), abnormally overgrown, as if swollen, buds are clearly visible. In the future, they become somewhat similar to small heads of cabbage and do not bloom well. Swollen buds are affected by currants. If you cut an unnaturally overgrown kidney and look through a magnifying glass, then inside you can see whitish, up to 0.2 mm long pests resembling crustaceans. These are female currant kidney mites, one of the most dangerous pests of black currants. Each affected kidney contains several thousand females. Currant bud mites can transfer from diseased bushes to healthy mycoplasma currant disease - terry.

Tear off swollen kidneys and destroy. If the bush is heavily infected, it is advisable to cut out individual damaged branches without breaking off the buds, take them out of the garden and burn them. Cuttings should not be harvested from bushes infected with ticks.

To contain the development of fungal diseases and to destroy the eggs of aphids, scale insects and pseudo-scale insects wintering on the bark of branches, sprinkle berry bushes with a solution of nitrafen (200 g per 10 liters of water) before bud break. Against scabbards and pseudo-scabbards, you can also use drug No. 30 and its analogs (300 g per 10 l of water) at this time, and to contain the development of diseases - copper sulfate (100 g per 10 l of water) or iron sulfate (200 - 300 g per 10 liters of water).

After the snow melts, clean the strawberries from dry and diseased leaves on which spores of various fungal diseases winter, burn them or place them in a compost heap, covering them with a layer of earth or peat.

Then it is advisable to sprinkle the strawberries with a 2% nitrafen solution (200 g per 10 liters of water) to curb the development of white and brown spots and, to a certain extent, gray rot.

Nitrafen has herbicidal properties- burns the green organs of plants, therefore, spraying is carried out before the start of regrowth of new leaves. Instead, against the listed diseases of strawberries, you can use 3% Bordeaux liquid (300 g of copper sulfate and the same amount of lime per 10 liters of water).

Nitrafen and Bordeaux liquid in the indicated concentrations before bud break are also used for spraying raspberries against various fungal diseases.

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  • Nitrafen is a 60% paste-like mass of dark brown color with a pungent odor of carbolic acid, which is readily soluble in water, obtained by filtering shale phenols.

    The product is sold packaged in glass or iron jars, in polymer bottles. The drug is designed to combat plant diseases and harmful insects. The protective effect of Nitrafen complements the stimulating effect on plant growth and development.

    How does Nitrafen work?

    It is recommended to use Nitrafen in early spring, before the buds have swollen, or in late autumn, when the leaves have fallen off. The substance has a pronounced fungicidal, insecticidal and herbicidal effect. Nitrafen provides long-lasting protection for fruit-bearing trees and crops, keeping well after spraying on all soils and organic surfaces.

    When penetrating into the ground, Nitrafen has an indiscriminate effect, significantly inhibiting the growth of weeds. The drug is not used as a herbicide in private households because of the unstable salinization of the soil it creates.

    Instructions for use in horticulture

    On fruit trees, Nitrafen is used against lichens, mosses, scab, leaf spots of various origins.

    The drug effectively destroys sucking and gnawing pests: caterpillars, mites, moths, coppers, scale insects, aphids, winter moths, leaf rollers and others. The working solution is prepared from 200 grams of the drug and 10 liters of water. A solution of this concentration is also used to treat the wounds formed on fruit trees.

    For general spraying of the garden in order to destroy the infection, the soil of the trunk circles of fruit trees, under the bushes and around the berries is sprayed with a working solution of 300 grams of Nitrafen per 10 liters of water. Before that, it is necessary to collect and burn all the crumbling foliage. To spray 1 adult tree and the soil under it, you will need from 10 to 30 liters of solution.

    On berry bushes (raspberries, currants, gooseberries), the drug is used against powdery mildew, scab, septoria, anthracnose, to combat aphids and other pests. To prepare a working solution, 150 grams of Nitrafen is diluted in 10 liters of water. After the leaves fall off, the bushes and the soil under them are cultivated. For 10 m2 of plantings, 1.5-2 liters of solution is enough.

    On grapes, Nitrafen is used to combat ticks, aphids, scale insects, scale insects, moths, and when infected with anthracnose, mildew, and iodium. The entire surface of the grapes, soil and vegetation under the bush is treated with a solution of 200 grams of Nitrafen per 10 liters of water. The drug has a burning effect on young greens, so it is recommended that all work be done in the spring, before the leaves have blossomed, or in the fall, when the green mass falls off.

    On strawberries, nitrafen is used against gray berry rot and leaf spot. To prepare the solution, take 150 grams of the drug per 10 liters of water. To spray 10 square meters of strawberry plantations, 1.5-2 liters of solution will be required. The processing of strawberry bushes and the soil under them is carried out in the spring, until the leaves begin to grow. In this case, the air temperature should not be lower than 4 ° С. Only one treatment is allowed.

    Nitrafen effectively fights weeds: rape, woodlice and others. The soil must be treated in early spring by dissolving 300 grams of the drug in 10 liters of water.

    Precautionary measures

    Early spring and late autumn use is a safe method of using Nitrafen, proven in practice. The drug can be classified as a preventive rather than symptomatic weapon for gardeners for multipurpose support of sites. It is recommended to spray the plots in light wind, in dry weather, choosing the evening or morning hours.

    Working with Nitrafen requires caution and adherence to all personal safety measures. This drug in its pure form is poisonous, can cause irritation of the respiratory tract, skin, mucous membranes of the eyes.

    Prolonged contact with the product can lead to the development of severe dermatitis. When preparing the working solution, it is prohibited to exceed the concentration of the substance recommended by the manufacturer. It is not recommended to use Nitrafen more than 1 time in 3 years. It is prohibited to use the drug during pregnancy.

    Nitrafen remains in the soil for a long time (with preventive autumn spraying throughout the winter), therefore, it is not used so actively at present. The chemical resistance of the product was considered an advantage in the Soviet years, when Nitrafen was widely used in plant growing complexes.

    Nitrafen analogs

    Instead of Nitrafen in gardens before bud break, you can use its analogues:

    1. Oleocobrite - a preparation consisting of petroleum oil and copper naphthenate for fighting eggs of mites, copperheads, aphids, as well as against various spots and scab; for spraying fruit trees and berry bushes, a solution of 400 grams of the drug in 10 liters of water is used.
    2. Copper sulphate is effective against pathogens of scab, clasterosporiosis, anthracnose, septoria, various spots, a working solution of 1% concentration is used: 100 grams per 10 liters of water.
    3. Iron vitriol - a working solution of 2-3% concentration (200-300 grams per 10 liters of water) is used before the growing season for spraying fruit trees and the soil under them; effective against lichens and mosses, inhibits the development of spots, scab, moniliosis, fights diseases of boles and uterine branches.

    For the first time, we learned about the treatment of the garden with a preparation called "Nitrafen" (there is also a version of "Nitrofen") from a magazine for gardeners. In it, a colleague in the "shop" shared his experience of using Nitrofen for spraying the garden in spring. The gardener spoke positively about the drug and gave instructions for use. There was not so much information about Nitrofen on the Internet, and we decided to fill this gap in the article 😉 We hope it will be useful for you and us 😉

    Nitrafen: Horticultural Applications

    It is imperative to spray fruit trees with Nitrafen solution before the leaves bloom, in early-early spring (in March-early April). It is enough to process trees and shrubs once. Nitrofen is a very powerful chemical that has been successful in:

    • Destroys pests hibernating in the bark of fruit trees;
    • It has a detrimental effect on ticks, aphids, scale insects, moths, scale insects, leaf rollers;
    • Fights diseases such as septoria, rust, clotterosporosis, coccomycosis, powdery mildew, scab, and other fungal diseases.

    Nitrafen is also used in horticulture to disinfect the soil around trees and fallen leaves in the fall. When working with the drug, it is imperative to observe safety measures.

    What is Nitrafen is, as indicated by the manufacturers of the drug: insecticide, fungicide, herbicide, acaricide, complex action drug.

    Crops that can be treated with Nitrofen:

    • fruit trees (apple, pear, cherry),
    • berry bushes (gooseberries, currants),
    • strawberries and strawberries.

    Instructions for use

    Nitrofen for garden spraying (from the review of the "same" gardener)

    • A solution for spraying fruit trees in the garden is prepared as follows: 300 g of nitrophene are diluted in 10 liters of water. For shrubs, the dosage is different: 200 g of nitrophene per 10 liters of water.

    Instructions for use from the label (from the manufacturer of the drug "Nitrafen")

    • Trees and shrubs in the garden are sprayed with a 3% solution (300 g per 10 liters of water);
    • Strawberries and strawberries are sprayed with a 2% solution (200 g per 10 liters of water);
    • The soil under fruit trees and shrubs is also treated with a 2% solution. Solution consumption: 20-30 liters per 100 square meters.

    Spraying of the listed crops in the garden is carried out BEFORE the buds and leaves bloom!

    Safety measures when working with the drug:

    The insecticide is toxic to humans, animals and bees. Before using nitrophene, you must consider personal protective equipment: respirators, goggles, gloves, closed clothing. After spraying the garden, wash your face and hands thoroughly. Flammable.

    Reviews about the drug "Nitrofen" ("Nitrafen")

    Among the reviews available on the Web were the following:

    • It is better to treat the garden with chemistry in early spring, while the trees are sleeping, than to rush around with no less dangerous chemistry when the garden is attacked by pests and diseases.
    • They always try to remove cheap drugs from the market, for the sake of modern garden chemistry. Reviews against Nitrofen are all the machinations of competitors.
    • Earlier, in early spring, I used a folk method for treating shrubs - spraying with hot water, but the effect was poor. Much less pests became after early spring, before budding, sprayed the garden with Nitrafen.

    Gardeners who have used the drug on their plots note its positive effect in pest control. All families are safe and sound, no one has been poisoned. After all, if you follow the instructions for use and observe personal protective measures, the use of any chemical agent will be safe.

    For early spring garden processing, you can use:

    • concentrated urea solution,
    • copper and iron vitriol,
    • Bordeaux liquid.

    We will be glad to receive your feedback on the use of the drug "Nitrofen" (or "Nitrafen") in the garden. Is it worth using the drug or is it better to replace it with other means?

    Reading 6 min. Posted on 07.11.2018

    Fungal diseases can become widespread; Nitrafen can be
    use for both treatment and prevention

    In this article:

    Description of the drug

    Insectofungicide Nitrafen is a paste that has a dark brown color and a pungent, unpleasant odor of carboxylic acid. The active ingredients are sodium salts of akylphenols. The paste is highly soluble in water and has an insecticidal, herbicidal and fungicidal effect. It is sold in iron or glass jars, but most often it is found in polymer bottles. The shelf life of this substance is three years.

    It is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions for use. Since “Nitrafen” belongs to strong chemicals

    Despite the high efficiency of the drug, one should not forget that it is a very strong chemical agent which burns young plant shoots and irritates human skin. Therefore, the use of Nitrofen in horticulture should be carried out strictly according to the instructions. It is important to remember that it is possible to process plants with it only in early spring, before the leaves begin to appear, or in late autumn.

    Use in horticulture

    It is advisable to spray plants with Nitrafen in late March or early April. To combat diseases and pests, just one treatment is enough, since this substance provides long-term protection and, after spraying, remains well on any organic surfaces and soils.

    Means "Nitrafen" is poorly washed off from treated surfaces, which gives long-term protection to plants

    The drug is effective against the following pests:

    • ticks;
    • caterpillars;
    • mole;
    • shield;
    • leaflet;
    • copperhead.

    In horticulture, it can also be used to disinfect soil near trees or shrubs. Some gardeners treat fallen leaves with it. But it is undesirable to use the drug as a herbicide, since it creates unstable salting of the soil.

    But Nitrofen successfully fights the following diseases:

    • rust;
    • septoria;
    • scab;
    • powdery mildew;
    • coccomycosis, etc.

    It can be processed with apple trees, pears, cherries, currants, grapes, gooseberries, strawberries, as well as other fruit trees and berry bushes. Insectofungicide is excellent at weed control, for example woodlice and rape. It is also used to disinfect wounds in trees and bushes. For this, the damaged areas should be coated with Nitrafen solution.

    Instructions for the use of this drug provide for its use only in the form of an aqueous solution, which can be prepared in different ways depending on the purpose.

    Instructions for use and price

    Nitrafen is a very effective drug for combating larvae and eggs on fruit trees. To prepare a working solution for spraying, you need to take 200 g of paste and dilute in 10 liters of water. The processing of one adult tree, as well as the soil under it, will require about 30 liters of the finished substance.

    To spray berry bushes from aphids, scab, powdery mildew and other pests, you should take 300 g of the drug and dilute it in 20 liters of water. 10 sq. meters of plantings, approximately 2 liters of solution are consumed.

    Spraying with Nitrafen should be carried out before the start of the season and after

    Experienced gardeners use liquid Nitrofen to treat grapes to get rid of aphids, scale insects, moths and mites. For this, the drug is diluted in exactly the same proportion as for fruit trees. Thus, you need to prepare a 2% solution and process it in the spring all the grapes, soil and vegetation under it. If it was not possible to complete such a procedure in time, then it is advisable to spray it in the fall, when the crop is harvested and the green leaves fall off.

    In this video you will learn about the grape processing scheme:

    A 2% Nitrafen solution can also be used against leaf spot and gray berry rot on garden strawberries. The instructions for spraying the garden to kill infections are the same as for the treatment of berry bushes. Only in this case, a 3% solution should be used to treat the soil not only under the bushes, but also around them, as well as on the trunks of fruit trees.

    Insectofungicide is inexpensive, 300 ml of this substance will cost about 120 rubles. You can buy it in specialty gardening stores or order it online.

    Analogues and precautions

    Now almost every drug has several analogues, and Nitrafen is no exception. Therefore, if you wish, you can replace such a remedy with Bordeaux liquid, a concentrated urea solution, or with copper and iron vitriol.

    While working with Nitrofen you need to take precautions, since in its pure form this powder is highly poisonous. It can irritate the skin, eyes and the respiratory tract, and prolonged contact with this substance can lead to dermatitis.

    Before directing the solution, it is imperative to take care of personal protective equipment. Spraying is desirable to carry out in gloves, a respirator, glasses and closed clothes. After handling the substance, wash your hands and face well.

    Plants should be treated with the drug in dry and calm weather. For this, the morning or evening time is well suited. During the preparation of the working solution, the instructions should be strictly followed; the concentration of the substance recommended by the manufacturer must not be exceeded. It is recommended to spray plants with Nitrofen no more than once every three years. It is important to remember that this substance is flammable.