Repairs Design Furniture

Chipboard or MDF What is better? LDSP or MDF - what is better? What is MDF and LDSP

The headset is a central element of any kitchen, which directly defines its aesthetic appearance and functionality. That is why it is necessary to approach the choice of furniture more than seriously - any of the oversight, and rather, its correction will cost you big losses of money, nerves and strength. In particular, special attention should be paid to the material - this main characteristic Headset. But there are dozens of variations of kitchens in the modern market - how to understand which one is better to order? To make it easier for you to choose, then consider general requirements to kitchen furniture and the features of the most common materials: LDSP, plastic and three types of MDF - painted, veneered and laminated.

Since the headset takes the front of the kitchen, it largely sets the interior perception tone, so, of course, the first requirement for furniture is in the decorative plane: it should fit into the common style of the room and please their appearance.

But a subjective assessment is only half of the case. Given the fact that the operating conditions in the kitchen are not entirely soft, and the furniture here is always in contact with humidity, fat and steam, it is very important that the material of the facade also corresponds to a number of functional requirements:

  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of care;
  • resistance to various cleaning substances;

  • strength - facades should not overcome one time;
  • resistance to high temperatures - especially this applies to furniture located directly near and ovens;
  • resistance to mechanical shocks;
  • durability.

Now let's get acquainted with the operational and aesthetic properties of the most popular materials for the kitchen.

Kitchens from Ledsp.

The laminated chipboard headsets are made from the usual wood-chipboard, but coated as a special paper-resin film. The manufacturing process is fairly simple: a chipboard is prepared, the paper is treated with a melamine resin, and then the resulting coating under the influence of high pressure is connected to the stove.

Pluses of LDSP:

  1. The ability to create heads absolutely any sizes.
  2. Highly low price - LDSP is the cheapest option from all the materials under consideration for the kitchen.
  3. A wide range of colors and textures, including imitating noble natural wood.

Cons LDSP:

  1. Low thermo- and moisture resistance - to make the material more practical, it must be additionally handled by protective compositions.
  2. Relatively short service life.
  3. The impossibility of fine processing and creating curvilinear heads.
  4. The inclination to the rapid loosening due to the increased looseness of the plates.

Painted MDF.

Kitchens covered with enamel paint, feel free to qualify for the title of the most colorful heads. To create them applies special technology Avtopokraska: First, the plate is processed with a primer, covered with several layers of paint, polished, polished and varied.

Important! From the number of layers of paint directly depends on the appearance and the level of abrasion of the facades, therefore, the factory coating of furniture, it is presented and more durable.

Pros painted MDF:

  1. A huge selection of colors - manufacturers offer facades of almost all shades with different levels Brightness and saturation. There are also models with gradient fill.
  2. A large range of coatings: glossy, matte, pearl, pearl, chameleon, metallic.
  3. Ease of cleaning.
  4. Moisture resistance.

Cons painted MDF:

  1. High cost - the painted stove is the most expensive in the MDF-Material Group.
  2. Low resistance to direct sunlight - the facades quickly fade.
  3. Exposure to mechanical deformations due to impacts.
  4. There are noticeable traces from fingers.

MDF with PVC film

Finishing MDF-Plate PVC film - the easiest way to manufacture kitchen facades: Warm blanks are processed adhesive composition and under the press is laminated by a film that acts decorative and protective coating Furniture.

Pluses of MDF with PVC film:

  1. Low price.
  2. A rich selection of shades and prints - a film can be not only monophonic, colored or decorated various images, but also imitating its texture valuable wood.
  3. Easy care.
  4. Resistance to detergents.
  5. Resistance to mechanical damage and abrasion.

Cons MDF with PVC film:

  1. Low resistance to humidity and high temperatures - under the influence of these factors, the film begins to quickly flaps from the base.
  2. White back side, which is often contaminated.
  3. Instability to ultraviolet rays.
  4. Rather cheap appearance - how effectively the film does not imitate natural materialsThe appearance of furniture still gives the "fake."

Plastic kitchens

Plastic headset is decorative plastic as a facade and chipboard or MDF as a basis. The most successful such furniture looks in modern interiors.

Pluses of plastic kitchens:

  1. Large selection of colors, shapes and textures.
  2. Waterproof and resistance to cleaning agents.
  3. High resistance to mechanical shocks.
  4. Hygienicity.
  5. Easy tolerability of any temperature differences.
  6. Low price.
  7. Relative simplicity of cleaning - glossy plastic is easily washed even from fat spots.
  8. Long service life, relatively with other materials.

Cons of plastic kitchens:

  1. All small scratches and water flows are visible on the facades.
    Even light fingerprints remain.
  2. Matte facades are difficult to wash.
  3. Cheap kitchens are absolutely not resistant to sunshine.

Council. In plastic kitchens, the edge on the ends of the facade is of great importance: the most reliable and durable option - post-shaped ends with smoothly rounded edges.

Under kitchens from veneered MDF, the headsets are used with the base of MDF and a veneer coating - a thin wood leaf obtained from natural rocks.

Pluses of veneered MDF:

  1. The naturalness of the surface - ensures the noble appearance of the furniture.
  2. Reliability and high resistance to of different kind Mechanical influences.
  3. Long service life.
  4. The possibility of light restoration - due to the fact that the veneer is performed from a natural tree, it can be slightly polished in order to eliminate scratches and other shallow damage. More serious deformations can be "close" with special piping from veneer sheets.

Minuses of veneered MDF:

  1. High price, compared with painted material and film. If you save on the veneer, due to high humidity And the couple he can quickly dig or swallow.
  2. The risk of darkening and loss of the original color under the influence of sunlight.

Council. High-quality protection of veneered facades from aging is varnishing.

Thus, LDSP, plastic and all types of MDF differ from each other with a number of operational, aesthetic and even financial characteristics. Therefore, the only correct way to determine which kitchen is better to order - evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the considered materials and relate them to their requirements and features of a particular room for which the furniture is purchased.

Kitchen headset design: video

Which kitchen headset choose: photo

No matter what beautiful kitchen furniture, it will not hurt to ask what she was made. It is from the source material that the service life, environmental friendliness, operational properties depend. It happens, a curious buyer name says nothing that is quite normal: a person wants to buy good furnitureBut it does not understand it, as a furniture maker does not understand the aircraft engines, Lobachevsky geometry, Prêt-À-porter and shrimp. We make clarity into questions that it is - MDF, LDSP, chipboard, and how materials differ from each other.

Let's start with the fact that the abbreviation of the chipboard is unofficial and incorrect. Under the chipboard understands wood-layered plastic (similar to plywood in structure, made from veneer). In our case, we are talking about the DSTP - a chipboard made of small waste (chips, sawdust) of woodworking production. We use the usual definition of chipboard (wood-chipboard), but not to mislead anyone, gave this help.

When the inventor from Germany Max Himmeltebere developed a new material, the production wastes of the furniture industry reached 60%, and with the introduction of the invention, their number sharply decreased to 10%. Caring for the consumer was not the purpose of innovation - savings required production and ecology (60% of wood for emissions - a non-disabilities, not peculiar to the Germans). Furniture, in price Available to everyone - a secondary advantage.

The chipboard is a composite material made from a mixture of small wood particles and binding resins (contain formaldehyde) by hot pressing or extrusion method. The percentage ratio of wood and resins leaves much to be desired (6-18%).

In water, the stove swells, gaining about 30% of the original volume. In addition to the water-house, there is another significant drawback - you can only screw in the stove only once (first). It is advisable to do it with jewelry accuracy, since the chance of correcting the error will not be - the material crumbs, it basically keeps fasteners well. The craftsmen "plant" nails on glue, but then these nails "come out" from the plate along with glue and the surrounding sawdust (crumb). However, these are all flowers: the chipboard is environmentally unsafe, since it highlights formaldehyde.

The child hung on the door ... In these holes, the screws are no longer screwed, you will have to expand the holes under the pits and use the screws M5

According to the maximum permissible standards for the release of harmful substances, the chipboard is divided into two classes - E1 and E2 (Europe). In Russia, this parameter regulates GOST. Compare standards are extremely difficult, because different countries are different measurement methods. One exactly - E2 is prohibited for use in children's furniture. Some countries have long been removed from production, which I would like from Russia: Formaldehyde stands out with human joy, if the chipboard is slightly able to warm that in the kitchen there is a completely and close. By the way, GOST is steadily European, but who would observe him.

Wood-chipboard used in construction and furniture manufacturing. If, thanks to the GLC, GVL and OSB, the use of chipboard as a structural material is actively declining, then the furniture makers are not in a hurry to part with a cheap plate, although there is an alternative (though, more expensive). Fault in what is obviously demand. People want to buy as far as possible, manufacturers go to meet them. If people refuse furniture from chipboard (refuse completely - from LDSP too), it will not be done.

Classification of chipboard

The chipboard is classified for a number of parameters:

  • the number of layers;
  • mark: divided into P1, P2 by flexural strength and deformation, water resistance, warp;
  • variety: 1st and 2nd grade or without it depending on the presence of defects - chips, cracks, spots, deepening and protrusions;
  • outer layer (finely structural, normal, coarse plate);
  • surface processing (polished, not polished);
  • formaldehyde emission class (E1 -< 10 мг, Е2 - 10–30 мг; в последнее время выпускают плиты класса E0.5, эмиссия в них снижена вдвое относительно E1);
  • waterproof (produce a special waterproof chipboard, in addition to p1 with 33% and P2 with 22% swelling from the initial volume);
  • fire resistance (antipiren treatment);
  • density:< 550 кг/м 3 , 550–750 кг/м 3 , > 750 kg / m 3;
  • pressing method (flat, extrusion).

Waterproof chipboard (different in color)

What is LDSP

The surface of the chipboard is treated to give material strength, water resistance and other properties provided by the coating. The cheapest, but harvester option - paper with impregnation. The strongest, but expensive version - veneer. Between the two extremes, polymers, films, plastics are located. The laminated wood chipboard is most in demand - as the most balanced in quality, price, aesthetic properties.

In terms of high pressure and temperature on the slab, a stable melamine film is applied - the process resembles familiar to all lamination (the difference is only in the materials). The slab treated in this way acquires high aesthetic and operational properties. Further processing is not required - a ready-made product is obtained by laminating, but sometimes the surface is additionally lacquered (expensive varieties).

The problem of formaldehyde emissions remains in its place (produce material from chipboard with all its characteristics), despite lamination, but the outer surface of the LDSP is more aesthetic, waterproof and durable, especially if they are covered with varnish.

What is MDF.

MDF, MDF - MediumDensityFibreboard (Wood-fibrous stove of medium density 600-800 kg / m 3). The same stove of wood particles manufactured by dry pressing under high pressure and temperature conditions. As a binder use urea resins containing formaldehyde, but the emission of the harmful substance is much lower than that of the chipboard, and comparable to the similar characteristic of natural wood. A significant reduction in emission is achieved by modifying resin by melamine.

Production of carbamide resins for MDF

The resin is manufactured in several stages:

  • polycondensation in an alkaline medium;
  • polycondensation in an acidic environment;
  • additional input of carbamide and drying until the required viscosity is achieved;
  • cooling;
  • modification.

Synthesis requires compliance temperature mode - 88-94 °. Modified by resin at a temperature of 40-50 °.

Despite the same raw material, the MDF is very different from the chipboard (excluding the difference in the emission values): the material can be milling and deformed, which opens the possibility of making carved furniture facades, furniture and other constructions of radial forms.

MDF varieties

MDF is divided into four types under the terms of operation (humidity, temperature). The first view is used for the manufacture of office, home body furniture and commercial equipment (normal conditions), the second - kitchen furniture (humidity, steam), the third - structural elements (normal conditions, high load), the fourth - structural elements (increased humidity, high loads ).

In the process of production of plates, they give fireproof, water resistance, biostostility (protection against mushrooms, bacteria). MDF needs additional processing of the facial surface. By type of this processing, the material is divided into:

  1. Veneered: on the facial (sometimes inner) surface is glued with thin natural veneer; This is an expensive view, and the price varies depending on the value of the wood breed, which went to the manufacture of veneer.
  2. Painted: surfaces (one and both) are covered with paint or enamel
  3. Laminated: The front side is covered with PVC films - matte or glossy, imitating various surfaces (wood, natural stone, marble, etc.); The film is applied under pressure at high temperatures.

Surface treatment increases the physico-mechanical characteristics of the material, its operational and aesthetic properties.

Painted glossy stove - samples of some shades and bends

All types of MDF are equally in demand - each has its own niche. Material with a facial surface of a natural veneer goes on the manufacture of good office furniture and shopping equipment, furniture for kitchens, living rooms, halls. The cheaper, laminated film, imitating wood, finds the application in the production of already listed, but relatively inexpensive mass market class furniture.

Flexible MDF.

The material was developed specifically to create curvilinear surfaces actively used in modern design. MDF can be milling - this quality is used in the manufacture of flexible plates: on the one hand, parallel slots make, due to which the panel can be bent to a certain radius (depends on the thickness); The second side remains smooth. Thus, surfaces of varying complexity are obtained - from a banal circle to wave-like with different radii of each wave. Call such MDF perforated (not to be confused with perforated HDF). The material opens up almost limitless opportunities in furniture design.

None of the smooth facade - everything with one or another radius

Differences of chipboard, LDSP and MDF

In the same IKEA, we see furniture from LDSP and MDF, visually perceiving only the difference in price (with the exception of particularly glossy - there is an exception to the eye). Furniture from MDF is much more expensive. Why? What is the difference between chipboard, LDSP and MDF - one stove of wood particles from another?

Let's start with the fact that the difference in LDSP and chipboard consists of lamination. Natural veneer is no worse than the laminating film, but the chipboard is inappropriate to handle them, so then it will be about the difference between LDSP and MDF.

List of differences:

  1. LDSP is much less resistant to moisture. It would seem that water has nowhere to go, but there is a liquid between the edge and laminating film (as stated in the proverb) microscopic gap and penetrates inside. Inside, it remains (for rapid evaporation, the area is needed, and it is not), cutting chipboard to unthinkable sizes. However, long before the set of extra 20-30% in the volume of the sheet, the film or veneer (whatever it is) is cracking. Some a few drops of water that fell into an unsuccessful place can irreversibly dismissed the worktop. Even the so-called waterproof material still absorbs moisture - this is its structure.
  2. LDSP is more toxic. It is more toxic, because information about the full non-toxicity of the wood-fiber plate is incorrect: even if the material sends as much formaldehyde as natural wood, it does not mean that there is no emission at all. It is, but much lower. It happens that they write that there is no formaldehyde as part of MDF - it is not true (moreover, formaldehyde is everywhere: it is used in medicine, the food industry as E240, is used for grain fumigation, the substance is included in the composition of cosmetics, is contained in the human body - the question of concentration ). Wood fibers are impregnated with carbamide resins containing formaldehyde. Modification helps to reduce emissions.
  3. MDF is suitable for making furniture complex formthat is impossible from LDSP.
  4. The MDF is higher than the density - you can mill, make inclined holes. The material is not an example better "holds" fasteners.
  5. IN color solutions There are practically no differences, with the exception of glossy MDF (but this is no longer a color) and custom - enamel can be poured into any shade that came to mind, so that the MDF is in winning.
  6. MDF is noticeably more expensive, due to the qualitative parameters of the material. However, this seemingly expensive, which is understandable to anyone who can consider to be considered to be a person: Even on rough estimates, the furniture from MDF will eventually work cheaper, because it will last much longer.

No edge - the whole plate is covered with a single layer, which eliminates the slots between the film and the edge

LDSP or MDF? MDF loses LDSP only in price, but it may not be meaningful if you consider all the advantages. By purchasing furniture, the decision takes the buyer, we can only advise to make a weighted choice.

No matter how much to save, preference is better to give quality material - environmentally friendly, which is actually important, because in the kitchen there is often an increased temperature, and the emission of formaldehyde rises from heat (we are not clear why E2 is prohibited only in the production of children's furniture - in the kitchen The type of product is even more harmful). Repeat, savings in the event of a choice of furniture from LDSP is ghost. Again, aesthetic properties are important.

Kitchens from MDF.

The ability to bend the panel turns utilitarian standard Kitchens In the premises, not devoid of individuality and more relevant to their owners. This is especially important when the kitchen is small: there is no possibility to play on the placement of furniture, the introduction of original parts - only the form remains, and the MDF provides its variability.

These curved facades are not at all the work of software. Doors are made of perforated MDF - the usual kitchen in all parameters with a standard furniture arrangement looks extraordinary thanks to the rounded cabinets. And this is the easiest option of all possible.

What is in this kitchen in the photo made of wood? It is likely that nothing. Even a log may be plastic (or from polystone, perfectly imitating any natural materials). Paul, ceiling and furniture facades (remind: Material can be mill) Made from MDF.

But the magnificent country. It will be able to keep the glass (all the more stitched) either natural wood, or MDF - LDSP will turn out a little faster than instantly. Working with the MDF, the Master is delivered from endless trials in the search for the only necessary shade (LKM, LOW on the natural tree, changes the color in accordance with the tone and texture of the base), and the customer is from exorbitant spending.

From the MDF, you can make almost any kitchen (almost - because there is also a stainless steel) - to implement a bold idea, create something truly original and enjoy the result daily. It can only be an array (and not always). In our opinion, only the sharp lack of funds and as acute need in furniture can be driven into the frame of LDSP. But the solution will be temporary (the furniture will raise quickly). Make the right choice.

Chipboard and MDF - often occurring abbreviations. Let's try to figure out what they designate and, most importantly, what is different from each other. After all, the chipboard and MDF are considered the most popular materials used for the production of doors, cabinet furniture and other designs.


Chipboard - Wood-chipboard. It is formed by the method of flat hot pressing of wood particles (sawdust and chips), impregnated with binding agents, mainly formaldehyde resins. The raw material for the production of chipboard is low-value wood, both hardwood and coniferous. The chipboard is characterized by increased strength, water resistance, excellent heat and sound insulation properties. It is used in the furniture industry, however, due to its composition, formaldehyde resins are not recommended for the production of children's furniture.

MDF It is a wood-fibrous stove of medium density, for the production of which is used very small wood solids. Fibrous plates are formed from woodworking waste or intended for cutting down forests, which are grinding not small cubes, then subjected to steam processing supplied under high pressureand served on the wheels of the craft car. The wipe material enters drying and subsequent gluing. Wood particles glue with paraffin or lignin, so MDF is exclusively eco-friendly material. MDF is widely used for the manufacture of doors, furniture, laminated floors and simplicity. The surface plates of MDF smooth, uniform, smooth, dense, easy to handle.


The most important difference between the chipboard and the MDF consists of their production technology. MDF, in contrast to the chipboard, is made by dry pressing shallow shavings under the action of high pressure and temperature. For the production of chipboard, the hot pressing method is used. For the formation of a chipboard, low-value trees are used, while woodworking trimming is used for the production of MDF, or wood designed for cutting down.

The fine chips glued with paraffin or lignin, and synthetic resins are used for gluing chips. Thus, MDF, in contrast to chipboard, is considered an environmentally friendly material, which is approaching natural wood according to its environmental characteristics. Chipboard, in the process of operation, selects formaldehyde into the air (rather toxic substance). Products made of fibrous plates can be operated in rooms with air humidity up to 80% ( wooden crafts - up to 60%).

Conclusions Site

  1. The MDF is produced by the method of dry pressing of small chips under the action of high temperature and pressure, the chipboard - the hot pressing method.
  2. For making chipboard Using low-value trees, for the production of MDF - woodworking trimming either designed for cutting wood.
  3. The MDF is an eco-friendly material, and the chipboard allocates formaldehyde into the air.
  4. MDF, in contrast to chipboard, can be used in rooms with high humidity (up to 80%).

Repair Who did not come across him? Almost everyone in his life did repairs in own apartment Or assisted a friend. In the modern world range building materials Diverse. Every year more and more improved appear.

Stop your choice on a suitable helps the correct placement of priorities: what room is carried out repair, what characteristics should material, designer solutions must be posted. As a result of the repair and construction work, materials made from natural wood - MDF, chipboard and chipboard have become the greatest popularity.

Before proceeding to comparing these materials, it is necessary to understand their essence.

MDF plates are the smallest wood sawdust glued together with a dry pressing method. This material is very often used for the manufacture of furniture. It has a number of positive characteristics:

  • Ecology
  • Uniform structure
  • Strength
  • Stability to deformation
  • Moisture resistance

The disadvantages should be attributed to high temperatures and high costs.

For the manufacture of chipboard, wood particles and non-mineral binder are used. Under the action of a hot press, the chips are compacted and acquires a stable structure.

The advantages of this material is low cost, strength and moisture resistance. Of deficiencies usually allocate negative influence Formaldehyde resins that are part of a person.

In essence, it is a chipboard of a chipboard, additionally treated with melamine films. The advantages of this material are the strength "thanks to the additional layer", low cost, a wide choice color Gamma., ease of processing. Disadvantages did not bypass. These include the complexity in the implementation of figure cutting, low moisture resistance.

The two material presented has many identical characteristics. The cost of both meets market requests and is available to the ordinary buyer. Strength indicators are on good level. So what is the difference between chipboard from LDSP What is better?

The first difference is strength. The laminated surface of the plate when exposed to hard and critical conditions makes it a greater degree of maintaining the original shape.

The second difference between the latitude of the choice of design solutions. Plate of LDSP can have a different texture of glossy or matte, and also has a variety of color solutions.

The third difference is high temperatures resistance. The chipboard of the chipboard does not reach the indicator of the LDSP on this property.

The fourth difference lies in the increased moisture resistance indicator. Thanks to the additional coating of the laminated boards with a specific varnish, the use of the use is increasing "it is possible to install furniture from this material to the bathroom."

LDSP or chipboard what is better to say difficult. Both options are widely used in construction and furniture industry. If you consider only the main characteristics, then LDSP in a small part exceeds.

These two material are leaders in use in furniture manufacturing. Everyone takes its definite place. Made comparing LDSP and MDF, it is necessary to recall their characteristics. Possessing the softness and ease of processing, MDV allows you to make carved parts that can decorate any interior. Facades of cabinets, bed backs, carved elements - Everything is performed from MDF.

LDSP is a material with the ability to carry high temperatures and a good moisture resistance. Often in the furniture industry it is used to make kitchen furniture and furniture for the bathroom. The value of this material is very attractive. Wide selection color Tints Laminated film allows you to use this material for the manufacture of various furniture. She will easily fit into any interior.

Differences of LDSP from MDF

  • Density of material. MDF is soft and used in the furniture industry for the manufacture of carved elements.
  • Cost. Ledp. affordable Material and allows you to manufacture budget options Furniture.
  • Ecology. MDV does not contain harmful components in its composition, unlike LDSP.
  • Design. LDSP has a wide range of color solutions.

Bedroom furniture. A place where a person spends most of his life. An important aspect Therefore, security will serve. Based on this, it is often preferred material chipboard. As already mentioned, the cost solution this issue Will be outside the middle frame. An excellent solution can serve the combination of several materials. This will save money and give the bedroom an interesting designer view.

Furniture for kitchen. Second place, where we are held a lot of time in the apartment is a kitchen.

The surrounding situation should please the eyes. But when choosing a material to create kitchen headset You need to consider two nuances. One of the disadvantages of MDA is instability to temperature effects. And high temperature for the kitchen daily manifestation. On the other hand, LDSP is afraid of moisture. In this regard, the use of this material in the manufacture of furniture under the sink becomes not permissible.

Optimized decision I. careful planning All required cabinets Let me pick up the best decision in choosing a material. Currently, the furniture industry has learned to adapt to the disadvantages of the material. In this regard, a chipboard with high moisture resistance appeared on the building materials market. When it is produced into the chips, a paraffin emulsion is added, thanks to it, the chipboard and acquires the gain of the property.

Furniture for children's room. For children, the safety and environmental friendliness of the material is the basic properties that are repleted when choosing furniture. If you can still show creativity and combine in the bedroom, then you should not save for a child. Preferably choose MDF. But still, if the cost does not allow, it is necessary to pay the time to study safety certificates and pick up best option. On environmental standards there are two classes of chipboard:

  • E1 - highly equally clean. The evaluation indicator of harmful substances of this type of chipboard is minimal. Manufacturers are trying to reduce this mark to zero every year.
  • E2 - less eco-friendly. The degree of selection of formaldehyde in the chipboard of this class is higher than the previous one. Elements made from the material of this type are forbidden to use for children's premises.

Cupboard. This furniture element is used in almost every room. Furniture specialists have already found an optimal option. Often figure cutting and curvilinear sections are performed from MDF, internal filling remains for chipboard and chipboard. Facades - preference in their manufacture of course at MDF. They can be made with a pattern or winding lines.

Bathroom furniture. If we rely on the properties of the material, then the use of MDF will be preferable. It is the high degree of moisture resistance. But as mentioned above, a Paraffin impregnation is suitable for the manufacture of an economy version. If the price plays an important role when choosing a material, one can consider this option.

Building. These materials are used not only in the furniture industry.

Thanks to its properties, they took their niche and in the construction sector. Possessing a good chipboard structure perfectly withstands the impact of self-sufficiency, nails and bolts. Often it is used in the manufacture of partitions. Ease of processing MDV made this material necessary for the device of ventilation facades, elements of the roofs.

Progress does not stand still. New technologies and materials all the time fill the construction and furniture market. Wood slabs Excellent alternative solution in natural wood. With its characteristics, they allow you to make furniture high quality and accessible to everyone. Undoubtedly, natural tree looks noble and expensive, but also requires special care. Very often time and money is just missing. A competent approach to the choice of material will allow to dwell on the one that will satisfy all the required requests and will not disappoint during operation.

Modern furniture production uses a wide range of materials. The most common is laminated chipboard and MDF. Both species belong to tree fiber plates, that is, they are made of wood waste, but at the same time they differ significantly in their performance characteristics and properties, although their production technologies have some similarities.

LDSP - What is it?

The chipboard (chipboard) is compressed wood sawdust and chips, formaldehyde resins are used as impregnation and binding composition. The stove has an inhomogeneous structure, density, depending on the quantity, is 300-600 kg / m 3. For the production of furniture, high performance species are used. More loose varieties are used for technical purposes or as a packaging material.

Next, the chipboard is laminated - coated with a layer of a melamine film under high pressure. As a result, it turns out ready for use in furniture production LDSP (laminated wood chipboard).

The coating performs several functions:

  • prevents the selection of a formaldehyde person enough for the human body;
  • protects the slab from external influences, moisture ingress;
  • applies an attractive appearance plate - for the manufacture of furniture LDSP, laminating films of various colors, decors and textures are used.

There is an international classification environmental safety LDSP. Qualitative material, Used in the manufacture of household furniture, must correspond to the E1 class. When buying, specify this from the seller, demand to present certificates. Class E2 products are completely prohibited in Europe and has significant restrictions on use in Russia.

MDF - What is it?

Decoding the MDF abbreviation (fine fraction) says a lot about raw materials for the manufacture of this tile material. First wood waste Grind to homogeneous shallow fraction, dried and pressed. The main binder is the lignite - a natural substance in the composition of the wood. Formaldehyde in the production of MDF is used in minor quantities, and additional processing of parts fully interferes with their allocation.

As a result, material with homogeneous and high density (600 - 800 kg / m 3), smooth and smooth surface, without the content of harmful chemicals. As a protective and finishing layer on MDF, in contrast to the chipboard, apply diverse materials: PVC film, wood veneer, enamel, plastic, etc.

What is the difference between LDSP from MDF?

Each of the materials found its use in furniture production due to the features of the structure and operational characteristics. A comparison of the main indicators will help to understand the difference between MDF and LDSP and make the right choice.

High strength is one of the main properties that furniture materials should have. The tight MDF plate is much stronger than the chipboard and even a solid array. Products from chipboard are also sufficiently resistant to mechanical loads that may occur during the operation of furniture in domestic conditions. The main weak point of parts from the chipboard - the point of attachment of loops and accessories: due to the loose structure, the gradual destruction of the material is possible.

Resistance to moisture and steam is particularly important when choosing furniture for the kitchen or bathroom. Details from chipboard behave well in rooms with a normal or slightly elevated (in the kitchen) humidity under the condition of high-quality cutting and joints. Through unprotected or damaged moisture surfaces, it easily realizes inside the chipboard, which leads to swelling, geometry disruption and the destruction of the elements. Details from MDF are much more resistant to high humidity and can even survive the flood.

When choosing materials for furniture, technological capabilities are important. On dense plate MDF. You can apply deep milling and drawings, which provides unlimited design space in the production of furniture facades and decorative elements. LDSP such features does not give - loose surface it is impossible to handle high quality milling machine. MDF Nuts quite easily - it allows you to make parts of streamlined forms. From LDSP produce only straight furniture elements.

According to the degree of environmental friendliness of the MDF close to the natural tree, the absence of harmful substances allows to use this material in any residential premises. The use of chipboard is limited in children's rooms and hospitals.

The cost is often a decisive factor when choosing furniture. MDF is 1.5-2 times more expensive than chipboard, and is used for the manufacture of premium and luxury furniture. Economic segment products are almost always made of LDSP.

The cost of facades from MDF can differ significantly depending on the type of finishing material. The most economical coatings are PVC film and leaf plastics, the enamel (painting) is above the price scale, the most expensive finish is a veneer of a natural tree.

What to choose for each room?

The advantages of MDF are obvious, but it is expensive material. Furniture, fully made from MDF, is rare. Typically, manufacturers offer combined options. The buildings in the overwhelming majority of products presented in the market are made from LDSP, and the facades are from MDF, LDSP or combinations thereof. This approach allows you to use all aesthetic advantages of MDF. And prevent a significant increase in the cost of products.

For unprofessional, the difference between the materials in finished furniture Not always obvious. Often this can be determined in appearance - parts with milling and bends are performed only from MDF.

For each room in the house, the optimal recommended solutions for the choice of materials can be selected in accordance with the operating conditions.

  • Living room, hallway. For cabinets, Tumbers and other furniture in general purpose rooms, you can choose facades from any material in accordance with the budget and individual requirements for appearance. In order to save a family budget, LDSP is fully suitable.
  • Kitchen. Here the furniture is subjected special loads, temperature and humidity drops, the effects of food pollution. If finance allows you to purchase headsets with facades from MDF.
  • Bathroom. It is clearly recommended to install furniture, fully (including the case) made of MDF. Low moisture resistance chipboard automatically eliminates the use of this material in rooms with high humidity.
  • Bedroom. It is better to prefer sets from MDF. Furniture from LDSP is allowed only with very high quality design, careful processing of edges and joints.
  • Children's On environmental performance undoubtedly better MDF.than LDSP.

When choosing materials for furniture, it is necessary to proceed from the conditions of operation of products and financial capabilities. The cost is the only point in favor of LDSP. All other things being equal in the MDF - preferred material for the manufacture of furniture facades. Such products have all the advantages of a natural tree, and in terms of strength and moisture resistance, they even exceed a natural array, while they are much cheaper. A wide selection of finishing materials allows you to make furniture under the individual requirements of each customer.