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The zodiac sign of those who were born in September. The smartest children. Born in September - Health

Before answering the question about what kind of zodiac symbol in September patronizes people born this month, it is worth remembering that astrology is one of the oldest science recognizable modern people. Eastern Scriptures They argue that astrology originated simultaneously with the advent of a person on Earth. In our days, astrological knowledge has become even richer and continue to be replenished with new techniques and techniques that transform this science in powerful tool Forecasting.

Most of us, so either, already had to deal with the traditional characteristics of their solar symbols. Let's pay special attention to those who were born in September. Do you understand which symbol of the zodiac in September only begins his way through the sky, and what is already looking for his position?

From August 21, the zodiacal symbol of the Virgin comes into force, which for seven days after the occurrence of this period retains the impact of the sign standing in front of him decreasing with each day. This means that in its full power it only comes to 28 August. From this day and until September 20, the symbol of the Virgin remains at the peak of his power, after which he gradually loses its strength during the week, yielding to the increasing influence of the scale of the scales.

What symbol of the zodiac boasts such an incredible meeting of positive properties, how does the wise of Virgo possesses? In the mythology of Deev, it seems like a goddess - not only fertility, but also love, and beauty. According to the Slavic horoscope, people, the birthday of which fall on September 2, are friendly and stacks, they can easily smooth conflicts, possess an amazingly soft sense of humor, it is very easy to work with them. In the future, they look concern, conservative, incredulously relate to people.

General characteristics of people born on September 9

What is the symbol of the zodiac, like no other, has such incredible hardworking, practicality and thoroughness? That's right, this is Virgo. Being an earthly sign, it is modest, can enjoy small, always friendly, has a sense of measure and a huge compass. She is not only the "salt of the earth", but also a beautiful friend, sensitive to someone else's failure.

Celebrities, born September 9: Lion Tolstoy, Michelle Williams, Nadezhda Rumyantseva, Hugh Grant, Nadezhda Allilueva, Boris Sadier.

In general, the life of people born in the period from August 21 to September 20 is happily. Knowing what kind of zodiac symbol in September patronizes to you either your loved ones, you can safely take on the most exciting and incredible plans and incarnate them. After all, the Virgo is capable of bringing even those projects from which others abandoned various reasons to the logical end.

The one who does not believe in horoscopes, but now knows which symbol of the zodiac in September comes into his own rights, maybe there may be no doubt to try his forces in different areas Human activity, since due to their strength of the will and perseverance of Virgo, in any case, everywhere will achieve great success.

All parents want their child to grow smart, healthy and successful. Moms and dads with hope and undisguised trepidation peer into astrological forecasts regarding the future of their children.

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And then over the years they find confirmation of the stories read once about the effect of planets and constellations on the nature, natural abilities and the identity of their baby.

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As it turned out, you can not wait for grace from nature and at the family planning stage to provide the child the best start in life. This is not a fortune telling on the stars - this is a science!

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Scientists accurately found out that the most healthy and smart children are born in September. "So simple!" Calls you 7 scientific facts proving this amazing phenomenon.

The smartest children

  • September children are better learning
    A group of scientists from Harvard University (USA) watched a mental development of more than a million children aged 6 to 15 years. The study was conducted at Florida State Schools.

    It turned out that the children born in September are best studying at school, but born in August, on the contrary, get the worst marks.

    From an astrological point of view september children - These are virgin and scales (starting from September 24). Virgo is distinguished by obedience and grab everything on the fly. Scales from an early age show a tendency to study and creativity.

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  • More confident
    In addition to good performance, the September children are more confident in themselves, they are more often in college and less often receive disciplinary recovery. At least, this is true for the state of Florida, where the study was conducted.

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  • Have less problems with law
    The study also showed that children born in September have a smaller probability to get into a bad company or commit a crime. All those moms, whose children were born in September, this, without a doubt, would please.
  • September children - good athletes
    Researchers from the University of Essek (United Kingdom) found that the children born in the fall, more sporty. They can run and jump by 10% better than others. Perhaps this is due to the fact that their moms were obtained during pregnancy sufficient number Vitamin D.

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  • Children, born in September, usually above
    A study conducted in Bristol (United Kingdom) showed that babies who were born early autumn, slightly higher than children born in winter and spring.

    Scientists explained by the fact that their moms could enjoy the sun in the last trimester of pregnancy and their body produced more vitamin D. It helped the kid bones better grow better.

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  • Less susceptible to risk diseases
    Scientists from Princeton University (USA) argue that the risk of development of at least 55 of the more than one and a half thousand famous science of diseases directly depends on the month in which a person was born.

    For example, those who were born in March, more often, suffer from heart problems. People who appeared on the light in July and October, more than others risk to get asthma. The deficit syndrome and hyperactivity threatens those who were born in November. Children born in September, face these diseases less often than everyone else.

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  • September kids happier
    All children are happy if love and security feel, but autumn children are happier. Although many people do not believe in astrology, those who were born in the fall from mid-September to October, under the sign of the scales, as a rule, happier than the rest.

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  • Why is this happening

    On the intrauterine development The child affects the amount of sunlight and useful substancesobtained by his mother. In women who gave birth to a child in autumn, the last months of pregnancy are for the summer, when a lot of sun, fruits and vegetables, which allows you to accumulate in maternal milk a large number of Vitamins.

    In addition, most schools use September birthdays as an extreme age to take students.

    This means that September children will most likely be for the whole year older than their youngest classmates. Being older than others, they develop well, receive an advantage in the assimilation of knowledge and training.

    Favorite September stars

    It seems that September is a month of sultry women. These beauties are so attractive that most of them do not leave the first lines in a variety of lists like "the most sexy women Planets. "

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    In September, the birthday is celebrated two chic hearts - Monica Bellucci (September 25) and Salma Hayek (September 22). It is difficult to believe in it, but September 20 marks 84 years old by the brilliant queen of Italian cinema Sophie Loren.

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    On September 25, 1969, Oskarone Beauty Catherine Zeta-Jones was born. Since childhood, Catherine did not need anything, but, like every girl from a decent family, worked a lot: he was dancing, music, dreamed of becoming an actress.

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    Habit a lot to work with her faithful service: if there were no stubborn classes with fencing, do not see it the very role in the "Mask Zorro", which brought her world fame.

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    As for men, our favorite actors: Kiana Rivz, Bill Murray, Will Smith, Adam Sandler, Idris Elba and Mickey Rourke - also appeared in September.

    As you can see, the children born in September constantly prove their peculiarity. So, if you are a September child, you can quite achieve everything, what your heart seeks.

    Zhvi. full life And know that, although fate can sometimes be tough, the stars lined up so that you will be given success. Live, love, laugh ... And most importantly, find your fellow born in September, and tell them how special they are.

    You look at Monica Bellucci, and such a feeling that years above it is not powerful. And the most amazing thing is that she has never done the blades of beauty and did not appeal to plastic surgeons. Today is the editorial office "So simple!" will tell, as he cares one of the most beautiful women Modern.

    Unrivaled Sophie Lauren never hid his age, on the contrary, the actress is proud of the fact that in 84 she managed to look very seductive! Yes, yes, you did not hear, September 20, 2018 Sophie will be 84!

    To date, Sophie Lauren consider one of the most charming women! Do you admire this actress? Be sure to share your opinion in the comments.

    The zodiac influence of September on the character, tendency, finance and health born in the month of September.

    The zodiacal sign of the Virgin begins to gain influence on August 21, but for seven days it is still weak and "overexpopped" with the impact of the previous sign of the lion, and therefore only on the full effect of Virgo only on August 28. From this date, the sign of the Virgin affects the fate of the newborns until September 20, and then for seven days gradually loses strength, yielding ascending sign Scales. People born during this period of the year, that is, from August 21 to September 28, as a rule, seek success in life. They are endowed with high intelligence and excellent memory, careful, very legible in friendly and other connections, and therefore, as a rule, they are not easy to deceive or subordinate to their influence.

    Born under the sign of the Virgin carefully everything is analyzed; Their side of their side is an uncomplicable logic. As a rule, excellent critics come out of the "people of the Virgin", but it is precisely that it does not bring them happiness. They love order, very observant and have an excellent taste in everything that concerns the situation of their own dwellings. As a rule, ingenuity is not the most feature Dev, but they brilliantly bring to the mind of successful thoughts of others. Success is waiting for all unfinished plans, all the "digested" works that they will take on. These people will never give up work halfway and will not allow themselves to relax until the started. The law and order will find in representatives of this sign of the most zealistic admirers.

    From the Virgin, excellent lawyers and speakers are obtained, but, by choosing a ministry of law, they prefer to use a precedent, and not develop something new. People of this sign succeed in scientific research And business: here an important role is played by their hardworking, perseverance, the power of the will and the ability to work exactly, "in one breath", without takeoffs and falls. They, however, too go to themselves and in their steady persecution by unknown to others often seem selfish. They are self-sufficient, they do not trust anyone and relievers only. Nevertheless, it is representatives of this sign more than others, able to reach the extreme both in the bad and in good. So, if these people have a progress, in pursuit of progress, they will not stop neither before.

    Born under the sign of the Virgin is experiencing a deep inner need for love, but their loved ones are understood. And the bad, and the most excellent properties of human nature are characteristic of these people - both women and men. In the younger years, they are all unparably clean thoughts and innocents, but if they change the views, they do it with a scope, rightly the venously, becoming the direct opposite of the past "walking virtue." However, due to the mind and congenital respect for the order of them better than others, it is possible to hide their bad inclinations. Often these people are susceptible to alcohol and narcotic dependence. And here they can help only the power of the will and self-control.

    With regard to health, devices released more endurance than other signs. But it is for them that they are characterized by an amazing fad "sick" by any illness, as read or hear. As for food, these people show special refinement. Ugly-designed dish may completely beat off their appetite. Born under the sign of the Virgin is so sensitive to the situation that the lack of harmony or some irritant can seriously spoil them digestion. However, they are generally very susceptible to sudden disorders of gastro intestinal tract (Frequent constipation, and sometimes, on the contrary, diarrhea or colic). In addition, there is a tendency to diseases of the lungs and neurites in the field of shoulder belt and hands. Since this particular sign of the zodiac is associated with the solar plexus, "People of Virgin" need sunlight and fresh air More than others. People born during this period of the year are felt by themselves the impact of an important principle of astrology: sun rayspassing through zodiac, give them qualities opposite to what the impact of the Mercury planet in the negative. So, their personal vibrations are most stronger in terms of the material side of life, and in their views these are realists - sober-minded, skeptical people, gifted by the analytical warehouse of the mind. Sometimes the harm and pedantry of virgins turn into cynicism. They are almost impossible to press and influence, it is not easy to deceive.

    Calcity and spreadability of the virgins reaches the extreme limit. They are very appreciated, purity, accuracy and discipline. At the same time, these people are not inclined to disseminate the requirements of the discipline. They are original, do not go to a laugant, clearly prefer to fight for an unpopular idea or a condemned personality than to be at the same time with the crowd. Excellent dealing with people, Virgin, as a rule, can rely on the first impression. However, they go into themselves too much, and if you give this tendency to develop, it can lead to hypochondria. Born under the sign of the Virgin is experiencing deep reverence of money and too bow to everyone that gives wealth. Most of all for the Virgo profession of literary or artistic criticism, because they quickly grab the essence, see weak spots And very quickly read. Usually these people achieve success due to the mind, tireless efficiency, exceptional accuracy and a clear vision of the essence. Sometimes they remain unrecognized talents for many years, but sooner or later, as a rule, seek fame.

    Men's sign people are very gentle, loving nature, but are not located to the outpouring of feelings. In love, this is surprisingly faithful, but jealous partners. Their views are solid and resistant, and if the worldview of the virgin has developed, no world catastrophe will not shake him into Yota. Born under this sign often give excessive importance of clothing and appearance. Thanks enough large power Will and persistence of virgins are not easy to discourage, and they tend to achieve goals. The intelligence is very high, but its flight prevents "sinking in detail". Born under the sign of the Virgin should develop benevolence, the ability to praise, be tolerant, patient and merciful in their eternal critizm. And then a success will come to them.

    All people of this sign are very thoughtful, want and know how to learn - these are regulars of libraries, audiences and lecture halls. They get pleasure, listening to a good performance or lecture, and they themselves have eloquence. The amazing quality of these people is the ability to remain young and unfavorable. Years do not take them. Virgo is irritable, hot-tempered and easily fall into anger because of trifles, but at the same time they hate any serious clashes and bloodshed. That is why they, like no one, are good in negotiations and arbitration.

    Born in September: Health

    People sign of Virgin constantly live in strong nervous tensionTherefore, anger and anxiety applied the most detrimental to their health. They often suffer from stomach and duodenal ulcers, and this problem must be kept under supervision. They need a diet - light and simple food, abundance clean water, Fresh air, sunbathing. Sleep devices need more than usual, and a full-fledged holiday is vital. As a rule, rest and sleep make a miracle.

    Born in September: Finance

    From the point of view of finance born in September, the stars favor. These people have good attacks in business, they are economical, overwhelming, extremely caution and always clearly imagine what they want. Investments in such areas as real estate and land ownership are greatest luck.

    Born in September: marriage, unions, friendship, partnership

    The most favorable marriage and partnership with born under their own familiar - From August 21 to September 20, as well as in the second house of the trinity of the signs of the Earth - from December 21 to January 20; In the first house of the trinity of the signs of the Earth - from April 20 to May 20, as well as during the periods of "overlapping" two characters - within seven days before and after the period of the board of one of the listed signs. A union with people born in the opposite period of the year is favorable - from mid-February to mid-March.

    And although in some sources, Augustus is indicated, the palm of the world championship still receives September. According to data published in the Edition Reader's Digest, nine of the ten Americans were born between the ninth and twentieth of September. For comparison in Russia, about 5-8% of children appears in the first month of autumn.

    Successes at school

    Scientists believe that September children are developing faster than those born in the summer. According to observations, 20% of them have real chances to get into elite educational institutions.

    Weight in normal

    People who appeared in September often have a thin body. At the same time, kids do not have a lack of weight at birth. Their body weight ranges from 2.8 to 4 kg, which is recognized as an absolute norm.

    Happy New Year!

    Children, born in September, were conceived in December or January. And this is not surprising - long winter evenings and long New Year holidays have to love.

    Calmness, only calm

    According to, people who celebrate their birthday in September are less likely to develop depression and bipolar disorders.

    Rising indicators

    Children, born in late summer or early autumn, are ahead of the growth of those who appeared in the winter or spring. It is possible that this is due to the enhanced production of vitamin D in the body of a pregnant woman under the influence of sunlight.

    Sports achivments

    According to research center research physical culture And Sports at the University of Essec University "Autumn" Children are physically stronger and hardy. But within the limits of this group there is competition - children born in October and November are recognized by the most athletics.

    Good sign

    In the period from August 23 to September 22, people are born under the sign of the Virgin. They are devoted, carefully for details and love order in everything. The scales born from September 23 to October 22, are sociable and friendly. This sign of the zodiac is inherent in the innate sense of justice and inner harmony.

    Strong bones

    Studies of British scientists have shown that the September kids have a bone tissue for 12.75 kV cm thicker than in children born in other months.

    September "Stars"

    Number famous peopleBorn in the beginning of autumn, the talented actor Alexey Chadov, charming singers Larisa Dolina and Ani Lorak. Who knows, maybe in this September in the sky will hear a new star?

    Flower horoscope

    According to Cosmo.Ru, the Astra patronizes in the first half of September. Such people are distinguished by life and charismatic. In the second half of September, heather appears - erudite personalities, intellectuals who love to keep everything under control.

    Law abiding citizen

    Good news: Scientists from Canada and the United States concluded that the September children are less at risk to get to jail for minors.

    Early childbirth

    According to the research conducted by the US National Sciences Academy, women who fall out on autumn and winter, give birth to children on average a week earlier.

    Allergy and asthma

    Life up to one hundred years

    Leonid and Natalia Gavrilov, scientists from the University of Chicago, gathered a focus group from one and a half thousand elderly, whose age was a hundred and more years. It turned out that most of the participants were born in September. According to scientists, familiarity with infections in early age contributed to the rapid formation of immunity and increased the duration of their lives. It seems that September children have every chance to celebrate a hundredth birthday.

    People born in September possess good intuition, they achieve good results in sports game, They love to invent something constantly, are not indifferent to nature, animals and scientific books. They can best realize themselves in art, service, science, jurisprudence and medicine.

    Character of people born in September

    People born in September differ in their active vital position and the sharpness of the mind. They are wonderful speakers who know how to express their thoughts perfectly. September people are inherent in the following main features of character:

    • energy;
    • irritability;
    • jealousy;
    • generosity;
    • hot temper;
    • communicability;
    • dedication;
    • honesty;
    • kindness;
    • hardworking;
    • responsiveness.

    September people immediately come to help those who fall into trouble by force of the circumstances. But if the difficulties arose on someone's nonsense, they will not help. These people strive for order in everything, do not like to go on a justified risk, appreciate stability and strive for it.

    Peace of September is an absolutely non-conflict person, it is seriously tolerated quarrels and squabbles, not participating in the gossip. These people are difficult to call the generators of ideas, but they are perfectly implemented by all that they could pass through, concentrating on the ultimate goal. People born in September - fighters for justice and the truth that will defend, do not regret neither forces or time. They strive for material benefits, do not have problems with money due to their diligence and economy.

    September people are in all beautiful, they love to read, fond of art and theater, attend exhibitions. They have an amazing flaw and logical thinking, always strive for self-improvement and knowledge of the world.

    Health of people born in September

    People born this month have strong health, but, nevertheless, they always complain about various ailments that are attributed to themselves. They are very sensitive to conflict situations And easily come out of themselves, which adversely affects the digestive system. Often nervous breakdowns Call the following problems:

    • colic;
    • constipation;
    • dysentery;
    • indigestion;
    • stuttering;
    • speech interference;
    • problems with light.

    September people should be well filled, often to be in the fresh air and play sports. All this will help save peace of mind And avoid disease.

    Love and friendship

    September People tolerate cannot endure jealousy if they rush such scenes, it does not raise influence and, most likely, they will do everything. They love big and fun friendly companies, but if for the sake of their personal interests to someone from friends will have to cross the road, they will make it easily. If the problems of friends do not affect the interests of September of September, he will always come to the rescue and will help them solve them.

    September people often fall in love, but at the same time very carefully and carefully choose spouses. They appreciate the family, attentive and kind to their halves, care and love children. Peace of September loves comfort and comfort in the house. Women are excellent hostesses, caring and passionate wives driving their family nest. Men try to choose their wife's wife, they love the family and their home.

    People born in September are not prone to frequent change of partners, despite their in love, which quickly passes, they remain alone. They are often happy in family life, And if the family is destroyed, it is very hard and painfully tolerated.