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How is the intrauterine development of the fetus. Pregnancy development of the fetus for weeks, sensations. Sensations of a woman as the fetus develop

Probably, every woman awaiting the appearance of her baby to light, ready under the microscope to look at the transformation of a tiny lump in a cute baby body. But, unfortunately, there is no such possibility.

Although modern medicine already provides a lot of ways to study the development of a child in the womb. Of course, it is pleasant and interesting to learn that your future kid has been hammered by heart or all fingers have been formed.

However, this information is necessary for even before birth, if necessary, begin to influence its physical and mental development.

The main stages of intrauterine development

Many women, already at the pregnancy planning stage, begin to take care of their health strongly. The diet is revised, refuse to harmful habits, adopt folic acid.

Traditionally, the stages of the development of a child in the mother's womb are divided by 3 trimesters, each of which lasts three months or 90 days and is characterized by meaningful changes in the fetal life.

The state of a woman in the early and later pregnancy is also usually unequal. There are oscillations in food behavior and mood.

Consider a Read more Development of a child in the mother's womb on weeks.

First trimester of pregnancy

  • 1 and 2 weeks of pregnancy can be called "conditional", because it is not a birth of a new life, but preparation for it. A hormonal background in the body of a woman changes, the egg cell is prepared for fertilization;
  • 3 weeks is considered a period of conception and falls on the middle of the menstrual cycle. A woman usually does not feel any signs of pregnancy, although pulling pains can appear at the bottom of the abdomen or begin to change food behavior (read on the topic: 3 weeks pregnancy, stomach hurts \u003e\u003e\u003e);
  • On the 4th week already there is an active development of the embryo. It is still not at all like a future child, but the formation of the head, brain, spine, muscles is already laid. It appears and begins to beat the heart;
  • By the end of 1 month of intrauterine development in the embryo, the outlines of the handles, legs, ears and eyes are noticeable. He has already managed to grow ten thousand times!

That is why the first trimester is key in the development of the fetus.

  • At 5-6 weeks of development, the child continues the formation of internal organs (stomach, liver, kidneys, lungs), a circulatory system. Thumbs are distinguishable. Usually a woman begins to notice the first signs of pregnancy, toxicosis may appear (relevant: nausea during pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e);
  • 7-8 weeks are characterized by the advent of the vestibular apparatus, as the main body of the child's senses. The baby already has eyelids, jaws. The skeleton develops, joints are formed. The child may react to external stimuli, touch;

At the same time, he begins to move, but the movements are not yet tangible for the future mother, as the baby is still too small. Its weight is 2-4 g, and the length is 12-15 mm. With the help of a special device (stethoscope) you can already hear the heartbeat of the child.

  • For 9-10 weeks, the child appears on the fingers and nails. Forms are formed. In the brain, the cerebellum develops intensively, designed to respond to coordination of movements. There is a further formation of skeleton bones, skull;

Interesting! After 9 weeks of pregnancy, the embryonic period of intrauterine development ends and fetal begins. From 10 weeks, the embryo becomes a fruit. He has already laid almost all organs. In the following weeks there are their active ripening and development.

  • On 11-13 weeks there is a significant increase in the head of the child, due to the development of the brain. The first hairs begin to grow. The child can suck the thumb, bending and blending limbs.

He has a kidney, highlighting the urine. The roots of dairy teeth are formed. The kid feels noise, reacts to sounds, warm. He perceives the movements that are transmitted from the mother: if it is inactive, he is calm, if it is active, then the child begins to move.

The first trimester is completed and, from about 14 weeks, it begins a calmer period for a woman, because the threat of miscarriages is significantly reduced.

In addition, usually, if in the early periods of pregnancy, the future mother bothered toxicosis, then in the second trimester he retreats, the woman feels much better.

Second trimester of pregnancy

  1. 14-15 weeks;
  • The formation of the head, handles, legs are completed;
  • The child weighs about 110 g, and its growth is 12 cm;
  • His movements become more coordinated;
  • The kid appears taste sensations, it can react to substances that fall from mom into amniotic fluid;
  • The amount of urine allocated at the child becomes more.
  1. For 16-17 weeks of intrauterine development, that's what happens:
  • The skin of the child pink;
  • He makes grabbing movements, blinks, can open and close the mouth;
  • The baby grows up to 18 cm and weighs 150 g (weight can fluctuate to 200 g);
  • It often swallows amniotic fluid;
  • Head proportions exceed the proportions of the body;
  • Everyone who has not yet started talking to their child should begin to do this in this period. This contributes to the establishment of better mom's contact with the baby and in the future - the development of speech.
  1. 18-19 weeks;
  • Fetal movements are becoming tangible (read: chapels for 18 weeks of pregnancy, movements \u003e\u003e\u003e);
  • The child hears the mother's heartbeat and the flow of her blood according to the vessels;
  • There is an active development of lungs and bronchi;
  • Begins to work the spleen.
  1. Approximately 20-21 weeks the activity of the child increases markedly:
  • It moves in the uterus, pushes, moves the limbs, can play with umbilical cord and even smile;
  • The baby more clearly begins to distinguish between intonation. The more mom will sing to him pleasant songs, the better for the development of his hearing;
  • In the intestine of the child begins to form the first cal - Mekonia;
  • The kid grows intensively (length is about 30 cm) and adds in weight (weighs 500-600 g).
  1. On 22-23 weeks, the ratio of head and body becomes more proportional. During this period there is a new round in the development of nervous bonds and brain. The accumulation of adipose tissue occurs. More details you can read in Article 22 of the Pregnancy Week \u003e\u003e\u003e;
  2. 24-25 weeks;
  • The child has a connection of facial expansion with emotions;
  • He can smile if he is comfortable or angry, if he is dissatisfied and, at the same time, on the face of the corresponding expression: the muscles around the eyes are tense, the lips are compressed. This is confirmed by the photo of the development of the child in the womb;
  • Some studies suggest that the kid, during this period, is able to see dreams;
  • Its skin is still very gentle and covered with special lubrication;
  • The child born on this period is able to survive.
  1. By 26-27 weeks of the intrauterine development, all the bodies of the baby were formed;
  • His weight ranges from 800 to 1200. Height: 32-35 cm;
  • With the beginning of the functioning of the endocrine system, the intensive production of own hormones occurs.

If you take into account the development of the child in the mother's womb by months, then this period marks the end of the sixth month of pregnancy.

Third trimester of pregnancy

  1. 28-29 weeks;
  • The child can breathe independently;
  • It opens his eyes from time to time;
  • In the uterus, the baby is becoming closer, it begins to take a normal position for childbirth: the head is located below;
  • The brain is intensively growing, the number of convulsions increases;
  • The child is able to find out the voice of the mother among others.
  1. 30-31 weeks;
  • During wakefulness, the child's eyes are open, and when sleeping - closes them. With bright light, it is buried;
  • The skin of the baby is thickened, acquires a bright pink color;
  • Increase in the amount of digestive organs;
  • Grow muscular weight.
  1. 32-33 weeks of intrauterine development;
  • In this and subsequent period, the growth of the fetus and weight gain becomes very rapid. Its length is 40-45 cm, weight 1500-2000 g.;
  • There is a formation of immunity;
  • The skin is smoothed, the fat layer appears under it;
  • The child is becoming more and more active and everything is more closely in the uterus;
  • The development of nervous connections continues.
  1. 34-35 weeks;
  • During this period, the kids are strengthened, therefore, quite often, the woman requires an additional calcium reception;
  • The development of muscle mass continues;
  • Nails have completely grew;
  • Cumshots disappear from the skin;
  • Lightly formed, ready for breathing;
  • A sucking reflex is actively developing, indicating that the child is preparing for the right food of food required after birth;
  • Cal, accumulated in the intestine, will be released in the first hours of life born baby;
  • These weeks for a woman can be marked by the appearance of the first training bouts.
  1. 36-37 weeks;
  • Fully formed genitals, heart. The child is ready for birth;
  • Merchants are becoming increasingly tangible;
  • The face of the kid is rounded due to a fat layer;
  • Cartilage are compacted;
  • Pregnancy Over 37 weeks is a dundar. In the absence of pathologies and the normal weight of the fetus (approximately 2500-2700 g), the childbirth on this period is most often passing successfully.
  1. 38-39 weeks;
  • Hair growth occurs on the head (they can be up to 2 cm);
  • The position of the kid in the womb is determined.
  • The iron is accumulated in its liver, necessary for life after birth;
  • The development of a whole complex of reflex reactions is completed;
  • The neck of the uterus begins to open (read the article on this issue: Preparation of the cervix for childbirth \u003e\u003e\u003e).
  1. 40-42 weeks are waiting for labor;
  • All stages of the development of the child in the mother's womb were completed;
  • By this time, its weight is usually 3000-3500 g or more, growth - from 49 to 55 cm (in rare cases - more);
  • In some cases, a long-term pregnancy leads to a rejunction of the fetus, then the childbirth can be stimulated to avoid negative consequences for the baby and mom.

It would seem that for almost a year to raise a baby, take care of him and his health, to worry about the pregnancy to go without prejudice to its development. But this period passes so rapidly that most women do not immediately have time to realize that they became young mothers.

And, the more attention was shown to the baby, communicating with him in the process of pregnancy, the stronger the connection of a woman with a child at the time of his appearance on the light and the easier the childbirth should pass.

And the main task of mom during this period is to help the baby feel that life next to her and with other relatives is also safe and even more interesting and diverse than in her tummy.

The ability to dry out and the birth of the fetus is a real miracle that a woman performs. After all, at this time - it is a magic vessel in which the microscopic cell is converted into a full-fledged human body.

The average duration of pregnancy is 280 days, that is, 10 obstetrics (28 days) or 9 calendar months, the countdown is made from the first day to the last menstrual cycle. During this period, a tiny egg in the uterus will have time to develop to the stage of mature fetus - a small little man prepared for outside the morning existence. Are you interested in tracing the development of the baby from month to month? Then take advantage of our calendar Pregnancy.

Stages of pregnancy for months

1 month (1-4 pregnancy Week)
After the fertilization of the egg occurred, the uterine tube launches the cell division process. All processes are made with such rapid at the speed, which is just right to say that "the child grows not by day, but by the hour."

  • After the expiration of three days after conception, the hump of HCHG begins to produce in the fruit, due to which the female organism is subject to some changes.
  • During the first three weeks, the fertilized cell becomes embryo.
  • The kid has a bookmark of all organs.
  • By the end of the 4th week, blood circulation is launched in the embryo, cord is formed as a connection with the placenta.
  • The embryo is implanted in the uterus.
  • The first month of pregnancy ends with the formation of eye wpadin, fastest legs and hands.
  • By the end of 4 weeks, the appearance of the embryo is comparable to the ear shell and has the magnitude of the sand - about 1 mm.

2 month (5-8 a week)
The fruit ceases to receive food from a fetal egg and immediately after attaching it to the inner walls of the uterus gets food from a woman. From this point on, its development is significantly accelerated.

  • In the first month, two layers are distinguished in the fruit - endoderma and mesoderma, on the 5th week there is a third - ectoderma, which builds a nervous system, leather, hair, dental enamel. In addition, the embryo marks the formation of a groove that is consistently cooled. It is transformed into the nervous tube - in the future - in chord, central and peripheral system. In the chest is the formation of a primitive heart tube.
  • At week 6, your baby is exposed to an active organogenesis - the process of forming the most key systems in the body: hands, legs, head.
  • 7 weeks noted by the rapid growth of the head, as the brain is actively developing. In the rounded head you can already distinguish the orders. The formation of the nose and her mouth begins. Two bronchial branches are already present in the field of the future respiratory system. Heart separation on cameras and artery. The appearance of veins also accompanies the conception of such organs as liver, spleen and gallbladder.
  • At 8 week, ultrasound will demonstrate the picture of the first unconscious movements of the kid. It will be possible to blame the outlines of the handles and fingers, the upper lip, the nose and the oars. For 2 months, the child has a height of 13 mm.

3 month of development (9-12 a week)
For the third month, your baby has to go from the status of the Embryrous in the so-called obstetrician "status" of the fetus.

  • The 9th week is notable for changes associated with the kid skeleton. Begins the transformation of cartilage in the bone, bending of hands and legs, the final formation of the neck. There will be eyelids, although they are soldered with each other at this stage of development.
  • 10 week - the fetus completes the stage called embryonic development. Fingers are disconnected on the hands and legs. It is still impossible to identify external genitals, but the boy will already begin to develop testosterone.
  • On 11 there is a complete disappearance of the tail. The child can already be compared with a small man, but his body has not yet adopted those proportions that are peculiar to the newborn. At this stage, 10% of his weight occupies a liver. In the body, kidneys are already working - the urine produced is replenished with spindle water.
  • 12 week - complete completion of organogenesis. The complete formation of all systems and at the subsequent stages of the development of the kid, they simply continue their development.

By the end of 3 months, the fruit reaches 61 mm in growth, and 14 g - in weight.

4 month (13 - 16 weeks)

  • 14 week - the entire system of cartilage, of which the skeleton of the fetus was built, becomes bones. Genitals can already be attributed to a specific floor, but the ultrasound can not yet show them.
  • 15 week - the appearance of the hair cover on the head, the formation of eyebrows. At this stage, the formation of the gallbladder is launched.
  • 16 week - eyes and ears take their final look. Solid elongation of legs - in relation to the body they will become proportional. At this stage, the child is distinguished completely formed nails.

The weight of the child for 4 months equals 130 g, the growth is 12 cm.

5 month (17-20 weeks)

  • The final formation of grooves on palms and heels, of which the basis for prints in the future.
  • The size of the kid is equal to the size of the placenta.
  • 18 weeks - the beginning of the perception by the child of external sounds and responding to them.
  • 19 weeks - the slowdown in the rapid growth of the child, from that moment the subcutaneous fat begins to form. Bronchioles are formed in the lungs. The toddler response is noted.
  • By 20 week, the girl will have a fully formed uterus, but there is still no vagina.

By completion of 5 months, the child will reach 16 cm in growth, and 320 g - in weight.

6 month (21-24 a week)

  • A bright example of a jump in the development of the nervous system becomes the ability of the kid to swallow the oily fluid.
  • Dairy and constant teeth in their infancy can be seen on the ultrasound.
  • Hair growth continues on the head, but their color is still impossible to determine, since it has not yet come to appear the appearance of pigment.
  • 23 Week - On the ultrasound, you can follow the quick movements of the eyes during the dream of a baby, which confirms the high activity of the brain.
  • 24 weeks - the viability of the child at a qualitatively different level begins on this time. In the lungs, the formation of terminal bags at the ends of the capillaries, separated with alveoli using a thin film. Light begin to produce a surfactant - a surface substance that prevents the closure of capillary bags during the respiratory process.

By the end of 6 months, the fruit grows up to 21 cm long, and up to 630 g in weight.

7 month (25 - 28 weeks)

  • The subcutaneous fat is actively formed, but the child is still thin, has red and wrinkled skin.
  • The appearance of taste nipples in the language.
  • There is a normal functioning of all organs, but their development is still continuing.
  • In the last three months, the growth of the brain is particularly enhanced.
  • 28 week - the kid will open his eyes. The boy at this time the testicles will devastate in the scrotum.

By 6 months of pregnancy, the kid will grow up to 35 cm in length, and will weigh approximately 1 kg.

8 month (29 - 32 weeks)

  • White subcutaneous fat continues to form - an important source of child's energy nutrition.
  • The origin of the immune system, nevertheless, the child's blood is also replenished with mothers antibodies.
  • The teeth in the gums are covered with enamel.
  • Already in the uterine cavity, the child is prepared for an independent existence: it breathes by sprinkling waters (an analogue of the respiratory charge, allowing to increase light), you can observe the sucking cam or finger (the development of the reflex).
  • The kid is powdered, subcutaneous vessels have already ceased to shift.

By the end of this period of pregnancy, the fruit will reach 40-41 cm in growth, and 1600 g - in weight.

9 month (33 - 36 weeks)

  • The activity of the child is increasing, its water room is becoming more closely for him.
  • The ratio of white subcutaneous fat is 8% of its weight.
  • Light kids are increasingly distinguished by a souffortant.

By 10 months the fruit grows up to 45 cm, and weighs approximately 2500 g.

10 month (37 - 40 weeks)

  • Lanego - hair loss covering the surface of the head and the calf child.
  • The original grease is reduced in volume.
  • The kid takes a position in which it is born (the knees are firmly closed with the chin).
  • His preparation for independent life is fully completed.

As a rule, full-time children have an increase of 51 cm, and weigh 3400 g.
The final stage of the intrauterine development of the baby behind, and you will have to cope with a serious test - childbirth, after which you will finally get acquainted with your long-awaited treasure.

See how the growth of the fruit looks like from the beginning and to the end.

Even if you are on early, then very soon you will need special underwear for future mothers, and cosmetics from stretch marks and pigmentation on the skin will also be useful.

Closer to the intended date of childbirth Mom begin to prepare dowry for the kid. In the online store of children's goods Lapsi you can buy everything you need for babies:

Pregnancy is a unique physiological process that allows parental cells to connect and form a new organism. The development of the fetus for weeks of pregnancy is the most interesting event that many milfs love to remember. Every day, the week of pregnancy entails the grand changes in the fetus and unforgettable impressions arising from the mother. From this article, future mothers learn a lot of useful and information that interests: when the baby begins to lead an active lifestyle, hear her voice. No less interesting to know about the changes in the weight of the fetus, when the long-awaited ultrasound will take place to recognize the floor of the crumbs.

The intrauterine development of the fetus is divided into two stages:

  1. the embryonic period lasts eight weeks after the fertilization of the egg. At this time, the female is embryo;
  2. the fetal period is counted from the ninth week until childbirth. At this stage of development, a woman is already under his heart.

There is a real duration of childbirth, which is counting from the moment of fertilization and obstetric, originating the first day of the last month. Their difference is 14 days.

Exciting a trip for weeks of pregnancy


An important event occurred - fertilization. The zygota starts its formation. Each day and even an hour increases the number of embryo cells by crushing and on the third day it consists of 8 cells, and on fourths from 20. They form a small lump, which moves to the uterus to start full-fledged development and growth.


A fruit egg is attached to the wall of the uterus. Such a process is called implantation, it is a critical moment for the development of the embryo. The mother's body is rebuilt, producing hormones to protect the embryo. Pink or brown discharge can be observed.

At the same week, the cells of the fetal egg cells occurs:

  • the inner layer is responsible for the formation of lungs, liver, digestive organs;
  • the middle layer forms the bone and blood circuit;
  • the outer layer develops the nervous system, skin and hair cover, etc.


This week is preceded by the development of the spinal and brain, the spine is formed.

For 20-21, it is possible to say with confidence that the conception was successful. The embryo consists of a variety of cells, and the tiny heart begins to fight - the fruit is ready for intrauterine changes. The dark discharge appear signals the threat of miscarriage.


The embryo reaches the size of the poppy grain - 1, 5 mm. During this period, the basemark of the foundations for internal organs begins, the heartbeat increases, the nervous tube goes into a new phase for the development of the brain, limbs originate. The extraordinary organs are formed: a gusty bag that provides the nutrition of the embryo, Chorion is the future placenta.


At this stage, the embryo is no longer more than sesame seeds. For its nutrition, the placenta is responsible for it through the umbilical cord.

  • Specialist in ultrasound can already determine how many children will be born from a woman.
  • The heart begins to share for two cameras, changes in the sex and brain appear.
  • At the ultrasound, you can consider inaccurate features of the face, snacks for mouth, eye and nose notes appear.


There is an improvement of the heart, lungs and bronchial trees. Face features continue to be issued, phalange fingers appear. The uterus increases and reaches the size of the plum.


This is the time when future parents begin to replenish the family album of the first photo of the intrauterine development of the child. The heart is already four-digit and numbered 100-190 beats per minute - this is normal. Tailing disappears at the base of the spine, the placenta fully supports nutrition and intrauterine processes. There is a rapid development of the brain, the middle layer of the adrenal glands, lymph nodes.


The laying of vital organs and tissues is completed. The size of the embryo is only 4 mm, and it is already similar to the correctly formed organism with protruding fingers, joints, ears, alkali for eyes and mouth. The nervous system is developed, the primitives of the first teeth are formed.

The embryo begins to move, but for the future mother it is imperceptibly.


The embryo goes into the fetus stage. It scored the weight of up to 2 g and has a value of 22-30 mm. The cerebellum, the average layer of adrenal glands, lymph nodes, chest glands, genitals continue their development for weeks.

Grand Changes occur: a tiny creation mechanizes head, swims in the uterus, reacts to mothers movement and hears the sounds, grabs for the umbilical cord, shifts his finger in the mouth. The urinary system begins work, the smell is developing, which will help newborns to find the chest.


Weight - 5 grams, the value is 30-40 mm. These days are full of events. The diaphragm is fully formed, the brain is actively developing, the skull, skeleton, the refill between the fingers disappear. The liver begins to highlight bile, the intestines is reduced.


Toddler mass 8 gr, body length 5 cm. The formation of blood vessels is suitable for completion, the heart works correctly, the placenta becomes more dense and creates excellent protection for the originatile body. The head is still big, but every day its transfiguration occurs, the liver takes 10% of the whole body.


First trimester at the shuttle stage. A tiny creation has increased significantly and has a weight of about 9 cm. The descent of dairy teeth are formed. The digestive system, bones and muscles continue their transformations. The little man is able to smile, sleeps little and has its taste preferences. The immune system becomes stronger. The tummy of the future mother is rounded.


The baby's mass reaches 15-25 grams, a rise of 10 cm, there are 150 heart blows per minute, 30 liters of blood pumping occurs. The cerebral bark is complicated, sweat glands are suitable for work. The fruit swallows nutrients, stretching the liquid, training lungs. Periodically opens the mouth gap.

The bone tissue is harden, the skin becomes multi-layered, but it is still transparent, eyelids are covered. The placenta independently delivers oxygen, displays waste.


The intrauterine crumb is becoming more active. Its mass is 35-45 grams, height 11 cm. The skeleton is formed, the diaphragm is preparing for the first shout, the child appeared a rezv factor and blood group. The development of the thyroid gland is occurring, the body is preparing for digesting proteins and the beginning of body fat. In the intestine, the first feces are made, consisting of bile.

Eyes occupied the place allocated to them, face features take the right form. The uterus is pulled out, its weight is 250 gr.


The size of the fetus resembles an orange, weighs 70 grams, and the growth is 13 cm. Most of the body is covered with a hair fluff, which retains heat. When the child gains enough fatty tissues, heat exchange will turn into the process, then extra hairs will disappear.

Nails have already been formed and drawn lines on the tips of the fingers. Baby grimaches, sucking reflex is well developed. The genitals continue to form.


The growth of the baby is 14 cm. All components of the components appeared in the blood. The neck is leveled, the liver takes the function of digestion. There is a bookmark of permanent teeth, which are replaced by milk teeth. The skin is still transparent and blood vessels shone. The child moves with all parts of the body, which has a positive effect on the development of the brain.


Here is the growth of the little man already more than 15 cm, its weight exceeds the mass of the placenta. The neck crept, now the head turns 180 degrees. There is an active accumulation of fat on the body, bronchi is almost fully developed. The child begins to drive through his eyes. He is already able to protect himself from infections that can come from Mom.

There is emotional and mental development, so a pregnant woman is strictly forbidden to experience stress, worry, nervous.


The child is formed inner ear, the retina eye acquires sensitivity, reflex morgue appears, but there are still once lowered, the root of the indigenous teeth is laid. The baby is even better reacting to the voices, so it is not necessary to shy talk to the tummy.


Fruit can be compared with a small zucchild. Length reaches 16-17 cm, and weight 300 gr. The skin is protected by primary grease from the oily water. There is a jump in development, movement becomes explicit and correct. The head rotates and keeps his position for a long time. The baby reacts perfectly to the factors of the outside world, and meets them with severe blows.


A tiny creation already reaches 20 cm. It begins to show his discontent with the wrong posts of the mother or loud sounds, can distinguish the time of day.

Intervertebral discs appear, a layer of epidermis is formed, the movements are complicated, and their mother feels perfectly.

Twenty first

The child picks up a mass of up to 360 Gy, reaching a length of 26.5 cm. The digestive system is active, the fruit swallows the amniotic fluid, the spleen began to function. Bones and muscles are strengthened. The language is fully formed taste receptors. The boys formed the testicles, and in girls - the vagina.


Kroch is increasingly gaining weight. Now its mass is 500 grams, and height 28 cm. Lights are fully developed, the brain reaches the weight of 100 gr.

Premature birth at 22 weeks can occur successfully, because to find such kids there is modern equipment.


The weight of the child increases, grows and the uterus, creating a discomfort for the mother. There is a wrinkled skin view, fat fabrics grow. Pens and legs are lengthened, grow nails, hair.

The genitals of boys go down to the right place. It is impossible to believe in it, but such a small creation can see dreams. The number of motels reaches 10 times a day.

Twenty fourth

The growth of a small man is 30 cm, it can already squeeze due to improper ingestion of the octoped fluid or hypoxia, it is necessary to notify the gynecologist about it.

The child often changes the position. He already has little space in the placenta and he begins to feel more persistent and pushed.

Twenty fifth

The future family member has a body length of 33 cm and weighs 700 grams. The skin acquires density and color. Lights train, prepare for the first breath, the brain begins the work of the adrenal glands. Muscles appear.

Weakness, Mom dizziness means signs of anemia, you need to consult a doctor.

Twenty Sixth

The weight reaches 750 cm, the growth is 35-36 cm. Small creation acquires individual traits. Shone becomes painful for mom, and close people can trace the movement of the baby.

The brain produces the necessary hormones, the hearing is sophisticated. Lights are filled with a special substance that will help them not stick at the time of the first sigh and scream.

Twenty seventh

Mass of the crumbs increases to one kilogram. The endocrine system begins to produce new functions, the amount of subcutaneous fat approaches normal. The substance contributing to the full disclosure of the lungs was fully developed.

Twenty eighth

The child weighs more than one kilogram, the growth is 38 cm. Its skin becomes smooth, because fat tissue increases.

The pupil membrane disappears, allowing eye to open. The baby becomes closely, but it does not affect ontogenesis.

Twenty ninth

Creating inside the mother weighs 1,300 kg, the growth is 40 cm. It is already preparing for birth. The nasal passages are exempted from mucus, the amount of primary grease and gun on the body decreases. The diet receives a sufficient amount of antibodies from the parent of the parent.


This period is when the future family member is growing rapidly, the thermoregulation is developed, the liver accumulates iron, the eyes fully open. The child takes a position for a favorable birth.

Thirty first

Each week is characterized by adding the fetal weight by 300-400 gr. At 31 weeks of pregnancy, the baby's mass is 1.5 kg, length - 41 cm. Pancreas reproduces insulin production, the liver is taken for purifying blood from toxins, the brain is 1/4 of the organ of adult.

The boys are the testicles "get" to the scrotum, the clitoris appears in the girls.


The baby grows, but its skull is still soft, the internal organs function fully. The body produces immunoglobulins that reproduce the protection of the baby from bacteria and microbes in the first year of life.


The baby falls in a pose of the embryo, because the places in the womb becomes less and less. He takes a lot of calcium, iron from the mother's body.

Thirty fourth

The baby is preparing for a meeting with his parents. Its mass exceeds 2 kg, height 47 cm. Active training of the gastrointestinal tract occurs. Woman begins to feel false signs of fights.

Thirty fifth

The fruit weighs about 3 kg, the length of the body comes to 48 cm. The shoulders are rounded, fat appears. The child is at the genital paths and takes the appropriate position.

Thirty sixth

The head center coordinates the work of thermoregulation, cardiovascular and respiratory system. After the child appears to the light, they will immediately begin their work. Pregnant worries shortness of breath.

Thirty seventh

Mass of the kid - 2,950 kg, length - 48-49 cm. Breathing, movement, heart activity are improved.

Thirty eighth

The new person has not yet been born, but weighs more than 3 kg, and the growth is already 50 cm. All organs are fully developed and well function.

Thirty ninth

Weight - 3, 5 kg, height - 51 cm. The stomach is filled with enzymes that will help the child to recycle food. The little man perfectly feels sounds and light, a sucking reflex is developed.


The family is waiting for replenishment, and it will soon happen. The weight of "little happiness" is 3, 5 - 4 kg, growth - 51-54 cm.

The stomach is much lowered. The mucosa plug, spindle water, the contractions begin. After a certain time, the long-awaited baby will be born. His condition is assessed by specialists and for several days follow his health.

So a long expedition approached the last development of the fetus by the end. In order for pregnancy easily and successfully, you need to listen to the recommendations of the doctor and follow your health. Ahead is only joy and happiness.

Film about the development of the fetus in the womb

How excitingly interesting to observe the development of the fetus during pregnancy for weeks. Thanks to this page, you can always be aware of what happens to your baby. Add a page for yourself in bookmarks, social networks and make new discoveries with us!

First trimester

1 Week
In the first week there is a "meeting" of the sperm and eggs, as a result of which one cell is formed, the size of a grain of salt is formed. But it already contains a set of chromosomes - 46 pieces inherited from parents. It contains all information about the field and appearance of the future kid. In the course of seven days the cell develops and turns into a multicellular organism, which is called Morula, later it is attached to the wall of the uterus - implanted. Thus, the embryo begins to eat and get oxygen from the mother.

2 weeks
Morula cells are growing into the uterus shell.

Begins to form a placenta and umbilical cord.

The appearance of a nervous tube ensures the future development of the baby's nervous system.

3 weeks
By the end of the third week, the embryos begin to be laid the most important organs - digestive and separation, respiratory and nervous systems, spinal cord. The formation of the placenta continues. It is noteworthy that it is for 21 days a heart of the future kid already beats!

4 weeks
At 4 week, the formation of the spine, the primitives of the liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs are already noticeable. The folds of the future torso appear, the formation of a nervous tube is completed by the 25 day. It becomes noticeable separation of the embryo into two parts - the upper and lower. The first pits appear on the head - future eyes.

5 week
The active development of the embryo continues, the places are expressed, where the head, belly and legs will be, back. An embryo nervous system is formed, its length is only 2-2.5 millimeters, but it can already be seen on the ultrasound. At this time, you can see how much embryos are formed and where they are located. And the end of the fifth of the week is already noticeable the infringement of the umbilicals, the places of formation of the handles and legs appear, and the heads and the upper lip appear on the head.

6 week
During this period, the embryo is noticeable on the ultrasound, its size is 5-6 millimeters. A large head is highlighted, ears are formed on it, while they are shallow depressions on the sides. The place of formation of the nose and the eye becomes noticeable. For 30 days, the cell increased 10 thousand times, and fingers already distinguishable on the handles. On the sixth week, the placenta begins to function, although the blood circulation is not yet fully formed. This week, the baby's brain can already send signals. The embryo minimber is divided into cameras, kidney, ureters, stomach are formed, a thin and large intestine develops. The liver and pancreas are formed.

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7 week
This week is notable for the fact that the future kid begins to move. True, it is still impossible to feel it, it is too small, the size of the grape. By the end of the seventh week, the eyelids, the external and inner ear are formed, the heart develops, it is finally divided into 4 chambers. Correct vessels, the formation of the esophagus, trachea, rectum and lungs. The first bone cells are created. The baby's head is big, the eyes are closed, it can open and close the mouth, moving with handles.

8 week
By this time, the baby is already more like a person. The face is formed, the nose, nostrils and mouth are visible, the language appears, and the Mimica even begins to develop.

The heart is already ready, the stomach gets into place.

Sex system develops, the boys have eggs. The limbs are lengthened, hips, knees, elbows, shoulders appear.

9 week
The baby rectifies the back, the nervous system is actively developing: a cerebellum appears. A bone and muscular fabric develops, one-oxidation occurs, fingers are formed, the baby can even compress them, but as long as they are interconnected by membrane. The baby's face is already clearly distinguishable, but the chin is pressed to the chest, and the eyes are covered with a membrane. The head remains a big one. The toddler system is improved, it is heartly beating, making up to 150 blows per minute. But the blood still consists of one erythrocytes.

10 weeks
This latter is the most important week when the internal organs of the future child ends. The most difficult time remains behind if the doctors do not indicate some dangerous pathologies in the development of the child during this period, we can assume that it grows healthy! By the end of this period, the child's body becomes completely formed, he only has to develop further and grow. Its growth reaches only 4 centimeters, and the weight is not more than 20 grams. The baby actively works the brain actively, it meets certain movements to stimuli. When touched to the stomach, he turns his head in this direction, moves with handles, pushes, but due to small size, its movements are not yet noticeable. Relieving genitals, the boy at this moment begins the development of male hormone - testosterone. The head separates the formed neck from the body, the face is fully formed, and on ultrasound it can be seen. Forms a reflex sucking, it even tries to make such movements with lips. The diaphragm is fully formed and ready to participate in the breathing of the fetus.

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11 week
An unusual kind of baby is the norm. A big head, long arms and short legs suggest that the brain is actively growing and develops, and this is a normal phenomenon. From this week, the intestines and kidneys of the baby are introduced into operation, genitals appear. A rainbow shell is formed on the eyeball. Placenta is completely ready for this time, provides the fruit with nutrients.

12 week
The kid has a well-developed vestibular apparatus, it can navigate in space, and reacts to external stimuli. He hears, and sharp sounds that are coming from the outside world, it is very concerned. He tries to turn around with the handles from the light effect, squeezes the palm, sucks fingers. Provides the formation of a gender organs, the digestion system is improved, the intestine grows and takes the right shape. The composition of the blood is changing, new blood tales appear - leukocytes. The kid can imitate respiratory movements, although its lungs will reveal only at birth.

13 weeks
The baby continues to develop, hands have become a normal length, on ultrasound it is visible as he sucks a thumb. The first four ribs appear, the pancreas begins to produce insulin. The proportions of the body gradually change, and the head no longer seems so big. At week 13, the root of dairy teeth are formed.

14 weeks
The first trimmeter of the development of the baby, the most difficult and responsible, behind. The weight of the future kid reaches only 70-80 grams, the growth is the maximum of 9-10 centimeters. The first hair appears on the head, he learned to pushed and frown. Its movement is diverse, but he still feels freely in the uterus, does not pull her walls. Therebers of the kid acquire strength, the development of the kidneys and the urinary system completely ends, even begins to the urine in the oily water. The change concerns and sexual development, the boy is formed by the prostate gland, and the girls are migrated into the pelvis cavity. This week you can already determine the gender of the baby.

Second trimester

15 week
Good time begins when the baby is just growing in the womb. He can bend the handles and legs, the heart works perfectly, pumping about 23 liters of blood per day. At this point, it is possible to determine the blood group and the kid rhesus. It seems the initial formation of eyebrows. The kid's skin is very thin, blood vessels are visible through it. An individual drawing begins to form on the fingers of the hands. The intestines and the urinary system are perfectly working, the selection of meconium - original feces begins.

16 week
The baby learned to straighten the head, the facial expansion becomes more and more interesting, the first similarity of a smile appears. Coordination of movements is expanding, and marigolds begin to appear on their fingers. Thanks to good calcium reserves, the formation of small bones begins. The hair on the head is becoming more fluffy, eyebrows and cilia are visible on the face. The ovaries of the girls are completely lowered into the pelvic region. Placenta is completely formed to this period and begins to function fully.

17 week
The baby hears the voices and sounds of the surrounding world, this is the best time to start communicating with him, listen to good music together. The child by this time begins to actively learn to use his body, checks facial expressions, playing with handles and legs. At this stage, sexuality is already clearly visible. The skin of the skin begins to form fatty fiber, the appearance of the teeth are covered with dentin. The heartbeat of the baby is already listening to a stethoscope, it is already quite distinct. The position of the fetus begins to change, the head is almost always in a vertical position.

18 weeks
This week, the movement of the baby becomes most noticeable, he grunted, the bones become stronger, which allows him to change the position, cross the legs and even to make a flip. Will to form a sleep and wake mode, but most of the time the baby spends in a dream, why movement ceases. But chapels are felt, the normal is considered to 10 episodes of movement per day. The baby reacts brightly to the emotional state of the mother, he worries and is experiencing stress with her.

19 weeks
On the 19th week, the normal proportions of the body of the baby are beginning to be formed, there are more hair, movements are already more tangible, they can be smelted by attaching a hand to the stomach. Active blood formation occurs, the composition of the blood approaches the standard, lymphocytes and monocytes appear. It becomes the formation of brown fat, which ensures protection against temperature drops after birth. The thermoregulation will start working late. Endocrine system develops, hypophized, pancreas and adrenal glands, thyroid, field gland.

20 weeks
The growth of the kid can be from 18 to 25 centimeters, body weight - 350 grams. The skin is covered with a special lubricant and a flush, it is still quite thin. On the fingers of the hands and legs have already been formed by the marigold. The child increases at times, he is engaged in physical education, sailing from one wall of the uterus to another, sharply reacts to the excitement and sharp sounds outside. The kid can sick, suck the finger, during this period he has already pronounced facial expressions. He frowns and smiles, clogs and blinks.

21 weeks
The activity of the kid is very high, he constantly in motion, changes the situation, as he flies. He learned to swallow the oilyotic waters, which in most parts are absorbed by his organism. Racing is saturated with red and white blood cells, the subcutaneous fat layer increases. The skin becomes more wrinkled, folds formed. Sleeping kid will become less, more time spending awake.

22 weeks
On this date, the baby begins to work out a grabbing reflex. The genitals continue to develop, the girl already has a developed uterus and vagina, and the testicles of the boy fall into the scrotum. It reaches 28 centimeters, and the weight is almost half a kilogram. The size of the body becomes more proportional, the legs are constantly bent. The spine is fully formed, there is a process of strengthening bone tissue. Malysh actively explores his body, feeling legs and head. The nervous and cardiovascular systems are improved, the heart increases in size.

23 weeks
The activity of the child is still at the height. There is a fat extension process, the baby is already more gently moving. Ingestion of the arrogant fluid can lead to Icota, then bouncing inside will be felt. Sepless form a special substance that will allow them to reveal in the future. The kid actively reproduces respiratory movements, up to 50 times per minute. Externally, the kid is still red and wrinkled, but this is a temporary phenomenon. Until a good subcutaneous fluid fiber is formed, it will remain so.

24 weeks
A gain in the weight of the baby is up to 170 grams per week, the pace will continue to birth. Ripening lungs occurs, eyelashes and eyebrows appear, hair grows. Pottery glands begin to work. At this time, the child shows his emotions, he can express discontent and even praise. His movements are clearer and directed. This period, the baby with mom is installed emotional connection, the child feels and reacts to everything that happens. He feels sensations, he develops smelling, touching, taste and rumor. At night he sleeps and even sees dreams!

25 week
This week is significant because the baby is actively forming the lungs, small elements of the pulmonary fabric - alveoli, begin to develop a special substance - Surfancant, which does not allow easy to lose shape. Holes appear in the nose. The bone marrow is on the bone marrow, the skin becomes elasticity, the folds gradually go through the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. The position of the kid can still be any, it is still free to fit in the uterus.

26 week
Most of the time the kid spends in the same position - rolled into a lump, and the legs are fit. From this week, he will learn to open his eyes and focus his eyes. The development of bone and muscular tissue continues, the accumulation of subcutaneous tissue. This week the formation of genital organs in girls is completed. Another feeling is added - smell. The baby begins to feel smells. If the child is born at that time, he will already be able to survive with proper care.

27 week
This week, the child is formed by the retina, photosensitivity appears, and its own metabolism begins to form. The baby is already able to calm himself independently, he sucks a thumb at will.

Third trimester

28 week
At this age, the baby is already completely viable. It achieves weight - 900-1000 grams, growth - 36-40 centimeters. The skin becomes more dense, the gun on the body is gradually popped. The position is not yet final, but time to decide, enough. Malysh hears good, learns the voice of Mom, gradually mastering the language on which his parents say. Eyelashes, eyebrows and hair on the head are darker. During this period, the future left or right of the hemisphere depends on the development of one or another hemisphere.

29 week
The weight is actively growing, completely respiratory organs are formed, a sufficient number of bronchi and alveoli appear.

The blood circulation of the fetus is still different from the newborn, but the load on the cardiovascular system is high.

The fruit is already occupied by a certain location, falls down his head or buttocks.

30 week
The weight of the child can reach 1.5 kilograms. This time for a weight gain, the baby's brain and the nervous system is fully formed, it perfectly perceives words and movements. The child is finally adjusted to the lack of space and takes a convenient position.

Future mothers tremendously relate to the development of the baby, who are worn under his heart and wish to learn as much as possible about the processes taking place with themduring pregnancy , with interest to study the stages of the inthetrical growth of the fetus, carefully consider pictures, on which in detail depicted fetal development.

Gynecologists start counting the period of pregnancy from the first day of the last menstruation. The main unit of time with pregnancy - a week.
The first weeks for the future child - Very important, at this moment the health of the body and its vitality are formed.
Well, if
pregnancy will be scheduled , Then the woman will begin to lead the right lifestyle, kid will save the baby from many health problems. Below you will find detailed information on the formation embryo in the womb, you can consider the development of the fetus for weeks - pictureswith all the stages of intrauterine growth and development, as well as the description of the processes occurringon one or another stage of pregnancy.

Before contacting the photo with the fetal development stages on weeks, briefly get acquainted with the main periods of the formation of the Little Man's organs during pregnancy. At 5-6 week, the embryo of 6 millimeters (like a pear bone) lives in a bubble with liquid. There is a nervous system formation, the spine and the brain appear. Two pairs of eyes for eyes and ears are visible on the head. Digestive tract It is emerging at this stage of development of the fetus.

There are only 2 weeks and the main internal organs of the fetus have already been formed. At the eighth week of development of the fetus, the face acquires the necessary forms, nostrils, the tip of the little nose, mouth, language. Starts functionthe inner part of the ear . Also draws fingers of the forming baby.

12 weeks Future intrauterine development - The age of ten-centimeter embryo, which seems the outlines of the human body. Various systems and organs on the twelfth week of development of the fetus have already been formed, and develop safely. Uzi's upgraded equipment allows you to figure out the gender floor and see the features of the lipper at this time of pregnancy.

The beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy is a period of development of the fetus, when all milk teeth have a child formed. The gastrointestinal tract at week 13 is also evolving, prysinki appear in the intestines In the future, the process of digesting products will be accelerated.

Up to 21 weeks of development of the fetus, the size of the child allows him to move in the mob of mom in any direction. Fetal length - 26 centimeters, weight - 0.4 kilograms.

A small organism is able to control its temperature from 29 weeks. , the period of preparation for the birth of a baby and independent life begins.

At 31 weeks of development, the body is fully formed, it remains only to gain weight. The child is already able to feel, his condition may vary depending on the mood of the mother. The rumor is developed enough to recognize the voices. Vision and smell also function.

The baby is ready for the appearance of a year at 37 weeks. Now childbirth can not be called premature. Of course, ideally you need to wait a bit. But the child can already assimilate and digest Mamino Milk , on the gastric mucosa and intestines appears epithelium with vile through which Nutrient elements fall into the blood . Peristalistic works, the first cal - Mekonia was formed.

Now consider in more detail development of the fetus for weeks of pregnancyand also turn to the photo of the formation of the embryo in the womb with brief explanations. As you can see, in the first weeks after conception, very important processes of formation of the structure of the fetus and the future mammy must be seriously changed from the first days of life and adjust the diet . We regularly attend the gynecologist and go through all the necessary medical examinations.

Even pictures with stages of intrauterine development of the fetus for weeksvisually demonstrate the importance of what is happening the processes of the formation of the internal bodies of the kid. We hope that the information we posted will help you better understand the processes,what is happening in your body during pregnancy And we want to wish you tobaby was born healthy and beautiful !
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