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Description of the STD120m machine. Description of STD120m machine Specifications and some features of operation

This is a long history. Even before the appearance turning machine on metal processing were thoughts about independent manufacture Turning machine on wood. Constructive it is simple, and it is not very demanding for precision. Most of the material was, but there was not only the back grandmother. Because of her, the creation of the machine was constantly postponed. And there was no particular need for this machine at all. Several times I had to sharpen the rusties on the metal processing machine. Although it is not recommended to do, but it was very necessary. The problem when working with a tree on a turning machine for metal is that at the end of work, it is very long and difficult to remove wood dust. And if you carefully do not remove the machine, then with time the accuracy will fall, it will take premature wear of the guides and other details where dust will be brought. So I decided to buy. At first, I just wanted to see who produces and sells. During the viewing, the need for the machine was determined somehow. The result - you have to take.

This time I decided not to invest in the development of the Chinese economy, but to acquire a tool from the USSR. The most common and affordable machine STD-120M. They conduct training in schools and specialized vessels. Here it began to look for him. Search - this is certainly said loudly, it is more likely to choose from the proposed options on the Internet flea markets and forums. While there is from what to choose. It goes a lot in scrap metal, but some of the way returns. My task was - to find the least killed machine, as much as possible possible configuration And for the smallest money. At the time of spontaneous search was about four proposed copies in the area of \u200b\u200badequate reach. In one declaration there was an opportunity to choose a machine from several. That's where we went.

Arrived in one of the GSK, the usual steel garage. Come in. The entire garage is littered with machines. Here and TV6 and NGF-110 and STD 120 and the vice of plumbing, milling. STD lie in bulk. Because of this, some copies deformed electrical cabinets and belts housings. One machine was broken by a protective engine cooling casing. Chose the most ideal as possible. Staffed how were able. The main thing seemed to have found, it is a girlfriend and the rear grandmother. From fixtures for fixing and processing billets only case with center fork. At first will go. And the rest can be done on the already existing machines. Loaded the purchase into the car, they were calculated with the seller and went back to the way back. Brought the machine to the garage.

Rear grandmother with a morse cone N2. What is not bad. There is a bit for her snap. Grandma without the center. You can use the freed non-rotating center from machine Jet. BD-920W. Still lying on. In the course of the bulkhead, let's see the condition of the grandmother.

The girlfriend is wide with a collective farm base, in addition to it there is an original base. To the girlfriend will need to make a special washer, bolt and handle for fixing on the bed. Also to the base of the girlfriend you will need to do the sleeve and the knob of the height lock.

Was a big surprise when we opened a shield covering belt transmission. During the selection of machines, we forgot to look here. There are several problems here: there is no one pulley, the belt and, in addition, does not rotate the shaft of the electric motor. It could be a closer if it was planned to restore the machine in the original condition (but the plans are few others), at worst - if the engine windings are burnt. And pulling the pulleys anyway and, therefore, the belts are others.

Electric motor from a nameplate.

Electric motor signboard. Motor AOL 21-23F. Release of 1986.

Electrical cabin. No fuses. Also not trouble. Here will be modern system protection. Otherwise, everything is in place. This modification of the machine without machine lamp, and so, if it is presented, there must be an additional transformer for nutrition. In general, most likely for the engine work will have to put "frequency". This will make it easier to dispense with simpler pulles and will enable smoothly adjust the speed of rotation.

From the machine immediately remove the harness of the cutting zone. At the time of my learning at school, when we had work lessons, this option was not on the machines. I can not imagine how to work with him. I think for security reasons for beginners - it is necessary. Machine without fence. So he looked in my time when I had works in school.

To complete the majority of small school or homemade workshops, a lathe for processing STD-120M tree was used. Unlike its more powerful "fellow" it has the optimal technical and operational characteristics of the processing of wooden blanks. But not only by this, it differs from similar models.

The lathe for wood processing STD-120 M was developed on the basis of the previous model of the series - 120. It differs from the predecessor with additional protective components in the device - housings, fences, etc. Also upgrades have been subjected electrical circuitThe noise level is significantly reduced when working on equipment.

To analyze the characteristics of the equipment it is worthwhile to get acquainted with the specifics of its design. As well as the model of the 120 series, it consists of a box with guides, which is installed on the support elements. For greater stability, they are attached to a wooden basis.

STD-120M drive is carried out due to the movement of the electric motor. It is located on the left side of the scheme. Torque transmission occurs with belt transmission. For this there are two pulleys, one of which is mounted on the motor shaft, and the second is on the front head shot spindle.

The machine machine has the following characteristic features:

  • the rotational speed varies by the belt transfer to a specific shaft stream;
  • the pushbutton unit is located on the front grandmother. This is due to optimal access to the power / off mechanism during operation;
  • replaceable spindle nozzles come in standard complete set equipment;
  • the turning zone has additional protective curtains with transparent windows;
  • an additional block can be connected to remove chips and dust.

To increase the accuracy of the operations performed on the STD-120M machine there is a chain of local lighting. It provides a lower transformer for its operation.

In order to increase the safety of operation in the design there is an electrical blocking for a protective belt design. For this, the B2 switch is provided.

Technical parameters of equipment

Before starting work on the STD-120 machine, you should familiarize yourself with its technical and operational characteristics. For connecting equipment, the power line is required 380 V. Power power plant Makes 0.4 kW.

The brand of the installed electric motor - AOL 21-2. In case of breakdown, it can be replaced by a similar one. It is important that in addition to the power and speed of rotation (2800 rpm) coincided the diameter of the shaft for the installation of transfer streams.

You must also familiarize yourself with the device and drive characteristics:

  • type - clinorem;
  • the brand's drive belt is the designation taken from GOST 1284-68;
  • two streams in the design of the pulleys;
  • the maximum number of speeds is 2;
  • the nominal frequency of spindle revolutions can be from 1100 to 2150 rpm;

On the STD -120 machine, you can handle wooden blanks with a length of up to 450 mm. In this case, the diameter should not exceed 190 mm.

An important point is dimensions Turning equipment. They constitute 125 * 57.5 * 55 cm with a mass of 100 kg. For normal operation, the machine must be installed on the base platform. It is intended not only for level alignment, but also will extinguish oscillations that will inevitably appear during operation.

When choosing a blank, the distance between the centers is taken into account, which is equal to 50 cm. Their height is 12 cm.

Since the STD-12M machine does not apply to the category of professional, to it are presented special requirements For maintenance and operation. Its main purpose is to familiarize students with the basics of turning. Therefore, safety requirements are improved.

To increase the sustainability of equipment, the base is best to do from steel structures or concrete. Its height should be from 600 to 800 mm. The floor in the workplace should not be slippery. Its device should not include elements interfering with operations.

Additionally, such features of operation should be taken into account:

  • wood blank should not contain bitch and cracks. Her humidity cannot exceed 20%;
  • large parts should be processed at minimal speed;
  • at least 1 time per year or after 500 hours of operation, it is necessary to make a lubricant of moving elements. In this case, its device is checked, no damage and defects.

Design is designed to perform a small independent repair. Often this refers to restoring the health of the rear and front grandmother. Before performing these works, you should familiarize yourself with the machine, as well as explore the instructions for its operation.

In the video material describes in detail the receptions of sharpening on turning equipment STD-120:

Manufacturer of lathe on wood STD-120M is IP Chuprakov Roman Viktorovich, city of Kirov. Site address:

STD-120M, STD-120 Wood turning machine Table learning. Appointment, scope

Turning machine in sTD tree-120m Designed for the manufacture of small-sized parts from wood. It is favorably different from its predecessor - STD-120 machine primarily in that the traumatic zones have a protective fence, workplace Equipped with local lighting, an electrical control circuit has been improved, measures taken to reduce noise and vibration, specially developed a system of mechanized waste disposal - dust-taking installation.

The STD-120M Tree Tutorial Tool Machine is designed to perform light turning on wood and in centers, on the table cheeper or in the cartridge, as well as to perform uncomplicated drilling work:

  • rotation of cylindrical and profile bodies of rotation
  • torching, rounding and cutting blanks at various angles
  • internal stitching on a given profile and drilling
  • profile and decorative processing of flat surfaces big diameter on the table cheeper (type of plates, cups)

STD-120M General Type of Turning Machine

STD-120M General view of a turning machine without protective casing and fencing

Standard Standard STD-120M (Fig.2)

The machine consists of the following assembly units and details:

  1. electric motor
  2. push-button switch
  3. klinorem transmission
  4. spindle
  5. front grandmother
  6. push-button block
  7. lamp
  8. case with center-fork
  9. girrut
  10. protective screen.
  11. crack handle
  12. fencing Machine
  13. rear grandmother
  14. flywheel
  15. stanna with guides
  16. pilap
  17. fixing nut
  18. pinol
  19. centre
  20. handle stop
  21. holder (carriage)
  22. two-born nut
  23. wooden platform
  24. supporting bars
  25. waste suction gap

The front grandmother of the lathe of the turning STD-120M is used to install and fasten the workpiece and transfer to it by rotational motion.

The front grandmother consists of a shaped housing, cast from cast iron. There are two holes for radial spherical bearings in it.

The spindle is a steel shaped shaft, on the right end of which a carving is cut to clipping the cartridge, tablet and other special devices for fixing the blanks.

At the left end of the spindle, a two-stage drive pulley, which gets movement through the clinorem transmission from the electric motor. On both sides on the grandmother the covers with felt pads are attached.

For starting and stopping the spindle of the STD-120M machine on the housing of the front grandmother, the post of control is placed, and from above - lamp.

Klinorem transmission. A two-stage pulley is rigidly fixed on the shaft of the electric motor of the turning STD-120M, which, with a wedge belt, transmits the rotation of the two-stage pulley, fixed on the STD-120 machine spindle. Rearming a belt from one stage to another, you can change the spindle speed. Klinorem transferring machine STD-120M closed metal fence, which opens the cover of which is scored through the end switch with the electric motor. When opening it, the electric motor and the STD-120M machine spindle stops stops.

A two-stage pulley is rigidly fixed on the motor shaft, which, with the help of a wedge belt, transfers the rotation of the two-stage pulley fixed on the spindle of the machine. The clinoremable transmission is closed with a metal fence, which opens the cover of which is scored via the end switch with the electric motor so that when it opens it, the motor is turned off and the machine stops. The lid of the fence is locked using the screw.

  • a - spiral self-centered cartridge
  • b - cup cartridge
  • v - Trzzubets
  • g - Syssochny Cartridge
  • d - Basyba
  • e - Cylindrical Cartridge
  • f - Case with center-fork
  • w - Special Cartridge with Teeth
    • 1 - Teeth
    • 2 - Central Teeth
    • 3 - the fence of the teeth
    • 4 - Patron Cone

Depending on the type of workpiece and the work performed on the STD-120M machine spindle, one of the fixtures included in the machine is included in the machine: cartridge, center fork or table cheeper. The STD-120M cartridge serves to fix short billets when processing from the end. STD-120 machine plug center is designed to secure long wooden blanks when processing in centers. Standard table valve STD-120M is a metal disk, in the center of which there is a boss with internal thread To tweak on the spindle.

Depending on the form and destination of the future part, the workpiece is installed in the centers of the front and backstone or on the front head shot spindle. In all cases, the workpiece should be installed so that it perceives the rotational movement of the spindle. For these purposes, there are many devices that can be divided into the following groups: to secure the workpiece in the centers, to secure the workpiece for the outer surface and to secure the workpiece for the holes.

To secure the workpiece in the centers, the greatest distribution received trident. One end of the trident has the form of a cone, respectively, the cone in the spindle of the front grandmother, and the other end is the form of a trident plin. When fixing the workpiece, one end with the planned groove is inserted into the trident, and the second is pressed by the center of pin the backstone.

To secure the workpiece for the outer surface, the following devices are served: cup, hiking and cam cartridges, tablest.

Crane cartridge It has a cylindrical cavity on one side, and on the other - a conical shank for installation in the front head shot spindle. The rounded part of the workpiece is tightly inserted (smooth) into the cavity of the cartridge or clamp bolts.

Escape cartridge Apply in cases where part of the product has the shape of a quadrangle (faceted surface). For processing, the workpiece is inserted into the vice of the cartridge and clamp the screw. Cup and hitchcurrents sometimes instead of conical shanks have screw cuts for installation on the outer part of the spindle.

To secure products for the outer surface, also applied, three-eyed self-centering and four-digit cartridges with independent movement of cams. The three-tape cartridge provides fast and reliable clamping and camping of the workpiece due to the simultaneous radial movement of cams. Each three-tailed cartridge can serve to secure the product in both the outer and the inner surface. For this purpose, such cartridges are supplied with two sets of cams.

For the backstone, it is advisable to apply a self-seeming center (on bearings) with a cone Morse.

There are large blanks and flat discs on the table cheeper, for which it contains holes through which the screws are fixed through screws. It must be borne in mind that the screws should not go to the processed surface of the workpiece. Basis screwed onto the spindle after fixing the workpiece.

Mass use for fastening products from the hole have various rims. The designs of the frames are chosen depending on the purpose of the product, they are mostly two types - corrugated and collet.

For making on a turning machine for processing various parts apply a cutter-saw. This device can also be used to cut the rings from aluminum and brass tubes (on a turning machine for metal processing) and for cutting blanks from plastics, plexiglas and other materials.

When working a cutter-saw is installed on the machine's girlfriend so that the plane relies on the processed surface of the workpiece. Then the cutter is evenly fed. The limiter makes it possible to establish the necessary depth of pulling in cases where the workpiece is not cut completely.

The device is easy to manufacture. Cutter-saw is made of hiscellular cloth. The remaining parts are from the diverse steel.

Fixture for grinding turning products is used during grinding finished products on the lathe. It allows you to achieve good quality Grinding, convenient and safe in work. This device is easy to make in any workshop. A plate of porous rubber or felt is pasted on the bar or felt, over which the grinding skin is superimposed (preferably based on the matter). The edges are clamped between the planks using the lamb nut. Hooks limiters provide self-esteem. Hooks are attached to the base with a rivet. The device can also be used when polishing products.

The rear grandmother STD-120 machine serves as a support for the processing of long blanks, supporting them with an rear center, and to fix the cartridge in its pin the drill, the drills themselves and other tools when processing holes. The rear grandmother STD-120 consists of a housing with a pinol, which slides on the guides of the beds. The rear grandmother STD-120 machine is fixed on the guides of the beds.

On the one hand, the pinol has a hole, bold on the Morse cone, in which the rear center, cartridges or drills having a shank with the same cone are inserted. On the other hand, the sleeve with internal threads is pressed. Pinol freely moves in the holes of the top of the case. From rotation around its axis, pinole protects the installation screw, which is included in the groove on the outer surface of the pin.

With a threaded sleeve, a screw of a pin pilot (feed), at one end of which a flywheel fixed with a nut on the key. Rounding together with the flywheel, the pin of the pinley through the threaded sleeve moves the pinol.

Pinoli fastening B. right position carried out by the clamping handle. The rear grandmother is fixed with a nut on a bed with a sugar and a bolt, for whose screwing is attached by a combined key. For lubrication of pin poly and screws in the babies and pinth housing there are oil-conductive holes.

The girlfriend with the STD-120M machine holder serves as a support for the cutting tool. The holder of the blower consists of a rectangular bar with a tide, into the hole of which is inserted by the brief of the girlfriend. Standard STD-120 machine fixes on the desired height and in a certain position of the handle. The holder of the girlfriend is fixed on the guides of the STD-120M machine strivine with a special screw and handle through the washer. To work with short and long blanks, the machine is equipped with two girlfriends with a length of 200 mm and 400 mm.

Stanna Tocking STD-120M

Stanna STD-120M machine cast iron on two legs is installed on the stand and is the base on which the main assemblies of the STD-120M machine are mounted. Front grandma machine is fixed on the side. According to the guides, the beds are moving and fixed in a certain position The holder with a girlfriend and the rear grandmother of the machine.

Fencing zone cutting machine STD-120M

The fencing of the cutting zone on the STD-120M machine is used to protect the sewing chips and reducing the concentration of the dust in the respiratory zone of working to the established sanitary standards. It consists of metal casing and folding screens.

Fixtures for installation and fastening machine blanks of turning STD-120

Cutting tools

The machine is equipped with two species cutting tools: Reints and Majoles. Rayers for STD-120 machine are a groove cutter, in the form similar to a semicircular joinery chisel. Majels for STD-120 Machine are cutters having a flat chisel shape with a blade.

Scheme Electrical Turning Turning Woodworking Machine STD-120M

Electrical equipment of the lathe of a turning woodworking STD-120M

The electrical equipment of the lathe of the turning STD-120 is calculated to connect it to the three-phase network alternating current Voltage 380 V with a deaf-market neutral. In the control cabinet of the lathe of the turning STD-120, the lighting transformer 380/24 V. is also used as the drive machine asynchronous engine. The machine control is made from the control station located on the front grandmatch of the machine. Connecting electrical equipment STD-120M lathe to a three-phase voltage network of 380 V and its grounding produces a customer. Turning on the machine without connecting it to the ground highway is not allowed.


Name of parameter STD-120M.
Main parameters of the machine
Height centers, mm 120
The greatest length of the workpiece installed in the centers (RMC), mm 500
The largest diameter of the processed billets, mm 190
The greatest length of the turning of the workpiece, mm 450
Number of speed spindle speeds, rpm 2
Spindle rotation frequency, rpm 2350/ 2050
Electrical equipment machine
Ring current supply 380V 50Hz
Number of electric motors on the machine, pcs 1
Electric motor - rated power, kw 0,4
Gable and machine weight
Gasparrit Machine (Dlann x Width x Height), mm 1250 x 575 x 550
Machine Machine, kg 100

The lathe of STD-120M on a tree is the last modification of the line of training turning equipment, which produced in Soviet times in the Kirov company "Plant No. 2" Fizpribor ". A.V. Lunacharsky, "subordinate to the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR.

From the first machine of this family of TSD-120, it is distinguished by the lack of a slot device, which was located on the left end of the front grandmother, and from its direct predecessor STD-120 - the design of the support pulley support. Kirov training lathes are almost unchanged already produced for more than fifty years. But now not the factory "Fizpribor", which went bankrupt and was liquidated in 2012, and private Ltd., which continues their production at factory facilities.


STD-120M is a small-sized model designed for small handling wooden details with the following technical characteristics:

  • intercentrous axis height - 120 mm;
  • intercentrian distance - 500 mm;
  • dimensions of processing zone (length × max. Diameter, mm) - 450 × 190;
  • dimensions (d × sh × c) - 125 × 5 × 55 cm;
  • mass without a stand - 100 kg.

At STD-120M, a 400 W engine is used, which develops speed up to 2300 rpm.

STD-120M lathe was developed and was created for use in school labor lessons and in the training workshops of intershotos. Its passport is indicated that it is designed to teach secondary school students the basics of turning products of soft rocks with normal humidity.

Since STD-120M was intended for use of minors, in its documentation, instructions for labor protection and safety are very detailed in the performance of turning work.

STD-120M design is very simple, so in his passport instructions for use and maintenance Do not occupy a lot of space. For the most part, they relate to the rules for performing turning and content in the order of equipment and the workspace, as well as the lubrication of the few rotating elements. Once a year or after five hundred hours of operation, it is necessary to replace the lubrication of the bearing of the spindle node. Pinol is lubricated with machinery once every six months and at least once a year - solidol. If there are events or vibration, check and adjust the spindle axial backlash.


STD-120M lathe has a traditional layout and includes the following nodes and mechanisms:

  • front and rear grandmas;
  • girlfriend;
  • electric motor with a tensioning device;
  • electrical equipment cabinet;
  • lamp;
  • protection working area.

At STD-120m, the fastening of the airborne dust and chips, which users must acquire separately.

Frontal grandma aggregate

The front grandmother STD-120M consists of two main components: the cast-iron case and the spindle shaft made in the form of a shaft, which rotates on two radial bearings. At the left end of the spindle is attached to the drive pulley, and on the right - various devices for the clips of the workpiece during its processing. His main thing constructive difference From the previous Kirov models is that the pulley is located outside the babik hull, not between the supports.

Rear element

The rear grandmother of the lathe STD-120M includes: housing, pinole, mechanism of its feed and fixing devices. It is installed on the right end of the guides, can move on them manually and attached in the right place with a bolt. Pinol is advanced by turning the handwheel, located on its back, and are fixed in the desired position using a clamping lever.

Basic and removable devices

In the standard supply of the STD-120M tree, only the main devices used in the processing of the most common billets are included: two girlfriends (small and large), rear, tablestock center, three-rig housing for a fork and cartridge. The remaining types of fixtures and equipment can be purchased in profile enterprises selling turning on the lathe. These include different kinds Turning cartridges (self-centering, cup, gear, hyscale), as well as cases and centers.

Electrical equipment and technical parameters

The electrical equipment of the STD-120M lathe is powered by a three-phase 380 V network and consists of the following elements:

  • drive electric motor;
  • magnetic switch;
  • a set of fused inserts;
  • on and off buttons;
  • lowering transformer on 24 V;
  • lamp with switch;
  • rectifying diode bridge;
  • relay include dynamic braking;
  • limit switch.

The inclusion of STD-120M is carried out with the "Start" button, and the shutdown is the "Stop" button, which opens the power supply circuit. At the same time, the dynamic braking system of the main drive is turned on: the relay turns on and the circuit is closed, the supply voltage on the diode bridge from which d.C. Enters the stator winding. This is done in order to speed up the stop of the rotation of the part and thus avoid injury to the hand of the machine.

After installing the machine, it cannot be turned on before the grounding line is connected. Bolt for connecting a grounding wire is located on the side wall of the electric cabinet. Voltage 24 B is fed to the chain lighting of the working area of \u200b\u200bthe machine from the secondary winding of the transformer, the primary winding of which is turned on by the contacts of the "Start" button and is powered by a voltage of 220 V.

The limit switch is mounted on the fencing of the belt transmission, discharging the power supply circuit when removing it during the operation of the machine. All electrical equipment STD-160M, except for the on and off buttons, the lamp and the end switch, is mounted in the electrical cabinet, which is located on its rear.

Kinematic scheme

Electrical circuit

Device STD-120 M, manufactured by IP Chupracov R.V. In Kirov, this is an educational machine for processing a tree, which can be found in school offices in labor, in carpentry workshops of professional educational institutions and in small enterprises engaged in wood processing in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and other countries in the entire post-Soviet space .

Scope of the machine

STD 120M turning unit is designed to work with small-sized wooden elements. If compared with the previous STD-120, the machine 120 m is characterized by improved protection, security and ergonomic, namely:

  • driving elements are closed with a fence;
  • the workspace is equipped with local lighting;
  • improved electrical control circuit;
  • provided system mechanical cleaning From dust and chips.

On the table under consideration, uncomplicated turning operations can be performed. wooden productsBy establishing them in centers and in the cartridge, as well as the following simple actions:

  • the accuracy of profile and cylindrical bodies of rotation;
  • cutting parts at any angle and rounding;
  • drill and sharpening inside on a specific profile;
  • stripping by the abrasive tool of flat parts with a large diameter on the table cheeper.

Complete set of lathe

Electromechanical drive. This mechanism is responsible directly for the rotation of the treated billet from the tree. It consists of:

  • an asynchronous electric motor with a rotating shaft;
  • wedge-shaped belt;
  • two pulleys;
  • work unit;
  • protective casing;
  • beds;
  • control unit;
  • lamp;
  • spindle nozzles;
  • protective fence.

Pulleys and work block

One pulley is fixed on the drive shaft, and the second on the rotating part of the front grandmother.

Thanks to this node, you can change the speed of the machine by moving the belt from one pulley groove to another.

Work block. This is a node that consists of two grandmothers, holder for fixing and even movement of the cutting or abrasive tool, is placed in the longitudinal direction relative to the workpiece.

Appointment of casing and the need for cast bed

The housing is protective with the viewing opening. It closes the workspace in order to minimize injuries. The viewing hole is designed to work on the stolar machine, could see the treated tree.

Molded bed with support. This part of the machine is designed to increase the stability of the machine. To reduce the level of vibration during sharpening, the bed is installed on wooden table or workbench. It is located all the work items of the machine.

Control unit and additional elements

Control block. This machine node is designed to manage the unit. The control unit or the button node is placed on the front grandmother.

Local lighting of the working area. The lamp is placed on the STD package 120m.

A set of spindle nozzles. These parts are necessary for fixing on the machine blanks of various length and diameter. One of these nozzles is a pressure plug-cartridge for fixing and installing short parts of wood, the other - for long wooden blanks.

Protective fence. Constructive element closing the driving elements of an electromechanical drive. It is equipped with an electrical locking of the opener of the hatch of the drive body in order to prevent the belonging to the strap and pulleys moving during operation, as well as the automatic engine stop when trying to open the hatch on the housing.

Specifications and some features of operation

The cutting machine for STD 120m has relatively good technical parameters, especially if it takes into account its specifics and dimensions:

  • dimensions - 1250 * 550 * 575 mm;
  • mass - 100 kg.

Tree blanks, with which parameters can be processed at STD 120m:

  • the length of the element installed in the centers, not more than 500 mm;
  • the diameter of the workpiece, not more than 190 mm;
  • the magnitude of the sharpening, not more than 450 mm.

Spindle Characteristics:

  • number of speeds - 2;
  • rotation speed range - 1100-2150 rpm.

It should be noted that the height of the installation centers is 120 millimeters. Electrical equipment operates from a three-phase power grid with a frequency of 50 Hz. On the turning unit there is one electrical engine With an initial power of 0.4 kW.

Some features of operation:

  • the processed billet should be without bitch and cracks, and the wet humidity indicator is within 20%;
  • large elements need to be processed at low speed;
  • lubrication of moving details.

Lubrication and verification of nodes for defects and damage should be made at least 1 time per year or after 500 hours of operation of the unit.

Constructively provides the ability to independently repair the front and rear student.

Advantages and disadvantages

Listing the positive and negative properties of the machine, one should not forget about its educational purpose, and that STD 120m also applies in some small enterprises, and this already talks about the quality of its assembly and excellent functionality. The advantages of the machine include its following features:

  • long service life;
  • relatively small dimensions;
  • high security;
  • complete completeness and functionality.

Long service life. The simplicity of the device of the unit itself allows him to be operated for a long time. However, provided that if it is operated in a gentle mode and, all its nodes are carried out timely and thorough care, its service life may increase several times.

Comparatively small sizes. This quality is important for small workshops and training classes, in which, as a rule, several units should be mounted at once.

High security. The main feature for any equipment intended for beginners. In addition, elevated security measures will not be superfluous and for more experienced toiod.

Complete completeness and functionality. A property that allows you to fully traine in the turning case on the device under consideration.

As with another equipment, the STD machine has 120m has its drawbacks:

  • the absence of the possibility of working on a two-phase network, which significantly limits the installation area;
  • relatively small dimensions of the processed parts that limit the range of possibilities of the device;
  • the machine has only two speeds of work, and this may not be ill to reflect on the quality of the processing of the elements of the tree.