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What is the foregoing of the citizen of the county. Historical Traditions: Tale of Invisible Grad Creek

It was this holy bold and grand Duke Georgy Vsevolodovich Son of St. Burdhet and Great Prince Vsevolod, the Pskov Wonderworker, that Gabriel was nained in Holy Baptism. This Saint of the Blessed and Grand Prince Vsevolod Son was the great prince of Mstislav, the grandson of the Holy and Equal-Apostles Great Prince Vladimir Kiev, the dealer of the Russian Earth. The Holy Prince of Great and Grand Duke Georgy Vsevolodovich - the great-grandfather of the Saint Blessed and Great Prince Vladimir.

And the holy burgher prince Vsevolod first rejected in Veliky Novgorod. But at one time, the Novgorod residents were taken to him and decided for themselves: the prince of ours, unresolved, owns us, baptized. And they created the advice, and came to him, and expelled out. He came to Kiev to the uncle to his Yaropolk and he told him everything, for which he was from Novgorod. And the one, having learned about it, gave him Vyshgorod. And here already begged his Pskovichi to prince them, and he came to them in the city of Pskov. And for some time I had perceived the grace of saint baptism, and was inflicted in the holy baptism of Gabriel. And stayed in great rugging and abstinence, and one year later, in the eternal peace went away, 6671 (1163) of the year, February of February in the eleventh day. And I was buried by the son of his faithful and great prince George. And there were many miracles from the saints of his power to glory and praise Christ, our God, and all the saints. Amen.

This holy burgher prince Georgy Vsevolodovich on the breakdown of the father of his faithful prince Vsevolod, who was named in the holy baptism of Gabriel, remained on his place in Moluba Pskovichi. It was in 6671 (1163) year. I learned the saint of the beloved and grand prince Georgy Vsevolodovich to go to the beloved prince Mikhail Chernigovsky. And when I came to the beloved prince Mikhail, the bold and Grand Duke of George, it bowed to the beloved prince Mikhail and told him: "Sat be, about the beloved and great prince Mikhail, for many summer, shining with piety and faithfully, in everything, in all the great-grandfather ours, faithful great Princess, Christ-lubble Olga, who gained the most expensive and great treasure - Christ and the faith of his holy prophets and the apostles and the holy fathers, and the fabulous Christ-loving king and an equivalent defense point to our king Konstantin. " And he told him the blessed prince Mikhail: "Sat if you are, about the beloved and grand prince Georgy Vsevolodovich, came to me with the good advice and an unenclose ok. After all, what did you get due to the envy of our saint Svyatopolk, who was involved in the authorities and killed the brothers of his, the glory and great princes! Boris commanded a spear to pierce, garb should be expelled with a knife, during their princes them. After all, he deceived them flattering on the babysitting of Satan, as if their mother had to die. They, like the kind of default, became a good shepherd of her Christ, did not become a brother, her enemy. The Lord glorified the holy worshi of his, boring princes and great wonderworkers Boris and Gleb. "

And Prince George with Prince Mikhail gave each other kissing, and celebrated spiritually, and having fun; And said the boring and great prince of Georgy to the Blessed prince Mikhail: "Give me a diploma, in Russia, to build the cities of God in Russia at the fortified places of God. And he told him the beloved and grand prince Mikhail: "As you want, and create the Church of God to glory and praise the Holy Name of God. For such a good intention to accept the award on the Day of the coming of Christ. "

And they saw many days. And when the bold prince of Georgy decided to return to his lot, then the blessed prince Mikhail commanded a diploma to write and put his hand to a diploma. And when Georgy's beloved prince went to his fatherland and hail, then the beloved prince Mikhail with a great honor released him and accompanied him. And when there were already both prince on the way and bowed to each other for a farewell, Mikhail gave a diploma. The bold prince Georgy took a diploma in the beloved prince Mikhail and bowed to him, and then he is in response to him.

And he drove the prince of George in the cities, and when he arrived in Novgorod, she ordered the church in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Virgin and Vestodel Mary per year 6672 (1164). From Novgorod went to Pskov, the city of his beloved prince was pressed out, and in the holy baptism of Gabriel, the Novgorod and Pskov Wonderworker. And I drove from Pskov-Grand to Moscow, and commanded the church in the name of the audit of the Blessed Lady of Our Virgin. and Vestodel Mary per year 6672 (1164). And I drove from Moscow to Pereslavl-Zalessky, and from Pereslavl-Grade to Rostov-Grad. At that time, Great Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky was in the city of Rostov. And the beloved prince of George in the city of Tom Rostov Church to build in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Mother of God and Nestodle Mary per year 6672 (1164), May twenty-third day. During the days of the Grand Duke, George began to dig under the foundation of the church and found the buried relics of St. Justice Leonty, Bishop of Rostovsky, the Wonderworker, who drew people in the Rostov-Grad in faith to Christ and baptized them from Mala and to Velik. And rejoiced by the joy of the Grand Prince of Georgy, and glorified God, who gave him such a multi-specific treasure, and was sanguned to be prayer. And she commanded Andrei, Prince Bogolyubsky, in the city of Murom and build a church in the city of Murom in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Mother of God and Naznodel Mary.

The very beloved and great prince drove from the city of Rostov and came to the city of Yaroslavl that on the banks of the Volga river stands. And sat down in the rod, and went down the Volga, and stuck to the shore from a small division that on the banks of the Volga stands, and rebuilt it, and began to pray all the people of Togo Prince George to the image miraculous icons blessed Virgin Mary Fedorovskaya suffered to the city to them. He performed a petition. Began to sing prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary. And when they ended and wanted the image that to carry into the city, then the image did not come off the place of that time did not move. The Blessed Prince of George, having seen the Most of the Blessed Virgin, who left the place here, commanded to build on the place of the monastery in the name of the Most Holy Virgin Fedorovskaya.

The most bold prince Georgy went from the place of that dry path, and not on the water. And he moved the river to the Uzol, and the second river, the name Sanda, and the third river moved, with the name Santogt, and the fourth moved, the name Kergenets, and came to the lake, named Svetloyar. And saw the place, the extraordinarily beautiful and crowded; And in the default of its inhabitants, the blessing prince Georgy Vsevolodovich was ordered on the shore of the Lake of that Svetloyar city, the name of the big kite, for the place was unusually beautiful, and on the other shore of the lake there was a oak grove.

And the advice and command of the Blessed and Grand Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich began to dig to dig to strengthen the place of this. And they began to build a church in the name of the Exaltation of the Honest Cross of the Lord, and the second church - in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Virgin and Naznodeli Mary, and the Third Church - in the name of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Lady of Our Mother of God and Naznodeli Mary. In the same churches commanded the prince of Georgius to make and in honor of other holidays of the Lord and Virgin. Also, the images of all saints have commanded command.

And the city is the big kite, a hundred seeded in length and width was, and this first measure was Mala. And the bold prince of Georgy has led a hundred more seats to add a length, and there was a measure of hail in length - two hundred seven, and in width - a hundred seeded. And the city began to build in the year 6673 (1165), May the month of May on the first day, for the memory of the Holy Prophet Jeremiah and others like him. And the city was built by that three years, and built it in the year 6676 (1167), the month of September on the thirtieth day, the memory of the Holy Sacred Martyr Gregory, Bishop of the Great Armenia.

And I went to a small mile that on the banks of the Volga stands, the blessing prince Georgy Vsevolodovich. And on the construction of cities of those small and big, he commanded to measure in the field, how much they have a distance between their distances. And on the command of the blessed prince George, one hundred travelers targeted. And the blessed prince Georgy Vsevolodovich, having learned this, gave the glory to God and the Most Holy Virgin and also commanded the chronicler book. And the bold and grand prince Georgy commanded the whole service serve. And prayer sangs to the Most Holy Virgin Fedorovskaya, by the service of the service, sailed his Pskov in the past the city before the city. People accompanied him with great Honor; And, saying goodbye to him, let go.

Prince of Georgy Vsevolodovich, having arrived in his city, before the named Pskov, had been in prayer for many days, and in post, and in the Division, and distributed a lot of alms with the widow, and orphans. And on building cities, those lived seventy five years.

It was in the year 6747 (1239). The easiest of God, sins for our sake, came to Russia, the wicked and godless king beyond. And he ruined the city, and fired them with fire, and the Churches of God also ruined, and devoured fire. The people of the sword betrayed the sword, and smaller children lay a knife, the young Virgin flashed. And there was a great cry.

The Blessed Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich, hearing all this, cried bitterly. And, praying to the Lord and the Most Holy god's Mother, gathered his own man, and went against the wicked king of Batya with warriors. And when both craftsmen joined the battle, there was a grade of the Great and bloodshed. At that time, the Blessed Prince Georgy had little warriors, and the bold prince of Georgy ran from the wicked king of Batya down the Volga in the Small Kitege. And for a long time, the blessing prince of George with the wicked king of Batym, not put it in his city.

When night came, then the burgher prince George went secret from this city in Great hail Kite. In the next way, when that wicked king woke up, I began a attack with the warriors with my city and captured it. And all people in this beat this and quarrel. And, not finding the blessed prince in the city of Tom, began to torment one of the inhabitants, and he, not suffering a flour, opened his way. The same wicked chased in front of the prince. And when it came to the city, attacked him with a lot of his warriors and took the city of the big kite that on the shore of Lake Svetloary, and killed the Blessed Prince George, the month of February on the fourth day. And he left the city of that wicked one king Bati. And after him they took the relics of the Princely Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich. And after that ruisle, the city was launched by the city, the small kite, that on the banks of the Volga costs, and the big thing on the shore of Lake Svetloyar.

And the invisibility will be a big ship right up to the coming of Christ that in previous times it happened, as evidenced by the lives of the Holy Fathers, the Candan Monasiki, and the Candy Skitsky, and the grazing candyma, and the Candidage of Jerusalem, and the Candidage of the Holy Mountain, and these holy books in which The lives of the Holy Fathers, they agree that the hidden abode is not united, but there are many monasteries, and in those monasteries a lot of holy fathers, for sure stars of heaven who have given their lives. Like the sand of the sea is impossible to make intent, it is impossible to describe everything. It is about them, presented by the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Prophet David-King, wondering, shines the Holy Spirit, he says his psalti in the Book of his Psalrty: "The righteous, like a palm tree, blooms and, like Cedar Lebanese, is towers; Lost in the house of the Lord, they bloom in our god yards. " And also the same prophet King David: "Your thoughts are elevated for me, God, as a great number of them; Will it be calculated, but they are numerous sand. " About them, holy by the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Apostle Paul in his message says, providya; Such a word draws us: "Wrapped in sheepskin and goat skin, suffering, sorrow, bite, those who were not worthy of the whole world." The same word of the shit and St. John Zlatoust, in the teaching of his own, speaks the third post in the week. The same word draws to us, providya, Holy Anastasi from the Sinai mountain. The same word apostolic draws to us, providaya, and the Rev. Father, our Hilarion is great, he writes about the saints: "And also in last times It will be: Horses and monasteries of the secret will be, because the antichrist will reign in the world, then run into the mountains, and in the verteps, and in the abyss of the earth. " And a human-loving God will not leave then to escape. Urged, and as a moutigation, and tears all receive a person from God. The Savior himself, the divine mouths were announced in the Municipal Gospel, that "everything in a brief and attend to be saved."

And on the killing of St. George Vsevolodovich's Grand Prince, and on the burial of honest relevance, he came to the Russian kingdom in the Russian kingdom per year. I went against the Batya-Tsar, the bold prince Mikhail Chernigovsky with a boyarian by his feudore. And when both craftsmen fought, there was a great bloodshed. And he killed that wicked king Bati of the Benther and Grand Duke Mikhail Chernigovsky with a boyar feodorm in the year 6750 (1241), the month of September on the twentieth day. And after the killing of the Blessed Prince, Mikhail Chernigovsky, two years later killed the Blessed Prince Mercury Smolensky, that wicked king Bati in the year 6755 (1246), month of November at the age of twenty-fourth day. And it was the launch of the Moscow kingdom, and other monasteries, and the Grand Divine in the year 6756 (1248).

The lives of St. George St. George Vsevolodovich, based on the text of the Simeon Chronicles of the XV century, was drawn up by the time of his relevance in 1645. There is a special version of the life of the Grand Duke ("Life and Suffering"), which was created near the middle of the XVII century in Kostroma, the text was based on a power book. Apparently, this version of the saint was used in the preparation of the Old Believers of the Tale of the Grade in the late XVII century - "The Book of the Glagland Chronicler." The main character of the work is Georgy Vsevolodovich, who suffered "from the king of Batya for faith of Christ and for the Saints Church."

Igor Heko.

According to this legend, Georgy Vsevolodovich rebuilt the small kite (allegedly modern city), founded the aeodor Gorodelsky monastery in it, and then went to a very deaf land, where he put on the shore of Lake Svetloary, a large kite - the legendary town of KUIT.

B.A. Smirnov-Russette. Grad non-hosting service (kite) 1977

"The book is a verbal chronicler" so tells this: "... I came to the lake, named Svetloor. And he saw the place, the extraordinarily beautiful and crowded. And on the default of his inhabitants, the blessing prince Georgy Vsevolodovich was ordered on the shore of the Lake of that Svetloary the city, the name of the big kite, for the place was unusually perfect, and on the other shore of the lake there was an oak grove.<…>

K. Gorbatov. Invisible hail of Kite.

And they began to build a church in the name of the Exaltation of the Honest Cross of the Lord, and the second church - in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Virgin and Naznodeli Mary, and the Third Church - in the name of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Lady of Our Mother of God and Naznodeli Mary.<…> And the city is the big kite, a hundred seeded in length and width was, and this first measure was Mala. And the blessing prince of Georgy has led a hundred more seats to add a length, and there was a measure in length in length - two hundred seven, and in width - a hundred seats ... ".

Painting M. V. Nesterova "Grad Kijite (in the forests)". Nizhny Novgorod

Despite the incompatibility of the dates given in the legend with historical reality, as well as the fact that the founder of the city, like the Fedorovsky monastery, is considered to be Yuri Dolgoruky, the legend is most likely active events. The connection of the Small Divine (City) with the name George Vsevolodovich has a completely historical background: after the victory of Konstantin Vsevolodovich in 1216, Prince Georgy left for the lot in the town. In 1238, when the Horde of Batiy was approached by Vladimir, Georgy Vsevolodovich went to Yaroslavl land, within which both cities were both cities - large and small cystrs and where Russian battle lost was held.

Konstantin Ivanovich Gorbatov

The legend further tells about the crying Great, about how Khan Bati won the Russian principalities, Restaled about the bright town of KUMit and gathered to capture him. Someone from the prisoners told Mongolian Khan on secret paths to Lake Svetläir and the city. And the city was ruined and all the inhabitants were killed together with Prince George Vsevolodovich and his troops. And after the ruin, the holy city was invisible and "and the invisible will be the big twigs until the coming of Christ."

Korovin Konstantin Alekseevich. Invisible hail kite. 1930.

According to the people's legends, when Tatars's troops reached the walls of the city, they were amazed by the fact that the city was not strengthened, its inhabitants were not prepared to defend themselves, only prayed. Chan's troops attacked the city, but suddenly, the fountains of the water began to beat the fountains, the invaders had to retreat and they could only see how the city was immersed in the lake. The legend says that the lake has falched the kite to the conclusion of times, and only before the end of the world, he will again rise from the waters: "This hail of the big kite will invisible and protect the Hand in God, - so at the end of the century of our multi-time and tears worthy covered the Lord that Hradnia ... "

Mikhail Kozlov Bestuzhev. Kite - hail

The legend of this gave birth to numerous incredible rumors that reached this day. Fail to holy hail can not everyone. Only a person is capable of entering there, an absolutely pure spirit: "And the though to go to such a place holy no thoughts do not have a custody and corrupted, embarrassing mind and leading to the thought of the thought of the person whoever to go. Firmly swaying the thoughts of evil, seeking to overcome from the place of that. And do not think about this yes about this.<…> If it goes, and doubt will begin, and they praise everywhere, then the Lord Grad will close. And he will seem like a forest or an empty place ... "

Avanesov Vladislav.Doroga to Kite.

The monks from the neighboring Christian monasters who regularly come to Svetloor, they hear only the bell ringing, and only a little succeeded in the waters of the lake outline of beautiful white-named temples of the day. According to local residents, the lake has healing properties And it is capable of healing from many ailments, and who saw the reflection of the golden domes of churches in it will be happy.

Klimenko Andrei. Guardi kite.

Legend of Earth Rae - invisible hay Kitege attracted people in antiquity and attracts now, she served as the basis for many works of art in literature, music, fine art and cinema.

I. Glazunov. Grad kite. 1986.

Yuri Somov


History of Russian Goverment

The book, called the chronicler, was written in the year 6646 (1237) on the fifth day

There was this Saint of the Blessed and Grand Duke Georgy Vsevolodovich Son of the Saint Blagovander and the Grand Prince Vsevolod, the Pskov Wonderworker, that Gabriel was nailed in Holy Baptism. This Saint of the Blessed and Grand Prince Vsevolod Son was the great prince of Mstislav, the grandson of the Holy and Equal-Apostles Great Prince Vladimir Kiev, the dealer of the Russian Earth. The Holy Prince of Great and Grand Duke Georgy Vsevolodovich - the great-grandfather of the Saint Blessed and Great Prince Vladimir.

And the holy burgher prince Vsevolod first rejected in Veliky Novgorod. But at one time, the Novgorod residents were taken to him and decided for themselves: the prince of ours, unresolved, owns us, baptized. And they created the advice, and came to him, and expelled out. He came to Kiev to the uncle to his Yaropolk and he told him everything, for which he was from Novgorod. And the one, having learned about it, gave him Vyshgorod. And here already begged his Pskovichi to prince them, and he came to them in the city of Pskov. And for some time I had perceived the grace of saint baptism, and was inflicted in the holy baptism of Gabriel. And stayed in great rugging and abstinence, and one year later, in the eternal peace went away, 6671 (1163) of the year, February of February in the eleventh day. And I was buried by the son of his faithful and great prince George. And there were many miracles from the saints of his power to glory and praise Christ, our God, and all the saints. Amen.

This holy burgher prince Georgy Vsevolodovich on the breakdown of the father of his faithful prince Vsevolod, who was named in the holy baptism of Gabriel, remained on his place in Moluba Pskovichi. It was in 6671 (1163) year. I learned the saint of the beloved and grand prince Georgy Vsevolodovich to go to the beloved prince Mikhail Chernigovsky. And when I came to the beloved prince Mikhail, the bold and Grand Duke of George, it bowed to the beloved prince Mikhail and told him: "Sat be, about the beloved and great prince Mikhail, for many summer, shining with piety and faithfully, in everything, in all the great-grandfather OUR, Blessed Great Princess, Christ Olga, who gained the most expensive and great treasure - Christ and the faith of his holy prophets and the apostles and the holy fathers, and the Blessed Christ-Christ-loving king and an equivalent Pradedi to our king Konstantin. " And he told him the blessed prince Mikhail: "Sat if you are, about the beloved and grand prince Georgy Vsevolodovich, came to me with the good advice and an unenclose ok. After all, what did you get due to the envy of our saint Svyatopolk, who was involved in the authorities and killed the brothers of his, the glory and great princes! Boris commanded a spear to pierce, garb should be expelled with a knife, during their princes them. After all, he deceived them flattering on the babysitting of Satan, as if their mother had to die. They, like the kind of default, became a good shepherd of her Christ, did not become a brother, her enemy. The Lord glorified the holy worshi of his, boring princes and great wonderworkers Boris and Gleb. "

And Prince George with Prince Mikhail gave each other kissing, and celebrated spiritually, and having fun; And said the boring and great prince of Georgy to the Blessed prince Mikhail: "Give me a diploma, in Russia, to build the cities of God in Russia at the fortified places of God. And he told him the beloved and grand prince Mikhail: "As you want, and create the Church of God to glory and praise the Holy Name of God. For such a good intention to accept the award on the Day of the coming of Christ. "

And they saw many days. And when the bold prince of Georgy decided to return to his lot, then the blessed prince Mikhail commanded a diploma to write and put his hand to a diploma. And when Georgy's beloved prince went to his fatherland and hail, then the beloved prince Mikhail with a great honor released him and accompanied him. And when there were already both prince on the way and bowed to each other for a farewell, Mikhail gave a diploma. The bold prince Georgy took a diploma in the beloved prince Mikhail and bowed to him, and then he is in response to him.

And he drove the prince of George in the cities, and when he arrived in Novgorod, she ordered the church in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Virgin and Vestodel Mary per year 6672 (1164). From Novgorod went to Pskov, the city of his beloved prince was pressed out, and in the holy baptism of Gabriel, the Novgorod and Pskov Wonderworker. And I drove from Pskov-Grand to Moscow, and commanded the church in the name of the audit of the Blessed Lady of Our Virgin. and Vestodel Mary per year 6672 (1164). And I drove from Moscow to Pereslavl-Zalessky, and from Pereslavl-Grade to Rostov-Grad. At that time, Great Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky was in the city of Rostov. And the beloved prince of George in the city of Tom Rostov Church to build in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Mother of God and Nestodle Mary per year 6672 (1164), May twenty-third day. During the days of the Grand Duke, George began to dig under the foundation of the church and found the buried relics of St. Justice Leonty, Bishop of Rostovsky, the Wonderworker, who drew people in the Rostov-Grad in faith to Christ and baptized them from Mala and to Velik. And rejoiced by the joy of the Grand Prince of Georgy, and glorified God, who gave him such a multi-specific treasure, and was sanguned to be prayer. And she commanded Andrei, Prince Bogolyubsky, in the city of Murom and build a church in the city of Murom in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Mother of God and Naznodel Mary.

The very beloved and great prince drove from the city of Rostov and came to the city of Yaroslavl that on the banks of the Volga river stands. And sat down in a row, and went down the Volga, and stuck to the shore from a small division, that on the banks of the Volga stands, and rebuilt it, and began to pray all the people of Togo Prince Georgia, so that the image of the miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Fedorovskaya suffered to the city to them. He performed a petition. Began to sing prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary. And when they ended and wanted the image that to carry into the city, then the image did not come off the place of that time did not move. The Blessed Prince of George, having seen the Most of the Blessed Virgin, who left the place here, commanded to build on the place of the monastery in the name of the Most Holy Virgin Fedorovskaya.

The most bold prince Georgy went from the place of that dry path, and not on the water. And he moved the river to the Uzol, and the second river, the name Sanda, and the third river moved, with the name Santogt, and the fourth moved, the name Kergenets, and came to the lake, named Svetloyar. And saw the place, the extraordinarily beautiful and crowded; And in the default of its inhabitants, the blessing prince Georgy Vsevolodovich was ordered on the shore of the Lake of that Svetloyar city, the name of the big kite, for the place was unusually beautiful, and on the other shore of the lake there was a oak grove.

And the advice and command of the Blessed and Grand Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich began to dig to dig to strengthen the place of this. And they began to build a church in the name of the Exaltation of the Honest Cross of the Lord, and the second church - in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Virgin and Naznodeli Mary, and the Third Church - in the name of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Lady of Our Mother of God and Naznodeli Mary. In the same churches commanded the prince of Georgius to make and in honor of other holidays of the Lord and Virgin. Also, the images of all saints have commanded command.

And the city is the big kite, a hundred seeded in length and width was, and this first measure was Mala. And the bold prince of Georgy has led a hundred more seats to add a length, and there was a measure of hail in length - two hundred seven, and in width - a hundred seeded. And the city began to build in the year 6673 (1165), May the month of May on the first day, for the memory of the Holy Prophet Jeremiah and others like him. And the city was built by that three years, and built it in the year 6676 (1167), the month of September on the thirtieth day, the memory of the Holy Sacred Martyr Gregory, Bishop of the Great Armenia.

And I went to a small mile that on the banks of the Volga stands, the blessing prince Georgy Vsevolodovich. And on the construction of cities of those small and big, he commanded to measure in the field, how much they have a distance between their distances. And on the command of the blessed prince George, one hundred travelers targeted. And the blessed prince Georgy Vsevolodovich, having learned this, gave the glory to God and the Most Holy Virgin and also commanded the chronicler book. And the bold and grand prince Georgy commanded the whole service serve. And prayer sangs to the Most Holy Virgin Fedorovskaya, by the service of the service, sailed his Pskov in the past the city before the city. The people accompanied him with the Great Honor; And, saying goodbye to him, let go.


According to the legend, the Grand Duke Vladimir Yuri first built a small kite at the Volga (today's red hill, on another version of the city). Later, the prince River River Utol, Sanda and Kergenettec and found beautiful place On the shores of Lake Svetloyar, where he decided to build a city of Big Kite. "The Site Chronicler" reports that the prince

... came to the lake, name to Svetloor. And he saw the place, the extraordinarily beautiful and crowded. And on the default of his inhabitants, the blessing prince Georgy Vsevolodovich was ordered on the shore of the Lake of that Svetloary the city, the name of the big kite, for the place was unusually perfect, and on the other shore of the lake there was an oak grove.

It is assumed that the name of the city happened from the princely village of Kidekshi (near Suzdal), destroyed by the Tatar-Mongolian Horde. Conquered some Russian principalities, Khan Bati found out about the cyinga and ordered to capture him. Mongols soon captured a small kite, forcing Yuri to retreat in the forest to Big Cyitu. One of the prisoners told Mongols about the secret paths to Lake Svetloyar. The Horde pursued Yuri and soon reached the walls of the city. To the surprise of Mongols, the city had no fortifications at all. His residents were not even going to defend themselves and only prayed.

If you wish in the fog over the lake at dawn, you can see the outlines of the city

Seeing this, Mongols attacked the city, but they had to stop. Suddenly, the fountains of water poured out of the ground and began to buy the city and the invaders themselves. The attackers had to retreat and they could only see how the city was immersed in the lake. The last thing they saw was a cross on the dome of the cathedral. And soon there are only waves on the site of the city.

This legend gave birth to numerous incredible rumors that reached the present day. It is said that only those who are pure heart and soul will find the way to the kite. It also says that in quiet weather, you can sometimes hear the bell ringing and singing of people, hearing from under the water of Lake Svetloyar.

Some say that very believers can see the lights of religious processions and even buildings at the bottom of the lake. Some see even talking possession. For this reason, Lake Svetloyar is sometimes called the "Russian Atlantis".

Amazing also parallels with the fate of the ancient Russian city of Mologa, flooded during the years of Soviet power (1937-1940-E). After flooding part of the Morozha for a long time From the water there were moisters and crosses of numerous temples, monasteries. Near the molot was really the sacred lake, the name of which echoes Svetoer.

Image in art


In modern music, the legend is played, for example, in the composition "Kite-hail" of the group of the group.


M. V. Nesterov created the painting "Grad Kijite (in the forests)" in 1917-1922.


In Yuri, Norstein and Ivan Ivanov-Vano removed the cartoon "Sword with Kergents", based on the opera Roman Corsakov.




  • The client chronicler; Tale and recovery about Grada inextricular vehicle // Monuments of literature Ancient Russia: XIII century. M., 1981.
  • Legend of Gradi Creek / Podg. Text, lane. and comm. N. V. Ponimko // Library of Literature Ancient Russia / Ed. D. S. Likhacheva, L. A. Dmitriev, A. A. Alekseeva, N. V. Ponimko. - T. 5: XIII century. - SPb.: Nauka, 1997. - ("Book, the verbal chronicler ..."; "The story and recovery of the city of the innermost Kitege.")
  • Grad kite. Gorky, 1985.


  • Komarovich V. L. China Legend (Experience in Local Legends). - m.; L.: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1936. - (on the site partially, in the application to the paper version there are chronicle ledges about the curtain).
  • Crop N. A. Legends about the invisible Grada Creek: the mythology of the recovery of the innermost city in the folklore and literary prose // Evangelical text in Russian literature of the XVIII-XX centuries. - Vol. 4. - Petrozavodsk, 2005. - P. 53-66.
  • Kulagina A. V. The legend of the Gradi in the light of the expeditionary records of the XX - early XXI century // Folk cultures of the Russian North. Folk Entity Entity. Arkhangelsk, 2004. Vol. 2. P. 131-141.
  • Legends and legends of the Volga River. N. Novgorod, 1998.
  • Legends and legends of the Earth Nizhny Novgorod. N. Novgorod, 2001.
  • Mulin S. P. Kite on Lake Svetloyar. // Moskvatyan. 1843. Ch. 6. No. 12. P. 507-511. - The first printed publication about the cyinga.
    • Galai Yu. G. The author of the first publication about Grada in Svetloyarsk Lake S. P. Mulin. // Grad Kite, Lake Svetloyar in Russian Culture: Sat. Reports. - Nizhny Novgorod, 1995.
  • Shestakov V. P. ESHATOLOGICAL MOTIVES IN THE LEGEND ON GRAIT CITAZY // Shestakov V. P. ESChatology and Utopia: Essays of Russian philosophy and culture. M., 1995.
  • Azadovsky K. M. "Anna Akhmatova and Nikolai Klyuev, a literary review, called me" Kixtanka ". 1989. No. 5.
  • Paschenko M. "KUMIT", or Russian "PARSIFAL": the genesis of the symbol // Questions of literature. 2008. № 2.
  • Rubychka O. E. "There is behind the island, there is behind the garden ..." Anna Akhmatova, Anna Akhmatova: Epoch, fate, creativity: Crimean Akhmatovsky scientific collection. - Vol. 3. - Simferopol: Crimean Archive, 2005. - P. 46-66.
  • Tale of the invisible Grade Cytem and the Virgin Fevronia // 100 Opera: the history of creation. Plot. Music / [Red. Sost. M. Druskin]. - L.: Music, 1970. ( Summary (Sinopsis) Opera Roman Corsakov.)
  • Smolnikov S. N. Mythist-toponym "KUMIT" in the poetic system N. A. Klyuva // Klyuevian collection. Vol. 1. Vologda, 1999.
  • Solntseva N. M. Kixt peacock. M., 1992. (About S. A. Klychkov.)

Works of art

  • Akhmatova A.A. "Son a son of curly ..." // Sovar. So.: at 6 t. M., 1998-2002. T. 1.
  • Akhmatova A.A. By all lands // SPAR. cit. T. 3.
  • Behteiev C. Kite; Kitezhan // Behteiev C. Songs of Russian sorrow and tears. M., 1996.
  • Betaci V. Kite // Betaci V. Europe island. Paris, 1981.
  • Blokhin N. Dee-bog. M., 1999.
  • Voloshin M. A. Kite // Voloshin M. A. I pray for those for those and others. M., 2001.
  • Yesenin S. A. Inony // full. Cathedral So: at 7 t. T. 2. M., 1997.
  • Gorky M. In people // Syd. So: at 30 t. M., 1949-1955. T. 13. P. 266. (Spiritual verse about Kitege).
  • Klyuev N. A. Red song; "The mind is the Republic, and the heart - Mother-Rus ..."; Rus-kite; "I am an ambassador from the bear ..."; Red Adam; Song of the Great Mother; Mother-Saturday // Klyuev N. A. The heart of the unicorn. - SPb., 1999.
  • Cruzians P. V. Bite angel: novel. St. Petersburg., 2001.
  • Mikekov A.N. Wanderer // Sob. So.: 2 t. M., 1984. T. 2.
  • Grisha // Sovar. So: at 6 t. M., 1963. T. 1.
  • Melnikov P. I. (Andrei Pechersky). In the forests // COLD. So: at 6 t. M., 1963. T. 2-3.
  • Merezhkovsky D. S. Peter and Alexey // Sovar. So.: 4 t. M., 1990. T. 2.
  • Sentin M. M. At the walls of the invisible (bright lake).
  • Tenryakov V. F. Clean waters Divine // Satr. So: at 5 t. M., 1989. T.5.


  • Bunin I. A. INONIA AND KUMIT // Bunin I. A. Publicistics 1918-1953. M., 2000.
  • Hippius Z. N. Light Lake. 1904.
  • Durylin S. N. Church of invisible hail. - 1914.
  • Ilyin I. A. About Russia // Sovar. So: at 10 t. M., 1996. T. 6. KN. II.
  • Korolenko V. G. In the desert places // COLD. So.: at 10 t. M., 1954. T. 3.
  • Shmelev I. S. Motherland soul; Moscow in shame // Syd. So.: In 5 tons. M., 1998-2000. T. 2.


  • Poslanіee to Father from the son of the inhalo in the monastery of the monastery, so that he did not imagine the defendant and the dead did not have a hidden from Mir. In Lѣto 7209 (1702) Iyuna B 20 day.
  • Sheshununova S. V. Grad kite in fiction and problem of bifurcation of Russian culture

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Watch what is "Legend of Grades in Cite" in other dictionaries:

    The client legend, the cycle of legends about the city, as if immersed in Lake Svetloyar (now the Resurrection District of the Gorky region), and so on. avoiding ruin by Tatars. The name of the kite dates back to the town of Kideksh (now the village is 4 km from ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Opera Tale of the Invisible Grade Cytem and the Devnia of the Decoration of Bilibina ... Wikipedia

    legend - s, g. 1) In Folklore: the oral folk story, which is based on a miracle, a fantastic image or representation, perceived by a narrator or listening to reliable. Legend of grade in a curtain. Legends about folk intercessors. Plot… … Popular Dictionary of the Russian Language

    - [Poetic legend] SUB., G., UPOTR. compared. Often morphology: (no) what? Legends, what? legend, (see) What? Legend than? legend what? about legend; MN. what? Legends, (no) what? Legends, what? Legends, (see) What? Legends than? legends, ... ... Dictionary Dmitrieva

    - (Lat. Legenda, from Legere read). 1) in Roman catholic church, Book for daily readings. 2) Church or religious legend of any wonderful event. 3) the narrative of the saints and martyrs. 4) In general, a legend of wonderful events. five) … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    1. Legend, s; g. [from lat. Legenda What should be read] 1. Founded on oral legends, opoethized a legend about a historical or fictional face, event, etc. Ancient L. About Grada Kitty. // Fictional, embellished ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    legend - I s; g. (from Lat. Legenda What should be read) See the DVG. Legendary 1) a) based on oral legends, opoethized a legend about a historical or fictional face, event, etc. Ancient Lege / Nda. Lege / NDA about Grada Cytem. b) Ott. ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

On the Volga River, near the city of Nizhny Novgorod is one of the deepest lakes of this edge - Svetloyar. The dimensions of the lake are not large - half a kilometer in length and slightly more in width. The depth of Svetloyar is 39 meters, which is a record in the area. Water in the lake comes from a deep fault in his day. It is crystal clear and cold.

Svetloyar is sometimes referred to as Russian Atlantis for his sheedy legends history. People say that sometimes from under his waters, they can barely audible ringing bells, and in the depths you can see the ghost walls of the monasteries and the domes of churches.
This city is a mile, which, as legend, disappeared between 1.236 and 1.242 during the first invasion of Tatar-Mongol to Russia. At the border of the third and fourth decade of the 13th century, the ancient Russian states were fragmented by dozens of prince. Princes fought among themselves for power and new lands, joined military unions.

The name of Lake Svetloyar comes from a combination of ancient Russian words: "light", also denoting pure and righteous and "yar" - not only known to all as a ravine, or a beam, but in this case, who is the root on behalf of the ancient Russian solar deity, Yaril, in the Doharistian Russia The ancient tribes of the Slavs worshiped. Many legends of the pre-Christian period of Russia are also conneged with Lake Svetloyar. About the city of Kitty, and in the Holy Book of the Old Russian Faith - the "Star Book of the Kolyady".

In the area of \u200b\u200bLake Svetläir, as the ancient Russian legend tells, Kitovras was born - the magic semi-comer reception. He was a powerful wizard and helped the Slavs to build cities and temples. There lived Quasura - the ancient God of wisdom and hops. It is believed that their names and gave the name of the city of Kitege.

Lake Svetläir in ancient times lived slavic tribe. Berendev. Until today, their descendants retained legends about Grades in a religious center of worshiping God Yaril in it. In antiquity, in the pre-Christian period of Russia, the ship was considered the Slavs with a sacred place.

After the baptism of Russia, the Slavic faith with her temples and wipes gave way to Christianity, but the sacred place for people remained. At the site of the tradition of tradition began to build orthodox churchesSo it was believed that these places are special and are strong sources of positive energy. The names of the Old Slavic gods gradually changed on the names of the saints, but the places of worship higher power remained the same. Lake Svetloyar, which has been shrouded with legends and mysticism, belongs to such places.

On the shore of this lake Grand Prince Vladimir Yuri (Georgy) Vsevolodovich, (November 26, 1188 - March 4, 1238), Son Vsevolod Big nest and built a hail of a big kite. In addition to him, there was also a small kite (allegedly modern town), built during his grandfather - Yuri Dolgoruky. The big ship was all erected from a white stone with six temples in the city center, which at the time was a sign of wealth. It seems that the legends united these two cities into a mystical and mysterious ship-hail.

A true picture of the events of those distant times helped to recreate Alexey Asov. For this, he took the chronicles and legends of those times.

In 1238, Khan Bati defeated the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich remained at that time the only warlord with an army that could withstand the Tatar-Mongolian invasion. Han got a camp on the city river. Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich defeated him in a small quay. Khan Bati took the attack the city, but the prince with the remnants of the troops managed to leave the small quay and hide in a large quay.

The Batie intended to continue his trip to the Mediterranean Sea, but it was impossible to leave in his rear of the Russian prince with his army. The path to the city was lying among the impassable marshes and forests. And then he began torturing all the prisoners of Slavs how to go to the kite. Near the sacred for the Slavs, the city meant to obrace myself and your genus on the eternal curse. According to legend, the torment was frightened and the death was only one - Grishka Kurthmy. He agreed to spend the troops of Batiya in China.

Khan Bati was the founder of the Mongolian Empire and the grandson of Genghis Khan. For several years, he destroyed about half of the population of Ancient Russia. Kiev, Vladimir, Suzdal, Ryazan, Tver, and many other cities were ruined and burned. The rich Russian culture of ancient Russia did not. For several decades, the construction of cities was almost stopped, crafts disappeared, and the southern Russian lands lost almost all their indigenous people.

In this, the tragic time, the people arose a legend about Gradi. She tells meant that Khan Bati found out about the city of Kitezh and ordered him to conquer him. The Tatar-Mongolian army was difficult to find the city, but one of the Russian prisoners told Mongols about the secret ways to Lake Svetlär and the army headed for a kite. When they approached him, they saw that the city was not fortified and delighted with the upcoming light victory. But at the sight of troops from under the ground, the fountains of the water and the town of Kijite disappeared under water. According to the legend, the city itself did not enter the city itself, she just hid him from enemies and did not drowl the townspeople. So God saved the people of the kite for their prayers and piety. This place has become sacred.

Until today, alive is a legend about Kitege. People living in this area are talking about suddenly emerging strangely dressed people, the disappearance of those who come to seek the Kitete and turned out to be worthy of becoming its inhabitants. The lake has long been interested in archaeologists and geologists - employees of research institutes, as well as numerous independently investigating the mystery of Lake Svetloyar people. Among them are those who explain all the laws of physics, and those who believe in the secret nature of things. All of them seek to solve the mystery of Lake Sveloyar and plunged in him a city of dying.

This is a legend, but many people believe in it. And there is no doubt that Lake Svetloyar is the same ancient lake about which there are old legends. Orthodox come here to pray. It is even said that the handful of earth is cured of many diseases from this place, and water from the lake is worth a few years and does not bloom and does not deteriorate - like holy water. Many believe that if you walk around the lake three times clockwise, it will fulfill your desire.

Presumably in Lake Svetloyar is a passage to another dimension. There is another interesting, right-mystical version in which Lake Svetloyar is connected with the mysterious Shambal. Svetloyar attracts thousands of pilgrims from around the world. A hint of the existence of the city at the Day of Svetloyar can be found in the book of the seventeenth century "The Kitene Chronicler".

Candidate Sergey Volkov, who organized an expedition in search of the mythical city, says people disappear in this place - some forever, others return and do not remember anything that happened to them. He seriously said about the possibility of visiting the lost city of the city. But it can only pass truly believers.

Supporters of the theory of a mystical lost city suggest that in Lake Svetloyar there is a passage to another dimension. The proof of this is the stories of the residents of the village of Vladimirskoye near Svetlolyar. They saw the puddle in the clothes, which were their ancestors. When these strange people bought goods in the village - mostly bread and bagels, they paid perfectly preserved ancient copper and silver coins. A possible explanation for this is only the theory of parallel worlds.

This is what Sergey Volkov said:
"Our basic opening is confirmed by the hypothesis about the existence near Svetlorian invisible to the unarmed eye of the plasma substance, which has the opportunity to manifest itself as living beings. Especially many of them and mostly they come in the evening around groups of praying people - look and explored. We have captured them on video -And the camera. These plasma formations were once recorded in the laboratory by scientists of the Institute of Earth Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radioless Dissemination. Experiments in this Institute showed that millions of plasma clots exist in the electromagnetic range, let's call them substance. This brings atheists to think That there is a parallel, the afterlife. The study of Svetolar shows that this hypothesis is not deprived of common sense. "

Despite myths, legends and folklore, scientists discovered traces of real events occurred. From geology it is well known that the central regions of the European part of Russia lie on the foundation from the hard rock formation. But this foundation is cut into deep directed in different directions and often intersecting with each other. And based on this fact, according to geologists, Lake Svetloyar is located in the intersection assembly of two very deep and large depressions. In such places, even a very large water tank can be very quickly formed.

Scientific scuba diversary explored Svetloaryar and found natural anomalies. They found underwater terraces at the bottom of the lake - the shore goes under the water like a staircase. Large steep submarine slopes of Svetloaryar alternate with horizontal areas of the bottom. This leads to the conclusion that Lake Svetloyar was formed by parts - the first, lower, then through a hundred or even thousands of years - the second, and, finally, relatively recently the third.

The first layer of precipitation of the lake bottom is located at a depth of 30 meters and a very ancient, the second layer is at a 20-meter depth and referred to the XIII century, and the third terrace has sediments of quite recent times.
At the depth of 20 meters, scuba small subjectsMade of wood and metal of the XIII century period. On one of these underwater terraces, which was before on the shore of the lake, maybe there was a real city or a monastery, and then he disappeared into the waters of Lake Sveloyar.

When the lake was tested by a echo sounder, and later his echo-echo removed the geolocator, the oval anomaly became clearly visible. It was distinguished by a multi-meter sediment. Moreover, there is another area near this "ovala". There, in the mud, reflected by the bottom of the thin layer of the soil signals, were different as if something did not miss the sound. On the big depths There were hidden solid items. When they drew a map of this area. It turned out a pattern that resembles surrounded by the promenade city.

Thus, the existence of a city in this place is quite possible. But he did not have a mysterious way disappeared somewhere, but simply collapsed under the ground as a result of tectonic activity. Only for the past 50 years, the scablasts could not find any traces of this. Schliman found her three guided by the stories of "Iliad". And here the address is accurate and the lake is in our eyes - and all the underwater searches did not give anything.

It remains to be assumed a fantastic option: the city exists, but invisible. In addition to hearing from time to time, his bells ...

During the tests using a hydrophone, which is made on the principle of sound conversion into an electrical signal, he suddenly began to make sounds resembling the echo of thunder during the storm. Geophysics participating in the experiment said that these sounds occur from the wave of magnetic perturbation, which passes through the water and creates such an effect.

In some places, the water just "screamed", in others there was dead silence. But the most unexpected surprise of Lake Svetloyar turned out to be fixed by hydrophones Low buzzing sound, resembling a loud call. Most often, the lake published it before sunrise and full Moon. It was then, according to the legend, the righteous people are given to see how the walls of a snow-white city with gold domes are visible in the lake mirror with golden temples.

As for the water itself, the scientists of chemists came to the conclusion that it can remain many days without changing its properties, thanks to the sources of calcium and hydrocarbonate at the bottom of the lake.

There is also a hypothesis that once there was a city - the center of Eurasia. As a result of an unprecedented catastrophe, the blooming city was immersed under water.

In five kilometers from the lake there is a source of "living" water - tests showed that its acidity is zero. Next to him in the forest there are three ancient unusual graves. No one knows who is buried there, so far from any location. Their size is several times higher than the traditional size of the Christian grave. It is said that the giants are buried in them - the ancient lemuries, residents mysterious country Lemuria, which, according to legend, existed somewhere in this area thousands of years ago.

Modern science does not confirm, but also does not try to disprove this version of the origin of the burial. But there were no attempts to exhum. Some people come to the graves at night to worship, others on the contrary. believe that that unclean place Regardless of the healing source next to him. Third take water from it and quickly go.

The legend of the Kitege is the most famous legend of the city, hidden from the enemy. However, such stories are quite a lot. In a number of regions of Russia, there are still myths about how endangered the plundering of the monasteries or whole cities went under water or hid in the mountains. It was believed that only the favorites can get from our world. In the book "Brotherhood of Grail", Richard Rudzitis leads a letter to one Russian monk who sends his relatives to his loved ones and asks not to consider him dead. He says that he just went to the hidden monastery to the ancient elders.

However, scientists did not come to the final conclusion: about one or more hidden cities or monasteries this is speech On the issue of Kitege. One way or another, the prevalence of such legends and their undoubted similarity once again proves the accuracy of this story. However, the larger the research on Lake Svetloyar is being conducted, the more scientists have questions that have yet to find the answer.

Modern legends about keeper

During the Great Patriotic War The old men made a pilgrimage around Svetloaryar, praying for the fellow countrymen.

About 20 years ago, Sveloyar wanted to explore the visits of the hydrobiologist. After several dives in the water, the temperature has risen sharply. The man appealed to the doctors, but they could not even make a diagnosis: an unknown disease developed without any objective reasons.
And only if the hydrobiologist left these places, the disease retreated by itself.

One day, a resident of Nizhny Novgorod came to collect mushrooms in the neighborhood of Svetloard. He did not return home on this day or next. Relatives scored alarm. Search and rescue work results did not give. The man was announced wanted. And a week later he returned home alive and uncaded. All questions answered evasively: they melt, got lost, plut in the forest. Then he said that he had a failure in memory. Only later, he admitted to his friend who was specifically touched, that was in the invisible Grad, in the invisible Grada, where he was met by the miraculous elders. "How to prove?" Asked the buddy. And then the mushroom picked out a piece of bread, which he was treated in a curtain. However, in one moment, the bread turned into a stone.

It is also said that in one of the museums to the 1917 coup, the letter was allegedly stored in the Old Slavonic language, which was addressed from the son to the Father. The content was reduced to the following: the young man was in Kitege thanks to some miracle and asks his parents not to bury him ahead of time.

In the recent past, divers immersed on the bottom of Svetloaryar. The most interesting thing is that they do not talk about anyone about the results of their research. According to rumors, the bottom they did not find and were very frightened by this circumstance. Can not be a bottomless reservoir! There is a belief that
The secrets of the lake guards the wonderful fish, a kind of Lohannesk monster, only in Russian way.

There is an even fantastic legend about Lake Svetloyar. Local say that it has an underground bottom and connects with the waters of Lake Baikal. And again there was no confirmation of this. However, and denied these folk beliefs were not.

However, residents themselves are often visible in our world. Old-timers say that, it happened, an old man with a long gray beard in ancient Slavic clothing came to an ordinary rural store in an old Slavic clothing. He asked to sell bread, and paid the old Russian coins of times tatar-Mongolian yoke. And the coins looked like new ones. Often, the elder asked the question: "How is Russia now? Is it time to rebel a cite? " However, the locals answered that it was still early. They know better, because the place around the lake is special, and people live here in constant contact with a miracle. Even those who came from other areas feel unusual halo.

The legend about the cyingaway reached us in the literary processing of the Old Believers: "The Book of the Glabnaya Chronicler" in its final form developed in the second half of the XVIII century. In the environment of one of the sense of the Old Believers - Runners. But both composite parts of the monument, quite isolated and independent, lead to the XVII century. At the same time, in the first part, telling about the Prince of George Vsevolodovich, the killing of its battle and the ruin of the division, legends reflected, ascending to the times of Batiev invasion.

No matter how much legendary led and how far from being correct historical datesThe basis for its actual events. "Saint Blagoven and Grand Duke Georgy Vsevolodovich" is the Grand Duke Vladimir and Suzdal Georgy II Vsevolodovich, who fought with the troop of Batya and the head in an unequal battle on the river. City. Communication of a small division (town) with the name George Vsevolodovich has a completely historical background: from 1216 to 1219 (before the class of Vladimir table), the prince drove there for a lot; In 1237, when Horde Batiy approached Vladimir, Georgy Vsevolodovich went to the Yaroslavl land, within which both cities were both cities - large and small kitecia and where Russian battle lost was held.

Of course, the legendary image of the prince is not fully identical to the historical. George Vsevolodovich is given a fictional pedigree: he leads his genus from Holy Prince Vladimir and falls by the son of Holy Vsevolod Mstislavich Novgorod. This invented genealogy, not corresponding to the actual pedigree prince George, strengthens the motive of holiness - the leading motive of the legend.

The second part of the "Book of the Churped Chronicler" - "Host and recovery about the city of the innerc," is deprived of all historical backgroundIt belongs to the type of legendary-apocryphic monuments interpreting about the earthly paradise. The image of the "intimate" classist of a dying house is somewhere in the middle between " earthly paradise"The most ancient Russian apocryphas and a white breeding, the legendary happy edge, which became so popular among Russian peasants in the XVIII century.