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Enchanted place as a unclean power deceived grandfather. "Enchanted place

The story "Enchanted place" is one of the stories N.V. Gogol from the cycle "Evening on the farm near Dikanka." Two main motifs are mounted in it: hooliganities features and extraction of treasure. This article provides its summary. Gogol, "Enchanted place" is a book that was first printed in 1832. But the time of its creation is not known. It is believed that this is one of the earliest works of the Great Master. Refresh in memory all its highlights.

N. V. Gogol, "Enchanted place." The main characters of the work

Chumaki (merchants).

Grandchildren grandfather.

Santa daughter-in-law.

Summary: Gogol, "Enchanted Place" (Introduction)

This story happened for a long time, when the narrator was still a child. His father, grabbing one of the four sons, left to trade tobacco in the Crimea. Three guys were left on the farm, their mother and grandfather, the launched Bashtan (garden, sown with watermelons and melons) from the unborn guests. Somehow, in the evening, I drove past them with merchants. Among them were many familiar grandfathers. Having met, they rushed to kiss and remember the past. Then guests lit up the tubes, went treat. It became fun, went to dance. The grandfather also decided to shake ancient and show the plague that he still had no equal in the beach. Further, something unusual was going on with the old man. But this will tell about this next chapter (its summary).

Gogol, "Enchanted place." Event Development

The grandfather was sold, but as soon as it reached the cucumber bed, his legs suddenly stopped listening. He passed, but only no sense. Rearly heard laughter. He looked around, and there was no one behind him. Yes, and the place is strangers around. Before him is a naked field, and on the side of the forest, from which some long pole sticks out. It seemed to him on the moment, the writer, and the pole, visible because of the trees, is a pigeon in the garden of the local poppy. Around his darkness, the sky is black, no month. I went to the grandfather on the field and soon recalled on a small path. Suddenly the light on one of the graves caught fire ahead, then the ground. Then the light flashed elsewhere. Our hero was delighted, deciding that it was treasure. He only regretted that he had no shovel now. "But it does not matter," the grandfather thought. "After all, you can notice this place." He found a big branch and threw her on the grave on which the light was burning. Having done it, he returned to his Bashtan. Only it was too late, the children slept. The next day, without saying any word and capturing with him a journey, a restless old man went to the Popor. Yes, I didn't recognize these places now. There is a pigeon, so Humna is not. The grandfather turns: there is a field, and the pigeon disappeared. He returned home with nothing. And the next day, when the old man, deciding to speed up a new ridge on Bshtany, hit the shovel to the place where he was not danced, suddenly the pictures were changed in front of him, and he was in that very field where he saw the lights. Our hero was delighted, ran up to the grave, noticed by him earlier. Large stone lay on it. Having threw it, the grandfather decided to smell a tobacco. Suddenly someone very much sneezed over him. The old man looked around, and there is no one. He began to dig the land on the grave and dug the boiler. He was delighted and exclaimed: "And, that's where you are, a blister!" The same words cut the bird head from the branch. And behind her was breaking from the tree of the Baranya head. A bear looked out of Bohr and stood up the same phrase. I did not have time to say new words, how he began to restore the same faces. The old man was frightened, grabbed the boiler and rushed on the nurse. About what happened to the unlucky hero on will tell the following chapter (its summary).

Gogol, "Enchanted place." Ending

And the grandfather's houses have already had enough. They sat down for dinner, but it's not all. After the meal, the hostess went to the garden to pour salts. Suddenly she saw, as a barrel climb towards her. She decided that this is someone's joke, and poured the help straight on her. But it turned out that this was grandfather. In the boiler, which he brought with him, there were only Dryazg and Sor. Since then, the old man has swore not to believe more devils, and the damned place in his garden will drop the parasite. They said that when this field was hired under the melted local plates, God knows that, and it was impossible to disassemble.

For more than one and a half years ago, N. V. Gogol wrote "Enchanted place". The summary of it is set out in this article. Now it is no less popular than and many years ago.

Gogol's story "Enchanted place" is included in the cycle of his whole work "Evening on the farm near Dikanka." The story tells about the history of the life of the grandfather, who fell into very mysterious circumstances. A man (being already in old age) falls into the "enchanted place". It happens all by a strange coincidence. The story is conducted on behalf of Deca Foma. Since the incident has passed many years.

This story Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol teaches not to trust what is not available to our consciousness, not to accomplish some actions that have incomprehensible origin. A simple Russian man wanted to understand what happened to him the usual summer evening, but he did not take into account the nature of all these actions and events. To such mysterious and to the end, incomprehensible events should be treated with great caution. Do not take a great interest in what you do not understand.

Read Summary Enchanted Place Gogol

The main storyteller of this work is the deac of Thomas. He together with readers in his story goes to the distant past, where amazing things happened to his close relative, the nature of Thomas, even after such a long period of time, failed to explain.

Once, when Foma was still a completely child, there was a very strange and at the same time an interesting story. His father went to earnings along with her son, so they lived with her mother, grandfather and brothers for some time. His grandfather was a kind of man, he was significantly different from others, apparently, so it was with him that such a story happened.

Grandfather in his free time walked Bashtan. It's very profitable, it does not take away a lot of strength, you can always entertain yourself with conversations with passersby and buyers. So it happened in one of the evenings. One day, behind the conversation with buyers, Grandfather Foma went to dance. Apparently, among the passing people turned out to be a lot of his friends and comrades. Moreover, grandfather also made his grandchildren in this masquerade.

Entering the taste, the grandfather continued their active movements, but suddenly he realized that he could not move on. Suddenly, he turned out to be completely different. Those who took part in a conversation and grandchildren disappeared incomprehensiblely disappeared. Grandfather panicked, the place was completely not familiar to him earlier. He heard some incomprehensible laughter, walked past the old cemetery, saw horrific paintings. Late at night he returned home.

The next day, he took the word from himself to understand where this place is and to figure out what's wrong here.

He took a shovel with him and went to explore the place to deal with the incomprehensible case. Due to the fact that rain suddenly began, the grandfather decided to leave his venture and resume searches the next day.

The next day closer in the late afternoon he goes to dig a garden to sink a bed. In the course of work, angry, it hits with the power of the intercession on the ground. Suddenly, he again turns out to be in that unfortunate field. He found himself not far from the grave. There was a stone on it. He decided to searcate, but heard some suspicious sounds, as if someone sneezed next to his head. Again the grandfather saw terrible paintings. In front of him, animals, broken head, were terrible things that were not given in explanation. Grandfather was not frightened. He wanted to run, but his legs did not listen to him. The grandfather threw the boiler, and suddenly everything became as it was before that incident. He, not tormenting himself with explanations and guesses the reasons for what happened to him, rushed to run.

By that time, relatives and relatives had already become alarming, because they could not find a grandfather. They wondered how the man could have lost, who was absolutely healthy and was in a good arms of the Spirit. But a very strange event happened and here. After dinner, when the mother of our narrator went to take out the trash bin, she discovered our hero in the barrel. Children, thinking that the barrel was empty, they played with her and fool. When the mother wanted to pour the garbage bucket in a barrel and found his grandfather there, she could not come to himself for a long time after what had happened. After all this, the grandfather began to walk past a strange place with caution, after some time he stalled him with a fence so that no one fell into the same strange and incomprehensible story

Picture or drawing Enchanted place

Other retells for the reader diary

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Chernoviki Tale Gogol "Enchanted place" Not preserved, so the exact date of its creation is unknown. Most likely it was written in 1830. The story "Enchanted Place" entered the second book of the collection "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka".

Works of this collection have a complex hierarchy of narrator. The subtitle of the cycle indicates that "Evenings on the farm near the Dikanka" published a certain bearing ore Panko. Tale "Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala", "Missing grades" and "Enchanted place" are told by the Dectery of one church. Such a removal of the author from the event participant allowed Gogol to achieve a double effect. First, avoid the charges in the composition of the "Nonbylitz", secondly, to emphasize the People's Spirit of the narrative.

Plot Tale is really based on the traditions of folklore, which were well acquainted with a writer since childhood. Fairy tales of "damned places" and treasures are characteristic of the myth-making of many nations. In the Slavic Treasures Treasures often searched for cemeteries. The desired grave pointed a suddenly broken candle. Traditional for folk stories and motive Transformations of unjust mined wealth in trash.

The identity of the story is manifested in a bright and juicy language, which generously littered with Ukrainian words: "Chumaki", "Kunny", "BASTAN", "Draws"... an extremely accurate image of a people's life, as well as a sparkling humor of the writer, create a special Gogol atmosphere, full of poetic fiction and lucavia. The reader seems to be that he himself is among the listeners of the Dyachie. Such an effect is achieved at the expense of taller's comments.

The main character Tale - Grandfather Maxim. The author describes it with a good irony. It is a lively, cheerful and active old man who loves to be taken, famously dancing and is not afraid of the hell. Grandfather I really like to listen to the stories of Chumakov. His grandchildren he scolds, calls "Dog children", but it is clear that the old man's soul does not get in the Tsuvants. And those friendly fool over grandfather.

An important element of the story is the enchanted place itself. Nowadays it would be called an abnormal zone. Grandfather will randomly discovers "Poor place" During dance. As soon as the old man gets on its border "Near beds with cucumbers"So legs themselves stop dancing. And inside the enchanted place there are strange things with space and time, which grandfather attributes to the action of unclean power.

The transition between the real and unreal world is depicted in the form of a distorted space. The guidelines that grandfather notes for themselves in the anomaly zone are not manifested in the real world. He can't find a point with which the Popovsky pigeon and a gum hair writer are visible.

Cursed place has "His character". It does not like other people, but does not harm the uninvited guests, but only scares them. There is no particular damage to the penetration of irrational forces in the real world. Earth in the abnormal zone just does not give harvest. Enchanted place is not averse to play with my grandfather. That does not allow him, despite all the efforts, then suddenly easily opens. In the arsenal of the abnormal zone, many unusual funds: suddenly spoiled weather, disappearance from the sky of the month, monsters. The fear makes the old man for the time to quit a find. But the thirst for profit is stronger, so the otherworldly forces decide to teach grandfather. In the boiler, which with such luck was mined in a damned place, were not jewelry, but "Sorry, Dryazg and I am ashamed to say what is".

After such science, the hero of the story became very religious, it was shredding himself to deal with the unclean force and punished everyone close. Grandfather tweems the hell, who confused him so much. The old man shares the enchanted place of the shoulder and throws out all sorts of garbage from the bashtan.

A similar finale is natural. Gogol shows that such treasures do not bring good. The grandfather receives not a treasure as a reward, but a mockery. So the writer approves the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ghost of any wealth, which is hurt with dishonest labor.

Pushkin, Herzen, Belinsky and other contemporaries of Gogol with delight adopted "Enchanted place." And today readers with a smile and great interest are immersed in an amazing world, where the witness, poetry and fantasy rebel, the soul itself comes to life.

  • "Enchanted place", summary of the story of Gogol
  • "Portrait", analysis of the story of Gogol, an essay
  • "Dead souls", analysis of the work of Gogol

The story is conducted on behalf of Dycachka Foma Grigorievich. This story happened to his grandfather, when the priest was eleven. Winned so shocked the imagination of the child, which now, after many years, the decek remembers everything in the smallest details.

Once the grandfather called the little foma and his brother to the Bashtan, so that the children would drive away the birds that had cropped. At that time he passed on the wilts of Chumaks. Grandfather was very happy with his old friends, began to treat them with melons, and his grandchildren asked to join guests. The kids so drankly danced that the old man wanted to remember the youth. But as soon as I decided to "get roasting and shooting my legs to Vikhori some kind of my own thing" I realized that the legs do not rise. What the hell? I tried again, but everything happened.

Grandfather swore and heard someone laughed at the back. I looked around - no one, he is one in a clean field. At dusk, the grandfather stumbled upon a path, aside from which a candle broke out on the grave. The old man decided that this is the place where the treasure is hidden. And to find it tomorrow, marked branches. In the morning, armed with the begging and shovel, the grandfather went to roll off the cache. But I did not find anything, only under the rain wet. I remember in the hearts of the feature, I returned home with anything.

The next day the old man went to the Bains to dig a bed for pumpkins. And on the way back it came across the most enchanted place. I hit the opponse in the hearts and again found myself at the cache. Moved the grandfather stone and sat down sniffing tobacco. Suddenly, someone sneezed for his back so that the trees swash. But there was no one near anyone. He became a grandfather to dig a treasure, and there was some strange boiler there, then a bird beak, then the lamb head, even the bear arose. And everyone repeated the words of the old man. My grandfather was frightened strongly, I wanted to run away without regard, but it was very sorry for the good. Grabbed the boiler, which was the first to sleep at hand, barely raised him and carried it. Only felt all the way that someone would scratch the rods on his feet.

The old man was waiting for. The mother of the guests returned with the pot of hot gallops, and fed everyone. Then she washed the dishes and went to throw off the hot lumps, but suddenly saw something terrible on her coming. It turned out to be a grandfather with a bowler. In full confidence that she brought home a lot of gold, tired and all in the mouth opened his older her extraction. And there was not gold at all, and Sorrow, "Dryazg" and in general "I am ashamed to say what is."

Since then, the grandfather ordered grandchildren not to believe the line. When heard that somewhere heard, always baptized. And the enchanted place was pregnant with a fence. All the garbage that strawed from the bashtana threw there. And never growing good at that place.

  • "Enchanted place", analysis of the story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol
  • "Portrait", analysis of the story of Gogol, an essay
  • "Dead souls", analysis of the work of Gogol
  • "Nose", analysis of the story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol
  • "Dead Souls", brief content on the heads of Gogol's poem
  • "Auditor", Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol comedy analysis

Great Russian Classic N. V. Gogol, although he was a very believer man, but he had some kind of addiction to writing stories about all things "unclean" - horror stories that loved to tell the old people in the farm, under the Lucin or near the fire, yes So that then all who listened to them, and old, and young, shuddered by horror.

Such stories in a huge number knew Gogol. "Enchanted place" (the summary of this work will be presented slightly lower) - one of the similar works. It enters the cycle of the stories of the two-volume "Evening on the farm near the Dikanka". This was first printed in 1832 in the second volume.

Gogol, "Enchanted place." Heroes and plot

The old grandfather of Foma was still a storytellor, and everyone sticks to him: Tell me, tell me. It was impossible to turn off from them. And he began his next story with the fact that if the devilish power wants to crush someone, then it will definitely do it. When he was still a boy of years of eleven, his father, grabking him a three-year brother with him, went to the Crimea to trade tobacco. Living on Bshtany (a field with watermelons, melons and various vegetables), grandfather, mother, thoma and his two brothers remained. Near the road stretched, and once in the evening, the lambs were passed by, who drove into the Crimea for the goods - salt and fish. Grandfather found out among them their old friends. Guests are located in the hood, lit the cradles and began to treat melons. And then they began to remember the past. In the end, it came to dancing at all.

Continuation of the work of Gogol "Enchanted Place"

The grandfather made his grandchildren dance - foma and his brother Ostap, and even hesitated himself to dance and wrote down the pretzel, but as soon as he reached a smooth place, where the garden with cucumbers, the legs ceased to obey him and got up, he could not move them. Then grandfather began to swear to unclean, believing that it was her practitioners. And then someone shook him behind his back, he looked back back, and behind either chumakov, no fields with vegetables.

What does Gogol tell? "Enchanted place" Summary has this: He became a grandfather look closely to the terrain, and recognized the dovethe ass and fenced plot of land of the parish writer. He oriented a little, he went to his garden, but he saw that a grave was near the road, who had a sponge of candles. The grandfather thought immediately that it was a treasure, and regretted that he had no shovel. He got this place to return, put a branch on the grave and went home.

Covered treasure

It is interesting further continues Gogol "Enchanted Place". Brief content tells that the next day, closer in the late afternoon, as soon as I was mercy, the main character went to seek the cherished grave with the label. On the road, he saw a pigeon ass, but for some reason there was no bitor of the writer. When he stepped aside, then the dovels were missing. He realized that all this is the miscarios of the evil. And then it went raining, grandfather returned to himself.

In the morning he went to work on a bed with a shovel and, passing by the mysterious place, where in the dance of his legs ceased to obey, could not restrain and hit him a shovel. And look, he is again on the place where his label and grave. Grandfather was glad that he was with an instrument and necessarily now digs his treasure. He came up to the grave, and there the stone lies. The old man moved him and wanted to thebacco to sniff. But then someone sneezed near and even sprayed him. The grandfather realized that she did not like him tobacco tobacco. He began to dig and stumbled upon the bowler. I exclaimed from joy: "Here you are where, darling." And then these words echoed echoed, shouted the bird beak, the lamb head and a bearish shed from the tree. Grandfather in a shiver immediately threw. He decided to run, but the kitel still grabbed with him.

The intriguing moment brings Gogol "Enchanted Place". Summary gains its turnover.

The miscarishes of the flavored

All homemade lost grandfather, already sat down dinner. Mother came out to pour off the courtyard, and here I saw the boiler on the track itself moves, she splashed with a frightened all the hot lumps on him. In fact, this grandfather with a boiler was walking, and all the assimios in the form of Okarkov Melon and watermelons hung on his head. The mother, of course, got from him, but then grandfather, calming down, told the grandchildren that they would soon go in new cafetans. However, opening the boiler, he did not find gold there.

Since then, the grandfather taught the guys not to believe the hell, as he always deceives, and that he had no truth. Now he crossed the places strange in his view. And the enchanted plot of grandfather was pregnant and did not cultivate him anymore, only every garbage threw there. Then, when other people sowed watermelons and melons on it, there was nothing more worthwhile. On this story of Gogol "Enchanted place" and ended.