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Tradition about Grades to read. Tale of Invisible Grad Creek

Myths, legends, legends.

Tale of Gradi.

The legend of concealing the sacred habitat is the pearl of the Slavic epic. Many book-research books, poems, Opera Roman Corsakov ... What is hiding behind a beautiful legend about the city, "Lesshe" in Lake Svetloyar, who did not conquer the Tatar-Mongolian IGU?

The only hints of the real existence of a daytime can be found in the book "The Shopperist". According to scientists, this book was written at the end of the 17th century.

Home Svetloyarskaya Legend - O invisible hay Cytem. If you believe in her, Grad Kijite built the Grand Russian Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich Vladimirsky at the end of the 12th century. According to legend, the prince, returning from the trip to Novgorod, on the way he stopped near Lake Svetloyar - relax. But it was not possible to rest if he could not: the prince was captive by the beauty of those places. Immediately commanded him to build a large kite on the shore of Lake.

Lake Svetloyar is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, located near the village of Vladimir, the Voskresensky district, in the Lunda basin, the influx of the Wetcil River. Its length is 210 m, width - 175 m, and total area The aqueous mirror is about 12 hectares. Until now, there is no consensus, as the lake arose.

The name of the lake comes from the Old Russian word "light", that is, the pure, righteous, and root name of the solar deity of Yaril, who worshiped the ancient tribes of Slavs.

In the area of \u200b\u200bLake Svetloyar, the Slavic tribe of Berendev lived. The more of their descendants have retained legend that since ancient times in Kitege was one of the largest religious centers of the cult of Yarily. This place was considered sacred for Russian princes.

The bloody baptism of Russia has deprived his native Russian faith and Magi, and temples, taking truly Russian sacred places.

Allegedly, the Kite was turned into the center of the Orthodox faith, and the princes continued to visit him, as if nothing had changed.

Many Orthodox churches were built on the site of the Kapple, as it was believed that such places are special - they are sources of strong positive energy. The names of the ancient gods were gradually replaced by the names of the saints, but the very place of worship of the highest forces with truly magic energy remained the same. That is why Lake Lake Svetloyar since ancient times is located in the legends and mysticism.

The big boil was found as a majestic city. It was many temples in him, and he was erected all of the white stone, which was at that time a sign of wealth and purity.

That were times, not the best way Adapted for peaceful existence. Concepts between principalities, raids of the Tatars and Bulgarians, forest predators - for urban walls a rare person decided to get out without weapons.

In 1237, Mongol-Tatars were invaded to the territory of Russia under the leadership of Khan Batiya.

Ryazan princes underwent the first attack. They tried to ask for help by the prince of Yuri Vladimir, but received a refusal. Tatars ruined Ryazan without difficulty; Then moved to the Vladimir Principality.

Son sent to Yuri Son Vsevolod was broken by Kolomna and fled to Vladimir. Tatars captured Moscow and captured the other son of Yuri - Prince Vladimir. Prince Yuri, when he learned about it, left the capital on the sons of Mstislava and Vsevolod and went to collect troops.

He broke the camp near Rostov on the River Sit and began to wait for his Brothers Yaroslav and Svyatoslav. In the absence of the Grand Duke on February 3-7, Vladimir and Suzdal were taken and ruined, the family of Yuri Vsevolodovich was killed in fire fire. The fate of the prince himself was even more unpaid: Yuri died on March 4, 1238 in the battle with the troops of Batiya on the River. Rostov Bishop Kirill found the declined body of the prince and hurt him to Rostov on the battlefield.

Here are the facts that confirmed scientists. Let's come back to legend.

The Bati heard about the wealth that was kept in Grada, and sent part of the troops to the Holy City. The detachment was small - Bat did not expect resistance.

The troops walked to the kite through the forest, and along the way looked at the bottom. Völ Tatars Traitor Grishka Kurthma. He was taken in the neighboring city, a small keeper (the current city). Grishka could not stand torture and agreed to specify the path to the Holy Grad.

In that terrible day, a trip to the town of Treople Bogati will be near the city. They were the first to see enemies. Before the battle, one of the warriors told his son, so that he fled to the kite and warned the townspeople.

The boy rushed to the city gate, but the evil arrow of Tatarin caught up with him. However, the brave guy did not fall. He fought with an arrow in his back to the walls and managed to shout: "Enemies!", And only then fell dead.

Bogati in the meantime, they tried to hold back the khan. Nobody survived. According to legend, on the place where three heroes died, the holy key of Cibelek appeared - he hits so far.

Mongol-Tatars besieged the city. The townspeople understood that there was no chance. A handful of people against a well-armed and organized Army Batiya is faithful death. Nevertheless, without a fight, the citizens were not going to surrender. They came to the walls, with weapons. People prayed from the evening and all night turns out. Tatars were waiting for the morning to start an attack.

And as soon as the Tatars rushed to the city, from under the ground suddenly a multi-water sources were shot, and they retreated in fear. And the water fled and fled ...

When verse is the noise of spring, there were only waves on the site of the city. A lonely chapter of the cathedral with a brilliant cross in the middle of the cross flicished. She slowly plunged into the water.

Soon disappeared and the cross. Amazed by the power of the "Russian Miracle", Tatars rushed to run who where. But God's anger will overtake them: whom the beasts ripped out, who got lost in the forest or just disappeared, led by a mysterious force. The city disappeared.

Since then, he has become invisible, but the whole righteous can be seen in the depths of the lake of the signs of gods and hear the sweet bells.

The legend of the mysterious Grad is ambiguous. People interpret it for reasonable. Someone claims that the kite went under the water, someone - that he plunged into the ground. There are adherents of the theory, as if the city from the Tatars closed the mountains. Others believe that he rose into the sky. But the most interesting theory says that the Kite is simply invisible.

According to legend, he must "manifest themselves" only before the end of the world. But you can even achieve it now. A person in which there is no sin will distinguish the reflection of the white-stone walls in the waters of Lake Sveloyar.

Now let's try to answer the question: why did Batya need to lead a troops through the swamps to the city, which did not stand on the trade routes, did not play any significant military or political role in the life of ancient Russia.

Historians have the most common version seemingly illogical, from the point of view of a military strategy, the voyage of Batya on the kite is the following. By questioning the captives, Bati concluded that this city is not so much political as the spiritual center of Slavs. No wonder in the chronicles telling about the curtain, the greatest place was given a description of the temples. According to these chronicles, almost the whole city consisted of some churches, being essentially one of the largest temple complexes of Orthodoxy.

Therefore, Mongolian Khan decided to go to the kite and thereby finally destroy all the hope of Slavs for rebirth. After all, many nations existed belief that the people himself die with the destruction of them, because the shrine is the soul of the people. However, the television enemy did not get.

Transfer now in times close to our century.

The legend of the city of Creek agitated the minds of the intelligentsia. First of all, writers, musicians and artists. The 19th century writer Paul Melnikov-Pechersky, inspired by Lake Svetläir, told his legend in the novel "in the forests", as well as in the story "Grisha". The lake attended Maxim Gorky (Essay "Bugrov"), Vladimir Korolenko (essay cycle "in deserted places"), Mikhail Svtain (Essay "Light Lake").

A mysterious city was written by Opera "Tale of the Invisible Grade Kitezh" Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Lake painted artists Nikolay Romadin, Ilya Glazunov and many others. The poets Anna Akhmatova and Marina Tsvetaeva also mention in their works of Grad Kite.

Nowadays, fiction workers were interested in the legend of the currency, and especially the authors of Fantasy. From the works of such a sense, it is possible to name, for example, the story of the "Molota of Divine" Nika Perumova and the "Red Displacement" of Evgenia Gulyakovsky.

Naturally, the mystery and scientists did not pay attention. For Lake Svetloyar, expeditions sent more than once. Drilling off the shores of the lake did not give anything. They ended with the search for archaeologists. On the approaches to the lake of traces of the mysterious city was found. In the 70s of the last century, the expedition was equipped with a "literary newspaper": prepared divers descended on the bottom. Unfortunate evidence of the city's existence, unfortunately, they did not find.

But for believers, this fact means nothing. It is known that the "wicked" the kite will not open its secrets.

One of the expeditions involved in the study of Lake Svetloyar and its surroundings, not only archaeologists, but also philologists and ethnographers, that is, gatherers of folklore were included. It turned out that local residents over the centuries transmit the legend about the concealment of a division, supplemented by events occurring in our time. So, the locals say that in the days of Orthodox holidays from Lake Svetloyar, a bell ringing is heard. Such a phenomenon was observed and scientists, but could not explain it.

Old-timers also say that residents of the other day are often visiting our world. It happened, an old man with a long gray beard in ancient Slavic clothes came to an ordinary rural store in ancient Slavic clothing. He requested to sell bread, and paid by the old Russian coins of the times of Tatar-Mongolian yoke. And the coins looked like new. Often, the elder asked the question: "How is Russia now? Isn't it time to rebel the cite? " However, the locals answered that it was still early. They know more, because the place around the lake is special, and people live here special, in constant contact with a miracle. Even those who came from other areas feel a completely unusual halo.

Currently, the lake and the surroundings are included in the reserve, who is protected by UNESCO.

We present paragraphs from the faces of Agni Yoga, in which Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich says that Grad is a town.

The face of Agni Yoga, 1958:

610. (Guru). Grad kite - the symbol of the country buried until time under the waters of life from the stormy waves of the time stream. Under the external forms, hail alone lives, presenting the core, or soul, the people. In the best energies laid the foundation, and not for a while, but by century. In the pictures and books of my books, find an epiphany in this foundation, because it creates ...

611. Oh, friends, if the reality knew, the heart would have rejoiced, despite the fury of evidence dense. For in the invisible, everything has already been completed, which is destined to take visible forms. Grad light will begin to fall on Earth from the invisibility of its own, in order to become visible. The water is the symbol of the astral world, the city was buried in his higher layers, while the time he did not come to earth again. Event This will be notified by the ringing of bells. Sounds the noise of battle, and evil will leave, will be filled with light and ringing the planet when the proclaimed insert is made. The spatial rays of the highest will of the earth are prejudiced, and the spirit of man, coming against the light, coming down. The strength of the darkness will lose ... devoid of supports are not only in the astral, but also in the physical world, she will shake and collapse. Therefore, call it darkness is doomed, for her days are considered ...

Prepared Tatyana Kolokolov.


According to the legend, the Grand Duke Vladimir Yuri first built a small kite at the Volga (today's red hill, on another version of the city). Later, the prince River River Utol, Sanda and Kergenette and found a beautiful place on the shores of Lake Svetloire, where he decided to build a city of Great Kite. "The Site Chronicler" reports that the prince

... came to the lake, name to Svetloor. And he saw the place, the extraordinarily beautiful and crowded. And on the default of his inhabitants, the blessing prince Georgy Vsevolodovich was ordered on the shore of the Lake of that Svetloary the city, the name of the big kite, for the place was unusually perfect, and on the other shore of the lake there was an oak grove.

It is assumed that the name of the city happened from the princely village of Kidekshi (near Suzdal), destroyed by the Tatar-Mongolian Horde. Conquered some Russian principalities, Khan Bati found out about the cyinga and ordered to capture him. Mongols soon captured a small kite, forceding Yuri to retreat in the forest to a large quay. One of the prisoners told Mongols about the secret paths to Lake Svetloyar. The Horde pursued Yuri and soon reached the walls of the city. To the surprise of Mongols, the city had no fortifications at all. His residents were not even going to defend themselves and only prayed.

If you wish in the fog over the lake at dawn, you can see the outlines of the city

Seeing this, Mongols attacked the city, but they had to stop. Suddenly, the fountains of water poured out of the ground and began to buy the city and the invaders themselves. The attackers had to retreat and they could only see how the city was immersed in the lake. The last thing they saw was a cross on the dome of the cathedral. And soon there are only waves on the site of the city.

This legend gave birth to numerous incredible rumors that reached the present day. It is said that only those who are pure heart and soul will find the way to the kite. It also says that in quiet weather, you can sometimes hear the bell ringing and singing of people, hearing from under the water of Lake Svetloyar.

Some say that very believers can see the lights of religious processions and even buildings at the bottom of the lake. Some see even talking possession. For this reason, Lake Svetloyar is sometimes called the "Russian Atlantis".

Amazing also parallels with the fate of the ancient Russian city of Mologa, flooded during the years of Soviet power (1937-1940-E). After the flooding of the part of the Morozhasky district, a long time was seen from the water and crosses of numerous temples, monasteries. Near the molot was really the sacred lake, the name of which echoes Svetoer.

Image in art


In modern music, the legend is played, for example, in the composition "Kite-hail" of the group of the group.


M. V. Nesterov created the painting "Grad Kijite (in the forests)" in 1917-1922.


In Yuri, Norstein and Ivan Ivanov-Vano removed the cartoon "Sword with Kergents", based on the opera Roman Corsakov.




  • The client chronicler; The story and recovery of the Grade of the innermost Kitege // Monuments of Literature Ancient Russia: XIII century. M., 1981.
  • Legend of Gradi Creek / Podg. Text, lane. and comm. N. V. Ponimko // Library of Literature Ancient Russia / Ed. D. S. Likhacheva, L. A. Dmitriev, A. A. Alekseeva, N. V. Ponimko. - T. 5: XIII century. - SPb.: Nauka, 1997. - ("Book, the verbal chronicler ..."; "The story and recovery of the city of the innermost Kitege.")
  • Grad kite. Gorky, 1985.


  • Komarovich V. L. China Legend (Experience in Local Legends). - m.; L.: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1936. - (on the site partially, in the application to the paper version there are chronicle ledges about the curtain).
  • Crop N. A. Legends about the invisible Grada Creek: the mythology of the recovery of the innermost city in the folklore and literary prose // Evangelical text in Russian literature of the XVIII-XX centuries. - Vol. 4. - Petrozavodsk, 2005. - P. 53-66.
  • Kulagina A. V. The legend of the Gradi in the light of the expeditionary records of the XX - early XXI century // Folk cultures of the Russian North. Folk Entity Entity. Arkhangelsk, 2004. Vol. 2. P. 131-141.
  • Legends and legends of the Volga River. N. Novgorod, 1998.
  • Legends and legends of the Earth Nizhny Novgorod. N. Novgorod, 2001.
  • Mulin S. P. Kite on Lake Svetloyar. // Moskvatyan. 1843. Ch. 6. No. 12. P. 507-511. - The first printed publication about the cyinga.
    • Galai Yu. G. The author of the first publication about Grada in Svetloyarsk Lake S. P. Mulin. // Grad Kite, Lake Svetloyar in Russian Culture: Sat. Reports. - Nizhny Novgorod, 1995.
  • Shestakov V. P. ESHATOLOGICAL MOTIVES IN THE LEGEND ON GRAIT CITAZY // Shestakov V. P. ESChatology and Utopia: Essays of Russian philosophy and culture. M., 1995.
  • Azadovsky K. M. "Anna Akhmatova and Nikolai Klyuev, a literary review, called me" Kixtanka ". 1989. No. 5.
  • Paschenko M. "KUMIT", or Russian "PARSIFAL": the genesis of the symbol // Questions of literature. 2008. № 2.
  • Rubychka O. E. "There is behind the island, there is behind the garden ..." Anna Akhmatova, Anna Akhmatova: Epoch, fate, creativity: Crimean Akhmatovsky scientific collection. - Vol. 3. - Simferopol: Crimean Archive, 2005. - P. 46-66.
  • Tale of the invisible Grade Cytem and the Virgin Fevronia // 100 Opera: the history of creation. Plot. Music / [Red. Sost. M. Druskin]. - L.: Music, 1970. (Single Content (Sinopsis) Opera Roman Corsakov.)
  • Smolnikov S. N. Mythist-toponym "KUMIT" in the poetic system N. A. Klyuva // Klyuevian collection. Vol. 1. Vologda, 1999.
  • Solntseva N. M. Kixt peacock. M., 1992. (About S. A. Klychkov.)

Works of art

  • Akhmatova A.A. "Son a son of curly ..." // Sovar. So.: at 6 t. M., 1998-2002. T. 1.
  • Akhmatova A.A. By all lands // SPAR. op. T. 3.
  • Behteiev C. Kite; Kitezhan // Behteiev C. Songs of Russian sorrow and tears. M., 1996.
  • Betaci V. Kite // Betaci V. Europe island. Paris, 1981.
  • Blokhin N. Dee-bog. M., 1999.
  • Voloshin M. A. Kite // Voloshin M. A. I pray for those for those and others. M., 2001.
  • Yesenin S. A. Inony // full. Cathedral So: at 7 t. T. 2. M., 1997.
  • Gorky M. In people // Syd. So: at 30 t. M., 1949-1955. T. 13. P. 266. (Spiritual verse about Kitege).
  • Klyuev N. A. Red song; "The mind is the Republic, and the heart - Mother-Rus ..."; Rus-kite; "I am an ambassador from the bear ..."; Red Adam; Song of the Great Mother; Mother-Saturday // Klyuev N. A. The heart of the unicorn. - SPb., 1999.
  • Cruzians P. V. Bite angel: novel. St. Petersburg., 2001.
  • Mikekov A.N. Wanderer // Sob. So.: 2 t. M., 1984. T. 2.
  • Grisha // Sovar. So: at 6 t. M., 1963. T. 1.
  • Melnikov P. I. (Andrei Pechersky). In the forests // COLD. So: at 6 t. M., 1963. T. 2-3.
  • Merezhkovsky D. S. Peter and Alexey // Sovar. So.: 4 t. M., 1990. T. 2.
  • Sentin M. M. At the walls of the invisible (bright lake).
  • Tenryakov V. F. Clean waters Divine // Satr. So: at 5 t. M., 1989. T.5.


  • Bunin I. A. INONIA AND KUMIT // Bunin I. A. Publicistics 1918-1953. M., 2000.
  • Hippius Z. N. Light Lake. 1904.
  • Durylin S. N. Church of invisible hail. - 1914.
  • Ilyin I. A. About Russia // Sovar. So: at 10 t. M., 1996. T. 6. KN. II.
  • Korolenko V. G. In the desert places // COLD. So.: at 10 t. M., 1954. T. 3.
  • Shmelev I. S. Motherland soul; Moscow in shame // Syd. So.: In 5 tons. M., 1998-2000. T. 2.


  • Poslanіee to Father from the son of the inhalo in the monastery of the monastery, so that he did not imagine the defendant and the dead did not have a hidden from Mir. In Lѣto 7209 (1702) Iyuna B 20 day.
  • Sheshununova S. V. Grad kite in fiction and problem of bifurcation of Russian culture

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Watch what is "Legend of Grades in Cite" in other dictionaries:

    The client legend, the cycle of legends about the city, as if immersed in Lake Svetloyar (now the Resurrection District of the Gorky region), and so on. avoiding ruin by Tatars. The name of the kite dates back to the town of Kideksh (now the village is 4 km from ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Opera Tale of the Invisible Grade Cytem and the Devnia of the Decoration of Bilibina ... Wikipedia

    legend - s, g. 1) In Folklore: the oral folk story, which is based on a miracle, a fantastic image or representation, perceived by a narrator or listening to reliable. Legend of grade in a curtain. Legends about folk intercessors. Plot… … Popular Dictionary of the Russian Language

    - [Poetic legend] SUB., G., UPOTR. compared. Often morphology: (no) what? Legends, what? legend, (see) What? Legend than? legend what? about legend; MN. what? Legends, (no) what? Legends, what? Legends, (see) What? Legends than? legends, ... ... Explanatory dictionary Dmitrieva

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With Lake Svetloyar, several legends are connected about the sunken city - Kite-Grad. Between them, much in common, but shares the abyss of times. Consider the most famous legends, with the help of modern knowledge and logical reasoning, we present the events that caused their education, as well as their further transformation up to the present day.

Lake Svetloyar is located 130 km from the regional center of Nizhny Novgorod near the village of Vladimir Resurrection District. Age - 10,000 years. The origin is not known. Lake size: 500 by 300 meters. Depth of more than 30 meters. Numerous terrestrial and underwater expeditions have not confirmed the existence of a ship-hail and any other coastal settlements. There are only legends ...

Our consideration of legends We will begin with the closest to us in time and gradually plunge into the departure of the epoch and make a bold assumption.

Legend First - Christian

Foundation of a ship-hail: Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich loved to travel. Once, in 1164 (6672 from S.M.), he sailed along the Volga, saw a good place, stuck to the shore and founded there. Grad little kite (presumably gorodenth) and continued his journey through dry ground. He passed the forests, rivers and went to the shore of Lake Sveloyar. I am struck by the prince of beauty and harmony of this place. And Iri Yuri Vsevolodovich ordered to establish in this place the big kite - the legendary Kitece-hail. The foundation of the city occurred presumably in 1165.

The city was built in three years. Its size is 200 largest in length and 100 width (~ 300 by 160 meters). There were a lot of churches of gold-headed and whitening people.

Great Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich was born in 1187, participated in numerous military campaigns against the surrounding principles. To hold the captured Chuvash and Mordovskaya lands, founded in 1221 Nizhny Novgorod (new hail) and a number of other fortresses. He believed that from the Tatars it is easier to defend themselves alone. As a result of subsequent fights with Tatar-Mongolian invaders, he lost his family and died himself in 1238. He took an active part in the dissemination and strengthening of the Christian faith. Built many churches in ancient Russia. For affairs, their goddens and flour suffered by the Orthodox Church ranked in the saints in 1645 as the holy blessing prince Georgy Vsevolodovich.

Neighborhood Svetloyar 1238

After breaking the lonely Ryazantians, Tatar-Mongols came to Vladimir Grad. Not last guests, Yuri Vsevolodovich was not happy, the tribute refused to pay. Began fighting.

Suzdal fell, Vladimir fell, where the whole family of the Grand Prince died. The prince himself retreated to a small citerion, again gathered troops and continued the struggle for the freedom of land Russian. Under the city was broken and captured. But not surrender, did not fell in spirit. At night, fled through the forests and rivers in the great kite.

In the morning I learned the Khan about the shoot of the prince - it was angry, executed the guilty Rotosheev and began to torture the remaining prisoners about the place of stay of Yuri Vsevolodovich. Everyone was silent, only one traitor was found. It was a brandler Grishka Kurthma. He told and spent the enemy to the beautiful ship-hail.

The prince came out with a new squad to protect the city and heroically folded his riveted head on the battlefield. Three heroes were fought in that battle. Forces were not equal, and they also ran. At the place of their death, Kibelyuk's key began to beat, next to whom their graves are located - the graves of the three saints. It is not known to the end: were the saints of heroes or heroes were counted for the faces of the saints?

I saw ruthless khan that the city was left without protection and wanted to betray his fire and a sword. Suddenly the bell ringing was heard from all the bells, and the believers began to pray together and sing beautiful prayers.

I heard the Most Holy Mother of God to cry and plead about salvation and created a miracle: I saved the whole city and all of its inhabitants from abstraction and the past death. There was a city and disappeared, melted, stopped existing, disappeared from everyone in his eyes.

The meaning of the words "disappeared", "disappeared" does not always mean a favorable outcome for the missing.

Further legends diverge. According to one version, Kitece-Grand plunged into Lake Svetloyar, like Atlantis, though everything was killed there, and fortunately, on the contrary, they were saved. Clean soul in quiet weather visible the dome of churches in the depths and the ringing of bells is heard.

By the second version, the city fell under the ground. Proof are the testimony of peasants. When they plowed the earth, they sometimes clung to the plow for the tops of the crosses. On the third version: the city became invisible. Also see and get into it can only pure soul people.

There are obvious contradictions in this legend: not everything converges with the dates of the life of the founder and the founding of small and Big CiteThe place of the death of the prince, etc., and the Tatar-Mongolian invasion itself under a big question.

Did any traces of the numerous Tatar-Mongolian troops on the shores of Lake Sveloyar found? At least something belonging to ruthless invaders? These issues we asked the History and Art Museum "Kite" village Vladimir Nizhny Novgorod Region and received an exhaustive answer. Confirmation is: two beads are found presumably Tatar origin. Make conclusions yourself.

Beautiful and wonderful legend about the strength and purity of the Russian soul.

Version Slavic version of legends

The next legend associated with the Kitece-Grand and Lake Svetloyar transfers for 3000 years from the Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich, in those older times that we now remember in Russia now, back approximately 2358 before our era.

The legends about this regard are preserved in the legends of the peoples inhabiting these lands - Mordov, Mari, Chuvash. At one time they were recorded and lived to the present day.

Veles - Slavic God, Sage, Patron of Arts, Lord of Sorcerence, etc.

And became friends enemies. Beauty chose Perun and married him.

God Veles did not accept this and come to magic. I took out unique flower Lily of the valley. I smelled him immediately love the first one to see after that.

I went to visit Dodol, just Perun was in a long business trip. And said between the case that her husband does not miss the long-range edges ... Diva was angry and chased on his miracle horse behind the overtakers, thunders of zipper Metal. Where did this horse hit the hoof on the ground - the lake was formed there. Veles quickly turned into a river Lunda, and the magic flower stuck on the shore. I saw the beauty of an amazing flower, I could not have kept, threw and sniffed, and Veles here, and loved his dodol in the forest life. After the last time they were born from the son of Yarilo, and the lake was called Sveloyar.

Then urged Veles God-builder to build them on the shores of the lake Miracle Grad. That he did. Called this city - Kite-hail.

Vladyka of the city of Veles Sureevich possessed Persnet with Magic Ruby. He could transfer whole cities to another world. Somehow, not friendly gods allowed in Veles Sureevich zipper. She fell into Magic Ruby and reflected in the city of Kitece-hail. After that, the city disappeared. I was upset by Veles Sureevich, twisted, and went to Belozerier. There I became famous and became known to us under the name of Santa Claus.

There is another ending of this lyrical history: Perun returned after a long absence and what he saw him did not like himself. I decided to punish the veins. They beat three days and three nights. As a result, Veles was expelled from Slavic Olympus.

The legend of the angry goddess and horse giant.

There is another short legend about the ship-haldo and Lake Svetloard. In distant times there were many different gods. They revered their people and brought gifts. One small, but proud tribe for an unknown reason ceased to worship the goddess of forests and animals. Called this goddess of the girl-Turk. The goddess was greatly angry, and sent his huge and ruthless horse to Grabians. I hit the horse on the village of people with hoof, the Earth fell and filled with water. So the village of Forest People disappeared and Lake Svelloyar was formed. And the proof of this is the form of a lake, similar to the horse hoof.

Unexpected continuation ...

When writing this article, I got acquainted with the works of A.Coltypina, P. Olekseenko on nuclear and thermonuclear conflicts in the past, Tectites. Their work is echoing and complemented by the materials of Alexei Artemyev about round lakes. This information unexpectedly helped to imagine a viable picture of what happened in ancient land and find a place for the legends about the Lake-Grade and the legends about Lake Svellär.

Funnel Sveloyar. Nuclear Wars on Earth were already

In the ancient sources of various peoples, numerous conflicts of gods with the use of weapons of a huge destructive force, which can wash whole cities in dust. If such conflicts were in reality, their traces should remain on the surface of the earth, for example, in the form of funnels.

Modern people also have a weapon of a huge devastating force. It can destroy the city, which was clearly proved in the practice of the United States in 1945. After its use on the surface of the Earth, huge funnels of almost round shape remain, sometimes filled with water.

On the first photo, not a big lake at the site of the explosion of the first atomic bomb at the site in Semipalatinsk, on the second - traces of further improvement of nuclear weapons in the USSR. In the third picture, the lunar landscape in Nevada (USA).

All these funnel unites the same round form and mandatory formation of tektytes.

Tectites - molten formations arising with short-term exposure of high temperatures about 2000 degrees and pressures of ~ 400,000 atm.

When considering the surface of the Earth on all continents, you can detect lakes of round shape and craters of various sizes.

One part of them originated from the collision of asteroids (meteorites) with the surface of the planet. Their education is confirmed by the mandatory detection of meteorite fragments, as well as the absence of tektytes.

The other part is foggy, the absence of meteorite dust and the presence of tektytes, which means high temperatures and pressures during education, i.e. Have all signs of application of nuclear weapons in this place in the past. Official science does not see these matches and information does not comment.

Funnels in photos: Lonar Lake (India) - a place, "Where the star fell to Earth", Lake Chukhlomskoe (Kostroma region), Lake Svetloyar Nizhny Novgorod region (RF), peat lakes Penza region (RF), Crater Zhanshin (Kazakhstan).

Kitece-hail - the emergence of legend

From the foregoing, it can be assumed that in deep antiquity in the locations of lakes and craters of the round form in the presence of tektitis occurred nuclear explosions. Since the number of such places is Veliko, there was a nuclear strike - a global nuclear war. Nearest to our time a large group of such crater has an age of 10 - 12 thousand years.

The age of Lake Svetloyar is just 10 thousand years old. Origin - not known, convenient meteor-karst. So thinks modern science. It has an almost perfect round shape. Fragments of the meteorite, even dust, on the shores and in the surrounding area was found. And they should have been found. Searches for tektitis or not made or finds are hidden, so as not to spoil the usual picture of the world.

Therefore, I suggested that about 12 - 10 thousand years ago in this place was some kind locality, town, military unit, or any other object that deserved a low power nuclear strike on it. The blow was applied, the city (object) ceased to exist.

The surviving people from neighboring settlements were told to the younger generation, which was near the city and was destroyed. Simply disappeared. The mass exchange of nuclear strikes between the warring parties led to an ecological catastrophe, cooling, the destruction of technologies and knowledge. The development of society was thrown back for thousands of years.

The legend of the disappeared city was maintained in the memory of people, but the level of development was lower and gods appeared in the old tradition: Veles, Perun, etc. Not a worldwide nuclear conflict between two tops, presumably arias and Atlants, and the rivalry of the gods for beauty. It was more understandable to people, and they passed it from generation to generation.

Thousands of years have passed, the era of Christianity began.

American Writer Fortist Robert Sainline, reading the work of K.E. Tsiolkovsky, wrote one of his best novels: "Steying in the Universe." Only now I understand that we are the heroes of his novel, we are all, people on the planet Earth.

Reading about the legends and legends about the Kite-Grad, the Svetlorian unexpectedly touched serious topics. The true history of mankind lies with the seven seals, it is hidden under the husks of the hoax, silent fiction. But the truth is alive, its light is growl in testes and legends, in Molve, in the echoes, in reflection on the water ...

I do not possess data about tektitis from the areas of the Round Form Lakes located in the Russian Federation, but I assume that they were found, as in similar places abroad. I will be grateful if someone shares what information is available.

Posted by an article about Grada Cytem. Thank you!

The legend of concealing the sacred habitat is the pearl of the Slavic epic. Many studies, the poems, Opera Roman-Kororsakov ... What is hiding behind a beautiful legend about the city, "Lesshey" in Lake Sveloyar, without conquering Tatar-Mongolian IGU?

Root Legends

The story of Gradi dates back to the times of the Tatar-Mongolian invasion, that is, by the XIII century. However, according to Alexander Assov, the origins of this legend should be sought in an even earlier period - the Doharistian history of Russia. This is not so simple, because in the Orthodox religious tradition, paganism so closely intertwined with Christianity, which is divided, what the legends belong to one, and what myths are different, quite difficult.

Lake Svetloyar, in which, according to legend, hid the sacred town of Kitem, is located in the Volga region, and from very long time it is known as the center of the pagan faith. The name of the lake occurs from two old-Russian words: "light", that is, clean, righteous, and "Yar", which is the root name of the pagan solar deity of Yaril, who worshiped the ancient tribes of Slavs. Many legends of the pre-Christian period are connected with Lake Svetloyar. Grad is mentioned in them. He is referred to in the ancient sacred source of the pagan faith - the "Star Book of the Kolyady".

According to one of the legends, the magic semi-competitor of Kitomras, which was a powerful wizard and the builder of ancient temples, as well as the God of wisdom and Khmeley Kvasura, were born in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Svetloaryar. From their names and the name of the city is the name.

In the area of \u200b\u200bLake Svetloyar, the Slavic tribe of Berendev lived. The more of their descendants have retained the legend that since ancient times in Kitege was one of the largest religious centers of the cult of Yarily. This place was considered sacred for Russian princes.

With the baptism of Russia, the kite, like many other major centers of the pagan cult, was turned into the center of Orthodox faith, and the princes continued to visit him, as if nothing had changed.

Many Orthodox churches were built on the site of the region, as it was believed that such places are special - they are sources of severe positive energy. The names of the ancient gods were gradually replaced by the names of the saints, but the very place of worship of the highest forces with truly magic energy remained the same. That is why Lake Lake Svetloyar since ancient times is located in the legends and mysticism.

Treacia of the mushy of Kuterema

Now we will be transferred to later times. According to the Christian chronicles, Grad is a big kite on the shores of Lake Sveloyar was built by Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich, the son of Vsevolod is a big nest. In addition to him, there was also a small kite who grew up at his grandfather - the famous Yuria Dolgoruk. The big boil was found as a majestic city. It stood many churches, and he was erected all of the white stone, which was at the time the sign of wealth and purity. However, the legends united these two different cities, and so a mystical and mysterious ship-hail appeared.

Alexey Ass, guided by the legends and chronicles of that time, was able to recreate the true picture of the events of those distant times. In 1238, after the ruin of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, Khan Bati broke the camp on the City River. After the next unequal battle, Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich with the remnants of his troops retreated into a small kite. However, Baty took him an attack, and the prince with the remnants of the troops miraculously managed to hide in a large quay.

At that time, on Earth, Russian Yuri Vsevolodovich remained almost the only organized force opposing the Tatar-Mongolian invasion. The battered eager for the world and rushed as soon as possible to go further - to the Mediterranean Sea, but to leave in the rear of proud and unresponsible Russian prince was afraid. And then he ordered torturing all prisoners of Rusch, so that the protected roads leading to the kite. The warriors were silent because they knew: to give a sacred city - it means to obrace myself and their genus to the eternal curse. Only one could not stand torture - Grishka Courtyard. He was afraid of torment and death and agreed to the enemies to the Russian shrine.

The path was not easy and lay among impassable swamps and forests. But the traitor knew secret trails and was able to bring the Tatar-Mongol army to the sacred city.

Seeing the coming enemies of Rati, the inhabitants of Big Divine and Warriors Yuri Vsevolodovich began to pray to God. Surrection of the suffering of Rusichi from the invaders, God cleared over the deposited. In the eyes of Batya and his troops, the sacred city plunged into Lake Svelolyar and did not get to looting, dishonor and death with a merciless enemy.


However, some facts in this legend cause doubts. The remains of the troops of Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich actually did not imagine a real military threat to Batiya. Yes, and what could the prince on the ground, on which they twice rolled the fire and the sword countless hordes of nomads? Then the question arises: why did Batya need to lead the army through the swamps to the city, which even in those days was considered half-phth? The fact is that the ship represented precisely spiritual value. He did not stand on the trading paths, did not play any significant military or political role in the life of ancient Russia. But he was a great spiritual center! No wonder in the chronicles telling about the curtain, the greatest place was given a description of the temples.
According to these chronicles, almost the whole city consisted of some churches, being essentially one of the largest temple complexes of Orthodoxy.

Historians of the most common version seemingly illogical from the point of view of the military strategy of the Batiya's campaign to the kite is the following. By questioning the captives, Bati concluded that this city is not so much political as the spiritual center of Slavs.

Therefore, Mongolian Khan decided to go to the kite and thereby finally destroy all the hope of Slavs for rebirth. After all, many nations existed belief that the people himself die with the destruction of them, because the shrine is the soul of the people. However, the kite did not get the enemy.

Hidden prayer

According to legend, the Kitege plunged into the water of the sacred lake Svetloyar. The holiness of its waters was spread to the degree and its inhabitants. Therefore, the image of the city, inhabited by the righteous, who passed unsaturable through the sacred water and switched to best world. The legend says that the lake has falched the kite to the conclusion of times, and only before the end of the world he will again rise from the water, and the army of Yuri Vsevolodovich will come from the gate of the sacred city to come to the court of God with all Christian souls.

In Soviet times, naturally, such a look at the story was adopted, and the version was put forward, which de legend about the Chinese reflects the natural cataclysm, as a result of which there was a rapid lowering of the soil and the immersion of the city under the water. Consequently, the conclusion was made, the remnants of the legendary city can be found at great depths. Expedition was organized for Lake Svetloyar.

In the course of underwater research, archaeologists found out that it consists of three layers of soil. The first layer - at a depth of 30 meters - very ancient, the second - on a 20-meter mark - was exactly due to the XIII century, well, and the third - deposit of late times. At a depth of 30 meters, archaeologists have found objects that can be attributed to the period of the XIII century. However, these were just small things made of wood and metal. These findings were just allowed to push the hypothesis that the city, gradually plunging into the water, went to another reality layer. And individual things remained in our world due to the strong oscillations of the Earth or simply were washed with water.

But where are the kite? Only modern scientists can answer this question. There is a suggestion that at certain times and under certain circumstances different measurements May contact. In this case, according to a number of investigors of the mystery of the Russian, the displacement of reality reservoirs occurred as a result of the collective prayer deposited. After all, this prayer was made in an extreme situation and at the same time a large number of people. Let's not forget that in addition to the townspeople in the city there were army. Plus, since ancient times the sacred place.

The time of prayer was probably also not chosen by chance. Scientists have repeatedly appealed to the oldest astrological source of our ancestors - the "Star Book of the Kolyady", the detailed comment to which Alexander Asov leads. It turns out that all modern Orthodox holidays coincide with the ancient pagan. These are special days in which heavenly shine occupy this situation that parallel worlds come into contact, and we can see them. Thus, scientists concluded that the kite was simply transferred to another dimension.

The alien from the past

The expedition involved in the study of Lake Svetloyar and its surroundings, not only archaeologists, but also philologists and ethnographers, that is, gatherers of folklore. It turned out that local residents over the centuries transmit the legend about the concealment of a division, supplemented by events occurring in our time. So, the locals say that in the days of Orthodox holidays from Lake Svetloyar, a bell ringing is heard. Such a phenomenon was observed and scientists, but could not explain it.

However, the kite can not get to the Holy Grad. Only a person is capable of entering there, an absolutely pure spirit. Even the monks from the neighboring Orthodox abode, which regularly come to Svetloor, they hear only the bell ringing, and only a little manages to see in the waters of the lake outline of the beautiful white-named churches of the divine. According to the locals, the lake has healing properties and can heal from many ailments, and the reflection of the golden domes of churches will be happy in it.

However, residents themselves are often visible in our world. Old-timers say that, it happened, an old man with a long gray beard in ancient Slavic clothing came to an ordinary rural store in an old Slavic clothing. He requested to sell bread, and paid by the old Russian coins of the times of Tatar-Mongolian yoke. And the coins looked like new ones. Often, the elder asked the question: "How is Russia now? Is it time to rebel a cite? " However, the locals answered that it was still early. They know better, because the place around the lake is special, and people live here in constant contact with a miracle. Even those who came from other areas feel unusual halo.

The legend of the Kitege is the most famous legend of the city, hidden from the enemy. However, such stories are quite a lot. In a number of regions of Russia, there are still myths about how endangered the plundering of the monasteries or whole cities went under water or hid in the mountains. It was believed that only the favorites can get from our world. In the book "Brotherhood of Grail", Richard Rudzitis leads a letter to one Russian monk who sends his relatives to his loved ones and asks not to consider him dead. He says that he just went to the hidden monastery to the ancient elders.

However, scientists did not come to the final conclusion: about one or several hidden cities or monasteries there is a question in the question of the cyinga. One way or another, the prevalence of such legends and their undoubted similarity once again proves the accuracy of this story. However, the larger the research on Lake Svetloyar is being conducted, the more scientists have questions that have yet to find the answer.
The material is taken from the author.

The legend about the cyingaway reached us in the literary processing of the Old Believers: "The Book of the Glabnaya Chronicler" in its final form developed in the second half of the XVIII century. In the environment of one of the sense of the Old Believers - Runners. But both composite parts of the monument, quite isolated and independent, lead to the XVII century. At the same time, in the first part, telling about the Prince of George Vsevolodovich, the killing of its battle and the ruin of the division, legends reflected, ascending to the times of Batiev invasion.

No matter how much legendary led and how far from being correct historical datesThe basis for its actual events. "Saint Blagoven and Grand Duke Georgy Vsevolodovich" is the Grand Duke Vladimir and Suzdal Georgy II Vsevolodovich, who fought with the troop of Batya and the head in an unequal battle on the river. City. Communication of a small division (town) with the name George Vsevolodovich has a completely historical background: from 1216 to 1219 (before the class of Vladimir table), the prince drove there for a lot; In 1237, when Horde Batiy approached Vladimir, Georgy Vsevolodovich went to the Yaroslavl land, within which both cities were both cities - large and small kitecia and where Russian battle lost was held.

Of course, the legendary image of the prince is not fully identical to the historical. George Vsevolodovich is given a fictional pedigree: he leads his genus from Holy Prince Vladimir and falls by the son of Holy Vsevolod Mstislavich Novgorod. This invented genealogy, not corresponding to the actual pedigree prince George, strengthens the motive of holiness - the leading motive of the legend.

The second part of the "Book of the Church of the Chronicler" - "Matching and recovery about the Grade of the innercular Kitege" - deprived of any historical background, it belongs to the type of legendary and apocryphic monuments that interpreting gROUND RAE. The image of the "intimate" classist of the corticle is somewhere in the middle of the "earthly paradise" of the oldest Russian apocryphas and a whitewash, the legendary happy edge, which became so popular among Russian peasants in the XVIII century.

The text is published on the list of RNB, Q.I.1385, published in the book: Komarovich V. L. China Legend. Experience in learning local legends. M.-L., 1936.

Following the "Legends" Libretto of the Opera Rimsky-Korsakov "Tale of the Invisible Grade County and the Virgin Fevronia"

There was this holyness and Grand Duke of Georgy Vsevolodovich, the son of the St. Burgrim and Grand Duke Vsevolod, the Pskov Wonderworker, that Gabriel was nained in Holy Baptism. This holyness and Grand Prince Vsevolod had had the son of the great prince Mstislav, the grandson of the Holy and Equal-Apostles Great Prince Vladimir Kiev, the dealer of the Russian Earth. The Holy Prince and Grand Duke Georgy Vsevolodovich is the great-grandfather of the holy prince Vladimir.

And the holy burgher prince Vsevolod first rejected in Veliky Novgorod. But at one time, the Novgorod residents were taken to him and decided for themselves: the prince of ours, unresolved, owns us, baptized. And they created the advice, and came to him, and expelled out. He came to Kiev to the uncle to his Yaropolk and he told him everything, for which he was from Novgorod. And he learned about it, gave him<во владение> Vyshgorod And here already begged his Pskovichi to prince them, and he came to them in the city of Pskov. And for some time he perceived the grace of saint baptism, and was inflicted in the holy baptism of Gabriel. And stayed in great fiction and abstinence, and after one year later, in eternal peace went, 6671 (1163) of the year, the month of February in the eleventh day. And I was buried by my son with his, faithful and great prince George. And there were many miracles from the saints of his power to glory and praise Christ, our God, and all the saints. Amen.

This holy burgher prince Georgy Vsevolodovich on the breakdown of the father of his faithful prince Vsevolod, who was named in the holy baptism of Gabriel, remained on his place in Moluba Pskovichi. It was in 6671 (1163) year. I loved the saint of the beloved and grand prince Georgy Vsevolodovich to go to the beloved prince Mikhail Chernigovsky. And when I came to the fabulous prince Mikhail, the bold and grand prince George, I bowed to the beloved prince Mikhail and told him: "Sat be, the bold and great prince Mikhail, for many summer, shining with piety and faith Christ, in all of you, you liked our great-grandfathers and Prababek ours, faithful great Princess, Christ-lubble Olga, who gained the most expensive and great treasure - Christ and the faith of his holy prophets and the apostles and the holy fathers, and the fabulous Christ-loving king and an equivalent defense point to our king Konstantin. " And he told his burgher prince Mikhail: "Sat if you are, the bold and great Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich, you came to me with good advice and an unenclose ok. After all, what did you get due to the envy of our saint Svyatopolk, who was involved in the authorities and killed the brothers of his, the glory and great princes! Boris commanded a spear to pierce, Gleb stuck with a knife, in the years of their pronunciation. After all, he deceived them flattering on the babysitting of Satan, as if their mother had to die. They, like the kind of default, became a good shepherd of her Christ, did not become a brother, her enemy. The Lord glorified the holy worshi of his, boring princes and great wonderworkers Boris and Gleb. "

And Prince George with Prince Mikhail gave each other kissing, and celebrated spiritually, and having fun; And said the boring and great prince of Georgy to the Blessed prince Mikhail: "Give me a diploma, in Russia, to build the cities of God in Russia at the fortified places of God. And he told him the beloved and grand prince Mikhail: "As you want, and create the Church of God to glory and praise the Holy Name of God. For such a good enrollment of the award, we accept the Day of the coming of Christ. "

And they saw many days. And when the bold prince of Georgy wished Return to his lot, then the blessed prince Mikhail commanded a diploma to write and put his hand to a diploma. And when Georgy's beloved prince went to his fatherland and hail, then the beloved prince Mikhail with a great honor released him and accompanied him. And when there were already both prince on the way and bowed to each other for a farewell, Mikhail gave a diploma. The bold prince Georgy took a diploma in the beloved prince Mikhail and bowed to him, and then he is in response to him.

And went<князь Георгий> By cities, and when I arrived in Novgorod, it was ordered to build a church in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Mother of God and Vestodel Mary per year 6672 (1164). From Novgorod went to Pskov, his city, where his father was pressed, the beloved prince Vsevolod, and in the holy baptism of Gabriel, the Novgorod and Pskov Wonderworker. And he drove out of Pskov-hail to Moscow, and ordered the church in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our The Mother of God and Nestodle Mary per year 6672 (1164). And I drove from Moscow to Pereslavl-Zalessky, and from Pereslavl-Grade to Rostov-Grad. At that time, the Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky was in Grade Rostov. And the bold prince of Georgy was commanded in the city of Tom Rostov Church to build in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Mother of God and Nestodle Mary in the year 6672 (1164), May twenty-third day. During the days of the Grand Duke, George began to dig under the foundation of the church and found the buried relics of St. Justice Leonty, Bishop of Rostovsky, the Wonderworker, who drew people in the Rostov-Grad in faith to Christ and baptized them from Mala and to Velik. And rejoiced by the joy of the Grand Prince of Georgy, and glorified God, who gave him such a multi-specific treasure, and was sanguned to be prayer. And she commanded Andrei, Prince Bogolyubsky, in the city of Murom and build a church in the city of Murom in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Mother of God and Naznodel Mary.

The very beloved and great prince drove from the city of Rostov and came to the city of Yaroslavl that on the banks of the Volga river stands. And sat down in a row, and went down the Volga, and stuck to the shore from a small division that on the banks of the Volga costs, and rebuilt it. And they began to pray all the people of the city of Blessed Prince Georgia, so that the image of the miraculous icons of the Blessed Virgin Mother of the Fodorovskaya suffered to them to the city. And he did, as he was asked. Began to sing prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary. And when they ended and wanted the image that to carry into the city, then the image did not come off the place of that time did not move. The Blessed Prince of George, having seen the Magician of the Blessed Virgin, who won his place here, commanded to build on the place of the monastery in the name of the Blessed Virgin Mother of the Fodorovskaya.

The most bold prince Georgy went from the place of that dry path, and not on the water. And he moved the river to the Uzol, and the second river, the name Sanda, and the third river moved, with the name Santogt, and the fourth moved, the name Kergenets, and came to the lake, named Svetloyar. And he saw the place, the extraordinarily beautiful and crowded. And on the default of his inhabitants, the blessing prince Georgy Vsevolodovich was ordered on the shore of the Lake of that Svetloary the city, the name of the big kite, for the place was unusually perfect, and on the other shore of the lake there was an oak grove.

And the advice and command of the Blessed and Grand Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich began to dig to dig to strengthen the place of this. And they began to build a church in the name of the Exaltation of the Honest Cross of the Lord, and the second church - in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Virgin and Naznodeli Mary, and the Third Church - in the name of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Lady of Our Mother of God and Naznodeli Mary. In the same churches commanded<князь Георгий> The feathers to do in honor of other holidays of the Lord and Virgin. Also, the images of all saints have commanded command.

And the city is the big kite, a hundred seeded in length and width was, and in the first extent there was little space. And the bold prince of Georgy has led a hundred more seats to add a length, and there was a measure of hail in length - two hundred seven, and in width - a hundred seeded. And the city began to build in the year 6673 (1165), May the month of May on the first day, for the memory of the Holy Prophet Jeremiah and others like him. And the city was built by that three years, and built it in the year 6676 (1167), the month of September on the thirtieth day, the memory of the Holy Sacred Martyr Gregory, Bishop of the Great Armenia.

And I went to a small mile that on the banks of the Volga stands, the blessing prince Georgy Vsevolodovich. And on the construction of cities of those small and big, he commanded to measure in the field, how much they have a distance between their distances. And on the command of the blessed prince George, one hundred travelers targeted. And the blessed prince Georgy Vsevolodovich, having learned this, gave the glory to God and the Most Holy Virgin and also commanded the chronicler book. And the most beloved and grand prince Georgy Vsevolodovich commanded the whole service serve. And sanguated by the Most Holy Theotorod Feodorovskaya, for the commission of the service, he sailed his Pskov in the past one in the structure. The people accompanied him with the Great Honor, and, saying goodbye to him, let go.

Prince of Georgy Vsevolodovich, having arrived in his city, before the named Pskov, had been in prayer for many days, and in post, and in the Division, and distributed a lot of alms with the widow, and orphans. And on building cities, those lived seventy five years.

It was in the year 6747 (1239). The easiest of God, sins for our sake, came to Russia, the wicked and godless king beyond. And he ruined the cities and fire burned them, and the Churches of God also ruined and burned fire. The people of the sword betrayed the sword, and smaller children lay a knife, the young Virgin flashed. And there was a great cry.

The Blessed Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich, hearing all this, cried bitterly. And, praying to the Lord and the Most Holy God's Mother, gathered his own man, and went against the wicked king of Batya with warriors. And when both craftsmen joined the battle, there was a grade of the Great and bloodshed.

At that time, the Blessed Prince Georgy had little warriors, and the bold prince of Georgy ran from the wicked king of Batya down the Volga in the Small Kitege. And for a long time, the blessing prince of George with the wicked king of Batym, not put it in his city.

When the night came, then the blessed prince Georgy went secretly from this city to the Great Grad Kitege. In the next morning, the wicked king attacked the city with his warriors, he began an attack and captured him. And all people in this beat this and quarrel. And, not finding the blessed prince in the city of Tom, began to torment one of the inhabitants, and he, not suffering a flour, opened his way. The same wicked chased after the prince. And when it came to the city, attacked him with a lot of his warriors and took the city of the big kite that on the shore of Lake Svetloary, and killed the Blessed Prince George, the month of February on the fourth day. And he left the city of that wicked one king Bati. And after it<ухода> They took the relics of the Blessed Prince George Vsevolodovich.

And after that ruisle, the city was launched by the city, the small kite, that on the banks of the Volga costs, and the big thing on the shore of Lake Svetloyar.

And the invisible will be a big ship right up to the coming of Christ that in previous times it happened, as evidenced by the lives of the Holy Fathers, Candan Monasiki, and the Candy Skitsky, Candas, and Candidate of Jerusalem, and Candidage of the Holy Mountain; And these holy books, in which the lives of the Holy Fathers are written, agree that the hidden insidency is not one, but there are many monasteries, and in those monasteries a lot of holy fathers, for sure stars of heaven who have given their lives. Like the sand of the sea is impossible to read, so it is impossible to set out everything in writing and describe everything. It is about them, presented by the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Prophet King Davyd, wondering, shines the Holy Spirit, he says his psalti in the Book of his Psalrty: "The righteous, like Palma, blooms and, like Cedar Lebanese, is towers; Lost in the house of the Lord, they bloom in our god yards. " And the same prophet King Davyd: "Your friends are elevated for me, God, as a great number of them; Will it be calculated, but they are numerous sand. " About them, holy by the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Apostle Paul in his message says, providya, such a word draws us: "Wrapped in sheep and goat skins, torturing deprivation, grief, insults, those who were not worthy of the whole world." The same word of the shit and St. John Zlatoust, in his teaching it speaks the third week of the post. The same word draws to us, providya, Holy Anastasi from the Sinai mountain. The same word apostolic draws to us, providaya, and the Rev. Father, our Hilarion is great, he writes about the saints: "And also in last times It will be: Horses and monasteries of the secret will be, because the Antichrist will reign in the world. Then run to the mountains, and in the vertea, and in the abyss of the earth. " And a human-loving God will not leave then to escape. Urged, and as a moutigation, and tears all receive a person from God. The Savior himself, the divine mouths were constructed in the Municipal Gospel, that everything in a brief and attempt would be saved.

And on the killing of St. George Vsevolodovich's Grand Prince, and on the burial of honest relevance, he came to the Russian kingdom in the Russian kingdom per year. I went against the king of Batya, the burgher prince Mikhail Chernigovsky with a boyarian by his feudore. And when both craftsmen fought, there was a great bloodshed. And he killed that wicked king Bati of the Benther and Grand Duke Mikhail Chernigovsky with a boyar feodorm in the year 6750 (1241), the month of September on the twentieth day. And after the killing of the Blessed Prince, Mikhail Chernigovsky, two years later killed the Blessed Prince Mercury Smolensky, that wicked king Bati in the year 7655 (1246), month of November at the age of twenty-fourth day. And it was the launch of the Moscow kingdom, and other monasteries, and the Grand Divine in the year 6756 (1248).

Tale and recovery about the city of innerc.

If what kind of person is promised to truly go to him, and not false, and from the diligence will start to fast, and many tears will shed, and go to it, and it is better to die with a hungry death, but not to leave, and other many sorrow to undergo and even death To die, know that God will save such that every step it will be known and will be recorded an angel. For on the path of salvation, he went, as evidenced by the books, such as the Case Skitsky. There was some kind of father, and he drew one cloud from fornica. The cloud went with him to the monastery. And came to the gates of the monastery of that, and died. And was saved. And the other also moved to the desert with his father and died. And accepted the angels to her soul and built the stairs on the sky.

Also with that man. If he happened and die to him, - in the Divine Scripture will come true. For the runner is spiritually similar to life-saving from the harlonian, the dark and full of the very full of the world of this, about which St. John the Bologosov wrote in revelation, his book. He tells about the last time as a wife, sitting on the beast, the seminal, naked and shameless, in the hands of his own, she holds a bowl, full of every square and a rapidly filled, and serves her living and loving it, - first of all patriarchs, kings , and princes, and warlords, and all sorts of rulers are rich, and all people in the world are sedious, loving the sweetness of it.

The same who wants and wants to escape, pleases to escape from peace and sweetness him, as the same John said, Provid the Holy Spirit: The wife will run to the desert, and the snakes will chase along the trail of her, the one that sews from the right path of which to live humbly And spiritually. And that damned snake teaches a wide and most extensive way to walk, the Evil's lucky path, and knocks on the right path, and seduces, and tells to live a broken life, and frightens on the right path of walking.

But of the one who wants, and is looking for, and wishes salvation, that man very much instructs the grace of God, and helps him, and teaches, and leads him to perfect spiritual humble live. For no one ever left the Lord anywhere. Whatever called him, he heard them. And when he asks, does not he get? And what is looking for, does he find it? For everyone receives the Lord, to him coming, with joy and all calls. After all, usually even forces in heaven do not see God's faces. And when the sinner on Earth is shown, then the face of Christ's strength is clear, and the glory of the deity of him opens, and see his face. For the sinner of sinful joy is united for the soul of sinner, the heavens and all of his holy. And the forces are angels and archangels, Cherubims and Serafima, the beginning, and the authorities, and the domination. And the saints are someone who is: prophets, and apostles, and saints, and reverend, and righteous, martyrs, and martyrs, and all the saints. For the repentance of a single sinner, the joy of all the power of heaven and all his saints.

And not a certain who is not aspiring, who does not want to receive salvation itself does not force the Lord forcibly and invisible. But by diligence and in terms of the heart, everything creates the Lord man. When someone who unlocherious mind and faith will unshakmate will give any vow and will not think about anything, then, even even returns to revershe, not having a father nor mother nor sisters or brothers, then the Lord opens the way and sends Its in such a good and quiet is the prayers of the presence of our fathers of ours, that they work the day and night incessantly. The prayer of their mouth, as Cadyl dishonled. They pray and for those who have been saved by a sincere heart, and not a false vow. And if anyone wants to escape and prays if anyone from somewhere turns to them, such is acceptable with joy as instructed by God.

And at the time to go to such a place holy no thoughts not to have a custody and corrupted, embarrassing mind and leading to the thought of the thoughts of the person who had to go. Firmly beware of the thoughts of evil, seeking to overcome from the place of Togo. And do not think about this yes about this. Such a person will send the Lord on the path of salvation. Or the notice will come to him from the habit of one or from the monastery that both hidden both, hail and a monastery. There is a chronicler about the monastery Tom. To the first word will return.

If it goes, and doubt will begin, and they praise everywhere, then the Lord Grad will close. And he will seem his forest or an empty place. And nothing will get anything, but only the work of his VSE will be. And the temptation, and the reproach, and the renovation will be for it from God. The execution will take here in the future century, the condemnation and darkness of Tomzene for the fact that the holy place was abused, over the miracle who appeared at the end of the century of our place: became invisible degrees, just as in former times there were many monasteries that were invisible, about It was written in the lives of the Holy Fathers, you can read more.

And this hail is the big kite in the invisible and guarded by the hand of God, - so at the end of the century of our multi-stage and tears worthy covered the Lord that hail of the foreman. And he became invisible to the moles and the right of those who are worthy and righteously to him fall, who will not narrow the grief and sadness from the animal antichrist. Only about us Pealing day and night, about the retreat of our, all of our Moscow state, because the Antichrist reigns in it and all his commandments are bad and unclean.

Fathers tell about the launch of the hail, and they heard from the former fathers who lived after the ruin of the city and one hundred years after the wicked and godless king of Batya. For he ruined the entire land of the Zauseol and villages and the village fire. And the forest row all the country Zauseolskaya. And since that time, the monastery became invisible.

This chronicler book we wrote 6759 (1251), and approved the cathedral, and betrayed the Saint God of the Church to strengthen all Orthodox Christians, whoever, to read or listen, and not to lose this Divine Scripture. If what person abruptly or mines above the sim, we were visited, by Scripture, yes he knows that he has not hurt us, but God and the most preching his mother, the master of our Virgin Mary and Nabdowel Mary. In whom it is famous, and it is great, and the great name of her, the mother of God, those and she observes, and keeps, and covers our grandfather, the sown's prayer for them to bring to his own way: "Do not in the contempt of mine, about the son of kind, petitions. You, who blood was washed off the whole world, hindle and sometimes and keep and keeping the name of my name with the faith of the undoubted and clean heart. " And therefore the Lord covered their own hand, which we wrote about, and approved, and notified.

And to some of the ruling, neither add nor dignify and not to change, nor a single point or comma. If someone adds or somehow change, and they will be damned, according to the Holy Fathers, ledge, by legend those who who approved. If to whom it seems wrong, then read the former holy lives and notify that there was a lot of this in former times. Glory in the Trinity of the Slavima God and the Most His Mother of God, who keeps and keeping this place, and all the saints. Amen.

Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov. Tale of the invisible Grade Kitezh and Virgin Fevronia

Opera in four actions

Libretto V. I. Belsky


Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich (bass)

Knyazhich Vsevolod Yuryevich (tenor)

Fevronia (soprano)

Mushka Kurthma (tenor)

Fedor Jigger (Bariton)

Latches (mezzo soprano)

Two best people (tenor, bass)

Huscle (bass)

Medvedon (tenor)

Beggar-fought (baritone)

Baby, Bogatyr Tatar (bass)

Burunday, Bogatyr Tatar (bass)

Sirin, Paradise Bird (Soprano)

Alkonost, Paradise Bird (Metzo-Soprano)

Princes of Sagittarius, Chapters, Domrachi, the best people, beggar brethren, people, Tatars.

The first action takes place in the Volga forests near the Small Divine; Second - in a small cycite on the Volga; The first picture of the third action - in the Great Cytema; The second is Lake Lellago Yara; The first picture of the fourth action - in Kerzhensky forests; The second is in the invisible Grad. The action takes place in the summer from the creation of the world 6751.

First action

(In the Volga Forests, near the Small Divine, in the deaf more often there is an esiph of a small tree. Around Dubyo, Vyazyo, and pines. Load a rattling key. Marthen of summer. Birds sing, cuckoo dug. Case in the evening.)


(Knits herb beams and hangs them in the sun.)

Oh you forest, my forest, desert beautiful,

you are a dubberwashka, the kingdom is green!

That the birthplace Mother's kind,

i raised me from childhood and played.

Whether you chooshe do not hate your own,

unreasonable you did not techily

during the day the Songs are playing,

fairy tales Wonderful Nights at night?

Birds, the beast gave me to the comrades,

and as a widow, I come with them,

changing sleepy vision

the noise of leaves hijacked me.

Ah, thanks, desert, for everything, about everything;

behind the beauty for your memorial,

for coolness sometimes noon

yes, for the night, the steam room, spinning,

for fogs Evening, SIZY,

in the morning for the dew pearls,

for silence, for Dumushki Dolgia,

duma Duma, the Duma is quiet, joyful.


Where are you, duplicate,

beast Rissy, Bird free?


From secrets assembled,

with unsubstituted mosses, swamps and thickets.

Many people about you are stuck

zrena, small marsholes. AU!

(Much a lot of forest and marsh birds flies and surround Fevronia. Fevronia appeals to Zhuravl.)

You, crane, our zone, long nose!

What do you step by nearad?

Ali herbs are not selected,

do not dig the root?

(A young bear runs out, caresses and lying around. Bear Fevronia feeds bread.)

About you, Bear, Lucky;

Lociety you, according to the proverb.

Yes, I do not believe in vain:

You are great and humble will grow.

There will be all bear to honor

on the yards to drive rich

with houses yes with essays

on fun in Luda free.

(Suitable to the distant bushes. From the branches is casting his head horned elk.)

You do not be afraid of the beast of the cosmode,

show my fast-footed tour!

From the teeth from the pests sharp

was the wound ludea?

(Inspects the wound on the neck of the moose. The bear is at her legs; near the crane and other birds. From the bushes appears, imperceptibly for Fevronia, Prince of Vsevolod Yuryevich and collishes from amazement. Prince comes out of the bushes. Birds and animals shuffled in different directions.)

Prince Vsevolod.

(to the side)

What kind of parable, Lord?

Meeting is unprecedented!

That's right, unprecedented,

wonders of Holy!


(About myself)

Well done not

announce that one.

Caschy, for believable;

on white leaning

as if the royal son.

Prince Vsevolod.

(About myself)

That is not from the sky

to us came to the ground

seraphim invisible

wrapped by the girl?

Ali then Boloters,

on Sidychi bathing

is it a well done in Tina?

Schgin you, obsession,

divide the cloud -

holy place is more.

Schgin, Forest Court!


(Embarimed from embarrassment, bowed, says simply and friendly.)

Hello, well done! What? Guest be!

Sit down, taste our honey!

Honey tears of light, and sweets like:

grief is bitter, and it will pass.

(Takes out bread and honey on a wooden tray and water in the jug.)

Prince Vsevolod.

(Tired; Sitting)

Nonad, Hostess, Sit:

fix dark patches.


All the paths to me Ledovy Forest,

i'll show you the road.


Grief, nice, you're something.

Ai! After all, the sleeve is all in the blood.

Are you wounded?

Prince Vsevolod.

Shooting me with a bear, lost,

she put a knife, and he rushed on my shoulder.


Full, do not twist!

From a single death of potions does not happen.

I wanted the wound with rainwater,

i will attach to the bloody herb roadside,

scarlet petals, poppy leaves:

miG blood will leave, the lutty heat will cool.

(Prince of Vsevolod drinks water; Fevronia sucks him the sleeve and bandages the wound.)

Prince Vsevolod.

(admiring Fevronia; to himself)

You're beauty whether maiden

you braid, braid dark,

where the beauty was squeezed

where was the maiden?

Not in the throne city

and in the forests of Dremuciah,

yes not in sobolita dressed

smurhed embarks covered.


(taking off from the case; to yourself)

What are you, hand, staggered?

The lung business has been averaged.

Ali fucking became well done,

falconary eyes, boldly delete?

Prince Vsevolod.

(to Fevronia)

Whose maiden, got lost?

How do you live alone in the desert?


Call Fevronia, I live in my brother;

he is a tree, and now climbs

somewhere behind a shrink.

We have no prosperity,

and in winter and the latter happens.

And the Spring will come to the desert,

all the hushes, swamps,

drown bushes, trees,

skip Murava Flowers:

study winter and do not remember.

Forest will be our full miracles,

drown all forests forests,

gray Drozda Yes Widow Cuckoo;

coming the Duma hanging yes songs

warrant dreams will hang a breeze ...

And what dreams are gold!

And do not know where you live at

where the flowers are shy and alee,

brighter day and sun warmer,

in peddral dreams, al here,

in the Bobylskaya share.

Prince Vsevolod.

Ay you are a wonderful maiden!

Old people are otherwise molly:

"Dreams, Mall, Forest Boron firmly;

lying because the dream is, we are looking for a truth. "


Do not judge, well done Podifornia,

unacceptable I, simple.

What is the ring? Is burning much?

Prince Vsevolod.

(getting up)

No, thanks, Red Maiden!

Sorrow from the wound seemed to have passed.

You can see you know these words

as the beast comes, and blood will die.

(Meanwhile, the shadow became longer and the sun is rumor.)

You say, a red maiden,

do you want to pray to the Church of God?


No, going to me far, cute,

and then, because God is not everywhere?

You think: there is an empty place,

no: the great church here.

Looks around smart eyes.

(reverent, as if seeing herself in church)

Day and night we have a Sunday service.

In the afternoon and at night, Teakanya da Ladana;

during the day shines the sun, the sun is clear,

at night, the stars as candles will sentence.

Day and night we have a sounder singing

birds, animals, breathing all

female Lord light:

"You are glory forever, the sky is light,

God-Lord wonder, high throne!

The same thanks to you, the Mother Earth,

you for God for God's firm! "

Prince Vsevolod.

(Looks at Fevronia with amazement.)

Ay you, a beautiful maiden,

i wonder your simple speech,

all about joy, merry red.

Old people are otherwise molly:

"Do not dare on the joy of earthly,

on the earth, we mourn da crying. "

And would go to the desert at all ...

Eh, yes delety-youth noise:

Requests the youthful fun.


(very affectionate and penetrating; taking him by the hand and looking into the eyes)

Cute, how to live without joy,

do you stay red without fun?

Look: Ptashchi is played

have fun, rides the beast of the rice.

Believe, not the saved tear,

what's from the tuski-krokhinushka flows,

only that saved tear,

what OT God's joy heighs.

And sin, my dear, you do not be afraid;

everyone loved how it is

grave sinner if he is:

in each dumbfather, the beauty of the Lord.

Anyone who shifted, that God sent;

In the grief, he, so it is still needed.

Stick, although b was Lijame

the joy of Heavenly.

And the unfortunately will come true:

beauty everything is broken,

Like a wonderful garden, the earth will embarrass

And the Paradise crosses will be dissolved.

Fill birds wonderful

birds of joy, Birds of mercy,

we repense in the trimes the eyes of the angelic.

And from the skies of the saints, the ringing raspberry,

Due to the clouds of the unspecified light.

Prince Vsevolod.

(with delight)

Begging, set sugar,

such wisdom of revenue!

You can get to you, Dubravushka,

beauty of such a cormalist!

Joy Esi, the maiden's maiden,

respond to truth:

do I like you if you like?

Everyone, so the rings we alternate.


(quiet and doubting)

My dear, I'm afraid of something ...

Doesn't Check Knuckle ...

(Hesitantly stretches his hands; Prince is put on her ring.)

Prince Vsevolod.

Hello, ladies desired!

We kiss, we'll go!

Not shame, there is no

bride to groom to groomed.



I'm not ashamed, my nice,

i broke out from the happiness;

to myself, all the Duma think:

did you have something uncomfortable?

Kaby Dream was uncomfortable,

it would not sang a cuckoo,

wouldn't be called that

and the heart is so not biocos ...

Ugly my, god narrowed!

For you, native, putting belly;

only let off, a break in the coffin alive.

And teach you yes advise

i do not force me, do not differ.

Prince Vsevolod.

You are a balloker, you are a balloker,

wolne Ptashka!

Unstead I simply with your

unnecessary to your purity.

You get rid of me from despondency,

give my soul my joy of God.

(Horn is heard in the forest. Prince Vsevolod, responding, a pipe in a silver horn, which is raised by his belt.)


(in the forest)

Just came the Sagittarius in the Pure field,

all the beasts at the points are hidden,

fit all the birds in the Sieve,

and no one began to catch, shoot.

Prince Vsevolod.

Chu! My comrades were played:

it is time for us to part.

For bread-salt Thanks, yes for her caress!

(Horns on the right.)

And on a small duration of the matchs wait.

(Forgive. Prince goes to right.)



Yes, one Sagittarius was awesome:

Wolf, hawk predatory wrapped.


Oh! Oh, come back, cute!

Prince Vsevolod.


What? What is a dove?



Terribly me and sweetly.

Asks the soul to you and to people;

and the chambers of forest silent sorry

sorry for the beasts of my, sorry for quiet doom ...

Prince Vsevolod.

In the city of the prestinal violating,

about the desert you sorry Will you?

And the beasts of your arrogants will not touch

there will be a forest of this forever.

Be healthy. Rava time.

(Rog on the right and left. Prince, responding, goes to the right. Sagittarius and Fedor Jewers come in the left.)


He kicked up a beast in the pure field,

of the birds of the birds told everyone.

Shooting the Sagittarius here, they were sown,

and the comrade did not remember.

Did you get okay, the girl?

The name is how yours, I do not know;

did you see well done,

silver horn at the belt?


(Showing the prince)

Was, yes you overtake it ...

And tell me, good people:

what is your friend?

What are you? Al do not know the girl?

Mr. was our, Vsevolod,

prince Yurya Chado is cute.

Rigs and Sagittsev

Printed together in a capital.

(Fevronia grows hands.)

Second action

(City Small kite on the left bank of the Volga. Square with trading rows. Immediately there is a closure couch. Everywhere the people crowds in anticipation of the wedding train. Beggar brethren - Men and women - sideways on the sidelines. Near the arrival courtyard, the Medveder plays on the dull . He was surrounded by men, women and small guys.)


Show, Mikhailushka,

show, foolish,

like rhodes Pahomushka

in the church, slowly goes,

stick rests, quietly moves.

(The bear rolling over and leaning on the crutch. The people laugh. The Medvedler plays on the dudka.)

Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha ...


Show, Mikhailushka,

show, foolish,

like rhodes Pahomushka

away runs, rushing,

from the bell tower down one

hurry up to his home.

(The bear triser runs around small chains. The people laugh. The Medvedler plays on the dudka.)

Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha ...

(Husar appears - high, white as Lun Old Man, going to sing.)

Mind, baptized!

Purit for a small hour!

Give a song to us!

al Holy Erusalimsky verse!

Because of Lake Yar Deep

tours of the cereal,

all twelve tours without one;

and there was an old tourism:

"Where are you, kids, walked, what did you see?"

Bucked the song in Kitezh,

he led from Yar Light,

from the throne of Prince Yuri.

"We walked around a capital division,

and we saw there Divo Wonder:

what goes along the wall of Krasno Girl,

in hand carries a book wonderful,

and and crying itself, poured. "

And I want to cry yourself.

The song would not seem to the holiday.

Oh, she promises rape.

"Ah you, my kids are unreasonable!

Then the queen of heavenly walked

then the intercession was a wonderful cry

what she read the city of the Pub,

all the land this forever run. "

Girls and Baba

Lord, save us and nice!

Be patient a sin of human.

And where would you attack?

Thieves and smooth here aside the Zavolzhskaya.


Do not be afraid of bowlings

and I do not know otherwise.

God will save the great nice kite

siery for, weak and beggars.


And the nearest, it happens,

on Earth, heavenly nonsense,

who, the soul of reckless in the world,

heart collapses silence spiritual.

Everyone will see and feed and feed

write tears, all comfortable.

(calming down)

No, there will be no wings on a kite,

God the Lord thrust degrees will not give out.


Without him, it is nice to live.

do not live without Prince Yuryya at all.

Brothers! What is the wedding does not go?

It would not be pursuing that on the road.


(Again displays the bear.)

Show, Mikhailushka,

show, foolish,

as the bride is clean, it is desirable

rumbling in the mirror

admire, worshiped?

(The bear playing on the dull. The bear breaks down, holding a short shovel in his hands. People laughs.)

Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha ...

(Come The best people. Bear dancing with goat.)

The first of the best people

That is Rada Gol Belogy.

Second from the best people

That's cliques and mumble.

And then say: is it a joke?

all with the prince threatened.

The first of the best people

And the wedding is that Likha trouble!

Our women blew up

do not want a bride to bow.

Second from the best people

Like, without whether yes without a tribe.

(From the doors of the Corchma pushing into the neck of the Kurthma Grick.)

Here and the brandberry Mishka celebrates;

He does not remember himself with joy.


(recovering and speaking forward; for the best people)

Us what? We are people who are walking,

we do not pull to the village, nor to the city;

nobody served from the young years

no one has hung on us.

Who gave Mödu Korets, was his father native,

who gave the porridge boilers, he went for the prince.

Second from the best people

(to first)

We are sorry for the beggar of the treasury,

do not regret it for the brandler.

The first of the best people

(to the cattle)

You go to the Corchmu traffic

pey Wine, while the soul takes

so that the bride must meet.

Second from the best people

Edit Her and honor to pay.

(Give the cattle money. Keterma is bowed.)


(To the best people; complaints)

The breadwinners are you grateful,

Native father!

Slush us Milosnyku

Lord for the sake of.

God will give for that grace

house you gracious

the late parents of all

the Kingdom of heaven.

(The best people turn away from the beggars.)


You would now have turned me out:

i may have come.


(To the cattle)

Castle, get away, drunk!

Beggar and fought

(Wedding song.)

Who is not ordinous to strain?

With the Bringer, with the brandy.

Who will dream of?

Brownish, brahnik.

Who will see him from afar,

it turns away, will be resurrected.

Who dies in the evening, jumps?

Brahniki, brahniks.

His forehead will not cross?

Brahniki, brahniks.

Ponoloire with a pocket

does not allow the church of the brahnikov.

And who is indignant?

Brazhnikov, brahnikov.

To battle, a fight is counting

brahnikov, brahnikov,

brazhnikov, brahnikov.

On earth, do not know them joy,

kingdoms do not see heavenly

brahnikov, brahnikov.


Do not see and not needed.

After all, we get used to the sorrow - not to become:

how in tears on the light were born,

so did not know the shares until late years.

Eh, thanks to Khmely smart!

He applied us as in the world to live,

he did not tell us to twist

in the mountain to live told Yes, you do not crash to be.

There is no money in front of money.

He started a half before evil days.

Sign all to string:

not grown by Nagu walk.

(Goes to Corchm. The Medvedler plays. The bear with the goat dance again. People crowded near them and laughs.)

Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha ...

(Begging brethren is on passing; they do not pay attention to them.)


Slush us Milosnyku

Lord for the sake of.

(between themselves)

We have to get a great one to the divine;

there we will see and feed us.

(Kurchma comes out of the Kurthma Costoil. He ships and sings. The people are going near him. The best people laughed, holding off aside.)


Bratz, holiday with us,

in the pan call,

in the barrels evolve

results are furious.

We are brided up to us

from the swamp drags;

near the jelly beet

and without hands and without legs,

a and fur coat on it

from mouse tails

lubyana Sarafan.

and not sewn and not a shift ...

(Kurthma pushes and make silence.)

Leave you, the puffy dog!

Loss, incisible drunk!

Run a barrier

with great with dishonor.

(Hears bubber and naigryish dom. The people calm down and listens; Some look into the distance. The sound of the buberets and the sounds of the DROM little-grinding approaching.)

Hey guys! Bubrenitsy ring

the train wedding is knocking bracing.

From the slides, the pitches are descended,

break the tree is afraid,

whether chipper,


with the soul of a red maiden.

(Three carts harvested with troops and degraded ribbons are traveled. In the first half and Domrachi, in the second matchmaker, about them riding friendly - Fedor Jewakers, in the third - Fevronia with his brother. On the sides of the riding ride, among them the princes the tags. Everyone rushed to them . The people blows them the road to Almy and Chervon Tapes)

Well, friendly they will stand the way

turn the whole road.

There is anything to buy a wedding,

pay us tribute not small.


You are Kuzma Demyan, you are St. Kuznets,

you are holy blacksmith, whicing them wedding

will whingeing to be a Christmas wedding,

vectorless, inseparable.

And what the people

in the stamping goes?

Lacking guests

not a trace skip.

We are given and the prince of Zvan,

princess Wearing, the hotels give.

(Jewakers and pass to distribute and thrown into the crowd of ginkers, ribbons and money. People are crowded.)

Hello, Light Princenyushka!

Hello, Light Fevronia Vasilyevna!

(The wagon with Fevronia stops.)

Second from the best people

(to first)

Oh, simple, simple princess something!

The first of the best people

(to the second)

Is it to be for her?

A century look, and do not look at:

beauty is a beltenious.

Hello, Light Princenyushka!

And there was a checkered staff

we relative to us;

now be with us a lord,

mrs Say Grozny!

(Okmel Courtyman tries to get forward; Men are not allowed and pushed. Fevronia notices it.)

You leave yes quit, dog!

Sigin you! Opsoring!


(pointing to the cattle)

And for what you drive it?

This is a mushka, ancayed drunkard.

Mrs., do not listen to the brandry,

It is not ordinous to talk with him.


Do not sin, the word is kind

God is given about all.

Come closer, Grizhenka.



Hello, Hello, Light Princenyushka!

Although you have a champion,

and you do not import with us:

one is the field of berries.

(Korterma want to drive, but Fevronia stops the movement.)


(humbly and sincerely)

Where is I, maiden, it is important?

I know my place tightly

and herself, as a guilty ...

(Lowly bowed to the people.)

... Westernly I bow to everything.


Only hurt you do not rejoice!

Man joy in a blow.

Grief troops envious

as will be seen and tied.

Go away in half aire,

throw off the rituals lush,

grief bow unclean

and bare and hungry.

He will teach how to live in the world,

and and grief.

Mrs., do not listen to the brandry,

it is not ordinous to talk with him.



Pray, Grisha, Lord

yes, Vasilya ashy:

he is a petition of poor brands

so that you do not pithing extra

do not mix honest people.


(Scratch screaming.)

Talk to you, do not import!

Do not be bored for me.

That's how you will walk around the world,

with the name of Holy Holy Live,

in the same time they still ask

to take you in the gap.

(Kurthma pushed off from the square. Confusion.)

Saluches you, the puffy dog!

Run a barrier!

You play, hussley bell,

create a song, girls!

(under Naigersh Huslarov and Domracy)

As bridges in Kalinov,

as for the cloths yes on raspberry,

like Vikhore, Komoni rushes,

three sledges in a common hail rolled.

Play, Gusli, Play, Nozzles,

in the first slook huslies,

in other Santochki, Yaraya bee,

in the third soul shower maiden,

light Fevronia Vasilyevna.

(Once they are suitable for the princess and shower it hop and live.)

Play, hussley, play, snot.

(Remote sounds of horns. The wedding train is departing. Conducting people, followed by him.)

Here you have a raw hmel, good, good,

to live from life to live,

so that from hops you have fun.

(Sounds of horns. The song is broken. The people listens.)

Cherry, brothers, beat the pipes ...

Horses rzut, the carts will creak much ...

What is the parable? Exactly women live ...

Smoke pillar stood over the end of the trading.

(Confusion begins. Running crowded crowd.)

Oh, trouble goes, people,

for the sin of our grave!

And there will be no farewell,

to a single flex.

We are not enough for us

and unheardly lyuty

now the live has appeared

from the earth, as if grew.

The boss of God

laid mountains

little Mountains

and sustained power

released on free light.

(The second crowd runs, even more frightened.)

Oh, trouble goes, people,

For the sin of our grave!

And there will be no farewell,

to a single flex.

Yes, demons, not people,

and the souls do not have

Christ of God do not know

and the churches swear.

All fiery foul

all under the sword is inclined,

red girls will be somes

small babies on the pieces of rut.

(Third crowd runs in complete despair.)

Oh, trouble goes, people,

for the sin of our grave!

And there will be no farewell,

to a single flex.

Oh, where to flee us?

Oh, and where to shore?

Dark dark, hide us,

mountains, mountains, coarse.

Oh, run, catchy,

on the heels are coming.

Closer closer; Sawn!

Oh, so they, Lord! Oh!

(The Tatars are shown in the pedestrian clothes. The people are horrified and hides, where it is possible. The crowd of Tatars with crooked swords and six-enders arrives. Tatars chasede and find out the frightened inhabitants and kill them. A few Tatars fiber Fevronia.)

Hyde! Guy!

Hyde! Guy, Guy!

Hyde! Hyde!

(Enjoy the Bogati Tatar: Bad and Burundai.)

What to regret? Bey to death!


(pointing to Fevronia)

And that alive, grab the girl!

(Hearters stop and peeling with horses.)

Such beauty will not be in the steppe

break into the Horde Flower Bolotnaya.

(Fevronia is surrounded by rope.)

Eh, angry people!


Although the veins are pulling, and he is silent.

The way will not say.

Burunday and Bedley

Their capital city does not find us.

And Slaven, Baiet, big kite!

One churches there are forty lady;

there are no estimates in them. Yes Zlata,

and the pearl of Grey shovel.

(Several Tatars are dragged by the distraught kourma.)

Hyde! Guy!

Yeah! Another one stayed.


Complete, oh, merry,

you are the princes of Murza Tatar!

Oh, what do you have a brand name?

Jump out, oh, merry!


So be, you have mercy.

Golden treasury please.

Burunday and Bedley







(to the cattle)
















Burunday and Bedley














Hyde! Guy!













Burunday and Bedley























Prince Vsevolod.


















































Prince Vsevolod.




Prince Vsevolod.





Prince Vsevolod.












































































































Prince Vsevolod.











Prince Vsevolod.






Prince Vsevolod.

























































































(to the cattle)







(to the cattle)








Burunday and Bedley





(to the cattle)









Burunday and Bedley








































(to Fevronia)




































































































































































































































(About myself)











































































































































































































































































































































{!LANG-1dc31e83d2ff44feef384b06e9b29d29!} {!LANG-c393c86c9a769a4808256d3bd007b7b9!}{!LANG-c18984d74cab929cd4a1bbc822f815d9!}

























Prince Vsevolod.
















Prince Vsevolod.




































































Prince Vsevolod.




































































