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Message about small and large town of Grad. Tale of Grad Creek

In the Volga forests there is a lake called Svetloyar.

The lake is small, but its depth is up to thirty meters, and the water level is always the same, that in the summer, that in the spring in the flood. In winter, on the lake I am intensifying a special "lace" ice. Svetloyarskaya water is unusually clean, transparent and possesses healing properties. Locals say: "Drink water straight from the lake - do not be afraid, carrying home - will stand for months, will not deteriorate."

MM Svavin, having visited Svetloyar, wrote in the sketch "Light Lake": "... I looked at me from the forest calm, pure eyelid. Light lake is a bowl of holy water in a green gear frame. "

Here, on the shore of Lake Svetloaryar, there was a tale of invisible hay Cytem.

In the told it says that in ancient times grand Duke Georgy Vsevolodovich put the city of Small Miley or Gorodet on the banks of the Volga, and then, crushing - through the rivers, the Uzand, Sanda and Kergenette, came to the Ludna River, originating from Lake Sveloyar.

The places there were beautiful, oblivioned, and the prince, "on the default of the inhabitants," built on the shore of Svetloar, the city of KUIT is great, but he himself did not stay in him, and returned to a small kite.

At this time, "like dark clouds across the sky," the Hordes of Tatar-Mongol moved on Rus under the leadership of Khan Batya. The enemies came to a small citerion and took the city by an attack, having interrupted almost all of his defenders.

Prince George Vsevolodovich with the remnants of the troops managed to hide in the forests. He left the secret trails to the high school to gather there new forces.
The battered could not find the traces of the prince and began to "enhance" the prisoners of small quantity, wanting to know the road, which was gone by the prince. One of the prisoners "could not flour" and spent the Batya Forest to the Great Cite.

Tatars were besieged the city, but suddenly, God's permission, the Kitege became invisible.

Frightened by a miracle, enemies fled.

About how the Lord saved from the enemies to the kite, the people tell differently.

Some say that the city is still in its place, but only no one sees him, others - that the city was hiding under the high hills surrounding Svetloyar. Writer V.G. Korolenko, who visited Svetlorian in late XIX. Century, he recorded such a story of the local old fisherman: "(...) Our brother, the place is not simple ... does not eat ... not a simple ... it seems to you: the lake, swamp, the mountains ... And the creature is completely different here. On these ones on the mountains (he pointed to the hills), they say, to be churches. This is where the chapel - the cathedral is worth the preching rescue. And near, on the other, the hill - the Annunciation. Here in the old years, Birch was standing, so on Sa-Ama, it turns out on the church chapter. "

On the third version, the city together with the residents dropped to the bottom of Lake Sveloyar. People still live in it, and sometimes the clinks of clutch bells come from under the water.
Tale of Invisible Grad Creek for a long time It existed orally, transmitting from generation to generation.

In the XVII century in the forests of the Volga region began to arise Sliced \u200b\u200bSkits - Secret settlements of adherents of the "Old Faith", not recognized official Church. It was the splitters in the XVIII century that first recorded the legend of the Chinese in the composition "Book, the verbal chronicler".

In the presentation of Raskolnikov, the legend acquired a pronounced religious character. In their presentation, the underwater city is a monastery in which the righteous elders live, and only people who are truly believers can be heard and to hear young people.

Over time, Lake Svetloyar has become a place of pilgrimage for believers. V.G. Korolenko told: "Crowd a crowd of people on the shores of Svetloaryar, seeking at least for a short time to smoke from themselves the deceptive bustle of judges look at the mysterious faces. Here, in the shade of trees, in the open sky, the day and night is heard singing, sounds (...) reading the rate, boil disputes about the true faith. And on the sunset twilight and in the blue darkness of the summer evening flashes lights between the trees, along the shores and on the water. The pious people on the knees are crawling around the lake three times, then the remains of candles on the water are allowed on the chips, and fall to the ground, and listen. Tired, between the two worlds, with lights in the sky and on the water, they are given by the bubbling of the shores and a vigorous longing ringing ... and sometimes freeze, nothing already sees and do not hear from the surrounding. Eyes are exactly darkened for our world, but it was clear for the world of the alternate. The face cleared, on it "Blessed" a wandering smile and - tears ... And there are a circle and look with the surprise those who strive, but did not receive a little at least ... and with fear swing their heads. So he is, this other world, invisible, but real. They themselves have not seen, but saw seen ... "

The faith in the real existence of an invisible hail remained in the vicinity of Svetloyar and in later times. In 1982, folklorists recorded the story of a local resident: "People say that somewhere in the middle of the lake there is a hole - not very big - well, it seems like with the bucket will be. Only find it is very difficult. In winter, the ice on Svetolar is clean-clean. So you need to come, hit the snow, and you can see what is done there on the bottom. And there, they say, all sorts of wonders: the houses are white, the trees grow, the bell tower, churches, chopped termes, people live people ... just do not seem to everyone, not every hole can find. "

In the late 1930s, such a story was recorded from a certain old man Markelov. They lived in the village of "Many, bold such". This brave man became interested in a hole, which he found under the roots of the dyeing birch, and climbed there. "Les-climb, then he sees the place bright, and the elders are sitting in the silent and the deeds of peasants disassemble. And he learned his grandfather, and his grandfather threatened to his key, did not told her more climb. "

Another local resident in 1982 told from the words of his father, as he was "in the city of Kitty, they fed him there, Dali's money." The father of the narrator "went to the excuses", and then once he was delivered with the turn to take bags with grain. "And the travel moved. Only on the tract came - hemnelly. I don't know how many hours we were driving and where, just see - the gate is tested. It seems like a monastery. Enter. Dark there, some at home are standing. While they unloaded the conversations, all held in the house, fed, gave money - and generously. And before the dawn, the gate was discharged, and drove the messenger, already empty, back ... Where were they at night? (...) So far have been judged, turned around - and there are no gates. "

Stories about how the Kitezhan bought bread from the peasants, the locals are perceived as something of granted. One storyteller clarifies: "Bread of the client elders in Vyatsky bought." Another leads the case of "with one dumping", which "brought from its Vyatka Territory to the Bazaar to the village of Voskresensky Rye to sell. And here (...) The old man came up to him, looked at the grain, tried to the tooth and says: "I will buy all WHO rye (...). Only I will ask you good person, take the loaf to us in Vladimir. I am for this extra fee for every bag ladies. " Natich agreed. Near Vladimirsky (the nearest village from Svetloyar) he saw a monastery. The monks greeted him, helped clarify grain into the barn. Having received a fee, Natich drove back. "Locked how much of the lake, stopped and wanted to pray for a monastery for good luck with the sale. I looked back - and there is no monastery. " (Recording 1974.)

By local residents, according to them, there are cases when Kitezhane helped people in the most ordinary affairs. "I remember, I still, my grandmother told about what lived here in the village of Lake - in Vladimir or in Sadrin, or the old man alone. So, she went that old man somehow in the forest for mushrooms. (...) Walked-walked, and without anything - there is no fungus! The old man was tired. And he sat down on the pencil, he wanted to rest. (...) It's a shame that he bypassed a lot, but no collection is not. Here and thought something: "If almost the old people helped the old people." I did not have time to think about how the dormant was attacked. (...) After some time, the old man woke up, opened his eyes, looked at the basket - and his eyes do not believe: in it to the edges of the mushrooms. Yes, some - one to one, but all white! " The legend of the cyinga is often compared with the legend of Atlantis. The historicity of invisible hail (as well as Atlantis) has repeatedly tried to prove or disprove.

From the middle of the XIX century, the legend of the curtain became the object of research. It was of interest from the most different professionals - Folklorists, literary critics, historians, archaeologists. Scientific expeditions were cut on Svetoard. In the 50-70s of the 20th century, it was found that Lake Svetloyar was formed as a result of the "failure" - a sudden, strong shift of the soil, and this happened approximately at the time to which the legend belongs to the disappearance of the divy. At the bottom of the lake, a certain "anomaly" was discovered - a semi-meter layer of a semi-liquid rock, in which wood fragments are present in many. Examination showed that these fragments "there are traces of cutting guns", that is, they are processed by human hands.

The poetic image of the city of dying was inspired by many poets, artists, composers. Maximilian Voloshin, Nikolai Klyuev, Sergey Gorodetsky wrote about the cyinga. ON THE. Roman Korsakov wrote the famous opera "Tale of the Invisible Grade Kitege and the Virgin Fevronia", N.K. Roerich created a picturesque panel-curtain for this opera - "Sword with Kergents".

The legend of Grada is a miraculously saved by God from ruin by enemies, covered and saved to better times, when he reiterates the world, retaining an ancient root, an ancient faith and the truth is one of the most cherished legends of the Russian people, during the centuries who has been exposed to external enemies.

There was this holy burgher and great prince Georgy Vsevolodovich Son Saint Blessed and Grand prince Vsevolod, Pskov's Wonderworker, that in the Holy Baptism was naschal. This Saint of the Blessed and Grand Prince Vsevolod Son was the great prince of Mstislav, the grandson of the Holy and Equal-Apostles Great Prince Vladimir Kiev, the dealer of the Russian Earth. The Holy Prince of Great and Grand Duke Georgy Vsevolodovich - the great-grandfather of the Saint Blessed and Great Prince Vladimir.

And the holy burgher prince Vsevolod first rejected in Veliky Novgorod. But at one time, the Novgorod residents were taken to him and decided for themselves: the prince of ours, unresolved, owns us, baptized. And they created the advice, and came to him, and expelled out. He came to Kiev to the uncle to his Yaropolk and he told him everything, for which he was from Novgorod. And the one, having learned about it, gave him Vyshgorod. And here already begged his Pskovichi to prince them, and he came to them in the city of Pskov. And for some time I had perceived the grace of saint baptism, and was inflicted in the holy baptism of Gabriel. And stayed in great rugging and abstinence, and one year later, in the eternal peace went away, 6671 (1163) of the year, February of February in the eleventh day. And I was buried by the son of his faithful and great prince George. And there were many miracles from the saints of his power to glory and praise Christ, our God, and all the saints. Amen.

This holy burgher prince Georgy Vsevolodovich on the breakdown of the father of his faithful prince Vsevolod, who was named in the holy baptism of Gabriel, remained on his place in Moluba Pskovichi. It was in 6671 (1163) year. I learned the saint of the beloved and grand prince Georgy Vsevolodovich to go to the beloved prince Mikhail Chernigovsky. And when I came to the beloved prince Mikhail, the bold and Grand Duke of George, it bowed to the beloved prince Mikhail and told him: "Sat be, about the beloved and great prince Mikhail, for many summer, shining with piety and faithfully, in everything, in all the great-grandfathers ours, faithful great Princess, Christ-lubble Olga, who gained the most expensive and great treasure - Christ and the faith of his holy prophets and the apostles and the holy fathers, and the fabulous Christ-loving king and an equivalent defense point to our king Konstantin. " And he told him the blessed prince Mikhail: "Sat if you are, about the beloved and grand prince Georgy Vsevolodovich, came to me with the good advice and an unenclose ok. After all, what did you get due to the envy of our saint Svyatopolk, who was involved in the authorities and killed the brothers of his, the glory and great princes! Boris commanded a spear to pierce, garb should be expelled with a knife, during their princes them. After all, he deceived them flattering on the babysitting of Satan, as if their mother had to die. They, like the kind of default, became a good shepherd of her Christ, did not become a brother, her enemy. The Lord glorified the holy worshi of his, boring princes and great wonderworkers Boris and Gleb. "

And Prince George with Prince Mikhail gave each other kissing, and celebrated spiritually, and having fun; And said the boring and great prince of Georgy to the Blessed prince Mikhail: "Give me a diploma, in Russia, to build the cities of God in Russia at the fortified places of God. And he told him the beloved and grand prince Mikhail: "As you want, and create the Church of God to glory and praise the Holy Name of God. For such a good intention to accept the award on the Day of the coming of Christ. "

And they saw many days. And when the bold prince of Georgy decided to return to his lot, then the blessed prince Mikhail commanded a diploma to write and put his hand to a diploma. And when Georgy's beloved prince went to his fatherland and hail, then the beloved prince Mikhail with a great honor released him and accompanied him. And when there were already both prince on the way and bowed to each other for a farewell, Mikhail gave a diploma. The bold prince Georgy took a diploma in the beloved prince Mikhail and bowed to him, and then he is in response to him.

And he drove the prince of George in the cities, and when he arrived in Novgorod, she ordered the church in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Virgin and Vestodel Mary per year 6672 (1164). From Novgorod went to Pskov, the city of his beloved prince was pressed out, and in the holy baptism of Gabriel, the Novgorod and Pskov Wonderworker. And I drove from Pskov-Grand to Moscow, and commanded the church in the name of the audit of the Blessed Lady of Our Virgin. and Vestodel Mary per year 6672 (1164). And I drove from Moscow to Pereslavl-Zalessky, and from Pereslavl-Grade to Rostov-Grad. At that time, Great Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky was in the city of Rostov. And the beloved prince of George in the city of Tom Rostov Church to build in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Mother of God and Nestodle Mary per year 6672 (1164), May twenty-third day. During the days of the Grand Duke, George began to dig under the foundation of the church and found the buried relics of St. Justice Leonty, Bishop of Rostovsky, the Wonderworker, who drew people in the Rostov-Grad in faith to Christ and baptized them from Mala and to Velik. And rejoiced by the joy of the Grand Prince of Georgy, and glorified God, who gave him such a multi-specific treasure, and was sanguned to be prayer. And she commanded Andrei, Prince Bogolyubsky, in the city of Murom and build a church in the city of Murom in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Mother of God and Naznodel Mary.

The very beloved and great prince drove from the city of Rostov and came to the city of Yaroslavl that on the banks of the Volga river stands. And sat down in the rod, and went down the Volga, and stuck to the shore from a small division that on the banks of the Volga stands, and rebuilt it, and began to pray all the people of Togo Prince George to the image miraculous icons The Blessed Virgin Fedorovskaya suffered to the city to them. He performed a petition. Began to sing prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary. And when they ended and wanted the image that to carry into the city, then the image did not come off the place of that time did not move. Prince of George, whitewash, seeing blessed Virgin Mary, I choose my place here, commanded to build on the place of the monastery in the name of the Most Holy Virgin Fedorovskaya.

The most bold prince Georgy went from the place of that dry path, and not on the water. And he moved the river to the Uzol, and the second river, the name Sanda, and the third river moved, with the name Santogt, and the fourth moved, the name Kergenets, and came to the lake, named Svetloyar. And saw the place, the extraordinarily beautiful and crowded; And in the default of its inhabitants, the blessing prince Georgy Vsevolodovich was ordered on the shore of the Lake of that Svetloyar city, the name of the big kite, for the place was unusually beautiful, and on the other shore of the lake there was a oak grove.

And the advice and command of the Blessed and Grand Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich began to dig to dig to strengthen the place of this. And they began to build a church in the name of the Exaltation of the Honest Cross of the Lord, and the second church - in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Virgin and Naznodeli Mary, and the Third Church - in the name of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Lady of Our Mother of God and Naznodeli Mary. In the same churches commanded the prince of Georgius to make and in honor of other holidays of the Lord and Virgin. Also, the images of all saints have commanded command.

And the city is the big kite, a hundred seeded in length and width was, and this first measure was Mala. And the bold prince of Georgy has led a hundred more seats to add a length, and there was a measure of hail in length - two hundred seven, and in width - a hundred seeded. And the city began to build in the year 6673 (1165), May the month of May on the first day, for the memory of the Holy Prophet Jeremiah and others like him. And the city was built by that three years, and built it in the year 6676 (1167), the month of September on the thirtieth day, the memory of the Holy Sacred Martyr Gregory, Bishop of the Great Armenia.

And I went to a small mile that on the banks of the Volga stands, the blessing prince Georgy Vsevolodovich. And on the construction of cities of those small and big, he commanded to measure in the field, how much they have a distance between their distances. And on the command of the blessed prince George, one hundred travelers targeted. And the blessed prince Georgy Vsevolodovich, having learned this, gave the glory to God and the Most Holy Virgin and also commanded the chronicler book. And the bold and grand prince Georgy commanded the whole service serve. And prayer sangs to the Most Holy Virgin Fedorovskaya, by the service of the service, sailed his Pskov in the past the city before the city. People accompanied him with great Honor; And, saying goodbye to him, let go.

Prince of Georgy Vsevolodovich, having arrived in his city, before the named Pskov, had been in prayer for many days, and in post, and in the Division, and distributed a lot of alms with the widow, and orphans. And on building cities, those lived seventy five years.

It was in the year 6747 (1239). The easiest of God, sins for our sake, came to Russia, the wicked and godless king beyond. And he ruined the city, and fired them with fire, and the Churches of God also ruined, and devoured fire. The people of the sword betrayed the sword, and smaller children lay a knife, the young Virgin flashed. And there was a great cry.

The Blessed Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich, hearing all this, cried bitterly. And, praying to the Lord and the Mother of Mother of Mother, gathered his own military, and went against the wicked king of Batya with warriors. And when both craftsmen joined the battle, there was a grade of the Great and bloodshed. At that time, the Blessed Prince Georgy had little warriors, and the bold prince of Georgy ran from the wicked king of Batya down the Volga in the Small Kitege. And for a long time, the blessing prince of George with the wicked king of Batym, not put it in his city.

When the night came, then the blessed prince Georgy went secretly from this city to the Great Grad Kitege. In the next way, when that wicked king woke up, I began a attack with the warriors with my city and captured it. And all people in this beat this and quarrel. And, not finding the blessed prince in the city of Tom, began to torment one of the inhabitants, and he, not suffering a flour, opened his way. The same wicked chased in front of the prince. And when it came to the city, attacked him with a lot of his warriors and took the city of the big kite that on the shore of Lake Svetloary, and killed the Blessed Prince George, the month of February on the fourth day. And he left the city of that wicked one king Bati. And after him they took the relics of the Princely Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich. And after that ruisle, the city was launched by the city, the small kite, that on the banks of the Volga costs, and the big thing on the shore of Lake Svetloyar.

And the invisibility will be a big ship right up to the coming of Christ that in previous times it happened, as evidenced by the lives of the Holy Fathers, the Candan Monasiki, and the Candy Skitsky, and the grazing candyma, and the Candidage of Jerusalem, and the Candidage of the Holy Mountain, and these holy books in which The lives of the Holy Fathers, they agree that the hidden abode is not united, but there are many monasteries, and in those monasteries a lot of holy fathers, for sure stars of heaven who have given their lives. Like the sand of the sea is impossible to make intent, it is impossible to describe everything. It is about them, presented by the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Prophet David-King, wondering, shines the Holy Spirit, he says his psalti in the Book of his Psalrty: "The righteous, like a palm tree, blooms and, like Cedar Lebanese, is towers; Lost in the house of the Lord, they bloom in our god yards. " And also the same prophet King David: "Your thoughts are elevated for me, God, as a great number of them; Will it be calculated, but they are numerous sand. " About them, holy by the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Apostle Paul in his message says, providya; Such a word draws us: "Wrapped in sheepskin and goat skin, suffering, sorrow, bite, those who were not worthy of the whole world." The same word of the shit and St. John Zlatoust, in the teaching of his own, speaks the third post in a week. The same word draws to us, providya, Holy Anastasi from the Sinai mountain. The same word apostolic draws to us, providaya, and the Rev. Father, our Hilarion is great, he writes about the saints: "And also in last times It will be: Horses and monasteries of the secret will be, because the antichrist will reign in the world, then run into the mountains, and in the verteps, and in the abyss of the earth. " And a human-loving God will not leave then to escape. Urged, and as a moutigation, and tears all receive a person from God. The Savior himself, the divine mouths were announced in the Municipal Gospel, that "everything in a brief and attend to be saved."

And on the killing of St. George Vsevolodovich's Grand Prince, and on the burial of honest relevance, he came to the Russian kingdom in the Russian kingdom per year. I went against the Batya-Tsar, the bold prince Mikhail Chernigovsky with a boyarian by his feudore. And when both craftsmen fought, there was a great bloodshed. And he killed that wicked king Bati of the Benther and Grand Duke Mikhail Chernigovsky with a boyar feodorm in the year 6750 (1241), the month of September on the twentieth day. And after the killing of the Blessed Prince, Mikhail Chernigovsky, two years later killed the Blessed Prince Mercury Smolensky, that wicked king Bati in the year 6755 (1246), month of November at the age of twenty-fourth day. And it was the launch of the Moscow kingdom, and other monasteries, and the Grand Divine in the year 6756 (1248).

Legend of Gradi Kitty

There was this Saint of the Blessed and Grand Duke Georgy Vsevolodovich Son of the Saint Blagovander and the Grand Prince Vsevolod, the Pskov Wonderworker, that Gabriel was nailed in Holy Baptism. This Saint of the Blessed and Grand Prince Vsevolod Son was the great prince of Mstislav, the grandson of the Holy and Equal-Apostles Great Prince Vladimir Kiev, the dealer of the Russian Earth. The Holy Prince of Great and Grand Duke Georgy Vsevolodovich - the great-grandfather of the Saint Blessed and Great Prince Vladimir.

And the holy burgher prince Vsevolod first rejected in Veliky Novgorod. But at one time, the Novgorod residents were taken to him and decided for themselves: the prince of ours, unresolved, owns us, baptized. And they created the advice, and came to him, and expelled out. He came to Kiev to the uncle to his Yaropolk and he told him everything, for which he was from Novgorod. And the one, having learned about it, gave him Vyshgorod. And here already begged his Pskovichi to prince them, and he came to them in the city of Pskov. And for some time I had perceived the grace of saint baptism, and was inflicted in the holy baptism of Gabriel. And stayed in great rugging and abstinence, and one year later, in the eternal peace went away, 6671 (1163) of the year, February of February in the eleventh day. And I was buried by the son of his faithful and great prince George. And there were many miracles from the saints of his power to glory and praise Christ, our God, and all the saints. Amen.

This holy burgher prince Georgy Vsevolodovich on the breakdown of the father of his faithful prince Vsevolod, who was named in the holy baptism of Gabriel, remained on his place in Moluba Pskovichi. It was in 6671 (1163) year. I learned the saint of the beloved and grand prince Georgy Vsevolodovich to go to the beloved prince Mikhail Chernigovsky. And when I came to the beloved prince Mikhail, the bold and Grand Duke of George, it bowed to the beloved prince Mikhail and told him: "Sat be, about the beloved and great prince Mikhail, for many summer, shining with piety and faithfully, in everything, in all the great-grandfather OUR, Blessed Great Princess, Christ Olga, who gained the most expensive and great treasure - Christ and the faith of his holy prophets and the apostles and the holy fathers, and the Blessed Christ-Christ-loving king and an equivalent Pradedi to our king Konstantin. " And he told him the blessed prince Mikhail: "Sat if you are, about the beloved and grand prince Georgy Vsevolodovich, came to me with the good advice and an unenclose ok. After all, what did you get due to the envy of our saint Svyatopolk, who was involved in the authorities and killed the brothers of his, the glory and great princes! Boris commanded a spear to pierce, garb should be expelled with a knife, during their princes them. After all, he deceived them flattering on the babysitting of Satan, as if their mother had to die. They, like the kind of default, became a good shepherd of her Christ, did not become a brother, her enemy. The Lord glorified the holy worshi of his, boring princes and great wonderworkers Boris and Gleb. "

And Prince George with Prince Mikhail gave each other kissing, and celebrated spiritually, and having fun; And said the boring and great prince of Georgy to the Blessed prince Mikhail: "Give me a diploma, in Russia, to build the cities of God in Russia at the fortified places of God. And he told him the beloved and grand prince Mikhail: "As you want, and create the Church of God to glory and praise the Holy Name of God. For such a good intention to accept the award on the Day of the coming of Christ. "

And they saw many days. And when the bold prince of Georgy decided to return to his lot, then the blessed prince Mikhail commanded a diploma to write and put his hand to a diploma. And when Georgy's beloved prince went to his fatherland and hail, then the beloved prince Mikhail with a great honor released him and accompanied him. And when there were already both prince on the way and bowed to each other for a farewell, Mikhail gave a diploma. The bold prince Georgy took a diploma in the beloved prince Mikhail and bowed to him, and then he is in response to him.

And he drove the prince of George in the cities, and when he arrived in Novgorod, she ordered the church in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Virgin and Vestodel Mary per year 6672 (1164). From Novgorod went to Pskov, the city of his beloved prince was pressed out, and in the holy baptism of Gabriel, the Novgorod and Pskov Wonderworker. And I drove from Pskov-Grand to Moscow, and commanded the church in the name of the audit of the Blessed Lady of Our Virgin. and Vestodel Mary per year 6672 (1164). And I drove from Moscow to Pereslavl-Zalessky, and from Pereslavl-Grade to Rostov-Grad. At that time, Great Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky was in the city of Rostov. And the beloved prince of George in the city of Tom Rostov Church to build in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Mother of God and Nestodle Mary per year 6672 (1164), May twenty-third day. During the days of the Grand Duke, George began to dig under the foundation of the church and found the buried relics of St. Justice Leonty, Bishop of Rostovsky, the Wonderworker, who drew people in the Rostov-Grad in faith to Christ and baptized them from Mala and to Velik. And rejoiced by the joy of the Grand Prince of Georgy, and glorified God, who gave him such a multi-specific treasure, and was sanguned to be prayer. And she commanded Andrei, Prince Bogolyubsky, in the city of Murom and build a church in the city of Murom in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Mother of God and Naznodel Mary.

The very beloved and great prince drove from the city of Rostov and came to the city of Yaroslavl that on the banks of the Volga river stands. And sat down in a row, and went down the Volga, and stuck to the shore from a small division, that on the banks of the Volga stands, and rebuilt it, and began to pray all the people of Togo Prince Georgia, so that the image of the miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Fedorovskaya suffered to the city to them. He performed a petition. Began to sing prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary. And when they ended and wanted the image that to carry into the city, then the image did not come off the place of that time did not move. The Blessed Prince of George, having seen the Most of the Blessed Virgin, who left the place here, commanded to build on the place of the monastery in the name of the Most Holy Virgin Fedorovskaya.

The most bold prince Georgy went from the place of that dry path, and not on the water. And he moved the river to the Uzol, and the second river, the name Sanda, and the third river moved, with the name Santogt, and the fourth moved, the name Kergenets, and came to the lake, named Svetloyar. And saw the place, the extraordinarily beautiful and crowded; And in the default of its inhabitants, the blessing prince Georgy Vsevolodovich was ordered on the shore of the Lake of that Svetloyar city, the name of the big kite, for the place was unusually beautiful, and on the other shore of the lake there was a oak grove.

And the advice and command of the Blessed and Grand Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich began to dig to dig to strengthen the place of this. And they began to build a church in the name of the Exaltation of the Honest Cross of the Lord, and the second church - in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Virgin and Naznodeli Mary, and the Third Church - in the name of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Lady of Our Mother of God and Naznodeli Mary. In the same churches commanded the prince of Georgius to make and in honor of other holidays of the Lord and Virgin. Also, the images of all saints have commanded command.

And the city is the big kite, a hundred seeded in length and width was, and this first measure was Mala. And the bold prince of Georgy has led a hundred more seats to add a length, and there was a measure of hail in length - two hundred seven, and in width - a hundred seeded. And the city began to build in the year 6673 (1165), May the month of May on the first day, for the memory of the Holy Prophet Jeremiah and others like him. And the city was built by that three years, and built it in the year 6676 (1167), the month of September on the thirtieth day, the memory of the Holy Sacred Martyr Gregory, Bishop of the Great Armenia.

And I went to a small mile that on the banks of the Volga stands, the blessing prince Georgy Vsevolodovich. And on the construction of cities of those small and big, he commanded to measure in the field, how much they have a distance between their distances. And on the command of the blessed prince George, one hundred travelers targeted. And the blessed prince Georgy Vsevolodovich, having learned this, gave the glory to God and the Most Holy Virgin and also commanded the chronicler book. And the bold and grand prince Georgy commanded the whole service serve. And prayer sangs to the Most Holy Virgin Fedorovskaya, by the service of the service, sailed his Pskov in the past the city before the city. The people accompanied him with the Great Honor; And, saying goodbye to him, let go.

There was this Saint of the Blessed and Grand Duke Georgy Vsevolodovich Son of the Saint Blagovander and the Grand Prince Vsevolod, the Pskov Wonderworker, that Gabriel was nailed in Holy Baptism. This Saint of the Blessed and Grand Prince Vsevolod Son was the great prince of Mstislav, the grandson of the Holy and Equal-Apostles Great Prince Vladimir Kiev, the dealer of the Russian Earth. The Holy Prince of Great and Grand Duke Georgy Vsevolodovich - the great-grandfather of the Saint Blessed and Great Prince Vladimir.

And the holy burgher prince Vsevolod first rejected in Veliky Novgorod. But at one time, the Novgorod residents were taken to him and decided for themselves: the prince of ours, unresolved, owns us, baptized. And they created the advice, and came to him, and expelled out. He came to Kiev to the uncle to his Yaropolk and he told him everything, for which he was from Novgorod. And the one, having learned about it, gave him Vyshgorod. And here already begged his Pskovichi to prince them, and he came to them in the city of Pskov. And for some time I had perceived the grace of saint baptism, and was inflicted in the holy baptism of Gabriel. And stayed in great rugging and abstinence, and one year later, in the eternal peace went away, 6671 (1163) of the year, February of February in the eleventh day. And I was buried by the son of his faithful and great prince George. And there were many miracles from the saints of his power to glory and praise Christ, our God, and all the saints. Amen.

This holy burgher prince Georgy Vsevolodovich on the breakdown of the father of his faithful prince Vsevolod, who was named in the holy baptism of Gabriel, remained on his place in Moluba Pskovichi. It was in 6671 (1163) year. I learned the saint of the beloved and grand prince Georgy Vsevolodovich to go to the beloved prince Mikhail Chernigovsky. And when I came to the beloved prince Mikhail, the bold and Grand Duke of George, it bowed to the beloved prince Mikhail and told him: "Sat be, about the beloved and great prince Mikhail, for many summer, shining with piety and faithfully, in everything, in all the great-grandfather OUR, Blessed Great Princess, Christ Olga, who gained the most expensive and great treasure - Christ and the faith of his holy prophets and the apostles and the holy fathers, and the Blessed Christ-Christ-loving king and an equivalent Pradedi to our king Konstantin. " And he told him the blessed prince Mikhail: "Sat if you are, about the beloved and grand prince Georgy Vsevolodovich, came to me with the good advice and an unenclose ok. After all, what did you get due to the envy of our saint Svyatopolk, who was involved in the authorities and killed the brothers of his, the glory and great princes! Boris commanded a spear to pierce, garb should be expelled with a knife, during their princes them. After all, he deceived them flattering on the babysitting of Satan, as if their mother had to die. They, like the kind of default, became a good shepherd of her Christ, did not become a brother, her enemy. The Lord glorified the holy worshi of his, boring princes and great wonderworkers Boris and Gleb. "

And Prince George with Prince Mikhail gave each other kissing, and celebrated spiritually, and having fun; And said the boring and great prince of Georgy to the Blessed prince Mikhail: "Give me a diploma, in Russia, to build the cities of God in Russia at the fortified places of God. And he told him the beloved and grand prince Mikhail: "As you want, and create the Church of God to glory and praise the Holy Name of God. For such a good intention to accept the award on the Day of the coming of Christ. "

And they saw many days. And when the bold prince of Georgy decided to return to his lot, then the blessed prince Mikhail commanded a diploma to write and put his hand to a diploma. And when Georgy's beloved prince went to his fatherland and hail, then the beloved prince Mikhail with a great honor released him and accompanied him. And when there were already both prince on the way and bowed to each other for a farewell, Mikhail gave a diploma. The bold prince Georgy took a diploma in the beloved prince Mikhail and bowed to him, and then he is in response to him.

And he drove the prince of George in the cities, and when he arrived in Novgorod, she ordered the church in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Virgin and Vestodel Mary per year 6672 (1164). From Novgorod went to Pskov, the city of his beloved prince was pressed out, and in the holy baptism of Gabriel, the Novgorod and Pskov Wonderworker. And I drove from Pskov-Grand to Moscow, and commanded the church in the name of the audit of the Blessed Lady of Our Virgin. and Vestodel Mary per year 6672 (1164). And I drove from Moscow to Pereslavl-Zalessky, and from Pereslavl-Grade to Rostov-Grad. At that time, Great Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky was in the city of Rostov. And the beloved prince of George in the city of Tom Rostov Church to build in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Mother of God and Nestodle Mary per year 6672 (1164), May twenty-third day. During the days of the Grand Duke, George began to dig under the foundation of the church and found the buried relics of St. Justice Leonty, Bishop of Rostovsky, the Wonderworker, who drew people in the Rostov-Grad in faith to Christ and baptized them from Mala and to Velik. And rejoiced by the joy of the Grand Prince of Georgy, and glorified God, who gave him such a multi-specific treasure, and was sanguned to be prayer. And she commanded Andrei, Prince Bogolyubsky, in the city of Murom and build a church in the city of Murom in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Mother of God and Naznodel Mary.

The very beloved and great prince drove from the city of Rostov and came to the city of Yaroslavl that on the banks of the Volga river stands. And sat down in a row, and went down the Volga, and stuck to the shore from a small division, that on the banks of the Volga stands, and rebuilt it, and began to pray all the people of Togo Prince Georgia, so that the image of the miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Fedorovskaya suffered to the city to them. He performed a petition. Began to sing prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary. And when they ended and wanted the image that to carry into the city, then the image did not come off the place of that time did not move. The Blessed Prince of George, having seen the Most of the Blessed Virgin, who left the place here, commanded to build on the place of the monastery in the name of the Most Holy Virgin Fedorovskaya.

The most bold prince Georgy went from the place of that dry path, and not on the water. And he moved the river to the Uzol, and the second river, the name Sanda, and the third river moved, with the name Santogt, and the fourth moved, the name Kergenets, and came to the lake, named Svetloyar. And saw the place, the extraordinarily beautiful and crowded; And in the default of its inhabitants, the blessing prince Georgy Vsevolodovich was ordered on the shore of the Lake of that Svetloyar city, the name of the big kite, for the place was unusually beautiful, and on the other shore of the lake there was a oak grove.

And the advice and command of the Blessed and Grand Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich began to dig to dig to strengthen the place of this. And they began to build a church in the name of the Exaltation of the Honest Cross of the Lord, and the second church - in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Virgin and Naznodeli Mary, and the Third Church - in the name of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Lady of Our Mother of God and Naznodeli Mary. In the same churches commanded the prince of Georgius to make and in honor of other holidays of the Lord and Virgin. Also, the images of all saints have commanded command.

And the city is the big kite, a hundred seeded in length and width was, and this first measure was Mala. And the bold prince of Georgy has led a hundred more seats to add a length, and there was a measure of hail in length - two hundred seven, and in width - a hundred seeded. And the city began to build in the year 6673 (1165), May the month of May on the first day, for the memory of the Holy Prophet Jeremiah and others like him. And the city was built by that three years, and built it in the year 6676 (1167), the month of September on the thirtieth day, the memory of the Holy Sacred Martyr Gregory, Bishop of the Great Armenia.

And I went to a small mile that on the banks of the Volga stands, the blessing prince Georgy Vsevolodovich. And on the construction of cities of those small and big, he commanded to measure in the field, how much they have a distance between their distances. And on the command of the blessed prince George, one hundred travelers targeted. And the blessed prince Georgy Vsevolodovich, having learned this, gave the glory to God and the Most Holy Virgin and also commanded the chronicler book. And the bold and grand prince Georgy commanded the whole service serve. And prayer sangs to the Most Holy Virgin Fedorovskaya, by the service of the service, sailed his Pskov in the past the city before the city. The people accompanied him with the Great Honor; And, saying goodbye to him, let go.

Prince of Georgy Vsevolodovich, having arrived in his city, before the named Pskov, had been in prayer for many days, and in post, and in the Division, and distributed a lot of alms with the widow, and orphans. And on building cities, those lived seventy five years.

It was in the year 6747 (1239). The easiest of God, sins for our sake, came to Russia, the wicked and godless king beyond. And he ruined the city, and fired them with fire, and the Churches of God also ruined, and devoured fire. The people of the sword betrayed the sword, and smaller children lay a knife, the young Virgin flashed. And there was a great cry.

The Blessed Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich, hearing all this, cried bitterly. And, praying to the Lord and the Most Holy god's Mother, gathered his own man, and went against the wicked king of Batya with warriors. And when both craftsmen joined the battle, there was a grade of the Great and bloodshed. At that time, the Blessed Prince Georgy had little warriors, and the bold prince of Georgy ran from the wicked king of Batya down the Volga in the Small Kitege. And for a long time, the blessing prince of George with the wicked king of Batym, not put it in his city.

When the night came, then the blessed prince Georgy went secretly from this city to the Great Grad Kitege. In the next way, when that wicked king woke up, I began a attack with the warriors with my city and captured it. And all people in this beat this and quarrel. And, not finding the blessed prince in the city of Tom, began to torment one of the inhabitants, and he, not suffering a flour, opened his way. The same wicked chased in front of the prince. And when it came to the city, attacked him with a lot of his warriors and took the city of the big kite that on the shore of Lake Svetloary, and killed the Blessed Prince George, the month of February on the fourth day. And he left the city of that wicked one king Bati. And after him they took the relics of the Princely Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich. And after that ruisle, the city was launched by the city, the small kite, that on the banks of the Volga costs, and the big thing on the shore of Lake Svetloyar.

And the invisibility will be a big ship right up to the coming of Christ that in previous times it happened, as evidenced by the lives of the Holy Fathers, the Candan Monasiki, and the Candy Skitsky, and the grazing candyma, and the Candidage of Jerusalem, and the Candidage of the Holy Mountain, and these holy books in which The lives of the Holy Fathers, they agree that the hidden abode is not united, but there are many monasteries, and in those monasteries a lot of holy fathers, for sure stars of heaven who have given their lives. Like the sand of the sea is impossible to make intent, it is impossible to describe everything. It is about them, presented by the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Prophet David-King, wondering, shines the Holy Spirit, he says his psalti in the Book of his Psalrty: "The righteous, like a palm tree, blooms and, like Cedar Lebanese, is towers; Lost in the house of the Lord, they bloom in our god yards. " And also the same prophet King David: "Your thoughts are elevated for me, God, as a great number of them; Will it be calculated, but they are numerous sand. " About them, holy by the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Apostle Paul in his message says, providya; Such a word draws us: "Wrapped in sheepskin and goat skin, suffering, sorrow, bite, those who were not worthy of the whole world." The same word of the shit and St. John Zlatoust, in the teaching of his own, speaks the third post in the week. The same word draws to us, providya, Holy Anastasi from the Sinai mountain. This is the word Apostolic draws to us, providya, and the Rev. Father, our Hilarion is great, about the saints he writes: "And in recent times there will be: hails and monasteries will be in the world, because the Antichrist will begin in the world, then run to the mountains, then And in the verteps, and in the abyss of the earth. " And a human-loving God will not leave then to escape. Urged, and as a moutigation, and tears all receive a person from God. The Savior himself, the divine mouths were announced in the Municipal Gospel, that "everything in a brief and attend to be saved."

And on the killing of St. George Vsevolodovich's Grand Prince, and on the burial of honest relevance, he came to the Russian kingdom in the Russian kingdom per year. I went against the Batya-Tsar, the bold prince Mikhail Chernigovsky with a boyarian by his feudore. And when both craftsmen fought, there was a great bloodshed. And he killed that wicked king Bati of the Benther and Grand Duke Mikhail Chernigovsky with a boyar feodorm in the year 6750 (1241), the month of September on the twentieth day. And after the killing of the Blessed Prince, Mikhail Chernigovsky, two years later killed the Blessed Prince Mercury Smolensky, that wicked king Bati in the year 6755 (1246), month of November at the age of twenty-fourth day. And it was the launch of the Moscow kingdom, and other monasteries, and the Grand Divine in the year 6756 (1248).

Tale of Grad Creek

For many years, scientists have been trying to solve the mystery of a small Russian Lake Svetloyar. According to the legend, the city once stood on his shores - a big kite. Fate ordered that he gained special symbolic importance, becoming a mystical secret land of Russian.

Country of unfriendly light

The image of the enchanted hail is widely reflected in the domestic literature. Recall at least the famous novel of Melnikov-Pechersky "in the forests" dedicated to the life estimate of the Old Believers. The writer tells: "The upper ship - the edge is suspended ... a devian about the Batiev defeat there is fresh there. Point both "Batiev's trail", and the place of an invisible class of dying on Lake Light Yar. The same city is still - degrees, but invisible. Do not see sinful people of glorious dying. And one of the hail is worthwhile, it will open before the terrible trial. "

About Kitege speaks in historical chronicles. In the winter of 1237, in the limits of the Ryazan principality, advanced Troops of Khan Batya appeared. Ryazan could not alone confront the numerous hordes of the conquerors and turned to Vladimir Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich with a request for help. However, he wanted to weaken a strong and rich opponent, did not support any support to Ryazans. Capturing Ryazan, Batya Horde moved further. Assault was taken and burned Kolomna, Moscow, Suzdal, Vladimir, and the entire family of the prince, who did not have time to take to a safe place in the latter died. And soon in the battle, Yuri Vsevolodovich's troops were broken and troops. He himself also fell on the battlefield.

The chronicles show that some traitor indicated enemies the road to Big Cyitu. The invaders besieged him and several days stormed urban walls. Forces were unequal, and the Ordans had already broken down by the gate, how suddenly a miracle happened! In the eyes of amazed warriors, the city disappeared - hidden under the water of his church, towers, termea.

Since the legends say, a ghostly bell pelling from the water of the lake, and righteous people can not only hear it, but also to see the missing kite.

TO XIX century There were three versions of the legend about the cyinga. In the first, the city is located at the bottom of the lake, like the fabulous palace of the sea king. In another, told by the writer M. Privitin, the kite is located underground, and the surrounding hills are its churches. The third option reports about the city, before standing on the banks of Svetloaryar, but the invisible human eye. Only the most righteous pilgrims who came here on the day of the holiday Vladimir Icon Mother of God (July 6th old style), could see in the waters of the lake reflection spreading on the hills of dying.

It must be said that the place is since the pagan times was famous for the unusual and remarkable. The lake was named after slavic God Sun - Yarily, and on his shores were held a cult ceremony. At the top of a high bald hill, two capes in the lake, Magi-servus on the night of Ivan Khakuhu made their worship, and then everything around the light of torches, and the fire wheels were rolled into the water, symbolizing the sun.

When Christianity accepted Russia, the Orthodox clergy began to eradicate ancient customs. On the eve of Yarilina, the celebration of the crowd of believers with crosses and icons was the sacred hill. The case of times reached the bloody hand-to-hand fights with tribesmen who did not retreat from the faith of fathers and grandfathers. Time passed, and supporters of Yaril became less and more and more Christians, so that XVII century The lake finally became a place known exclusively by the name of the day.

But known, read and keep in mind the people of the people, of course, not because it disappeared under water and from time to time it is miracles. The faith of people in the existence of a Russian spiritualist center on Earth was connected with the existence of a Russian spiritualist center, where the holy people who oppose the Antichrist and any evil live. The milestone is the city of the last hope for all unfortunate, offead and offended, the place where Yot Angel of the King can be hidden, and from the oppression of the Barin.

It must be said that there are many legends about such mysterious cities in the world. This and Camelot - the capital of the valiant king of Britt Arthur, and the magic island of Avalon - the sorcerers, elves and heroes, and Agarta - the city of Knowledge and thoughts, located underground, where the wisest people, gifted by eternal ever and crowned with divine knowledge. And of course, the mysterious shambal is invisible and practically for anyone who does not reach the abode of Mahatm - spiritual teachers of mankind.

In Russia, his own shambal - Kite-hail. The people lived in the people for a long time, which was some righteous, distinguished by a high virtue, managed to visit the elders living in the invisible city. "They take into their fraternity only those who have deserved this right with their spiritual achievements, those who, with an unstable hero of the heart, have resist the fiery test of life," writes the Latvian poet and thinker R. Rudzitis in the book "Brotherhood of Grail".

In this regard, let us recall the majestic Opera of Roman-Kororsakov, in which hail is depicted as a "country of ineverance", where the wise fellow girl Fevronia got, because she "dedicated to God of Light three of his preserved gift: Meekness pigeons, the nobility of love and tears of compassion " She teaches his groom Prince Vsevoloda, she teaches to love every person, whoever he was - a sinner or righteous, for in every soul a spark of divine beauty is reflected. If a person suffers, the more need to have it, surround the heavenly joy.

A lot of legends lived in the Russian people invisible cities and monasteries, the ringing of the bells of which reaches the hearing of believers in the quiet summer nights. Such, for example, legends on Mesvian monasteries (Tver Province) who went under the ground, where holy hermits continue to live; On the wonderful elders of small divine (town), which early in the morning leave the Kirill Mountain and are shown to God-fearing wanderers. Like them and the Altai legend about the people of Chok, who wanted to lose freedom. "He went underground and poured the passage by stones ... just not forever gone away. When it returns a happy time and people will come from Belovenia and give all the people to the great science, then everyone will come again, with all the treasures extracted, "writes N. Roerich in the book" The Heart of Asia "...

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