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How to answer questions and speak on a salary interview: what amount can you ask, and how to competently agree? Salary negotiations on new work

Pay out of pay for wages it is impossible. You should know the price of which salary to ask for an interview, not to exaggerate and not to understand your capabilities. This is regarded as non-professionalism.

Usually the employer itself starts a conversation about the salary, asking: "How much do you want to earn?" At the interview. The applicant also has the right to raise this issue - this is not considered a violation of etiquette. But in the second case, the interest is not at the very beginning of the conversation, but closer to the end. It is believed that if an employee, among the first, asked a question about a salary, then his work interests less than a monetary question.

Some experts tend to believe that in this "Nerves game" wins the one who is the first voicing their conditions. Such a phrase "probably, salaries in the company have already been approved from the answer will help. I am ready to accept them if you inform about them "or" I believe that you select only professionals in your team and pay them worthy. "

How to answer the question about salary at the interview?

At the personnel interviews to compile an idea of \u200b\u200bthe value of the candidate, asks additional questions on the salary interview. How to answer them?

"How much did you earn at the previous place?" Possible variation - "How much do you earn now?".

It is impossible to lie here, because the experienced personnel is watching the level of remuneration in its field. It is impossible nor to rise - Only truthful information. If the salary was lower than an average of the industry, then it can be explained by this concessions from the company - for example, the ability to perform some responsibilities of the house or free schedule.

High revenues may include a premium for successful activity, interest on sales. The truthful answer to submit a applicant in a favorable light, he witnesses that he is all right with self-esteem.

If there is no desire or opportunity to respond, then the refusal must be as diplomatic and polite as possible. One of the excuses is a contract, according to the terms of which the employee undertakes not to disclose its earnings.

The "desired salary size" such a question contains company questionnaires. If the questionnaire does not require report specific digitThe applicants indicate the allowable interval in which they agree to work.

It happens that the personnel "proven" the lower border of the candidate. It is advisable to leave questions about the salary until a job offer is received. Psychologists are not recommended too impress. It would seem that the person will agree on a lower salary, the more chances he has. This opinion is mistaken, because then the employer has specles about low self-esteem, insecurity in their forces.

How to answer questions about money?

Employers in the interview are asked to justify the level of salary specified in the summary or voiced by the candidate. So as not to be confused and correctly answer the question the conversation is prepared on the eve.

So how to discuss salary at the interview? To begin with - what can not talk about. Psychologists it is not recommended to delve into the debris of personal problems - debts, mortgages, subtlety of family life. This is interested in the recruiter only from the position of "problem problems" of the applicant, so some "revelations" can even harm.

You need to talk about the value that a person is present for the company. Here they are talking about merits in the previous place, possible developments, qualifications, additional skills that relate to the profession, the benefits that the employer will receive, hiring this person.

Some applicants are laughing, wanting to leave a direct response or due to shyness. This behavior is unacceptable.

So how to negotiate a salary at the interview? This will also tell a video. We invite you to see.

How to report about the desired level?

With the level of salaries it is desirable to decide at the very beginning. The figure is good to specify in the summary. Approximately 40% of employers or personnel formation form the database of potential applicants on the basis of the amounts specified in the document. Such leaders are confident that they are pleased to deal with people who soberly assess their abilities.

It happens that the specified amount is below indicated in the vacancy. Then you can refer to the fact that the summary indicates the starting amount.

In the formation of salaries, such factors take into account:

  1. If a specialist is young, it is important to ask the amount that corresponds to the experience. It should be deciding with priorities - money income or experience in a prestigious company.
  2. Experienced specialists form their value on the basis of the average salary in the industry, the company's status.
  3. To leave space for bargaining, 30% add to the figure.

The numbers must be real The inadequacy of the candidate will scare the recruiter and cause refusal.

Experts with experience should take into account that if they are offered a higher position than previously, then the figure should add another 50-100% of the previous salary.

Learn the average industry indicators on the Internet, from acquaintances, according to statistical data. But the indicators for the regions are different.

One who is looking for workplacemust take into account that wages are taxed. Therefore, the employer clarify: the figure he calls is already less taxes or not? To understand how many "clean", the salary before the deduction of mandatory payments is multiplied by the coefficient of 0.67.

Also specify, from which the remuneration of labor is salary, premiums, bonuses, interest for the sale, etc.

If the possible level of salary is lower than the expected

It happens that the vacancy liked, but the salary level is lower than I would like. Then clarify the prospects. Then you can resort to this wording: "I like this vacancy. But the salary is somewhat lower than I expected. In other companies with which I negotiate, I offer approximately the same. What can I count in the future? "

In order not to be deceived expectations, it specifically discusses the results of the work, in the end of the month, the quarter, half of the year, the year, as well as the interest growth of salaries. It can also be bonuses at the end of the year, other compensation.

You should also find out about the social package. Perhaps this item compensates for a difference with other companies.

How to find out if there is an opportunity to increase income?

It makes sense to speak with the employer about raising a salary if a "plug" is installed in the announcement of the vacancy, or there is an appointment "by agreement". The same, if a wider functionality is needed to achieve the goal. In other cases, it makes sense to talk about raising the salary at this stage. But to conversation you can go back in 3-6 months, When the result of the new employee is visible.

Caution, catch! Candidate the situation should alert when the employer easily agreed to pay high salary. There may be an unpleasant trap here:

  • irregular schedule;
  • bonuses come into force only after a year of work;
  • the boss is going to combine two regular units one.

To weigh everything and think about, ask the time to make a decision and study the compensation package. In addition to the size of the salary, it matters:

  • indexing;
  • frequency of payment;
  • conditions for granting vacation and its durability;
  • various material incentives;
  • the possibility of learning and who pays for it;
  • availability, medical insurance conditions.

Before giving your consent, asked to describe the terms of responsibilities, work schedule, bonuses, social package. All the details achieved orally wriver must be fixed. By the way, the ability to defend interests is also evaluated by the employer.

The question of the future salary to bypass on the interview is impossible. And often it is this subtle moment becomes a turning point, pushing both sides to the final decision. Everything is simple and difficult: in the eyes of the employer, it is highly appreciated as a professional, but where is the allowable limit?

The history of an independent PR journalist is to call it Svetlana - it looks like this: a major cosmetology clinic took an experienced specialist in public relations, and Svetlana was invited to an interview to the HR-Department. A decent portfolio and the ability to talk to the conversation made the necessary impression, the parties began to negotiate the future responsibilities, after which the issue of payment took. Svetlana, pushing away from the level of its income in the same job, called some amount and received hot approval. Returning home, she mentally analyzed the price proposals of other companies, compared the salary with the functional. Being remembering, sent several SMS former colleagues, and by the time when the apartment was unlocked, I already understood: I exhole. At home, the first thing Svetlana turned on the computer and sent a letter to the clinic, in which he apologized for mistakes in his calculations and directly indicated that he agrees to cooperate with the clinic for the remuneration 1.5 times higher than the previous amount. The employer disappeared without calling and not responding to the letter. A few days later, the vacancy appeared again on the work site.

Nina Poise, employee of the recruitment company Obf-consult:

Svetlana was not mistaken not in calculations, but in the tactics of trading, it commented. - Trying to change already approved conditions - prohibited reception. In this case, it is obvious that the candidate went to the interview, without thinking, which he is waiting for future work. And on the spot Svetlana failed to quickly navigate. The second large misfirement is the solution of such important issues as wages, not with a direct employer, but with the personnel department. The case is heavy, but not hopeless. It was possible to correct the situation on hot trails: to contact the head of the clinic bypassing the HR-Department and arrange a meeting: extraordinary situations require a special approach. And tell the clean truth - how inadvertently called the wrong amount. In the end, Svetlana would show themselves as a specialist who knows how to evaluate himself in dignity and familiar with the normal market rates. And if the clinic was really interested in it, the question could be solved in her favor. When discussing the salary, it is important to keep the balance of interest - your own and employer.

4 errors of applicants

According to the experience of HR specialists, applicants for interviews often allow missions while trying to enlist the promise good money.

  • 1 Hurry. Many raise the question of the salary among the very first, violating unwritten rules of the game: it is assumed that the future employee is interested in first at work, and then in money. Showing the opposite, the applicant makes it clear that for the sake of an extra ruble with ease, will move to another company.
  • 2 envy. Sometimes the candidate exhibits inappropriate awareness of the level of salaries of potential colleagues, motivating its requests something like this: it is known that K. you receive 100 thousand rubles., So why do you offer me only 50 thousand? The employer penetrates with confidence: instead of working, such an employee will track other people's income.
  • 3 arrogance. Sounded in their ideas salary is a common practice, but you should not break away from reality. The opinion that it is better to ask as much as possible, incorrect: the employer can accept the applicant for the height or a fantasy, which in both cases will play against the candidate.
  • 4 blackmail. In attempts to increase our own cost, the applicant is sometimes accepted during the interview to hint at a large number of Companies fighting for the honorable right to invite him to work with such a salary. Unfortunately, the effect turns out to be reverse: the employer is unlikely to want to keep the employee who is constantly seduced on the side.

Formula of the correct calculation

The scheme for solving the question of the salary during the interview is quite simple and consists of five points.

Clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe minimum and maximum size The future salary (1) arises after a detailed study of the financial capabilities of the company (2), multiplied by the real calculation of its capabilities and their objective market assessment (3). Add a skill here in time to raise a monetary question (4), showing advice to this competent interest in the wage and bonuses scheme (5) adopted in the company.

In practice, it looks like this: at the last work, the editor of the "gloss" you received 40 thousand rubles., Over time, it turned out this ceiling, especially since on average, such work is estimated at 60 thousand rubles. However, the publication in which you are invited is "topov", it means that 75 thousand rubles can be requested to be quite possible. Total: 50-60 thousand rubles.

At the interview, it is necessary to demonstrate its capabilities to the employer and prove its value for the company. To do this, collect information about the organization's activities and express involvement in the problems of the company. For example, offer projects directly related to the nature of future work, tell us about research on an interesting topic for an employer. It is often not necessary that all this will be useful, but in the eyes of the HR manager it will add values \u200b\u200bto you.

The most important thing in the calculation program is: you will most likely offer less than you ask, and it is necessary to be prepared. Just determine the lower border for yourself - with a good scenario, even it will exceed your previous income.

Surprise with foaming

HR specialists warn: do not hurry to beless to rejoice from the high salary of the hard teeth of the employer. If he easily went to meet you in monetary issue, It may mean that he decided to recoup in the other. What? Options mass!

The most common "traps":

  • the schedule of work suddenly turns out to be non-normalized
  • promised bonuses, as found, come into force only after a year of work in the company
  • the boss suddenly hesitates to hire you a partner, judging which for such a salary you will dwell.

Sometimes the employer agrees with the exhibited conditions with a further goal: to convince you that you are a bad worker (if desired it is done easily), and then reduce the salary. This method that has been largely distributed during the crisis is a banal cheating: adopted employee They pay a composite amount only once, and then, referring to the difficulties, "temporarily" lower it. Require a high salary, soberly assess your experience and knowledge.

Olga Schnyareva, a staff consultant of the Maxim Personnel Agency:

The most frequent reception is the juggling of the responsibilities of the "new" and its degree of responsibility. Taking on the work of a real estate transaction manager, the head of the "Forget" to tell me that, in addition to the daily preparation of reporting, it is charged with the responsibility of monitoring the thematic press. And, in addition, you will have to personally answer each unsuccessful deal. Such little things disclose gradually when the employee has already drawn into operation and stagned the bacon of the bonuses. You can advise here only one thing: it is clear to clearly discuss details of work and make them in an employment contract.

Most of the applicants, together with the change of work, want to change the level of their income. However, the salary of employees - the question is delicious and not every candidate is ready to calmly and confidently voice their salary expectations. While the employer expects to hear a constructive substantiation of the wishes of the applicant. Money on the interview is a separate topic for negotiations. As in any negotiation process, there are many subtleties here, which you need to know before meeting with the interviewer. one. Who should be the first to talk about financial matters? Remember golden Rule: While the personnelist did not voiced the official offer to work, you wages It is impossible to lift. Otherwise, you risks the impression of the mercenary person, whom the employee salary interests most. Most likely, the recruiter will decide that you cannot show loyalty to the employer, and if another company will offer you salary, at least a couple thousand above, you will immediately go there. 2. How much do you specify if you need to fill out a questionnaire? To begin with, try to avoid a direct response and write "discussed". HR manager insists that you indicate exact numbers? Write the interval where the bottom plank can be your wage at the same place of work (or the average specialists from your level in the region), increased by 10%. But to keep yourself the opportunity for bargaining, add to this amount another 20% and write down the result as top plank Your salary fork. Managers in the selection of personnel are familiar with this trick and sometimes enjoy a little cunning, which you also need to know. To understand how much you "stand" in the labor market, recruiter asks to call minimum amount wages that would suit you. For example, you voiced the figure of 40 thousand rubles. Your interlocutor asks again: "And if your salary is 38 thousand, do you accept the employer's offer?" You weigh all the "for" and "against" and in the event that prudently left a gap for bargaining - you will certainly agree. That's just the interviewer does not stop, it continues to ask questions, and each time calls an increasing and smaller amount. Thus, the recruiter step by step calculates the real border of trading on wages. 3. When can we talk about money? If possible, try to leave a conversation about the salary until you receive answers to all your questions. You must be well motivated and already knowing how much you want to work in this company. The most successful wording for a salary dialog may be: "I would like to return to the discussion of this issue a little later, when you are sure that my candidacy makes the most compliant with the requirements of the employer"; "I believe that your company responsibly approaches the choice of specialists, so they are ready to offer a worthy salary"; "I assume that in your company there is regular schedulewhere all salaries have already been approved. I am ready to listen to an offer if you voice it. " four. What is included in this amount? Discussing finances, be sure to specify which salary this is speech. Often recruiters voiced the amount from which taxes will still be deducted. five. Social guarantees or social package? Quite often, applicants do not understand the difference between these concepts. Let's deal with. Social guarantees are legal employee rights for paid days of hospital, vacation, lunch break, payment of travel expenses and transfer taxes to the relevant funds. Any infringement of these rights is in incision with the norms of current labor legislation. The social package is formed from the benefits that the employer provides employees on their own initiative. It can be the delivery of staff to the place of work by the company's transport, mobile payment, nutrition compensation, the opportunity to get education at the expense of the employer, etc. Sometimes a full social package may be a weighty argument at the time of making a final decision. 6. Why do you want to get such a salary? Often, the recruiter asks what exactly the applicant motivates to voice such a size of salary expectations. Keywords your answer should be: knowledge, experience, skills, achievements and additional education (Certification). Also, as an argument, you can bring the amount of official duties that will need to be performed. Only in no case tell about complex life circumstances, sick relatives, small children or mortgages. Your task is to interest the employer with its professionalism, and not cause pity.

To admit, we thought for a long time, whether this material is published, because the theme of the money is extremely ambiguous, and always polarizes the audience. Moreover, the article was not written for IT Schnikov. But in the end, I decided to post the article to post, because the techniques are set out there, as it seemed, quite universal, and in the end there is no offended to behave at the interview as here:

Dmitry Kotkin "Salary Negotiations. Practical recommendations. "

So, you decided to change the work. And you really want to change the place of work and your wage has changed. But how to properly negotiate with the employer on this issue? Some recommendations below.

The first with what you have to cope - it's with your internal installationthat they say, ask for money - it is bad, ashamed and indecent. Ask - yes, negotiate - no. You must be confident in yourself and in your positions. Your employer expects from candidates of a logical, weighted justification of their wishes. But in any negotiations there are a lot of tricks, which you need to remember.

1. While you did not receive an official proposal for work - do not speak about the salary, especially if you do not ask about it. For the employer, the question about money from the candidate at the start of relationship is a demonstration that a person will not be loyal and if someone else offers at 100 cu. More, he will immediately leave this organization.

2. If you are asked to fill in the form in which the graph "specifies the desired salary size", boldly write: "discussed". If you do not need to specify an accurate digit - write the interval (add 10% to the latter, add 20% to achieve an acceptable result and was an opportunity for bargaining). The personnel has simple scheme Understand how much you are standing. Usually asked: "Name the minimum amount below which you will not work?" Suppose you call the figure in 1000 cu, the framework, something draws in the questionnaire and sets the question again: "And if the salary is 950 cu. - Do you agree? " You begin to feverishly think, and it will arrange or will not suit you such a figure if you laid 20% for trading, then you will easily "give" - \u200b\u200bthese 50 cu And agree. But the personnelist does not get out: "And if it is 900 cu?" So step by step determine your lower border of trading on the salary.

If possible, leave questions about the salary, until you receive an offer to work from your future leader. In his interest, so you are motivated and ready to work in this position as long as possible. No one suits the flow of frames, it is at least economically not profitable. (We do not take examples of organizations that build our economy on the deception of employees when you promise a lot, you believe, but only after the trial period, you like to dad Carlo, and you are reported in three months that probation You have not passed and dismissed you to find the next gullible citizen.)

Literate wording for salary responses:
  • "I would like to discuss this question Later, when you accurately realize that I come to this position. "
  • "I believe your company that she takes to work only highly professional professionals, providing them with a decent salary."
  • "I assume that salaries in your company have already been approved for all positions, ready to accept them if you voicate them."
Constantly monitor how much experts are your level in the labor market. Even if everything suits you in your workplace, go through interviews. At a minimum, you will be aware of which requirements are presented to the market to your position, which is offered in return.

When receiving a proposal with a salary, take a pause. Not long, for one day. Remember, professionals are expensive, because they do not fuss and know their price.

Professionals are not traded, they simply do not need it, since they do not stand in line at work, but organizations persuade them. Show you a professional. But do not tighten your decision more than one day, professionals think quickly.
Examine carefully compensatory package that the employer offers you.

What is important:

  • Wage indexing, its frequency and sizes
  • Vacation, as provided, ran away and hospital
  • Is there a material encouragement for your training
  • What training is in the company - only intrafyrmanny or company sends you somewhere
  • What with medical insurance, its volumes that it includes, is considered as an insured event that is not considered
Salary negotiation strategy
Prepare! Believe me, at the very meeting you can never clearly defend your interests if you have not prepared a certain line of behavior, arguments, waste methods.

Hold on with dignity. Remember your own strengths, professional, personal. Prepare bright in advance beautiful examples From your work experience. Remember, you take you to the organization so that you will benefit her, so tell you what benefit has your previous company from your activity, as you helped save it from the crisis, how you brought it into leaders, etc. Do not be afraid to slightly exaggerate your merits. Remember, you are in the labor market, it is important to teach yourself correctly. And the reason for the care explain to your desire to develop that you have grown from the post office, department, company, you need new horizons.

And now you got a specific offer from your future leader, you took a pause, thought and agreed ... On the second round of negotiations. Now you need to fix your relationship with the company at the level of oral agreement to turn it into writing in the future. Remember that you continue to evaluate, and by how you defend your interests, your manager will assume that you will also defend the interests of his division.

So, you have done all the preliminary research work, I received a formal proposal for work, withstood the necessary pause, weighed everything "for" and "against" and again met with the employer on the second round of the negotiations. Waking care negotiating, pay attention to the following points.

Negotiating is that potential employers are expected of you. You must keep this part of the negotiations as professionally as when discussing your functional skills. Always remember that this part of the negotiations is of fundamental importance. For example, if you are going to engage in trading and sales and at the same time do not even try to negotiate wages, it can be the last test on your interview. The employer may have quite a logical suspicion: if you cannot discuss your salary, how are you going to negotiate multi-million-dollar contracts for the company?

Even if you do not apply for positions related to trade, employers can wraith your incompetence when discussing the issue of wages. Therefore, do not hurry, act is thought out and reasoned. After all, this question also demonstrates your market knowledge. For example, when buying a used car, don't you ask yourself: "What is happening?", Is this normal price? " - If the first sentence is accepted immediately, without any discussion? In a hiring situation, do not let yourself be an excellent candidate, about which the company has doubts because of his light conspiracy.

Make sure the negotiations are conducted on equal in compliance with both parties. It is important to achieve mutual understanding. When the company offers you a certain amount, then it is more reliable than to have it half. Not best time Stand on your own, because you will have to work with these people if you decide the offer. It is better to fall on the ground than stick to tactics, which sounds like "I, I, I". Think about it from the position of belonging to the team and the perception of loyalty principles to corporate culture This company. Analyze the following typical cases that arise when negotiating wages, as well as possible reactions to them.

You made an excellent offer
Possible reaction: "I carefully got acquainted with your offer. Must recognize that it is rather competitive. However, the monthly salary size proposed by you is 10% lower than I earn currently. Although the bonuses will help improve the situation, after all, I would suggest revising the size of the basic salary. Is it possible to change the size of the proposed salary? "
You made a good offer
Possible reaction: "Definitely, my expectations are almost justified. However, I was hoping for several great amount Within ... to ... How big are our opportunities for further salary discussion? "
You made an offer with low salary
Possible reaction: "I really like you, and work seems suitable. The successes of management and organizational strategy also look weighty. The only thing we need to talk about, and the only thing that keeps me is the initial proposal for the compensation package. Frankly, the salary is less than I expected. I am really interested in this post, and, according to my information, $ x is an approximate level of salary. In other companies with which I negotiate, it is proposed about so much. Can you take something in this direction? "

Find out the presence of alternatives. If your efforts in the salary negotiations have not been successful, and the company has not suggested a salary acceptable for you, but you still want to get this job, postpone the conversation for the future. Discuss with the employer the ability to increase wages in the future.

Discuss the planned results of your work for 60, 90 or 120 days. Compare the possibility of a minimum percentage increase in salary.

Discuss the size of the bonuswhich you get at the end of the year.

Discuss the possibility of signing the contract To receive a one-time bonus.

Being well prepared and confident, you will easily master the art of negotiating the salary. You will feel comfortable and can negotiate an acceptable compensation package for you. No doubt, employers understand your point of view, because once they were also in your place. Remember that you should know the size of salaries in the industry, be persistent in what is suitable or not suitable, as well as to be open to discussing other forms of compensation. If you are with attention to the signs marked here, spend some preliminary study of the wage market in your profession and industry, then be sure - everything will end not only to get the position you want, but also the salary you deserve.

Instead of imprisonment
We do not encourage everything right now to quit and go look for a new job. Moreover, we believe that in the current place of work you have several explicit advantages + with a high probability there are unused capabilities that we recommended to discuss with the leadership.

But if you are currently looking for work, we hope that the recommendations will be useful to you.

In any case, we will be grateful for comments and feedback.

P.S. Special thanks for numerous comments on the article.

If you managed to find the work of your dream, the question of salary will stand in any case. Is it possible to arrange a higher complaint on the interview? In fact, it is possible, but only if you adequately appreciate your abilities and present them the best way. In our article you will find several tips that will help you fill a value on the interview.


  1. First of all, do not be afraid to ask for a higher salary. If you are inconvenient to do this for a number of reasons, starting with fear and ending with low self-esteem and insufficient confidence in yourself, time to deal with it. If you are grateful at least for the fact that you took you to work in such a difficult time, or to be afraid that you will say "no", or even not to have the desire to ask such a question, you will not benefit. Whatever the reason, it prevents the extension of the best deal. Here are some of the most common factors that many are bothering to agree on a higher salary:

    • Fear: Perhaps this is the most common reason for which people do not ask for a higher salary. They are afraid that they will refuse, or that they will seem too much assertive that the boss will get angry, and if he says "no", you will look miserable. Fear kills everything good in life, and the sooner you look at him, the easier it will be in the future in the future, both in moral and in the material plan.
    • Meaning salary: You are convincing yourself in the fact that salary and so good, and you do not need more, or you love this work, so you will have enough money, etc. It's all exchange In order not to try not to start the conversation. You do not deserve such excuses. Do you really love work so much that you are ready to do it for free? Of course not, your enthusiasm not to such an extent Great.
    • Modesty: Sometimes you need to be slightly modest, but it is impossible to drive yourself this way, especially when your well-being is on horse. You can not worry about what you pay more than friends or relatives, or that you will not look modestly, as well as underestimate due to the fact that you have congenital talent, and you allegedly did not make efforts so that he manifest . All this is not healthy models of modesty, but ways to lower themselves all lower and lower. At work there will be enough time to show modesty when, for example, the boss will receive all the gratitude for the work that you have done. If you really consider arrogant, you can, for example, thank a person in advance about the service, which he will provide you in the future. Thus, in the eyes of others, you will not seem impolite and get rid of the unnecessary feeling of guilt.
    • Low self-esteem. If you are not sure about what you deserve more, and constantly tell yourself that others are smarter and more readable, and they deserve a higher salary, you are lowering yourself below the plinth. Stop until you dissolved in the crowd!
    • Insufficient self-confidence: It is associated with low self-esteem, fear and modesty. You are afraid that if you ask for an increased salary, you will "put in place", or you will look persistent or vulnerable. This is too unspecified way to start relationships in the future place of work, and all this will notice. If you can not directly ask for a salary, write down at least for trainings to improve self-confidence.
    • Indictions: you don't care. Perhaps yours last experience He taught you that this is a waste of time. The problem of indifference is that as soon as it breaks into your life, it penetrates all its faces and aspects. Get rid of it immediately.
    • Curved concepts and stereotypes: Some people have some strange ideas that money makes with people, and believe the stereotypes. For example, they believe that rich people are snobs and a penny, that money is carrying trouble, and mess around with them - below someone's dignity. Either they are worried about how to build normal working relationships with the boss and employees. If you have any of these twisted concepts, you must understand that you carry the cargo that drags you down. Relieve it! Your wallet will tell you "Thank you."
  2. Take the courage. First, if you do not ask, your future employer will not make it for you: he does not know how to read thoughts and will not raise your salary to you if it does not push it. Do not forget that he can say not only "no", but also "yes", "let's see what happens to do" and "you can make a compromise." In any case, the employer will listen to you, will appreciate your desire to make your own adjustments and will look for the most favorable solution both for you and the company as a whole. Even if the answer is negative, you have positively started working relationships, expressing self-confidence and courage, and you will remember about you when the question of increasing the salary in the future will be: your candidacy will be seriously considered.

    • If you do not ask, you can assume that you have left a suitcase with money for more bold employee. So get it out and be brave!
    • Discussed the question of salary before the start of work, you will be better understood that you are required to increase the salary in the future, and it will benefit you.
  3. Justify why the employer should increase your salary. First, think what makes you A special and valuable employee (not counting what exactly you were offered a position). Install your professional value, and this will explain and confirm the reasons for which you need to ask for an increase in salary. Compare your skills and experience with the skills of other people in your field and write down the key factors that demonstrate your advantage over the rest. In particular, select the qualities and talents that you allocate. Despite the fact that some of them are floating themselves from your resume and during the interview, there will always be more specific facts that will help you convince the employer and provide you with a chance to demonstrate more evidence of your value, unlike competitors. Note the following:

    • your level of knowledge and experience in this area;
    • your education, including the current and planned future training place;
    • your abilities to attract new customers or use your contacts and connections;
    • your level of awareness of a new employer, its competitors and how to use this knowledge for the benefit of the company.
  4. Find more information. You will not be able to talk, without reinforcing your arguments with specific facts. Moreover, you can never know for sure that your employer has at hand: he does not receive money for watching those who work now. As soon as it becomes clear that you will be hired to work, you should find out how much the rest receive in this domain. Add your competence and experience to these figures, and you will have a fair and objective idea of \u200b\u200bhow much a person should receive in your position. You will become clear, or the offer is acceptable, or understated, or stunning (although it is believed that such a jackpot happens quite infrequently). Look for the facts to which your foundations will rely. It is recommended to do the following:

    • Find a list of professions with approximate salary in your region.
    • Share with your mentors and former chiefs.
    • Ask employees to whom what skills helped stand out when receiving work.
    • Talk to S. former customers (If they are related to your future place of work) and ask them from feedback or recommendations.
    • Find out how much the company usually paid a person in your position.
    • It is desirable that you call your future employer to an acceptable digit. A specific, weighted and thoughtful amount is harder than asking "as much as possible."
  5. Practice. If you are very nervous when we ask about something, and for you to start a conversation about increasing the salaries, it is more difficult to go through the interview itself, then rehearse in advance. Before the mirror and out loud, argue your request to raise the salary, offer the amount you would like to receive, and relete your reaction to possible questions, including the refusal. At this point you need to independently develop your "tone".

    • Ask a friend to make him assign the role of the chief. Tell me that his answer options are different, and thus you could rehearse possible situations In case of approval, refusal and intention to make a compromise.
    • Do not complicate the task. It is best to communicate simply and not necessarily, to respond positively, whatever the director says.
  6. Be realistic and act intelligently. Do not try to catch a crane if you have a sinicle in your hand. Higher salary is a good goal, but if it is astronomical, it borders with greed and inadequate perception of life. Never ask about the amount by your market value if you have no reason for it. To do this, you need to carefully explore the labor market, as well as use your intuition, general knowledge and take into account your professional skills.

    • Please accept the fact that you got a job as a result of your efforts on the interview. The opinion of you, which has developed at the employer at this moment, should not spoil your unreal initiative.
    • Understand that in real life Some companies cannot afford the huge costs of employees, which "unique" would not be their abilities. Do not forget that even large companies With a big budget, you need to make a profit without increasing the salary of employees to unheard of limits. Indeed, most citizens regard excessively high salary as an unhealthy development. labor activity, and in the next ten years, the key factor in determining the salary will be moderation and meaningfulness, even if we are talking about the salary of general directors.
  7. You must be prepared for the fact that your future employer will need time on reflections, or he wants to talk to you yet. In general, this is a good sign, as there is a high probability that your negotiations will end successfully. Perhaps your employer will not be able to satisfy all your requirements, but he wants to achieve a compromise. Consider such a reaction as good sign And on need be prepared for negotiations.

    • Answer his questions calmly and patiently, even if it seems to you that they are repeated. Your future employer may want to learn more details to accept optimal solution. So do not worry and enjoy.
    • Sometimes the boss can check your interest in collaboration. Even if you have prepared perfectly for an interview and conversation about raising the salary, you must brilliantly go through this test. Be careful and not even hint that your interest directly depends on the level of salary. This is a fairly delicate question, so just convince the boss in his great desire to be part of the company that appreciates your skills and experience.
    • If you assign references and think that it really needs, you can offer to make some encouragements during negotiations. For example, it can provide additional leave or weekends, annual bonuses or free products, an office of a larger area, paid tickets (if your job is related to business trips or crossings), psychological trainings, membership in the trade union, place in parking, etc. in many Cases of the company will be able to add some bonuses to their non-monetary employee promotions.
  8. Be prepared to hear "no." You must know in advance how to respond to such an answer. Be indulgent, but try to think wider. You must understand that the employer sat down at the negotiating table from the best motives.

    • Do not forget that it does not come to you personally. This is only a matter of business.
    • Look at the previous step, as requested about non-monetary incentives in case of a negative response.
    • Even if the answer is "no" is final, you should praise for trying. You have proven that you can ask questions and defend your opinion and rights. In this work you will do progress.
    • And the last, but not the least important point: do not forget that the word "no" can stand "is not now, but we cannot explain to you why" that is this moment financial position companies cannot provide this, and the authorities do not want to disclose important moments. But if, during your work, the company will survive the economic ascent, you can raise the salary, despite the "no" you heard at the beginning.
  9. Finish your request on a positive note, despite the fact that the last word Behind your boss. It does not matter, he fulfilled her or not (often you will not even know about it, since many employers need time for reflection), finish the conversation politely. No need to tend the boss to agree. A fairly simple and neutral response "Good, thank you." In a friendly smile, so that you were nice to communicate.

    • You do not need to fall on your knees and praise the boss, if he promised to consider your offer. So you will look desperately.
    • Never react to failure rapidly. For example, you do not need to say that you know that the rest of the employees at the company get much more. So you may generally refuse.
  10. Contract a written contract with the employer. Whatever your position, if you agree to informal cooperation, this is your fear and risk. When all required documents Signed, you can proceed to work!

    • If you feel that your work is not paid enough, do not worry. At least you have a role in this company, and as soon as things go up, the increase in the salary will be around the corner. Review that you are lucky to get such work, and try to be the best. In the future, you will definitely have new opportunities to increase salary, promotion career stairs, travel, etc. Let the experience you receive now help you achieve your goals.
    • Think what else you can offer. The fact that you are willing to provide work, clearly explains what you need companies. But if, in addition to your professionalism, you have some other chip, time to demonstrate it. For example, if you get a job, you will bring your two customers. Or perhaps you want to take on two more customer than you are required. Do not use such proposals as bribes, but let the boss understand that you can give a company. Be prepared in any way to fulfill your promises, as the company, taking you to work, counts on it. In other words, despite the results of your salary negotiations, tell us what contribution to the company you are planning to do. Thus, the boss will see in you a very valuable employee.


    • You can negotiate between the stages "I am ready to take you to work" and "Yes, thank you." It's late to try to discuss something after you have accepted the offer.
    • Never speak on the interview that somewhere it is better, especially when you have no other choice (for example, return to the old job where you do not shine an increase). The person with whom you are negotiating can reject your candidacy if you tell him where the conditions are better. You can compare, but do not threaten and do not brag that elsewhere you have the best opportunities.

    What you need

    • Data on the level of salaries of specialists in your field with approximately the same skills and work experience as you.
    • List of your professional qualities.
    • The mirror (and perhaps a friend) for the rehearsal of the interview.