Repairs Design Furniture

Where in the apartment to arrange a cache from thieves. The best caches for money or where to hide money home cache for money

Each sometimes you need a cache for the most valuable and expensive things in the house. Someone hides money under mattresses or spare keys under the rugs at the entrance door, someone invents the caches more comfortable. If you ever need to hide something - here are the 12 most secret places where it does not come to mind anything to anyone ... even you yourself!

1. Vacuum cleaner

Sometimes the best way to hide something is to leave it in sight. Even the most deft thieves will not suspend that you keep valuable things inside a huge old vacuum cleaner!

2. Food packaging

Suppose you are hiding jewelry; Put it into a small bag or container, and then grease this small container in the corn of corn for popcorn! It is unlikely that someone will come to mind that in the full bank of the popcorn there is something other than the popcorn itself.

3. Old collection of plates

If you have an old collection of plates - why not turn it into an excellent cache? Buy some old or damaged plates, covers from which you can use for storage.

4. Old videotape

Everyone in the house has a shelf with old cassettes! Pull out the ribbon from the unnecessary cassette, put inside the really necessary things, put the tape back - and put on the shelf. Ideally!

5. Old bank from paint

Pretty clean the old jar from the paint before making a cache from her! Keep the jar in the garage or in the basement among other such cans. Want to confuse robbers? Throw into another such empty bank some unpleasant surprise for them and put in a common bunch.

6. Fat Bank from under mayonnaise

Do not worry: this is not a real mayonnaise, it is just paint imitating it. It works perfectly - no one wants to open the bank from under mayonnaise.

7. Lockers under the sink

Cut the hole under the cabinet under the sink in the kitchen to equip the most tricky cache. Make sure your values \u200b\u200bare well protected from moisture before putting them there!

8. Picture

Hang a picture - a great way out when you need to hide anything and at the same time make the house more attractive. You can hide behind the key keys just like that - or put the built-in safe for valuable things behind it.

9. Fire tile

To make a tile-belling, remove one tile from the wall in the bathroom, and then do the hole in the wall behind it. Attach a small box to the tile and put back on the wall. Just do not forget what kind of tiles your treasures are stored!

10. Keyboard

This fully functioning keyboard, which is an excellent cache, is sold in stores. In addition, it is a little thicker than usual. You can hide the values \u200b\u200bin most conventional keyboards!

All big and flame hello! Although it is believed that the house should be a fortress, the cases of apartment thefts are not uncommon. Concerned owners think where to hide values, but the attackers will foresee all obvious options. To secure savings, you need to know how to make a cache at home with your own hands.

Main rules

Being for business, taking into account the following subtleties:

  • do not put everything in one place;
  • make a cache in the cache, because the thieves, attenuating the extraction, do not notice the dual bottom of the opened safe;
  • do not hide savings in the TV or speakers - robbers will take them;
  • avoid standard solutions.

Adhering to these principles, you will increase the chances of protecting property. After all, even a reliable door can be hacked, so the further development of events depends on your ingenuity!

Where you should not make a cache in the house

Verify the option easier if you immediately deny the banalities. Do not hide money in the following shelters:

  • behind mirrors and pictures;
  • in drawers of a table or chest;
  • among the dirty linen or other items causing disgust (violators of the law are not distinguished by squeamishness);
  • in the pages of the book or in the box disguised under it;
  • on mezzanine;
  • for wallpaper;
  • in mattresses;
  • under the parquet.

When you get the idea to you, think how obvious it is. If you at least three times heard from the surrounding about the version for the repository, the attacker will certainly find it. It is better to leave a valuable thing in sight to be accepted for bauble than putting in!

Where to start doing a cache in the house do it yourself

To equip a secluded place, decide from whom you are hiding finance or jewelry. If you want to protect yourself from thieves, then the main factor is the time for them: not finding a homemade "safe" in a matter of minutes, they will hide with the extraction that turned out to be in sight. The factor will benefit you, because you can wrap the gold foil gold, put in the plastic container for breakfasts and put on the roof of the refrigerator - it is unlikely that the robbers want to check how much you eat. But the need to leave housing in the presentable form they will not arise, so false sockets or ventilation grilles will be ruthlessly doried.

Otherwise, you should approach the question when you equip the shelter for the "sleep" from home. Those have time and know your habits, so do not hide finances in the cut-off tennis ball, if you do not fit the court. Better take advantage of the fact that a curious relative, who has decided to dig in things, tries not to leave marks! For example, a container burned in a flower pot will become the prey of attackers who drop vases to the floor. But this method will serve as a solution that allows you to protect the thing from the annoying households. Deciding with the goal, it will be easier to cope with the task!


Do not miss the opportunity to turn household appliances in safe:

  • If a computer or TV will become prey for the kidnappers, then the refrigerator is unlikely to interest them. With the right approach, you hide a few packs of banknotes, and this will not affect operation.
  • The air conditioner is worse for your purposes, because in the block there is almost no free space, but a small amount will still be able to put.
  • Money is easy to hide in a washing machine, after wrapped in a plastic bag.
  • Certain with the task will be able to use the old vacuum cleaner, whose container will delight the capacity. Put the device from the far wall of the pantry or take to the attic where it will not cause suspicion.

Important: Most of the electrical engineering is suitable only for storing bills, because gold chains or pendants will become current conductions. As a result, you will spoil things and cause the device breakdown!


If the robbers penetrated into the house, they will certainly examine the countertops on the reverse side, so do not glue the package there with values. But the nests in the legs will become good shelters, and they are equipped at the top: load on the lower point of the already large, and when the support area decreases, the table will break over time.

An option with hinting bottom boxes is too banal, but it will replace the double top of the bookcase. The kidnappers will not have time to produce measurements, and you easily tighten important paper. Banknotes can be hidden in books, but not between pages, but under the root.

The result will achieve and with the help of shortened table boxes: although the difference should not be noticeable, you will win a couple of centimeters without difficulty. The overall objects are well covered in the chair-"pear", for which it will be necessary to dissolve zipper, slightly climb the case and carefully sew. A similar trick will deceive even the introscope, which uses with a legal searcloth, because the filler absorbs radiation.

With a non-standard approach, you will turn the sofa into the shelter. Let the space under the seat and armrests are used to storing things, the removable back did not have time to become an obvious solution. A homemade master will remove the pillow, attach the frame to them and with the help of the loops will attach it to the back.

You will be useful to the couch with a double back wall capable of fooling even an experienced thief. Boxes are not shortened, since the movable section is attached to the back surface of the furniture. Thanks to the groove, it descends, freeing a small space.

It is impossible to equip such "safes" in the household, since the preparation will require carpentry. But the villains will mislead, and the values \u200b\u200bwill be able to save!


Interior doors will serve as an expensive thing can be strained:

  • In order to cover small objects from curious eyes, place them in an oblong metal container and drill a suitable hole in the shell. Place it at the top, and find a cache, not knowing about it in advance, it will be impossible.
  • To store securities resort to a similar method, choosing an inexpensive model of the door. Such structures are a plywood frame, caught by cardboard, and cut the cavity from above is not difficult. It is necessary to make sure that the level of the lid coincides with the surface of the door, for which it is fixed on magnetic strips.

Banknotes are better hidden in a niche designed for the castle. Choosing a mechanism, prefer narrow models, slightly deepen the hole made in the canvas, and you will get the opportunity to hide values \u200b\u200beven with a professional search. In order for translucent devices to do not "see" emptiness before installing the lock, put on the body suitable in size with a steel bracket.

Windows and walls

The potential repository will be windows, because in plastic windowsill a lot of voids. Those are found when closing, but determine that treasure is hidden under the outer coating, it is impossible. It is also worth using a mosquito net, disassembled the plastic frame and folding everything important: the weight gain will be invisible, and with a large number of windows at your disposal there will be a lot of space.

Holders of metal karnis involve their hollow tubes. Remove the cap at the end, and shield rolled bills or minor items.

Niches in the walls managed to become a banal option, but the private house will give an opportunity for variations. The owners take partitions, leaving the space for them up to 1 m - in the suburban residence, the reception will remain unnoticed. It is only important to make sure that the disguised door opens inside, otherwise the formed scratches on the floor will be a secret.

How to make a cache at home with your own hands in the rooms

Overcome experienced thieves is difficult, but you will handle the task if you consider the specifics of each room.


An option with the shelter in the nursery helped not one owner of the housing: thieves do not burn with the desire to inspect numerous toys. They can try to face a teddy bear in sight, but will not look into each box with the designer. Hide money, rolled into a roll, inside a plastic toy, and for foreign eyes, it gets lost in the overall confusion of a nursery.


Practice shows that the violators of the law inspect the bedroom immediately after the hall. After all, the hosts often hide valuable things in a closet with linen, hoping on a simple trick! It should not be resorted to this method, because your disposal is the original options:

  • Hidden shelf in a high headboard bed is suitable for weapon storage. This method was chosen by Americans who wish to protect themselves in the case of robbery. But if there are children in the house, it is necessary to store weapons only in a reliable safe with a code lock.
  • In the bedroom you can keep sex toys that actually become a capacity for values. There is a chance that the robbers will not want to take them in hand, and the trick will remain unnoticed.

Important: Despite the tricks, there is a chance that the thieves will carefully examine the room. Guide the principle "best sacrifice small than losing everything," and hide in the bedroom a small share of values. Finding welcome prey, uninvited guests will hide, without finding the main part!


The room will delight the variety of possible caches:

  • Put bills into the container from the shampoo or lotion.
  • Box from under the washing powder will be a reliable shelter. To achieve full security, pour the contents, carefully cut the cardboard on the folding lines, pose the separator under which the accumulation of values. Collect the box, pour powder back.
  • In the bathroom, it is convenient to equip a wall safe. Its surface disguises the tile, with a secret niche can be dimensional or hide in total under the same component of the wall coating. To realize the idea, you will need to carefully remove the tile and make a smaller hole in the wall. Use a plastic box as a drawer. Stick to it the tile, and there will be no reason to complain about the result.
  • The first-aid kit in the bathroom will provide a variety of potential caches. It will not be a refuge for a large amount, but several bills will be able to put into the empty bottle from the drug.

If you keep the gaskets in the first aid kit, take advantage of the fact that men are unpleasant for women's hygiene. There is a possibility that uninvited guests will not produce a thorough inspection! Gently cut down one gasket, put the bills and throw on the edge of the iron, swallowed through tight paper. This option is used in cases where the lady, going on the journey, is afraid of robbery on the road.

  • In empty jars from cream, gold rings and chains can be stored.
  • The hollow knob of the mop is easy to turn into a shelter for jewels.

Looking for a method, try to show originality. Refusing the idea to keep money in the ventilation hole, you save at least part of your savings.

Cache in the apartment from households

Examples considered are good when you try to protect yourself from the consequences of the visiting of the uninvited guests. But if you want to straighten a couple of bills from household, it is unlikely to start drilling walls and doors! You will be helped by simple ways:

  • If there is a wall clock in the room, then folded bills are placed in the excavation for the battery. The main thing is that none of the home does not decide to replace the power supply!
  • Re-equipment the old keyboard, rejecting the "stuffing", is easy, and as a result, the case will turn into a reliable storage. When you spend the "snack", you can use the thing as an organizer.
  • Vintage candlesticks and cast-iron lamps that have been given from grandmothers will prevent surprise - it turns out that, in order to save them, they were made by hollow inside, and the base was taped with felt. Carefully remove the soft coating, and then fasten the velcro to climb into the "piggy bank" at any time.
  • Women hide money saved "on pins", hiding them in a box with a cereal. When the method became too familiar, the inventive ladies began to make decorative banks with salt with their own hands. Pretty pouring content to the bottom, then put a cardboard container into the center, whose height comes to the edge, and fill the gap between it and the glass with a multi-colored material. Removing the lid, you will need to get finance if necessary.
  • The cache will serve as an ordinary cactus, the benefit of the plant is becoming endurance. Most of the core is a spongy fabric, in which you can make a groove: Carefully dig a plant, shake the ground and cut the rhizoma sharp knife. Returning a cactus in a pot, do not be afraid of withering, because it will quickly recover and even bloom. But do not forget that banknotes will need to be placed in a hermetic container, otherwise the caustic juice will ruin them.
  • The old shoes will turn into a safe, it is worth knocked under the savings insole. The main thing is that relatives, the cleaning, did not send it to the garbage! For this reason, it is not worth choosing for the storage facility.

Try uncomplicated tricks, and you will be satisfied with the result.

How to protect the working office from households

If you have allocated a separate room for your studies, you use it not only for work. Own cabinet becomes a territory where you exercise a personal space. Alas, not always homework observe privacy, so you have to go for tricks:

  • Do not throw out the marker that came into disrepair! Removing the core, you will get a convenient container. It can even be worn with me, because it does not touch anyone that plastic walls hide banknotes.
  • Carefully cut down the section in a globe, so that the lines coincide with the notation of the latitude and meridian - so they will be unnoter.
  • Naughty siblings love to look into the office? It is unlikely that they will be interested in folders with boring documents. You will need several folders from which you will cut the front. Spread the details together to fit the result to the shelf, and put a bottle of your favorite whiskey for them or hide the reserve of cigars.
  • The fans of the vintage hold the collection of plates in the office, not wanting to part with it in favor of new-fashioned trends. For children, a retro is uninteresting, so use the shelves for the equipment of the secret place: make a suitable box in size, and glue 2 envelopes from the plates from the side. Masking the front part will be able to sacrifice with a large number of packages. In order not to spoil the items of your pride, go to the flea market and buy cheap plates. It is worth putting this box on the shelf with a musical collection, and do not notice the difference, so the content will be safe.

Whatever idea you take advantage of, note that the best way to avoid the loss of the security of housing remains. Install the alarm, take care of a durable door with reliable locks, and cache use as auxiliary means!

Now you know how to make a cache at home with your own hands. And where do you keep your values?

Unfortunately, currently for most living people on planet material values \u200b\u200bare much more important than spiritual. Money, securities, precious products - no matter how much you have possessed, the risk to say goodbye to them forever - scares each of their owner. Of course, you need to convince yourself that you never happen to you. At the same time, do not forget to support your confidence in the presence of a secluded place to store your values.

Each day to save, your blood htched from the robbers becomes more difficult. For those people who, according to their inner convictions, or due to the established circumstances, chose this fishery as a means for existence, all the most "secret" places in the house were not a secret for a long time. They start their revision with them first.

Where you do not need to hide money

If in such a scrupulous business, as storing your material values, you are conservative, I advise you to change your belief as soon as possible. Because if you have an unexpected guest at home, the threat to lose everything is one hundred percent.

What is checked for sure and first of all:

After reading the list, you will certainly be prompted. Where to keep money if all places are already known to robbers in advance?

How now keep money

The main law of the business is not to invest all assets in one project. It is worth remembering about it when you look for a place for a cache. Divide all values \u200b\u200binto several parts. Just do not share the principle of money in one pile, rings to another. Let your valuable things are equally present in each of the parts.

There is a possibility that, finding one of them when searching, an attacker will solve that a secret place found and further search is useless. Thus, you save your good at least partially.

And you can go and other. Leave even a small amount, but capable of convincing the robber in that this is your sleep on a black day. Thus, it is also possible to secure your fixed capital from encroachment on him extraneous personalities.

Try to choose a cache in such a place to access it for some time, and for opening - special tools. Thieves are often all done. If you do not suffer from the lack of fantasy, you can come up with your own original cache. And to enhance the security, perform it with your own hands.

The complexity of the design will depend on how valuable will its contents. If this is cash that is intended for everyday spending, choose something simple. It may be a fool socket or something in this spirit.

For savings to the "extreme case" you need to choose a place more comprehensive and driving accordingly. For example, a can with preservation. Or make a niche in the usual lip. At the same time, do not forget that when the cache is a complete store it is necessary for all the rules.

The jar in the storage room, and not in your room next to the bed linen. And it is lounged next to the fireplace, and not on the table in the desktop. On what kind of options you choose your choice, the main thing is that he looks natural and did not cause suspicion.

How to make a cache with your own hands: pencil with a secret

If you decide to equip at home a secret place for the storage of values, in this case, start with simple. I would like to tell about one simple adaptation, which will not be made independently at home will not be much difficulty.

To do this, you need a simple pencil, a thin drill, drill, clip and half an hour of your time.

Make a cache from a pencil as follows:

  • take a simple pencil, the main requirement for it so that the cap is with a rubber band at the end;
  • then removing the cap, strictly in the center of the pencil, the drill make a neat opening;
  • separate the clip and make it the holes you have done;
  • wrap on paper paper with information or bill;
  • having placed in a pencil what you are going to keep in it Close all the cap with a rubber band.

Your cache is ready. So you can store let's say computer passwords. After all, they are so often forgotten.

Book Tyach.

One of the most common caches of modernity is the books. I think every person has a small home library.

For the manufacture of a secret place for storing a valuable we will need:

  • the book is necessarily in a thick binding;
  • glue;
  • brush;
  • stationery knife;
  • pen or pencil;
  • line.

Before starting work, prepare a special solution. Dilute the glue with water in the percentage ratio of 40% water and 70% glue. The mixture should be liquid so that the glue can lie down with a smooth thin layer. So glue after drying will be practically imperceptible.

Take the book and reprove the few first pages. The remaining pages gently wake from the inside of approximately 2 cm from the edge of the glue prepared by you.

Follow the procedure with maximum accuracy so that the mixture does not hit the side trim blocks. Give glue to dry. Make sure that the initial pages are accidentally stuck to the rest. After that, open the book where glued pages.

Take a ruler and measure the distance of 1 cm from each edge. Pencil draw the fields. Take the stationery knife and with jewelry accuracy, moving along the fields you draw, start cutting the inner pages.

The main thing is that the edges will be as smooth and the lowest page remains the whole. When you finish, wake glue inner often books. That's all. I want to warn you.

Since this method is not in such a performance, but for a long time it is used mostly of the world's population, according to statistics, the tests of books are carried out most often. Therefore, before equipping in the book, you think, and did it cost?

Furniture cache

Furniture can also be a reliable safe. Select a table or chair, in one of its legs drill a hole and a cache for money ready.

Or here's another option: Do you know how to make a cache in the door handle? This will suit absolutely any, which does not have a mechanism inside. By revealing it, take a hole with a round shape under it.

Place your jewels inside and return the handle to its original place. Equip such a secret place with your own hands is easy, and the cache get reliable. It will take time for hacking time, and the thieves have every minute in the account. Such hard-to-reach places, in which without the use of additional inventory, not to get.

How to hide values, scripts Picasso and other useful things that you for some reason can not eat right now or shove into the hairstyle.

Andrei Netonov

Vlad Lesnikov

There is very little money, gold and original Picasso. But a lot of people. This tragic dissonance leads to the need to hide valuable things. Not only from the attackers - after all, they may not fit into your apartment. It is much easier to wait for you on the street, because as a reward for patience, they receive not only your money, but also a chance to hit you on the head of the trimmer of the pipe!

Alas, in addition to the thieves that you do not have so often, there are other dark personalities who love rummage in your things. This, firstly, wives seeking evidence of your mistress.

And secondly, mistresses, seeking evidence of your wife. And notice, we have not yet mentioned a word about police officers who also have the right to burn to you, especially if you put a secret sign of the firm apartment - a pot with a seedler ...

In general, if you have something to hide, we will not ask where it came from and whether you can buy one more about cheaply, - we'll just tell you how to hide the valuable subject in the walls of the apartment, office or even the hotel rooms. In this we will help the colonel of the GPU Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Ivan Bulych-Bulakhovsky and Michael Connor, the author of the book "How to hide anything anything", at one time prohibited for distribution to the United States. To equip a cache, you will need anything: lighter, screwdriver, drill, jigsaw and superchalter. Oh yeah, still hands!

1. Does the electric money dreams with robots


Men do not think about where to hide money by giving care of them to members of their family

Although it may seem that the thieves are not friends with common sense (after all, they just take money, instead of earning their hard labor!) In fact, it is not. Not a single attacker, for example, will not be in vain to risk his life. Therefore, valuable things are the most logical to hide there, where you yourself are afraid of poke your hands under the fear of death or injury.

Capacan or a neighbor's wife satisfy these conditions, but there is a simpler secretly - socket! Turn off the electricity bowl and take off the plastic lining from the outlet. Under it will probably be a hole in the wall, full of threatening wires. Among them, it is quite possible to hide money or compromising you psychotropic agents. If the hole is large enough, there will even be a place for a chain hamster guarding the cache!

Just consider that the items that you hide in the outlet should not be carried out. Any treasure is good just in case wrap the rubber glove.

Pros almost sacred horror in front of the rosettes are tested. So the best place for the secret night sandwich, dirty socks or sentimental souvenirs remaining from your former, not to find.

Cons If you completely do not have knowledge of electrical engineering, the risk to arrange a closure is still very large.

2. It seems that you have

If you have already joined the number of those rare lucky ones, in the apartment of which there is a toilet, - Consider, you got almost the finished cache. And we mean not a banal drain tank, because this "safe" refers to the dasch of the proven - in the sense that the thieves check it in the first place. No, look deeper.

If you remove the tank cover (check at the same time, there is no money from the previous owners of the apartment), then in most cases water will be. On its surface there will be a float - a plastic pear on a stick, controlling tides and places of water in a tank.

Turn off the water and decisive movement to unscrew the float. In your hands there will be a good container size with a fist, capable of accommodating a twisted pack of money or, for example, a spare fist. To poke bills on one through a narrow hole-occupation of troublesome. Therefore, we suggest cutting the float, fill it with treasures and take the seam superclaim. And even better - brew it with a lighter or not too heated soldering iron.

The advantages of the caress in the fact that the thieves will probably look at the boom tank, and when they are convicted that the money is not glued from the inside of scotch, will return the lid to the place and will no longer raise it (usually they do not have much time to check every potential cache twice ).

Minuses to Treasure will be difficult to get when they urgently need you yourself (for example, if the thieves are forced you at home and start torturing with a soldering iron, begging to give them money). In addition, there is a risk to spoil the float or lower its displacement, strooping the work of the toilet.

3. Pipe to Nowhere

The writer of detectives F. Durrenmatt loved to repeat: they say if you want to hide a tree - hiding it in the forest. If you extrapolate this advice, it turns out that money needs to be hiding among other money (which will have to take from friends). However, you should not understand Durrenmatta literally. He just wanted to say that the least striking what does not violate the natural setting.

What are you used to see in the bathroom? Stack Maxim, summer tires, but, most importantly, pipes. They naturally fit the Winteriere of the toilet or the bathroom, which does not touch anyone to recalculate the pipes or wonder why they are here and where they go. And in this your trump card.

Find anywhere (on a dump or emagazine) a pipe similar to those that are laid in your apartment. Take suitable trimming and hideing values \u200b\u200binside it. Then insert it parallel to the real pipe, for example, the one that comes from the sink to the main line, or to those on which the taps overlapping the water supply are located. The best place for the cache is not found.

Pros when changing housing Values \u200b\u200bare easily transported along with the pipe and hide in a new place.

Minuses If you catch anything somewhere, the cache is unlikely to help even professional detectives.

4. In the foam foam


People do not hide valuable things at home, but keep in obvious places so that thieves at least have turned anything, climbing the apartment

Arrange the caches in the foam rubber sofas and the people people guessed a long time ago. Thieves, in turn, guessed that people had guessed about it. Therefore, they often remove the upholstery from the furniture and watch whether there is no hole with a storage. If it is not detected, the upholstery neatly nourishes into place (a joke, of course; to make thoughts more needless to nurture).

Fool all! Not only take off the sofa case, but you are reading a part of the foam rubber. Then wean the hole of the second part, which is not visible when a quick inspection. Or do the blade of the gap, sleep there and cut off the cache deep in the Massier of the Fanoon.

When you pull your hand (one day it will have to do, otherwise the thieves guess that there is something in the foam rubber, since you are sitting there), the edges of the gap cluster- and the cache will become inaccessible. And you can nail the upholstery using a conventional stapler. Or with the help of unusual.

Pluses if you hide values \u200b\u200bnear the surface, you can always make sure that they are in place, just a burning on the sofa.

Cons Sometimes sofas are not stuffed with a foam rubber, but such a petty rubbish, which is scattered throughout the apartment, it is worth only to take off the upholstery. And in cardboard boxes that replace the chairs most bachelors, to hide values \u200b\u200bin general are inconvenient.

5. Magnetic Front

One of the few caches (one of two, to be honest), which can be equipped even in an unfamiliar place. For example, in the hotel room or bank repository. One condition: at your disposal should be a refrigerator. It is optionally working and the model is not connected to the outlet. All you need is the door.

Magnets, holding it closed, is usually enclosed by a cubic braid. Because of her and cross the razor blade in an inconspicuous place. Part of the magnets can be easily removed (they are usually separated by the erections, and if not, the soft material can be easily folded or broken with bare hands).

The door will continue to close, to fix it, enough and half of the magnets. AB The resulting rubber groove can be easily hiding the rolled bills, columns of activated carbon tablets and other minor items.

Pluses The refrigerator is perhaps the only electrical appliance that houses are rarely carried out due to its dimensions.

Minuses if they take him, it is unlikely to take advantage of stolen values, so well they are hidden. Doubly offended. Neither nor to people.

6. Brokening curtains

Another cache, which can often be found even at the hotel, is a curtain cornice in the bathroom. Usually this tube with rings is a hollow. It is easier to remove it simple if you have at least one hand. It is also not difficult to remove the rubber knob.

The ensuring that the valuable thing in diameter is less than the cornice tube. That she does not fit, still Polbie. In the end, you can cut the circles from the money, which will easily fit in the cornice. Worse, if the thing slip back to the middle of the tube and stuck there. Then the thieves will have to cut the cornice - and you do not want to bother people once again in the edge of the edges?

Pluses on the eaves can be hung up. Draw it when you take a shower, and these terrible puddles will no longer accumulate!

Minuses If the tube is not a hollow, but a solid one, it will have to take a drill. Okay, if this happens at the hotel, - there you can always ask the drill at the reception. But where is the normal person to take a drill at home?

7. Green and fluffy


Men are not sure to keep money at home - a good idea, but 43% of them are stored

Since you still have a corpse in the refrigerator, a small inconspicuous saucepan with the filler is unlikely to attract attention. So hide your valuable things into it! If the dish is an opaque and unsightly, the object lying on the bottom and wrapped in folethylene will be difficult to notice.

The perfect option is to forget the saucepan so long so that its contents have time to be covered with mold. Framelessness is a powerful deterrent factor.

Pluses in pans with opaque food (borsch, potato mashed potatoes, Coca-Cola) can be hidden anything in a couple of seconds. So, if the comfort of the thoroughbler or on the stove is always something that is, the search will never find you surprise.

Cons If the thieves fit in your apartment hungry, they can carry at the same way and products.

8. Extreme infection

Metal ending the end of the table top, or, as normal people call it, "the garbage that the desk has a side", is good not only what leaves tightening on clothes. With proper snarling, it is possible to hide different necessary things.

Unscrew the edging using a conventional screwdriver. Dye a few holes in the exposed end. Using a narrow jigsaw or even a file, eliminate jumpers between holes - they are usually made from an easy material.

When you finish, there will be excellent narrow penalty, the depth of which is limited only to your requests (and more partly the size of the source table). It is worth returning the edging in the place and the contents of the Penal will be hidden from other people's eyes. Voila!

Pros, the end is unscrewed, as a rule, in kitchen tables. And this means that the cache will serve you five years old, and then ten: the kitchen headsets are updated less often than the other furniture.

Minuses get to the cache is easy, but for this you have to always have a screwdriver. So you will have to pick it up with a neighbor to go to the need or even buy.

9. Falckel


Men at least once in life was hidden by a snack, and then forgot where she lies

Variation to the topic of the cache already described above is a messenger socket. Instead of digging in the wires, risking life, just make a box of plywood (or steal from your nephew, the finished birdhouse and scolded the roof), there are valuable items in it and cloud into the wall.

Outside to fasten the zen, the pad for the outlet. Everything, fake ready!

You can even stick the device to the eye into it that almost do not use - for example, a vacuum cleaner, iron or electric chair.

Pluses The messenger socket scares no worse than the present, but has even greater capacity.

Minus hole for the box would be nice to lay at the repair stage. Know the wires of the ready-made rosette - the occupation of troublesome. In addition, you can once spleen why it does not work one of the outlets. You will start to repair it - you feel stupid.

10. Every needle pleases

If you are from those people who keep near the computer cacti in the hope that they will save them from harmful radiation, first, you are a victim of myth. And secondly, you have another almost ready cache.

Remove the cactus from the pot, blurring the earth around its roots. Do not be afraid to harm him! Cacti can do some time at all without roots, so if you tear off a couple, nothing terrible will happen.

Now cut the core in the cactus at the bottom. If you are not a latent Greenpisovets, this will not be difficult. Hiding money inside and back in a pot in a pot. The thieves can come into the head to be squeezed. But they are unlikely to communicate with the cactus itself. Thieves do not like domestic animals at all.

The advantages of cacti are of different shapes and sizes, and their abundance in the apartment is unlikely to embarrass someone. So you can hide in cacti if you wish, all, including smaller cacti!

Extend everything and carefully take the rear walls. Then shortened them with a hacksaw or jigsaw (if there are external tin strips on the boxes, root and them too, drinking a piece from the middle). Then screw the rear walls into place. Insert the boxes back to the dresser, hiding the skeleton behind them.

Now, if someone will be shirled in the dresser, he will have a complete feeling that short drawers are a strange population whim. Just did not scold randomly the locksters that do not give the box to advance entirely. Otherwise, thieves will quickly reveal the secret and will laugh at you.

Pros, in the presence of a major chest, even the canvas of Rubens can be hidden for Mnimo short drawers, and then his simulator, not to mention the stack of portraights.

The cons of pulling things out of the cache is much more difficult than putting them there, so it is often to use his contents. You can hardly succeed. And more: even if you hide a small thing, all drawers will have to shorten - their different length can rush to the Warrlage.

One secret: Plasterboard is not sold, if you put a sheet of plywood on it in advance, angel on the fane-casket or a bundle of money. Weight will be distributed at a larger area, and the ceiling will not roll apart.

Access to the cache is easiest to get through the hole for the chandelier. If it is small for you (for example, you want to survey your head to the cache and make sure to keep his contents), you can expand the hole. But, you understand, so it will be easier to notice.

By the way, the lamp that you will then shut up again, you can deceive on the edges of white toothpaste - this will create the illusion that the ceiling was spooled after the chandelier is set and it is imagined. The effect will even better than from the attachment near the note "there is no cache, the chandelier is intensioned tightly."

Pros Most halogen lamps are easily taken from their nests, which provides you with constant access to the cache.

Minuses ideally, the cache need to be planned at the repair stage, otherwise the gap will probably be too narrow, and it will be possible to put the plywood to a heavy item only from the neighbor's apartment from above. Yes, and then only in advance of disagreeing there.

Burglars opened my apartment. I stood on the threshold in a shock, looking around the mess: Upholstered furniture, the books are crushed, and in the middle of the kitchen lay a broken bank with jam - the same, in which I was in my time hid the snack on a black day, rejoicing my own ingenuity.

Sergey Antonov


As it turned out later in a conversation with the investigator, many secluded places that seek our original, checked by the thieves in the first place. But it is precisely the knowledge of this fact that can allow saving accumulation and protect the housing from the defeat.

It is clear that better large amounts do not store at home. Much more reasonably attribute money to the bank, where they will not only be safe, but also to generate income. However, there are situations when you need to reap the large amount of the house, say, in front of a large purchase.

Where thieves will look first

It only seems to you that the freezer or the drain tank in the toilet is a place where the attackers will look at the last turn. In fact, the opposite is true.

The first thing the thieves searched the bedroom - the dressers, wardrobes, tap the mattress and pillows. Can shake the ground from the flower pot, catching up laminate. In addition, everything that hangs on the walls, carpets, paintings, mirrors fall under suspicion.

In the kitchen, thieves check banks with bulk products, refrigerator and freezer, oven and microwave, and a trash can.

Bachts, cabinets, cans, containers, books - no

Do not try to hide money for the ventilation grille: Mikhail Bulgakov told everyone for a long time about this cache in the "Master and Margarita".

Bad idea and hide money in books, even if there are a lot of them. They are visible very quickly. The same applies to CDs.

Downtown in search, thieves can start opening expensive technique - TV, console, computer, etc.

Where you can hide money

Before you think about the device of the cache, count how often you yourself have to climb your ink. It is foolish to move a heavy wardrobe every two weeks before going to the products. Naturally, if your sleep is intended for deferred to a distant future purchase, that is, it makes sense to have such a hard-to-reach cache.

The main rule when choosing a secluded place is not obvious. Stand in the center of the room, look around. There are a lot of surfaces and items around you - almost every thing you can do a cache:

  1. The eaves inside the hollow, it will easily fit the rolled up the bundle of bills.
  2. In the upper and lower face of interior doors you can drill holes for bills.
  3. Cavities inside any racks, walls, windowsill - good places, if you came up with these cavities yourself. Thieves will not be able to check every facet of every object of furniture, especially if you do not know where to look.

How to prevent the defeat in the apartment

Have a good cache, there is a reverse side. Imagine that you went on vacation, thieves know about it. Therefore, hurry to them nowhere and they are ready to search until the last.

The attackers competently hiddenly hidden, maybe they will not find, but they will search will be thoroughly - felt furniture, feed all the clothes from cabinets on the floor, drove the cans with bulk products in the kitchen, depart the plinths. Everything you hid and postponed, you will eventually have to spend on repair and atmosphere.

However, such an event event can be avoided. Divide money into two, and better three parts. The main amount hide is hopefully. Lower part in the easier place for thieves. Let's say between clothes in a wardrobe.

Make a fackitor, which is easy to find and not sorry to lose

It will be searched by one of the first. Your pseudozach will find, think that this is all savings stored at home. Maximum that you lose - these several thousand and something from digital technology, which is easy to carry and sell.

Set at home a small safe. The compact model costs about 2000-3000 rubles. Put a smaller part of the money into it, and the safe itself is hiding in the same closet. For greater persuasive, screw the safe to the wall of the closet, so that the thieves are interested in handing out.

Open the metal container thieves in place will be unlikely, just take it with you. And even if they open, satisfy found.

How to protect yourself from thieves

Security. In all major cities there are quick response services: the magnetic sensor is installed in the apartment to be deactivated when returning home. If the sensor is not deactivated for some time, the armed guards go to the apartment. Already the very presence of a security system can scare the thieves.

Security camera. Install the Internet chamber in the apartment. This device sends you a notification on a smartphone if the movement flows. If the thieves enter the apartment, you will immediately learn about it.

Neighbors. It makes sense to know his neighbors on the staircase and be with them in normal relations. The keys for the time of vacation should not be given, but it makes sense to warn about vacation.

Friends. But close friends should give a spare key set so that in the case of which it was possible to call them and ask to come with a police outfit.