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Business online - ways to create relatively stable online marketing schemes on the Internet. Business on the Internet: Original ideas for beginner businessmen

I am engaged in the Internet business since 2011. And in this article I want to tell you the whole truth - where to start the Internet business from scratch. Information from this article is likely to go into the incision with what you are used to hearing and read on this topic. So get ready. Now we will break your stereotypes.

If you just think about how to start your online business, then most likely you do not have a lot of money. And if you think that this is the main problem, then you are very mistaken.

Your main problem at the online business start

It's just fine that you have no money. Seriously. All my experience shows unequivocally - if a person has money at the start of his business (on the Internet or outside the Internet), then everything ends always equally. He puts them not where it is necessary. He seeks to leave "for money." And as a result, he loses all his money.

And the fact that he loses money is not the worst. The worst thing is that a person has a "negative reflex", associated with the business. It is like a child for the first time burns about a hot kettle. And then he will never be back there.

And in history with internet business the same. Once burned - and no longer licking a person to a person to try another time.

But if there is no money - then you have to think. Think - where to take traffic for free how to make a site for free, how to sell it is more comfortable. And then you begin to develop the skills necessary for doing business on the Internet.

Yes, this is what is now your main problem. You can not know anything. Internet business is only on the selling pages of info-businessmen, it is so cool, light and pleasant. In fact, you need a lot of things to know, and learn a lot, before you hear the ringing of the first coins in your email wallets.

What is this skill? Here are three main skills to successfully keep your business online.

3 Main Internet Businessman Skill


The most vital skill for any type of Internet business is the ability to attract target visitors. This is also called "Marketing" on the Internet. That is, you need to learn how many people come to your selling sites that in theory Can be your customers.

It's not a fact that they will still pay you money and turn into real customers, but the attraction of the audience is a step number.

In order to attract potential customers, you need to learn. This is the main source of commercial traffic on the Internet today. And first of all, this is Yandex-Direct. If you still have illusions in your head about the fact that you and he will do everything yourself - forget about it.

No one will do anything even for a million rubles (if he had). At the beginning - only for yourself, and only do it yourself.

Next, you need to learn how to work with targeting advertising on social networks, with SEO traffic, with teaser advertising. It's all - completely different systemsAnd they work completely differently. If you want to learn everything and immediately - go through my course. He will help you.

Website development

So that traffic is converted into sales, you need at least one selling platform. If you are sure that you can conduct business completely through social networksthen, perhaps the site you will not need. You just create some group of VKontakte, and it will work for you instead of the site.

But in the absolute majority of cases, it is still necessary to have the site. Let it be just one page on the Internet. But it should be. Moreover, in reality, you need a lot of such pages (Believe my experience).

There are many different online designers that allow you to create page on the Internet quickly and without effort. And it creates a false feeling that make a site is easy.

In fact, to lend blocks from the designer, and something to these blocks write - it does not mean to make the site. You will need to know at least the foundations of HTML to be able to perform the simplest action with sites without programmers. It is also a skill, and it also needs time.


The main way of sales on the Internet is the writing of selling texts. Even if you are selling personally on Skype or through correspondence in social networks - you still do not do without copywriting.

Because copywriting is a sales psychology. You need to learn to "see" your target audience. Understand what language they speak. Feel what pain they are experiencing. Be able to pick up correct words In order for the person on the other side of the screen to understand you, and believed you. To pump copyrighting skill - download my free book. This will be a good step forward.

These are these three skills you need to start to pump out: traffic, sites, copywriting. And for this you just need to start engage in any business from that list that I cite below. You do not need to put some global goals in front of you. You need to just learn to perform the simplest action on the Internet.

Imagine a child who just started to make the first unsure steps yesterday. Here you come to him and ask - "Where are you going?" And he does not go anywhere, he just walks. And he walks in order to strengthen his muscles, learn how to keep the equilibrium.

Here is the same thing to be with you. You do not go to some purpose on the "capture of the world" you simply repeat simple movements, developing and developing your skills:

And so that it is more fun and faster - choose one of the five main Internet business options. Choose anyoption. Then you can change the direction of activity as much as possible.

5 main Internet business options: pros and cons

Partnership programs

This is perhaps the easiest option, how to start conducting your own business via the Internet. Advantage this method - You do not need to have your own product to start earning. Disadvantage - you cannot manage the entire sales chain.

Affiliate program is when you find some interesting product, and start advertising it on our selling sites. For each sale, you are charged commissions - the percentage of the purchase price.

The problem is that truly quality affiliate programs are not so much. And most often - these are some information products (courses, trainings). Look more about affiliate programs in infobusiness.

I myself am not a big amateur and the craftsman to make money on affiliate. All I do in this direction is sometimes posting affiliate links in their articles on the site. But without a special system. However, I manage to somehow earn 2 - 3 thousand rubles per month only with these affiliates.

If you do this seriously, you can withdraw income to the accelerated level. It is said that there are people who monthly only with partners earn 100 - 200 thousand rubles.


This option is suitable for those who love independence. Here you will have to make our information products yourself and sell them themselves. But you will earn much more than in the same most affiliate programs.

In the affiliates, you will deduct 10 - 20% of the cost of the product, and from your products you will receive all 100%. In addition, you will have the opportunity to fully control the sales funnel. You can change something if it is not sold very well.

The main minus, of course, is that for the conduct of a successful infoCusiness, you need to know and be able to know something that other people will want to learn. You can either dig in your old competencies, or choose a new and quickly learn from books and in practice. See for details on how to start infobusiness from scratch.

Network marketing

Network marketing or MLM (or how it is still fashionable now - "Network Marketing") is not suitable for everyone. This is an extremely specific type of business on the Internet. I am not saying that he is bad, or that there are some scammers. Even on the contrary.

I believe that it is MLM that will allow you to very quickly pump the necessary skills for the Internet business. Of the advantages - good training, and again you do not need to have our own product.

Of the minuses - people do not like a network business (because they do not like when they are recommended for money for money). Another drawback - today a lot of financial pyramids actually divorced, which are covered with a network business. In fact, there is no product there, and everything comes down to the fact that you pay for someone to pay you from the bottom of the structure.

If you do not have big experience in the network business, then distinguish this MLM from the financial pyramid is very difficult. And the likelihood is that you still have it in one of them. But they are mistakes to learn. Perhaps you can network marketing suitable better Total.


Maintaining your blog can not be 100% attributed to business. Most often earnings there are not on sales of some product, but from advertising. That is, you create some kind of platform, fill it with a useful and interesting content, spinning. And then hang there advertising for money.

However, this does not mean that in blogging it is impossible to earn good. On the contrary, it is a great and very monetary way to earn a lot, not selling anything at all. For example, if you have a content site on the Internet with attendance 15 - 20 thousand people per day, then you can completely earn 100 - 150 thousand a month from only one advertising.

Of the minuses - you will have to work very long and hard before you see the return from your blog. To reach the level of 15 - 20 thousand units per day you will need about two years of work (and this is provided that you will immediately do right away).

By the way, blogging can be not only classic. You can make your Vkontakte group or Canal on Utyub. This will also be blogging, only social. There you will do not do on SEO, but on the viral distribution of content. If you are exactly sure that you do not want anything to sell anyone - then the blogging you will probably suit the best.

Sale of goods from one-bedroom

The last version of the Internet business in our today's "review" is the maintenance of your online store. Only this is not large Internet Shop with a bunch of goods' positions, its logistics system and other attributes.

You can make your small "Internet shop" literally on the knee. To do this, you need to do, accommodate there any product, and run traffic.

In words, everything looks simple, but in fact there are a number of pitfalls. The biggest minus is the need to deliver the goods to the buyer. It is the logistics that most often becomes the reason why business does not work through one-page. Goods go long, people refuse to shop, and more and so on.

Of the advantages - the living goods sell easier than, let's say, the same information products. The living physical product is immediately understood by his value. Read more about that. And about what should be.

In general, the business on one-satellites is probably the only "real business", which can be scaled to many millions of earnings per month (and make it stable and not closed on you, as on the business owner).

Therefore, if you think widely - it is best for you to sell goods through lending.


In conclusion, let's once a summary of everything that has been said in this article.

  • If you have no money on initial stage Building a business on the Internet, then this is good. So much higher probability that you learn how to think correctly before investing somewhere;
  • To keep a successful online business, you need three main skills: ability to attract traffic, skill quickly make high-quality sites, sell skill and convince using texts (copywriting);
  • There are five main types of Internet business, and you need to start any Of them, just to pump your skills in practice.
  • Affiliate programs are convenient to the fact that you do not need to have your product for sales. Lack - you earn only 10-30% of the cost of sale and cannot control the entire sales funnel.
  • Infobusiness is suitable for independent people who want to make products themselves and sell them themselves. The advantage is really big money. Lack - you need to have knowledge and skills for which people are ready to pay money.
  • Network marketing is a specific view of online business. His advantage is that you have a team of mentors, which will be hard to train you. The disadvantage is low earnings, negative from others, the high probability to get into the financial pyramid.
  • Blogging is suitable for those who want to sell anything. Your work is that you create an interesting and useful content area, and then earn an advertisement on it. You can earn a lot and constantly. Lack - you must first work first before your blog starts to bring money.
  • Sale of goods from one-page sites is the only "real" business in the list. It can be scaled and completely eliminate itself from the business process. The disadvantage - it is necessary to engage in logistics of goods and deal with very high competition.

I hope now it has become clearer, whereby it is better to start online business from scratch. And after any couple of years you will have your own real money car online. Do not forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from scratch to the first million on the Internet (squeezing from personal experience for 10 years \u003d)

Hello, friends! Let's talk about how to start a business on the Internet. I believe that today, in the age of new technologies and widespread computerization, earnings through the Internet became accessible to everyone.

So how to start a business on the Internet without experience and money

In an interesting and difficult time we live. On the one hand, you can relax abroad, ride on the "steep" car, live in beautiful house with a swimming pool, to engage in spiritual development, self-realization. On the other hand, very low earnings, meager pensions. And so I want to live with dignity and have access to the possibilities that have become available.

Perhaps I will be rewicing that you are not happiness. Yes it is. But the money decide many of our problems. Therefore, I want to have such an income that will make your life interesting and filled.

Understanding what opportunities are hidden on the Internet, a large number of People are puzzled by the question how to start a business on the Internet. Try to create your own online business. Unfortunately, not everyone does all. The causes of failures are different. We will talk about work methods on the network.

To begin with, let's figure out what you need to start your business. The main thing is that we define for ourselves when we make a decision - to start a business that we can do, whether we love this and how in demand this offer is in the market of goods and services.

After we have decided on the topic that we are interested, you need to choose that way of earning through the Internet, which really works and suits us.

Earnings on online consultations by Skype

Earnings on online Consultations on Skype is one of the most accessible online business species. Each of us for your period of life is doing something. Someone knits, someone studies foreign languages, and someone is interested in repairing cars. That is, you are an expert in a certain area. And this is the main thing that we are based on this business.

Suppose you are an expert in the repair of foreign cars. And you give online Consultation on Skype. First you do this for free or at all inexpensive. But over time, your advice becomes highly professional and people are ready to pay for training. You start earning.

Earnings on Freilase for beginners

Earnings on Freilance One of the most available methods Earnings for beginners online entrepreneurs.

Freelancer is a specialist who remotely performs certain work. It is important to be a professional in some kind of area. Whether it is an accountant or a programmer, a lawyer or designer. Today, a huge number of people create their sites and blogs, make info products, but are not experts in the field of design or writing articles. Therefore, they will certainly look for specialists who will write an article for a certain remuneration or make a cover for your e-book.

Earnings on partnership programs

Another method of creating your business on the Internet without investments is earnings on affiliate programs.

When we just start creating your online business, we most often have no money, there are no our info products, there is no subscription base. How to start earning. One of best ways - These are partnership programs.

Partnership programs can be in your niche or on the services you use for your work. For example, almost all hosting and the services of Emeyl mailings offer affiliate programs.

What is the meaning of partnership marketing. The meaning is that you are promoting other people's info products and get a commission of a commission.

Agree that it is very convenient for beginners. Read the article "", where it is described in more detail about this method of earnings via the Internet.

How to make money on your site

Then we create our website. My blog has several articles on how to create your site. Here is one of the articles about creating the site with your own hands. "".

We develop a business by creating your website or blog. Some info interests believe that your blog is not needed, but I believe that my resource is simply necessary. It's like your personal property online.

How does the blog help to earn?

The first, you create interesting and useful content. Users go to your blog by search queries, Sign up to blog updates. Thus, a subscription base is formed.

What is the subscription base for? These are our money with you. By inforusiness, we create our info products that are promoting in our subscription database. In this way, sales or new signatures occur.

Your blog is your image on the Internet, which forms the degree of confidence in you readers and subscribers. And the degree of trust always increases the number of sales.

Next, we start scaling our business - we increase traffic to your blog. For this we need advertising. We already earn money, so we can use contextual, targeted or teaser advertising, advertising through social networks. Thus, the site traffic is increasing and business monetization occurs.


So, friends, their business on the Internet is quite promising, and at the same time has a minimum of risks. The main difference of offline business from online is that the huge audience is covered. No matter where you live in Moscow or in a small Siberian city. And the second, this is what your business in online can be started with minimal investments or completely from scratch. Of course, if you absolutely do not have a computer's knowledge and experience on the Internet, then everything is better to have learning, for example, in our.

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How to create your business from scratch: 10 steps to create a business plan + order of registration of IP and LLC + 3 directions for business from scratch.

How to create your business from scratch? The question that all novice entrepreneurs asked.

The main secret of a successful start is to identify key steps and their sequence.

The motto "I will deal around" at all at all suitable in this case.

Opening your own business, you need to make a plan, and only then start work.

In order to open its enterprise from scratch, you need to make a lot of effort, take into account all the risks.

Own business is a fairly unstable way of earning, but it has advantages.

How to create your business plan?

Creating a business plan is the basis for the preparation for the opening of your own business.

From how qualitatively a document is drawn up, not only the success of the realization of the idea of \u200b\u200bbusiness, but also whether investors will want to invest in the project.

Step-by-step algorithm that will help create a business plan:

  1. Make a description (summary) of the business project. You need to specify the purpose of this enterprise, choose a certain strategy for it, and generally briefly familiarize yourself with it.
  2. Describe the range of goods or services in detail.
  3. Conduct marketing research, determine the target business audience.
  4. Take into account the main competitors (their advantages, weak spots, range).
  5. Submit a full business development strategy from scratch, and specify the methods of its implementation.
  6. Consider possible risks, as well as bring ways to minimize them.
  7. Create a production plan in which the product creation process will be painted.
  8. Develop a sales plan.
  9. Make the calculation of expenses: capital and monthly investments in business.
  10. Calculate approximate profits and determine the profitability of the business.

How to create your business from scratch: registration process

In order to create a business from scratch, it is not necessary to be an experienced lawyer, "there are enough common knowledge.

Most often, the company register, as a limited liability company or, as an individual entrepreneurship.

The choice depends on the peculiarities of doing business in your particular case.

- A more appropriate form of organization when the owner is one, and ooo - when the owners are somewhat (on partnerships).

But this is not the only key difference:

There is also a difference in the process of working the business:

What do you need to register a business?

For registration of the IP, it suffices to contact the passport to the FNS department at the address of the registration (in some cases - to any compartment).

You can find details and relevant information on the public website FTS:

- more complex process. Each can cope with him, but newcomers may have many questions.

You need to search for most of them on the official website of the FTS: You can also clarify the list of documents and any innovations.

In case of problems that cannot be solved independently, you can pay for help or advice to any legal office.

The form of taxation of the enterprise is also worth choosing, based on the business features.

Compare the main taxation systems for business in Russia:

What kind of business from scratch can be created?

To begin with, it is necessary to designate what is meant by the concept of "business from scratch".

Most believe that it is synonymous with the concept of "without starting capital."

At the same time, it is forgotten that for entering the world of business, the presence of a material base (room, tools), useful links and other factors is important.

Consider the main areas of business in which the novice can be realized from scratch without significant starting capital and material base.

How to create your business online from scratch?

The Internet provides ample opportunities for those who make the first steps in the business world.

However, it is worth noting that it is impossible to lead activities on the network from scratch without any knowledge.

You will have to or receive the desired skills yourself, or get ready to search for specialists to perform work (which, of course, entails spending).

Consider several popular ideas on business from scratch on the Internet, for the implementation of which a large starting budget is needed:

    Thematic blog.

    If you are well versed in some topic (for example, cooking, fitness), then you can develop your resource.

    On the "promotion" from scratch will have to spend a lot of time and strength. But when you achieve a significant audience, you will be able to make money on advertising and using affiliate programs.

    The key to success is high-quality, interesting and unique materials.

    Business for applying prints on clothes, dishes.

    To engage in such a thing from scratch, it is not necessary to even have equipment.

    You can perform an intermediary between customers and major printing houses that agree to cooperate at wholesale prices.

    An example of such a business:

    Create online flea market.

    You can start with your own things, gradually "connecting" familiar (each in the closet there will be unnecessary more clothing, shoes).

    Consider as a serious business idea this idea is difficult.

    However, the implementation does not require any investments + at least a small income it will bring.

    The resulting profit can be sent to the organization of another source of earnings.

Business from scratch in the provision of services

Another option for a business that does not require a serious starting "platform" is the service area.

To begin with, you only need to master any skill that is currently in demand.

What are the examples from scratch?

  • sewing and repairing clothes;
  • manicure and pedicure at home;
  • massage (you need to pass training courses);
  • visage, hair styling and similar options.

As a rule, many skills can be mastering themselves.

Fortunately, on the Internet really find detailed manuals and even video tutorials practically about any option for the provision of services.

This area also allows you to assume development, moving forward on the "career ladder".

To do this, learn, learn and study again.

Consider in practice:

Cosmetologist girl is engaged in mechanical cleaning Persons, applying masks, performing non-medical massage.

All these types of employment are available without courses and receiving certificates. However, she does not want to stand still and decides to receive medical education in the school.

Having received the appropriate diploma, the girl can expand the list of services by adding such items to it (which bring very good profits):

  • performing therapeutic massages;
  • botex injections;
  • procedures for skin rejuvenation (both faces and the whole body);
  • providing minor services in the field of medicine (injections, droppers);
  • care for elderly people.

Of course, the sphere of beauty is not the only option for undertakings in a small business from scratch.

You can also divide the fruits of the resulting skill, and the skill yourself.

We are talking about educational courses that are now very in demand.

For the start, you need a little: possession of some high level skill + ability to find mutual language With people, to convey them new information.

Training at first can be organized via the Internet, to do in your home or come to students.

If the case "goes", you will be able to scale it - hire other teachers, remove the studio, etc.

What options can be ideas for business from scratch?

  • study of foreign languages;
  • web design courses, programming for beginners;
  • massage courses (both health and cosmetic);
  • teaching yoga, martial arts, personal training;
  • school of learning the art of coming from scratch.

The basis for the development of such a business from scratch is, of course, advertising.

It is not necessary to regret money, since the options for free promotion give not a particularly outstanding and fast result.

Learn to find an individual approach to each client.

Control the quality and speed of work - both its own and employees subsequently.

As soon as you have the opportunity, you will go through customer service courses and personnel management - it will be a big help in the establishment of a business "from scratch".

Business from scratch in production

When it comes to business from scratch, it is not necessary to talk about a large-scale manufacture in the factory room.

Rather, we are talking about not wholesale manufacture of products. handmade In a small workshop or just at home.

However, although the scale of the embodiment of the business idea at first will be modest, it will still be a business in the field of production.

What ideas can be implemented from scratch?

  • tailoring of leather products (accessories, wallets, purses, bags, even shoes);
  • production of photo albums, postcards and panels (scrapbooking, origami, other types of needlework);
  • (really implement even on the balcony in ordinary apartment), berries, mushrooms;
  • bird breeding for sale eggs, meat, livestock (great option for those who live in their home).

Risks when opening your business from scratch

Risks are any loss for a businessman, from reducing sales to complete project elimination.

They may arise both because of the errors of the entrepreneur itself and because of external circumstances.

Deciding to implement a business from scratch on the Internet, you may encounter such risks:

  • An uninteresting idea that will not find a response.
  • Execution in low quality, which entails creating a bad reputation.
  • Increased competition associated with increasing business popularity on the Internet.

If we are talking about the provision of services, it is worth considering such risks:

    Unstable economic situation in the country.

    Not all ideas will be postponed such a period.

    People in the context of the financial crisis are ready to abandon many things - cosmetic services, first of all.

    In the service sector, the Sarafan Radio works especially actively.

    This is not only plus, but also minus.

    After all, any mistakes will not be forgotten for a very long time.

Consider potential risks that may occur in the case of production:

    If a consumables (For creativity, seeds of plants, some small equipment) gets imported from abroad, there is a dependence on the currency rate.

    There may also arise problems on "customs clearance" of the goods and its delivery.

    Mechanical breakdowns may occur, which slow down the production process.

    This leads to inconsistencies in profits.

    Therefore, experienced people advise if possible to buy only quality equipment For your business.

  • First, profit may not cover costs.

These are only the main possible risks.

It will be right to determine the potential problems under the specific idea of \u200b\u200bthe business, before its implementation.

It is necessary not to simply make a list of possible "punctures", but also to understand how to minimize the likelihood of their occurrence.

And, of course, create instructions in case of incarnation of risks in reality.

If you are too lazy to spend time on such precautions, it may not make sense at all try to open your own business.

The main list of risks on the book "Business Strategy: Analytical Directory":

Don't forget and positive moment: Business from scratch is good because there are no major financial investments on the horse.

Because the most valuable thing you can lose is your own time.

To summarize all the above information, we recommend viewing this video:

Conclusion about how to create your business from scratch

Answer to the question how to create your small businessIt is not how much in creating a business plan and registration (although these stages are also very important).

What you need to create your own successful business in the Internet? The answer is very simple: it is necessary that others can implement their needs (B2C) or earn money (B2B). Many forget about this, thinking only about their benefits, which is often the reason for the failure of new projects. Let's talk about the main types of online business. In many of them I have personal experience, and some worked as a developer or SEO optimizer.

Opening online store

Even now, when you can buy almost everything on the Internet, the online store is still an attractive business. The advantages include the fact that, unlike a number of other ways, it is possible to start receiving income quickly, under certain conditions.

This business scope is far from the most simple, according to sellers of a number of info products, and the starting attachments are needed here. I was convinced of this when creating my store, as well as in developing and promoting tens of others. Costs will not only on site creation, but also on advertising. All the nuances of this business, even in five articles, cannot be painted, so I will say theses:

  • Competition is on sale almost any goods, in some groups (clothing, electronics, etc.) it is just a huge;
  • Start costs are significantly less than on the opening of the store offline, but the costs of attracting visitors can be much more and quite comparable to rent for the room, the staff salary and other costs of the ordinary store. If you look in the long run, it is far from the fact that the online store will be cheaper, about which many speak;
  • Internet commerce market is growing (according to analytical companies). In 2010, the market volume was 176 billion rubles, in 2014 - 612. Subsequently, the growth slowed down due to the economic crisis, but he still has, unlike offline;
  • 50% of orders come to Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Sale of goods without online store

The method is gaining more and more popularity, requires smaller cost than an online store, but it can be completely scaled and make a full-fledged business. People buy cheap and promising (from the point of view of sale) goods and sell them, often without an online store or even a website. For example, use social networks as a platform. Or make a single-page site for each product.

You can buy anything, today is popular for buying goods on Ebay, Aliexpress, Chinese electronics, etc. China is one of the most promising areas, there are already companies that will not only buy goods there, but also send it to customers. That is, you just need to pay a batch of goods and find buyers, everything else will make an intermediary.

It is less profitable than to do everything yourself, but if we talk about China, then it is often buying goods for the conditional 100 rubles, which in Russia are sold for a thousand.

For example, one of my friend has been engaged in the purchase of used iPhones on eBay and sell them offline through the social network and Avito platform.

Purchase of the site with an income from online

Excellent assets for acceptable money sell extremely rarely. Buying a site that already brings income - risk. The seller in 99 cases out of 100 will ask significantly more than its project. And if we talk about top sites that are absolutely white and have reliable sources of income, they will ask for a lot. However, these are exceptions, such projects are extremely rare.

If you have heard something about the possibility of earning on the site, but do not understand this, I do not recommend investing in it. It is better to put a little in creating your own website, it will give you the necessary experience, which will further allow the assets adequately.

But in general, this species Business (like any other, in which there are risks) can be very promising. It is quite real to buy a site that after small investments will bring much more. Therefore, it is better to buy undervalued projects that are clearly in stagnation.

I myself re-look at Telderi and buy projects that I somehow are interesting. I recommend reading the article "Investments in Sites", there is a question of buying sites considered more.

Creating your content sites

Creating your site for monetization safe ways like contextual advertising or affiliate programs - an absolutely win-win version. What is the problem of most sites that do not earn anything? The fact that they are thrown and not brought to mind, as well as the fact that the owners simply lack resources. But if you have money and you are ready to invest, then creating your site will be the most reliable option that guarantees you income.

But not everything is so simple. The income is guaranteed to you, but its size will be highly dependent on your experience and knowledge. Yes, if you have money, then you can hire specialists who will deal with everyone. But this is suitable only if you are ready to invest a lot of money in a large project. Otherwise, the payback periods of the project and its profitability will be very much.

Attach one million rubles and earn ten thousand per month maybe everyone may not need for this special knowledge. But to put a million and earn 50-100 thousand a month without experience will not work.

Business ideas on the Internet

Here I will list short enough whole line ideas that will take place to B2B or B2C. In fact, you can think of a lot interesting optionsThe Internet gives very great business opportunities.

Web Studio

  • Big competition;
  • The demand for services for creating and promoting sites is;
  • Starting attachments can be minimal.

More details you can read in the article "Earnings on site creation", there I considered this question in more detail, so I will not disassemble a web studio in detail as a business.

Company of narrow specialization

It can be a copywriting studio, graphic design, etc., many options. Go to any freelance site, look there categories orders. Almost to work with any category you can make your company. Your task will be only in finding customers, the costs of opening such a business will be minimal, but there are difficulties and certain nuances. Consider on the example of copywriting studios.

To start you will need:

  • Website;
  • Editor;
  • Copywriters;
  • Advertising campaign.

A key link is an explanatory editor (if not you). It is from him that the quality of the texts will depend on it, and for the copywriting studio it should be at the height. Copywriters can be formed long enough, you need not only to find intelligent authors, but also find them more than you need, just for the safety net. Separate time you do not have right.

Such a scheme relates to any sphere, whether it is design, programming, video creation, animation, etc. That is, you have a permanent basis at least one employee who really understands the topic. It is not worth saving on it.

Each field of activity has its own characteristics, but the advantages of such a narrow orientation can be attributed to the advantages of a narrow orientation that the pool of regular customers is formed, which reduces advertising costs. Or you can not reduce and expand your business further.

Competition in any sphere is quite large (including the army of freelancers), but the customers of the services do not become less. Plus a narrow specialization - less spending on start.


I wrote in detail about infotovar in this article. A promising direction that can be easily scaled. But you can not only work according to the scheme "I made infotovar and you are looking for buyers," but also to make them to order. Somehow I got a company that conducts research on the basis of sources on the Internet, for your services they take 20-30 thousand rubles. That is, they are simply looking for all the information and provide it in a responding form.

It is not as easy as it may seem at first glance, it is possible that they buy market reviews and other analytical materials from RBC, but I think the direction of thought is understandable. Today, the business is ready to pay for the information - think in this direction.

Services and applications

Here you can come up with so much that the list would pull on a couple of articles. From the exchange of links or service check service, to the exchanger of electronic currencies or site constructors. Here you have two ways, each has pros and cons.

The first is to copy the already working service, but you will have more convenient / cheaper / functional, etc. The costs of attracting users will be large, because they already have an alternative. Guaranteed only in the event that you get very good, much better than the competitors. It is a pity that you can not guarantee anything in advance.

In the second case, you implement the original idea, make something that no one did. As an example, advertising exchanges for social networks can be given, those who have managed the first to have collected all cream. But it is possible that your idea will not need anyone and will not be demand.

What to choose? In the second case, the potential income may be much larger, but the risks are much higher. In the first case, the income you will have for sure (if you do everything well), but not the fact that it will be big, because there is already competition. Yes, and the services market can be narrow, it can also be guaranteed that even from a very bad competitor, all users will not go to you. So you have a classic choice between the blue in your hands or crane in the sky.

However, from the point of view of business on the Internet, this option is to be considered in the first place. And without a business plan, you can not do here, you must accurately calculate everything, especially expenses. It often happens that the service did it seems to be good, but I didn't have enough money for advertising. Or launched an advertising campaign, and the service is raw, with errors.

I relate to this direction with a special warmth, because Itself often launching ministrates and read industry online editions. For example, I did the Freelance Exchange for photographers ( the site is sold for a penny, the buyer scored the project), I went to the business incubator with this idea (in the IT Park, Kazan), there it was rejected. I scored the project, because I decided to concentrate on the business of my web studio. But start-ups come to me in the studio, with this category of customers I work quite tightly, even there are several already running projects, but most, as a rule, are closed due to the underfunding or change of priorities.

Creating games

People love to play, people often spend a lot of money on games, buying virtual currency or objects. Main difficulty The fact that the era of "browserings" has already passed, and to create a full-fledged three-dimensional MMORPG or a shooter requires huge investments. But the replacement of browser games came social networks and mobile applications, where the threshold of the entrance to dozens and hundreds of times lower.

Successful I. popular Games On social networks earn millions of dollars, the same Facebook gives you a potential opportunity to attract tens of millions of players from around the world. Another thing is that projects like Angry Birds make professionals who have a big budget not only to develop, but also on advertising, compete with them difficult. But the business in this area is quite possible to create, the prospects are not less.

In the game business, not only the financial component is important, without which nothing will turn out exactly exactly, but also the idea on which everything depends on. There is no point in copying successful projects, you need to develop your own.

"Idea per million"

I know everything Facebook, Twitter and other services that have become companies that are estimated at billions of dollars. These success stories are often told by putting them as an example, use for motivation. But no one tells about thousands of projects that disappeared and no one remembers them. And their authors also thought that they had an idea on a million.

This is me to the fact that if you implement a hundred original ideas, one of them can be fired. Regarding the new, it is very difficult to predict, this is the problem. Such ideas of business on the Internet should not be done for the last money, they are often made according to the principle "will not go, well, well," and not for the last money.

There are very simple medicines from such ideas: a business plan. If it is very careful for its preparation, the project prospects become much clearer. Therefore, if you painted another brilliant idea, like a social network for dogs or for red, thoroughly think about everything before investing money or look for them.


Of course, I listed not all kinds of business on the Internet. Business is a systematic activity, the main task which is profit. From this point of view, almost any scope on the Internet can be turned into a business.

There was a time when blogs started lovers who did not think about income from advertising. Then they began to earn money, professional bloggers were tightened, for which their blog is the main source of income. Well, and then there were companies that made this business. This can be said about Vkontakte public messages, links, copywriting. Listed can be infinite.

Ideas are thousands. Internet itself is very powerful tool for business. Real companies and people spend money here. Your task is to determine the points where these cash flows. Or offer them a new path.

Most modern companies have already appreciated the ability to expand their activities that the virtual business opens. However, and for an ordinary user, the implementation of its own ideas and ambitions through network technologies is quite accessible. How to start making money on the Internet from scratch - in the article

Open business on the Internet forces to each person who can use the computer at the level of a confident user. To start your online business needs to determine the goal, evaluate your own strengths, reveal the possible risks, test ideas, draw up an action plan. In general, to do everything that in the usual business only taking into account the peculiarities and tools of promotion on the Internet.

Read more about ways of part-time on the Internet, read in this article.

What you need to know to open your business online

To start your business on the Internet, it is important to take into account the main factors and adhere to several rules. So what you need to concentrate at the very beginning?

  1. Psychological attitude. No matter how trite it does not seem, but the mood plays an important role in the success of any project. Thinking over how to create your business from scratch on the Internet, you should be prepared for first difficulties, takeoffs and falls. After all, so many those who started and surrendered at the first failure;
  2. Goals and objectives in business. This factor can also be attributed to psychological setup. Answer yourself honestly - why do you need it? Write your goals - the implementation of creative abilities, profit, benefits for others, fame, creating your own business model.
  3. Evaluation and miscenement of possible risks - This is a practical approach. The main risk in any business is the loss of invested funds, so you should not start with borrowed money, if there are no 100% confidence in success. Clean in advance where and how to minimize costs or create your business on the Internet from scratch. Another rule is the definition of the Stop point. A big mistake of many novice businessmen is an attempt to reanimate a business that does not bring income due to permanent investments. Determine for yourself the situation in which you need to stop.
  4. Gradual startMovement from the smaller to more has more prospects for development than large-scale business ideas. Small business On the Internet you can start without investments or with minimal cost, Then the likelihood of big losses and risks are reduced to zero. This factor is very important for beginner inexperienced businessmen.
  5. Selecting direction - The second practical question that needs to be solved initially. Even before you start your business on the Internet, you need to choose the sphere of activity in which you understand. Do not even start the case in which you do not have enough knowledge. If you still decide to take a chance, find a partner who has experience and knowledge in the selected sphere.
  6. Focus on quality- the most important factor Regardless of whether you offer a product or service. On the Internet, as in real life, quite a large number of proposals, and the sarafined radio on the network is not worse than in ordinary life. In order to choose exactly you, you need to create a reputation.
  7. Study of basic Internet technologies Promotions need to disseminate information on the network and attract interested users. Promotion Online has its own tools that can be compared with real marketing and advertising, but they have their own features. If you understand at least the essence and mechanism of work in the Internet, you will be much easier for you to develop your idea.
  8. Study of tax legislation and basic accounting. Small business in most cases prefers the organizational and legal form of the IP, keep records and submit reports to the tax in this case are independently. However, Russian legislation does not forgive errors: an incorrectly filled form can lead not only to the redistribution in the process of correction of an annoying error, but also to the FNS fines. Optimal option For a beginner entrepreneur - use one of the many numerical online services for accounting or hire the cost of such services can be viewed.

And the last advice: do not take money on the start of the business on the Internet, test the idea with minimal investments. The risk of material losses and financial problems in the future is better to minimize.

Internet business ideas from scratch, where to start

The idea and setting of goals is the first step, where to start the business on the Internet. Here we give a list of ideas for the development of our own business and receive income online:

  • photobank - Creation and sale of copyright photos;
  • dropshipping - intermediary services between the databases of goods and the buyer;
  • production of gift soap and natural cosmetics;
  • sale of organic products;
  • rendering real estate services;
  • development and sale of scenarios for holidays, corporate events, weddings;
  • provision of equipment for repair at home;
  • help in employment, creating a summary;
  • assistance in calculations, creating estimates;
  • logistics services;
  • library forms and forms;
  • baking cakes to order;
  • individual tailoring;
  • services of a wedding hairdresser, makeup artist;
  • individual design of T-shirts;
  • exchange of services and an application that facilitates the search for workers and personnel.

Working schemes how to build a business online

To deal with how to start your business zero on the Internet without investing money, it is necessary to determine the main direction. Business online, as in real life, is built on a proposal of certain goods or services. Among all directions such schemes are the most popular:

  • sale of goods;
  • professional services;
  • development, creation and sale of own products;
  • information Services.

How to open a business on the Internet from scratch without investments on the sale of goods

Sale and resale of finished goods, dropshipping is the most accessible, known, but also the most competitive Internet business niche. A beginner entrepreneur who wants to open his own business on sales, it is necessary to understand that he will have to compete with already promoted online stores. This means that you need to create such a proposal that can attract the buyer - more low price, Fast delivery, narrow product profile.

At the initial stage, you can use free bulletin boards, business accounts and own groups on social networks as sites for sales. However, sooner or later, the question of creating and promoting his own website arises before each Internet entrepreneur. Here you will need investments for buying a domain, payment service development services, advertising costs and promotion.

Where to start a business online on the services

Any types of services can be offered through their own website, ads, profile and specialized groups in social networks. That is, any skills and skills can be monetized, considering the two main conditions - professional skills and quality. Of the most sought-after types of online services are:

  • tutoring;
  • internet Marketing;
  • creating content for sites;
  • photographer services and video filming;
  • processing photo and video;
  • services of home masters, husband for an hour;
  • advice on employment, legal assistance.

If you are a professional master, you can find customers who need your services via the Internet and even create your own online service. You can start without costs with free ads and accounts on social networks. In the future, you can create a site, having tied to it already promoted groups.

Read more about promoting business in VK.

Where to start a business on the Internet when creating your own products

If you know how to do something own hands Or have the skills to create intellectual products, you can start your business on the Internet without starting capital and investments. The Internet is a huge platform for monetizing your skills.

For example, Hand-Maid is a direction that has been at the peak of popularity for many years. To understand what this is speechJust look at the site "Fair Masters". Any types of handmade goods can be sold at a good price, among the most popular destinations:

  • natural soap and cosmetics;
  • decorations of beads and stones;
  • clothing, accessories, toys and household goods of the author's work.

If you know how to create mobile applications or sites, create designer decoration Or develop programs, these products can also be implemented on the network. Mobile applications are now in demand. Analysis of the last year's market showed that applications use the greatest demand:

  • for individualization and personalization mobile devices (backgrounds, screensavers for screens, sets of icons, shells);
  • music applications that allow listening to music online;
  • libraries with books in different format, including audio;
  • tools for improving the performance of mobile devices;
  • sports applications, fitness, yoga;
  • applications to optimize and facilitate travel.

You do not have skills, but are interested in how to start your business on the Internet on creating mobile applications? Simple advice - find a partner and divide responsibilities. It creates applications, you implement them. For the sale of mobile applications in the network, there are profile sites:

  • SellMyApp;
  • Flippa;

In addition to selling ready-made mobile applications, you can accept orders for creating companies. Widespread mobilization and virtualization led to the fact that sites, magazines, social networks, services services are transferred to the format of mobile applications.

About creating a business account Read

Open your business on the Internet from scratch and without investments is not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance. You can start with one type of activity, and then expand the business or supplement the accompanying goods or services.

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