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Open Joint Stock Company "Federal Passenger Company. FPK OJSC Railways - Federal Passenger Company

OJSC "Federal passenger company» Created in 2006 by order of the Federal Passenger Directorate of Russian Railways in the course of structural reform of railway transport.

The main task of the joint stock company is the organization and management of passenger rail transportations on long-distance routes.

Independent activity as a carrier joint-stock company Beginning in 2010. The authorized capital of the enterprise amounted to the property of Russian Railways and personnel carrying out transportation on long-distance routes.

Joint Stock Company has 15 regional branches located on the territory of Russia, passenger car depots, carriage sites, railway agencies, transportation center vehicle and car part of the central direction.

The organizations own three subsidiaries: LLC NTS, LLC "Travel-Tour", LLC "FPK-Logistics".

Educational and Methodical Center

For high-quality training personnel in the company, an educational and methodological center has been created. Training of specialists for FPK is carried out on the basis of the Moscow Road School railwaywhich is the only profile departmental center in the country focused on the organization of passenger traffic. Besides vocational training For employees of the joint-stock company, retraining, advanced training, obtaining a second specialty are organized on the basis of the training center.

The training center has a modern material base, which includes electrified stands and simulators, layouts. Training is carried out highly qualified teachers who have continued experience on rail transport.

Training programs are developed by company specialists and are aimed at familiarizing with new equipment, passenger service rules. Particular attention is paid to customer-oriented staff behavior.

Training programs are adapted for a specific group of students and are built with regard to tasks and directions. strategic development Joint Stock Company.

Personnel policy

The Federal Passenger Company supports the Unified Corporate Policy of Russian Railways in the field of personnel management and organizes work in accordance with the company's personnel policy.

Currently, companies have more than 70 thousand employees who serve customers carry out maintenance, manual manual.

To improve the company's customer service, special attention is paid to the recruitment of personnel. The development of the necessary working skills of newly accepted employees is held using highly qualified psychologists who conduct practical classes in the workplace. The company practices training, seminars and individual exercises.

JSC "FPK" is one of the few organizations that revived the work of student detachments. Every year, the company attracts students to young people to work as ticket holders and conductors in long-distance passenger trains.

The site of the company

Detailed information about the company is posted on the official website.
In the section "About the company" posted historical reference, information about the company, its structure, branches, corporate personnel training Center. The section contains the main provisions of social and personnel policies, the program of environmental protection of the joint stock company.

FPK OJSC Railways - Official Website

Interested parties will find information about vacancies available in the company and work conditions.

Also, the page contains contact details: legal addressThe addresses of branches in the regions, phone numbers and email addresses.
Shareholders and investors can familiarize themselves with the charter of society and internal documents, financial and accounting reports. The page contains information about affiliated persons, securities and procurement.

For the convenience of clients of the company on the site you can purchase electronic tickets using video instructions.

On the site page posted the acquisition rules electronic tickets, as well as answers to frequently asked questions.

Taking advantage of the service, you can check tickets like on suburban trainsand on long-distance trains in any direction through the territory of Russia and Europe, as well as the return of tickets.

On a separate page there is a train schedule, information about changing the schedule.

Passengers will find the Passenger Transport Rules, information for passengers with disabilities, safety information on railway transport, tariffs and shares of the company.

In the "Online Services" section placed information for the owners of the capture cars. The site contains information about goods permitted to enter the territory of the Customs Union.

The section contains notifications for car owners. Using the site of the company, you can calculate the distance between destinations and the preliminary cost of cargo transportation. Also make a request for shipping by a container train, place an order for booking a car and shipping, as well as make an application for car transportation.

On the company's website there is a telephone of a single information and service center for which you can ask questions.


Joint Stock Company "Federal Passenger Company" (JSC "FPK"):

  • Address: 107078, Moscow, ul. Masha rusty, d. 34.


  • Inn: 7708709686;
  • OGRN: 1097746772738;
  • PPC: 997650001;
  • OKATO: 45286565000;
  • OKPO: 94154560.


Leave feedback (6)


Good day. I would like to express my gratitude to the conductors of the train number 22 Moscow - Labytnangi Moscow branch, Andreva Catherine and Yakubovich Anna. For high-quality service of passengers, I felt like at home. The car was clean, cozy and comfortable. I was lucky that such good responsive and pleasant conductors were hitting. Thanks to the girls for a good trip, it was very nice to go with such wonderful people, more such good guides. Everything was super for all time trip. I wish you girls female happiness and health, your not easy work.

We like to declare gratitude to employees of Russian Railway Station Adler for the measures taken to organize temporary accommodation in the Alexander Garden of the Olympic Village and in the future sending us home due to emergencies in the Krasnodar Territory. Also thank you so much Head of Train No. 88 Adler-Nizhny Novgorod Trukhina E.G. And Wagon Wagon No. 4 May for professionalism, the ability to navigate in a critical situation and a sensitive attitude to passengers. For more than such employees on the railway and in general, on our life path! Nina Vasilyevna and Oksana Yastrebov, who left Adler on October 27, 2018.

Hello! In October 2018, I was on vacation and treatment in the sanatorium Cote d'Azur (Sochi). Returned on October 24 from Art. LOO to Art. Rossosh by train №36 Adler - S. Petherburg. I would like to thank all the staff of this train for highly professional work, for quality service, nutritional organization and drinking water, in the prevailing sophisticated conditions (Emergency) emergencythat we all presented the nature in the area of \u200b\u200bStitupes. Unfortunately, the 26th, due to the impossibility of further retention of the train due to the emergency state of the railway. The canvas, I was transported by buses with other passengers to Art. Hot key. At this station top Qualities Railroad workers only intensified. We were fed, placed in the cars of the train No. 84 (Head of Safaryan Ruslan Valerevich's train), I was in the car number 9 (Conductor Pilipenko Galina Tofikovna, an employee of the LVCHD-24 Reserve of conductors). The train followed the route Art. Hot key - S.Petherburg through Art. Moscow. I was pleased with the warning, pleased, goodwill and attention, which to all of us, passengers of the train number 84, showed all the staff of this train. And on the path and on arrival at its station Rossosh, we were surrounded by attention and care. Special thanks I want to express the head of the Safaryan train to Safaryan Ruslan Valerevichu and Wagon Conductor No. 9 Pilipenko Galina Toffikne. I ask you to encourage these wonderful people! Thank you for such employees!

Hello! Extremely perturbed technical condition Vagon №02 Train No. 115/116 Adler -S-Petersburg September 26 I sat in the specified car station Loo and drove two days before my station and suffered from unbearable stuff like all passengers of this car. For two days, the trains have not seen Words of the conductor does not work Ventilation, although when buying a ticket for 90 days, the cashier asked whether the car was needed in the car and the Bio toilet on the fact that the car was (all rust and walled). I would like to know when to stop this chaos for the sake of commerce, who should answer for it, and how to return money for the spoiled passage After all, we almost didn't sleep ... There is no complaints to the conductor, he did his job well in the same "terrifying" conditions .

In modern life, technology is actively developing, in all areas the equipment of the new generation is widely used. Developing international relationships, significantly increases trade. All calculations are associated with the branch of rail transport, which include as a railway transportation, also transportation of passengers. In this article, you can find out the list of carriers.

Regulation of passenger and freight operations

Railway carriers across the Russian Federation have proven themselves with best side. Operational I. reliable way Delivery of goods increases competition in the market. Modern cargo transportation market develops quite well. The company company regularly reduces prices for certain services. Due to the high competition, the currency continues to rise, but the tariffs for the railway transportation in many transport companies Stay almost unchanged.

Railway transportation in Russia

Many companies offer their customers export transport. The grain can be transported with certain benefits, as capital takes up to 40% of the total export grain shipping. Good service TKS attracts many new customers and passengers, so on russian market Too big competition.

Important! Rail transportation allow workers to send cargo to anywhere in the world. At the same time, the company is responsible for ensuring complete safety during the transport of cargo in the container. The main factor is the observance of the rules for transportation and transportation of goods.

In accordance with the Government Decree Russian Federation Of December 10, 2008 No. 950, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation were to implement the state regulation of passenger traffic through the establishment of tariffs and / or their limit level in their subject.

Railway passenger company CJSC TKS

In November 2009, CJSC Transklassservis issued a certificate for compliance with the requirements international Standard. Quality control of the work of the conductors is carried out under the supervision special Department Control. To improve the qualifications of workers, CJSC TKS, the Russian carrier periodically conducts training programs.

What is CJSC TKS

TKS carrier has about 100 own cars. Several of them are included in the composition of the company 015E "Ural" of JSC "Russian Railways" with the message Ekaterinburg - Moscow. The cost of a ticket per person is about 2400 rubles *. TKS is a famous railway company offering passengers high level Service and travel quality.

Note! Each place in the coupe is equipped with a familiar lamp, a conductor call button and a 220 volt personal rosette. The company employee will immediately come in a coupe after clicking the call button.

TKS (RZD carrier) offers passengers modern trains that have cars of various categories:

  • TKC wagons coupe category "2l", they are quadruple - most comfortable, however, the cost of the ticket is not included.
  • COOP COOP TKS Category 2t "Economy TC" is designed for 4 places - the ticket price includes meals.

Important! Children under 5 years old are allowed to travel with parents for free. To do this, it is necessary to present a document where the child's age is indicated.

In the upper office there is a package with an individual set (included in the ticket price). The kit includes: spoon for shoes, toothbrush, wet wipes and other useful things. The coupe is equipped with 4 electronic mini-safes. One for each passenger. For lower passengers, safes are provided under the table.

Note! Warm blankets are wrapped in special covers.

Advantages of a federal passenger company in Russia

FPK (federal passenger company)

Many travelers who first hear such a company name are asked: "FPK carrier - what is it?". The Federal Passenger Company is the Russian subsidiary of Russian Railways, which provides services for the transport of passengers and cargo by rail in a long-term traffic. The Chief Federal Financial Department is located in Moscow.

Note! Passenger transport is carried out with the most convenient time of departure and arrival at the final station.

OJSC "Russian Railways" (Russian Railways) - state company, monopolist in the field of railways. There are many different divisions in it, passenger traffic in long-distance trains are engaged in DOSS and FPK JSC. In addition, there are suburban companies (PPK), organizations in the regions (for example, "Yakutia Railways"), "Aeroexpress" (Comfortable train from the airport to the railway station) and others.

In the mid-1990s, rail transportations in Russia became unprofitable, the Ministry of Railways was mired in bureaucracy. This was the cause of reforms and in 2003 a Russian Railways were created. 100% of the company's shares owns the state. For 2016, Railways about 520 passenger trains On 120 directions that transport passengers in 21 countries of the world.

Coupe of the Upper Floor in the two-story train Moscow - St. Petersburg


Federal Passenger Company JSC (FPK JSC) - a subsidiary of Russian Railways, she owns most of the passenger traffic in long-distance trains. All new passenger cars meet the high requirements of comfort, but they still have many old cars left since the time of the USSR. Consider several types of trains owned by FPK JSC.

Nefirmen trains

They are distinguished more low level Services and "Soviet" cars. Shelves are covered with burgundy artificial leather. Toilets are closed at stations. Very few outlets. There is often no air conditioner. Sometime they could run in the composition branded trainsBut now, due to a long service, they can not work something in them or be dirty. Additional services are absent. The main advantage of such trains is available in low cost of tickets.

Branded trains

These are trains with new wagons and a wide range of services. They go faster than other compounds, they prescribe a convenient time of departure and arrival. Tickets in the corporate train are always more expensive than in the Nefirmen. Features of such compositions:

  • new cars - there is air conditioning, two beytails explaining the electronic scoreboard, microwave and refrigerator at the conductor;
  • in every coupe (in the suite and the jewelry car), a soft back at the bottom shelf, electronic lock on the door, the head of the conductor call, the socket, an individual lamp-night light;
  • there is free services: food, press, traveler set, etc.

The first corporate train in the USSR appeared in 1931. He was called "Red Arrow" and cruised from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Today, branded trains are already 92.

Biotage in the two-story train Moscow - St. Petersburg

"Premium" -birds

Premium is positioned as trains increased comfort. From the remaining branded trains, they differ in greater speed (and therefore less time on the road) and the presence of additional services (for example, there is a TV in the jewelry car).

Premium compositions appeared in 2009. They followed several directions, but later some of the trains were canceled due to low loading or renamed. Now the premium trains run from Moscow in three areas: Adler, Kazan, Novorossiysk.

Two-storey trains

These are trains with two-storey coupe and suite cars (SV). The car-restaurant is also a two-story: on the first floor there is a bar, and on the second - dining room.

A two-storey train can transport twice as many passengers, so the price of a ticket in it is usually lower than in a similar one-storey. They provide the comfort of the jigsaw car at the price of the depositary. But such cars and closer are: on the upper shelf it is impossible to sit, less space for luggage. Two-storey cars are planned to be replaced by all the reserved rates after 10 years.

The first two-storey train in Russia began to run on Moscow-Sochi route in 2013. In 2016, such groups have already become somewhat, they follow in St. Petersburg, Samara, Voronezh, Kazan. Read more about two-storey trains

Corridor of the Upper Floor in the two-story train Moscow - St. Petersburg


Directorate of the high-speed message ("DOSS") is engaged in high-speed new generation trains. The first became, which in 2009 connected with each other Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod. It accelerates to 250 km / h and drives the distance between the two capitals in 4 hours, to which the usual train need more than 8 hours. And already in 2010, the second electric train was launched - kiving from the northern capital to Helsinki (Finland). In 2015, on the route Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod "Sapsan" changed high-speed train By shorting the time on the way for 20 minutes. Tickets for many high-speed trains are more expensive than the other on the same route.

A sedentary train develops speed up to 160 km / h. It is used as a high-speed train on flights dura to 5.5 hours. "Swallow" runs on many routes in the European part of Russia. Depending on the flight, part of the compositions belongs to the carrier "DOSS", and part of the FPK JSC. Tickets for "Swallow" inexpensive, cheaper all other trains on these routes.

Most high-speed trains rush only with comfortable seating cars. Each composition has its own set of additional services: Wi-Fi, leather chairs with footrest, seats that can be rotated along the movement, car restaurant and so on.

Six-seat coupe in the high-speed sitting train "Nevsky Express"