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Emil Kue: Positive settings for every day. Cold for positive: psychologist tips

In the life of each of us there are times when it is difficult to make yourself do anything. And we begin to seek the reasons that can cause the necessary set to workbased on which, we attribute to one or another degree of importance, urgency, necessity, etc. From how highly a particular deal, the quality and speed of its implementation depends on the importance. Also, our good or bad attitude towards it is strongly affected. A set to work is big if you do it with great desire.

This ability to motivate ourselves to fulfillment, these are internal reserves that come to the aid in difficult and responsible conditions that help you do without external "reinforcement" in solving problems and achieving goals. Actotivation is relevant at the moments of physical and moral exhaustion, when the forces on the outcome, and to bring the case to the end requires the need.

Methods of selfior This is a good assistant to solve tasks facing you with the least psychological losses. After all, as sometimes it is difficult to do something, something is impaired, but the point immediately begins to go awake, as soon as we remember those great goals, whose execution of many problems is carried out. So, one of the ways of selfior is the specifically set goal. The goal that will be our stimulus to which we will constantly strive. This is a compass that eliminates us from negative thoughts and unnecessary experiences.

As soon as we have questions such as: "Why do I need it?", "Is I working in the right direction?", The demotivation process is launched. As a result, doubts appear, the working attitude decreases, the quality of work is worsening, and you fall on a network of negative, pessimistic mood. In order for such thoughts as many times as possible, your life goal should always be before your eyes and warm up a desire for work. BUT! If you want to succeed in life, then you need to choose life goals that will fit your values, your strong features, your preferences and your desired lifestyle. And only such goals will serve you with a good stimulus in selfish.

On the way to success, to his dream, putting life goals, we divide them on the scenes. Take a rule by reaching certain vertices, encourage yourself. It can be like a pleasant stay and gifts to yourself for successfully completed work.

The use of self-motivation is similar to carrots suspended in front of the muzzle of his cunning owner. As a donkey follows a juicy carrot, and we are motivated by your own dream or good goals, we go through life, solving problems.

The above examples can be considered positive techniques, moorotivation methods. We imagine how good will be able to handle the tasks. Another, let's call it a negative admission, is the representation of the tragic consequences that may arise due to non-compliance with the tasks facing us. Suppose if you do not cope, qualitatively and on time with the responsibilities assigned to you, you will get a strict reprimand or be dismissed. Such prospects scare, and clearly affect your performance.

In modern psychology there are various opinions about the effectiveness of a technique. Someone significantly puts one admission higher than the other, someone vice versa, but everyone speaks to the usefulness of their use in the complex.

Sometimes to force yourself to work - The problem is not of the lungs. Using ways admission to selfotivation, in everyday lifeYou will be easier to carry out the task facing you. If you want to succeed in life, you need you need. You need to know how to motivate yourself. You must maintain the resistance of the Spirit, despite the fact that the situation leads to despondency.

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Sterry. Technologies of happiness and success in the career and love Shacka Eugene

Correct Samonast

Correct Samonast

And the brain can be an erogenous zone.

Racuel Welch

Well, why did you immediately get into this section? Do you think I accidentally put it at the end? Or do you think that everything in life is worth getting through bed? Perhaps you think that everything written earlier is for terrible old aunts, and you scroll through the missed pages somehow at your leisure. Or ... oh, this is eternal female curiosity!

Yes, the career is done through the bed, and the service affair may end in marriage. Yes, a close acquaintance with the powerholders makes it easier for the career ladder. If you have a lubricant face and a good figure, it will make it easier for a career start. If you have everything else, "this will help you come to the finish line, and not to fall on the road by a drunk horse, which, as you know, is easier to shoot.

So, what do we have at this start? A rather self-confident and ambitious bitch, which wants to achieve something in the structure, almost certainly created and managed by men. As neither sad, but it is all so all arranged in business - smart and successful men much more, and they treat you much loyal than "floating" in the same waters of female sharks. Sin does not take advantage of this. There is only one big "but". One possession of female sexual authority in this game is clearly not enough. For beautiful eyes and a good blowjob, you can get a place in the reception room, but not at the table of meetings. In addition, as my experience shows, there are far from model appearance, silly, stupid, not too neat and well dressed, and most importantly, do not correspond to the life and work they claim.

There was such a curious experience in my biography: it was necessary to create a group of VIP accompaniment for one large companywhich constantly came companions from other cities. Partners needed to take something, feed, show the city and can be chewed in every way. The company's management did not force girls to sleep with clients, but in any case they had to fully satisfy them - on their own or causing a prostitute - at the discretion. And that is not all! IN ordinary life Girls for maintenance should have been working in conventional managers, and 2-3 times a month to fulfill the role of "hosts", caring for the guests and the defeating chief from the guests' drunk by the office. Such an alignment had another advantage - the visitors gave birth to hands not to some girls of easy behavior or guides, but to employees of the company, therefore the proximity for guests with such employees is not at all that with the prostitutes caused by phone, which many wealthy gentlemen are afraid and disgust. The salary was proposed more than decent, but also the requirements were quite high: the growth is above average, bright appearance, manners, the ability to speak on different topics and knowledge of etiquette. By the way, higher education as required condition Not required. In the course of the occurrence and development of the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating, as we called it, a "prior command" to the project were connected to several more firms with similar problems - how to take visitors guests.

I did this case for the sake of money, but from the eternal female curiosity and even the desire to help the intelligent girls to find myself, because if you wish and having experience, it would be not necessary to sleep with visitors with visituls, especially since most of them (oligarchs) were not at that age and more needed beautifully awesome ears, and not in the other ... but the accompanying would have introduced a unique opportunity, or rather, the whole two possibilities - to communicate with strong Mira This, and not by the "boys from the area" and get a large firms, where, by applying forces and brains, after a few months they could show themselves and make it decently earned, no longer engaged in accompanying guests. Even if you take the worst option and suggest that every girl will have to sleep once or two a month with guests, I didn't see anything terrible, since about this opportunity, we were honestly warned, and the collective farm, as you know, is voluntary.

True, nothing happened from the ventiy. Of the fifty girls who came to the interview for the selection of the three, whom I had to train "the intricacies of the profession," only two came up, and even then at the time of the arrival at the interview, both worked in large firms and decently earned, and the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing toys for repulsive businessmen of them obviously not impressive. But the main mass - the maiden of a slavish species, perturbed only by the fact that "I also need to work!", They were ready for everything, only for our goal they did not fit at all and for the people of the level to which our guests treated, no interest did not imagine. Any decently earning man can afford to buy a cool prostitute. He can even buy her at least every day. But just a few, most of them have permanent mistresses - one proven and "long-playing" and several "weekly hobbies". Here you are the first task - think why?

Yes, the world rules men, but in America, for example, women own most of the money visiting the country, 65 percent of savings accounts, 57 percent valuable papers and 75 percent of houses in the suburbs of American cities. Yes, I almost forgot, women commit 90 percent of all purchases. Encouraging statistics, right? That's just encouraging it for us, not for men. In fact, the power in women was always, and she was based on the house, family, children. Most men really value the family and are not ready to part with children even because of the "big cockroaches" in the head of the wife.

The lives of many men are daily proof that they are for something suitable, besides fertilization that they are fathers, and not a gene pool, they need to be proud of, to go through, to protect, holly and cherish. On my bitching look, such a circulation deserve units, and a large gray mass of eternally concerned and in fact, none of no suitable men and in fact it is not suitable and deserves the right to reproduction only because of the stupidity of many women, why That seeming married. Well, okay, it's not about this, although I have so best to give birth to smart and beautiful, even if you bring up a child myself. So at one time did my grandmother, returning to the child-handsome to the average former husband.

The whole question is that a man, and even moreover, a businessman and a businessman, it feels almost every day, as women coming on his heels, as an unleached, gentle and rude, they began to go to male manners and achievements. It annoys. Many men even choose a bachelor's lifestyle, forever believing that families in the example, which now you will find only old films and history textbooks, is no longer there, and a woman is the source of endless spending, hassle and stupidity, which, using his childbirth Function, lures men to hell pitch. Such a man needs only sex, and he can receive sex without marriage.

Thus, on your way, if you decide to choose a bedside option, a man will arise, closer to one of the described options - either an exemplary family man who is afraid to start the novels at work and changes his wife rarely, only on business trips and prostitutes, or Litted Lovelace, who fured out everything that moves down the office, and confident that only this option of communication is possible with women, and keep them better at the distance of the ereginated organ. There is such a good anecdote, surprisingly exactly characterizing men in general and bosses in particular:

A young girl comes to the fortuneteller and is advised to get married for whom. Shows the first photo, the fortune telle looked and says: "This does not love anyone, and you will not love you," then the girl took the second photo. I looked at the fortune teller and said: "This all loves and love you."

There is nothing terrible or in any other version - both are easily plunged, and in the end they begin to sing those songs that we are pleasant. But only under one condition: the relationship with your party will be sincere, long, disinterested and directed, first of all, to learn everything that this person can. Of course, you can be big lucky - he falls and will allow you to turn the ropes from yourself, you will become a favorite and the mistress of the office, instantly slipping a few steps career staircaseBut this version of the development of events is not ideal. First, you will have a bad reputation of a woman who, who does not imagine themselves, simply made the "one place" director in time and achieved everything. Naturally, no respect for colleagues and speech can not be. The second point is not quite a career, as quencing from this company, you will not be so easy to occupy a similar position in another company, if you live in the capital, where the sorrhal radio works with less intensity and speed, and for bed professionalism on Work is taken far from all institutions. There is also the third moment - a rich man is so simple with his favorite toys it does not part. And if you love the other and want to break the vicious circle?

Why I highlight the word learn And I insist exactly on this approach to this kind of career? From purely practical considerations. To be lifelong-loving-content is not a career and the topic for a completely different book, to become a wife of the oligarch - a career, but having nothing in common with your business and self-realization in the professional sphere. As you already know, I think that you can self-realize as a beloved woman, a mother and front of capitalist production can any woman, and not to deny anything to deny anything and sacrificing. Therefore, let us agree on the same things about the same things - you need to learn a lot to earn and create a hierarchical staircase as soon as possible. Not a career, namely hierarchical, because in the understanding of ordinary people, often the lady, which is brought to the "Merce" to the entrance, occupies a social hierarchy a higher place than honest worker with great career prospects and prestigious education confirmed by a red diploma. Becoming the mistress of rich and successful manYou combine two images - an expensive bl ... Diving and an excellent person with ambitious thoughts, ready for the sake of poring the five textbooks.

And that is not all. Such an approach saves a lot of strength, time and nerves, after all, to fall in love with a rich, strong spirit and a smart man simply, and on this fire already burned the wings not one dozen butterflies. If you perceive a man not like target, but as means, Everything is simplified before the disgrace: you give him your beautiful young body, skillful handles and sponges, cheerfulness, always widely placed legs, the energy of youth and freshness, and he is engaged in your education - lay out all his professional secrets, introduces influential friends, forgives non-infamous misses At work, and most importantly, teaches you to think as a successful person.

If you take such an exchange for the starting point, only one thing is important: to be his mistress as long as possible and make communication as closely as possible and intense to gain access to informal meetings in restaurants, accompany him on business trips and be able to get acquainted with all the affairs of the company. Let us leave the Baban snot and romance - they still did not make anyone more rich or happy. Do not confuse a service novel for a career and personal life.

If you approach relations from this side, you will not have to suffer from the fact that there are no recognition in love and gifts, there will be no painful expectations alone and an empty apartment and think about how he applies to you. You will not even upset the presence of "rivals", or rather, other sexual partners. I am no longer talking about clarifying relationships (my practice shows that as soon as the relationships begin to "figure out," it only suggests that there are no longer), scenes of jealousy, requests for new fur coats and machines. Be higher and take more - the clothes will then buy yourself. And he is your "love" completely nothing. First, for him, so in all respects, it's easier, and secondly, the smaller we love the man ... Emotions are very exhausted, and therefore, leave them for another time, place and man, it is better to think about how to win attention (about love There can be no speech!) A rich man.

The bosses are a busy people, and therefore relations with women they try to reduce a pleasant and unrecordable minimum, that is, there is already a pleasure, but there are no heads yet. Many young ladies with inherent in high immense as soon as the boss draws attention to them, they begin to build air locks and plans almost to grow grandchildren. Stop, otherwise nothing will work. Men are breeding novels at work not because you are so wonderful and he could not resist, was conquered by the waist of your eyelashes ... Leave this nonsense for female novelswho write terrible virgins of pre-age age. Men are suitable for life more pragmatic: the mistress (s) at work is cheap and convenient. You can pull out anywhere at any time, and without listening to a bunch of reproaches, since the woman's subordination is very conspirators and miles - it turns out in bed the boss !!! And there will be a desire to scratch the language - you do not need to invent the topic - you can also hold the planer, right there, in bed.

Or, here is another plus business of the service novel and you "hook for fishing" - all the chiefs love gossip and are very interested in what they are talking about in the team. Being a mistress, you can easily play on this, and the topic for conversation is inexhaustible - intrigue is easily on an empty place to weave, if you need it.

So the mistress in submission is convenient, cheap, simple and exciting. You can even arrange a whole competition - "Miss Office-200 ..." here so rich men restore the rushing equilibrium of the sexes, which the women kept a woman from the slab-cradles and forced to tolerate all the tricks of the man just because he is A shame. " Love affair at work With such a situation for a man - Heavenly paradise. He receives a consonant on the whole sexual partner and does not spend a penny on her conquest and hold - it keeps it better than any candy bouquets fear of losing work and hope to become the main favorite.

But the week or several months passes, and the favorite changes. And for the most part, not the fact that the man is tired of this "hole", and because of the female nonsense, which makes us assume that everything that has been inside us must be for us for this life and immensely grateful. A modest employee gradually turns into a capricious girl, which works worse and all the impudence behaves, right here it is time to change it.

I suggest you a completely different scenario, in which it will not matter, he loves you or not, and and who he does not care. You just become a riding convenience and comfort for him - nor scenes and scandals, solid advances in work, cozy houseIn which you can look at the tea glass after a hard work day, and the company is outstanding, always fun and ready for sex women. This does not change, they do not refuse this, and if they "go for a walk", it's not for long and return with gifts and a guide head.

Being a mistress is the art who was taught the heter and Geish almost from the diaper. But no one bothers you to engage in self-education - think about it in advance how to make a man or distract it from thoughts about work (one of the most important skills!) What themes it is interesting for him, and that you mean in this way. It would be nice to be not only to become anger, but also to show that you are a person with our views and "theories" - as I call them. As you can see, for such a role, the presence of one vagina is clearly not enough, but still needed and look like a pupa, so that his friends look at you with oil eyes and secretly in the restaurant put their business cards in the restaurant.

There is nothing difficult in all this, if you do not behave like a loving fool, but step by step to go to the intended goal. At the beginning of the relationship, it is important not to spoil the stupid chatting about girlfriends, films or new clothes. Men, especially businessmen and big chiefs, these conversations, to put it mildly, little interesting. So first tell ... about work! In the end, this is what you understand that it is probably wondering what will increase his assessment regarding you as a specialist. And, of course, listen more. All the big bosses are accustomed to the "round-the-clock broadcasting", so just learn to succumb and forget about anybasky tinsel, which your head is packed. Imagine yourself a ruined, who came to the great and terrible goodwill behind the brains.

Another extreme is blind worship and worship. This is not your fault, but low self-esteemwhich drags you for life to take the knee-elbow pose. This is not good. The joke is remembered, which I often use for a self-confastable, when a conversation is to be called with some very famous or steep companion. I apologize in advance for obscenity, otherwise the entire joke is losing the highlight.

Forest beasts come to the snake of Gorynych and ask him to protect against a small donkey, which pragged them in an arbitrary order, in different places And, of course, against consent. Snake was surprised, but flew on disassembly.

It arrives at the gland, where there is a small donkey. The legs are running, the ears hung, the eyes are frightened.

What is scary? - asks Snake Gorynych at once three heads.

Scary, such terrible not yet fucked ...

In principle, everything in life and business is so terrible, and then nice. Therefore, we go to the next question - how to choose the right lover to make one of the key figures in a large firm or organize your business.

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You and only you are the most important person in your life. What about the favorite, children, close, friends? Believe it, the more happiness glows in the eyes, the more often the "baluing" own ego (in good sense), the brighter and happier the world around you. Give a good mood with your loved ones and relatives, which will return to you sincere smile, warm chuckles, enthusiastic compliments (and not only) from her husband, joy and warmth of the parent home.

Positive thoughts, the mood will give the desire not just to exist, but feel, rejoice and worry every day of amazing life. 7 surprisingly simple, soulful affirmations will help to find a piece of happiness in any event:

  1. I believe in my dreams

    Belief in yourself - that little "eternal" engine that leads through life without giving collapse from the way. Dreams are tangible to come true, so you need to be ready to be the chance that Mrs. Fate will provide you.

  2. I do everything possible every day

    One chamber on the way to a dream is small or big - a huge victory over yourself. Remind yourself constantly that all actions, thoughts, feelings lead you to the goal. Learn for errors - your or strangers, perceiving them as a chance for continuous development.

  3. I love myself what I am

    Considering yourself in the mirror in the morning, smile with your own reflection and tell me: "I love you." Remember how in the cartoon about the crumb of raccoon: life will surely give you his smile. Take yourself with all the shortcomings, proud of the merits. Only happy, self-sufficient woman can give love, joy surrounding.

  4. I am responsible for my own happiness

    No one can come and give you a positive, great mood and harmony. You are responsible for your own happiness. Dissolving, sometimes, in your beloved, giving the soul and heart to children, a woman loses himself, forgetting about the truth: the search for happiness will not bring success while they are directed to the outside world.

  5. I accept responsibility for my own life

    Problems, care and sadness make you stronger. Remember that the Universe gives us a lot of worship, offering to think and make the right conclusions. Screaming and complaints: "Well, why, for what?", - Do not bring success. Get used to carry responsibility for decisions made, Weigh the consequences of your actions, thoughts, actions.

  6. The best is still ahead

    Repeat these words more often. Believe me that even if today it happened not as planned, it means that it was necessary for something. Faith in the best, confidence positive setting Start attracting positive, unexpected and very pleasant surprises in your life.

  7. I am grateful for every day

    Appreciate every day for being in your life. Change your own attitude towards what you can't affect, applying efforts to achieve those goals that are subject to you. Thank the universe for a miracle to feel and enjoy the affectionate sun, first colors or torrential rain; Love loved ones, feeling their warmth and care, to live finally! After all, life is so multifaceted and interesting.

What is self-tuning?

Self-tuning is a setting on a certain vibration of energy, carried out by independently using a certain call. You work directly with the highest forces.


For more successful customization:

- Find a quiet place where no one will interfere with and disturb while taking settings;
- Take a convenient position (sit or lie);
- You must be completely relaxed and in a state of complete trust;
- Be sure to ground one of the ways known to you; Grounding in new energies
- Close your eyes, say the call and calmly lying or sitting until the energy stream is over;
- Be sure to thank Higher power For the energy granted to you.


- More than one setting is not recommended per day! Make a break between the settings are better than 3-5 days.
- you need to get used to new Energy And to work the channel. Try to work regularly with the resulting energy.
- Do not forget, there may be a cleansing crisis (addictive to your body to a new level of energy).
- Try to drink more water and make breathing exercises (pranayama).

I wish you a successful and productive practice!

  • Self-tuning on the purple ray of Saint-Germoman

    Self-tuning on the purple ray of Saint-Germoman
    Purple beam is one of the rays that carry transformation light. Purple best contributes to move forward. It helps to get rid of everything that you no longer need and take advantage of new features. He helps you, as creative beings, it is better to use my abilities and strength. The purple beam stimulates the growth of creativity on Earth. He does it not only thanks to its natural qualities, but also because he is a kind of "introduction" into the highest rays, higher vibration energies available to land.

  • Self-tuning on the mental protective flame of Archangel Mikhail

    Self-tuning on the mental protective flame of Archangel Mikhail

    Archangel Michael provides this energy to protect us from mental power strikes.
    Mental attacks exist and many are not even suspected of them.

    The mental protective flame was created not only to defend himself but and restore the personal spiritual Immune system Each time you activate the flame, thereby protected but strongly in double.

  • Healing Light of the Spiritual Laser Quantum Correction Operations

    Healing Light of the Spiritual Laser Quantum Correction Operations

    This is a truly complex procedure, and usually they previously resorted to it, those who were in extremely serious condition, those who could not find another exit. Performs these procedures a whole brigade of Mayan genetic engineers from Sirius.

    They make it masterfully, without mistakes. Because they carry out these operations, projected through their consciousness and centers a pure spiritual light of a single God, the Most High, this light is a reasonable light. As you know, this is the Holy Spirit.

  • Self-tuning hyperborean energy

    Self-tuning hyperborean energy

    The hyperborean energy of Alva is the energy of the primacy, she is more than 40 thousand years old andcurrently there are conditions for the possibility of using it.

    Alva's energy that will help to activate internal reserves,
    cleans the thin I. physical Plan from negative and alien impact
    GE - powerful tool In working on itself, capable of answering many questions and give awareness.

  • Neutralization energy negative

    Neutralization energy negative

    It is the easiest type of energy caused for energy"Significant" when you need to neutralize the consequencesunpleasant life situations - downloaded working day, densework schedules, cases when you lose control over the situation andt.P. It is in these cases that a person needs to be charged with energy.
    This type of energy will help you to feel the tide of strength and peace.

  • Calling Energy Mahatm.

    Calling Energy Mahatm.

    Energy Mahatm is the greatest of the energies available to us on Earth. This is the synthesis of energies of many ascended creatures, many Mahatm. It includes the vibrations of all 12 rays.

    Energy Mahatm is a connection between people and God. It builds the Light Bridge - Antahkaran between us and the source. Thanks to its high vibrations, the Mahatm energy helps us increase your frequency to the level of light and thereby speeds up the process of ascension.

  • Self-tuning "Opening of Healing Channel from Dr. Kana"

    Self-tuning "Opening of Healing Channel from Dr." and Dr. Fritz

    Dr. Kan, Austrian doctor who lived in the 19th century, a spiritual essence working with Nama Ba Hal (Crane Channel, Archangel Michael and 36 light entities) - a group of entities received special education and direction B. spiritual world, based on special training, working with both our subtle and gross physical body.

  • Setting on the energy of "reverence or sweetness"

    Setting on the energy of "reverence or sweetness"

    This setting reveals the true meaning of the energies coming from space. Getting it, a person calms down for a certain period of time and does not create ejection of negative, thus, keeps the positive, energy potential of power.

    It helps to overcome timidity and partially fear that pursues a person in life situations. It helps to remove anxiety for some events of the future, constant anxiety for people close to you.

  • Self-tuning Beam "Beauty Auura"

    Self-tuning Beam "Beauty Auura"

    Aura is an electromagnetic field, 4 octaves below the abilities of the physical eye with a wavelength of 12-6 microns and a frequency of 60-120.
    Good aura surry physical body In the form of an ellipse, it is distinguished by density, clean and sparkling color.

  • Energy for working with viruses and cancer

    Self-tuning Tanaka-San Energy for working with viruses and cancer

    Working with it is noted that it is very useful when working with cancer of various etiology and viral diseases. This energy also works well with influenza, allergies and other viruses.

    When the energy passes, Tanaka San is activated: anahata, hand channels, vishudha, fork glare.
    Reset information goes naturally, through the kidney channel, with exit of the feet.

  • Self-tuning "Healing of life. Divine alignment"

    Self-tuning "Healing of life. Divine alignment"

    The body that is your home is the design of your life, so your physical house, your physical career, people who were part of your life, things that you were involved, everyone can change, because it is no longer part of you.

    This appeal will be to any aspect of you, which is in a state of delay in development, and will encourage the revival, so that he can catch up with the rest of you.

  • Self-tuning authority of abundance

    Setting the authority of abundance is a simple energy-reception system to open the recipient to penetrate the abundance flow. This setting removes the blocks and helps to overcome the person's subconscious resistance by abundance and well-being in their own life.

    The more blocks have a person, the more time will take this process. But the main thing is not to give up, use energy! She will change everything.

  • Self-tuning unconditional love

    Self-tuning unconditional love

    Constantly open cardiac chakra will fill your life with happiness and joy. People will feel sympathy for you, and you will forget what "difficult relationships" are. For according to the space law "What inside, then and outside," if you have love ,.to, love reigns around you.

    Unconditional love has strong healing properties. Being high-frequency energy, it greatly dissolves negative energies and blocks.

  • Self-tuning Aphrodite "Golden Thread"

    Self-tuning Light Aphrodite "Golden Thread"
    Light Aphrodite "Golden Threads" will allow you to rejuvenate your physical body. All elements, including gold, are suitable in space rays.
    Gemstones, gold bars, etc., all this is frozen light rays. The concentrated streams of the universe pass through us, and we can use it, delaying them in the etheric body (energy double), which is closely connected with the physical body.

  • Instruction

    To maintain a positive attitude, start every day with a smile. Smile to your reflection. This will charge you positive for the whole day. If you are sad, you feel tired or exhausted, angry and irritated, try just to smile. Through external changes Can come internal.

    Your mood directly depends on your thoughts. If you are immersed in sad reflections, scold yourself or think about some kind of situation in a negative key, naturally, you can not have a good arrangement of the Spirit. Follow the flow of your consciousness. There is a lot of practitioners to control your thoughts. Slide a few of them and maintain a positive attitude with the correct DUM.

    To maintain a positive attitude, indulge yourself every day. Make a pleasant shopping, attend beauty salons, see interesting films and read fascinating books. Any trifle can affect your mood. Therefore, try to make it so that at the end of the day it was much more than minuses.

    Do not hurry after one difficult case immediately take on another. Let's take time to relax. For example, coming home from work, you should not immediately do household. Pay a quarter of an hour of relaxation. Turn on pleasant music, relax, make a small stretching or drink a cup of tea.

    To maintain a positive attitude, tell people nice things, make compliments. If you are friendly in relation to others, your mood will be at the height. Call your loved ones, communicate with friends. Check out the positive from others.