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Religious organizations of the Russian Federation. Religious associations and organizations in the Russian Federation

The subject of the lesson: "Religion in the modern world. Religious associations and organizations in the Russian Federation "

Objective: Formation of the presentation of the place and role in the Russian Federation of such associations (groups) of the population, which are associated with religious ideas, faith, cult


    Help students get acquainted with the specifics of religious organizations, the right to the creation of which are citizens of Russia; reveal the essence of the legal status of religious associations, primarily their rights guaranteed by the Law of the Russian Federation; To help understand the principles of the activities of official religious organizations and totalitarian sects, their positive and negative impact on the spiritually - the moral foundations of human life

    Promote the development of the ability to work with the texts of the laws of the Russian Federation, choose the main thing, comment the necessary provisions; develop the skill of searching and processing information on a given topic; conduct a sociological survey and process data; Promote development critical thinking, monologic and dialogic speech, ability to express your thoughts and argue conclusions

    Promote the expansion of the horizons, education of spirituality and religiosity based on the topic of the lesson, to educate the culture of hearing and speaking

Type of lesson:studying a new topic.

Equipment: Excerpts from the Constitution and Law of the Russian Federation "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations", a prepared slide presentation, a computer with a projector.

During the classes:

Slide 1. The subject of the lesson is defined on the slide: "Religious associations and organizations in the Russian Federation". Tell me, what should the conversation?

Slide 2.

Teacher.The legal basis of today's lesson will be the following juristic documents.

Slide 3.Quote 14 Articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Teacher. So, the Constitution defines Russia as a secular state. What does "secular" mean? (The church is separated from the state, it does not have the right to interfere with the educational process, cannot influence the adoption of political decisions and questions foreign PolicyShe is not allowed to have offices in the official authorities, etc.)

Slide 4. The law on freedom of conscience and religious associations.

Teacher. What basic provisions contains this document?

The law confirms the right of everyone to choose and confess any religion, recognizes the special role of Orthodoxy and determines the respectful attitude towards other denominations, and also contains all information about the legal framework of the activities of religious associations.

Stage 2. The main study of the topic through the heuristic conversation

I. Religion as one of the forms of culture

Can you tell me why so far your interest in religion is not reduced in our country?

What is religion?

Do you believe in God?

Are you often visiting the church?

Conclusion: Religion is ...

Slide 5 (Table)

The worldview, peaceoponymia, the globility, as well as the corresponding behavior determined by the faith in the existence of God, supernatural, "spiritual beings".

One of the spheres of the spiritual life of society, groups, individuals, a way of practically spiritual development of the world.

A set of moral norms, rules of behavior that a person must follow, as the requirements of the God represented by him.

Let's summarize (entry in notebook)

Slide 6.

Religion - Suppliness of views on the world based on faith in God, Divine

Slide 7.

Slide 8.

Slide 9.Teacher: For comparison, let's turn to the diagram:

    II religious organizations and associations in the Russian Federation

Teacher: In modern Russia, the largest number of believers preach Orthodoxy. In addition to Orthodoxy, people of other religious denominations live in Russia. Religious association in Russia recognizes the voluntary association of citizens of the Russian Federation, constantly on legal grounds living in our country. Let's formulate the main differences between religious associations and fill in this table: "Religious associations in the Russian Federation" (work with the participation)

Slide 10.

Slide 11.

"Religious associations in the Russian Federation"


Religious groups

Religious organizations

General signs


(After filling the table, students call general signs and differences in religious groups and organizations)

Teacher: General features are:


Improving worship, other religious rites and ceremonies;

Training of religion or religious education of its followers.


The group can be created without state registration and affiliation of the status of a legal entity, and for the organization such registration is obligatory;

Organizations can be both local and centralized, and for religious groups such division is not provided by law.

III. Rights of religious organizations (M.P. p.141 Table)

Slides 12, 13, 14, 15


Teacher: It is not a secret for anyone, what great importance for the study of the moral foundations and the formation of the younger generation has religious education. Not in vain at the state level in school Program The 4th grade was introduced the subject that gives the basis of the ideas about the religions of the world.

Slide 17.

Slide 18.

IV. Homework: Read the material § 18. Write the essay on the basis of the statement of Friedrich Schiller: "In the faces of your gods, a person paints his own portrait"

The Constitution of the Russian Federation recognizes the Russian Federation by a secular state, which means the full separation of religious associations from the state and its bodies. The secular nature of the state is primarily expressed in the fact that religious associations do not interfere with the activities of state bodies in the implementation of justice, registration of acts of civil status, are not part of such state bodies as the army of state and municipal educational institutions! In turn, the state does not interfere with the legal activities of religious associations and their participants.
As practice shows, the state is not able to do without the help of religious associations. Insufficient influence of political parties to the consciousness and minds of the population, the current state power is trying to compensate for the church, which brings up many moral qualities in their parishings, imposing the bourgeois state. This is a law-abiding, unsist resistant to violence and power, humility, refusal of materialistic worldview, etc.
The Anti-Constitutional Alliance of the Church and Public Authorities was most pronounced in the provision of radio and television for religious propaganda, television broadcasts of worst, financing the construction of churches, other financial and financial and material assistance, the participation of religious figures in the events held by the state. In turn, the Church undertakes active actions to introduce special disciplines in educational institutions, as well as the creation of religious organizations in military units and units.
It was noticeably intensified by foreign missionaries, who expressed an acute desire to introduce the population of Russia to the religious values \u200b\u200bof the West, to help Russian citizens finally get rid of the remnants of socialism in consciousness and behavior. By the end of 1993, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation registered more than a hundred missionary organizations, among which were the European-Asian division of the Seventh-day Adventist Adventist Conference, the World Mission of the Brothers in Christ, the Russian-American Christian Mission of Evangelization and Charity "every home for Christ".
In order to ensure the real action of the constitutional principle that secured the secular nature of the state, as well as the creation of conditions that impede the uncontrolled activities of foreign missionary organizations, The State Duma 19 sen-
november 1997 adopted the Federal Law "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations".
According to the religious association named by the law, the voluntary association of citizens of the Russian Federation, other persons, constantly and on legal grounds living in the Russian Federation, formed in order to joint confession and the dissemination of faith. Thus, the main difference between the religious association from public associations is characterized by the fact that the basis of its activities is a certain religion (Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, etc.), i.e., religious doctrine and its ritual. At the same time, the religious association is given the right to commit worship, other religious rites and ceremonies, as well as teach religion and hold the religious education of their followers. In addition, the religious association is allowed to create their own educational institutions, with the consent of children and local governments to conduct optional classes in educational institutions.
Religious associations can be created and act in two organizational forms - religious groups and religious organizations.
The religious group is such a voluntary association of citizens who confesses and distributes faith without state registration and acquisition of legal entity. Premises and other necessary property for the activities; The religious groups provide its participants.
Religious organization is a voluntary association of citizens of the Russian Federation, other persons, constantly and on legal grounds living in the Russian Federation, educated in order to joint confession and dissemination of faith and registered as a legal entity. Consequently, a religious organization from the religious group is characterized by two signs: 1) consists of persons, constantly and on legal grounds living in the Russian Federation. Her founders can not be residents of other states, which significantly limits the possibilities of missionary activities of religious associations of foreign countries; 2) has the rights of a legal entity and may act as a subject of all relations regulated by civil law.
The federal law allows the religious group to be transformed into another organizational form in compliance with the following conditions. The founders of the religious organization can be at least ten citizens of the Russian Federation. The religious group, whose members consist of founders must exist in this territory for fifteen years and have confirmation of its existence issued by local governments or a centralized religious organization.
The federal law on freedom of conscience and religious associations consistently conducts a constitutional principle on the secular nature of the state and the full separation from it of religious organizations. In particular, it is recognized that the state cannot: 1) impose on religious associations to fulfill the functions of government bodies, other state bodies, government agencies and bodies of local self-government: 2) to intervene in the activities of religious associations that are not contrary to current legislation; 3) agree to the creation of religious associations in government bodies, other state bodies, government agencies and military units; 4) to introduce religious education in state and municipal educational institutions.
The Federal Law prohibits accompanying the activities of state authorities and local government bodies with public religious rites and ceremonies, and officials of state bodies and local governments, to use their official position for the formation of a particular relation to religion.
The state is entitled to provide financial, material and other assistance to religious associations in the restoration, maintenance and protection of buildings and objects, which are monuments of history and culture, transfer granted reliable buildings and structures with land-related land and property of church purposes, as well as to provide tax and property associations Other benefits. All other forms of material assistance to the state with religious associations, including financing the construction of new temples, are unlawful, gross violations of legality.
In turn, religious associations are obliged to consistently comply with the principle of separation from the state, including: 1) not to impose the functions of government bodies, other state bodies, government agencies and
local governments; 2) Do not participate in elections to government bodies and local governments, as well as in the activities of political parties and political movements, not to provide them with material and other assistance.
Religious associations can act independently, without the intervention of the state, subject to a respect for the current legislation and strict compliance with the rights and freedoms of citizens. In case of gross violations of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal legislation or systematic implementation of activities contrary to the goals of its creation, a religious organization for the court decision may be eliminated. For similar acts, the court may be prohibited by the activities of the religious group.
The grounds for the judicial prohibition of the activities of the religious group or the elimination of a religious organization can serve such unlawful acts as the creation of armed groups, the propaganda of war, the incitement of social, racial, national or religious roseti, mansion, the encroachment on the identity, rights and freedom of citizens, damage to morality, Health of citizens, including using narcotic and psychotropic drugs, hypnosis, committing depraved and other illegal actions.
:. Local governments

Founders, managers and participants of the religious association, committed violence against citizens or other causing | Harm to their health, are responsible in criminal procedure.
Local governments are elected by the population of Soota: your municipality - urban, rural settlement, several settlements, united by the overall territory, other inhabited territory, within which local self-government is carried out. The structure of the named authorities is very diverse. These may be representative bodies of the municipality, head of administration, other officials and local governments, authorized to solve local importance issues and are not part of the system of state authorities.
The name of local governments is determined in each region independently, based on national,

historical and other local features. The structure of these organs is determined by the population alone.
Specificity of local governments as an independent component political system The Russian Federation is that they combine features inherent in both public organizations and state authorities.
Local governments are not included in the system of government bodies, are formed directly by the population to solve local affecting its interests of the tasks. The composition and structure of these bodies are not subject to coordination with the superior state bodies and the more they cannot be approved by them. Any interference in this process by state bodies would mean a gross violation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, enshrined by it the rights of the population on local self-government.
Local governments formed directly by the population within the limits of the powers granted to them act on the principles of autonomy, self-government. Local government bodies are obliged to comply with the Constitution, existing federal laws, regulatory legal acts, but are not subordinate to state authorities and may not fulfill their operational managing instructions.
The independence of the organization and activities of local governments relates them to public associations and political parties. Moreover, the named components of the political system often work in close cooperation with each other, creating appropriate conditions for the participation of the population in solving the tasks of local importance, the formation of local governments, in local referendums, gatherings and other forms of direct will of the inhabitants of the municipality. At the same time, local governments are not species of public association. They preserve many of the features of government and remain in the system of state-power relations. In particular, they carry out regulatory regulation of social relations and adopt generally binding regulatory regulations, carry out law enforcement activities, take acts of applying law that have a community force for both state bodies. In order to protect public order, local governments can create a municipal police.
Extremely wide rights are authorized local governments in the process of solving local issues. These are primarily ownership of specific property. According to the Federal Law "On General Principles of Local Self-Government Organization in the Russian Federation", the Municipal Property includes land and other natural resources, municipal enterprises and organizations, municipal banks, housing funds, educational institutions, health, culture and sports, other movable and real estate.
Local self-government is carried out on a truly democratic basis with the direct participation of the population in all his affairs. The main organizational forms of local self-government are the forms of direct will of the people - local referendums, municipal elections, meetings (gathering) of citizens, a national law-conducting initiative, various kinds of territorial public self-government, carried out by citizens in their place of residence (microdistrics, quarters, streets, etc.).
Local governments independently manage the municipal property, form, approve and fulfill the local budget, establish local taxes and fees, carry out the protection of public order, monuments of history and culture, organize transport service of the population, carry out the organization and content of institutions of general and vocational education, medicine, create The conditions for the work of trade, catering and domestic services, solve other issues of local importance.
According to some issues, local governments can endure public authority. So, currently, these bodies on behalf of the state are engaged in environmental protection. natural environmentThe issues of social security of citizens decide, can coordinate the participation of enterprises, organizations, institutions that are not in municipal property, in the complex socio-economic development of the territory, etc.
In the case of transfer to local self-government to any state authority, the state is obliged to provide local governments with the necessary material and financial resources. At the same time, the state is endowed
the right to control the activities of local self-government bodies within the framework of the powers transferred to them.
In order to protect local self-government bodies from illegal interference with their activities of state or officials, the Constitution of the Russian Federation empowers local governance authorities by law on judicial protection, to compensate for additional expenses arising in the process of executing solutions to state authorities. At the same time, the Constitution of the Russian Federation prohibits anyone to limit the rights of local self-government established by the Constitution and federal laws.
Local governments do not have the right to apply state coercion measures to persons who do not perform their regulatory and legal establishments. In all the facts of the non-fulfillment of these prescriptions, local governments may apply to the court, which is authorized to oblige the offender to fulfill the appropriate decision of the local government body.
Only the Court may cancel the decision of local governments, which contradicts the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws and sub-law regulatory acts. State bodies and officials cannot accept such decisions, as this would mean their interference in the affairs of local governments, would create real conditions To preserve the illegal practice of state leadership by these bodies.
The current legislation reliably guarantees the activities of local self-government bodies from the unreasonable termination of their powers. The right to make decisions on this issue is provided only to the legislative (representative) body of the subject of the Russian Federation in the presence of violations by the authority of the regional government of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Federation of Federation, the Federal Law, the regulatory act of the subject of the Federation or the charter of the municipality.

Religious association is one of the directions of public-confessional regulation of freedom of religion. In our country, citizens have the right to create such organizations.


The Federal Law on Religious Associations contains the definition of religious associations, as well as the rights and obligations of citizens constituting them. People can jointly hold religious ceremonies, transmit the experience of the younger generations.


Religious associations in the Russian Federation are divided into organizations and groups. Let us analyze their main distinguishing features.

The law on religious associations allows the existence of groups without special state registration, a legal entity. Religious groups have the right to commit worship, other implementation of the education of followers.

Religious association is a legal entity. In our country, the creation of fraternities (sisterhood), monasteries, spiritual educational institutionsMissionary societies.

Parishes, communities

Such a religious association is an organization consisting of more than 10 adult persons who adhere to the overall religion for joint religious holidays and rituals. Such an association can be considered initial in the structure of religious organizations. Mostly communities, parishes are among any centralized associations. At the same time, their independent existence is performed.

Regional representative offices

Such associations have their own charter, there are no less than three religious local organizations.

Brotherhood is a community that is created for a cultural and educational, missionary, charitable goal. Some monastic Catholic orders also refer to fraternity.

Missions and seminary

The missionary religious association is an organization that is established for preaching and spreading a certain creed with the help of educational, religious, charitable activities.

Institutions (seminaria, academies, colleges) are institutions that are engaged in targeted training of church ministers, priests. Graduates of such educational institutions lead targeted religious and educational activities in churches and monasteries.

Federal Law On Religious Associations regulates their activities.

It is in it that all the basic rights and obligations of various religious associations are indicated. Violation of legislation entails administrative and criminal liability.

Religious associations of the Russian Federation are voluntary associations of Russian citizens, other persons who live on legal grounds in our country. They are created for joint confession, as well as to spread exercise.

The procedure for creating religious groups

The law on conscience and religious associations regulates the procedure for the formation of such an organization. Religious groups do not imply state registration, there is no need to draw up and confirm the legal entity legal entity. For the functioning of such a religious organization, the property is used, which is in the personal use of the participants.

Representatives of the Group have the right to commit worships, other religious rites, ceremonies, training the basics of the faith of their followers.

To create it, it is necessary to use a specific algorithm:

  • write a statement on the installed pattern;
  • under the statement must be delivered at least 10 signatures with decoding;
  • the local government is chosen.

Features of religious organizations

It is recognized only if the fact of conformity was established during the state examination. After obtaining the status of a religious organization, the association can expect to receive benefits from the state, including tax relief, as well as lead charitable activities.

The main difference of it from the religious group will be the presence of a legal entity. In the Civil Code of the Russian Federation YUR. The person is considered to be such an organization that has property, leads economic activities, is responsible for separate property, can act as a defendant and the plaintiff at the court hearing.

Classification of religious associations

Such organizations are divided into centralized and local. The first consist of 3 or more local organizations. To create a second group, there are enough 10 participants who have achieved majority living in one settlement (city, village).

The date of creation is the day of the official state registration of the religious association. Mandatory is the presence of its own charter, which is approved by the centralized religious organization, meets all the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In the Russian Federation, all issues relating to the administrative and legal regulation of religious associations are related to the implementation of the constitutional rights of the individual to freedom of religion and conscience. At this stage of the socio-economic development of Russia, it is this question that has a significant scientific and social importance.

Those norms that determine the administrative and legal status of religious associations in the Russian Federation, imperfect, need to be seriously refined.

Practice indicates that in addition to the external activities of such associations, internal relations arising between the main participants of the organization are of particular importance. Such regulation is needed, since with such relationships, the interests and rights of the individual, the interest of the state and society, which cannot be left without administrative and legal impact are often affected.

The concept of religious association as a subject of administrative law of the Russian Federation

The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees the activities and existence of various religious associations that have certain functions, goals solve specific tasks. This term is considered in two different aspects. On the one hand, this is a religious concept, which reflects the essence and features of relations that develop in the process of organizing a certain religion.

On the other hand, it can be considered in the form of a legal concept designed to reflect the religion. The legal status of the organization is summed from formal and external factors.

In Russia to Peter 1, the Orthodox Church existed independently of the Tsarskoy Institute. In a position that was formulated by the Cathedral in the 17th century, information about the advantage of the king in the conduct of civil cases. The task of the Patriarch included the implementation of church events.

Peter I conducted a radical reform of the relationship between the church and the state, it was then that a sacred synod was created.

Due to domination orthodox church Russia was a polycondiological state where non-Christian and non-uninstalled communities existed. To consolidate the legal status of this category of believers, special state acts were adopted.

Currently, all religious organizations are obliged to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, they are separated from the state, have equal rights to the law.


In modern Russia, the activities of any religious associations are carried out in accordance with the Charter, it is possible only after the registration procedure is completed. It is possible to refuse such a procedure only if the organization is not recognized as a religious, or its charter contradicts the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The elimination of such associations is carried out by the court decision or official founders.

The reason for the decision of the court, in addition to violations of public security, actions that are aimed at a violent change in the constitutional rights of citizens, can become coercion of citizens to the destruction of the family, an encroachment on the rights, freedoms, the identity of Russians, the application of moral and physical health, coercion for suicide, the abandonment of medical care .

Foreign religious associations must first obtain a state certificate, which is issued at the request of the Russian religious organization preaching similar religion.

In order for foreign figures, the desire to violate the norms of Russian law, to involve our compatriots in their activities, was adopted a special provision on the registration procedure, discoveries, as well as the closure of representative offices of religious foreign organizations in the Russian Federation.

To strengthen the economic and social base of the state, it is important to pay close attention to religious groups and organizations whiticizing their activities. Of course, it does not imply limit the freedoms of citizens in religion, restrictions on their constitutional rights and freedoms.

The concept and role of religious associations in the system civil society RF

The essence of the concept of "Religious Association" reveals the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the freedom of conscience and religious associations" Article 6 of this Regulatory Act reads: "Religious association The Russian Federation recognizes the voluntary association of citizens of the Russian Federation, other persons, constantly and on legal grounds living in the Russian Federation, formed in order to joint confession and dissemination of faith and with the corresponding basis for this purpose:


committing worships, other religious rites and ceremonies;

training of religion and religious education of its followers. "

The role of religious associations in the context of the development of our state includes many aspects, such as the organization of spiritual development of the individual, the support of its moral landmarks, as well as the upbringing of love for the fatherland, violence and tolerance in relations among peoples, education and formation of the worldview of young people.

To date, there are many religious associations in Russia. Along with other confessions, Orthodoxy and Islam are traditionally considered the largest followers, which in other words does not interfere with the rapid development of other religious associations (in accordance with the selective survey conducted in 2001, believers of 55% of respondents, unbelievers - 33%, among believers. Most Christians, Muslims - 5%, supporters of some other religions 2%; the rest of the respondents find it difficult to answer). A similar diversity of religious preferences in society is guaranteed by the Constitution of the RF, which says:

"Religious associations are separated from the state and are equal to the law.

Each is guaranteed freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, including the right to confess individually or together with others any religion or not to confess any, freely choose, to have and distribute religious and other beliefs and act in accordance with them. "

Concept "Religious Association" Includes three features:

- Religion

- committing worship services, other religious rites and ceremonies

- Training of religion and religious education of its followers,

provided that:

- This does not contradict the laws of the Russian Federation

- members of the union live in the territory of the Russian Federation on legal grounds.

The role of religious associations, on this moment time, very large. The activities of religious associations in the field of politics, culture, morality, etc., can bring both benefits if a rational approach from state bodies and a reasonable dialogue from representatives of religious associations and harm in the case of ignoring the problems of religious relationships by the authorities organizations with state and society, and radicals in the views of followers of religious associations.

Destructive religious associations

Currently, one of the most relevant is the question of the criteria for the delimitation of religious organizations into two directly opposite types: socially acceptable for russian society and the states of confessional education, whose activities do not violate the laws of the Russian Federation; And the confessional education is not socially acceptable for Russian society and the state, the activities of which grossly violates the laws of the Russian Federation. This second type of religious organizations is also called totalitarian religious sects.

Destructive religious association (destructive cult, totalitarian sect) is an authoritarian hierarchical organization of any orientation, destructive to the natural harmonic spiritual, mental and physical state Personality (internal destructiveness), as well as to the creative traditions and standards established by social structures, culture, order and society as a whole (external destructiveness), practicing hidden psychological violence, expressed in targeted establishment by a separate person (leader) or a group of persons (leadership) In their narrow-human goals of illegal control over the consciousness, behavior and life of other personalities without their voluntary and informed consent for the formation and maintenance of the state of unnatural and illegal dependence and humbleness, the doctrine and leaders seeking through the uninformed use of the Adepts devotees and dependent on them to illegal Enrichment and illegal power.

One of the main objectives of the leaders of such religious organizations is the selection among the mass of its supporters of those who, by order, the leader will go to any actions, right up to a crime or donation of their own lives. In order to make a person fanatically loyal leader, techniques are used. psychological impactresulting in control over consciousness. To this end, group pressure is sent to the sect involved in the section to enhance the "accessory need." The information provided by the recruitment is given through meditating, monotonous singing and repeated actions, i.e., through a specially created high sustainability. The sect involved in the sect must under the pretext of creating proximity to practice their fears and secrets, which are then used for emotional pressure through explicit and veiled threats. The normal physical condition of the person is violated, the failure of sleep is encouraged, allegedly for spiritual exercises and the necessary training. Inadequate nutrition disguised as a special diet to improve health or under rituals. As a result, a sensory (sensual) overload is formed, which imposes a complex of goals and definitions of the new doctrine to replace the former values \u200b\u200bby mastering the mass of information in a short time, with a very limited possibility of critical inspection.

Heads and members of totalitarian religious (as well as pseudoreligious) sects use the latest achievements of general and social psychology to attract new members to the sect and to hold them in this sect. The consistent use of sect leaders of the "potent" psychological techniques for newcomers of the sect for a long time (several months or years) leads to a significant change in the psyche of the members of the sect and the change in their behavior. The sect member no longer thinks of its existence without communicating with other sectarians and leaders of the sect, which they are often simply deified. Members of the sects sell their apartments and transmit all their accumulations to managers and almost all property. Members of the sect for free work, earning money for sect managers. The sectarians live in a poor and half-starve state, very little sleep and work a lot. Often, sect leaders choose for members of the sect of their marriage partners. At the same time, the leaders of the sect, as a rule, require members of the sect of a full break of relationships with those people who were for sectors relatives and close to their accession to the sect (that is, they demand a complete break with parents, relatives, spouses, friends, comrades). Native and close to the sectant can only be other sect members.

The heads of sects themselves, as a rule, live with absolutely different life than the rank sectors: leaders of most totalitarian sects are millionaires or even multimillioners and behave like rich or super-rich people.

Cult control over the consciousness, practicing in destructive religious organizations, does not so much erase the former personal identification, how much creates a new one, in order to suppress the old one. This leads to mental disorders in some sectarians, and ultimately, to the high probability of aggressive shares on their part in the state of mental insaneness. A person is formed a clear line between those who have the right to exist (supporters of the sect), and those who have no such right ("external world"). This leads to the systematic distribution of hatred for the internal voltage society. And potentially determines the readiness of the adept sects to sacrifice the sake of achieving the goals of its cult any number of non-ideals. In other words, a priori sin is removed for any crime in the name of the organization's goals. Such destruction of the complex of guilt for the committed crime and the excuse of any of its (or other sect members) is capable of leading a person to the conflict of suicide. In some sects, psychotropic and narcotic substances are used for a targeted violation of the identity of the personality and rupture of the ADEPT and the discrepancies of the ADEPT.

The emergence of sect is always connected with chaos in the souls of people and the collapse of stability in the country. And barely time to subscribe one scandal associated with some sect, as a new one comes to shift.

The purpose of some sect is also a change in the consciousness of Russian people, the destruction of the Orthodox self-consciousness of Russian citizens. In total, there is a destruction of the entire Russian, Orthodox, Slavic. More precisely, the dismemberment of our state is going on and the law of mass is disturbed, when people cannot be monolithic and highly organized. Sects destroy the soul, the culture of the people, the Orthodox Church and the unity of the Heavenly Church, Orthodox, homely (family) church.

Today in Russia there are from 300 to 500 different sects. The number of people involved in destructive and occult religious organizations reaches 1 million people, and 70% of them are young people aged 18 to 27 years.

According to the calculations of the president of the Center for Religious Research and the author of the term "totalitarian sect" Alexander Dvorkin, only the "regular" sectors numbered at least 600-800 thousand.

To date, it is impossible to distinguish socially acceptable and socially unacceptable religious organizations, since it is not yet developed unequivocal and accurate criteria for such a distinction. But you can hope for the fact that in the future you will be able to find correct solution This problem of science and practice. In the modern world, where the development of science is so rapidly, the religion occupies the last place. Along with the long-recognized, traditional religions, such as Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, there are relatively new religious organizations, most often negatively affecting personality and society.

The sectarian pushes people to various crimes, including murder; People who have fallen into the sect lose their opinion, they disappear for the purpose and meaning of life; Many finish the life of suicide, etc.

Thus, the activities of the sect in Russia undermines the regulatory social foundations, exposes society and the personality of the increased danger associated with uncontrolled actions of the sectarians, with their unquestioning subordination to their "leaders" and the fulfillment of any of their orders, usually directed against the will and consciousness of society and the personality.

The religious organization, as well as the religious group, is the voluntary association of citizens and other persons permanently living on the legitimate basis. However, it requires state registration as a legal entity. Registered religious organizations are entered into single register legal entities.

The state registration of religious organizations is carried out by the authorities of the Justice on the basis of the documents submitted, which are somewhat different depending on which organization is registered: local or centralized.

A local religious organization may include at least ten participants who have reached the age of 18 and permanently residing in one area or in one city or rural settlement. The founders of such an organization may be at least ten citizens of the Russian Federation, 20 4 combined into a religious group that have confirmation of the existence of this group in this area at least 15 years issued by the local government body, or confirmation of the entry into the structure of the central religious organization of the same religion .

In the charter of a religious organization, not only the name, location, type of religious organization, religion and in the case of belonging to the existing centralized organization its name, but also goals, objectives and basic forms of activity are obligated; the procedure for creating and terminating activities; the structure of the organization, its management bodies, the procedure for formation and competence; The source of education and other property of the Organization and other information relating to the peculiarities of the activities of this religious organization.

The centralized religious organization should have to have at least three local organizations. Those centralized religious organizations whose structures operated on the territory of Russia on legal grounds for at least 50 years by the time of appeal to state registration, have the right to use the words "Russia", "Russian" and derivatives from them. In addition, the name of any religious organization must contain information about its religion.

The state reserves the right to refuse to register a religious organization, listed in the law the grounds for such a refusal. Article 12 of the Federal Law "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations" indicates the basis for refusing to register the conflicting the objectives and objectives of the religious organization of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Russian legislation (indicating specific articles of the laws that they contradict); non-recognition of this organization as a religious; discrepancy between the statute and other documents submitted to the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation or the inaccuracy of the information contained in the documents; the presence in the State Register of Legal Entities of the previously registered organization with the same name; The non-lawnity of the founder (founders). The refusal to register a religious organization may be appealed in court.

In addition, providing guarantees of the rights and freedoms of their citizens, the state has the authority to suspend the activities of religious associations or eliminate religious organizations in the event of violations of legislation. For repeated or gross violations of the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Russian legislation, for violation of public security and public order, for actions aimed at implementing extremist activities, as well as for a number of other unlawful manifestations by a court decision, religious organizations can be eliminated.

So, until 1996 in Moscow and a number of other regions of Russia, the branches of Aum Sinico. Upon charges of antisocial activities in respect of those operating in Russia, the leaders of this corporation were initiated by a criminal case. And in 2004, in Japan, the leader of the International Religious Corporation AUM SINICONE TIDZUO Matsumoto (ritual name Syuko Asahar) was made a death sentence. The basis for such a decision of the court was the facts of manufacturing deadly gas Zarin and its use for the implementation of terrorist attacks in the Tokyo metro by order of Ashara.

Rights of religious organizations

They can be divided into two groups. The first includes rights typical of other organizations.

Religious organizations, like secular, can be owners. There may be a building in their property, land, objects of production, social, charitable, cultural and educational purposes, religious objects, as well as cash and other property necessary to ensure their activities, including related to historical and cultural monuments. The property, whose owner is a religious organization, is created by acquiring or creating at the expense of own funds, donations of citizens, organizations or transfer from the state. Religious organizations may have property on the right of ownership abroad. In addition, the law recognizes the right to establish contacts and international relations, including for the purpose of pilgrimage.

Religious organizations are allowed to exercise business activities and create your own enterprises. At the same time, such enterprises apply to civil and labor law. And on employees of religious organizations, as well as clergy, the procedure for social security, social insurance and pension provision in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation is distributed.

For example, the plant "Sofrino" near Moscow is located 20 6, the production of church utensils, candles, tailoring. This enterprise provides employment 3 thousand people. Under the Moscow Church of the Gospel Christian, the Serebryanskoe partnership (former state farm) is valid, the company "Vifania" was created on the repair of cars, the production of window lattices, the provision of intermediary services. A third of the income from these enterprises enters the church. The spiritual center of Seventh-day Adventist in the Zaoksky district of the Tula region has significant areas of land where environmentally friendly products are grown. There are quite a few examples economic activity religious organizations of other denominations.

The second group is made specific rights associated with the nature of the activities of religious organizations.

First, religious organizations have the right to act in accordance with their internal establishments.

Secondly, they can also base and contain cult buildings, structures and other places specifically designed for worship, prayerful and religious meetings, religious venerations (pilgrimage). The law resolves religious rites in specially allocated by the administration of the premises of therapeutic and preventive institutions and hospitals, orphanages and home boarding houses for the elderly and disabled. They are allowed in institutions where convicts convicted penalties are serving. At the same time, religious rites are allowed to carry out the special requirements of criminal procedure legislation. The law provides for the unhindered participation of servicemen in the service, the implementation of religious rites and ceremonies, taking into account military charters. In other not specifically cases of worship, religious ceremonies and rites are carried out in the manner prescribed for rallies, processions and demonstrations.

Thirdly, religious organizations have the exclusive right to invite foreign citizens in order to occupy a professional, including preaching, religious activities.

Religious organizations also have the right to produce, acquire, distribute religious literature and other materials and objects of religious purposes. They enjoy the exclusive right to establish an organization for the publication of liturgical literature and religious items.

In addition, religious organizations have an exclusive right to create institutions of professional religious education to prepare clergy and religious personnel. Students of such educational institutions, subject to availability of these institutions, a state license enjoy all rights and benefits provided for by the legislation of Russia.

Separately provides for the law charitable and cultural and educational activities of religious organizations. It can be carried out both directly by religious organizations and organizations and media created for these purposes.

Religious organizations make a significant contribution to the formation of a spiritual and moral foundation of Russian society, the atmosphere of freedom of conscience, freedom of religious, favorably affect the development of the religious life of the Russian Federation, stimulate the revival of thrust to selfless service with religious ideals and values. The diverse forms of religious ministry are expanding, the number of religions and religious flows operating in Russia are growing.

The problem of maintaining the interreligious world

The state and society actively support various forms of social ministry of religious associations. From the state budget there may be funds for the restoration, the content and protection of temples and other objects, which are monuments of history and culture. Everyone who visits a memorable place for Russians - a monument on Poklonnaya Mountain In Moscow, it is striking that here near each other are located the cult facilities of Orthodox, Jews and Muslims. This is the place of worship of those who died for their homeland, which did not disassemble belonging to various religions.

The system of state bodies, divisions, there is a staff of employees who communicate with religious associations. Religious leaders are invited to various advisory advice at the federal and regional authorities.

In the new Russia, the influence of religious organizations on public life And political processes increase. This growth is manifested in numerous shares of charity and mercy different denominations, in the unite 20 8 efforts when conducting human rights, peacekeeping, environmental shares.

For the sustainable and stable development of multi-terminious Russian Russia, it is necessary to maintain an interreligious world. Otherwise, our country will be on the verge of disaster. What are the "risk factors" threatening an interreligious world and harmony?

First, religious intolerance, especially if it develops into antagonism. When taking into account the aspirations, needs, interests of more numerous and influential religious organizations, no one should pour legitimate rights or insult religious feelings of the minority. The role of the competent consultant can play the Council on cooperation with religious associations under the President of the Russian Federation, which included leaders of the 11 most authoritative religious organizations. The cooperation of religious organizations of various confessions is possible in a wide variety of issues: from charity and mercy to joint environmental and peacekeeping programs.

Secondly, the expansion of non-traditional denominations and religions and the emergence of no less broad opposition to them, the desire to deprive unconventional denominations and religions to access the media, education, the ability to deal with charitable activities.

The so-called new religious movements (in the world to 140 million believers are their adherents, and in Russia their number in different estimates comes to 300- 400 thousand) extremely heterogeneous. Some are engaged in mercy and charity, spending most of the funds and effort to help the neighbor, others are concentrated on their internally, religious practices, ignoring society and his care. And some more similar to religious-philosophical teachings or medical and wellness systems, minimizing the usual forms of religious life.

Religious scientists noted that many unconventional cults are a special type of religious organizations. In them, as a rule, there are no strictly designed creeds, and the structure of them is often rigidly hierarchical with an authoritarian leader. For them, opposition to officially recognized values \u200b\u200band church ideals is typical. The cult in such communities is combined using mental impact and manipulation methods. Such activities are harmful, and sometimes the destructive impact on individual and public consciousness leads to a violation of the socialization of the individual. Followers of such cults are challenging, studying, leave families. An example of such a cult is used White brotherhood Yusmolos, preaching the end of the world in October 1993, faith in the new embodiment of Christ in Maria Davi Christ (such a name was made by one of the creators of the organization Marina Zvigun).

Some religious groups and communities clearly fall under the definition of extremist.

Politicians, of course, have to take into account the specifics of various religious organizations, building their relations with them.

Practical findings

1 Implementation of the Principle of Freedom of Conscience provides each opportunity to choose an accessory to a particular religious organization or a refusal to such an affiliation. You yourself decide, participate or not in a religious association, organization. This is a purely personal and voluntary.

2 A number of non-traditional religious cults make their bet on young people, which, on the one hand, is looking for spiritual guidelines, and on the other, it is inclined to a social protest, including in matters of faith. The lack of knowledge about the creature of creeding can easily lead to the organization, far from true religious goals.

3 solving for themselves, consisting or not to consist in combining believers, it is worth remembering how much the so-called totalitarian sects represent. They are characterized by strict control of members in combination with militant-aggressive teachings. It often uses the methods of psychological impact on a person, not safe for moral and psychological health.


From the Federal Law "On Countering Extremist Activities" (dated July 25, 2002).

Article 1. Basic concepts

For the purposes of this Federal Law, the following basic concepts are applied: extremist activities (extremism):

1) the activities of public and religious associations, or other organizations, or funds Mass21 of 0 of the Information, or individuals on planning, organization, preparation and action aimed at:

violent change in the foundations of the constitutional system and violation of the integrity of the Russian Federation;
undermining the security of the Russian Federation;
capture or assigning authority;
the creation of illegal armed formations;
carrying out terrorist activities;
the excitation of racial, national or religious retail, as well as a social distribution associated with violence or calls to violence;
humiliation of national dignity;
the implementation of mass riots, hooligan actions and acts of vandalism based on ideological, political, racial, national or religious hatred or hostility, but equally rearing hatred or hostility for any social Group;
propaganda of exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens on the basis of their relationship to religion, social, racial, national, religious or language affiliation ...

Article 9. Responsibility of public and religious associations, other organizations for exercising extremist activities

The creation and activities of public and religious associations, other organizations, goals or actions are aimed at the implementation of extremist activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation.

Questions and tasks for the document

1. What features make it possible to characterize individual religious organizations as extremist?
2. Indicate the features that are most dangerous for interfaith relations.
3. Why does the state apply strict sanctions to extremist organizations to the prohibition of their activities?

Questions for self-test

1. What religious association can I act in the Russian Federation?
2 Indicate the required signs that religious associations must have.
3 What do you know about the legislative norms regarding the creation of religious associations in the authorities?
4. What are the main problems facing the state in matters of relationships with religious organizations agencies?


1. Analyze the preamble to the federal law "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations" (text 1), as well as the attitude to the law presented in the "Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church" (Tex T 2), and make the necessary conclusions.

1) "The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, confirming the right of everyone to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, as well as equality before the law, regardless of the relationship to religion and belief, based on the fact that the Russian Federation He is a secular state, recognizing the special role of Orthodoxy in the history of Russia, in the formation of its spirituality and culture, respecting Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and other religions, which constitute an integral part of the historical heritage of the peoples of Russia, considering it important to promote the achievement of mutual understanding, tolerance and respect for freedom issues Conscience and freedom of religion, adopts this Federal Law. "

2) "The right contains some minimum moral norms obligatory for all members of society. The task of a secular law is not that the world underwent in evil has become the kingdom of God, but that he does not turn into hell. "