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How to celebrate Catholic Easter abroad. How to celebrate Easter in different confessions: Catholic, Orthodox and Jewish

Catholic Easter 2019 falls on April 21, whereas from year to year - this date is floating and very rare when two Christian Easter coincide. This happened in the past, when Easter 2017 Catholic and marked immediately in one day. As already written above - the date is not constant and is calculated on the lunar phases, but according to the rule established in 525, the occurrence of the holiday cannot be before March 22 and later on April 25.


Easter from Catholics is celebrated in honor of the resurrection of Christ and the end of his earthly torment. All his life, Jesus faithfully served people, helped the poor, defended the weak, so the Heavenly Father as a sign for his chosen, righteous path, returned it to the ground - in his house to people.


The meeting of the holiday is accompanied by the most interesting traditions, and, in each country there are their own, no matter what customs. For example, in Italy, the Torchoronians spread fire at home, which warmed people with their warmth. This tradition is reflected in our day. Surely when Catholic Easter 2019 will be celebrated in Europe, it will be accompanied by fireworks, salute and other demonstration of pyrotechnics. But miracles of modern pyrotechnics do not go to any comparison with the miracle that the Son of God has accomplished. During Easter celebrations on medieval areas of European cities, theatrical ideas are held, in which Jesus, his sufferings and resurrection is shown. And what is the most interesting thing when Easter Catholic splashes on the street of European cities, each present can play a role in the performance. This will help every Catholic to be transferred to those distant times when Christianity only originated on our land.

Easter symbol

Easter from Catholics, as in all previous years, passes with a constant holiday symbol - egg. This is a symbol of faith in a new, chaste, sinless, in an emerging life and hoping associated with it. The tradition to give each other painted eggs is also present at Catholics and Orthodox. There are hundreds of thousands of ways, drawings and shades in which you can paint eggs. Each hostess seeks to make his Easter egg unlike the rest, thereby emphasizing the individuality of each person and at the same time its common faith. Recently, the tradition has been spreading the tradition of giving not colored chicken eggs, and chocolate, so Easter in Catholics in 2019 turns into a real feast. But more on that later.

Holiday taste

Europeans adore Easter, even those who consider themselves atheists. The fact is that some dishes appear only on the eve of this bright holiday. Catholic Easter in 2019 will be accompanied by delicious baking with meat and sweets, a fried roasted lamb on a spit and baked with potatoes, various types of pasta, lasagna and, of course, the most favorite drinks.

When Catholic Easter in 2019

Easter (Resurrection of Christ) is the oldest, greatest and most important holiday in all Christians. On this day, people celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who gave hope to the eternity of the immortal soul. The name of Easter went from the Jewish word "Pesach", which means "transition". Easter is the holiday of all the bright and positive in the life of a person, the unity of all mankind and sincere love for his family.

How is the date of Easter? Why are Orthodox and Catholics celebrate Easter at different times?

Days of Catholic celebration and are not fixed and differ in each other, as they are calculated by different calendars. Western Christian World expects the holiday date of the Gregorian calendar and celebrate it after the day of the spring equinox, on the first resurrection after the first full moon. On the Eastern Church Tradition, Orthodox Easter is calculated from the day of equinox in the old Julian style. Catholic Easter is almost always celebrated before Orthodox, usually for a week, but sometimes the difference in a few weeks. Sometimes the dates coincide and both Easter are celebrated in one day.

In 2016, Catholic Easter falls on March 27, while the Orthodox is celebrated significantly later, on May 1.

Catholic Easter traditions

Believers Catholics, as well as Orthodox Christians, before the beginning of Easter, try to adhere to the rules of the Great Post. It is considered to be softer and not so strict as Orthodox, since on certain days it is allowed to eat dairy and meat products. It is important to take care of your health and adhere to the rules of the post to the extent youighing your well-being. The most important task is the spiritual cleansing, concentration on bright and positive thoughts.

Catholics have their Easter traditions, for example, in England, bright Thursday is called Thursday of Almighty, since at this time the money for the poor is one of the members of the Royal Family. A gold coin as a gift gets so many people as the monarch. This tradition is very many years and earlier instead of money distributed different items of clothing. Such a ritual in the odd year is carried out in Westminster Abbey, and in the even year - in one of the large and central councils of the country.

As well as in Orthodox traditions, Catholics arrange a festive meal with a variety of dishes, aligned in the church in advance. One of the central elements of the festive table is painted eggs, which are eaten primarily on a festive day. In the UK, on \u200b\u200ba festive dinner, mutton with a variety of vegetables, easter sweets are prepared. In the morning serve Sunday buns. In America, the composition of the Easter lunch includes: potatoes, pineapples, fruit salad and various fresh vegetables. In Germany, the central Easter dish is a fish baked in the oven, also fed to the cookie dessert of a variety of shape. On Thursday, before the holiday, the Germans eat special soup with greens, vegetables with adding 7 or 9 herbs.

In Easter Sunday, in some Catholic countries, when dawn, in the temples there are festive services and performances of the game on the organ.

One of the important festive events is the blessing and purification of water and fire. The beginning of this rite occurs on Sabbath Day in the Church. At the same time the church candle, which is considered sacred, is read by special prayer. After, you can take this candle home and leave her to get to the end. The fire of the candle will help to remove the negative energy from the room, will create comfort and comfort. Consecrated water can be used for various tasks, including wash and drink it. Thus, a person is cleared from all negative, his thoughts become more positive and he becomes happier.

The main Easter attribute of the Catholic Easter can be considered an Easter bunny, which is a symbol of prosperity and wealth of nature. On a festive day, people bake various sweet pastries in the form of rabbits. Also adorn the house of objects with images of a given cute animal. A huge number of chocolate eggs are manufactured to the Easter day, which are torn as adults and a defector. Before Easter Sunday, parents hide eggs from chocolate around the house and children in the morning should find them, while they say that sweet gifts caused the Easter bunny.

Among the German Easter symbols you can allocate daffodils, which are still different in Easter's bells.

Close people on a festive day are presented with chocolate eggs, inside of which are different sweet goodies. In America, Easter is presented to other people as a gift basket with painted, multicolored eggs and different, delicious sweets. It is believed in the egg there is a question for which the answer has to give.

In some countries, bright carnivals and festive marches bringing joy and positive emotions are held.

One of the vintage fun, on the day of the holiday, is the rolling of Easter eggs from the mountain. In some cities, even compete competitions. That egg, which will go on to all and remain the whole, becomes the winner. In America, a large-scale competition is arranged on Sunday at Easter near the White House. Many children come there with their lumps, in which Easter eggs lie and rub them from the mountain.

There is a belief that people you will meet in Easter day will become good friends for you for life. That is why the holiday needs to behave friendly.

We wish you a happy holiday Easter!

Easter is the main and most ancient religious holiday in Christians of all directions. The name of Easter is taken from the Jewish holiday of Easter, but their essence is fundamentally different. Jews Easter is the celebration of the outcome of Egyptian slavery. Christians have a resurrection holiday from the dead Jesus Christ. Therefore, the Christian Easter has the second name - the Resurrection Christ.

There are no fundamental differences in the Easter celebration between Orthodox Christians and Catholics. There are discrepancies in some details and local traditions that closely intertwined with the ancient pagan rites. The main difference is the date of the holiday itself. There and there Easter is preceded by a great post and a passionate week.

Initially, Orthodox and Catholics were guided by one rule:

Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first spring full moon and is calculated for many years ahead for the so-called Easter - Easter calendars. Why Orthodox Christians and Catholics began to celebrate Easter at different times - this is a whole historical investigation. The purpose of this article is to show the difference in the celebration of Easter with simple believers.

How to celebrate Easter Orthodox in Russia

The first - Easter is always celebrating on Sunday. It comes from the very election of the holiday - Christ Sunday (from the dead). By the way, in the pre-Christian era of Slavs, this day was called "Week" \u003d "Do not-do" - only to relax!

Custom Christ. All friends who meet each other on this day greet each other with the words "Christ Risen!" "Truly Risen!" At the same time, the younger leaders are the first to welcome the elders.

Custom paint eggs. According to the legend, this custom dates back to the times of ancient Rome, when Maria Magdalene brought the egg as a gift to the emperor Tiberius Egg as a symbol of the resurrection of Christ. The emperor, did not believe and said literally that "like an egg from White does not become red, so the dead do not resurrect." And the egg in the same moment became red. Therefore, Easter eggs were originally painted in red, then they began to paint in the most different way. And even paint artistically. Such eggs are called "writings".

Easter cakes. This is church-ritual food. This festive bread was required to be consecrated, either in the church, or inviting the father home. After that, festive Easter herbs and painted eggs treat each other.

Easter Blagovest. All passionate week before Easter Bells on the bell tower is silent in the sign of grief on the suffering of Jesus Christ. And in Easter, the Easter chime starts. With anyone who wants to climb to the bell tower to anyone else's easter week. (The author of these words was able to call in the bell at the Tobolsk Diocese!)

Festive table on Easter. Easter Resurrection marks the end of the great post and the beginning of the talk - there is anything, have fun, get drunk, to communicate with the opposite floor how much will fit.

"Chokean" Easter eggs. - Favorite competitions of children and adults. Wins the one, in whose hands the egg after the collision will remain whole.

Cattle eggs. Fun like a board game. On the surface there are different items. Then roll an egg. Whose egg is what the subject will affect - this object gets.

How to celebrate Easter Catholics

Easter Blagovest, Easter cakes, a festive table, painted eggs - all this is also present in the Catholic celebration of Easter. Notable honors are an Easter rabbit or Easter hare.

This is a purely Western Catholic tradition. The roots goes to the ancient worship of a hare or rabbit, as a symbol of fertility (everyone knows the fertility of these animals). Edible Easter hares and rabbits bake out of the dough, make chocolate, marmalade, from anything. Very often in such an edible hare baked or hiding an Easter egg.

Chocolate hares are very popular in Europe. Only in one Germany at Easter buy ten thousand tons of chocolate hares and eggs.

Souvenir Easter hares make clays, plastic, fabric, wood, etc., and installed on fireplaces, bedside tables and other prominent places and celebrate as it were with the owners. Easter hare is a very popular character!

Hunt for Easter eggs. In many Western countries, there is a believer that Easter gifts and Easter eggs do not come themselves, and they need to be found. Parents hide them somewhere in the house, and children are happy with pleasure!

Briefly for memorization

Easter celebration in Orthodox

It always happens either together or later Catholic, never before. Easter eggs and cakes are sanctified, give each other. Christ. Chopen eggs. The bell tower sounds the Blagovest. Abundant festive table and drink.

Easter celebration from Catholics

It always happens together either before Orthodox. Blagovest, eggs, cakes - like Orthodox. Mandatory Easter hare or rabbit, both edible and souvenir. No custom Christ.

While Orthodox Christians are still preparing for the celebration of Light Easter, some denominations celebrate it today - April 5th.

The ability to easily cross the borders of states and life side by side with representatives of other religions impose their imprint: we are obliged to treat someone else's views and have an idea of \u200b\u200btheir traditions. So what is she, Catholic Easter?

The most important holiday

Easter from Catholics and Protestants is the most anticipated day in the year, which is preceded by a great post. The event is based on honors and prayers that Jesus are asked for righteous torments due to human sins, and gratitude for our hope of eternal existence. Symbolic signs are the use of traditional cakes and eggs as symbols of being. Yes, at first glance, the holiday looks like the same as the Orthodox believers, with the exception of the date, which is caused by the difference between the calendars - Juliansky, or the old style (at the Orthodox), and the Gregorian, or a new style (at Catholics). However, in addition to similar moments, the celebration of the Light Resurrection, Catholics have their own rites and traditions. What do they imagine?

First, the rite, the meaning of which lies in the blessing of fire and water in the blessing of the fire and water in the chosets. With the help of a silica, a new flame is lit, from which Easter candles are lit. Their wax makes healing properties, as well as Easter water. Mandatory moment is the execution of the hymn "will rejoice!", What sounds in all temples. By the way, food is also accepted to sanctify on the Great Saturday.

Secondly, the traditional festive breakfast on Sunday morning consists of all sorts of egg-based dishes (omelets, scrambled eggs, welded egg-boiled eggs, etc.), Easter bread and meat dishes (beef, pork). Mandatory attributes of the feast - spring flowers, baskets with decorative eggs and toy chickens, candles and ... Easter rabbits. I want to say more about the latter. Unlike Orthodox believers, for Catholics this animal is one of the characters of Easter, and the tradition of his presence on the festival is rooted in a distant past. Today, no rabbit is not a single house of Catholic, and his figure is performed from anything: dough, chocolate, caramel, marmalade, glass, plastics, wood, clay, etc. Especially waiting for meetings with the "ears" children: they believe that the animal hides the gifts brought to them, and their search turns into a fun game.

Third, Catholics and Protestants are not taken to be Christ, but the traditional Easter greeting - "Christ is resurrected!" - And the answer to him is "Verily Rissed!" - exists. In addition, like Orthodox Christians, Catholics have a range of fun with Easter eggs. For example, competitions for riding eggs on an inclined surface, scattering the shell, tapping eggs in each other, etc. In Easter, it is customary to give friends and loved ones with gifts, so it is looking forward to both children and adults.

Customs and traditions of different countries

Despite the commonality of the event, in individual states there is its indescribable flavor of the celebration of Light Resurrection. So, in England to a solemn breakfast, it is customary to serve buns on which the cross is depicted, and in the afternoon, folk felling with mandatory "eggs": whose egg, boiled up, will come down faster from the mountain, he is considered the winner. Especially the occurrence of the holiday is waiting for English schoolchildren because of the start of the Easter holidays.
In the United States, known for its multinationality, there are no uniform principles of Easter celebration. But one thing is invariably: it is a purely family holiday, which is customary to meet in a circle of loved ones. Another feature is a mandatory visit to special worship on the day of the celebration, which begins at 6 am and is called "at the dawn of the Sun.". Apogee celebrations are evening processions-mascaras, accompanied by music.

For Italy, the Easter symbol is a self-appeal to the gathered Pope and his blessing. The hostess for the holiday is beginning their homes to shine, and one of the mandatory dishes on the table is a special cupcake in the form of birds - "Easter dove."

In Poland, in addition to the traditional rabbit, it is customary to decorate the table figures made from sugar or oil.

The Filipinos meet the beginning of Easter by midnight family meal, and not the morning.

In fact, the customs and traditions of Easter celebration among various nationalities and denominations can differ much from each other. Much more important is the meaning of the holiday, laid on it: the resurrection of Jesus Christ as the central event of our faith and the life of all Christians.

What is the difference between Orthodox Easter from Catholic

Easter is the main and most ancient religious holiday in Christians of all directions. The name of Easter is taken from the Jewish holiday of Easter, but their essence is fundamentally different. Jews Easter is the celebration of the outcome of Egyptian slavery. Christians have a resurrection holiday from the dead Jesus Christ. Therefore, the Christian Easter has the second name - the Resurrection Christ. There are no fundamental differences in the Easter celebration between Orthodox Christians and Catholics. There are discrepancies in some details and local traditions that closely intertwined with the ancient pagan rites. The main difference is the date of the holiday itself. There and there Easter is preceded by a great post and a passionate week ..
Initially, the Orthodox and Catholics were guided by one rule: Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first spring full moon and is calculated for many years ahead of the so-called Easter - Easter calendars. Why Orthodox Christians and Catholics began to celebrate Easter at different times - this is a whole historical investigation. The purpose of this article is to show the difference in the celebration of Easter with simple believers.

How to celebrate Easter Orthodox in Russia
The first - Easter is always celebrating on Sunday. It comes from the very election of the holiday - Christ Sunday (from the dead). By the way, in the pre-Christian era of Slavs, this day was called "Week" \u003d "Do not-do" - only to relax!.
Custom Christ. All friends who meet each other on this day greet each other with the words "Christ Risen!" "Truly Risen!" At the same time, the younger leaders are the first to welcome the elders. Custom paint eggs. According to the legend, this custom dates back to the times of ancient Rome, when Maria Magdalene brought the egg as a gift to the emperor Tiberius Egg as a symbol of the resurrection of Christ. The emperor, did not believe and said literally that "like an egg from White does not become red, so the dead do not resurrect." And the egg in the same moment became red. Therefore, Easter eggs were originally painted in red, then they began to paint in the most different way. And even paint artistically. Such eggs are called "writings". Easter cakes. This is church-ritual food. This festive bread was required to be consecrated, either in the church, or inviting the father home. After that, festive Easter herbs and painted eggs treat each other. Easter Blagovest. All passionate week before Easter Bells on the bell tower is silent in the sign of grief on the suffering of Jesus Christ. And in Easter, the Easter chime starts. With anyone who wants to climb to the bell tower to anyone else's easter week.

Festive table for Easter
Easter Resurrection marks the end of the great post and the beginning of the talk - there is anything, have fun, get drunk, to communicate with the opposite floor how much will fit. "Chokean" Easter eggs. Beating eggs for Easter - the favorite competition of children and adults. Wins the one, in whose hands the egg after the collision will remain whole. Cattle eggs. Fun like a board game. On the surface there are different items. Then roll an egg. Whose egg is what the subject will affect - this object gets.

How to celebrate Easter Catholics
Easter Blagovest, Easter cakes, a festive table, painted eggs - all this is also present in the Catholic celebration of Easter. Notable honors are an Easter rabbit or Easter hare ..
This is a purely Western Catholic tradition. The roots goes to the ancient worship of a hare or rabbit, as a symbol of fertility (everyone knows the fertility of these animals). Edible Easter hares and rabbits bake out of the dough, make chocolate, marmalade, from anything. Very often in such an edible hare baked or hiding an Easter egg ..
Souvenir Easter hares make clays, plastic, fabric, wood, etc., and installed on fireplaces, bedside tables and other prominent places and celebrate as it were with the owners. Easter hare is a very popular character! Hunt for Easter eggs. In many Western countries, there is a believer that Easter gifts and Easter eggs do not come themselves, and they need to be found. Parents hide them somewhere in the house, and children are pleased with pleasure.

Briefly for memorization
Easter celebration The Orthodox is always either together or later Catholic, never before. Easter eggs and cakes are sanctified, give each other. Christ. Chopen eggs. The bell tower sounds the Blagovest. Abundant festive table and drink. Easter celebration in Catholics always happens together either before Orthodox. Blagovest, eggs, cakes - like Orthodox. Mandatory Easter hare or rabbit, both edible and souvenir. No custom Christ.