Repair Design Furniture

What pots are suitable for orchids. Preparing for a transplant: how to choose a pot for a phalaenopsis orchid? Plastic pot for orchids

Of the many varieties, most grow in places with no soil:

  • Climbing up tree trunks
  • Find a place on rocky ledges
  • On stumps, etc.
  • What pots to plant phalaenopsis in?
  • What to be guided by when choosing a container for?

Let's try to figure it out.

How to choose a pot for a Phalaenopsis orchid?

What pot is needed for an orchid and how to choose it?

When choosing a pot for phalaenopsis, you should be guided by the requirements for it.

Moisture outflow

Orchids do not tolerate waterlogged roots.

When choosing a container for growing, it is necessary make sure there are drainage holes at the bottom and bottom of the pot. Or with the ability to make them yourself.

If it is impossible make holes like this. you will have to strictly monitor the humidity and come up with something with drainage.

Only professionals can grow in such containers - orchidists who, thanks to many years of experience, “by eye” determine the condition of their pets.

Otherwise, there is a high risk of death of the flower.

Root aeration

Advice! If there is insufficient air circulation, a small fan can be installed nearby.

The root system, due to the natural structure, covered with velamen. It is spongy, multi-layered, hygroscopic dead tissue filled with air.

In the absence of air circulation near the root zone velamen starts to rot.

After the loss of such a shell the plant is unable to absorb moisture and trace elements essential for life.

Temperature regime

Another important condition for the requirement for the selection of a flower pot is a material that provides necessary temperature regime roots.

He should not contribute to overheating or hypothermia of the root part of the plant.

Safe rooting

Home for the root system should not constrain her and be too free for her. Perfect size the diameter of the pot is considered to be 3-4 cm larger than the size of the root part.

This will protect the roots from damage when, evenly ensure the absorption of moisture and its drying.

Don't have to choose a flower pot with a taper to the top.

What kind of pot is needed for orchids: photos and descriptions of species

To date, diversity flower pots for orchids is amazing.

Sometimes It's hard for beginners to make a choice..

The variety of pots used for orchids is great, but each container has its own characteristics.

Let's try to understand the pros and cons of each type.

First of all, they must meet the requirements:

  • Provide sufficient outflow of moisture;
  • Have good internal air circulation;
  • Be safe to extract the root system;
  • Maintain the required temperature.


It is considered the most common and acceptable option when growing phalaenopsis in normal household conditions, especially for beginners.

Easy to maintain and allow you to do without much effort required amount drainage holes. Material tolerates well Sun rays and lowering the temperature, maintaining the root temperature regime without sudden jumps.

Transparent containers provide the ability to observe the state of the roots and substrate moisture.

Convenient for transplanting plants.

Even with roots growing through drainage holes the pot is easily cut without violating the integrity of the rhizome.

Transparency plastic pots helps the roots to photosynthesize well.


Flower pots made of ceramic or clay flower growers very rarely used when growing orchids.

Even with good breathability, the presence of drainage holes and ensuring a constant temperature, they have significant disadvantages.

Growing phalaenopsis in ceramic pots is possible, but only for experienced "orchid growers"

  • Roots adhere to porous surfaces.
  • Also there is no way to monitor the state of the substrate and the root of the flower.
  • Glazed flower containers do not provide aeration.

To grow an orchid in a ceramic pot, need to create a good drainage system and ensure correct.

And this is achieved only by extensive experience in cultivation, which is characteristic only of professionals.

Flowers in this form also requires certain procedures. Purchased pot must be calcined in the oven and disinfected.

A used container soak in acidified water to get rid of salt stains.

Glass flowerpots

An orchid in such a pot looks beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.

With drainage holes and good air exchange there are two major drawbacks:

  • Accumulation of condensate on the walls;
  • Growth of green algae on the roots.

To avoid such problems, one has to change the soil substrate two to three times a year.

If plastic containers are varied in size, then choosing the right glass creates difficulties.

Phalaenopsis loves a little cramped root so pick up a glass flowerpot certain size happens to be difficult.

From branches and twigs (baskets)

flower baskets made from both natural and artificial material. A flower in a beautifully made basket looks very impressive.

Bamboo baskets are considered the most acceptable. or materials similar in smooth surface.

The nonporosity of the material is not allows root germination systems in them.

The disadvantage is the speed of drying the root part with the substrate, which creates certain difficulties and frequency when watering by immersion.

Mostly, hybrid species with peduncles are planted in such baskets pointing down.

Also follows before planting a larger substrate close the gaps between the bars so that the soil substrate does not spill out during the growing process.

Hanging planter

Growing in a hanging planter - good option. The plant, due to its height and asymmetric growth, does not collapse on the windowsill. Looks more natural.

The main condition for this is ensuring good aeration root part and sufficient lighting.

A flower pot with a plant is installed in the cache-pot so that a finger passed between the wall of the planter and the container with the flower.

It is better to hang a planter close to the window, providing a flower enough sunlight.

There should also be more pay attention to the humidity root part.

How to determine the size of the pot?

Basic Rules

Error in choosing the size will not allow phalaenopsis to fully show its lush, sufficient flowering.

The choice of size must adhere to certain rules:

  • So, the height should be almost equal to the diameter of the neck;
  • The root part is free to fit in the container.


Since the mini prefers high humidity , then glass will be a good container for it.

In order to maintain humidity, the mini-phalaenopsis needs a glass pot.

This type of orchid prefers a little tightness in the root system, which is taken into account when choosing a mini-pot.

For kids

For kids, mostly capacity is selected small size calculated per year of growth. It could be a plastic cup or a jar of cotton swabs.

Basically, any plastic, small dish will do with the calculation of the growth of the children. There are ways to growing in mini greenhouses or even styrofoam.

Transparent containers

The determining factor is possibility of visual observation behind the root system of the flower. Define time and amount of watering or drying.

Also, phalaenopsis has not only leaves participate in photosynthesis but also the roots of the plant. Therefore, transparency creates the necessary amount of light for this.

Transparent pots not only look aesthetically pleasing, but also contribute to the photosynthesis of phalaenopsis roots.

Ability to use additional options


When breeding and growing several hybrid species of phalaenopsis in last years floriculture lovers prefer irrigation automation.

In addition to factory pots with automatic watering options, many flower growers using do-it-yourself tools. Aesthetic appearance and quality of watering determines the owner of the orchid flower garden.

Convenience, time savings, ease of automatic irrigation settings - main advantages of this additional option.


Go on sale every year flower pots with new additional options and features that make it easier for plants.

For orchids appeared containers with additional phyto-lighting. With various kinds of immersion trays and providing automatic watering, with frequent business trips or long-term absence.

DIY pot

Manufacturing at home for your decorative pet is quite within the power of any person.

The main thing - choose the right plastic container.

For this fit:

  • food container any form,
  • PET bottles or any other container, the size of which corresponds to the root system of the flower.

In the bottom and on the side walls drainage and air-permeable holes are made.

The aesthetic appearance of such an invention can give a self-made planter.

It can be with weave from any improvised material- twigs, wire, etc. It all depends on your design abilities, skillful hands and available material.

Useful video

Video instruction on how to choose a pot for orchids:

Video review of orchid pots:

Watch the video for errors with closed systems:


The price of phalaenopsis in a pot may vary due to the container in which it is sold. Experienced orchid growers prefer to purchase in a plastic shipping container and choose their own growing vessel.

For your pet to develop, grow and delight with lush large flowers, you need to study in advance and decide which pot is needed for phalaenopsis right at your home.

And according to the humidity, temperature and illumination of the room, choose the desired option.

Orchid transplantation is one of the most important aspects in the care of an orchid, which can have a beneficial effect on the growth and flowering of a plant.

However, before proceeding with the transplant process, it is necessary to decide which particular pot is suitable for the orchid and choose the most suitable one.

    How to choose?

    An orchid pot is not just decorative element emphasizing her beauty and elegance. The orchid grows in a special substrate, its roots do not need soil. Many flower growers choose as.

    The root system of the plant needs optimal air access, and moisture near it should in no case accumulate, so the pot should not be devoid of holes.

    Also, we must not forget that the roots of some orchids are involved in photosynthesis, and this fact is the answer to the question of whether it is possible to plant an orchid in an opaque flowerpot. In addition, the material of the selected container is able to regulate the temperature regime of the root system, which is very important for it.

    Difference from pots

    The undoubted advantage of this pot is its breathability, providing air access to the roots from all sides, which allows any orchid to feel like in its native tropics on the branches of trees. Also, the advantages of the Crown pot are its appearance, allowing it to fit into any interior, and the ability to pass. Price plastic flowerpots is in the range of 50-120 rubles.


    When choosing a ceramic pot, you need to pay attention to the fact that it is glazed and has holes on the sides. Such containers have good moisture permeability and throughput.

    Important! In order to avoid overheating of the root system in hot summer weather, it is better to choose light-colored pots.

    The disadvantages of ceramic containers are:

  1. ingrowth of the root system into the porous surface of the pot;
  2. accumulation in the surface of salts that penetrate during irrigation, which impairs air permeability;
  3. bad effect of accumulated salts on root system.

Ceramic containers are heavy enough to help prevent the plant from falling. under its own weight.

The cost of ceramic pots varies from 1300 to 2500 rubles.


Clay containers can also be used for planting orchids, but it is important to choose those flowerpots that are designed specifically for them - they have many holes on the sides and are made in the form of wicker baskets. It must be remembered that a rough inner surface can cause roots to grow in and the substrate to dry out quickly, so you need to buy a glazed clay pot.

Important! Clay is able to maintain temperature for a long time, so overheating or hypothermia of the roots should not be allowed.

The cost of such a pot is 400-1500 rubles.


The metal basket is the most the best option for growing flowers that need conditions that are as close to natural as possible. Plants in such a pot grow freely, do not overheat. Moisture does not stagnate in them, the conditions for natural ventilation are good. There is a metal container from 100 to 700 rubles.


Environmental friendliness and good drainage are the main advantages of bamboo containers. The disadvantages include the fact that it will have to be changed more often than plastic or ceramic containers, and if the care technology is violated, rot can develop on the surface, which is dangerous for the orchid. The price of a bamboo pot is 400-1000 rubles.

homemade product

Pros and cons

The advantages of a self-made orchid pot include:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • original form and design;
  • saving money.

The disadvantages of such a pot are:

  • waste of personal time;
  • preparation of material for its creation.

Otherwise a flowerpot made by one's own hands is no worse than a purchased option.

Comparison with purchased

By making an orchid pot on your own, you can foresee absolutely all factors and, as a result, get the capacity that will ideally suit a particular type of orchid, taking into account the characteristics of its growth and development.

Also, an indisputable advantage over a purchased flowerpot is the ability to save money, which is especially important for the owner of several flowers, each of which needs a separate container. In addition, a homemade pot can be made taking into account the features of the interior and it will not stand out from general concept, but rather complement it.

Step by step instructions on how to do it yourself

One of the easiest and most common options is to make a pot out of plastic bottles. This will require 2 bottles, with a volume of 1 and 2 liters, from which the pot itself and automatic watering will be made. Making a container for watering the following:

  1. You need to take a 2 liter bottle and cut it 20 cm from the bottom.
  2. At the bottom of the bottle, make 8 cuts 4 cm deep from above to form a pot stand.
  3. The resulting segments should be bent inward through one.
  4. To fill the container with water, cut off the neck in the remaining upper part of the bottle and fix it in the lower part so that it is possible to fix the spout.
  5. Fix the neck in the cut hole with hot glue.

Making a pot:

  1. A 1 liter bottle is cut off at a height of 15 cm.
  2. Along the edge of the upper part you need to do outer bend by 1 cm.
  3. In the resulting bend, it is necessary to place the racks of the watering container holding the pot.
  4. At the bottom, you need to make about 9 holes and thread cords of dense fabric through them, through which water from the watering tank will flow into the pot.
  5. Next, soil is poured into the pot and the orchid is located.
  6. Place a pot on the container for watering and fill it with water.

Where can you plant?

per block

A block is a piece of bark that fits the size of the root system of an orchid.. The bark must be of a type of tree that does not rot. create conditions for it that are as close to natural as possible.

Important! For a young plant, foam can be used instead of bark.

An excellent substrate option in this case would be sphagnum moss growing in swamps. You can plant an orchid on a block without a substrate, then it is grown on a suspended wire or fishing line.

By growing an orchid on a block, you can water less often, as water will linger in the substrate. This method has a significant disadvantage - the root system is prone to drying out too quickly.

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If you need to create conditions for the orchid that are close to natural, but there is no desire to plant it on a block, you can plant the plant in a basket. It can be made from bamboo, wood, steel, plastic or metal mesh.

A basket made of wood has one drawback: the root system strongly grows to this material.

Most practical but less decorative option is a plastic basket. In order to make a wooden or bamboo basket yourself, you need to lay out the planks or bamboo and make a hole in them through which to stretch the fishing line. After that, you just need to hang a basket and plant a flower in it.

The optimal solution for the plant

Most optimal solution for growing orchids there will be an acquisition with holes on the sides. Such a flowerpot is able to provide good moisture permeability and air access to the root system of the flower.

In addition, in such a container, the roots have the opportunity to fully develop and do not adhere to its walls. Another plus in favor of a plastic pot is its budget cost compared to clay, glass or bamboo options.

Where to buy and how much will it cost?

There are two options for purchasing an orchid pot: via the Internet or in a specialized flower shop. The cost of pots varies from 50 to 2500 rubles, depending on the material from which it is made.

Choosing the right pot for an orchid is a responsible process, but it is not as difficult as it might seem. The main thing is to have a good idea of ​​what it should be like and focus on such criteria as material, size, aeration, moisture permeability and design.

Useful video

To finally decide on the choice of an orchid pot, watch the video:

An orchid is a plant that mostly belongs to epiphytes, less often to lithophytes, but both of them do not tolerate waterlogging of the roots, and therefore one of the main conditions for their healthy existence is the right pot for an orchid.

The exotic beauty is a very popular flower among both professional flower growers and amateurs captivated by its beauty. However, not every beginner is able to grow this miracle. Experienced growers willingly share useful tips with juniors.

Orchid on a summer playground at the entrance of a private house. This beauty in a pot will complement any interior.

From the correct choice of a pot for an orchid depends on its further development and abundance of flowering.

Orchids in ceramic pots

Orchid pots: types

It would seem that the easiest way is to buy an orchid in a pot, but it is not. Even the selection of a vessel for this fastidious "lady" is a whole epic, and even mastering the science of how to care for an orchid in a pot is the crown of the flower grower's experience. Orchid - the most capricious plant of the entire home "arboretum".

Experienced flower growers can afford to grow an orchid in a small florarium, picking up a transparent glass jar appropriate size

plastic pots

They are divided into two types - with ready-made factory holes and without them. Such species are distinguished by their characteristics, the substrate dries out slowly in them, salt accumulates little inside, and in cold periods of time and in the summer heat they do not allow the roots to freeze or overheat. On the other hand, this is a very dangerous container, since the slightest overflow of water can lead to rotting of the roots and death of the plant. Plastic containers with ready-made holes are quite suitable as a "house" for an orchid: they create a good drainage system, but plastic pots without holes cannot be used.

Translucent frosted plastic pots for orchids

Advice! If you want the orchid to grow strong and healthy in a pot and at the same time you already have a molded plastic container, burn a few holes in it on the sides at the base with a hot nail. Or drill them with a regular drill.

Despite the fact that there are holes in plastic vessels, you will have to carefully monitor the moisture content of the root system.

  • transparency - you can see the state of the roots;
  • cheapness - the price for them is low;
  • you can do it yourself from any mayonnaise jar by drilling holes.
  • you will have to constantly live in tension, monitoring the level of humidity.

glass pots

Many owners of gardens on window sills and insulated balconies believe that homemade orchids in pots are the last century and an unaesthetic sight, and therefore use beautiful glass containers instead. Inspired beginners buy unusual huge glasses or take mini-aquaria. And completely in vain: they do not take into account that such beauty can play to the detriment of the health of the plant.

If we can still drill or burn a few holes in a plastic container to avoid excessive accumulation of moisture, then this cannot be done in glass. In addition, planting in such a container will require special preparation of the drainage layer and soil, otherwise disturbed air circulation will lead to the formation of algae, mucus, and the flower itself will die. This means that only professionals can afford such a luxury.

  • transparency - the root system is visible;
  • the beauty - unusual glass pleasing to the eye.
  • no holes and no way to make them;
  • drainage will have to be arranged;
  • constant irrigation control.

Clay/ceramic pots

The dream of every hostess is a shelf on the entire wall with wonderful orchids. Pay attention to the variety of design of ceramic pots

These pots are made with holes, they are distinguished by excellent water permeability and air permeability, water does not accumulate in one place, but is evenly distributed around the perimeter. The roots do not freeze and do not overheat, plus they do not need to be watered often.

  • good permeability to water and air;
  • ready-made holes for the outflow of water;
  • heaviness, which does not allow the vessel to roll over under the weight of its own weight.
  • roughness of the inner surface. The roots can “stick” to it, which is dangerous by plant injuries;
  • salt deposits accumulate quickly;
  • porosity decreases with time and collapses under the influence of salts.

Delicate ceramic pots in a neutral color are suitable for orchids of any shade.

Important! Clay pots should be bought in light colors to prevent overheating.

Several orchids can be planted in a spacious ceramic pot. Choose from both solid colors and multi-colored ones, getting original compositions to complement the interior of your home.

Before planting an orchid in a ceramic bowl, it is heated in the oven for the purpose of disinfection, after which it is soaked in clean water. If the pot has already been used, remove the salt by soaking it in acidified water.

Delicate lace ceramic pot for orchids in blue tones

Wooden, bamboo or metal baskets

If a wooden container is used, so that the roots do not grow to the walls, a mesh container of the same size is placed inside the wooden bowl and placed inside the first monolithic vessel. Baskets made of bamboo are smooth, and therefore do not require such manipulations.

In a spacious wooden pot unusual shape you can plant several plants

Wooden baskets are made from wooden or bamboo slats according to the size of the pot, then holes are drilled on both sides, the material is placed at a right angle so that the holes match. The planks are joined with copper wire, from below it is twisted in a knot, and tied up in the form of rings so that it can be hung like a planter.

Wicker basket with orchids harmoniously looks in any interior

Advice! So that the soil does not spill out of the basket, all the gaps should be laid with sphagnum moss (peat).

Orchid pot made of natural light wood is suitable for flowers of any shade

  • environmental friendliness;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • well organized drainage.
  • fragility of natural raw materials.

Does size matter?

Of course, it has, as for any other home inhabitant of the window sill. The size of the pot is determined simply: the diameter should correspond to the height of the orchid. Too large containers are dangerous for uneven drying of the soil and rotting of the roots. Small pots tend to turn over from the weight of the growing flower itself. The ideal pot is one in which the orchid will be a little cramped, but just a little to encourage growth.

Orchid in a pot: care at home

Caring for orchids in a pot has a number of features.

Rules for choosing lighting

  1. A lot of light is required, but it needs to be diffused. Direct ultraviolet rays will burn the delicate petals.
  2. In summer, the plant is darkened. This can be done with an opaque film or a piece of plastic.
  3. In autumn, blackout is not required, since the intensity of ultraviolet radiation naturally decreases.
  4. Keep track of the length of light time. The norm for an orchid is 12 hours. If there is more time, the plant gets tired, it does not have enough rest, and if it is less, it cannot mature enough, and artificial lighting must be thought through.

Advice! For artificial lighting orchids are better to use fluorescent lamps they are more forgiving.

Temperature in and around the pot

Orchids are heat-loving beauties, they come from different places jungle, which means they need bliss, and the temperature must be regulated depending on the species. Who said it would be easy? To the Queen - royal care and honors.

There are three varieties of orchids:

  1. Heat-loving comes from plains and coastal jungles, and therefore the temperature should be at least 18 ° C. It is also undesirable for the thermometer scale to exceed 32 ° C, and at night it should not fall below 15 ° C.
  2. Tolerating only average temperatures, they grow in the mountainous regions of the tropics; a regime of 18 to 22 ° C is acceptable for them. At night and in winter, their maximum is 12 or 15 ° C.
  3. Cool-loving "girls" from the subtropics. Their optimum is about 22 ° C in summer, and 12-13 ° C at night and in winter.

To summarize, or when you are not exactly sure what kind of flower you have purchased, it can be noted that temperatures from 19 to 25 ° C during the day and 15-20 ° C at night are comfortable for any orchids.

Caring for orchids in a pot at home also involves following strict watering rules.

How to water

Although there are varieties of orchids that love moist soil all the time, most of them prefer moderation and cannot stand stagnant water. And if you choose the lesser of two evils, they will better endure a short-term “drought” than a “swamp”. They need an increased amount of moisture only during the flowering period, especially when peduncles are ejected and active growth. Finding out that more water is needed is simple: the leaves begin to wrinkle. And about the overflow, the orchid signals their yellowing.

If necessary, as the plant grows, the orchid should be periodically transplanted into a pot slightly larger than the previous one. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the roots.

It is necessary to water with soft water, for example, melted or accumulated rain. In extreme cases, simple, but boiled. On average, this should be done three times a week, but not like ordinary indoor flowers. The orchid should be placed for several minutes in a container of water without removing it from the pot: this is when it is especially important correct selection when holes play a key role! After the orchid is saturated with moisture, the vessel is placed on a grate to get rid of stagnation, then returned to its place again.

Important! In winter, when the temperature is lower and the house is cooler than usual, the amount of watering is reduced from two to once every seven days.

Do-it-yourself orchid pot with automatic watering

If you were suddenly presented with an orchid and you don’t have a pot at hand, or you plan to go on a short vacation, but are afraid to leave the “lady” alone at home, you can make a miracle house for her with your own hands.

We need 2 most common plastic bottles with different displacement - for two and for one liter.

Further actions:

  1. We cut a two-liter bottle by measuring 20 cm from the bottom, taking only the lower part.
  2. On the resulting cup, we make 8 cuts of 4 cm in depth - this is necessary to form analogues of racks.
  3. We bend the cut "petals", alternating through one. The fold goes in.
  4. In the cut off part with the neck, cut off the neck.
  5. In the lower part of the prepared cup, we make a hole for attaching the spout.
  6. We glue the neck into the hole with waterproof glue. "Drinking bowl" is ready.
  7. We make a pot: cut a liter bottle, measuring 15 cm from the bottom.
  8. From the edge of the upper part, we create a bend in a circle outward by 1 cm to place the “drinker” racks in it, which will hold the pot itself.
  9. We drill holes at the bottom, we thread strong fabric cords through them, through which moisture will be supplied. The same system will also serve as a kind of drainage, letting in some air. The cord should reach the bottom.
  10. Now we fill up the soil and plant an orchid.
  11. As needed, water will now flow into the substrate.

Advice! If there is not enough air, you can additionally make several small side holes.

Hothouse spoiled beauties, from whom it is impossible to take your eyes off, gentle princesses - that's what orchids in a pot are. Buying this miracle is not enough, you need to learn the intricacies of care and be a very disciplined person. If you choose the right “house” for her, carefully study the information and strictly follow the recommendations. experienced flower growers, this noble "lady" will tirelessly delight you with her beauty for many years.

Orchid is beautiful flower, which is easy to grow on your windowsill. Right choice orchid pot - pledge successful cultivation this plant. If you decide to start growing phalaenopsis, then let's figure out how to choose the right pot for your orchid.

In a botanical sense, phalaenopsis belong to epiphytes. This is a group of plant organisms that develops on the bodies of other plants. Among flower plants this specialization is considered unusual: most epiphytes are algae.

Understanding these physiological features will give you the answer to the question of what shape, size and character an orchid pot should be.

In fact, there are other ways to grow orchids. Some gardeners plant them on blocks, while others cultivate them in closed system. Despite this, the use of flowerpots for home-grown phalaenopsis is one of the most common and easily applied options.

However you decide to grow these flowers, your location must meet 4 criteria:

  1. The roots must receive the necessary amount of oxygen. To do this, it is desirable to use a well-drained vessel with free air access.
  2. It is not necessary to look at how transparent the orchid pots will be - this is only important for the one who will care for the flower. In transparent pots, it is much more convenient to track the amount of evaporated moisture and the time of the next watering.
  3. Pay attention to the type of your flower. It is better to grow vandas in glass pots, transparent vessels for growth are more suitable for phalaenopsis, and ordinary ceramic dishes are used for the growth of pseudobulb epiphytes.
  4. The right pot for an orchid should fit her. There should be a minimum of free space in your vessel - this is a potential place for root rot.

Using these tips, you can easily answer the question - how to choose a pot for an orchid.

Types of pots

To date, the variety of materials for growing orchids rolls over. To choose the right pot for your flower, you need to understand their main varieties.

Pots for home orchids differ in the material of manufacture. There are plastic, glass, clay, ceramic, wicker. Some craftsmen make a pot for Phalaenopsis orchids with their own hands. Last technological solution consider a flowerpot with automatic watering. With the help of built-in sensors, the vessel itself determines the level of humidity in the root system of the flower and at the right time, using a system of capillaries, maintains it at a certain level.

As a rule, an orchid pot can be purchased at a specialty store. There is no consensus on what the material of the phalaenopsis landing site should be. The container you choose should meet all the physiological needs of the plant.

The size

When we choose a container for a flower, we pay attention not only to the material from which it is made, but also to its size and volume. In what size pots should orchids be planted is a long-studied question. Guided by this criterion during the selection, remember a simple rule - the size of the ideal orchid pot should be exactly under its root system. And only if the plant is completely healthy, you can take a container with a small amount of free space for future root growth.

Production material

Which pot is needed for an orchid depends on its type and the conditions that you provide it. In fact, this plant can live on a variety of. popular in recent times are glass pots for orchids. Some use vases for orchids, wicker baskets. The main thing is that in the selected container there is enough space for air exchange of phalaenopsis roots with environment and a large number of drainage holes. If these conditions are present, then your flower will delight with its flowers for a long time.

In addition to the above materials for phalaenopsis, pots are made from clay, plastic, ceramics and bamboo.


Clay places for growing flowers attract with natural material, good permeability to water and air, as well as aesthetic appeal. It may seem that these are the flowerpots that should be for optimal growth of orchids. However, clay planters have a number of disadvantages, including:

  • gradual weathering of useful trace elements from the material
  • phalaenopsis roots grow to the walls of the container and can be injured during transplantation


Plastic pots are the most popular for growing orchids. This is due to their low cost, manufacturability and ease of use. Plastic containers do not allow the root system of the plant to dry out and are easy to care for.

A crown pot is a separate type of plastic container for flowers.


Ceramic pots have the same pros and cons as those made from clay. In some cases, for ease of use, it is recommended to choose a ceramic container with a pallet.


Growing these flowers in glass pots is not very convenient. However, certain types of orchids feel more comfortable in glass. Glass allows you to let in more light, dry the roots - and this is both a plus and a minus. Due to the high risk of injury to the plant itself and the person, it is better to refuse glass.


Bamboo planter is eco-friendly and well-draining. In addition, this design fits perfectly into the interior. However, they will have to be changed much more often than plastic or ceramic ones. In addition, if the care technology is violated, rot dangerous for the flower can develop on the surface of such a planter.

Not all orchids can be grown on open field. They mainly grow on trees and rocks with no soil at all. That is why flower containers for home phalaenopsis should not be very common.

The very first rule: the plant does not tolerate waterlogging of the root system.

The container for the plant must provide:

  • outflow excess water,
  • good air exchange in the root system and substrate,
  • safe extraction of roots,
  • ideal temperature.

Some varieties not only absorb nutrients and water by their roots, but also take an active part in photosynthesis. Such plants need a transparent pots.

These plants do not require a lot of space, since their root system is weak, and they simply may not master the volume of the substrate. Therefore, it is better to choose a medium-sized pot.

The main conditions for choosing the right pot are as follows:

  • the presence of drainage holes,
  • height must be equal to the width of the container,
  • the volume of the container should correspond to the size of the rhizome of the plant.
  • it’s good if a stand comes with a flower pot.

Most often, a flower is planted in plastic or ceramic flower vases. There are even very beautiful containers in the form of baskets on sale - in them the roots will breathe and develop perfectly.

It is better not to buy a glass container, as it can cause injury not only to the plant, but also to humans. In addition, the glass container prevents air exchange. It can be used as a planter for orchids in a plastic transparent pot.

Gallery: planters for orchids (25 photos)

Plastic pots for orchids

Plastic orchid pots are the most popular container option. Plastic keeps the roots from drying out, is easy to use and maintain, and is very durable.

In such a planter, holes for draining excess water are necessarily provided, which means that it will be very easy to grow orchids. If there are few such holes, then it is very easy to make them yourself with a drill. In this case, the pot will not collapse and will not be damaged.

The plastic version feels great in a fairly lit place and even in the shade. It well protects the roots of the plant from overheating or cold. A pot stand will prevent excess water from spilling onto the surface.

There are cases when the roots grow so much that they even go out through the drainage holes, and then during transplantation there may be problems with extracting the plant. In such a situation, the pot can be easily cut with garden shears without damaging the root system. Naturally, this is not possible when using glass and ceramic flowerpots.

For those types of orchids whose roots are involved in photosynthesis, it is recommended to purchase transparent planters. They are good not only for phalaenopsis, but also for similar plants. Through the walls of such a flowerpot are perfectly visible:

  • root development,
  • moisture consumption,
  • substrate condition.

Clay flower containers

The main advantages of ceramic flowerpots for orchids are good air and moisture permeability. Moisture during watering is not collected in one place, but is evenly distributed throughout the substrate, while the roots do not dry out and do not overheat.

With all the advantages of clay flowerpots, they also have disadvantages:

  • The root system sticks tightly to porous ceramics, which leads to injury to the plant during transplantation.
  • The porosity of ceramics decreases after some time due to salts that are absorbed into the material. These salts also affect the root system of the flower.

You need to know some of the nuances. Before planting, the clay container must be disinfected in the oven, after which it is soaked in clean water. If not a new pot is used, but a used one, then it must be lowered into slightly acidified water. Suitable solution citric acid. This procedure will completely get rid of salt deposits on ceramics.

To save family budget, it is quite possible to make a pot for an orchid with your own hands, and with an automatic watering system. For the manufacture will require one liter and one two-liter bottles.

So, let's get started:

  • We make a container for watering. To do this, cut off a two-liter bottle so that the remaining Bottom part was 20 centimeters high.
  • Eight cuts should be made on top of the cut bottle, about four centimeters deep. They will hold our homemade pot.
  • Every second segment is bent inward.
  • To fill the container with water, you need to cut off the neck from the top of the bottle.
  • At the bottom of the bottle, we outline a hole so that you can attach a spout to it.
  • We insert the neck of the bottle into the holes obtained and fasten it with a glue gun.

Such a homemade pot with an automatic watering system will maintain the required substrate moisture and prevent overflow, which is detrimental to the flower. Also, this flowerpot does not require a stand.

Although the indoor orchid is considered a capricious flower, correct pot and care will prevent many problems.