Repairs Design Furniture

Model at home with their own hands from girlfriend. How to build a real house from the submitted material. Manually writing flower pots

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So that the apartment looks stylish and cozy, do not necessarily spend a lot of money. Quite simple girlfriend, a little fantasy and desire for change. And of course, you can watch interesting ideas for the house, which is divided from time to time website.

So, what can be done to cheap and tastefully issue the interior.

1. Use ribbons instead of rings and clamps

2. Update curtains using edging

3. Put manually flower pots

4. Draw a marker pattern on the lamp

A little patience and a marker that writes on different surfaces - and the modern lamp is ready. How to draw a picture on the ceiling, is shown in this blog.

5. decorate the lamp with prudent materials

6. Make Handmade Watch

Original wall clocks in the best traditions of expensive decor stores can be made at home in a few hours. It is not as difficult as it may seem. Instructions for creating clock in the style of the school board. And it is shown how to make a watch in the style of PIN-AP.

7. Organize a real mini-bar from the old servant

The era of the servants with tons of crystal irrevocably gone into the past. But here are also the servants yet. So why not turn your furniture that served in a modern home minibar (not necessarily alcoholic). It turned out very well.

8. Use angular shelves

9. Make an extra shelf for spices

10. Use locker doors

11. Attach magazine holder

12. Stick fabric "wallpapers" on the door

With the help of fabric with a pattern and glue from corn starch, you can originally decorate a boring door. Such "wallpapers" are easily removed, so when the drawing is bored, it can be easily removed or replaced with a new one. You can look at the process of decorating the door in this blog.

13. Coloring the rug at the entrance door in unusual colors

The door rug may also be interesting. To do this, it is enough to paint in bright, non-standard colors. How to turn an ordinary rug in the original thing, look at this blog.

14. Make a rug in bathroom from natural materials

The plug is an excellent natural material that dries quickly and retains warmth well. It is pleasant to come on such a rug with bass legs. And his creation from wine traffic jams will probably make it remember many good moments. How to make such a rug, you can see.

15. Hang wall panel

16. Arrange a photo exhibition

17. Add color accent on the door

This idea is ideal for cases when you want to revive a little interior, but there is no possibility to change something radically. Such a focus can be checked even on a removable apartment, in the end, you can always return as it was. As is done, shown.

18. Color the old linoleum

19. Move the desktop regiment in the mounted

Often on the table there is not enough space for storing different trifles. In this case, the desktop shelf can be easily turned into a wall, and the folding one. It will not only allow to organize space, but also decorate it. Simple instructions can be found.

20. Decorating Handbugs for Clothes

Ecology of consumption: Earthship (EarthShip) is an energy efficient autonomous structure that does not require connecting to CHP and at the same time helps to get rid of many problems and expenditures related to operation. There are no accounts for utilities and electricity, and water will never turn off.

Earthship (EarthShip) is an energy-efficient autonomous structure that does not require connecting to the CHP and at the same time helps to get rid of the many problems and costs associated with operation. There are no accounts for utilities and electricity, and water will never turn off. And thanks to the use of alternative building materials, the construction costs are reduced. It can also be added that the project is so easy to build that almost everyone can implement it.

What started?

The earth's ship is a symbiosis of life support systems and a person inside a single residential space. Since 1969, being another architect, Michael Rainolds began experimenting with autonomous buildings in New Mexico in the south of the United States. Now Michael is no longer an architect, but a biotector. This term appeared in connection with the direction in which the architecture of passive houses developed. A wrestler with garbage and toxic waste on the planet, Rainolds created a house-ship from the waste of modern society. With this approach, cast materials are used, which are common worldwide, affordable even in the most remote corners of the Earth: cardboard boxes, aluminum cans, old automotive tires, glass and plastic bottles.

The first building unit was made sometime from aluminum beer cans, tightly pulled wire. Subsequently, the banks began to be applied on one, like bricks. But the most famous construction block in such construction is, of course, a tire filled with soil. After many years of operation, it was found that the construction of the tires also has a high seismic resistance. And now in a two-cup model at home Simple Survival, about 3,000 aluminum cans, 7000 glass bottles, 1800 plastic bottles, about 340 automotive tires and 300 cardboard boxes are used.


In order to start building a globe, you will need a plan at home. The development of plans is personally engaged in Michael Rainolds with his team. Build a ship in a state even a person without special education. Everything is based on common sense.

One of the main elements with which the globe interacts is the sun. The house is located along the trajectory of the Sun movement depending on the location of the site. Through the windows of the facade, the solar heat penetrates the room, heating the thermal mass of walls and gender, and thermal mass plays an important role in the concept of the ship.

Consider as an example, the Simple Survival model, which has the form U and the dimensions of which do not exceed 5.5 m in width and 8 m in length. From three sides, the module is surrounded by an array of a wall of seven tire levels. The diameter of the tires is reduced from the bottom up, ranging from 235/15 at the base itself, then 225/15 in the middle and 205/15 at the top. After laying the wall, it is covered by layers of plaster and metal mesh, and when everything is ready, the final layer of plastering from natural clay or pigmented cement is superimposed on top.

After some time, the mass of the earth's ship warms up to a permanent level, and then a comfortable temperature in the area of \u200b\u200b+ 21 ° C is maintained in the residential space. During the day, the thermal mass of the house accumulates heat, while cooling the room, and at night gives it warm, not allowing the room too cool.

In the Simple Survival model, a dome roof is used. To create a frame, up to 10 reinforcement rods 6 m long, a metal mesh with cells is not greater than 1.5 cm in diameter and wire.

This technique is also used in the "flower" and "hut" models. In others, the timber is used 15 cm x 25 cm or bric. Outside the wall and roof are insulated with a special coating based on ethylene-propylene rubber and insulation. The walls are surrounded by a large amount of soil to create a powerful thermal mass.

To cool and ventive such a structure, usually in the nose of the ship on the roof, a hatch is installed 1.2 m per 1.2 of the durable tree. In the back of the ship, the air flow channel is installed. Typically used plastic pipes with a diameter of 10-30 cm. In winter and in harsh climatic conditions, complete ventilation is not required: there will be enough air movement through the entrance doors.


The most common type of alternative energy is solar, generated by photoelectric panels. In addition to them, windy generators are used in the earth's ships: it all depends on the climatic zone in which the ship is being built. Solar panels are set on a lit ship facade. Batteries are used for electricity storage. Calculate what energy costs will produce your ship, any qualified electrician will help you.


The earth's ship collects and processes water - rain and talu. The roofs built with a slope serve as waterproofs and direct flows into tanks, where water is defended and filtered by a five-speed filter system. It is then distributed throughout the house for domestic use and drink. The processing of "gray" waters is also provided: the shells of cuisine and a bathroom, washing machine. They are also cleaned and used in the greenhouse system.

It should be noted that in the earth's ship, the use of hazardous chemicals will have to leave in the past: you will need to move to more natural tools for cleaning and washing. The same water comes to washing in the toilet, from where it is sent to the septic tank, and then into the outer compartment for irrigation of inedible plants. The water cycle is supported by pumps that are connected to an isolated solar panel. Another isolated panel serves the heater for the molding of snow on the roof. Even in winter you can get water from a natural source.


The earth's ship provides a place for autonomous food production. The greenhouse in which the edible plants grow all year round, no doubt, is the main feature that distinguishes this type of biotectecut. Where a minus temperature prevails a significant part of the year, it is recommended to build double or even triple greenhouses, and in tropical countries this territory can be left completely open. In harsh climatic conditions, double glass panels are used throughout the perimeter, and in more moderate, the acrylic panels can be used to reduce cost.

To create greenhouses, double-glazed windows are usually not used, as it is in mind that the building will be available to each and can be built in remote areas where all building materials are not always available. Nevertheless, much depends on climatic conditions, and such nuances are taken into account directly when designing a building. Greenhouses serve not only for food production, but also participate in the water filtration system, as mentioned earlier.

In a terrestrial ship, not only plant food can be produced, but also an animal. For example, you can install a pool for fish or a chicken coop. It is useful to recall the principles of aquaphony: systems of natural filtering of water and breeding fish at home. The aquaphony satuates the water with vital elements and fertilizers to maintain healthy soil for plants. Even harsh winter you have bananas in the greenhouse!

Primitive earthwoman? Not at all!

If we are embarrassed by the seeming simplicity and asceticism of the idea, you are worried in vain. The earth's ship can be equipped with all the latest innovations of technology, everything that draws you imagination and allows a wallet. The world's largest ship Sunridge belongs to Dennis Wiwero. It was built on a plot of about 10 hectares and has a living area of \u200b\u200b3000 sq. M. meters. In 1990, the house cost 1 million dollars. Now its cost is four more. But if you are a poet and a romantic, and the TV you will have enough simple, but functional housing, then you can hold 5 thousand dollars.

Where are the armature ships?

Resources for construction can be found even in the most remote points of the planet. Therefore, ships as shelters for victims of natural disasters are located in the Philippines, to Haiti, on the Andaman Islands, and work in Nepal. So schools are built on Easter Island, in Sierra Leone in Africa. In November 2015, a school-ship will open in Uruguay. Earth ships are already standing in Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Guatemala, Honolulu, Malawi, Canada, USA, France, Great Britain, Scotland, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, China, Japan, Fiji. Projects in Cameroon and Germany have already been planned. The concept of ships, as a new type of residence, continues to spread the world. Tested by time and different climatic conditions, he proved its right to exist.

Energy efficient? Passive? Autonomous?

It is not a matter of terms, but in the fact that the purpose of the project was to change the traditional ideas about the house and create a building that meets the requirements of strength, durability, energy efficiency, functionality and comfort. From the harmful habit to consume, not believing with the resources, it will have to abandon: after all it can leave the ship without water or electricity. The crossbiz of the earth's ship and its inhabitants will change the outdated point of view on the lifestyle, will bring our civilization to a qualitatively new level of conscious, responsible attitude towards the resources of the planet.

Who did it possible?

The biotect Michael Rainolds listened to much over the years. He was called and mad, and an idiot, but despite this, he continued to live his dream. Initially, the buildings were created from natural and primary materials. Due to this, their cost was very low. After the construction permission is decorated, it was decided to use some ready-made building materials such as, for example, cement and insulation. It brought the cost of the globe to the value of the usual building. However, only you decide how and from what you will build and which systems are installed.

For more than 40 years, the construction of ecological houses is developing in New Mexico. The fact that once was the same building turned into a settlement from more than two hundred houses. The press has already called the village of Greater World (the best world) first Eco city.published

You get the opportunity to build a small cozy house, which will have everything you need to create comfortable conditions for living and leisure. The structure does not necessarily be large. You can make a house with your own hands as you dreamed of without substantive financial costs.

Draft small wooden house from boards

To do this, you will use all the infringement materials that are available to the land owner. The main thing is that the most unusual fantasies are being implemented. Decor for every taste gives the structure of individuality.

To start building a house, you need to decide what exactly you are going to build. There is always unnecessary packaging, wooden boxes or pallets. Create old window or door boxes, rails or bricks.

In addition, inexpensive building materials, you can make it yourself. The cost of homemade bricks from clay is small, and the products themselves are quite warm.

Screw material is cheaper than straw is not found. The original decor makes the building attractive outwardly. Use only a straw in construction will not work.

Original project of a small house of straw

To build a house, you will need to build a robust frame. So that the design is stable, the timber or beams are used.
You can also on frameless technology. A single-storey construction with a light roof is created from tightly compressed straw blocks.

Consider more current options.

The owners of country sites choose construction projects that are less costly in consumption of building materials. At the same time, the velocity rate is of great importance. If the dachnik considers the frame design suitable for itself, then it can be made to order in a construction company.

After making parts are delivered to the address you specified. Then one week will leave for all construction work. Such speed is characteristic of many cottages.

Features of straw residential buildings

Straw blocks are excellent energy-saving materials.

Building a cottage house from straw on the pile foundation

The cost of straw is below the wood. The blocks are molded from straw of cereals, or they are made from the hay.
In addition to low prices at the straw house there are other indisputable advantages:

  1. Straw blocks are distinguished by low thermal conductivity. Therefore, energy consumption that is required for the heating of the dwelling will be minimal.
  2. Construction with your own hands is performed quickly: there is no need for solution or special equipment. For the structure, suitable is considered.
  3. The environmental friendliness of the straw is due to the absence of chemical processing.
  4. The novelty of the project and its original decor guarantee the receipt of a spectacular result - a unique structure.

Is it difficult to make a dwelling from the container

The use of a container for the future house opens up great opportunities for creative design and rapid arrangement of a residential building. Everyone who dreams to build their own hands a beautiful dwelling in the lowest term cannot be bypass this option.

In this case, everything depends on your needs and fantasies. If you need a big house, then just combine multiple containers together. The whole upcoming work is to finish the dwellings inside and outside.

An example of the interior and exterior of the country house from the container

For windows and doors, special holes are cut.
Insulation is performed inside. It will serve as you and a good soundproofer. For this purpose, a frame of wooden bars is collected. Make it easy with your own hands. The space between the bars is filled with any of the materials available:

  • foam;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • mineral wool;
  • mineral plates.

There are no restrictions in the choice.
Bright coloring and attractive decor are capable of changing the appearance of a standard container. If you like graffiti, then create a unique masterpiece. This decor will celebrate all: and summer residents living in the village, and just vacationers.

The process of installing and assembling houses from containers

Accommodation can turn into a walled castle or in a guard tower, which is interesting to observe all what is happening. You can make a flowering garden, which pleases juicy colors in winter and summer. If you decide on the decor from graffiti and you want to independently draw a drawing, then start with a sketch. The contours of the image is first recommended to apply neutral, and then the desired color is filling, and the gloss is guided.

So that the equipped container is not stolen, its lower part must be welded to the supports of the foundation.

Construction of a small hunting house at an affordable price

If you have an avid hunter, then you must need a building where you can stay for the night. The structure must be budget and comfortable. The hunter is enough to have minimal amenities. With the help of bayonet shovel and chainsaws, you can put a small hut with your own hands.
For materials used:

  • brica;
  • glass;
  • bars;
  • material for roofing;
  • metal braces;
  • brick.

Phased construction hunting hut

The decor of the hunter's dwelling is his trophies, guns and skis, which are required for hunting in winter. They are indispensable attributes. The fireplace in the hunting hut can be originally made by bricks. The retroatmofer will help create ancient utensils and furniture items.

The main result is to achieve a combination of traditional style with modern comfort. To ensure optimal recreation conditions for the hunter, you can use autonomous life support systems.

Rustic style - Important additions in design

Country style decor in the style of the country involves the simplicity and minimum of shine. An excellent choice will be the objects of light and warm shades. A rustic wooden furniture is wonderful in the rustic atmosphere. Its surface looks authentic. Here in its place will be sculptures from wood, handted with their own hands.

You will complement the interior of the embroidery handmade and textiles made in the style of Patchwork. Baskets and boxes, woven from the rods, with their own hands, can be filled with cones.

An important attribute is flower vases. They can be put on knitted napkins. In the vase put fragrant field cornfields or chamomiles.

Today, the construction of the hut is a fascinating occupation. Build a house with the lowest costs allow infirm materials.

Option of design and interior of a small house in a rustic style

At the same time, the construction in its external appeal does not lift in residential facilities, erected with the help of new building materials. However, the cost is available for people with a small income. Using everything on hand, you can build a good dwelling for yourself and members of your family.

The desire to save on the construction of your house is completely natural. Even wealthy people do not hesitate to look for materials cheaper, or demand a discount from sellers. But there are those who manage to save, while doing their own home unique - through the use of unusual girlfriend materials. We selected seven of the most interesting examples.

"Residential house from the children's designer"

Not only children love to play the famous LEGO constructor. British TV presenter James May along with the volunteer team and his family built a two-storey house from the LEGO children's designer fixed on a wooden frame.

About 816 million parts went to the construction of the house and furniture for him. To facilitate the work with the designer and for the reliability of the construction, the details were collected in small bricks. James decided that there should be an appropriate filling in the house of Lego, so he made a designer and plumbing, vases on the windows, dishes and even ... Cat. After the construction ended, the TV host spent the whole day in the house, removing his program. Later, the house was planned to translate to theme park, but transportation was not affordable to the organizers. Therefore, the house immediately tried to sell for 50 thousand dollars, however, and this could not be done. As a result, he was demolished. The house from Lego existed only a week, but even during this time, according to James Maa, his beloved cat from the designer someone had time to steal.

"House from marine containers"

If you really want to build an original home, saving on materials, a house of containers is the perfect option. A used sea container can be purchased about 1000 dollars, and "modularity" will allow you to choose the optimal ratio between the size and cost of the home.

So, in New Jersey Adam Kalkin built an entire house from sea containers, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich was 170 sq.m. The building as if consists of several levels: the "frame" of the building is made from the walls of the containers, and inside - there are small containers-rooms. With both ends of the house there was almost solid glazing, so the light inside is enough. The house has: three bedrooms, a kitchen, two bathrooms and a spacious living room. The house is upgraded by the host and is fully suitable for living.

"House of the amateur of noble wines"

If you consider yourself a fan of noble wines, you will probably enjoy the house from wine traffic jams built by Miroslav Freedom in South Moravia.

For the construction of the house, the facade of which is completely glued with wine traffic jams, it took several years. The owner himself, a resident of the Czech city of Mutenic, collected their for many years, but the material still lacked, so the local wine model presented the missing part of the traffic jams. As a result, during the construction of the house, about 180 thousand products from cortex cortex were spent. And, as this tree has good thermal insulation properties, the house turned out not only original externally, but also practical, suitable for year-round residence. Today, Miroslav Freedom with pleasure takes tourists in his unusual home, who wants to consider unusual buildings closer.

"Glass house of champagne bottles"

A resident of Zaporizhia, Vladimir Sysh, decided not to lag behind foreign architects and together with her son built a cottage in several floors of ... Bottles of champagne!

To become the owner of the most unusual mansion in the region, the owner for 20 years, together with all his relatives drank a noble drink, collecting the container - "bricks" of the future at home. Vladimir prefers precisely to Soviet champagne: the neck in such bottles is wider, and the glass is thicker than in foreign analogues. In total, about 6 thousand bottles took place on the construction of the house. To give construction strength, the owner used a semi-dry cement solution and put just one row per day. It is not surprising that the process moved slowly: to build only the first floor there was a whole year. But today, the owner of a glass mansion proudly declares that the house turned out to be very cozy and convenient for living. The walls turned out to be thick, the air inside the bottles creates the necessary effect of thermal conductivity, due to which in winter it is warm in the house, and in the summer - cool.

"House of firewood and old windows"

A couple of artists from Pennsylvania inspired old windows, which they saw once on the sale of construction trash. Americans Nick Olson and Lila Horvitz were so imbued with the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding their own housing, which broke up with work - if only nothing prevented them to build a cozy nest in the mountains of Western Virginia.

The feature of a single-storey house Nick and Lila was the use of non-standard materials: "Box" is made of waste boards and firewood, and the "facial" side is from recycled windows in the frames. It is these double windows that create an amazing stained glass window, while performing the standard functions of sound and thermal insulation. The house was practical and cheap: the pair spent only $ 500. But the protection against the uninvited guests is not in the construction: if you wish, it is easy to penetrate even a naked person. However, because of the scarce interior and the remoteness of the place from settlements, the hosts are confident that their unique home is nothing (and no one) does not threaten.

"House of bags with land"

Did you think that every day go to absolutely free building material? But if you fill ordinary bags of clay or land - you can independently build a real residential building! It is only important to remember that the land should not be absolutely dry, you need to slightly moisten it. The filled bags are placed in rows and tamper, fastening with a wire (it replaces cement).

It was such a house in the southern part of Gaza built a Palestinian for his family who wished to remain unknown. The man had no money nor building materials, and the family urgently needed housing. Then he used what he had under his feet ... As a result, the house turned out to be cozy and durable, the owner lives in it for several years. This case has once again confirms: the Earth gives us everything necessary for a comfortable existence, you only need to be able to use it.

"House of straw"

Emergencies of the centuries man uses a straw when building houses: like insulation and roofing material. Today, this natural material can also serve as a worthy replacement of the usual brick. The house of straw blocks is warmer, more economically, cheaper and built twice as fast than buildings from other materials.

The idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a house from straw in Belarus Oleg Schukin threw a friend. After buying a plot and a scrupulous study of the topic, Oleg bought bales of straw in the developers of the ECKUB system, which helped him with the construction of the house.

2 thousand dollars were spent on the foundation materials excluding delivery (+ 700 dollars per cellar). But it did not have to spend on heavy technician at all: the blocks weighing 15 kilograms workers raised their hands. When the walls are erected, the straw blocks were connected to each other through the spike-groove system with screws, so it was necessary to assemble the house only ... Schuropvuth.

It was originally planned that the house will be a guest, however the owner's family decided that it could be stayed and constantly. Work on the interior is not yet completed, but the house is already fully suitable for life. In general, according to the estimates of Oleg Schukin, he spent a little more than 42 thousand dollars for construction.

Houses from non-standard materials are often stronger and more cozy than their brick or wooden counterparts. And bright examples of concrete people prove: to build your accommodation do not need to have big money. The main thing is desire, fantasy and a little patience.

Text: Alena Astapovich

Some prefer to live in luxury apartments, while others themselves build a dwelling, using hard materials for this. That's just if some do it exclusively in their whim, then others because of the circumstances and the impossibility of buying suitable housing. We present some examples of unusual houses built from unusual building materials.

1. For the manufacture of a full copy of the old coffee shop in Niveleles, linen, not quite ordinary material was selected. About 14 thousand beer boxes Carlsberg needed to recreate a copy of this building and try to make the largest building from beerboxes.

2. In 2009, in Surree, in the idea of \u200b\u200b"Top Gear", James May was built a full-fledged house of plastic bricks Lego. About a thousand volunteers were involved in the work and 3.3 million parts of Lego were used. On the functionality of the house indicates the presence of a toilet and soul in it.

3. A Chinese worker who does not have the opportunity to remove his apartment in Beijing, built an unusual "egg" house. Bamboo sticks, seed bags and wooden sawdust were used for construction. Located this building in the courtyard of the residential complex.

4. For the construction of his home, the artist Tito Ingenetary from Argentina used more than 30 thousand bottles.

5. Due to the lack of building materials, one Palestinian decided to use sandbags for construction, as well as sand, it applied instead of cement, steel and gravel.

6. Here is such a herbal house you can see at the Hardangervidda Plateau in Norway.

7. Initially, this structure was conceived as a barracks for the soldiers of the Second World War, but over time it is due to the fiction and skill of Ann Lewis and her husband turned into a modern and comfortable home. In 2006, a fully completed house was sold in the amount of about 500 thousand pounds.

8. For the construction of this house, the most ordinary garbage was used, among which the automotive tires used.

9. The building of the Porcelain Museum "Chinese House", located in the town of Tianjin, is completely covered with millions of pieces of ancient porcelain and 20 tons of crystal. The construction of the building continued for about five years.

10. The temperature in the rooms of the world's first ice hotel, located in Sweden, does not rise above -5 degrees.

11. The city-container is located in East London, in which old cargo containers are houses that the Urban Space Management builder has turned into residential premises.

12. A 76-year-old resident of the village of El Bollylon named Maria Pons can not afford to buy comfortable housing and therefore forced to live in a house made of plastic bottles.

13. Caroline Barry lives in a house built from straw bales, plastic bottles and sawn timber. Electricity enters the house from solar panels, hydro turbines and wind turbines.