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Keeping a journal of registration of personnel orders in the office work of the enterprise. How to draw up and keep a register of orders for personnel

The formation of a register of orders for personnel usually occurs when the enterprise has a sufficiently large staff of employees. In such cases, all personnel documentation is subject to mandatory accounting and control, for which separate summarizing documents are created in the form of journals.

FILES 2 files

Deciphering the concept of "personnel"

The staff of any organization is all those people who work in it on the terms employment contract... In this case, it does not matter whether a person works on a permanent basis or his work is temporary, urgent or seasonal.

Thus, all orders issued against these individuals are considered to be personnel orders. These can be orders about

  • employment,
  • reduction,
  • vacation,
  • material incentives,
  • disciplinary action,
  • on duty,
  • transfer to another position, etc.

To date, the list of such orders is open, which implies that the personnel department of each organization has the right to independently form their list. In this case, information about all these orders must be entered into the corresponding registration log.

The only exception is the management "top" of the company - orders for the appointment of a director and chief accountant, as well as other employees mentioned in the charter, refer to orders on the main activity legal entity... And this means that they do not need to be entered in the register of orders for personnel.

Why do you need a magazine

The importance of the magazine is not difficult to understand: it allows you to systematize data on the orders of the management of enterprises in relation to subordinates, as well as to optimize work with them.

In order for the information to be complete, the journal must register all, without exception, orders regarding the personnel of the enterprise in chronological order.

If necessary, the magazine helps to quickly find the necessary order, and also, in the event of complex disputes between the employer and the employee and bringing the case to the labor inspection or court, it makes it possible to confirm or deny the legitimacy of certain actions of each of the parties to the labor relationship.

What needs to be recorded in the document

In order for the document to fulfill its function, a number of specific information is entered into it, including the date of issue of each order, in short - the essence, the name of the employee, etc. In addition, the journal must have an initial date for its formation and a closing date.

At the same time, the organization has the right to independently decide whether it is necessary to keep separate journals for each type of orders or it is enough that all orders will be entered in one journal.

Responsible for maintaining

Usually, the responsibility for keeping a register of orders is assigned to the head / specialist of the HR department, legal adviser or even a secretary, i.e. the employee who is responsible for working with documentation on the personnel of the enterprise.

In any case, it should be an employee who controls personnel document flow, and also has an idea of ​​how to properly maintain such kind of documents.

Basic compilation rules

There is no unified uniform form of the journal, so employees of companies can form it in any form or, if the organization has a developed and approved document template, based on its sample. In this case, the document must include a number of mandatory information. These include:

  • Business name;
  • date of opening the journal, date of its end;
  • position, surname-name-patronymic of the employee responsible for its management;
  • storage period of the document.

The main part of the journal is best organized as a table, which should be divided into several columns. You need to write in them:

  • the serial number of the order, the date of its issue;
  • document number, its type, content;
  • Full name and personnel number of the employee whom it concerns;
  • basis for issuing an order.

If necessary, the table can be supplemented with other information, or, conversely, shortened.

What to look for when registering

As well as the content of the magazine, its design is completely left to the mercy of the compilers. It is permissible to form a journal in a simple handwritten or electronic form. Moreover, if the journal is kept on a computer, it is not necessary to duplicate it in printed form. Well, if the company's management considers it necessary to maintain a document in a "live" form, then both simple blank sheets of paper and company letterheads can be used for the magazine.

IMPORTANT! The order must indicate the person responsible for keeping the order register.

It is necessary to stamp the magazine only if the norm for sighting such documents with the help of stamp products is fixed in the local acts of the company.

Usually, these magazines are quite impressive in size and have more than a dozen pages. In such cases, all pages of the magazine must be numbered, fastened together with a strong thread, prescribing with outside date of creation of the document and affixing the signature of the person in charge.

How and for how long to keep the log

As a rule, the register of orders for personnel is in the personnel department of the company in a separate place where unauthorized persons cannot access.

The storage period of the document is determined either by the legislation of the Russian Federation or by the internal regulatory documents of the enterprise. After the magazine loses its relevance, it is relied on.

The numbering of orders in HR administration plays a significant role in the functioning of the company, regardless of its size, structure and field of activity.

HR is the branch of an organization responsible for document management related to labor relations. Namely:

  • Making entries in work books;
  • Registration of personal files;
  • Creation of orders for personnel;
  • Making a vacation schedule and staffing table;
  • Compilation and transformation job descriptions;
  • Storage and timely delivery of documents to the archive;
  • Competent amendments to documents;

Particular attention in the HR workflow industry is paid to the creation of orders. Administrative documents are divided into 2 groups:

Personnel. This type of order is divided into 2 groups:

  • Shelf life 75 years for orders that shape labor relations and significant changes in the lives of employees. (Hiring, dismissal, change of surname);
  • Shelf life is 5 years for short-term orders. (Vacation, business trip, reprimand).

By main activity:

  • General orders throughout the enterprise;
  • By department;
  • Administrative activities;

On a note! When preparing orders, use unified documents approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. It is permissible to issue orders in any form, since unified forms do not cover the entire range of personnel operations.

Administrative documents without an approved form are drawn up in a text version on the official letterhead of the organization.

In order for the orders to have legal force, they must contain the necessary details, the signatures of the responsible persons and the document number.

Important! In the Federal Law No. 43 of 03/02/2016. “On Amendments to the Federal Law“ On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation ”, new shortened storage periods for personnel documents have been introduced. They should now be kept in the organization for 50 years, with the exception of those created before 2003. Their shelf life is still 75 years.

Competently organized system registration of orders allows:

  • Speed ​​up the search for the required document;
  • Systematize administrative documents by appointment;
  • Strengthen control over the execution of orders from superiors.

The specificity of the use of numbering lies in the following points:

  • Separation of administrative documents with different storage periods;
  • Assigning complex numbers to orders with significant document flow.

Resolution of the Goskomstat of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and remuneration"

Rules of conduct

The registration number of the order consists of its serial number and index. Indexation of the order is determined by the individual nomenclature of cases and the rules for registering orders at the enterprise. Despite the fact that each organization prescribes its own order of numbering of administrative documents, there is a certain number of general rules that firms try to adhere to. Namely:

In firms with a small workflow, it is not required to divide orders into numerous types. But they cannot be combined due to the different storage periods of documents. In this case, to ordinal number the order is separated by a hyphen or a forward slash, add an alphabetic index:

  • "LS" - personnel (Orders for personnel with a storage period of 75 years);
  • "K" - personnel (Orders of short-term storage periods).

In organizations with a large staff of employees and administrative documents, a whole system of indices has been developed for each type of order:

  • "P" - hiring;
  • "Y" - dismissal;
  • "Pr" - hiring workers;
  • "K" - business trips;
  • "VK" - internal business trips;
  • "Zk" - business trips abroad;
  • "Dep" - leave without pay, maternity leave, childcare;
  • "Open" - regular vacations, study leave;

On a note! For orders for the main activity, personnel officers usually use a digital code. Some organizations add an alphabetic index, for example, Order No. 1-OD.

There can be many options for numbering and index designations. Their variety depends not only on the size of the organization, but also on the specifics of the activities of a particular firm.

Note! The procedure for conducting personnel records management, including the numbering of orders, must be formalized in a local document of the company - the regulation on personnel records management.

Every year new or not

The numbering of orders is recommended to be carried out with an annual update of the calculation order. From the first working day of the new calendar year, the order will be assigned No. 1. With the exception of cultural and educational institutions, where the office year begins on September 1.

Such a system will help not only organize administrative documents, but also prepare them for further submission to the archive.

Register of orders

Personnel orders register page

Since the procedure for assigning numbers to orders is not established at the legislative level, personnel officers keep journals for registering orders. The registration process is a copying of details from a document and entering this data into a special registration form.

Orders for the main activity are kept at the enterprise separately from orders for personnel. This is due to different areas of activity and shelf life. The numbering of these administrative documents should be kept separately. The order logs will be different.

Note! Registration of a document gives it legal force, it establishes the fact of its creation or receipt.

Labor law does not oblige enterprises to keep order logs. Registration logs are developed by each company independently. But they must contain not only numbering, but also the date of execution of the document, details, a summary and signatures of the responsible persons.

On a note! When registering an order on personnel, you must indicate the name and position of the employee. And to the order to pin the foundation - a statement from him.

Thus, there are no strict guidelines for the implementation of the order numbering accounting system. Each company chooses its own scheme, based on the appropriateness and convenience.

What to do if an error

Changes to a previously issued order are allowed provided there is a compelling need, primarily a legal one. Amendments to the order are required when circumstances arise that make the administrative document or a separate clause of it actually or legally inaccurate.

The most common circumstances include:

  1. Changes in legislation, regulations or local acts of the organization itself
  2. Changes to the personal data of employees in respect of whom administrative documents have been created
  3. Changes in the circumstances of a specific time and place, if these points are material to a previously issued order

Important! To amend the administrative document by rewriting it in accordance with the new circumstances is a legally illiterate action!

It is required to draw up an order to amend a previously issued order. It includes:

  • Reasons for the change.
  • Basis for modification.
  • An indication of actions to officials or a structural unit of the company that they must perform in connection with a change in the order.
  • Reference to the changed order or position in it, its date, number and name.
  • An indication of the employee who is entrusted with the control over the execution of the document.

Advice! When making a voluminous list of additions and changes, it is more convenient to form them into a separate application. And in the order, indicate the list of corrections and a link to this appendix to the order.

Execution of an order to amend a previously issued order is issued in paper form. Desirable requisites include:

  • Company name;
  • Name and date of the document;
  • Registration number;
  • Place of drawing up the order;
  • Document text;
  • Signatures of responsible persons;
  • Artist mark;
  • Order approval visas (if necessary).

Note! The legislation does not establish how many changes to the order can be made. The management of the organization itself decides this issue. It should be approached from the rational side, since amending the order to change the order will entail confusion in the documents.

Sample order numbering orders

The enterprise independently develops an order on the order of numbering of orders, where it establishes a convenient procedure for affixing numbers in orders, index values ​​and other provisions, based on the activities of the organization.

Limited Liability Company "AST"

INN / KPP 7804491337/780401001

195198, St. Petersburg,
Lenin Ave., 21, building 1, pom. 309


St. Petersburg

01.01.2016 I ORDER:

  1. Introduce from 2016 alphanumeric indexing of administrative documents for the personnel of LLC "AST" using the following registration alphabetic indices: orders to hire an employee - P (admission);
    2. orders to terminate the labor agreement (contract) with the employee - U (dismissal);
    3. orders to transfer an employee to another job - PR (transfer of an employee);
    4. orders for granting leave to the employee - O (vacation);
    5. orders for violation of labor and production discipline - N;
    6. other orders - K (frames).
  2. Control over the execution of this order shall be entrusted to the Financial Director Oleg Dmitrievich Ivanov.

General Director A.S. Shapkin

One of the mandatory personnel documents used for fixing the workflow - the register of orders for personnel. It is needed for registration of reports related to the movement of personnel - hiring, dismissal or transfer. A specially appointed employee is responsible for filling out the journal.

Official regulations and functions

On September 6, 2000, a resolution of the Federal Archives was issued. So, according to Art. 358 personnel orders should be recorded separately in a special register of orders for personnel. Registration of orders can be carried out both in a paper journal and in the 1C program.

The following types of orders are recorded in the journal:

  • about hiring (data is also recorded on whether it is the main job or part-time, part-time work, rotational work method);
  • about transfer to another position (orders to increase, change wages, about bonuses);
  • about dismissal (this also includes long business trips, maternity leave).

The magazine is necessary for solving labor disputes, analyzing traffic work force... But its main function is to regulate actions in accordance with labor laws at the enterprise.

Options and design requirements

The form of the journal is not legally approved. That is why, the leaders of the organization themselves choose how it will be more convenient for them to keep these records.

Often, special paper magazines are used for this, which consist of a title page, a page with information about the magazine and, directly, fields for recording information. Less commonly used computer programs, for example, 1C. This is due to the fact that electronic documentation is easier to correct than paper.

Despite the fact that there is no single form of registration, a number of requirements are put forward to the document.

  1. The magazine cover should be hard or semi-hard. Preferably laminated. It indicates the index of the organization, its name.
  1. The second sheet of the journal lists the name of the organization, the title of the document, and the date the records started and ended.
  2. The third page contains data on the persons responsible for maintaining the document. In this case, not only the surname and initials of the employee are prescribed, but also his position, the details of the document by which the employee was appointed to this position . A sample signature of the person responsible for the document is also required.
  3. The document must be numbered to maintain integrity.
  4. The pages of the magazine must be securely bound and sealed. The number of pages is indicated on the seal. This figure must match the actual data. The information is confirmed by the signature and seal of the head of the enterprise.
  5. Last page contains the end date of maintenance and a note about why and by whom the journal was closed.

You can close the document only after all its pages are filled.

Journal pages

The main pages of the logbook consist of columns and rows in which data is entered.

Let's look at the main columns and give examples to fill in each of them.

  1. The number of the document being issued. For example: 304
  2. Date of the document. For example: 07/20/2016.
  3. Order number. For example: 489-HP.
  4. Information about the document, order for admission or transfer, dismissal, vacation. For example: hiring, transferring to a senior salesperson.
  5. Employee data. For example: Ivanov I.I. If there are two employees in the organization with the same surname and initials, the name and patronymic name are written in full.
  6. The law or document on the basis of which the order was issued. For example: an employee's statement dated 07/15/2016.
  7. Signature of the employee to whom the order applies. It is placed after the employee familiarizes himself with the order.
  8. Information about who drew up the document and entered the data in the journal. For example: Svirodov P.R.
  9. Signature of the employee of the personnel department, which confirms the correctness of the filling.
  10. Additional information. For example: Changing the work schedule.


As already noted, the journal has been running since the first day of the organization's work. The person appointed by the management is obliged to fill it out. This can be a secretary-assistant, an employee of the personnel department.

In the event that the person responsible for the magazine goes on vacation or decree, the management is obliged to appoint a new person responsible for the period of the employee's absence.

The journal is filled in daily. It includes all the personnel changes that we listed above.

Note that orders on the appointment of officials mentioned in the charter of the organization - the director of the enterprise, the head of a particular department, the head of the branch, etc., are not noted in the journal. This information refers to orders for the main activity and is recorded in another document.

After the journal was closed, it was transferred to the archive, where it was kept for 75 years.

Correction of mistakes

In some cases, errors can be made when filling out the journal. In this case, you should remember a few general rules:

  1. Tearing out pages from the book is prohibited.
  2. It is forbidden to use corrective agents, wipe incorrect data with a trowel or blade.
  3. To correct it, you must cross out the incorrect entry with one line and enter the correct data next to it.
  4. All corrections are made immediately upon detection of an error.

Video: How to create and issue a 1C magazine?

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a video tutorial on creating and designing a magazine in the 1C program. With its help, you can create your own magazine, while independently determining the number of required columns to fill. The information is presented in a simple and accessible way.

All orders that relate to personnel must be recorded in a special journal. Thanks to this, the management of the company, if necessary, will be able to prove their case in labor disputes.

Legal advice Maintaining a journal of registration of personnel orders in the office work of an enterprise Personnel documentation requires an employee to be accurate and accurate. Analyzing documents, registering orders - all this requires deep concentration and adherence to the legal framework. HR documentation is the foundation on which the entire production is based. Due to all of the above, HR records are usually subject to frequent checks by the respective organizations. How correctly the personnel documents are drawn up determines its legal force. Each employee of the company directly depends on how accurately he is formalized in the personnel documentation.

How to keep an order log correctly

Is there a need for maintenance? Logs are stored for 5 or 75 years As we have already said, the order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of 25.08.2010 No. 558 prescribes the necessary period during which it is necessary to keep the logs of registration of documents according to orders in relation to all activities of the organization. Based on this, it becomes obvious that registration logs must be kept.
Written or in in electronic format? The register can be kept in electronic form. The legal framework does not provide for any special form of order documentation, which, in addition, has special reservations about its registration.

By the latter, we mean the magazine's firmware, printed certificate or numbering. In cases where registration logs are formed in the 1C program, the numbering for orders occurs by itself.

How to draw up and keep a register of orders for personnel?

Consequently, the employer himself determines the procedure for registering such orders in the local regulatory act of the organization (for example, the Instruction for office work), which can include, among other things, an automated registration form - the automatic assignment of numbers to orders when they are generated in the 1C program. Legislatively does not establish the features of the design of the magazine, which are mandatory for the employer, such as, for example, the obligation to print this magazine based on the results of a certain period (quarter, year), certify it with the signature of authorized persons and the seal of the organization.
In this connection, the employer determines the procedure for filling out the register of personnel orders for personnel independently in the local regulatory act of the organization.

The order of accounting of orders in the organization + a sample of the accounting journal

You will need

  • - orders;
  • - logbook;
  • - instruction on personnel records management;
  • - 2 or 3 folders.

Instruction 1 The registration form of orders is not strictly regulated by law. There is a standard instruction published by Rosarkhiv on November 27, 2000, which states that the numbering of orders by personnel and main activity should be carried out separately within a calendar year.

If you work in a small company, where the secretary also performs the work of a clerk, start 3 folders and 3 registration journals. 2 Draw up a paperwork instruction. It can consist of just a few items. Indicate which orders should be kept for 5 years, and which ones - 75.

Write down into which arrays the orders for your enterprise are divided into and how you decided to designate them.

Keeping a journal of registration of personnel orders in the office work of the enterprise

We understand the bookmark in the same way) The document number is automatically added as the next ordinal, even after it has been changed manually. But the numbering of appointments / dismissals in the program is one, and the numbering of vacations is different.

That is why you have to manually change the number in the bookmark. And before printing, I change the number (remove the prefix) because all paper orders come without prefixes. I want to draw the attention of the moderator to this message, because: Sending notification ...

Ollga the Russian Federation# 13 May 28, 2010, 6:55 am Girls, is there a regulation that obliges to put down the date and registration number of the order manually? We were taught this way in CD courses, in the literature I also often met such a recommendation, but here my colleagues say that all this is nonsense, nothing prohibits registration on a computer ...

How to issue and how to keep a log of registration of orders


You can add a topic to your favorites and subscribe to email notifications. luiza (guest) # 1 October 21, 2008, 11:28 No ratings Who works on 1C personnel! Each type of order begins with the first numbers: for example, orders for admission from No. 1, orders for vacations again from No. 1, orders for secondment again from No. 1. That their each type is indexed or what? As in other organizations - share your experience.

It turns out that each type of order has to be registered separately. Moreover, their numbers are 0000000001 (ten-digit) ... .. I want to draw the attention of the moderator to this message, because: A notification is being sent ...

Glory In 1C-ke one registration can be put automatically, in this case it is necessary to correct the document number. I want to draw the attention of the moderator to this message, because: Sending notification ...

Registration log in 1s 8.3


If they appear, only those documents that do not intersect with documents that cannot be replaced should be completely replaced. Retroactive registration of documents should be commensurate with the prevailing situations.

For example, an employee has an accident outside the enterprise, and the familiarization with the order and the signature of this employee are registered retroactively. Such a fact will only draw the attention of the investigating authorities. The video material will acquaint you with common mistakes in HR administration: Did you spot a mistake? Select it and press Ctrl + Enter to tell us. Tell your friends! Share with your friends! Write about this material in social network using the buttons below.

How to properly keep a register of orders for personnel (sample)?

Who is responsible? Responsibility for keeping the journal is borne by a certain employee. The main work of the enterprise is regulated, first of all, by its head in the person of the director. He, in turn, assigns responsibility for orders and orders to the heads of departments. Sometimes the tasks of an organization are complex. In this case, the director creates a special commission, which includes specialists in different fields.

Orders should be divided into varieties depending on whether they are main or operational. Order classification option:

  • Orders for the main work of the enterprise.

    Orders of this level are issued along with other tasks of the main activity of the enterprise.

  • Orders for the work of the administration.
  • Orders for this classification should be recorded and stored separately. This is due to the established storage periods.


As a result, a case will be formed, in which the earliest order by the date of publication will be the last page, and the latest will be located at the top. It is also very important to assign numbers to orders, because a lot of them can be issued per day, and without using numbering, the chronological order can be violated. Now let's imagine a situation: when applying for a pension, a long-dismissed employee asks for a copy or an extract from the dismissal order. Personnel orders are stored for 75 years in the company's archive, during this time a huge number of folders with orders can accumulate, each of which will have to be scrolled through, so in search of the required document you can spend several working days. From this situation, the following can be inferred: when registering a case, the data on the documents inserted into the folder must be entered into a journal, which is then attached to the closed case.

Such a person, as a rule, is a representative of the personnel department, but at the discretion of management, responsibility can be assigned to other employees. The responsible employee is assigned obligations for registration, filling, storage and stitching of the Journal.

Heading "Question - Answer" Question №1. Is it possible to keep the Journal electronically? The form of keeping the Journal, as well as the procedure for filling it out, is not fixed by legislation. Therefore, at the discretion of the organization, the journal can be kept in electronic form. The form of the electronic file and the mechanism for entering information into it are developed and approved by the company individually. As a rule, the electronic form of the Journal is used in large companies and those organizations that have implemented electronic document management. This form significantly reduces the time spent when filling out the Journal and subsequent work with documents. Question number 2.
For the optimal formation of the workflow process, you should have the following main documents:

  1. instruction for office work. This document is a local act. It reflects the entire order of work related to the documentation taking place within the organization.

    If the company is on this moment while there are no ready-made rules for handling documents, then writing instructions loses its relevance. And then it is advisable to use the existing provisions for an indefinite period of time.

  2. nomenclature of cases.

    The necessary organized list of documentation contains its set deadlines in which it must be retained. It is necessary to determine further movement (transfer to the archive or disposal).

Please note that the journal contains orders concerning the employees of the enterprise.

How to register orders in the journal and in 1s 8

Documentation for the main activity, as a rule, is kept by the secretary, and for the personnel - by the personnel department. Accordingly, each has its own folder and its own accounting books. It is enough for a HR specialist to start 2 books and 2 folders, dividing documents according to retention periods. However, with a very large document flow, each folder is often divided according to the types of orders.

If your company has adopted split system storage - still number orders in order within the general array and register them in one journal. 5 Orders for the main activity may apply not only to the entire company, but also to individual divisions. Develop code for each department or department. It can be a letter or a number.

Do not forget that the designation of orders for the main activity should differ from that which is accepted in the personnel records management of your company.

Resolution of production issues, dismissal of employees, filling the staff with new personnel - these procedures reflect the current activities of each enterprise.

Operational activities do not go unnoticed when execution is carried out by order of the head, orders are recorded in the HR department in order of priority. For registration of orders created special magazine.

What is it and why is it compiled

The work of companies is organized by regulated schedule... To ensure consistency between production sites, many processes are carried out on the basis of written orders issued by the management. They wear local character... Correctly executed administrative documentation issued for the familiarization of personnel must be taken into account.

Based on the local order of the head of the organization, it takes place inside it:

  • distribution of order according to functional obligations;
  • consolidation of legal acts;
  • employment and dismissal of employees;
  • moving by positions, with a grade promotion and categories;
  • approval of regulations, instructions, rules;
  • various production activities.

The duty to take into account the current documents of an ordering nature is vested in HR staff... With their help, control over the document flow of the company is carried out. For the convenience of office work, employers create two kinds of registration books.

One of them records the orders of the administration aimed at the main activities, where the approval takes place:

  • local acts;
  • staffing table;
  • responsible persons;
  • certification commissions;
  • conducting audits;
  • operating mode.

Another magazine will acquaint with the orders of the management regarding personnel movements concerning the personnel of the enterprise. In the legislation there are no clear orders on the number of keeping registration books, this issue is resolved by the entrepreneur. Separation of order accounting is necessary to classify orders by shelf life.

Regulatory regulation

The Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia No. 558 of August 25, 2010 published list of papers, which are recommended to create enterprises in the course of their activities.

In its basic position, it is prescribed by a normative act. The terms of personnel workflow are indicated, where the registration of personnel orders should be kept 5 or 75 years old.

Outgoing administrative documents are numbered in the order of their formation, the design must comply standard instruction... This is stated in the Order of Rosarkhiv No. 68.

It published that the classification of orders in one registration register must pass during the calendar year, then they are deposited in the archive. It is not forbidden to continue the previous book, but according to new records.

Local guidelines are assigned separate numbers that relate to:

  • orders for organizational activities of the firm;
  • orders aimed at regulating the work of personnel.

Accuracy of filling out the registration directory, clear keeping of records are the main requirements for the performance of duties by personnel specialists. The retention periods for administrative documents are designed to allow the use of records upon request from state authorities, as well as if there is a need for data from employees.

The relationship between employer and staff is different. If a disputable situation has occurred, brought to the proceedings in a higher instance, the order found in the journal will allow the conflict to be resolved by confirming or refuting the legality of the actions of the parties to the dispute.

There is no unified journal form in which accounting takes place, as well as outgoing administrative documentation. Each organization has the right to develop a publication at its own discretion, but it must comply with the standard samples provided for in the office work.

The recommendatory nature of the structural pagination subdivision of the document, as well as the column of each sheet, where the orders of the enterprise management for the main production will be included, includes the following items:

  • title page design;
  • designation of the responsible person;
  • list of registered orders.

Home page contains:

  • Company name;
  • the purpose of the book;
  • start and end of accounting transactions by dates.

In the column with information about responsible persons should indicate:

  • the names of the specialists who are entrusted with keeping records, filling out the journal;
  • the position held, on what basis the employees carry out the assignment;
  • a signature confirming the fulfilled obligations.

The journal is based on the pages where the entries take place:

  • local acts on the assigned serial numbers;
  • dates of the created order;
  • under what number the order was issued;
  • name of the document in the form summary the purpose of the paper;
  • number of published pages;
  • full names of officials for whom the document was developed.

The main condition in the registration of the registration book is the reliability of the data transferred to it. Corrections, strikethrough, correction with special substances are excluded.

Filling requirements and sample

The journal in which personnel orders are registered has a similar structure, the differences are in their name, as well as in the designation of personal information about the persons in respect of whom the order was issued.

A personalized order regulates the responsibilities of specific employees or an entire department. A local document extends its effect to an ordinary specialist, appointments of chief accountants and CEOs recorded in separate books.

Orders for personnel accepted in general order, in addition to their admission and dismissal, indicate:

  • transfers to other positions;
  • combination of work processes;
  • changes in salary;
  • business trips, vacations;
  • rewarding;
  • change of the employee's personal data.

The samples can be used to trace how the registration collections are being filled in. If the personnel officer acquires several copies, he will have at his disposal registers for registration of production cases of various origins.

The title page is in the following format:

When creating a book with the required direction, the performer will have to designate the main page, which group of orders will be recorded here.

The personnel officer can line up the page sections as needed, no one needs extra work.

A separate sheet is created for the responsible employees who have to keep records.

Competent design of each page will lead only to favorable results in the case of checks by the fiscal authorities, searches for the necessary order. Accuracy of documentation gives weight to the image of the enterprise, the team working in it.

Magazine compilation

Registration books are designed for competent office work... Basically, the duties of a clerk are performed by employees of the personnel department or office.

Regardless of who performs such a function, the compilation of journals and the registration of documentation are subject to uniform rules:

  • take into account all current papers, executive, reference;
  • Correspondence is recorded once, its movements by structural divisions are not recorded;
  • registration is carried out according to documentary type, author's content;
  • the date of registration of the outgoing order is combined with the day of its signing.

Numbers are assigned to documents in the order of their receipt throughout the year; they cannot be repeated in order to consolidate the reliability of the search attribute. For this, documents are endowed, in addition to registration numbers, with indexing - additional conventions ... Records are kept throughout the year, but it is not necessary to close a half-empty book, it is enough to separate them with a line and start New Year from registration under No. 1.

You can find out what the registration logs should be and how to flash them from this video.