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How to calculate salary in 1C 8.3 Accounting. Accounting info. Change standard schedule

ATTENTION: Similar article on 1C ZUP 2.5 -

Hello dear site visitors. Today in the next publication we will continue to discuss features of accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0), namely let's talk about the settings payments salary. Consider on concrete examples of the payment of advance (all methods of payment of advance) and salaries. We will analyze all the salaries supported by the program, which are present in the ZUP 3.0 (3.1):

  • as part of the salary project - the document "Vestitude to the Bank",
  • by transferring to an arbitrary account in the bank - the document "List of transfer to accounts",
  • through the cashier - the document "Cash Registry",
  • through the distributor - the document "Statement of payment through a distributor".

We will also consider the main features of the reflection of the payment of salary in the POS Editorial 3, which distinguisrates it from 1C POS Editorial 2.5.

If we choose the payment through the cashier, then reflect the fact of salary payment to employees of this organization is required by the document "Cassu statement" In the "Payments" section. If we choose the salary payment by crediting card, then this fact reflect the document "Vedomost to Bank". In our example, choose the payment of "crediting card". Here we immediately point out the salary project, within which this payment will be reflected. This field is not mandatory for filling, but if we want the program to automatically allow us to form directly from 1C ZPE Registry for unloading to CLIENTBANKThis information should be filled.

Create a salary project We can through the "Payments" section in the directory "Salary projects". Add, for example, one "salary project" - let's call it "Sberbank". Actually in 1C ZUP 3.0 (3.1) You can create several salary projects at once, if the organization uses the services of several banks, and in the context of these projects to reflect payments, i.e. It will be possible for payments within each of the salary projects to form a separate document "Vedomost to Bank".

So, in the information about the salary project, you must specify the name of the bank, set the checkbox Use electronic document exchange(If we want to upload the statements to pay the salary to the file to send to the bank and download confirmation files from the bank), fill out information about the bank, as well as the contract concluded. After we record the document "Sberbank (salary project)", it will immediately be available to choose from the "Salary Project" field in the "Account and Salary Payment" settings in the organization's information, as well as when completing the document "Vestitude to the Bank".

If there is in our organization, a division that payments is not carried out within the framework of a salary project, but, for example, through the cash desk, then it is necessary to establish this method in the settings of this unit. Go to the "Setup" section, open the "Divisions" directory, choose the unit you need and on the tab "Accounting and salary payment" We will see a group of settings "Payment of salary employees of the unit." By default, this method is installed in these settings that is specified in the settings for the organization as a whole. But we can override it. The following payment methods are available: through the cashier, enrollment on the card or through the distributor.

Separately, I would like to clarify the method of paying "through the distributor". In the settings for the organization as a whole, this method was unavailable, and in the settings of the unit we can already choose this option and specify a specific individual in the field, which will be a distributor in this unit. If there are several such distributors, then we can reflect the salary payment in the context of these distributors. If we decide to pay through the distributor, then for the fact of payment it is necessary to use the document "The statement of payout through the distributor" (Section "Payments").

In our example, the division is one, so we choose the payment method "as the whole organization", i.e. enrollment on the card as part of a salary project.

In the corresponding field fill the name of the bank and the number of the personal account. Save the changes.

Now the fact of paying salary employee Sidorov S.A. We will reflect the document (section "Payments"). This document should not be confused with the document "Vedency to the Bank". The document "Vestitude of transfer to accounts" reflects the payment of the employee's personal bank account, and the Vedomost to the Bank reflects the payment within the framework of the salary project. In more detail, we will see these documents when it will be on specific examples to disassemble the payment of an advance and salaries to employees.

So, we reviewed with you all supported in 1C ZUP 3.0 (3.1) Wage payment methods:

  1. Through the cashier (document Cancellation in the cashier)
  2. Through the distributor (document Vedency payout through distributor)
  3. By listing an arbitrary bank account (document Vesselness of transfer to accounts)
  4. Enrollment on the card, in the framework of the salary project (document Vedomost to Bank.)

I repeat that ways to pay salary can be set:

  • for organization,
  • for a division,
  • for employee.

The settings specified for the employee are more prioritized than the settings specified for the unit or for the organization as a whole. The settings specified for the unit are more prioritized than the settings specified for the organization, i.e. The program primarily tracks which settings are given for an employee, then for the unit and only then for the organization.

Ways to assign an advance used in the program 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0)

Check-list for checking salary calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Video - Monthly independent accounting check:

Accrual of salary in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

We installed the settings necessary for our example in place of payments, we will now consider how in the program to reflect the fact of the advances. The payment of salary on legislation should be made at least twice a month, the advance is just paid for the first half of the month. First you need to set the way to calculate the advance, which is necessary for our employees.

Advance can be appointed by 3 ways:

  1. Calculation for the first half of the month
  2. Fixed amount
  3. Percentage of fot employee

Initially, an advance payment option is appointed by an employee in the document " Recruitment"On the" Payment of Labor "tab in the Advance field.

When choosing an option "Fixed amount"In the field, we indicate a specific amount that will fall when filling out the document "Statement ..." with the type of payment "Advance".

When choosing an option "Percentage of tariff"The field needs to specify the percentage that will be calculated from the wage fund (Fot). Those. When filling out the document "Vedomost ..." with the type of payment "Advance", the program will request a fot employee and the percentage of advance and on the basis of these data calculates the advance when filling out the "statement ...".

When choosing an option, no indicators should be specified, but before filling out the "statement ..." for the payment of an advance, it is necessary to introduce another intermediate document (the section "Salary" - the journal of documents "accrual for the first half of the month").

It is also worth noting that in the program 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0) The ways of paying an advance appointed by employees in the "Access to work" document may be changed:

  1. Document Personnel translation (Section "Frames" - a log of documents "Takes, translations, dismissal). On the Labor Payment tab, select the checkbox and specify a new way to calculate the advance.
  2. Document Changing wages(Section "Salary" - a log of documents "Change payment of employees"). Similarly, as in the Personnel Translation document, you check the checkbox and specify a new way to calculate the advance.
  3. Document Change of advance. Access to this document can be obtained from the "All Functions" menu (in navigation panels, unfortunately, it is not available), it allows you to immediately for a group of employees, the method of selection from the list of employees, change the method of calculating the advance from a certain month. This is a more convenient document, rather than the documents "personnel translation" and "change in remuneration", if several or all employees immediately need to change the method of calculating the advance.

Calculation of advance payment in the document "Accrual for the first half of the month"

Seminar "Lifehaki 1C ZUP 3.1"
Analysis of 15 lifehams according to 1C ZUP 3.1:

Check-list for checking salary calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Video - Monthly independent accounting check:

Accrual of salary in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

All employees under the condition of the example will appoint a way to pay an advance - "Calculation for the first half of the month". Before you consider an advance payment for October, a month is necessary to make all intergovernmental accruals and deductions paid together with the advance payment. Make all deviations from the work schedule (which we want to take into account when calculating the advance), also introduce all personnel changes and changes in scheduled accruals for the period from 01 to 15.

Now form a document «(Section "Salary"). It is very similar to the document "Accrual of salary and contributions": We will point out the month of October, for which the advance payment will be calculated, the date in the field "Calculation of the first half of the month to" - the middle of the month (October 15, 2016) is filled in the program automatically. Click the "Fill" button and the program will calculate the advance payment, which is assigned to pay "Calculation for the first half of the month."

The calculation occurs to the specified date, i.e. The workers' spent time for the period from 01.10 is taken into account. on 15.10. To the document " Accrual for the first half of the month " All planned accruals fall in the settings of which it is indicated that they are accrued when calculating the first half of the month. Open the calculation details by clicking on the button "Show Details of Calculation", and we will analyze the calculation of our employees. I remind you that an example, on the basis of which we consider this topic begun in the previous article :.

For example, let's see the employee of Ivanov A.M., who was hired from October 10. Accordingly, the advance is calculated for spent days from 10.10 to 15.10, i.e. in 5 days. Calculation is made in accordance with the formula Salary * dollane-worn-worker * livestones / norm:

30 000 * 1 * 5/21 \u003d 7 142.86 rubles.

Also in the document " Accrual for the first half of the month "all planned retention are calculated, and tax on individual income (NDFL tab) for the period from 01.10 is taken into account. on 15.10. On the Hold tab, we see the amount of the appointed hold on the executive list, Petrov N.S.

The amount of personal income tax in this document is as if the preliminary calculation of the tax in order for the advance payment to the payment to be filled with incurred by NFFL. But Real calculations and Hold Ndfl when accrued and payment of advance will not happen. Also, the real salary accrual in the document is not produced, but only an advance payment is calculated, i.e. With the final calculation for the whole month (October), when filling out the document "All accruals from 01.10 to 15.10 is once again considered. There is also an intermediate calculation of the amount for the payment of an advance. After the document " Accrual for the first half of the month "we will not see any accruals in salary reports, even if we form a settlement sheet of an employee in it will also not be indicated accruals and personal income tax during this period.

So, will conduct a document " Accrual for the first half of the month ",and now we can introduce a statement on the payment of an advance.

Advance payment in the program 1C ZUP 3.0 (3.1) in the documents "Vedomost to the Bank" and "Vestitude of transfer to accounts"

Go to the section "Payments" and create a document "Vedomost to Bank"in which we point out the month of payment (October), in the "Pay" field, choose from the proposed payout list - Prepaid expense. We definitely point out the salary project, in our example it is a Sberbank and click the "Fill" button. The program will automatically fill in the document by the staff, the payment method to which is assigned in the settings of the organization, i.e. enrollment on the card As part of a salary project (in our example, Ivanov and Petrov employee). The personal account number of employees opened in this bank under the salary project is underway in the "Personal Account" column.

In order for these accounts automatically loaded into the document "Vedomost to Bank"You need to go to the employee's card (Frames section - Employees Directory), open the link "Payments, Cost Account" and fill in the "Facial Account" field.

You can also use another option for entering facial accounts. In the section "Payments" there is a special service "Enter facial accounts". Indicate the salary project, in our example it is a Sberbank, and using the Add button, fill in the necessary employees. Apply this document is very convenient if you need to make facial accounts to a large number of employees.

Now let's go to the "Payments" section and form the document will introduce the month of payment October, in the "Pay" field as much as we choose from the proposed payout list - Prepaid expense,in the field "Bank", we point out the list of the bank you need. In PJSC, Sberbank opened an account from Sidorov's employee S.A. and in the employee's card it is indicated that payments to produce his personal accountOpen in this jar. Accordingly, when you press the "Fill" button, the program will automatically fill in those employees who are opened in this bank. In our example, it is Sidorov S.A. We will conduct a document "Vestitude of transfer to accounts".

Payment of wages for the entire month, taking into account the advance payment in the program 1C ZUP 3.0

Before reading wages for the entire month, it is necessary to make all changes in the scheduled accrual and retention of employees, as well as all personnel movements. Register all changes in work schedules, if necessary, then make individual schedules for workers. Enter all deviations from graphs and all one-time accruals and retention. Now we can fill in the document " Accrual of salary and contributions ». I already analyzed in detail how the salary is automatically calculated in the document, taking into account the planned planned accruals, work schedules, deductions and absence of employees. Today I consider today at the same base, so we will not disassemble the accrual. Just do the document and see how in the program to pay the remaining part of the debt to employees.

So, create a document "Vedomost to Bank" (Section "Payments"). Let us point out the month of payment - October, the date of payment of salary - 05.11.2016 (Suppose that it is 5th that the salary is paid in this organization), in the "Pay" from the list of the proposed list of payments "Salary for the month". In the "Salary Project" field, we point out Sberbank. Click the "Fill" button. The document will be shipped by those employees, the payment method for which is assigned in the settings as for the entire organization, i.e. enrollment on the card as part of a salary project. In our example, it is Ivanov A.M. and Petrov N.S.

In a column "To payoff" Automatically program downloads debt to an employee who is at the time of filling this statement. You can view the details of the formation of this debt by pressing the double click on the amount in the payment column, the window opens "Editing employee salary". For example, by the employee Ivanov A.M.: Accrued 12,228.71 rubles (the basis of the document "Accrual of salaries and contributions") + 1,683.49 rubles (the basis of document "Hospital sheet") - 6 213.86 rubles (paid an advance) \u003d 7 698.34 rubles (debt to employee). This is a pretty convenient possibility of viewing in the program, which in ZUP 2.5 really did not take.

But back to our question. In the window "Editing NDFL employee" You can view from what this amount is folded. Ivanova A.M. Ndfl to the listing amounted to: 2 109 rubles \u003d 1,857 rubles (NDFL accrued in the document "Accrual of wages and contributions") + 252 rubles (NDFL accrued in the "Hospital sheet" document). In ZUP 2.5, this decryption was also very lacked, now in ZUP 3.1 (3.0) it is.

Thus, for all employees, you can view deciphering debt formation to pay and personal inclusions to the listing. It is very convenient. Let's do a document "Vedomost to the Bank."

Now form in the program 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0) Document "List of transfer to accounts"(Section "Payments"). We also point out the month of payment - October, the date of salaries - 05.11.2016. Next, in the field "Pay", we indicate that we will pay a salary for the month. Click the "Fill" button. An employee will automatically be automatically loaded into the document, in the personal card of which is the method of paying the salary "by transfer to the bank account". In our example, it is Sidorov S.A. The amount of payment will be indicated in the payment column, and the sum of the NDFL sums in the "NDFL" column. Let's do a document "List of transfer to accounts."

Payment on intergovernmental document "Vacation" in the program 1C ZUP 8.3

In this section, we will analyze how in the program there is a payment on intercouche documents (one-time premiums, other one-time accruals, leave, financial assistance, etc.). I will not consider all intergovernmental documents, we will dwell only on the example of the document "Vacation".

We will issue a vacation officer Sidorov S.A. For the period from 10.11.2016 to 24.11.2016. Document "Vacation" is a personnel-calculated one, it immediately calculates the amount of holidays, personal income tax from these vacationers. Payment of leave in accordance with Article 136 of the Labor Code is made no later than three days before it began. The program automatically filled out the date of payment - 07.11.2016 (for three calendar days before the start of vacation) and indicated that it was paid to the intercourse period. It suits us.

Let's do a document "Vacation".Now in order to reflect the fact of payment of holidays, it is enough to click on the "Pay" button in the document "Vacation" and the program will form "List of transfer to accounts" (Employee Sidorova S.A. The method of paying a salary is indicated - "transfer to the account in the Bank") indicating the amount to pay minus NDFL. The corresponding window "Payment of accrued salary" will open and we will only have to hold this document.

I will open the magazine "Vedomosti for paying salaries by transferring to the account" (section "Payments") and see that we have really created a document "List of transfer to accounts". Check if it is filled in it correctly. The month of payment - November, what to pay - vacation, date of payment - 07.11.2016, to pay an employee of Sidorov S.A., the amount to payment - 22,548 rubles, the PFFL to transfer - 3,369 rubles. That's right. When you click on the "One Document" link, a window will open in which we will see on what particular document this payment takes place. In this example, this is a payment for a vacation document.

We could also create this statement and manually from the magazine "Vedomosti for the payment of salaries by transfer to the account", although the method of filling out a faster and more convenient method from the document "Vacation".

So, in today's article, we reviewed with you all the possible supported ways to pay salaries, as well as, with the help of what documents the program reflects the fact of payment. Disassembled all possible ways to appoint an advance, looked at specific examples as an advance payment, planned deductions and personal income tax in the document "Accrual for the first half of the month" and the payment of an advance in the documents "Vedomost to the Bank" and "List of transfer to accounts". Considered as in the program 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0) to pay the remaining debt to the employee after paying an advance in the Vedomosti to Bank documents and the "Vestitude of transfers to accounts", as well as how to pay interdistant accruals on the example of the vacation document.

In the next publication, I will tell you how in the program 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0) the inclusion of personal income tax is organized, it will be interesting!) Follow the updates of the site, to new meetings!

ATTENTION: Similar article on 1C ZUP 2.5 -

Hello, dear visitors. Today we continue to disassemble the features of accounting in ZUP 8.3 and in the next publication from the series of articles with step by step description of work in ZUP 3.1 (3.0) for beginners(The whole series of articles is available) We will talk about the basics of calculating the salary in the program and on the preparation of data for this calculation. Consider on specific examples how in the document " Accrual of salary and contributions » Salary will be calculated automatically, taking into account the planned scheduled accruals, work schedules, deductions and absence of employees. We also analyze the features of the calculation of the spent time and calculating the salary on the basis of the formulas specified in the calculation species.

From 01.10.2016 I will take a job as an employee - Sidorova S.A. In document Recruitment An employee needs to specify the work schedule for which he will work, and assign planned accruals. They will automatically be charged monthly (or with another periodicity) when calculating the salary in the document "Accrual of wages and contributions". In ZUP 2.5, planned accruals were charged exclusively monthly, and in the program ZUP 3, it was possible to assign planned accruals to be paid, for example, once a year or times a quarter. This frequency is defined in the settings of a particular accrual. In more detail about the differences between ZUP 2.5 and ZUP 3.1 (3.0), I wrote in a series of articles:

So, in our example, on the main tab, we will establish a work schedule employee - Five days. It is on the basis of the schedule when calculating the salary will be determined by the rate of time and the method of displacing the actually spent time. The rate of time in October according to the Pyatyday chart is - 21 days / 168 hours.

On the "Payment of Labor" tab we appoint an employee planned accrual - Payment at the hour rate, and set an indicator of the hour tariff - 300 rubles. In the settings of this type of accrual ( Payment at the hourly rate)it is indicated that this accrual is performed. Monthlyand the calculation will be made according to the following formula: Tariff Package * Timevachas. We already indicated the hourly tariff rate, and the time in the clock is the actually spent number of hours employee for the month. Their program will be determined automatically by the method of displacement in the document with the final calculation, i.e. From the time rate according to the employee schedule, the watch of its absence (sick leave, business trip, vacation, etc.) is excluded.

In order for the program to be available to the type of accrual Payment at the hour rate You must in the Setup section - the salary calculation is the link setting the accrual composition and hold checkbox - Application of hourly payment. In more detail about all the settings of this section, I told in the article.

At the same time, 10,09.2016 another employee are being made to our organization. Register their reception in one document Receiving a job list(Section of the frames - the journal of documents, transfers, dismissal). Now consider each employee individually, what settings we installed them when driving.

Officer Ivanov A.M. Assigned as in the previous example, work schedule - Five daysbut planned accrual - Payment by salaryin the amount of 30,000 rubles per month.

In the settings of the payment option "Payment by salary" found that this type of accrual is performed Monthly And will be calculated by the formula. Salary We indicated, this is a sum of 30,000 rubles, the share of part-time time (the number of rates on which the employee is satisfied) is equal to 1, because Our employee is accepted at full rate. Time in days is the actually spent number of days per month (it is also defined by the program automatically by the method of displacement, as in the previous example, only in days), the rate of days is determined from the schedule of the employee.

Second employee - Petrov N.S. Installed work schedule Five days, type of scheduled accrual - Payment by salary (by hours).

Let's open the settings of the type of accrual Payment by salary (by hours) - this accrual will be performed Monthly and calculated by the formula Salary * Time / Regulators.The difference of this type of accrual from the previous one is just that the proportion is not calculated in days, but in hours.

More detailed calculation in the program using formulas for each employee we will understand a little later on a specific example when filling out the document Calculation of salary and contributions For a month, but for now we will continue to make the necessary information to calculate the salary.

What documents in ZUP 3.1 (3.0) are planned accruals for employees?

Check-list for checking salary calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Video - Monthly independent accounting check:

Accrual of salary in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

Under the condition of the example, an employee of Sidorov S.A. From 10/17/2016 another type of planned accrual is appointed - Percentage premium From his salary. What document in the program ZUP3.1 (3.0) reflect this fact? There are several options, we will analyze each of them and determine what better to apply in our case. All these documents in the program are available in the section The salary -journal of Documents Changing payment of employees.

  • Document Personnel translation.

So, open the magazine Changing payment of employees And create a document Personnel translation.Choose an employee from the proposed list and specify the date 10/17/2016, with which a new accrual is appointed. On the Labor Payment tab, set the checkbox Change accruals, click the "Add" button and enter a new type of accrual, in this example it Percentage premium(10 %).

This document provides for other opportunities such as employee transfer to another unit or position / regular unit, transfer to another schedule of work, changing the right to leave, changing the method of calculating the advance payment. That is, it provides sufficiently large functionality and use it only for entering a new type of planned accrual is not advisable. This document can be used if we need a print form of the translated order (T-5). In our example, the document Personnel translation It will not be used.

  • Document Changing wages.

Consider another option. Choose from the magazine Changing payment of employeesdocument Changing wage. Similarly, we also specify the date of change 10/17/2016, choose our employee from the proposed list, then install the check box Change accruals and clicking on the "Add" button insert a new accrual Percentage premium. Accrued Payment at the hour rateAn appointed job receiving work is loaded here automatically after the choice of the employee. Using the "Cancel" button, you can cancel any of the assigned accruals. (Specifically in our example it is not required). Feature of the document Changing wages is that it is intended to add or cancel the planned accrual for one Employee.

  • Document Change planned accruals.

In the program ZUP 3.1 (3.0), a document is also available. Change of planned accruals for input or cancel arbitrary setplanned accruals for arbitrary number employees.

  • Document.

This document is intended for entering only one planned accrual, but for arbitrary The number of employees. In the "Accrual" field, indicate the type of accrual, which must be assigned, Percentage premium, Destination date - 10/17/2016, then click the "Selection" button and choose Sidorova S.A. Feature of the document Appointment of planned accrualit is what we can assign account account (a way to reflect the salary in accounting) for this scheduled accrual (premium percentage) for this employee. In our example, we will not use this opportunity.

So, we reviewed several documents in the program with which an employee can add a new type of planned accrual. In our example, it is more likely to use the document Changing wagesbecause We have only one employee, one new planned accrual and other working conditions We do not change this employee (work schedule, position, division, etc.).

Let's do a document Changing wage.

Appointment of planned retention

Seminar "Lifehaki 1C ZUP 3.1"
Analysis of 15 lifehams according to 1C ZUP 3.1:

Check-list for checking salary calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Video - Monthly independent accounting check:

Accrual of salary in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

Now consider what documents in 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0)employees are appointed scheduled retention. From the section "Salary" - in the journal Alimony and other retention Create a document Performance list. Hold on the executive list we appoint Petrov N.S. From 10.10.2016 by choosing it from the proposed list of employees. We indicate that the calculation will be carried out by a percentage (15%) from the earnings of the employee, the "recipient" - Petrova M.S. In the settings of this document, you can also specify a method of calculating a fixed amount or share of earnings, indicate to consider the hospital sheets or not to calculate the base, to indicate through which payment agent to list the alimony.

Document Performance listnothing accrues, but only registers the conditions for calculating the deduction. The calculation of the designated deduction will be made monthly when calculating the salary in the document Calculation of salary and contributions(on the "Hold" tab), and a little later we will analyze it with you.

For prompt work in our organization, a cellular communication is used, but it has a certain expense limit. With employees who exceed this limit, it is necessary to keep a certain amount from the salary. In order to in the program, we can register this holding, open the "Setup" section and in the "Hold" journal will create a new type of deduction: Hold for cellular communication (over limit). In the settings, we specify "assignment of hold" - Hold on account calculations Operation, "Hold is performed" - Monthly, "Type of salary operation" - Holding on other operations with employees, deduction indicator - The result is entered by a fixed amount..

It is worth noting that the view we assigned in the previous example is installed by default in the program, so we did not have to create it .

After we write down (write and close the button) a new type of retention, in the log Alimony and other permanent retentionit will be possible to create a document. So, create a document, choose an employee, for example, Ivanov A.M., who from 10.10.2016 to 10/31/2016 it is necessary to keep 200 rubles for using a cellular over the established norm. Document Hold Operationsnothing counts, but only registers the fact of this deduction. Detention itself will be carried out in the document Calculation of salary and contributions When salary accrued for October.

In our examples, we pointed out employees such types of deduction as Advancement on the executive documentand Holding through other operations.In the program 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0) there is an opportunity to also assign:

  • Retention at the expense of loan repayment,
  • Retention of trade union contributions,
  • Holding voluntary pension contributions to the state and non-state pension fund,
  • Holding in favor of third parties.

Now we will not consider all these documents, I think this topic is a separate article (follow the publications, we will try to consider this issue)

Registration of intercouche documents in ZUP 3.1 (3.0)

Under the condition of the example, an employee of Ivanov A.M. Sick. The employee provided us with a sick leave 10/28/2016. Fill in intercourtyard Sick leave (Section "Frames" or "Salary" - Magazine Hospital sheets), We will point out the month of Accruals October 2016, the cause of disability - (01.02,10,11) Disease or injury (except for injuries in production) and the period of release from work from 20.10. on 27.10.

To determine the percentage of payment it is also necessary to introduce an insurance experience of an employee. In detail about how and in which documents, I told this data

Document Hospital sheet is a personnel-calculated one, the NDFL and the amount to accrual at the expense of the employer and the FSS are immediately calculated. We will conduct a document.

Fill another document - (salary section). Employee Petrov N.S. Worked on October 15 4 hours. On schedule Five daysassigned to the employee when admission to work, this is a day off, i.e. An employee worked over a monthly norm. Document Weekend work and holidays The very fact of work is registered on the day off, and the calculation of the days / hours spent on the day off will be made in the document Calculation of salary and contributionsfor October.

The final calculation of the salary in the document "Accrual of salary and contributions"

So, we have made all the necessary data to calculate the salary. Open document Calculation of salary and contributions(Salary section), point out the month of accrual October, click the "Fill" button. The program will automatically add all employees taken to work that have a spent time. Now let's see how in the program 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0) Calculations, deductions, contributions and personal income tax, taking into account the information and intercourt documents that have entered us.

We will analyze the accrued wages of each employee separately. In order for us in detail the calculation, click the "Show Details of the Calculation" button.

  • Sidorov S.A.Prinat to the organization 01.10.2016, he was scheduled for a planned accrual Payment at the hour rate, hourly tariff rate - 300 rubles. There were no absence from the employee during the month, i.e. It all worked completely 168 hours (in October, the rate of time on the schedule is five days - 21 days / 168 hours). As a result, payment at the hour tariff in October was 50,400 rubles (300 * 168 - by the formula Tariff Package * Time). Percentage premiumappointed an employee not since the beginning of the month, and from 10/17/2016, i.e. In the estimated base, not the entire amount of 50,400 rubles is taken, but only for 88 hours spent from 17.10 to 31.10. Calculation - 88 * 300 \u003d 26400 rubles. The percentage of the award we installed - 10%, which means 26400 * 10/100 \u003d 2640 rubles. The calculation is correct.

  • Ivanov A.M. Hired on 10.10.2016, he was appointed a schedule of work five days and planned accrual Payment by salaryin the amount of 30000 rubles . In October, he worked only 10 days, because was on the hospital in the period from 20.10 to 27.10.That is performed by the formula Salary * dollane-worn-worker * livestones / norm - 30000 * 1 * 10/21 \u003d 14285.71 rubles. Also, the employee was appointed for cellular communication (excess of the limit), on the "Hold" tab, we see the amount of 200 rubles, which was specified in the document on other operations.

In order to make sure that the employee actually worked the time to form a report Tabel. In the Frames section - Salary Reports - open Working Time Account Tabel (T-13), We specify the required period from 01.10 to 31.10, we choose Ivanov A.M. And click the "Shape" button. Indeed, we see the time of the disease in the table - 8 days and turn time - 10 days. It is for these 10 days and a calculation was completed.

  • Petrov N.S. Appointed planned accrual Payment by salary (by hours) in the amount of 30000 rubles. Employee worked in October only 128 hours on a five-day schedule, because Hired of work from 10.10. Calculation is made by the formula Salary * Time / Normagles -30000 * 128/168 \u003d 22857.14 rubles.

Also Petrov N.S.On worked 4 hours on its day off, which are paid in double size. In order to pay these clock, the program automatically determines the cost of an hour. In this example, the cost of an hour is calculated as follows: 30000 (salary) / 168 (time rate according to employee schedule) \u003d 178,57143 rubles.

Accordingly, payment of work on the weekend - 178,57143 (cost value) * 4 (hours of work) * 2 (payment in double size) \u003d 1428.57 rubles.

It is worth noting that the method of recalculating the employee's tariff rate in the cost of an hour (day) is determined by the program settings in the Setup section - the salary calculation. Besides "Time standards according to employee schedule" You can also use "The average monthly number of hours (days) in the month"or "The norm of time on the production calendar".

Also on the "Hold" tab, the program for this employee calculated Holding on the actuator. The calculated base was determined as follows - 22857.14 (payment by salary (by hours)) + 1428.57 (payment of work in the festive and weekend) - 3157,1423 (NDFL) \u003d 21128.71 rubles. The amount of retaining from wages is calculated from the amount left after tax retention (Federal Law of 02.10.2007 No. 29-FZ "On Enforcement Proceedings"). In our example, the method of calculation in the document Performance list We indicated a percentage (15%) of earnings. So, 21128.71 * 15/100 \u003d 3169.31 rubles. The calculation is correct.

In document Calculation of salary and contributionson the NDFL tab, the tax on income of individuals is immediately calculated. For employee Ivanova A.M. Part of the NDFL was calculated as we remember the hospital sheet in the document. Also in the ZUP 3.1 (3.0) program, contributions are immediately considered that we can see on the Contributions tab, which is a distinctive feature from the ZUP program 2.5, it was necessary to introduce a separate document to calculate contributions. In detail about the differences of the ZUP program 3.1 (3.0) from ZUP 2.5, I told in.

Thus, the document Calculation of salary and contributions It is a resulting, it collects all personnel changes, changes in scheduled accruals / retention and planned indicators, all deviations from work schedules, neurodes, all intergovernmental accruals and takes into account them with the final calculation. Therefore, this document is required to introduce the latter in the chain of the calculated documents in 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0).

How to accrue salary in 1C: Accounting 8.3 (edition 3.0)

2017-04-20T10: 46: 11 + 00: 00

How to correctly charge wages in the new edition of the accounting will tell you in detail in this article.

Of the main differences from the deuce - for 1C: Accounting 8.3 (editors 3.0) no longer need to conduct a document accrual of taxes from Fot. In the new edition of its function, the salary accrual is also lowered.

Other useful articles from the same section:

So, proceed to credit wages.

1. To do this, go to the "Salary and Frames" section and select "All Accrues" ():

Do you have a section "Salary and Frames"? In this case, go to your organization (section "Main" - "Organizations") and put a daw "use of work workers":

2. In the salary credentials log, click the "Create" button -\u003e "Calculation of Salary".

3. In the form of a new document, salary accrual:

  • Specify the month of accrual.
  • Specify the division.
  • Click the Fill button.

4. The list was filled with employees, go to the "Accrual" tab. Here, select the desired type of accrual. By default, salary costs in 1C: Accounting 8.3 refer to 26 account. If you just need it - do not change anything. But if you want to attribute salary costs to another account - you need to create a new accrual (down arrow, show all).

5. In the list of accrues, click the Create button.

6. In the form of a new accrual, fill in the required fields and click the "Show All" button in the reflection method.

7. In the journal of how to reflect salary in accounting, click the "Create" button.

8. Fill out a new reflection method as indicated in the figure. In this case, expenses will be within 20 accounts. Click "Record and Close".

9. Select the created reflection type and click the "Select" button.

10. The reflection method stated in our accrual. Click "Record and Close".

11. Select a new calculation method and click "Select".

12. Select this accrual for all employees:

13. Please note that the "Hold" tab appears in the document. In it, we would be able to make a need, for example, the holding of alimony.

14. The "NDFL" laying reflects the accrued income tax. Please note that all bookmarks have the opportunity to adjust the calculation. To do this, serves the "Correction ...". But it is necessary to use this opportunity only in extreme cases, it is better to ensure that the program itself automatically thought correctly.

15. And finally, the main novelty! Bookmark "Contributions". Now the entire calculation of insurance premiums is available directly from the salary accrual document. No need to hold no taxes from Fot.

16. It remains only to click "Conduct and Close". Ready! Salary accrued.

Calculate NFFL and mandatory insurance premiums with fot, form reporting.

To perform these functions, you must properly configure 1C for salary accounting.

In this form, on the Salary and Frames tab, the following options are available for selection:

  • personnel and salary accounting - carried out in 1C Accounting 8.3 or in external ();
  • how the calculations with staff will be taken into account - consolidated for all employees or detailed each;
  • whether the program will be needed in the program to account for hospital sheets, vacations, executive documents;
  • whether the document "Accrual of the salary" is automatically recalculated;
  • which personnel accounting is used - full or simplified (in the latter case, personnel documents are not formed as separate objects).

Methods for accounting for salaries in 1C

Salary and Frames / References and Settings / Salary Accounting Methods

This directory is designed to configure in 1C methods of accounting salary. Each method contains account account and costs to assign a salary. In the information base, one method has already been created, which is called the reflection of the default charges, with an indication of account 26 and the article "Payment of Labor". Accountant can change this method if necessary, or create new ones.

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Accruals and retention

Salary and Frames / Directory and Settings / Accrual (Hold)

Accrued - These are species for salary and other payments. By default, 1C 8.3 Here were created: payment by salary, vacation - the main and for pregnancy and childbirth, hospital. For each accrual indicated:

  • it is subject to NDFL, income code for personal income tax;
  • type of income for taxing by insurance premiums;
  • type of consumption when calculating income tax;
  • accounting method (see previous item). If it is not selected, the program will use the "reflection of the default accruals".

Accountant may, if necessary, create new charges for wages and choose the required parameters in them. Accrual can be assigned to a specific employee (when receiving the staff or translation).

Hold - Types of calculation, which serve to reflect the amounts retained from employees. The program has a predefined "deduction on the executive document". It is possible to create new retention - for example, trade union contributions or contributions to voluntary pension insurance.

Salary accounting settings

Salary and frames / References and settings / Salary accounting settings

These settings are made for each organization separately. There are several tabs in the form form.

Accounting salary. The "Salary" tab indicates a salary accounting method, which will be the main organization for this organization. The program will use it if another is not selected for accrual. Also here you can choose a way to write off deposited amounts.

Taxes and fees with photos. This tab contains parameters for automatic calculation and accrual of personal income tax and insurance premiums with photos:

  • type of tariff for insurance premiums;
  • the presence of professions on which additional contributions are charged, employee employment in severe or harmful conditions;
  • the rate of contributions to the FSS for insurance against industrial accidents and PZ;
  • features of Ndfl calculus.

Reserves of vacations. Here you can include the possibility of forming the reserve of vacations, indicating the maximum amount of deductions for the year, the percentage of monthly deductions, the accounting method.