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Aspiration fire detectors. Detectors Fire smoke aspiration aspiration fire alarm

The principle of forced air intake (aspiration) from different parts Premises for permanent monitoring has become a base for creating a whole line of highly sensitive smoke detectors LASD series (Laser Aspirating Smoke Detector). Effectively indoors with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 2 thousand squares, with the height of the ceilings to 21m, with the length of the air ducts - from 50 to 120m.

Each model is equipped with a system for detecting malfunction of the functioning of the hardware and the system of air intake pipes. Thanks to a simple connection to a PC or PPK, a change in the standard settings by means of PipeIQ®, which also performs the design of air duct pipes and mounting the main equipment.

Functional features of LASD detectors

The air flow from the protected room passes through the chamber with a laser emitter, which can fix the presence of smoke particles. The laser beam does not reflect on the chamber walls, which eliminates the background noise and erroneous triggering, and the presence of programmable states "Attention", "Warning", "Fire" guarantees ultra-alone informing about changes in the air mass, which in turn prevents the development of critical situations ( Stop production, evacuation, material damage).

The highest level of protection of objects, especially non-installing classic point detectors, can be achieved by the design and principle of the LASD series detectors:

Sensitivity - a maximum of 0.03% / m;

Log fixing critical situations - up to 18,000 events;

The effect of the movement of air flow on the accuracy of the data is minimized;

Two levels of filtration, FLU2;

Intuitive indication on the front panel;

Maintenance and installation - simple, comfortable and fast;

Minimum costs for upgrading PS systems.

The LASD System Sensor series is represented by 4 basic models with structural differences.

One laser detector in one channel, up to 1000 sq.m. controlled area;

Two laser detector in one channel, up to 1000 sq.m. controlled area;

One laser detector in each of the two channels, up to 2000 sq.m. controlled area;

Fire safety - important aspect vital activity of man. Each of us while studying work, at home or anywhere else should be protected from external threats, including from fire. Timely detection of a source of danger can help quickly find and eliminate it, defending not one life, as well as minimizing material costs. Aspiration detectors - effective method Ensure the safety of people and premises, protect them from fires. About the features of these devices will be discussed in the article.


The word "aspiration" has a Latin origin. Translated Aspiro means "inhale". This word gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe overall mechanism of operation of the device. In the aspiration fire detector, it consists in selection of air masses within a certain controlled room. The extracted air is analyzed in order to timely detect the threats and detecting combustion products.

The main task for which experts developed a similar device is to search for sites where the fire just began to spread and has not yet managed to create a serious danger.

Newest technology

Aspiration detectors, according to expert estimates, today account for 12% of the entire market fire Systems in Europe. Their forecasts indicate that this indicator will only grow. The development of new types of aspirators makes it possible to actively use the device, expanding its area of \u200b\u200buse, as well as to fully implement in practice all the advantages of such systems in a wide variety of areas of activity.

The technology due to which the detector work is carried out, is one of the most progressive among similar instruments aimed at early detection Flood fire. The idea is to create a stream of air that the system absorbs directly from the controlled room, as well as its further transmission to a special optical fire sensor. Aspirationaling thanks to this mechanism of work can be found ignition in the earliest stages of their occurrence - even before a person can feel or see the smoke. The device will fix the danger in the process of leakage, heating surfaces (evaporation of insulating agent on cables, etc.).

Principle of operation

The detector fire aspiration ipasostitis of the pipes combined into a system where there are special holes for the intake of air masses and an apparatus device equipped with a turbine to maintain air flow.

The principle of operation at the device is quite simple, but effective. Sensors that are installed in the system carry out optical control of the resulting air. Given the level of the required sensitivity of the device, laser or LED detectors can be installed in it. Pipes are mounted in the room where the aspiration device will be carried out while the control unit is accommodated in any other place where it is convenient to maintain and control the system.

Application area

To date, the most successfully ensure the fire protection aspiration detectors equipped with ultraxious laser flue detectors. Similar systems are great for ensuring fire safety Power plants S. various principle Energy production, large angry rooms with aviation, automotive and other types of technology, rooms intended for storing fuel and combustible mixtures, high sterility production zones, hospital buildings with diagnostic equipment and other rooms with high-tech appliances.

Initially, the systems were developed specifically for objects of increased importance, the preservation of which was the primary task. Safety material values, large amounts of cash, expensive equipment, the replacement of which may entail serious spending, as well as the stop of the entire production process - the main goal of aspiration detectors. In such places, it is extremely important to find as early as possible and eliminating the resulting threat at the time when it did not start the degeneration before the open fire appeared.

It is equally important to ensure the safety of premises with a large cluster of people. There systems must have a particularly high level of sensitivity in comparison with standard devices. These can be large exhibition centers, cinemas, stadiums, entertainment and shopping centers. At objects of this kind, the preliminary signal that receives only service staff Buildings, makes it possible to eliminate the cause of fire, without resorting to mass evacuation, and, accordingly, to a panic among visitors.


Aspirational IPA detector has several advantages over traditional systems:

  • To the point-type devices installed in large areas of the room, smoke may simply do not reach. The aspirator in this case provides air masses through all the holes from any part of the room. Ventilation, air conditioners will not be able to affect the quality of the system;
  • This type of detector minimizes the effect of air separation in a high room, where warm air, located closer to the ceiling, interferes with the flow of smoke and prevents the timely response to the ignition.
  • Often, designers face serious problems when placing rooms, where the fire safety system makes it impossible to embody this or that idea. Aspiration device type allows you to hide all external design elements. It is enough just to make a pair of holes under the ceiling, the diameter of which is a pair of millimeters. Even the armed eye is impossible to see them.


Ensure the safety of valuable equipment and people on high level The aspiration system will help.

The efficiency of work will avoid serious material costs, stopping the production process and human victims, without requiring complex care or investment of high funds on its installation.

And it is difficult to figure out which types of devices must be installed in a particular room. Consider the question of what is aspiration fire detectors, their device, principle of operation and application.


Aspiration fire detector is a device that captures combustion products (liquid or solid particles) arising from fire and transmits a fire signal to the control panel.

The sensor is a system unit, with air intake tubes, in which, at a certain distance, several holes for air absorption are drilled. Inside the central unit there is an electronic receiver analyzing incoming air samples.

Depending on the size of the controlled room, the air intake tubes can be of different lengths, from several meters to several tens of meters. But in this case, additional adjustment of the fan, contributing to the achievement optimal speed Air fence.

Selection tubes can be made of different materials. Thus, in factory workshops, where the air temperature is capable of heat up to 100 degrees, pipes made of alloy metal resistant to high temperatures are used. Pipes on a plastic basis are indispensable at facilities with non-standard ceilings, where many bends.

Aspiration detectors are mostly constructed with smoke, but in some models, smoke and gas components are simultaneously combined.

In terms of sensitivity of devices, aspiration flue fire detectors are divided into three types: a - high precisionwhere optical medium is not denser than 0.035 dB / m; V - increased accuracy from 0, 035 dB / m and above; C - standard from 0, 088 dB / m or more.

Principle of operation

Through a special aspirator, the air is absorbed into the system of intake pipes. Next, it passes a two-stage filter. At the first stage, the air test is cleared of dust.

In the second filter is added fresh airIn order for the optical elements of the device, in the case of a smoke in the air sample, they are not contaminated, and the installed calibration has not disturbed.

After passing the filters, the intake air enters the measuring chamber with a laser emitter, which shines it and analyzes.

If the sample is "clean", the laser light will be straightforward and accurate. In the case of flue particles, laser light dissipates and registed by a special receiving element. The receiver issues a fire signal on the console or control panel.

Aspiration devices are very accurate in work, as they can reveal the fire at the initial stage, by means of continuous fence and air analysis.


The main advantage of such detectors is their operation in premises with a large height of ceiling floors. Type A (high-precision) detectors are used in zones with a ceiling height up to 21 meters. Type of devices in - up to 15 meters, with - 8 meters. This is due to optimal work devices in a certain space. Failure to follow these recommendations may result in incorrect operation of the sensors.

As mentioned above, the length of the air intake pipes can be different, up to several tens of meters. Therefore, they are several holes for air suction. They are located at a distance of 9 meters, and from the walls - 4.5 meters.

Air intake pipes are not necessarily installed on the ceiling. In some special premises, it is simply no, therefore pipes can be attached to the metal structures or hide under the elements of the finish, leaving small holes for additional capillary tubes.

The pipeline may have several bends, thereby expanding the controlled area and reducing the likelihood of false positives. Also, for additional protection is possible vertical installation Pipes on the walls, subordinate directly to the intended place of possible fire. This method of placing pipes is an indisputable advantage of aspiration detectors.

If when mounting the pipes there is a need to turn, then the bending radius must be at least 90 mm. If possible, turns should be avoided, as they slow down the air flow. One turn should have at least 2 straight meters of the pipe.

In the location of the pipeline with the electronic unit, the straight length of the tube should be about 500 mm, and the exhaust pipe is 200 mm.

The central unit of the device is established either in the controlled zone itself, or beyond it, for example, in rooms with extreme conditions, where high air temperature, humidity, contamination.

If the operation of the device occurs in a strongly dyed or contaminated room (woodworking workshop, construction warehouse), then in the system of the pipeline mounted external filters. Also, it is additionally possible to install the inverse pipe blowing system to eliminate contaminants.

In rooms where temperature changes are possible and the formation of condensate in the pipeline, it is advisable to install additional device inside the pipes, to collect moisture.

The use of aspiration fire flip detectors is possible in explosive rooms. In this case, the block is carried out beyond the controlled zone, and special devices are installed in the air intake pipes - explosion-proof barriers. They prevent the dangerous gas mixtures in the pipeline.


A large range of sensitivity of aspiration fire detectors makes it possible to use devices in various rooms:

Detector IPA

Detector Fire aspiration IPU T4371-086-00226827-2006 is a single unit within which five working areas are located: discharge, discharge and rough Cleaning, Thin filtering, measuring air samples, terminal connections. Also on the case there is an electronic combustion analysis compartment:

  • "Temperature" - reacts to an increase in the temperature indoors;
  • "Smoke" is sensitive to optical change in the air;
  • "Gas" measures and analyzes the deviation from the established norm of gases in the air;
  • "Flow" - catches changes in the gas-air flow.

On the one hand, the incoming air intake pipeline is connected, on the other - the exhaust pipe. In the discharge compartment there is a fan - aspirator. Maximum length Pipeline - 80 meters. Distance between fence holes - 9 meters.

IPA is intended to protect the premises of residential and industrial type, as well as tunnels, mines, cable channels, etc. The device takes the test from the air environment, analyzes them and transmits to the control panel signals: "Norma", "Alarm 1", "Alarm 2", "Start", "Start 30C", "Accident".

The sensor is operated at temperatures. ambient from -22 to + 55s. Does not tolerate the e-block of direct sun ray, as well as the presence in the air, the Parks of acids and alkalis capable of corrosion. Resistant to vibrations with a frequency of 50 to 150 Hz.

The evolution of sensors, detectors of detection of combustion products is far from linear. It cannot be said that the thermal sensors, as the first inventions on this path, were subsequently displaced / replaced with smoke, discovering the fire at earlier stages of its development.

After all, depending on the conditions in the protected areas, technological process, and, accordingly, the presence of dust, smoke, gaspace, high temperature, the choice of the detector today in practice remains behind the project specialist, less often by setting specialized organization. Therefore, supposedly outdated heat detectors Installed in many places - from the saunas premises to the workshops of modern industries under construction.

Fire aspiration detector - Automatic fire detector, providing selection through a pipe system with air intake holes and delivery of air samples (aspiration) from a protected room (zone) to a fire detection device (smoke, change chemical composition media).

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From thermal, smoke to aspiration

No need to forget that these are not the only types of fire detection devices. , gas, linear, point, targeted, heat-sensitive cables, even pyrotechnic pulse devices - Many invented that can competently be installed in protected areas, different in their intended, fire loading, other parameters of operation for efficient work As part of the APS, AUPT.

Read all kinds of detectors here:

In recent years, various foreign manufacturers and, accordingly, their Russian representative offices are widely and often advertise aspiration fire detectors, assuring that they are brilliant for them, an unmandant future, and as an example of high technical, operational qualities result in a number of 7% - this is a niche of their use in the market Firefighter detectors in Europe. Even if it is not so, it is worth dealing with the advantages of the aspiration smoke fire detector, stated as the top of the development of such devices today.

For information: aspiration - this is a forced selection of polluted air, gases, dust emissions from technological equipment, out of production premises Due to the use of a fan / pump that creates discharge in receiving pipelines. It is a variety of industrial ventilation.

Device and advantage

Technical solution To create an aspiration fire detector, it does not shine a special novelty, since such devices appeared shortly after the invention of the laser:

  • It consists of a receiving unit / module to determine the presence of smoke / gas particles with a laser-mounted transmitter - a laser, sometimes for a beautiful incomprehensibility called some HPLS manufacturers - a superior light source; receiver - photodiode, fan / air pump, as well as multiple control pipelines with dosage holes, for a constant fence of the sampling of the air media from controlled premises.
  • The automatic fire detector (API) unit is mounted outside the controlled premises, which gives it maximum security from any external influences.
  • The length of the receiving pipeline in some MPP manufacturers can reach up to 100 m.
  • Filters, moisture are used to clean the air samples from dust - condensate collections, an explosion hazardous medium - appropriate equipment.
  • The main advantage of the APP is much more than a fire detection than any other type of existing fire detectors, including optoelectronic smoke devices. The sensitivity of the aspiration detector is many times higher than them.
  • API can be installed on objects with such sophisticated conditions operation where the installation of traditional fire sensors is impossible or inexpedient. For example, strongly dyed or explosive areas of workshops, warehouses; Premises with very high / low temperature, high speed airflows, with overlapping complex multi-tier or dome-shaped design, as well as to control various technological equipment, ventilation systems.
  • Requirements for the installation of such devices are set out in Section 13.9, where they are referred to as IPD. Code of Rules It is recommended that they are protected by premises with high height and volume: Atriums, museums, art galleries, train stations, airports, trading, sports halls, circus, warehouses, production workshops, and server, data centers, and the height of the installation of air intake pipes can reach 21 m, which is impressive.

Output: API is a technological peak of the evolution of the smoke fire detector, which allows you to install an APS where it was impossible before, as well as to detect a fire at significantly earlier stages, which is also important.

Disadvantages of aspiration detectors

Of course, in addition to the advantages of any technical innovation, including the APS systems using aspiration flue detectors, there are cons:

The high cost of API is about 1 thousand dollars for the device, at the time of writing the article. And the price of 200 thousand rubles. For individual products are far from uncommon.

The same refers to the components - condensate collections, filters from dust, explosion-proof barriers, and often to plastic pipes With calibrated air intake holes, which are in some manufacturers with mandatory elements of the system, not subject to replacement for similar products of third-party production.

The cost of designing, installation and subsequent maintenance of complex control air ducts mounted on top or in industrial workshops with severe operating conditions, an aggressive medium is also large enough.

Output: use such equipment by protecting the premises important objectscan afford only a state or large companies. It is not necessary to talk about the other application of the APS with API.

Summarizing: API - complex, high-tech equipment, allowing you to ensure the most earlier detection of the first signs of fire, with installations / systems with their use you can protect any objects, including those that were previously not subject to equipment APS due to the design complexity of buildings / premises, conditions modes of technological process, operation. However, due to the high cost of IPA, component systems, operational costs about the mass use of such equipment do not have to speak.