Repairs Design Furniture

Drilling holes under the posts of the fence: make the wells and holes with their own hands. Methods for installing pillars to the ground for the fence from the corrugated diameter of the opening under the intake pillar

In order for the fence for a long time and reliably serve, it is necessary to make a lot of effort on its installation in all the rules. This time-consuming work begins with the markup of the perimeter of the fence and drilling holes. Each makes one of the famous ways, choosing the most convenient and affordable price.

The drilling process of the pit for installing a fenced post

Available ways of drilling holes

Drilling of the holes is a monotonic process, long and requiring physical strength. After all, all poles must be the same size with strict observance of the distance between each of them. The quality and cost of the fence depends on the selected installation method.

Positive and negative sides of the use of shovels

Huscy of the pit with a special tool

You can hardly find a person who is unfamiliar with this unaccompanious tool. This is the easiest and most affordable method of drilling. The shovel can make square holes for massive fence. But in the ground, the round holes of the desired diameter is almost impossible.

The column must be reliably standing in the ground, and with this method, it will be too large a hole, which will have to pour an additional amount of concrete. And these are additional spending. In addition, dig a spade a narrow pit to a depth of 100-120 cm is unlikely to succeed, not affecting the surrounding soil. Therefore, we can safely conclude: this method is at least bribed with its availability, but not always practical. It can also be described as the most time-consuming and long time.

Using a garden bora

Using the car under the pillars is much more efficient and more convenient. This tool can be bought in any construction store.

Garden drills of various sizes

Its cost is much higher than the cost of the shovel, but it pays off due to time savings and good quality of the holes. The ber is a screw with screw blades, which, burning into the ground, emit it to the surface. In such a way, you can make holes to a depth of 200 cm. It is much easier to control the depths of the holes so that they all have the same dimensions. Therefore, it suggests that it is suited that drilling holes for the installation of the fence in such a way much more efficient and is not too expensive.

It is important to ensure that the auger of the garden drill is good sharpening, otherwise they will have to make much more physical effort.

Sometimes they have to sharpen them immediately after purchase. You can make it an ordinary file or with the help of a grinder. But it is worth carefully examining the reviews of people who come across this problem. By virtue of the peculiarities of the soil on the site where the pits of great depth are required, to make them independently with the help of a garden bora, not so simple.

Devices of the Bura Tiese for drilling deep holes

This will require a lot of effort and help from the side. This is especially true of heavy soils.

Mechanical drilling method

There is another method of excavation work at. It is to use a yamobur with a gasoline or electric drive. Such a tool is quite expensive, so drilling can be called the easiest, but at the same time and most expensive.

The principle of operation of the yamobura is similar to the garden boring, only the auger of this mechanism rotates with the help of the drive. It can work from an electrical network or on gasoline. The productivity of work depends on the engine power. Motobur can be used on a plot with any soil. The only significant disadvantage of this method of drilling holes for the fence poles is its value.

Manufacture of pit Motoburn

Of course, you can not buy expensive Motobur, but to rent it. But still the cost of the tool itself and its nutrition is much more than a hand tool.

In addition, the Motobur creates a certain noise when working, and also requires the close location of the electrical outlet or the presence of gasoline. But this is the fastest way, the hole can be done in just a few minutes without weighty physical effort. On the drilling of holes for columns along the entire perimeter of the fence will take much less time and forces than manually.

As an alternative, there is another way - use the services of a car bora. Its selection depends on the size of the plot and conditions, such as the free entrance and movement of the car.

We make the right calculations

Each of the drilling methods has its own positive parties and some nuances. Before starting construction work on installing the fence, you need to make the necessary calculations. Columns must withstand all load from the weight of the fence. Therefore, they must be reliably and stable are shut away to the ground.

As practice shows, the easiest calculation of the depth of the opening for good stability of the intake column is 1/3 of the height of the fence.

For example, if a fence of two meters high is envisaged, the column must be immersed in the soil at least 70 cm. If the site is with high groundwater, then the posts must be buried at least as 100-120 centimeters. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the type of chosen fence. Its weight depends on these indicators, and, consequently, the load on the poles. Pubs in the sandy soil should be deeper, and steady rocky soil is enough to drill on 80 centimeters.

Pit diagram to install a column

The size of the opening must slightly exceed the diameter of the pillar. If the difference is big, then for sustainability A, therefore, these are extra expenses. Too dense layout of the pillar in the hole will lead to an insufficient amount of concreting mixture. The diameter of the holes can be from 15 to 30 centimeters.

In order to find out the exact number of columns in the fence, it is necessary to divide its entire length to the width of one run, and then add two more columns for the entrance gate. The distance between the columns is approximately 250 cm. But this number depends on the height and type of fence. If the load is too big, then the spans should be reduced in size. The magnitude of the spans can be from 150 to 300 cm. The reliability and durability of the fence depends on the correctness of the calculations.

Scheme for mounting intake poles

If you study all the available drilling methods, it can be concluded that the garden bee is high-quality and inexpensive. Before starting land, the perimeter of the fence is placed using a roulette, measuring equal gaps and driven the pegs in these places. If the fence delivers two adjacent plots, several centimeters should be retreating from the edge. This will avoid conflict situations with the owner of the neighboring area.
The embossed plot is placed first in the corners, and only after that mark places for the holes throughout the part of the fence. Now that all places of future pillars are marked, you can proceed to direct work.

Trying an ordinary pit under the pole is simple enough, this work is not comparable to the drilling of the well. However, even for such a simple operation, certain skills and skills will be required.

When building a fence or foundation, we are confronted with the fact that you need to drill the pit under the pole. In such cases, it is advisable to use special tools, such as manual borrow.

What to break the pit under the poles? Such work is always carried out in the construction of structures, buildings and fences. The pits need a special approach.

Preliminary work

Most often, the pit is required when installing the fence in the country area. To properly perform work, it is required to pre-conduct some calculations. For the fence of a section of 60 m2, the poles should be installed in 2.5 meters increments. It will be necessary to pierce the pits in advance at the gate, to provide a pit under the entrance door. The gate pillars must be from each other at a distance of 3 meters. The door must be one meter. After conducting the calculation, we get 45 pits.

In order to escape the pit for a post when building a fence, use an earthen brown.

At the next stage of the installation of the fence you need to break through the pits where the pillars will be installed. If you apply an ordinary shovel for such a work, the discharge operation will take a mass of time, it will be very laborious. Approximately the same time will be required for injection made by pits. To spend such work, it is better to use the brown. This tool can be purchased in the construction store and select the desired diameter. To get a reliable fixing of the post in the ground, it is necessary to dig a hole so that its size is more than the post size, about 15 cm. To facilitate the drilling process, the earth is softened with water. Pre-dig a shallow pit, then water poured into it. After 30 minutes, the water heaves the ground, it will be possible to start drilling. To eliminate the postal of the pillar, you need to dig in the ground to the pit, the depth of which should be about one meter.

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Preparation of columns

Before you have a wooden pillar into the ground, it must be treated with special solutions from rotting.

When the preparatory work with the pits are completed, the processing of future columns is necessary. It is necessary only if the harvested poles are made of wood, which in time begins to rot. Therefore, the bottom of the pillar, which breaks into the ground, must be processed. Such an operation can be carried out in different ways. For example, hold firing pillars right on the fire. Such burnt wood will rot very slowly. Another option can be a pillar processing with a special hot bitumen. The sophisticated post will be protected from moisture and microorganisms that destroy the tree.

Most often, a pillar intended for the installation of the fence to get the most durable fence is drawn into the pit, the depth of which is more than 80 cm. After carrying out simple calculations, it can be determined that the value of all recesses will be 35 meters. Make this work of an ordinary shovel is difficult. It will help to fulfill such work handberry.

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Positive properties

This tool is applied to a wide variety of works. It is used in drainage work, it will help to make a pit under the foundation when small buildings are built. With the help of this tool, the installation of piles under the foundation and so on.

The tool has a very simple design, so it is easy to work with it, and absolutely no specific construction skills.

If the tool is made with high quality, it will serve for a long time.

The manual drill is very easy to understand, so it can be transported in the cabin, immersed in the trunk of the car.

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Methods used

For punching pit under the foundation, you can use a special technique. However, it will not be quite economical, renting such cars is expensive. Therefore, if possible, it is better to use a handberry car, the design of which is made of several parts:

1. Drilling tool of various diameter and 1 meter length.
2. Handle.
3. Extension.

During the work of the boring can be fused, and then it can be sharpened with the help of a grinder.

The mass of such a boracy reaches 10 kg. This tool allows you to try a pit, the depth of which can reach 2.5 m. A similar boring can be bought in a specialized construction store.

It would seem that all questions were resolved. Bought a boring and punched pit. However, such a brown is impossible to make pits, if the soil is sandy, and the ground is clay. Even the extensionist does not help here. When turning the burden of deepening to the ground does not occur. The reason for such a problem lies in the drainage of the bora. All tools that can be purchased in stores on the construction market have no sharpening. The output is clear, the sharpening of the manual drill is required, which will allow working in any form of soil.

The tool can be sharpened in two ways. For one of them, Bulgarian will be required. It quickly will sharpen the Bura blades. The tool will become very sharp. It will be possible to punch pit in any soil. But Bulgarian does not always happen at hand, you have to turn to another method. It will be possible to hold the blade with an ordinary file, but it will take a lot of time and effort.

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Punching holes

After you dug a hole, the bruise must be carefully cleaned from the ground so that he does not go to the subsequent.

After sharpening, you can proceed to breaking holes. Excellent sharpened blades will be able to work with any kind of soil. However, during the work, the appearance of another urgent problem is possible. After the depth of the pit reaches 30 cm, it happens that the drilling of the bora is stopped. The problem arising is eliminated quite easily. You need to pour several liters of water to the resulting deepening, then wait a couple of minutes. When the earth is splashing, the manual drill will be easily shuting again, dropping to the desired depth. After completing the digging of the required pit, the bruise should be pulled out from the ground. Ordinary pulling tool in this case can not do. Extraction of the manual bead is carried out with swinging it in different directions, gradually expanding the hole.

The exit of the exit of the boome from the soil will be seen how many spacious land stuck to the blade. It is removed before breaking the next pit. Usually it is easily made by an ordinary knife. So that the drilling operation passed faster, water can be immediately poured into several pre-deposits made. Professionals will say that the breakdown of the holes usually takes a quarter of an hour. When the manual car is used, you do not need any additional tools.

How do you create a manual car? To make an independently ordinary manual boring, you need to prepare in advance several racks, stocking of several blades.

Bura making diagram with their own hands: 1 - pen; 2 - insert; 3 - cutting nozzle; 4 - coupling; 5 - bolt with nut; 6 - cutting plates; 7 - guide rod; 8 - blade.

It is necessary to drill a row of holes for mounting the blade. The required form of blades will help get an ordinary Bulgarian. It will be a sharpening tool. The end of the rack should have a sharp tip, with which the boring will be immersed without problems in the ground.

The last step of manufacture with your hands the handmade bora is fasteners. It is made of girlfriend, it is possible from rubber or plastic.

In order for such a tool to protect against corrosion, it is necessary to carry out its processing with special mixtures intended to prevent the occurrence of rust.

The fence of the country site, which is an integral part of the architectural ensemble, must have an attractive appearance, and also be reliable and durable. The main load on the mass of the fence and the impact of natural factors perceive the supports, which are used in which various materials are used - profile pipes, stone, brick and reinforced concrete. It is important to choose the correct material and set the fence supports to ensure the stability of the erected fence and a long service life.

How to install pillars for fence - features of installation methods

The correct choice of options for installing support racks for the fence is determined depending on the design of the fence, the characteristics of the soil and the preferences of the owner of the site.

Poles can be drum down to score into the soil or concrete in pre-prepared pit.

Each of the methods has certain advantages and, at the same time, has weaknesses.

Bringing: Advantages and Disadvantages

Bringing support for fencing - Budget method of quickly creating the basis of the fence.

The mechanism of immersion of the reference pillars to the ground by shocking exposure is to clog the elements manually or using special equipment for the driving.

The technology is used on soils with an average density and small stony inclusions. Having preferred the support method of supports, it is important to estimate all sides of this technology.
The main advantages of the Pillar Blooming method shock through:

Studying technology has weaknesses:

Concretion: Pros and Cons

Traditional way to fix poles for fence - concreting of support elements in Preparedpit.

The process of installing posts for the fence involves the execution of holes in the soil, the depth of which is 30% of the height of the protruding part of the support.

The method of installation of supports for the fence filled with concrete has indisputable advantages:

  • increased strength of the enclusive design. Regardless of the humidity of the soil, the fence is resistant and under the condition of proper operation can be used for decades;
  • the ability to withstand a lot of heavy fence. Massive fence made of concrete structures, steel sheets, professional flooring or wood, will not be sized under their own weight;
  • resistant to corrosion of concuted parts of metal supports. The part of the metal pillar is in the hardened concrete, the part of the metal post reliably protects the support of corrosion, compared with the primer or paint, which is covered with a metal pillar;
  • preservation of the integrity of the supports installed without deformations. The absence of the need to scoring pillars to the ground reduces the likelihood of their damage during installation;
  • difficult extracting from the soil of pillars filled with concrete. Malefactors are problematic to pull out supports, without deepening in the ground.

Despite the complex of positive moments, concreting technology has some drawbacks:

  • duration of measures for installing the fence. The process of digging the pit, the installation of supports, fillings and hardening of concrete may occupy a long time;
  • increased costs associated with the complexity of work and the need to use concrete solution. The amount of costs for the purchase of building materials increases in proportion to the length of the fence;
  • the probability of pushing the support pillars from the ground concerned in areas with bunched soils. Freezing with a negative moisture temperature squeezes concreted supports from small veils with a depth of 40-60 cm.

Choosing an optimal solution

Before making a decision, it is important to carefully analyze the risk factors and deliberately approach the choice of the optimal method. By making a decision on the installation method for the fence, consider the following points:

The desire for low costs to quickly establish a fencing on the slaughtered supports may result in loss of stability of the fence and unforeseen expenses. Builders recommend to give preference more reliable, although the time-consuming method of installation - installation of supports in the pit with subsequent concreting. However, for temporary fencing from metal mesh or wooden planks, it is quite possible to use the supports scored in the ground.

We score pillars

Preparation for Work: Development of the Scheme and Calculation

Performing measures for the collection of supports for the fence preceded the development of the installation scheme and the implementation of the necessary calculations.

The diagram indicates the distance between the support racks, which, depending on the features of the fence, should be in the range of 2.5-3 meters.

Knowing the size of a fixed area and setting a step between supports, it is easy to calculate the number of racks. On the example of a rectangular area of \u200b\u200b6 acres with parties 20 and 30 meters, we will determine the number of columns:

  • calculate the perimeter of the site by folding the length of its parties. We obtain 20 + 30 + 20 + 30 \u003d 100 meters;
  • we define the need for supports, dividing the perimeter per step - 2.5 meters. The number of racks will be 100: 2.5 \u003d 40 pieces.

The calculation is simple. However, if there is a gate and gate, you must additionally take this distance when calculating.

To calculate the need for material, it is necessary to set the height of the fence and add a part of the support to it by the length into the soil.

The size immersed in the ground rack should be at least 1/3 of the height of the support, towering above the soil level.
For example, for a 2.05 meter height of 2.05 meters depicted on the level of the soil, the length of the blurred part is 1.2 meters.
The total length of the rack is 2.05 + 1.2 \u003d 3.25 meters (it is rounded 3.2 m).

Alternating the number of racks for the length of each reference element, we obtain the need for the material for the manufacture of columns.

Result: 40x3.2 \u003d 128 meters. For the fencing of a plot of 6 acres, with a given size of 20x30 meters, it is necessary to purchase material for racks with a total length of 128 meters.

Selection of materials for pillars

As a material for reference racks of the fences, which are planned to be immersed in the soil by the shock method, you can use a conventional or profile pipe.

Considering the increased fragility of concrete, as well as the possibility of cracking the wood under the influence of shock loads, only metal racks are suitable for installing supports.

Required tools

Depending on the method of scoring and sizes of supports can be used:

  • ordinary sledgehammer;
  • special fixture for driving.

Manual ways are clogged with supports up to two meters high, and automated - from two to three meters.

To break the plot and control the correctness of the installation will require:

  • roulette;
  • cord and pegs;
  • building level.

Technology of work

A set of measures for the installation of support provides anti-corrosion treatment and installation.


The submerged part of the support should be previously treated with corrosion-protecting - bitumen, paint or soil. After drying, the protective coating can be started to install the columns.

Installation of racks

The algorithm for performing operations on the pavement posts for the fence is quite simple:

  1. Make a markup of the perimeter of the site using the cord with pegs.
  2. Spread the part of the site at equal intervals, guided by the previously developed scheme.
  3. Wake the corner post by controlling the depth of the immersion and the verticality of the support.
  4. Surface the remaining columns around the perimeter of the fixed area.
  5. Check the location of the supports on the cord attached to the top of the extreme supports.


Concreting support

Preparatory Stage: Choosing a Method of Concreting and Calculations

At the preparatory stage, it is important to determine the method of concreting pillars. You can completely pour the concrete submersible part of the pillar or partially concrete the base of the support:

The use of the partial concreting method allows to achieve concrete savings.

The determination of the amount of material for concrete supports is made depending on the length of the fencing and the interval between the columns. The algorithm of calculation is the same as for the scored pillars.

The calculation of the total amount of the required concrete is made by multiplying the absorbent volume of the pit on the number of supporting elements. Multiplying the area of \u200b\u200bthe base of the pit to the depth, we obtain the volume of concrete for the fill of one support.

When performing calculations can be neglected with a small diameter of the support column. Calculate the volume of concrete for full filling of the pit with a diameter of 0.4 m and a depth of 1.2 m:

  1. We define the base area, multiplying 3.14 on the radius in the square - 3.14x0.2 2 \u003d 0.1256 m 2.
  2. We calculate the volume of the solution, moving the area to the depth - 0.1256x1.2 \u003d 0.15 m 3.

If, for example, it is necessary to determine 40 pillars to a depth of 1.2 m, then 6.0 m 3 of concrete (40x0.15 \u003d 6.0) will be required.

By choosing a materialsupportDesigned for concreting, it is important to ensure reliability of the design of the fence. For concrete pillars, the following materials are used:

  • metal pipes, round and profile sections. This is a universal material used for the installation of fences from the profile flooring, wood, metal mesh or steel profile;
  • concrete column, characterized by durability and affordable price. Supports have a long-term resource of operation, resistant to natural factors and easily withstand the mass of concrete fences;
  • brick used in the construction of pillars for massive fences. Brick supports - an elite version of pillars installed in the device of brick, forged and wooden fences;
  • natural stone, with strength, it is difficult to compete with the rest of the materials. The stone is perfectly combined with the fence sections made from various materials.

Required tools and materials

The formation of the pit can be carried out with:

To perform markup, you will need:

  • rope;
  • pegs;
  • building level.

For concreting, a concrete solution is needed based on portland cement M300 brand, sand mixed in a 1: 3 ratio with the addition of rubble and water. Required:

  • trough or concrete mixer for the preparation of the solution;
  • shovels and shoulder.

Step-by-step instructions for installing metal supports

Preparation of columns

Preparatory work include:

Installation of supports

On the example of widely used steel pipes, consider the technology of the installation of the column. Perform work by observing the scene of the steps:

  1. Make the markup of the perimeter of the site using rope and pegs.
  2. Prepare holes using a drill or a shovel.
  3. Push up on the bottom of the pit with a rubber-sand pillow with a layer of 10 cm.
  4. Install metal columns in the pit.
  5. Check the concrete solution by observing the recipe, submit to the area of \u200b\u200bwork.
  6. Fill the wells with a mixture to the soil level.
  7. Ensure fixedness of racks until the concrete is completely hardening.

Installation of supports made of reinforced concrete is carried out in a similar way.

In the overwhelming majority in the construction of the fence around a manor or country site, pillars made from various metal rolling are used. They are durable and durable, comfortable in the installation, and they look aesthetic. But developers often arises the question of which depth it is necessary to insert the supports in the ground to ensure the reliability of the entire design. There is no unambiguous answer, since this value depends on many conditions.

The depth of the installation posts of the fence is an important point.

Factors affecting the depth of mounting racks

The underground part of the fence columns is experiencing 2 types of loads:

  1. Static vertical load acting from top to bottom. Its value depends on how much the construction weighs. At each rack, half the weight of two sections adjacent to it plus their own mass.
  2. Dynamic. It has a lateral pressure of Nazal at various angles and with a different force from the bustovs of the wind, which begins the bending moment on the border of the underground and overhead part of the support.

The focus is that these 2 types of loads are accounted for depending on the design of the fence. If you plan to build and make spars either forged elements, then in this case it is necessary to calculate the static load, since it prevails over the wind. Then the depth of the installation depends more on the sedimile characteristics of the soil and the area of \u200b\u200bthe foundation sole.

During the construction of light solid fences (for example,), a side load from the wind plays a significant role acting on the bending of the rack. For having medium weight, it is necessary to take into account both types of loads.

To find out which depth the fences should be injected, many factors will have to be taken into account:

  • mass design;
  • its sailboat;
  • the properties of the soil on the site;
  • distance between adjacent supports.

An ordinary developer is quite difficult to calculate how much dynamic and static load will have to one or another type of hedge. There are ready-made solutions tested by many years of practice on various types of soils.


Tight sandy either clay soil is most convenient for mounting the fence of any design. During the construction of light fences, such support methods are applied:

  • easy driving in the ground;
  • zabutovka;
  • bringing with concreting top.
Three main ways to install pillars in tight soil

Whatever way you choose, immersing the racks deeper than 1 m meaninglessly, and the optimal depth, proven in practice, is 80 cm. Speaking about how many centimeters of the length of the posts should go into the ground, it is understood that the hedge section has standard dimensions: the width of the span - 2.5 m, height - 2 m.

The driving of metallic supports to the ground is practiced when the device of light transparent hedges, for example, from the grid is the chain challenges. They differ small weight and sailboat, so you can do without digging pit and concreting. Only one should not immediately score the steel pipe into the land of a sledgehammer, as a result she will still be fused. Thin wells should be dried (less than the cross section of the rack) 80 cm deep and gently score posts in them.

The option of the stake is applicable to install a solid fence from a tree or a profiled sheet. Work is carried out like this:

  1. Understands to a depth of 0.9-1 m, plug on the bottom of crushed stone and tamper.
  2. Put a support, take it vertically and secure.
  3. To fall asleep crushed stone and stones into the cavity, performing layer-by-layer traam. For loyalty, it is possible to pour out the clay with a liquid solution of clay.

When the upper layer of the soil is distinguished by looseness, then partial concreting pillars is applied. It is necessary to dig the pits of just 40 cm, and then score the racks in them even at a depth of 40-50 cm. Then the bottom to plug the rubble and pour concrete to the ground level.

During the construction of severe, the column foundation is determined by the location of dense horizons of soils. It is impossible to open a heavy design on a black soil or other loose soil, so you have to deepen to a compacted dry clay.

Montage on subsidence

These include clay and other soils having a low density (des). When the load and moisture appears, such a primer gives an additional drawdown, whose value depends on the force of exposure. Therefore, for the installation of a light fence from the grid or a professional sheet, the same methods can be used - a bog and forge. The immersion depth is calculated by such a rule: the underground part of the support should be 1/3 from the entire length.

To exclude the drawdown of heavier hedges, it is necessary to distribute the weight of the large area. For this pits are wider, and steel sheets are welded to the bottom of the racks. Then the method of full pillars concreting is applied, which prevents lateral rocking wind.

By installing a stone fence with heavy forged gates, you need to rely on horizons that are not susceptible to drawdown. What depth will have to be injured a reinforced concrete foundation depends on the region of residence, it can be from 1 to 2 m. To reduce the cost of construction of this base there are 2 ways:

  • to arrange a low-profiled foundation of the ribbon type together with the columnar bases;
  • use screw piles leaving in stable soil layers.

Pile, having a punch point, neither vertical nor lateral exposure. For the weight distribution, the fences of their heads are combined with one concrete slab - the painter, from which the brickwork begins.

Supports in bunch of ground

When you need to put a pillars when erecting any fence on the moistened soils, it is important to know the drainage depth. It depends on how many meters the rack will go underground. The fact is that in winter the ground moisture turns into ice, why the soil begins to swell and push out all foreign bodies.

Ways to solve the problem of only two:

  1. Drink well 50-60 cm below the freezing border, put metal poles and concrete. Moreover, the layer of concrete should not rise above this border, and the rest of the cavity must be filled with rubble and sand with a rambling.
  2. Apply screw piles leaving in the rapid skyline of the Earth.

Other options are considered inappropriate due to too high the cost of construction of such a fence, because in some regions the soil freezes to a depth of more than 2 m. Therefore, heavy fences have to be installed only on piles, and the lungs - on the pillars with a concrete sole located in non-freezing soil.

The construction of the fence around the home or country area is a very important and responsible stage. Thanks to the highly erected fence, you can get a sufficient level of protection from external factors, cover your site from the views of passers-by and neighbors. Since the fence is a rather expensive design, it is set once for several decades, during operation, the fence needs only in various kinds of care, cosmetic and prophylactic repairs.

In most cases, quality and durability will depend on how reliably buried the tables, which, in turn, depend on the quality of the pits for them, about which we will talk today.

We carry out calculations

Drilling under the poles is a very important stage of building a fence, as it is in this part of the design and all its reliability will be concluded. If you make pits too small, then the fence can simply fall under the influence of wind, water, external influence and other things. For design quality, it should be very accurate to calculate the depth and width that is rather strictly regulated.

The minimum depth of drilling holes under the poles should be at least fifty centimeters for low fences, up to one meter high. If you are going to build a fence of a height from one to two meters, then the depth should be made from seventy centimeters to one meter, depending on the density of the soil and the selected height of your fence. For fences over two meters in height, the depth should be at least thirty-forty percent of the height. In this case, the depth should not be less than seventy centimeters.

The width or diameter is strictly not regulated and do not have any mandatory conditions. One should only make a hole of this size so that the upper part is completely installed above the surface of the slaining hole. For large and heavy fences, where the brick design will be a brick design, it is better to make a hole a little wider so that the volume of concrete was larger than the volume of the pillar, then you can avoid sending.

How to put pillars

Before the pouring of the pit at the bottom of the tathy, a ten-grant layer of rubble, which should not take the depth, so during the digging of the pit, should be additionally deepened for ten and fifteen centimeters to pour a stone pillow under the post.

For low fences, less than one and a half meters, the cruise of rubble is enough to make a height of about five to seven centimeters. For heavy structures with low height, the rubble layer does not decrease.

We select tool

You can dig a neat or large hole with a variety of tools. Some of them can be found in any farm, some are specialized and found quite rarely and only in those farms that are closely connected with regular drilling.

Manual Earth Bar

The most efficient and most frequently used means for drilling holes under the poles are:

  • Normal manual shovel.
  • Garden manual drill different diameter.
  • Motor garden bur, which can be hand-held and in the form of a machine.

Now let's figure out the main advantages and disadvantages of each of them, while working on digging holes. Let's start in order from the shovel. Manual shovel is the most common and most affordable tool that will definitely be found in any farm.

Even if there is no such thing, it will not be difficult to buy any work on the market, a construction store or just take the neighbors. The cost of such a tool is kopeck, which makes it a truly indispensable attribute.

Since the instrument is manual, it is necessary to work with your hands, and sometimes it is very difficult, due to the strong suggestion of the soil, and the presence of stones in it and the roots of trees. The pit is also not too neat and the minimum size is limited to the width of the shovel.

And to dig a small and at the same time a deep pit is almost impossible. The maximum depth that you get to dig it seventy centimeters, with diameter equal to the width of the shovel. But in the case when a hole with a large diameter or non-standard shape is needed, the shovel is indispensable.

Varieties of earthy boots

Garden hand boys are an excellent alternative to the shovel, and can create holes of various diameters, usually it can be from several centimeters to forty centimeters. With longer diameter, you just will not have forces to scroll the tool. Although it is possible to work with a partner to simplify work, then it will work much easier to work. A hole is excellent round shape, neat and dig into such a tool the hole can be quite deep, almost without restrictions.

Pits should be made with a diameter of 2-3 times more than the diameter of the supports.

Garden motor drill is an analogue of a conventional manual drill and is practically no different, only it is not necessary to wrap it with his hands. A diesel engine is connected to the boor itself, which gives the required power to dig holes with the required depth and width, which is limited to the maximum diameter of the boome of forty five centimeters.

There are two types of such drills, manual, which are in your hands and need to be sent to the place of drilling and in the form of a machine.

In the second embodiment, the motor is on a wheel frame, from which turns are fed to the handle to which the boring is attached. You need to painfully install the installation to the desired place and maintain a handle, the more gradually deepening the boring.

Stages of drilling

So we approached the answer to the question how to insert the poles for the fence with their own hands. Make it is very simple, you need to go through just a few simple stages and the pit will be completely ready for the installation in her post.

So what needs to be done:

  • Clear the platform that will be clogged. Remove all weeds, stumps, residues of gravel and other trash.
  • Install the central spike of Bura in the middle of the future pit and start wrapping it towards the turn of the screw.
  • As depressed, it is sometimes necessary to completely remove the boring to throw off the excess ground.

After you deepen on the calculated depth, the process is considered to be completed and your pit is completely ready. As you can see, nothing complicated and unbearable in this process is not.

We produce mounting columns

To the fence standing for a long time and did not destroy, it is necessary to fix the poles as high quality and reliably, only in this case you can get the necessary reliability and durability of your design. The whole process of installation is divided into steps, following which you can do the work very quickly and with the necessary reliability.

Plastic Opport Installation Scheme

So, proceed to the construction of our supports:

  1. First of all, you throw ten centimeters of gravel, to create a pillow. It is thoroughly tamped, for greater quality, it can be abundantly pouring to water, wait for it when it disappears and protraptic again.
  2. After that, we set two extreme pillars with each of the sides.
  3. First, the pillars are fixed with various stones and bricks. Fasten the method of folding, while at the same time exposing them in terms of level.
  4. Securing the extreme pillars, it is necessary to pull the line or rope between them, so it will serve as a reference to install the following supports.
  5. Focusing on the rope, install and fix each next pillar.
  6. After all the supports are installed, poured them with a solution and let him dry completely. To do this, you need to wait two-three days.

After drying, the supports are fully prepared and you can install the other elements of your future fence.