Repair Design Furniture

Homemade filter for a large aquarium. DIY aquarium filter. How to save money on an external filter

As a novice hobbyist, I found that the internal filter in my tank was not up to the task. And from the frequent maintenance of the filter, only the inhabitants of my aquarium suffered.

Having studied the information on filters, I came to the conclusion that the unambiguous correct solution is to use an external filter. Biofiltration is extremely effective, and no method of water purification can even partially replace it.

The composition of water purified by an external filter is approximately similar to that of slow-flowing natural reservoirs. With a weekly refreshment of a third of the volume of the main aquarium, it can be assumed that ichthyofauna and hydroflora are contained practically in flowing natural water - hence all the successes achieved in systems with biofiltration.

Not pleasant news for me was that the cost of the external filter turned out to be commensurate with the cost of the aquarium itself.

Having familiarized myself with the design of the external filters, I decided to make an analogue of the external Eheim filter with my own hands.

For the manufacture of a homemade external filter, the following were purchased:

Pump (fountain pump), Chinese-made RESUN company 30 W, 2000 l / h, water column rise 2 m.
- PVC coupling for a sewer pipe d = 200 mm. + 2 plugs for it,
- cranes, corners, squeegees, etc.,
- PVC pipe d = 20 mm. for receiving and supplying water to a 4 m aquarium,

- filter fillers.

For tapping into the plugs, the following design was used.

My choice on this pump stopped because of the rise of the water column of 2 m. Since, the outside will stand on the floor.

Drilled holes in the top and bottom plugs for water supply and pumping. When installing the fittings, I used rubber gaskets with the additional use of silicone sealant.

I tried to insert the plugs into the coupling with sealing rubber bands and I did not succeed, it turned out too tightly. Realizing that if I manage to insert the plug, then I will not pull it out from there. Based on this, I cut off the edges of the sleeve so that, if anything, you could remove the rubber band to disassemble the filter and thereby depressurize the filter. In the lower part of the coupling, I made a seat for the inlet fitting.

The clipping edge trim will later be installed inside the clutch and will hold the mesh.

A mesh is installed in the lower plug above the level of the fitting. To do this, I had to tattered the vegetable drawer.

After that, with a clear conscience, we can install the bottom plug into the coupling. Since the sealing gum will not be used here, be sure to coat the entire area of ​​the plug with silicone. And after installing the plug, we additionally coat the joints inside and outside with a sealant.

In the lid, I additionally drilled a hole for the power cord and air vent. It was not necessary to fix the pump to the plug, it is already securely fixed by means of a piece of hose and a network wire.

To seal the mains wire, I used a fitting similar to that used in street lamps. I installed a switch in place of the wire break.

Under the inlet, I installed a bracket for attaching the flask of a household filter, which will serve as a preliminary filter for coarse cleaning. You could do without it, but then you would have to install a sponge on the inlet pipe directly in the aquarium, or flush the canister every month (in my plans, the canister will be flushed at least once every 6 months).

For the manufacture of pre. the filter needed a PVC sewer pipe d = 32 mm. In which many holes have been drilled. It could be used, additionally, in the previous. filter activated carbon or zeolite, but first decided to do with a foam sponge.

When all the parts of the filter are assembled, we proceed to filling with fillers.

1 layer. At the bottom, first of all, we settle the material for coarse filtration. For these purposes, foam rubber with a large cell is most suitable. But unfortunately I could not find a suitable size foam rubber sheet for aquariums. And instead I used what looked like a lump of fishing line.

2nd layer. We fill with ceramic rings. The purpose of their application in the filter is to branch the water flows and evenly distribute its current over the entire transverse area of ​​the filter material.

3rd layer. We lay a layer of foam rubber with a small cell. In my case, a synthetic winterizer was used.

4th layer. We fill the substrate for the colonies of nitrifying bacteria with "bio balls". In this section, all the mysteries of the nitrogen cycle take place. Here, heterotrophs, nitrifiers, and denitrifiers coexist peacefully, regularly performing their duties; the working volume of the chamber should be 4/5 of the capacity of the biofilter body. Expanded clay (preferably crushed) can be used as a substrate for bacteria since it has a porous structure.

5 layer. It is not required, but I decided to add the FLUVAL substrate. Outwardly, it looks like ceramic rings, only the material has a porous structure. If you take a ring in your hand, plug a hole on one side with your finger, and blow into it on the other, then all the air will come out through the micropores

6 layer. The final layer, directly in front of the outlet inlet (that is, in front of the filter pump, should place a synthetic winterizer to protect the rotor from dirt particles getting into it.

The homemade external filter for the aquarium is ready, the assembly was successful. Testing showed a very good pump performance, although the pump performance characteristics were 2 times less. The top cover is not completely installed, due to the strong tight fixation of the sealing gum. If you close the lid all the way, then it is completely possible that you will not open the filter any more.

Filter maintenance is reduced to cleaning the pre-filter as it gets dirty. Opening and flushing the canister after half a year. I would like to note that it is necessary to wash only ceramics and foam rubber in the filter and always with aquarium water. The substrate is washed only as needed.

The first time after start-up, a home-made external filter actually works only as a mechanical one. The beneficial bacteria have not yet colonized the substrate. Dirt fills the filter, which reduces its performance. The water pressure gradually decreases. But there is also a reverse process. Dirt is food for bacteria. They break down the organic matter accumulating here and convert it into nitrate, i.e. biological self-cleaning of the filter begins.

Complete colonization of the substrate by colonies of beneficial bacteria occurs in 2-4 weeks. And then it all depends on which process will take up - pollution or self-cleaning. If the former, the filter will continue to get dirty. Not as intense as the first two weeks, but inevitable. When the performance of the filter drops below 30% of the maximum, it must be cleaned and restarted, otherwise the so-called. "overturning" is a violation of biological processes, as a result of which toxic substances are produced and thrown into the aquarium.

If self-cleaning takes over, then the filter, on the contrary, is gradually freed from dirt and the productivity, which has dropped to 50-70% of the maximum, is restored. In theory, the filter should then run forever. In practice, performance is not fully restored, and from time to time stagnant zones still form inside the canister. Therefore, I recommend cleaning it from time to time, even if the water pressure is strong.

In addition, I would like to point out that all metal parts must be free of lubrication. Because a drop of oil can spoil a ton of water and thus destroy all your inhabitants. Therefore, it is advisable to use plastic parts (fittings, corners, taps), which in turn are much cheaper than metal ones.

P.S. Later, I replaced the hoses with corrugated ones (which are used to drain the washing machine), since the PVC hoses were easily crumpled and thereby blocked the access of water.

The cover will need to be pulled off with pins, otherwise it can be torn out when the light is turned off.

I replaced metal taps and fittings with plastic ones that are used for irrigation.

How to make an external filter for an aquarium with your own hands. Option 2.

I'll start with a short introduction. Although I have had an aquarium of 140 liters for a long time, I consider myself only an amateur. Since I kept the fish purely for the soul (I have to do something). In the winter I had time to look after my pets, and in the summer I had no time for them, it used to be so bad that I had to catch the skeletons. And while sitting on the next winter evening, I looked at my aquarium and decided it was necessary, something would continue to be done, it could no longer. I wanted all the time to achieve clean water, rough vegetation, but it turned out only partially. Even when replacing the internal filter Atman f-102 I have acquired, more powerful Atman f-104.

The results we wanted were not achieved. And so I decided or a thought came to me, I don't remember, only I went to the Internet and began to look for how to achieve a normal state and discovered that in addition to internal filters, there are external filters. In short, after reviewing them, I came to the conclusion that this is what I need, but the prices were a little bit nibble (Kiev Internet prices 800-1400 gr. The cheapest Chinese Atman CF-800 ---- 600 gr.).

After very long deliberations, I came to the final conclusion that I need to do homemade products. Why did I decide that, firstly, the availability of spare parts covered the faucet went, bought or even a motor from the internal filter, we have them in stock, went to buy a filter, put the motor from it and not any problems. And so to go to Kherson there is something there or not, and this is all the time, the fish will not wait. But since we simply don't import 200 pipes, we don't use it, only 160 and 100 were in demand.When I arrived home, I was even a little upset, but having measured the pump from the Atman f-104 filter (according to its characteristics, it was what we needed Description: Power - 38 W Productivity - 2000 l / h Water rise - 2 m) I was convinced that everything should only fit very close. Since there were no couplings of such a length of 350mm, I took a meter-long piece of 160mm pipe and plugs. I decided to connect everything with plastic connections. I made a list of what I needed, and after buying everything I needed I got down to work.

Once again, having familiarized myself with the internal filters, I took the filter as a basis Eheim Classic 2213

Specifications: For aquarium: up to 250 l
Productivity: 440 l / h
Water lifting height: 1.5 m
Filter volume: 3 l.
Dimensions: 160 x 160 x 355 mm.
Power consumption: 8 W.
The height of the Atman f-104 pump was 10 cm, then I added it, and it turned out 160x160x450mm. Cuts from a meter pipe 45 cm, I began to think how to make the bottom, I wanted to first cut out a circle from thick plastic, put it on silicone and drill the ends with self-tapping screws, but then it dawned on me, what if you heat the pipe and insert a plug. I took a cut piece from the main one and went to experiment. On the gas stove (the largest burner), I began to scroll over the flame (I had to put on mittens, my fingers were hot) over time, the pipe began to soften, it becomes such an elastic rubber, and I managed to insert a plug. Realizing that everything will turn out very well, I did the same with the main workpiece (if someone wants to do this, then you should know not to lower it to the flame so as not to burn the plastic, you need to scroll the pipe evenly and, trying it for elasticity, there is no need to rush here, you will not need 50cm of pipe so there will be something to practice)

So the bottom is done for me, I decided to do the upper part, everything worked out, even better than I could have imagined, the nose of the pump came up close to corner 20, it remains only to lubricate the plastic with aquarium silicone and everything is okay. The engine had a ledge at the back, then I decided to make a retaining bar so that the engine hung not only on the nose, but also rested against the bar (I also missed everything with silicone). it was to pull it out, then I cut off a ring with a width of 24 mm from the experimental pipe section on the plug, it will serve as an emphasis.

When installing the tap, Mayevsky decided to drill a hole such that Mayevsky himself, when screwing in, cut the thread a little with natfilk and everything worked out (also planted on silicone) I bought a fitting for a wire on the market (they are, they are of different diameters are used for street lamps or electric motors)

Since I was not satisfied with the loading of filter elements, both in the German filter and in the homemade filter published on this site, I decided to make loading baskets as in filters Eheim Professionel 2224 etc.

Not finding the right container, I decided to make baskets from the remaining pipe. I made three of them, 8 cm each.You can do with two for ceramic rings and biological balls, and fill the rest with a sponge if you find it in a diameter of 160x160 (cutting off 8 cm, I cut this piece lengthwise, then put it into the pipe and outlining how much to cut, you need to achieve this so that the gap is not large, so that the basket goes without effort) first I glued it with glue on the plastic, and for strength, having made holes, twisted it with copper wire, I drowned it in the grooves made with a wood burner. Having cut out the bottom and drilled holes, it was possible to put on aquarium silicone, but I decided to play it safe (I didn't want the bottom to come off one fine day when pulling out and all the filler spilled out,)

I cut a 3mm strip and pasted it in. I put it on silicone and twisted it with wire from four sides, also made grooves and drowned it. After that, I planted the bottom on the silicone. I also made a handle out of a pipe. You can use bolts with a melt, but I took a rod from a plastic dowel (with the help of which the foam is attached to the wall), cut the barrels into 2 cm and using a bolt heated on the stove, I burned it with a hat quite well.

Yes, when the pipe cooled down, I gently tapped the plug out of the pipe. In the plug, I inserted two plates so that the baskets rest against it during installation. I drowned them flush with the edge. When installing, the plug is coated with aquarium silicone and is planted all the way.

I decided to buy a large flask from a household filter (a small flask comes with a salt filler, and separately, as I know, it is put in cold water in front of a washing machine) I decided to make it according to the principle of a motorcycle faucet for domestic motorcycles. Water will enter the filter for a turn through the tube to the bottom of the flask and then through the sponge to the top. I sawed the pipe to fit the size of the flask, drilled holes at one end and planted the other end on silicone. Foam rubber bought a round ready-made in a pet store, it fits tightly into the flask.

By the way, if you use a household filter, then try to take it with a Mayevsky tap from the top, and not from the side like mine, for a better air outlet, I had to drill a small hole and tighten a self-tapping screw with an elastic band, in the photo I showed it with an arrow. I screwed the flask onto a special clamp fasteners in the photo you can see this device, four bolts with thumbs were attached to it, which press the top cover from opening. Thanks to this, I can separately, open the lid without touching the flask from the household filter.

To suck water into the filter, I used a plastic bottle of 0.5 liters from the drink, cut off the neck and a ready-made plastic plate with holes (I drilled small holes so that the fish would not be sucked in) fastened with a wire. If now I need to clean it, then I can easily unscrew this flask. I filled the filter like this: the first basket with expanded clay in half with plastic rings, cut from plastic corrugations for electrical wiring (by the way, they resemble branded filler)

the second basket with a porous sponge for bacteria, the third with a finely porous sponge and padding made of synthetic winterizer.

After starting the filter, there was no flow anywhere (I washed all the threaded connections with tow and coated with aquarium silicone). The filter works quietly, although when the Atman f-104 filter worked inside the aquarium, there was a slight rattling, which was very affecting at night, and I had to turn it off to fall asleep, and now we could hear that its pump was in homemade external filter works. It's too early to talk about cleaning, since the filter has been working for only a week, but the result is already noticeable, the water has become more transparent, the fish have even begun to behave more fun. The pressure has not changed, the pump pumps well, although the sponge in the household filter is already half clogged. My costs were about 500 grams, given that I had a pump from the filter and expanded clay gratis. And then it's up to you to make or buy ready-made, if you have them in stores. Well, that's probably all.

Every aquarium should have a filtration system that will purify the water, keeping fish and plants healthy. As you know, the waste that the inhabitants of the reservoir leave behind, as well as the remnants of food, suspended particles of soil, are very harmful to fish. Food that is not eaten is oxidized to toxic ammonia. In order for the water to go through all the cleaning steps in a timely manner, it is better to make an external filter for the aquarium with your own hands. It will prevent the appearance of harmful substances that can poison living beings.

How do I design an external filter?

Before making an aquarium filter with your own hands, you should understand how the filtration system works. Biological filtration in an aquarium is the process by which ammonium is converted to nitrite, then to nitrate. Biofiltration is carried out thanks to beneficial microorganisms that live in the aquatic environment. This process is dependent on the amount of oxygen absorbed, so it is important to maintain a constant supply of aeration in the tank using a filter and compressor.

See how a homemade external filter made from plastic bottles works.

To make an external biological filter with your own hands, you should prepare the following materials:

  • 0.5 l plastic bottle for mineral water;
  • A plastic tube with the diameter of the neck of this bottle;
  • Sintepon;
  • Compressor and hose to it;
  • Aquarium pebbles up to 5 mm in diameter.

The plastic bottle must be divided into 2 parts so that fragments of different sizes are obtained from it. You should get a cup with a neck and a big bottom. The bowl should be directed with the neck side up and firmly seated in the bottom. In the outer circle of the bowl, you need to make several openings through which water can enter the filter. The recommended diameter of the openings is 3-4 mm, their arrangement is in 2 rows, with 4-6 holes in each.

Next, the tube should be inserted into the neck of the bowl so that it fits tightly into it. After the procedure, you should not notice any gaps or holes between the tube and the neck. The length of the tube itself is chosen taking into account the protrusion above the structure by 2-3 cm. At the same time, it should not touch the bottom of the bottle. If the step is not performed correctly, water will not be able to flow into the mechanism.

Take gravel and sprinkle it on top of the bowl with a layer of 6 cm, and cover it with a piece of padding polyester. Install the hose from the aerator in the tube, and fix it. When the mechanism is ready, it needs to be placed in the aquarium. The compressor must then be turned on in order for the filter to begin its work. In the operating equipment, beneficial microorganisms will appear, which will process ammonia into nitrates, which forms a useful microbiological environment in the water.

How does a handcrafted external filter work?

A home-made external filter is designed on the basis of aero-lifting: air bubbles that come from the compressor rise to the tube from which they come up and lower the water flow from the filter along with them. Clean and oxygenated water enters the top section of the glass and passes through the gravel. Then the water enters the bowl through the hole, goes down the tube, and enters the tank. The synthetic winterizer here functions as a mechanical filter. This material prevents the process of siltation of the gravel substrate.

External filters chemically and mechanically purify water. It is better to install such structures in a large aquarium with a volume of 200-400 liters. Larger aquariums with a capacity of 500-1000 liters will require several of these devices. Branded external water purification systems are expensive, so it's best to make them yourself. Materials are inexpensive and affordable for everyone.

Another way to make an external filter

For the next external filter, you need to prepare the following parts:

  • Plastic container with a tight-fitting lid (you can take a box for storing cereals);
  • Sponge or thick porous material;
  • Sealed water pump and fitting for attachment to the container lid;
  • Biological filtration material (medical wool, ceramic granules);
  • Multiple suction cups, resin adhesive texture.

See how to make an external filter yourself.

Filter making instructions:

  1. You need to take a thin file and make cuts around the entire perimeter of the lower compartment of the plastic container. The incisions will allow water to pass through.
  2. Put a sponge in this plastic container, on it - cotton wool or other element for biofiltration.
  3. Make holes on the cover of the container that will match the diameter of the pump nozzle.
  4. Insert the nipple into the hole you made and secure it with resin or aquarium silicone.
  5. A pump should be screwed onto the fitting, which can create pressure inside the container.
  6. On the wider side of the container, attach several household suction cups.
  7. The internal filtration system can be considered complete. The suction cups will be able to hold the device on the wall of the aquarium.

Such a homemade filter can be mounted not on the wall, but placed on the ground of the tank. The soil will also act as a biological filter. A nozzle made of plastic in the form of a long tube extending outward can be attached to the outlet of the sediment. Then, after cleaning, the water will be saturated with oxygen.

Instead of a small plastic container, you can use a plastic canister or canister made of stainless, non-toxic metal. This design is suitable for large aquariums; large cassettes and cartridges with filtration elements can be placed in it. Homemade filters need to be serviced at the same frequency as branded ones.

If the filter leaks, then check all of its elements:

  • The clamps of the mechanism are tightly closed. You may have inadvertently secured the parts with glue or resin. You can solve the problem by re-fastening the clamps.
  • The sponge or suction cup may become dirty in the filter while it is running. Slime and debris can be cleaned off with water. Check the construction for cleanliness monthly.
  • Damage to the plastic container, which will have to be replaced by redoing the filter itself.

The water in the aquarium must be constantly filtered. This is known to all owners of domestic ornamental fish. Pet stores have a fairly large selection of aquarium filters of various designs. However, such a device can be made independently from scrap material.

Some aquarists believe that it is not worth skimping on the fish and food for them, but replacements for expensive aquarium equipment can be found. Some accessories and accessories, including a water purifier, can be made with your own hands. Of course, for this you need to know the basic principles of filtering aqua, as well as have some skills of a home craftsman.

How to make an internal filter yourself?

What is necessary?

Materials for the simplest internal aquarium filter are readily available at regular hardware stores. The only exception is the compact electric pump. However, it can also be bought in a construction hypermarket or in an electrical store.

So, for work you will need:

  • a plastic container with a tight lid (a container for storing bulk products is suitable);
  • thick porous material or sponge;
  • sealed water pump with a fitting for attachment to the container lid;
  • ceramic granules or rings for biological filtration (for fine cleaning, plain cotton wool can be used as a filtering element);
  • 2-3 suction cups, adhesive resin.

Operating procedure

  • Then a coarse sponge is tightly placed in the container, and a fine cleaning material (cotton wool or biofilter elements) is placed on top.
  • A hole is cut in the container lid along the diameter of the pump connection.
  • The nipple is inserted into the hole and sealed around the circumference with resin or silicone.
  • The pump itself is screwed onto it, which creates compression inside the container.
  • At the top of the wide side of the container, 2 or 3 household suction cups are attached.

In principle, the internal filter is ready. The suction cups will securely hold the homemade device on the wall of the container.

This filter can also be placed directly on the ground. The latter will act as an additional level of filtering.

If a plastic nozzle with a long tube extending outward is attached to the pump outlet, then simultaneously with water purification, its aeration will occur.

DIY external aquarium filter

What can be made of?

Making such a device at home will take more time.

  • A round, tall plastic canister can be used as a body.
  • If not, then a piece of plastic garden pipe with a large diameter will do. True, the top and bottom covers will have to be cut and fastened independently.


First step

  • A hole is cut at the bottom of the canister, where a metal or plastic fitting with a one-way inlet valve is screwed tightly.
  • 2 holes are made in the cover: for attaching the water outlet valve and the electric pump.
  • The pump itself is attached through a fitting to the inside of the cover.

Second phase

Now you need to make cassettes, or cartridges, with filter elements. They can be made from plastic flower pots by cutting off the top wide part evenly.

The diameter of such self-made cassettes should be slightly less than the inner diameter of the canister.

In the bottom part of each cassette holes are burned for water passage.

The first cartridge, where the sponge is placed, is inserted into the canister so that its bottom is slightly higher than the adapter with the inlet valve.

Next, a second cartridge is installed, where the filtering material can be fiber, synthetic winterizer or cotton wool. The cassette with the filtering biomaterial is installed from above so that it is below the pump attached to the canister lid.

If the external filter housing is made by yourself, the bottom and cover are sealed with silicone or resin.

Stage Three

Tubing or hoses are attached to the inlet and outlet adapters with valves. Their length is adjustable depending on the depth of the aquarium and the distance to the filter.

The external aquarium water purifier is ready.

As in the first case, a working pump creates pressure, under the influence of which water is first sucked into the canister, goes through all the filtration stages and then flows back into the aquarium. Before starting operation, it is necessary to check the canister for leaks within 24 hours by filling it with water.

The main element of the purifiers is the pump. When choosing it, you should take into account the volume of the aquarium. For example: a pump with a capacity of 300 liters per hour is suitable for a 70 liter aquarium, and 1000 liters per hour for a 200 liter aquarium.

Instead of a conclusion

At home, you can also make a bottom filter or, as it is also called, a false one. However, this is already a more difficult task that real craftsmen can do.

Quite a large number of aquarium owners prefer not to spend money on expensive equipment. Aquafilters, carefully made by hand, work no worse than expensive branded devices. And the technology and frequency of their maintenance is the same as in the sold models. In addition, a self-made device has a slightly different moral value. Is not it?

Video on how to properly make an external aquarium filter:

If you have ever thought of buying an aquarium and fish, and did not buy all of this because of the price, then you got into a huge percentage of people who think this idea is a very expensive pleasure. Indeed, just buying a fish and putting it in a jar does not mean becoming an aquarist. Real fans of this business make almost all the equipment themselves, select beautiful landscapes for the bottom and buy only fish. A homemade external filter is a popular topic of discussion on aquarium forums where aquarists exchange experiences. We will also try to make the purifier ourselves. Let's consider two options at once.

How to make a glass external filter for your aquarium yourself?

To build an external filter, you will have to work with your own hands, but you cannot do without the help of specialists for some parts of the aquarium. We are talking about ordering a glass structure with partitions under the filter steps. We will put the filling in small containers, and the design of the case depends on their size. Such housings will be made where custom-made aquariums are made.

  1. So, in the photo we see four compartments. The first three are for filter fillers, the last one will be preliminary before the water enters the aquarium, where we will install a water heater and saturate the water with oxygen.
  2. This is how those containers look like.
  3. For our homemade external filter for an aquarium, fillers of different fractions are needed, many can actually be prepared with our own hands. Our goal is something like expanded clay and small fractions of various rocks, like granite and silicon. The largest particles will filter out such ceramic rings. Well, the last stage of cleaning will be either a filler from a ready-made filter, or clean coarse sand.
  4. We fill our containers with all this and send them to the compartments of the glass case.
  5. From the old filter, we take the part of attaching it to the pipe. All containers are put in their places, in the last compartment a heater and aerator are already installed.
  6. Next, we make a small stand so that the filter is slightly above the level of the aquarium.
  7. And here is the result of the work. The entire system is installed behind the aquarium and its inhabitants are provided with the necessary conditions for keeping.

DIY external vertical filter for aquarium

We can make a filter based on a purifier for tap drinking water from a plastic pipe and accessories for plumbing work.

  1. So, we get a pump, a plastic pipe and a plug, where we will install the mechanism.
  2. By heating, we will make the plastic pipe a little softer and we will be able to fit the plug back to back. In the future, silicone or assembly glue will provide tightness.
  3. Now we install the pump. We make holes for fasteners, then we additionally fix a plastic gasket for installing the pump itself. With the help of plastic pipes and accessories, we will connect the pump to the cleaning system.
  4. Now regarding the cleaning system itself for our homemade external aquarium filter. The photo shows that each section is made of the same pipe, but somewhat narrower. We just cut out some of the thickness and grab the pipe with staples. Next, we take the plastic mesh and fix the position with silicone.
  5. We install our containers in a flask made of a plastic pipe and a pump on top.
  6. Putting together a household water filter.
  7. How our purifier will work: water first enters the home-made part, then goes to the household filter and is finally purified there.
  8. This DIY external aquarium filter has a technical air outlet so that water flows evenly.

DIY aquarium filter. How to assemble a filter for an aquarium: diagrams, tips

Before you start a fish, you need to take care of the presence of not only a suitable aquarium, soil, vegetation, some decorative elements, but also a filter. You must understand that this is not only a water purifier, but also an item that is extremely necessary for the life of your domestic aquatic inhabitants. And if you do not have the opportunity to purchase this or that model in the store, you can consider how to make a do-it-yourself filter for an aquarium.

The importance of an aquarium filter

No matter how clean water you pour into the aquarium, it will become dirty over time. This is due to the appearance in it of dead particles of algae, waste and other small particles of debris. In order to get rid of all this and keep the aquatic environment clean, it is necessary to install a water filter in the aquarium.

This mechanism has the following functions:

  • cleans water from inorganic particles;
  • removes all kinds of solutes from the water (for example, tablets or other medications after treating the inhabitants of the aquarium);
  • fills the water with oxygen, without which no fish can survive;
  • creates water circulation.

Undoubtedly, no fish and other aquatic animals can enter any aquarium without a pre-installed filter. But, considering all of the above, it is still worth remembering that if you know how to install a filter in an aquarium and have already decided which model to buy, it still will not create natural running water for you. After all, each filter pumps the same liquid.

How do filters differ from each other?

Before installing a filter in an aquarium, you need to decide on its type, installation location and functionality. Indeed, in every specialized store you will come across a large selection of these devices. All of them differ from each other in design features and field of application.

Some, however, do not want to face such a choice and prefer to make a filter for an aquarium with their own hands, simply by studying all the features of purchased designs and finding out which model is suitable for a particular situation.

Types of aquarium filters

According to the principle of operation, modern aquarium filters of the following types are distinguished:

  1. Mechanical ones are able to clean the water in the aquarium from turbidity and floating particles that were raised from the bottom by the movement of the fish and the compressor. You cannot do without installing such a device. After all, dirt in the aquarium gradually accumulates and, as a result, decomposes, making the water cloudy. Such a filter must be rinsed as it gets dirty. The first sign of clogging will be a reduced flow of water through the device.
  2. Chemical filters to a greater extent purify the aquarium water from organic matter. They remove phosphates and nitrates. These filters need to be changed periodically for excellent results.
  3. Absorption-chemical filters help purify water from waste products of fish and other "animals" in the aquarium. As a rule, such a device includes a constantly circulating pump, a special sponge and a substrate (usually gravel) located directly next to it. It can be installed both inside and outside the aquarium. It should be noted that the main component of each biological filter is nitrifying bacteria, the vital activity of which must be supported without fail. This means that such an external aquarium filter only needs to be rinsed under running water. And in no case should it be dried.

Filter types depending on their placement

Each filter for an aquarium, photos of which show not only their appearance, but also how they are attached, can be installed in different ways. Accordingly, according to their location, the following types of these devices are distinguished:

  1. The aquarium bottom filter is located almost at the bottom of the tank. It has a large number of holes from which air is supplied. Such filters help to clear the water from small blockages. Manufacturers recommend installing them immediately before the fish are colonized. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to place and fix this type of filter in the aquarium.
  2. The internal filter is installed inside the aquarium (hence its name). Typically, it consists of a sponge or activated carbon and a pumping device. These filters clog up very quickly. This must be constantly monitored, as the throughput of such a device decreases.
  3. Outdoor aquarium filters are very similar to indoor filters. The only difference is their location.

How to make an aquarium filter yourself?

A good filter device will never be cheap. What to do? How to save money? In this case, we advise you to make the simplest aquarium filter with your own hands. To make it, you will need: a sponge (you choose its size depending on the capacity of the aquarium), a spray bottle, a suction cup, a rubber tube, two 20 ml syringes, a small compressor.

Take one syringe. In one part of it, into which the medicine should be typed, make holes with a heated awl. You need to connect the second syringe to the first. This can be done using a solder. To do this, hold the widest ends on the hot plate for a while, quickly connect them and hold for 5-7 seconds. Cut off from both ends the part where the needle is to be inserted. You should now have a long plastic tube.

Take a sponge, make a not wide, but deep cut in one of its sides, insert a part of the syringe with holes into it. Insert a rubber tube into the resulting "pipe", connect it to the compressor. Attach a suction cup to one side of the syringe. On it, your filter will be attached to the wall of the aquarium.

Can I make my own aquarium filter application?

No filter can fully purify the water in an aquarium without a pump. The simplest such device can also be made by hand. To do this, you need to have on hand: a nozzle, a union, a pump core and a tee.

The nozzle can be replaced with a simple pipe. It must be inserted into one of the holes in the tee. After that, take a threaded tap, screw the fitting onto it, and pull the hose from above. On the opposite side, you need to carefully attach a small hose, which will later serve to drain the water. A siphon is put on the end of this hose. It will help protect the pump itself from soil getting into it, which can cause serious damage to the device.

How to properly install the filter in the aquarium yourself?

So, you bought or made a DIY aquarium filter. Now what? How do I install it? What rules need to be followed?

First of all, everyone should understand that a filter should never be installed in an empty aquarium. The container must be at least half filled with water. It is also worth noting that before assembling the filter for the aquarium, all parts of this device must be thoroughly dried. And only after that start installing it. The filter is usually attached to the wall with suction cups at a distance of 3 cm from the surface and so that it does not touch the bottom. To begin with, it must be immersed in water in the off state.

The tube that draws in air must be led out. It is very convenient if a mount is provided for this tube. In a fixed state, it will not move and fall into the water.

If you understood how to install the filter in the aquarium, and did it correctly, then only now you can plug it into the outlet. If the filter began to circulate and saturate the water with oxygen, then you should have no doubts that you did something wrong.

How do I clean the filter myself?

In order to clean the aquarium filter, you must first unplug it. Outside, the device is washed from mucus and dirt, the sponges are thoroughly "washed" in running water. If you have a chemical filter, then its filler must be replaced without fail. In the case of purchasing a biological filter, it is worth remembering that it will be more convenient to have several of these devices at once. This makes it easier to clean each one in turn.

How to make an aquarium filter with your own hands and organize the filtration of your aquarium yourself? Whether external, internal or bottom. What tools and equipment will you need for this? You will find the answer to all these questions by reading this article.

There are many options for making different types of filters. We will consider the main ones.

Filter types:

  1. Interior
  2. Hinged
  3. External
  4. Donny

Internal filter

This is the simplest type of filter. Which purifies water pretty well (as for its type). Making an internal filter with your own hands is very simple. For this you will need: a plastic bottle (small)

  • a piece of sponge
  • filler (pebble, "passing" in size into the neck of the bottle)
  • compressor, hose and one suction cup

We make four large holes in the lid. In the neck, immediately under the lid, we make a hole, into which one end of the hose must "fit" tightly (the other end is connected to the compressor). At the bottom of the bottle, we make holes in a circle for the outlet of purified water. Do not forget to make another hole for the suction cup, just below the bottom of the plastic bottle.

We fill our filter (bottle) with pebbles (or other filler), tighten the lid. Then we put a piece of sponge on the neck (it is desirable that it be of the correct, neat shape) - this will be the bottom of our device. Insert the hose and the suction cup into the corresponding holes. We place the filter in the aquarium and turn on the compressor. Ready!

Schematic diagram of an internal filter

Hinged filter

Do-it-yourself hinged filter for the aquarium too won't be difficult. But you will have to "play around" more than internal.

We need:

  • any plastic, glass, plexiglass (any neutral material available at hand)
  • compressor
  • a piece of sponge (padding polyester), hose

We make a container, or find a ready-made one (something like a long plastic pot for plants. We make partitions from plastic (you can see it more clearly in the diagram). We fill the first compartment (where water is supplied) with a piece of padding polyester, the other sections - with different or the same filler In the last compartment, at the top, we make a hole and a groove for the outlet of purified water.We hang the structure itself from the back wall of the aquarium.

We supply water by means of a compressor, by analogy with an external filter.

Hinged filter circuit

External filter

Do-it-yourself external or remote aquarium filter make it harder... To make it, you can use a plastic tall round canister or a plastic keg with a lid. If there is none, you can use a piece of a large diameter garden pipe. True, in this case, the lid and bottom must be attached yourself.

You will need:

  • water pump
  • canister plastic
  • synthetic winterizer, filler
  • hoses, tubes

A plastic or metal fitting with a one-way inlet valve is screwed into the lower part of the canister. Two holes are made in the lid. One for the connection with the outlet valve, the second for the electric pump, which, in turn, is attached to the inside of the cover.

Now you need to make the filling cartridges. Plastic flower pots that are the same diameter as the inside of the canister will work. We make a lot of holes at the bottom of such pots for water circulation.

Place the first cartridge layer just above the inlet fitting. And we fill it with padding polyester. In the subsequent layers, place any other filler. You can use different ones: pebbles, coal filler, volcanic rock and others... It is necessary that the last cartridge does not touch the pump.

The power of the pump depends on the volume of the aquarium. The higher the volume, the more powerful the pump should be chosen.

External filter circuit

Bottom filter

The bottom filters are also worth mentioning. The filter element is the aquarium soil. Water passes through it, thereby making a rough cleaning. The best cleaning is obtained using sandy soil. This type of filters is little used, but nevertheless we will consider it.

Would need :

  • water pump
  • tubes + tubes with holes on the bottom, under the ground
  • compressor (in one of the options)

We lay the tubes with holes under the ground. On top, on them, you need to put a plastic mesh, with small holes, so that the soil does not clog the holes in the tube itself. We place the pump closer to the surface. Ready!

In the case of a straight-through bottom filter, we use a compressor. The design can be seen more clearly in the diagram.

Bottom filter. Scheme

In conclusion, let's say that all types of filters are quite easy to make yourself, and at the same time save a significant amount of money. And with a denser approach, you can improve and refine these filter options.

There are two types of filters: external and internal. How to choose the one that is right for you?

First of all, pay attention to the size of your tank. If it's big enough, there isn't much of a difference. But usually we only have limited areas that can accommodate either a small or medium aquarium. It is in this case that the use of an external filter will be appropriate.

Unlike the internal filter, the external filter is not installed directly in the aquarium, but outside it. This saves you a lot of space.

The external filter does not take up space in the aquarium and does not spoil its overall appearance

The work of such a device is as follows: water from the aquarium enters the device, passes through the filter elements, and then returns back to the fish.

An external filter has the following advantages:

  • it does not take up useful space inside the aquarium;
  • the contents of the aquarium look more aesthetically pleasing without such devices;
  • filter media purify water better.

Of course, among the huge assortment of such devices, you can choose the one that suits you in all respects. But the prices for them are too high. So why not take the opportunity to make your own external filter? This venture is easy to bring to life. It turns out that everything you need can be easily purchased in stores and on the market, and the assembly and installation work itself is simple enough that even a beginner can handle it.

How do I care for my aquarium filter?

In order for the filter to work properly, it must be regularly clean... Otherwise, it will start to work worse, and then completely pollute the water environment (the latter concerns the internal filters).

The smaller the filter area and the larger the water volume, the more often the filter needs to be cleaned.

To determine the regularity of cleaning the filter, you should not only carefully read the manufacturer's instructions, but also observe the filter in operation. If it starts to work weaker, then it's time to flush it. Small filters may need weekly cleaning, while larger models may need one cleaning every 2 months.

To avoid killing the beneficial bacteria colony, wash the filter with water at room temperature and do not do it too thoroughly. In addition, you should not wash the filter if you change the water in the aquarium, add new fish, introduce new food, otherwise you will upset the established balance in the aquarium.

Replacing the washcloth in the filter - another important point. Don't do this too often. Wait until it begins to lose its filtering ability and shape. In addition, the washcloth in the internal filter consists of several parts, and you only need to change one of them at a time, so that later beneficial bacteria from the "old" parts quickly spread to new ones.

Remember that the filter in the aquarium must work constantly and without interruption, so choose the right model responsibly and do not go after the cheapest option. Opt for quality equipment that has proven itself well and will serve you for a long time.

Homemade external filter for aquarium.

As a novice hobbyist, I found that the internal filter in my tank was not up to the task. And from the frequent maintenance of the filter, only the inhabitants of my aquarium suffered.

Having studied the information on filters, I came to the conclusion that the unambiguous correct solution is to use an external filter. Biofiltration is extremely effective, and no method of water purification can even partially replace it.

The composition of water purified by an external filter is approximately similar to that of slow-flowing natural reservoirs. With a weekly refreshment of a third of the volume of the main aquarium, it can be assumed that the ichthyofauna and hydroflora are contained practically in flowing natural water - hence all the successes achieved in systems with biofiltration.

Not pleasant news for me was that the cost of the external filter turned out to be commensurate with the cost of the aquarium itself.

Having familiarized myself with the design of the external filters, I decided to make an analogue of the external Eheim filter with my own hands.

For the production of a homemade external filter, the following was purchased:
- Pump (fountain pump), RESUN company, Chinese production 30 W, 2000 l / h
- PVC connector for a sewer pipe d = 200 mm. + 2 plugs for it,
- cranes, corners, sagons, etc.,
- PVC pipe d = 20 mm. for receiving and delivering water to a 4 m aquarium,
- a flask from a household filter,
- filter fillers.

The following construction was used for insertion into the plugs.

My choice for this pump was due to the fact that the filter has a lot of bends in the pipes, and the final results ended up dropping in half.

Drilled holes in the top and bottom covers for water inlet and outlet. When installing the fittings, I used rubber gaskets with an additional application of silicone-ion sealant.

I tried to insert the plug into the grip with rubber seals and I couldn't, it worked too tight. I understand that if I can insert the plug, I will not remove it from there. Moving away from this, I cut off the edges of the connector to remove the filter, if at all, the rubber could be removed and thereby relieve the pressure in the filter. At the bottom of the coupling there is a seat for the inlet fitting.

The clutch trim will later fit inside the clutch and hold the grille.

The bottom cover has a grid above the nozzle level.To do this, we had to pull out a box of vegetables.

Then, with a clear conscience, we can fit the bottom cover into the connector. Since no sealing rubber will be used here, it is necessary to cover the entire area of ​​the plug with silicone. After installing the plug, additionally seal the connections inside and outside with a sealant.

A hole was drilled in the cover for the mains cable and air outlet. There was no need to attach the pump to a plug, and even without one, it is securely attached to the length of the hose and power cord.

A connector similar to that used in streetlights was used to seal the power cord. Flip the switch where the wire breaks.

A household glow filter is installed under the handle of the inlet pipe, which will serve as a coarse filter for coarse cleaning. Without this, it would be possible, but then I would have to install a sponge on the inlet pipe directly in the aquarium or wash the canister every month (in my plans, the canister will be flushed at least every 6 months).

For pre-production. a PVC sewer pipe filter d = 32 mm is required. In which many holes have been drilled. It would be possible to use additional in the previous. filtered activated carbon or zeolite, but first decided on the foam with a sponge.

When all parts of the filter assembly go through to fill with fillers.

1st layer. At the bottom, first of all, we place the material for dense filtration. Large-cell foam is most suitable for these purposes. Unfortunately, I could not find rubber foam for the correct size aquariums. Instead, he used something like a line ball.

3 layers. We apply a layer of foam using a small cell. In my case, I used a synthetic winterizer.

Every aquarium should have a filtration system that will purify the water to keep fish and plants healthy. As you know, the waste left by the inhabitants of the reservoir, as well as food debris, suspended soil particles are very harmful to fish. Unwashed food is oxidized to toxic ammonia. In order for the water to pass through all the stages of cleaning at the right time, it is better to make an external filter for the aquarium with your own hands. This prevents the appearance of harmful substances that can poison living things.

Then place the tube in the neck of the bowl so that it seals into it. After the procedure, do not notice any gaps or holes between the tube and the neck. The length of the tube itself is selected taking into account the projection onto the structure by 2-3 cm, while it should not touch the bottom of the bottle. If a step is performed incorrectly, water will not be able to enter the mechanism.

Take the gravel and place it on top of the bowl 6 cm thick and cover with a piece of polyester lining. Install the hose into the aerator pipe and repair it. When the mechanism is ready, place it in the aquarium. Then turn on the compressor to start the filter. Preferred microorganisms will appear in existing equipment that will process ammonia into nitrates, which create a beneficial microbial environment in the water.

How does a manual external filter work?

The self-propelled external filter is built on the basis of an air duct: air bubbles exiting the compressor rise up the pipe from which they reach the top, and reduce the flow of water from the filter. Clean and oxygenated water enters the top section of the glass and passes through the gravel. Then the water enters the bowl through the hole, goes down to the pipe and enters the tank. Synthon works like a mechanical filter here. This material prevents silting of the gravel base.

It cleans water chemically and mechanically. Such structures should be installed in a large aquarium with a volume of 200-400 liters. In the case of larger aquariums with a capacity of 500-1000 liters, several such devices are required. Branded outdoor water purification systems are expensive, so it's best to do it yourself. Materials are affordable and accessible to everyone.

Another way to create an external filter

For the next external filter, you need to prepare the following data:

  • A plastic container with a tight lid (you can take a box for storing cereals);
  • Sponge or thick porous material;
  • Sealed water pump and connector for attachment to the lid with a container;
  • Biological filtration material (medical cotton, ceramic granules);
  • Several suction cups, resin adhesive structure.

See how to make an external filter yourself.

Instructions for creating a filter:

  1. You need to take a thin file and make cuts around the bottom compartment of the plastic container. The pieces will go through the water.
  2. Place a sponge - cotton wool or other biofiltration element in this plastic container.
  3. Make holes on the reservoir lid to match the diameter of the pump nozzle.
  4. Insert the attachment into the hole and secure it with an aquarium with resin or silicone.
  5. Place the pump on a nozzle that can build up pressure inside the container.
  6. On the wider side of the container, attach some homemade suction cups.
  7. The internal filtration system can be considered complete. The suction cups can hold the device against the wall of the aquarium.

Such a home filter can be installed not on the wall, but placed on the bottom of the container. The soil also acts as a biological filter. The plastic nozzle can be attached to the plastic outlet as a long tube that extends outward. Then, after purification, the water will be saturated with oxygen.

Instead of a small plastic container, you can use a non-toxic stainless steel plastic container or canister. This design is suitable for large aquariums and can accommodate large cassettes and filter cartridges. You should keep your home filters at the same frequency as your brand name filters.

If the filter leaks, check all of its components:

  • Whether the clamping mechanisms are tightly closed. You can inadvertently secure parts with glue or resin. You can fix the problem by reattaching the clamps.
  • A sponge or suction cup can get dirty in the flow filter. Slime and dirt can be cleaned with water. Check the cleanliness of the project every month.
  • Damage to the plastic container, which will have to be changed by tinkering with the filter itself.

I'll start with a short introduction. Although I have a 140 liter long aquarium, I consider myself only an amateur. Because he kept the fish purely for the soul (something must be done). In the winter I managed to take care of my animals, but in the summer it was not so, so I will start by saying that I need to catch skeletons. Sitting on the next winter evening, I looked at my aquarium and decided that it was necessary, something like this would continue, no more. I wanted to achieve clean, lush vegetation all along, but it only worked partially. Even after replacing the internal filter Atman F-102 i acquired a more powerful Atman F-104 .

The results of those I wanted didn't work. So I decided or thought that I visited, I don't remember, but went to the Internet and started looking for a way to achieve a normal state and found that in addition to internal filters, there are external filters. In short, after reading them, I came to the conclusion that I need it, but here the prices are a little bit bitter (prices on the Internet are Kiev 800-1400 grams, the cheapest Chinese Atman CF-800 is 600 grams).

Since I live in Ukraine, a hundred kilometers from Kherson in a small town, we do not have such filters for sale. And in order to go to Kherson, I was not sure that I would find it at the price that is in Kiev and what I need. I didn't want to order over the Internet, because I prefer to watch the product and then pay, than vice versa. I was already starting to think about how to come up with something like this and why when I came across a homemade external filter on the site.

After a lot of thinking, I came to the conclusion that I need to do my homework. Why I decided, firstly, the availability of spare parts included a crane, went, bought and even an engine from an internal filter, we have them in stock, we bought a filter, the engine tuned it and no problems. And so, to go to Kherson, there is something or not, and the fish will not wait all the time. But since we simply do not supply 200 pipes, we do not use them, we only needed 160 and 100. When I returned home, I was even a little nervous, but I measured the pump from the Atman f-104 filter (by specifications, Description: Power - 38 W Productivity - 2000 l / h. Increase in water - 2 m.) I was convinced that everything should be very firmly in the ass. Since there were no connectors 350 mm long, I took a meter long pipe 160 mm and a plug. I decided to combine everything with plastic compounds. He prepared a list of necessary things and, having bought all the necessary things, got down to work.

Once again, after reviewing the internal filters, I took the filter as a basis. Eheim Classic 2213

Technical details: For aquarium: up to 250 l.
Productivity: 440 l / h.
Water capacity: 1.5 m.
Filter capacity: 3 l.
Dimensions: 160 x 160 x 355 mm.
Power consumption: 8 W.
The height of the Atman f-104 pump was 10 cm, then I added and it turned out to be 160x160x450mm. I started thinking about how to make the bottom, first cut out a thick plastic circle on the silicone and knock on the ends myself, but then it dawned on me, but what if you heat up the pipe and put on a hat. I made a cut from the main one and went to experiment. On the gas stove (the largest burner) I started to turn the flame over (I had to wear gloves, my fingers were hot), over time the tube softened, it became flexible rubber and I was able to insert the stopper. Realizing that everything would work very well, I did the same with the main object (if someone wants to do this, do not put it in the flame so as not to damage the plastic, you should rewind the tube evenly and try it for flexibility.

I made the bottom, I decided on the top, everything worked, even better than I could imagine, the pump spout went right to the 20th corner, all that remained was to lubricate the plastic with a silicone aquarium and everything was fine. The engine had a shelf in the back, I decided to make a retaining bar so that the engine not only hangs on the nose, but also rests on the stem (everything also lacked silicone), because this entire part of the plug had to be completely inserted into the pipe so that it would pull out in the future him, cut a segment 24 mm wide from the experimental tube on the branch pipe, which would serve as a stop.

When installing the Mayevsky crane, I decided to drill a hole so that Mayevsky, when screwing on, cut off the thread with a coating and everything worked (also planted on silicone) I bought a wire tape on the market (there are different diameters used for street lamps or electric motors)

Since I was not satisfied with the loading of filter elements, both in the German filter and in the filter that I created on this page, I decided to make the cargo baskets as in the filters Eheim Professionel 2224 etc.

Not finding the packaging I needed, I decided to make a basket out of the remaining pipe. I made three pieces with a diameter of 8 cm, this can be done with two ceramic rings and biological balls, and the rest is filled with a sponge, if you find a diameter of 160x160 (after cutting 8 cm, cut this piece, then place it in the tube and indicate how much should be cut so that the gap is small so that the basket moves without effort, first I glued the glue to the plastic, and for strength I made holes, twisted it with copper wire, drowned it in the grooves made from a wood burner.You can drill holes in the aquarium with silicone, but I decided to fix them securely (I didn't want the bottom to fall out during extraction, and the entire drain was spilled)

I cut a 3mm thick strip and glued it. She put it on silicone and twisted it on four sides, also made grooves and drowned. Then the bottom of the silicone was planted. The handle is also made of a tube. You can use pin screws, but I took a rod from a plastic pin (using foam attached to the wall) cut into 2cm drums and burned in a hat with a screw heated on a stove.

Yes, Tati, when the pipe is cold, I gently knocked on the cork from the pipe, I inserted two plates into the cork to secure the baskets against it. I drowned them equally with the edge. After installation, the plug is covered with silicone and seated until it stops.

However, I decided to buy a large flask from a household filter (a small container is equipped with a salt filler, and individually, as I know, put it in cold water
in front of the washing machine), I decided to do it based on a motorcycle faucet from household motorcycles. Water will enter the filter in one turn through the tube to the bottom of the flask, and then up through the sponge. I cut the tube to the size of a flask at one end of the drilled holes and the other end with silicone. Foam rubber has already been purchased, ready in a round plump flask in a pet store.

By the way, if you use a home filter, try to take the Mayevsky faucet from above, and not from the side, as I did for better air outlet, I had to drill a small hole and tighten the screw with an elastic band, I showed the arrow in the figure. I screwed the flask to a special clamp, the figure shows a device to which four screws with a sheep were attached, which squeezed the top cap from the hole. Thanks to this, I can independently open the lid without touching the flask from the home filter.

second basket with a porous sponge for bacteria, a third porous sponge and a synthetic winter wash.

After starting the filter, there was no room for leaks (I screwed all the threaded connections with a cable and lubricated them with aquarium silicone). The filter is quiet, although when the Atman f-104 filter was running in the aquarium there was a little rattling which was very bad at night and I had to turn it off to sleep and now we ate that its pump washousehold outdoor filter He works. When it comes to cleaning, it's too early to say, because the filter only works for a week, but the results are already noticeable, the water has become clearer, the fish even happier. The head has not changed, the pump pumps well, although the sponge in the household filter is already half blocked. I had a cost of about 500 grams, given that I had a filter pump and powdered clay. And then you decide to make or buy ready-made, if you have them in stores. Well, that's probably all.

How to make an aquarium filter with your own hands and organize the filtration of your own aquarium? Regardless of whether it is outside, inside or below. What tools and equipment do you need? The answers to all these questions can be found in this article.

There are many options to do Various types filters. We'll cover the main ones.

Filter types:

  1. interior
  2. hinge
  3. external
  4. bottom

Internal filter

This is the simplest type of filter. That, it purifies water quite well (by its type). It is very easy to create an internal filter with your own hands. To do this, you will need: a plastic bottle (small)

  • a piece of sponge
  • filler (pebble, "passing" in size in the neck of the bottle)
  • compressor, hose and one suction cup

We make four large holes in the lid. In the neck, under the cap, we make a hole in which one end of the hose should be “tight” (the other end is connected to the compressor). At the bottom of the bottle, in the wheel, we make holes for the outlet of purified water. Remember to make another hole for the suction cup just below the bottom of the plastic bottle.

Fill our filter (bottle) with pebbles (or other filler), tighten the nut. Then we apply a piece of sponge to the neck (it is desirable that it be of the correct, slender shape) - this will be the lower part of our device. Insert the hose and suction cup into the corresponding holes. Place the filter in the aquarium and turn on the compressor. Ready!

Schematic diagram of an internal filter

Hinged filter

Hinged aquarium filter also not difficult. But the "game" has more than internally.

For us, this will require:

  • any plastic, glass, plexiglass (every neutral material is at hand)
  • compressor
  • sponge (synthetic winterizer), hose

We make a container or find it ready (something like a long plastic pot for plants, we make plastic walls (this can be clearly seen in the diagram). Fill the first compartment (where the water is supplied) with a piece of polyester lining, the rest of the sections with another or the same Filler In the last compartment, at the top, we make a hole and a groove for the outlet of purified water and hang the structure itself on the back of the aquarium.

Water is supplied by a compressor, similar to an external filter.

Installed filter circuit

External filter

DIY external or external aquarium filter which will complicate ... To make it, you can use a plastic round tall container or a plastic barrel with a lid. If it is not there, you can use a large diameter garden pipe. The truth is that in this case, the cover and the bottom must be attached independently of each other.

You will need:

  • pump
  • plastic canister
  • synthetic cuminizer, filler
  • hoses, pipes

A plastic or metal sleeve with a one-way inlet valve is screwed into the bottom of the container. There are two holes in the lid. One for mounting with an exhalation valve, the other for an electric pump, which in turn is attached to the inside of the cover.

Now you need to make the refill cartridges. Plastic pots that have the same diameter as the inside of the container are suitable. At the bottom of these pots, we make many holes for the circulation of water.

The first layer of the insert is located just above the input connector. And fill it with polyester lining. In subsequent layers, apply any other filler. You can use different ones:pebbles, coal fillers, volcanic rocks and others ... It is imperative that the last insert does not touch the pump.

The pump power depends on the volume of the aquarium. The higher the volume, the stronger the pump must be.

External filter circuit

Lower filter

The bottom filters are worth mentioning. Filter element, which is the soil of the aquarium. Water flows through it, which causes a rough cleaning. The best cleaning is achieved when using sandy soil. This type of filter is practically not used, but we will consider it anyway.

This will require:

  • pump
  • pipes + pipes with holes at the bottom, underground
  • compressor (in one of the options)

We are laying pipes with holes underground. A plastic mesh with small holes should be inserted at the top so that soil does not clog the holes in the pipe itself. The pump is closer to the surface. Ready!

In the case of a direct bottom flow filter, we use a compressor. More clearly, the design can be seen in the diagram.

The water in the aquarium must be constantly filtered. This is known to all owners of domestic ornamental fish. Pet stores have a fairly large selection of aquarium filters of various designs. However, such a device can be made independently from scrap material.

Some aquarists believe that it is not worth skimping on the fish and food for them, but replacements for expensive aquarium equipment can be found. Some accessories and accessories, including a water purifier, can be made with your own hands. Of course, for this you need to know the basic principles of filtering aqua, as well as have some skills of a home craftsman.

How to make an internal filter yourself?

What is necessary?

Materials for the simplest internal aquarium filter are readily available at regular hardware stores. The only exception is the compact electric pump. However, it can also be bought in a construction hypermarket or in an electrical store.

So, for work you will need:

  • a plastic container with a tight lid (a container for storing bulk products is suitable);
  • thick porous material or sponge;
  • sealed water pump with a fitting for attachment to the container lid;
  • ceramic granules or rings for biological filtration (for fine cleaning, plain cotton wool can be used as a filtering element);
  • 2-3 suction cups, adhesive resin.

Operating procedure

  • Then a coarse sponge is tightly placed in the container, and a fine cleaning material (cotton wool or biofilter elements) is placed on top.
  • A hole is cut in the container lid along the diameter of the pump connection.
  • The nipple is inserted into the hole and sealed around the circumference with resin or silicone.
  • The pump itself is screwed onto it, which creates compression inside the container.
  • At the top of the wide side of the container, 2 or 3 household suction cups are attached.

In principle, the internal filter is ready. The suction cups will securely hold the homemade device on the wall of the container.

This filter can also be placed directly on the ground. The latter will act as an additional level of filtering.

If a plastic nozzle with a long tube extending outward is attached to the pump outlet, then simultaneously with water purification, its aeration will occur.

DIY external aquarium filter

What can be made of?

Making such a device at home will take more time.

  • A round, tall plastic canister can be used as a body.
  • If not, then a piece of plastic garden pipe with a large diameter will do. True, the top and bottom covers will have to be cut and fastened independently.


First step

  • A hole is cut at the bottom of the canister, where a metal or plastic fitting with a one-way inlet valve is screwed tightly.
  • 2 holes are made in the cover: for attaching the water outlet valve and the electric pump.
  • The pump itself is attached through a fitting to the inside of the cover.

Second phase

Now you need to make cassettes, or cartridges, with filter elements. They can be made from plastic flower pots by cutting off the top wide part evenly.

The diameter of such self-made cassettes should be slightly less than the inner diameter of the canister.

In the bottom part of each cassette holes are burned for water passage.

The first cartridge, where the sponge is placed, is inserted into the canister so that its bottom is slightly higher than the adapter with the inlet valve.

Next, a second cartridge is installed, where the filtering material can be fiber, synthetic winterizer or cotton wool. The cassette with the filtering biomaterial is installed from above so that it is below the pump attached to the canister lid.

If the external filter housing is made by yourself, the bottom and cover are sealed with silicone or resin.

Stage Three

Tubing or hoses are attached to the inlet and outlet adapters with valves. Their length is adjustable depending on the depth of the aquarium and the distance to the filter.

The external aquarium water purifier is ready.

As in the first case, a working pump creates pressure, under the influence of which water is first sucked into the canister, goes through all the filtration stages and then flows back into the aquarium. Before starting operation, it is necessary to check the canister for leaks within 24 hours by filling it with water.

The main element of the purifiers is the pump. When choosing it, you should take into account the volume of the aquarium. For example: a pump with a capacity of 300 liters per hour is suitable for a 70 liter aquarium, and 1000 liters per hour for a 200 liter aquarium.

Instead of a conclusion

At home, you can also make a bottom filter or, as it is also called, a false one. However, this is already a more difficult task that real craftsmen can do.

Quite a large number of aquarium owners prefer not to spend money on expensive equipment. Aquafilters, carefully made by hand, work no worse than expensive branded devices. And the technology and frequency of their maintenance is the same as in the sold models. In addition, a self-made device has a slightly different moral value. Is not it?

Video on how to properly make an external aquarium filter:

One of the important elements in aquarium equipment is the filter. Many people think first of all about which one to choose: external or internal. If you are going to design a large volume, then the type does not matter. In other cases, it is better to use an external filter to save space. In specialized stores there is always ready-made equipment, but its cost is sometimes quite high. In this article, we propose to make an aquarium filter with your own hands.

How to make a filter yourself?

All components that we will use to assemble an external filter with our own hands can be purchased on the construction market or in construction hypermarkets.

  1. First of all, we need garden quick-release fittings with a pressure seal. And also a filter with different nozzles, plugs with couplings and sockets.)
  2. We make holes in the plug for fittings, a pressure seal and a nipple.
  3. We assemble the first part of the external aquarium filter with our own hands: we install the fittings and a pressure seal with nipples, and then we fix it all with silicone.
  4. A special pump is included with the filter; we also attach it through an adapter. The "head" of the structure is ready.
  5. The next step in assembling a do-it-yourself aquarium filter will be the inside. It consists of an upper filter, intermediate separators and the filter housing itself. It is convenient to use ordinary kitchen sink screens as separators.
  6. Place the bell on the mesh and draw a marker around its contours. Cut out.
  7. As an upper separator, we will use a nylon saucer from a flower pot. We drill holes in it: one for the inlet pipe and many small ones around it.
  8. We install the workpiece in the socket, connect it to the sleeve and fix it with silicone.
  9. We assemble the finished parts of the aquarium filter with our own hands. We attach the "head" to the branch pipe and the upper separator.
  10. We begin to fill the pipe. The author of the lesson suggests using the following scheme: synthetic winterizer, separator, then bioballs, separator again and at the end foam rubber.
  11. The filter kit has a special corner.
  12. We prepare the second plug as follows: at the edges we attach rubber stoppers from medicine bubbles with glue (you can use similar materials). Next, we collect the filter.
  13. Now follows the assembly of connectors with external and internal threads, and the installation of pipes. (photo 23)
  14. We assemble fittings for an external filter with our own hands. As a rule, all the necessary parts are included with the filter.
  15. We take any environmentally friendly tube and make holes in it to increase the suction area. You will also need a fence net, a mosquito net (this will be a pre-filter, it must be twisted into a tube and inserted into the intake pipe). The intake tube is pushed onto the intake using a silicone gasket. A small piece of garden hose will do. Also, the kit should include an outlet flare, a faucet and corners. Even if you cannot find all this in the kit, there are definitely such parts on the construction market.
  16. The arcuate joint for butt fittings is called "overflow". It can be made from any plastic tube or use the Atman canister extension. The manufacturing process is simple: we stuff wet sand into the tube and begin to slowly bend it over the turned on gas stove. As a result, you will get the desired shape and the tube will not crack.
  17. DIY aquarium filter is ready! It blows to work no worse than a purchased one, and it will save a lot of space and money.

DIY external filter for aquarium

What is an external aquarium filter

There are two types of filters: external and internal. How to choose the one that is right for you?

First of all, pay attention to the size of your tank. If it's big enough, there isn't much of a difference. But usually we only have limited areas that can accommodate either a small or medium aquarium. It is in this case that the use of an external filter will be appropriate.

Unlike the internal filter, the external filter is not installed directly in the aquarium, but outside it. This saves you a lot of space.

The external filter does not take up space in the aquarium and does not spoil its overall appearance

The work of such a device is as follows: water from the aquarium enters the device, passes through the filter elements, and then returns back to the fish.

An external filter has the following advantages:

  • it does not take up useful space inside the aquarium;
  • the contents of the aquarium look more aesthetically pleasing without such devices;
  • filter media purify water better.

Of course, among the huge assortment of such devices, you can choose the one that suits you in all respects. But the prices for them are too high. So why not take the opportunity to make your own external filter? This venture is easy to bring to life. It turns out that everything you need can be easily purchased in stores and on the market, and the assembly and installation work itself is simple enough that even a beginner can handle it.

How do I care for my aquarium filter?

In order for the filter to work properly, it must be regularly clean... Otherwise, it will start to work worse, and then completely pollute the water environment (the latter concerns the internal filters).

The smaller the filter area and the larger the water volume, the more often the filter needs to be cleaned.

To determine the regularity of cleaning the filter, you should not only carefully read the manufacturer's instructions, but also observe the filter in operation. If it starts to work weaker, then it's time to flush it. Small filters may need weekly cleaning, while larger models may need one cleaning every 2 months.

To avoid killing the beneficial bacteria colony, wash the filter with water at room temperature and do not do it too thoroughly. In addition, you should not wash the filter if you change the water in the aquarium, add new fish, introduce new food, otherwise you will upset the established balance in the aquarium.

Replacing the washcloth in the filter - another important point. Don't do this too often. Wait until it begins to lose its filtering ability and shape. In addition, the washcloth in the internal filter consists of several parts, and you only need to change one of them at a time, so that later beneficial bacteria from the "old" parts quickly spread to new ones.

Remember that the filter in the aquarium must work constantly and without interruption, so choose the right model responsibly and do not go after the cheapest option. Opt for quality equipment that has proven itself well and will serve you for a long time.

Homemade external filter for aquarium.

As a novice hobbyist, I found that the internal filter in my tank was not up to the task. And from the frequent maintenance of the filter, only the inhabitants of my aquarium suffered.

Having studied the information on filters, I came to the conclusion that the unambiguous correct solution is to use an external filter. Biofiltration is extremely effective, and no method of water purification can even partially replace it.

The composition of water purified by an external filter is approximately similar to that of slow-flowing natural reservoirs. With a weekly refreshment of a third of the volume of the main aquarium, it can be assumed that ichthyofauna and hydroflora are contained practically in flowing natural water - hence all the successes achieved in systems with biofiltration.

Not pleasant news for me was that the cost of the external filter turned out to be commensurate with the cost of the aquarium itself.

Having familiarized myself with the design of the external filters, I decided to make an analogue of the external Eheim filter with my own hands.

For the manufacture of a homemade external filter, the following were purchased:
- Pump (fountain pump), Chinese-made RESUN company 30 W, 2000 l / h.
- PVC coupling for a sewer pipe d = 200 mm. + 2 plugs for it,
- cranes, corners, squeegees, etc.,
- PVC pipe d = 20 mm. for receiving and supplying water to a 4 m aquarium,
- a flask from a household filter,
- filter fillers.

For tapping into the plugs, the following design was used.

My choice on this pump stopped due to the fact that the filter has a lot of kinks in the pipes and the final performance ultimately dropped by half.

Drilled holes in the top and bottom plugs for water supply and pumping. When installing the fittings, I used rubber gaskets with the additional use of silicone sealant.

I tried to insert the plugs into the coupling with sealing rubber bands and I did not succeed, it turned out too tightly. Realizing that if I manage to insert the plug, then I will not pull it out from there. Based on this, I cut off the edges of the sleeve so that, if anything, you could remove the rubber band to disassemble the filter and thereby depressurize the filter. In the lower part of the coupling, I made a seat for the inlet fitting.

The clipping edge trim will later be installed inside the clutch and will hold the mesh.

A mesh is installed in the lower plug above the level of the fitting. To do this, I had to tattered the vegetable drawer.

After that, with a clear conscience, we can install the bottom plug into the coupling. Since the sealing gum will not be used here, be sure to coat the entire area of ​​the plug with silicone. And after installing the plug, we additionally coat the joints inside and outside with a sealant.

In the lid, I additionally drilled a hole for the power cord and air vent. It was not necessary to fix the pump to the plug, it is already securely fixed by means of a piece of hose and a network wire.

To seal the mains wire, I used a fitting similar to that used in street lamps. I installed a switch in place of the wire break.

Under the inlet, I installed a bracket for attaching the flask of a household filter, which will serve as a preliminary filter for coarse cleaning. You could do without it, but then you would have to install a sponge on the inlet pipe directly in the aquarium, or flush the canister every month (in my plans, the canister will be flushed at least once every 6 months).

For the manufacture of pre. the filter needed a PVC sewer pipe d = 32 mm. In which many holes have been drilled. It could be used, additionally, in the previous. filter activated carbon or zeolite, but first decided to do with a foam sponge.

When all the parts of the filter are assembled, we proceed to filling with fillers.

1 layer. At the bottom, first of all, we settle the material for coarse filtration. For these purposes, foam rubber with a large cell is most suitable. But unfortunately I could not find a suitable size foam rubber sheet for aquariums. And instead I used what looked like a lump of fishing line.

2nd layer. We fill with ceramic rings. The purpose of their application in the filter is to branch the water flows and evenly distribute its current over the entire transverse area of ​​the filter material.

3rd layer. We lay a layer of foam rubber with a small cell. In my case, a synthetic winterizer was used.

4th layer. We fill the substrate for the colonies of nitrifying bacteria with "bio balls". In this section, all the mysteries of the nitrogen cycle take place. Here, heterotrophs, nitrifiers, and denitrifiers coexist peacefully, regularly performing their duties; the working volume of the chamber should be 4/5 of the capacity of the biofilter body. Expanded clay (preferably crushed) can be used as a substrate for bacteria since it has a porous structure.

5 layer. It is not required, but I decided to add the FLUVAL substrate. Outwardly, it looks like ceramic rings, only the material has a porous structure. If you take a ring in your hand, plug a hole on one side with your finger, and blow into it on the other, then all the air will come out through the micropores

6 layer. The final layer, directly in front of the outlet inlet (that is, in front of the filter pump, should place a synthetic winterizer to protect the rotor from dirt particles getting into it.

The homemade external filter for the aquarium is ready, the assembly was successful. Testing showed a very good pump performance, although the pump performance characteristics were 2 times less. The top cover is not completely installed, due to the strong tight fixation of the sealing gum. If you close the lid all the way, then it is completely possible that you will not open the filter any more.

Filter maintenance is reduced to cleaning the pre-filter as it gets dirty. Opening and flushing the canister after half a year. I would like to note that it is necessary to wash only ceramics and foam rubber in the filter and always with aquarium water. The substrate is washed only as needed.

The first time after start-up, a home-made external filter actually works only as a mechanical one. The beneficial bacteria have not yet colonized the substrate. Dirt fills the filter, which reduces its performance. The water pressure gradually decreases. But there is also a reverse process. Dirt is food for bacteria. They break down the organic matter accumulating here and convert it into nitrate, i.e. biological self-cleaning of the filter begins.

Complete colonization of the substrate by colonies of beneficial bacteria occurs in 2-4 weeks. And then it all depends on which process will take up - pollution or self-cleaning. If the former, the filter will continue to get dirty. Not as intense as the first two weeks, but inevitable. When the performance of the filter drops below 30% of the maximum, it must be cleaned and restarted, otherwise the so-called. "Overturning" - violation of biological processes, as a result of which toxic substances are produced and thrown into the aquarium.

If self-cleaning takes over, then the filter, on the contrary, is gradually freed from dirt and the productivity, which has dropped to 50-70% of the maximum, is restored. In theory, the filter should then run forever. In practice, performance is not fully restored, and from time to time stagnant zones still form inside the canister. Therefore, I recommend cleaning it from time to time, even if the water pressure is strong.

In addition, I would like to point out that all metal parts must be free of lubrication. Because a drop of oil can spoil a ton of water and thus destroy all your inhabitants. Therefore, it is advisable to use plastic parts (fittings, corners, taps), which in turn are much cheaper than metal ones.

P.S. Later, I replaced the hoses with corrugated ones (which are used to drain the washing machine), since the PVC hoses were easily crumpled and thereby blocked the access of water.

The cover will need to be pulled off with pins, otherwise it can be torn out when the light is turned off.

I replaced metal taps and fittings with plastic ones that are used for irrigation.





How to make an aquarium filter yourself :: how to make a filter for an aquarium yourself :: Equipment and accessories

An aquarium cannot function without a properly arranged and connected aquarium. It will ensure the cleanliness of the water in the aquarium and, accordingly, the well-being of its inhabitants. You can make an external aquarium filter with your own hands.

You will need

  • glass tank, glass tiles, sealant, acetone, hose, broken brick, pebbles, sand, pump


1. First, make a four-compartment reservoir. Divide the rectangular glass tank into four equal compartments using glass tiles. Note that the first and third baffles should start at the base of the glass tank and end a few centimeters before the surface. In this case, raise the central glass tile 3 cm from the bottom so that water from the second compartment can flow into the third. Use sealant to secure the baffles to the tank walls. Be sure to degrease the areas where the sealant comes into contact with the glass with acetone.

2. Wait until the sealant is completely dry (this takes several hours) and place a rectangular container next to the aquarium. In this case, it should be located slightly higher than the aquarium.

3. Make slotted plates that fit the bottom of each compartment. Please note that such plates need to be prepared only for the first, second and third compartments. The plates will ensure the flow of water without obstruction, while the compartments will not clog.

4. Install a hose that will pump water out of the aquarium. Such a flexible hose from one end will be able to suck in water from the aquarium using a pump. The other end of the hose will be in the first compartment. Thus, water will be able to pass through all compartments. A hose will come out of the fourth compartment through which clean water will flow into the aquarium.

5. Next, fill the compartments with the appropriate supplies. Fill the first compartment with broken brick, which can very effectively trap large particles of debris. Pour pre-washed pebbles into the second compartment. Such a filter will trap already smaller debris. The third compartment should contain sand or foam rubber.

6. To start the filter, fill all compartments with water, connect the hose that removes water from the aquarium to the pump. And the hose through which water enters the aquarium will work by siphoning.

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