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Small tile in the bath. Bathroom ideas

Laying mosaic tile Not so hard, as it seems, if not to watch it, not knowing technology. A large number of Small squares make you think about long and tedious laying.

In fact, small squares are sold glued to the base from paper, so the question "How to put a mosaic tile with your own hands?" It is no longer worth it, because put the tile mosaic can simply sticking large squares with a mosaic.

Technology laying

Before making the laying, you should prepare the surface: Clear and align it. After that apply special glue solution toothed spatula. Selecting the tile glue in the store, better consult with specialists, as depending on the type of tile, its surface and the conditions for further operation, the glue will be different. It is not recommended to use mastic as glue, since relatively ceramic tile Most. optimal option Latex glue is considered.

You should not apply glue at once to the entire surface - only the site for which you have time to paste tiles in the next 15 minutes, otherwise the adhesive will just dry. The glue should also be applied to reverse side Tiles, especially in the case of a transparent tile, through which the spreads from the spatula will be visible. In addition, you will enhance the tile grip and surface.

Tile must be attached to the wall paper outside. Note that the glue should not dry up, otherwise the tiles will not stick all, and parts. Place neatly sheets on the surface and align them. With help wooden bar Touch the tile, driven it into the wall, but not too much to damage it and do not move separate squares of the mosaic. Data manipulations will allow reliably clutch tiles with a wall surface without air bubbles. By laying separate sheets, observe the same distances between them.

When the glue dry after 20 minutes, it is necessary to moist the surface of the paper in a wet sponge so that it is completely soaked, and the elements of the mosaic have shifted. I soaked paper pull the top corner down the diagonal is very neat. If she is badly lagging behind, moisten it again with water. Removing all paper, check and eliminate the seams.

Remember that the paper is removed 15-20 minutes after laying the tile, and not when you fully told the wall, otherwise the glue will dry completely and correct the errors will not be.

See how to lay the mosaic tile on the video below.


The masonry rubs in about two days when completely dry solution. The tile is cleaned with a brush and warm water and if the adhesive of the adhesive remains at the joints, it is necessary to remove the sharp blade or knife.

The mixture for grout is prepared according to the instruction and applied on the seams with a rubber ironing angle of 45 degrees. After 20 minutes, how the grout dries, clean the tile from the surplus of the composition first with a dry cloth, then moistened. Then the entire surface is washed with water.

When the mosaic surface is completely dry, polish it with a soft cloth to the mirror gloss. Clean the tile from the grout should be immediately, otherwise the mosaic is covered with a white bloom, which is very difficult to remove.

Additional Information:

Mosaic - This is a drawing made up of small pieces of ceramics, glass or stone. Often these pieces make rectangular, but it is not required condition. From the tile, this coating is distinguished by size.

Equipment decoration of premises in this way was used by people a few thousand years ago. More Ancient Greeks and Romans used it to create patterns on the walls of their temples.

But time does not stand still. Mosaic of today's days is an affordable way of finishing the premises with high humidity - kitchens, bathrooms, toilets. But what has changed over the past 2000 years? And what is her advantages over other finishing materials?

Types of mosaic coating

The mosaic species include:

. Small tile Mosaics for the bathroom from ceramics well tolerates a wet environment, simple in laying, and pick up needed color Among the labor offered on the market. Tile is made industrial method from lightweight, porous ceramics;

For the manufacture of mosaic from stone, granite, volcanic tuff, marble, sometimes jashere and some other semi-precious stones are used. it solid materialstherefore such a cladding is extremely wear-resistant, durable and durable;

Bathroom facing by stone mosaic.

To create mosaic plates, glass is treated in a special way, so it becomes very durable. In addition, dyes and special ingredients add to it to create a matte surface. Small glass tiles - one of the most beautiful species Mosaics in the bathroom;

Mosaic from multicolored glass.

Smalta is a type of glass, with an interesting feature of the glow. It looks different, depending on the lighting, changes shades and therefore is often used to create abstract and colorful patterns;

Panel from smalt glass.

. This type of mosaic in the bathroom is used infrequently, as an addition to the main drawing of tiles. The tile itself is thin plates made of brass or steel placed on the rubber (rubber) basis.

Mosaic of glass and metal.

Benefits of material

. Dimensions. From the Italian word "mosaic" translates as "collected from pieces", and it is the small size of the tiles - the main advantage of this type of cladding. It makes it possible to lay a mosaic even in difficult places of the bathroom, for example, on rounded surfaces. This property is especially important for finishing toilet - small premiseswhere many complex geometric shapes

Facing the screen of a circular bath with a beautiful mosaic under the stone.

. The form. Different forms of tiles are made on the factories, with not only mosaic, but also any other. But in the design of the interior mosaic, it is very significant, since due to improper polygons or ovals skillful hands Create whole pictures. FROM tile This will not be able to do;

. Ecology. Components included in the mosaic tiles, with rare exception, are natural. Therefore, the tile offered in the market does not harm human health;

. Durability and ease of operation. The main property of the mosaic is moisture resistance. Ceramic mosaic for the bathroom does not absorb moisture at all. She has zero water absorption coefficient. Therefore, mosaic coatings Not collapsed for many years, without requiring special care. They are easy to wash, they do not live fungi and harmful microorganisms, they are resistant to mechanical damage and sharp temperature drops.

Mosaic is well combined with conventional tiles.

She allocates accents well, replaces the decor and makes the interior not boring.

How to lay a mosaic?

Walls are leveled by cement plaster.

Laying mosaic in a bathroom or toilet for an unprepared person is a complex and painstaking. Although the task is now simplified, because now the mosaic is produced by fragments. These are paper or mesh sheets that glue the tiles on the factories. Their size is usually 30 × 30 cm, like a tile. Sheets are conveniently laid on large and smooth surfaces, but if it is known that there is and inaccessible places - Small junctions, transitions, small objects, you will have to cut them.

Before finishing the wall align cement mortar. If a transparent glass mosaic was purchased into the bathroom, then the walls will also have to sharpen to create a white background. In addition, white cement glue is used (for example, Litoplus K55).

On the walls there is a markup of future styling, according to plan.

The glue is applied not to the mosaic itself, but to the surface to which it is attached.

The glue itself is applied with a comb, her smooth sideAnd then the surplus is removed by the teeth located at the other end. For mosaic need smooth surfaceTherefore, the size of the teeth is minimal. For walls, it is 3-6 mm.

Mosaic sheets neatly pressed against the wall, but not to the end. After that, there are another 10-15 minutes to adjust the position of the mosaic tile. During this time, you need to finally align the plane. It is most convenient to do this by the rule that tapping movements in different directions. Seams between sheets are manually exhibited.

When the glue will dry out the seams need to be cleaned with a wet soft tissue, and leave the mosaic in a bathroom at least 24 hours until the glue drying.

The final result after grouting seams.

. The final stage of the laying will be putting seams. The fugue is applied with a rubber base, diagonal movements, at an angle of 45 degrees to the seams. The excess mixture is washed off with water with a soft sponge. Cement grouts are easily flushed, and to remove the raid from epoxy mixture you need to use special means and abundant amount of water.

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In any apartment there will be zones over which you can safely experiment in design, as well as places, with the design of which is best to adhere to the tested classics time. The latter undoubtedly belongs to the bathroom, because of the most frequent use. Every sensible person agrees that the bathroom first must be practical in every detail: it concerns both the elements of plumbing and exterior decoration Wall and floor. And what can be more convenient and reliable than a ceramic tile?

Choosing a tile as the finishing cladding, you provide a comfortable and durable coating on long years. Among the decent qualities of the tile can be called absolute moisture resistance, resistance to temperature differences and mechanical effects, as well as ease of care.

An important advantage is a wide range of tiles of all colors and sizes, because in the modern market, even the most demander buyer will be from what to choose. And one of the most interesting and unusual, in terms of external qualities, the type of tile is the fine tile mosaic. To appreciate this type of finish, it is necessary to consider its main characteristics closer.


Small tile - a very interesting type of tile, which can perform a function finish coat And at the same time decorate the room. It is already clear from its name that it represents, because it is a set of elements that, with the correct arrangement, form an image or ornament. For the manufacture of shallow tiles for the bathroom can be used glass, smalt, stone, metal, and sometimes wood. The most common and popular version of execution is a tile of smalt, as well as ceramic tiles. And it is understandable, because such a mosaic is more or less affordable price and a huge assortment of colors and ornaments.

As a rule, the fine tile consists of separate parts that can be a variety of sizes and shapes. The magnitude of each of the elements and determine the caliber of the coating - after all, tiny, at first glance, the components of the finishes may be only a simulation, which is actually collected from much larger tiles.

It is at the expense of this, the installation process of shallow tile is much easier than it may seem at first glance, as in our time, in order to bind the wall with a shallow tile of the bathroom, no longer need to work with each element separately. Instead, the tile modules are recorded even at the stage of factory production, which subsequently reduces the cost and simplifies the repair. Fixation is carried out using a special grid that secures the details of the mosaic in proper position. Also on sale you can find soda modules or fine tiles by the Metrah. In addition to the solidbellion of elements, mosaic styling can diversify due to the differences in textures and textures of shallow tiles.

Wall decoration with mosaic tiles.

Most often, the mosaic is used to decorate and decorate pools, bathrooms, bathrooms, and it is not surprising, because it is correctly selected fine tile, even the smallest and non-storage room is capable of making volumetric and textured. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of finishes for its bathroom, you need to carefully examine the classification of the tile mosaic.


People are unreleased with tile mosaic are associated exclusively repeating squares of a similar shade. In fact, the range is much more interesting: the modern market offers a mosaic from the most diverse Materials And in the most original color execution.

Mosaic will help embody all your cherished dreams!

  1. One of the most common types of such tiles are glass products. Popularity is explained by the solid structure of the material and the large selection of colors, thanks to which it is very easy to choose a finish in the desired style. In addition, glass is always in fashion, which is also very important for those who seek to keep up with the times. It is also worth considering the practical side of the question, however, here is a glass tile at a height: it is heat-resistant, easily ished and pushes moisture.
  2. Small ceramic tiles - classic option for the bathroom. Such a mosaic practically does not give in to wear and boasts high strength. In addition, some variants of the colors of ceramic tiles have unusual features: the pattern of cracks on the outer layer, multicolored splashes, roughness and relief, which is the surface acquires a "alive" and unusual look.
  3. A good option can be a tile of such natural material, like a stone. Small modules of different shapes And shades are placed in the order of a simple ornament, and sometimes whole paintings and panels. The end result amazes its exclusive external species And noble, natural shades - such a finish will ideally complement the modern bathroom in Eco-style. For best protection from high humidity Stone tile are covered special compositionwho does not miss water. Of course, natural marble, granite, onyx have an appropriate price that is not for everyone to pocket. Fortunately, you can find an artificial analogue that looks no worse than the real stone.
  4. For those who prefer bulky, shiny surfaces, there is another unusual solutionmetal tile mosaic. It is manufactured from of stainless steel or brass. Finished goods Have a firm structure, which is almost impossible to damage or scratch. Despite this, professionals do not recommend installing metal finish In the bathroom, since it is quite sensitive to the effects of household chemicals and requires special care.
  5. In addition to all of the above, there is another type of fine tile - from plastic. However, this kind did not find wide use in modern bathrooms.

Art mosaic in the interior of the bathroom.

As mentioned, the mosaic is also classified by the type of color:

Knowing all varieties of fine tiles can be easily represented as it is to use it in the interior. The following ideas will help you to reveal to fantasy and think out your own, original design.

Bathroom ideas

It is difficult to come up with a more practical and at the same time aesthetic version of the facing of the bathroom surfaces than the fine mosaic tile. This finish is suitable as a solid finish coating, and partial. Namely:

All these ways to decorate the bathroom are called a combined finish. If you plan to install exactly such a coating, you need to know that the thickness of the mosaic tile is much smaller than the thickness of the standard tile. Therefore, with a lack of experience, it is possible to get a multi-level coating that, in general, it looks not very high quality.

In order not to spoil the finish, it is recommended to first lay a large tile, and then fill the layer remaining for shallow tiles layer of a solution that covers the difference in the thickness. After it remains, while the solution will dry and start laying a mosaic.

Thus, it can be concluded that the fine tile is the most stylish and practical coating for the bathroom, and if you find a really cozy and original option Design, Mosaic is what you need.

One of the most important tasks to be solved during the arrangement of the bathroom is the selection of material for the floor and walls. A number of requirements are presented to it, the main of which is durability, moisture resistance and aesthetic appeal. All listed qualities correspond to the tile for the bathroom, it is most often acquired by the owners of apartments and houses.

However, today in the construction market presents another finishing material, which is a "close relative" tile, but its value in the design is much higher. The name of this material is a mosaic tile for the bathroom. Previously, luxurious mosaic panels were decorated with Roman and Greek baths and could decorate the walls of only noble. Today, the mosaic is available to every person, however, the price for it still remains slightly overpriced compared to the cafeter.

Types of mosaic

Modern manufacturers finishing materials They offer several types of fine tiles that differ in the composition and masonry method. On the this moment The following types have become the greatest popularity:

Masonry options

Suppose you have decided on the type of tile. It remains only to decide what to decorate it. Classic option - Lining the tile of the bathroom wall and with a calm soul enjoy the resulting beauty. However, some owners try creatively to repairs and are looking for original methods laying mosaic. The bathroom looks quite unusually a tabletop from mosaic. This allows you to zonail the space and make a bright colors in the room. For decoration it is better to use a matte tile, on which traces from water droplets will not be visible and detergents. It is advisable to perform from the mosaic in bright saturated colors (chocolate, dark gray, lilac, salad).

If you want a mosaic, you can lay the bath screen. It will hide an unsightly base of the bath, hide the pipes and other plumbing communications. The advantages of shallow tiles are that it can be separated by a screen of any arbitrary shape, even curved. Small tiles perfectly repeats smooth lines and does not need it in the correction of shape and size.

Those who crave for uniqueness, you can put a mosaic to the floor in the bathroom. It will look very stylish and will certainly emphasize individual style Host apartments. On the floor in the bathroom it is better to put white or