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Laying clinker tiles on a step. Laying clinker stages laying clinker tiles on metal steps

Confidently conquers its place in the field of cladding. First of all, thanks to good operational qualities and decorative function.

Laying clinker tiles on a step is characterized by a number of nuances that need to be taken into account during the work.

As the basis of the production of this cladding material, shale clay is used, which is subject to special processing technique, which in turn allows the tile to acquire the necessary qualities for its laying on the steps.

Clinker tile is a subspecies of ceramic facing, but shale clay in its composition is subjected to burning at a temperature of 1200ºС and, at the same time, put under the press to give the desired shape and thickness.

Advantages of clinker facing tiles:

  • Excellent level of wear and mechanical damage;
  • Long service life;
  • High level of moisture resistance;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • The frost-resistance of the tile makes it possible to apply it to cladding outdoor objects;
  • The safety of the material - the tile does not slide even into wet weather.

The production technology allows you to form a special layer on the surface of the tile to protect against contamination. At the same time, the material color is well preserved, even when cleaning with chemical and abrasive substances.

How to choose high-quality clinker tiles?

Taking into account the fact that the tile will be used for facing the staircase steps on the street, pay attention to the parameters responsible for the convenience of using the material and durability.

Criterias of choice

Council. Pick the design of the clinker tile with the exterior of the house. Also, do not forget that on dark surfaces dust and all sorts of pollution are more noticeable than light.

Frost-resistant clinker tile

Understanding the strength of your chosen material depends on the results of checking resistance to bending. At clinker tiles, this indicator is at the level of 20 MPa. Taking into account the load distribution on the edge of the operating object, the strength indicators play an important role.

Anti-slip properties of clinker tiles

We all know that the ceramic tile has a very slippery surface. In this regard, there is a misunderstanding of developers of shopping centers, public areas, when they linse floors in the premises or on the steps of this facing material. It is preventable, especially in the winter season, when snow sticks to the soles of the shoe, or in rain weather.

On such a tile, you can easily scatter and get injured. In this regard, the clinker tiles with its non-slip surface has a significant advantage. In the Russian Federation, the standard determining the level of slip of the material is not. Therefore, when choosing a clinker, be guided by your own sensations or European standards.

In addition to anti-slip properties, clinker tiles have a high degree of adhesion with the surface. This material has a textured back surface, and when applying glue, it turns out a good level of clutch with steps.

Types of clinker facing tiles

The color range of clinker tiles is small, and about the texture you can say the same. But with the cladding of this material, the porch steps, you will get a wonderful, attractive result.

Clinker tiles are represented in several variations, including:

  • Tiles for steps: Private, with notch, corner, with Florentine profile.
  • : Corner, ordinary, under step, curly.

In addition, there are balcony and corner plinth profiled on sale.

The elements of the tile are manufactured in a variety of geometric and sample variations. Even if the design of the staircase is a bizarre or complex shape, make the facing of the steps with the clinker will not be much difficult. Products have some separate products that do not have any operational impact on the design as a whole, but they can achieve decorativeness.

Clinker Tile Stacking Technology

In order for the installation process of clinker tiles successfully, it is necessary to have a reliable brick, stone or concrete surface.

Cooking surface

Given that the clinker tile has a rigid base, the surface of the steps should be almost perfect, without deformations and cannot be devastable to the destructive effects of the external environment. The most reliable and durable in this regard is considered.

To start laying, you must first take a few steps:

We make markup

In order for the clinker tile to lay perfectly, you need:

  • Observe the horizontal plane;
  • Shape smooth seams;
  • Suppose the same height of steps.

The extreme item is not always possible to accomplish because often the rough design is made incorrectly. In such a situation, the assignment of the master is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to achieve the same height. By making markup, you should try to maintain the integrity of the length and width of the tiles. The trimming around the edge does not add aesthetics, in this connection, there are small shortening of the central tiles to ensure the integrity of the poles. Also, given the presence of sidewalls at the steps, it will be inevitably necessary to lay the tile vertically.

Clinker tile laying technology provides steps markup and tracking line directions on the design surface. Thus, it is necessary to ensure that they do not go perpendicular to avoid cracks on the seams.

Laying clinker tile

For facing by clinker tiles of steps, you will need such tools:

  • tile with a margin of 5 - 10%;
  • leveling mixture;
  • waterproofing means;
  • primer facilities or PVA glue diluted with water;
  • glue with frost-resistant qualities and grout;
  • crosses for the formation of a distance between the tiles;
  • slab;
  • spatula with teeth;
  • rubber spatula for grouting;
  • mixer for the kneading solution;
  • capacity for glue;
  • building level;
  • silicone sealant for shaking finishing.

Before starting the facing, you need to choose clip for clinker tiles. In the paper, it is possible to use cement mortar in conjunction with sand, the ratio of components - 1: 4. For kneading glue, take the sand having a fraction not more than 7 mm. It is this size that will ensure a sufficient degree of tile clutch with a surface. Also, there is a ready glue composition on sale, it is for laying clinker tiles called Ceresit CM12. The powder from the bag must be dissolved in certain proportions with water.

You can lay clinker tiles in different ways. Someone starts working from the top of the staircase, someone from the bottom. Despite the way you prefer, there are several moments that need to be taken into account in the work.

Stay the laying of the lateral type in the horizontal direction. Thus, you specify the plane and determine the thickness of the clinker tile. After that, the layout of the tile will occur only in the specified direction. After the glue dries, go to the finishing of opposites.

Note. Making the steps with clinker tiles, repeated parts of the elements are not fixed. Thus, you can ensure the safety of the material that can be disturbed as a result of various deformations.

The glue on the tile is applied with a spatula with a tooth. You can also distribute it on the surface of the steps. The layer thickness should not exceed 1 cm. It is important to leave the gap between the base and the protrusion to avoid the material splitting. In the seams between the tiles it is necessary to insert plastic crosses. Square styling is checked with. If necessary, the tile can be corrected the first 15 - 20 minutes after fixation.

Clinker tile seams

On the width of the seams affects the type of clinker tiles. Experts recommend to make seams with a thickness of 4 -5 mm, but not more than 1 cm. In order to apply and distribute the grouting composition on the tile, it is necessary to arm rubber or metallic. The tool should be narrow, correspond to the width of the intercine seams. Grouting for clinker tiles of work should be semi-dry. To check the consistency, take the grip in the hand and squeeze, if it does not scatter, it means everything is done correctly.

When lining the staircase before the masters, there is a difficult question about choosing a material. As a rule, for street steps, they choose the tile, however, and it is presented to it enough conditions. It should have high strength, wear resistance, frost resistance and anti-slip coating. All the above parameters correspond to the clinker tiles.


The main difference between the staircase and floor tiles is the form. Streets on the street can have both flat and curvilinear form. Regardless of this, the edge should be rounded for safety. That is why the clinker stages for the porch produce three species: for risers, plinth and stepped plates with a rounding one edge. The plinth is stacked only if the floor in the hallway or the lobby is similarly decorated.

Clinker for outdoor steps has plenty of advantage.It has a high level of wear resistance, since for facing of street stairs use the most durable material, which can be putting the floor in a public place, for example, at the airport. It is almost impossible to damage me mechanically, therefore, the life of the material is very long. Water resistance of products is also a big plus. They do not absorb moisture, which prevents internal deformation.

Clinker tile is frost-resistant. This property is ensured by its moisture resistance, because falling inside and freezing, water increases in the volume and breaks the pores of the material. Such products have a capillary form of pores obtained by an extrusion method, it is it that contributes to the rapid evaporation of moisture. Products have a high flexural strength (up to 20 MPa), which is very important at dynamic load.

For facing of street ladders, tiles are used with an indicator R11-R13, it provides an anti-slip surface.

Low porous material has an optimal clutch with a surface and is preferring better than any other material. Among the advantages should be the stability of products to the ultraviolet rays, which prevents the fading of the surface, even if the staircase of the house is located on the sunny side of the yard. Decorative elements are stable and chemistry, and to acids, so you can use any means when cleaning and cleaning the porch. The only minus of the Spanish tile, as they also call the clinker, is a limited choice of forms and color palette. However, with the limitation of shades, nothing limits the fantasy of the buyer, which can order a certain pattern on the steps to give them an original type.


Tiles for steps consists of several elements.

  • Appeal.Such a product has a rounded angle to overlap the joke with a riser. The length of the sticking is 30 cm, and the width is 25 cm.
  • Risers.This detail is similar to an ordinary clinker with brick imitation.
  • Plinth.The element is represented in different types and is designed for facing a staircase.

The thickness of the stair elements varies from 8 to 12 millimeters, but to decorate street steps it is recommended to use parts width of more than 15 millimeters, but less by parameters, since this option has the best bending load indicators.

Distinguish the following types of plinths:

  • straight;
  • angular;

  • curly (divided on the right and left, has an original texture);
  • corner with profile.

Some manufacturers offer customers and a special balcony lamp, designed for laying on the balcony or terrace. These products are often used for cladding flaps with non-standard design.


The clinker is designed for cladding concrete, metal and reinforced concrete surfaces. Such intelligibility is due to the need to have high strength, as the Spanish tile has a lot of weight. So, 1m² is 15-18 kilograms. Facing work should be carried out exclusively in warm time, since water is used for dilution of tile glue. The temperature for optimal frozen and setting the mixture should not be lower than +5 degrees over the next three weeks. In the case of unplanned cooling, it is recommended to cover the facing by a special film with the function of steam-crumbeness, if this does not make items.

The process of laying the Spanish tile on the steps is quite complicated.It is necessary to calculate and mark the place of each part with accuracy. For work, in addition to the clinker itself, you will need a tile glue, designed precisely for ceramics, trowel, crosses for installation, electric drill, hammer, glass cutter and two types of spatulas, standard and rubber for grouting seams. Before laying details, it is necessary to prepare a well-processed surface. Since the clinker tile is not a flexible material, the base of the staircases must be absolutely smooth. And if the new design initially meets all the requirements, then the old base will have to handle a concrete screed for alignment. The brand of concrete should be no less than M200.

One of the requirements for the porch is the presence of a small inclination of 1.5-3 degrees to prevent water accumulation. All potholes and cracks must be embedded, and the surface is ground. Clean design should be cleaned from dust and dirt, and then primed. Before direct stacking, it is recommended to lay out the tile "dry", it will help a literate to dispose of the material.

It is desirable that whole pieces prevail, but if necessary, you can cut up to 30% of the tile.

You need to start the facing from the door.The very first row will determine the subsequent calculation and location of tiles in other rows. The glue should be breeding strictly according to the instructions, put a layer with a maximum of one centimeter with a special spatula with small teeth. Lines on the back of the tile should be directed in one direction. To comply with the exact size of gaps for seams, 8-12 millimeters thickness is recommended to use crosses for mounting.

It is necessary to use the finished glue during the first half an hour, since it further simply loses its properties. After applying to the surface of the composition, the clinker is tightly pressed to it, and it is necessary to use a rubber hammer to remove air, neatly holding them on the diagonal.

To dock the stage with the riser in different ways.

  • The first option is a mustache, as a result of which the edge of the stage will be located over the opponse, the size of the gap between them will be 2 millimeters. This method is more common, as it has a neat appearance, and also allows the metal and wooden surface to be tinted with clinker tiles, and not just concrete.
  • The second facing option is an online jack, it is possible only on concrete. In this case, the nose rests on the vertical part, the work requires an accurate fit without the right to error.

After a day, after the cladding, you can begin grouting seams. As a rule, cement mixtures or epoxy resins are used for this. Wide seams are recommended to pelt half a dry mixture, the density of which is determined by the pinch of a small amount in the hand. He should not have a crumbling structure. Grouting produced by a rubber spatula. At the end of all works, the design should be wiped with a rigid sponge or a cooler to remove the extra glue and grout. Next, it is covered with cardboard and the glue grip process begins.

Until complete drying, you need to wait 4-6 days, after which you can start the finishing of the end sides on the porch.


The price of tiles and other components for repair depends on the brand producer, thickness and appearance. For example, the facing of ordinary steps will cost much cheaper than Florentine. The cost of the standard stage can be from 1900 to 2,200 rubles per 1m², and Florentine models are estimated at 3300-5690 rubles for 1m². The price of the work on the fitting of the clinker tiles is also not low, since laying of such a material is a fairly troublesome business and time consumed. Working with models of up to 60 centimeters worth about 700 rubles per stranded meter, laying large plates will cost the owners of 900 rubles for the temporal meter of each step.

However, there are several ways to help spend not so much money when buying materials.In the interval between October and February in construction stores the lowest prices due to low demand for goods during this period and large discounts. If you buy a tile and other things you need to work in these months, you can safely save. Another way implies the purchase of all goods directly in the factory or in the official store of the manufacturer. As a rule, the discovers are much more expensive.

Clinker tile is a novelty in the modern market of building materials. Nevertheless, this coating is rapidly gaining popularity, it is used both for decoration of residential premises and for offices, shops and other institutions. This is a simple explanation, clinker facing is practically no different at the price of ceramic analogues, however, has a lot of indisputable advantages.


The clinker facing is made of a special grade of clay, which during the production of products is processed in the furnaces at a temperature of over 1000 degrees. Then the tiles glances with a special composition. High quality raw materials and thoughtful technology of production makes clinker facing by one of the leaders in the building materials market intended for stacking on the steps on the street, so indoors.

Here are the main advantages that buyers are based when choosing exactly this material for cladding:

  • resistance to low and high temperatures;
  • chemical inertness - does not react to salt and other chemistry (solvents, detergents);
  • for clinker facing, a ledge is characterized from the outer edge, it will extend the life of the tile;
  • the clinker does not crumble when the grinder is cut;
  • ecology - during the production of this cladding material, only natural components are used;
  • wear resistance, according to the assurances of the manufacturer, this type of facing is maintained up to 50 years;
  • the surface of the tile does not slide due to the rough structure of the material that it is covered. It is very relevant in the cold season, while the custom ceramic tile turns into a real ice rink!

Perhaps the only disadvantage of this type of facing material is not too much a range of colors and textures.. However, even from the existing goods on the shelves of modern building stores, you can choose the appropriate option.

Laying clinker tile

Preparatory stage

Suitable for laying cladding only prepared steps. Waving or smaster from time to time - do not suit! Then the staircase must be prepared properly - it is necessary to clean it from dust and other contaminants, adjust the irregularity of putty, it is desirable to cover the surface with a special primer solution that will simplify further work.

Ideal for clinker laying concrete and bricks.

Masonry technology

Clinker cladding for steps may be monophonic, and can be the basis for a complex composition. All this must be considered when planning installation. Moreover, the amount of material must be calculated in such a way that it accounted for a minimum number of times.

The clinker is placed directly to the sand-cement mixture (materials are mixed in a ratio of 4: 1). In this case, the sand fraction should not be too large.

This is a classic laying option. More innovative is the laying of clinker cladding on the adhesive basis. It is reliable and convenient, however much more expensive. Here are the main stages of installation:

  • adhesive base is prepared according to the instructions. If the facing is stacked on the street, it is necessary to use glue, designed for external work;
  • directly laying tiles. Mounting begins with the most uppermost leftmost area. The glue is applied directly and on the facing and on the base with a spatula with a tooth, the clinker is then enhanced with an effort to the surface, there should be no gaps between the tile and the base. The entire horizontal range (ranks) is facing;
  • then the facing is placed on the risers, it should not touch the horizontal tiles above and below it, there must be a visible gap between them. For registration of this site, all sorts of decorative elements are often used - mosaic, natural stone and so on;
  • when installing, a small bias is provided, not more than 1-2%, for water drain;
  • screws, vertical and horizontal seams are rubbed separately, it is necessary to do this with a rubber spatula using a special composition for grouting;
  • to avoid premature contamination, the tile is covered with a transparent film, which removes after complete drying of the glue;
  • after drying, the excess glue mixture is removed from the material with a solvent.


For laying this tile on the street, the warm season is suitable, since at temperatures over 5 degrees, the glue dries away much faster, otherwise unpleasant surprises are possible in the form of prematurely dug elements. In case of compliance with all the necessary conditions, the glue dries in 7-14 days. Clinker has a height of several centimeters, it must be considered when choosing this material, because the miscalculation can be fraught with problems in opening / closing the door.

Often, products in different packages have different color shades, so to avoid the effect of the rainbow on their steps, mix the tiles from different packages on one site. Before laying, the material is plentifully sprayed with water.

Choice of clinker tile

It is no secret that the cost of this type of facing material is high enough, but it is a long-term investment, because the tile will serve you for a long time. So, the guarantee of the domestic producer is 50 years, foreign - up to 200 years.

Clinker is a reliable and durable tile made of clay, which is perfect for facing the porch. Stages made from clinker have one drawback - the lack of a large selection of collections in contrast to standard tile or porcelain stoneware. This material is structured and decoratively well suited for facing stairs. Yes, you yourself have noticed the stairs, which are decorated with clinker tiles.

Characteristics of clinker steps

There are several good reasons why many have preference to clinker steps.

Low temperature resistance

The clinker has a rather low water absorption (up to 2%), that is, it normally transfers temperature differences. The most serious in oscillations is the zero mark, in which the fluid changes its condition. Clinker can easily withstand about 300 such cycles. This is one of the main factors that determine than exactly carrying out the feet of the porch. Preferably, it swings stairs, since the joints between the degrees are experiencing colossal loads and even a small detachment can cause the destruction of the entire design.

Wear resistance

Outdoor material that is applied on the street must necessarily be wear-resistant. The tile made from the clinker belongs to the 4th and 5th grade in abuse. It is also a guarantee of a long lifetime lifetime.

Wear resistance mostly depends on the manufacturer of this tile. The most durable coating is considered to be a German manufacturer (Stroeher). If it is scratching with any subject - sparks will fly from him, but there will be no scratches. The clinker produced by Spain is a little worse, but its value is much less. Poland manufacturers often instead of clinker sell standard ceramic tiles.

Anti-slip properties of clinker

The use of the porch can contribute to injury, therefore, the non-slip surface of the clinker tiles is very by the way when finishing the steps. For the lack of such a standard that characterizes the degree of gliding clinker tiles, buyers are content in Russia only their own feelings and understanding. But today, the manufacturers of Russian tiles are guided by the Eurostandard DIN 51130, in which the ceramic tile is distributed to 5 categories R9-R13. It is better to apply the R11-R13 classes for facing the porch steps.

Mechanical strength

This feature characterizes countering ceramics during bending loads. Clinker's strength on average is 20 MPa. When using stairs with any type of facing, the voltage often falls on the edge of the steps, therefore, the features of the strength of this tile is quite difficult to overestimate.

Laying clinker steps

One of the most complex works for the tile is the facing of stairs. Decor components can how to assist in laying and complicate work. Before laying, it is necessary to perform waterproofing.


During the cladding of the clinker stairs, the planes and flatness of the seams are observed, and also comply with one height of steps. In order to calculate the size of individual steps, it is necessary to divide the total height by the number of steps. Standard for stairs 15 centimeters, but it can be both more and less. Tiler must not only observe the height, but also the whole of tiles, when calculating their number in width and length.

Laying tiles

The finish can be produced in various ways, but often practice has a primary laying of the beacon horizontal series. After they put the first row, the rest of the plates are made. After the work done, you need to wait until the clinker is grabbed, and putting the risers. If the laying is made out of the room, then the frost-resistant glue is used.

You can dock the steps and risers in various ways. If the tile is placed in the brass, then the facing will become volumetric and spectacular. If you want to perform laying this method, then you need to leave a gap of 2-3 millimeters between the riser and the nose of the figure step. This method also implies laying tiles on a tree or metal. Installation tile can only be placed on a concrete base.

Tile made of clinker, as a rule, laid with wide seams up to 12mm. For this purpose, narrowly special mixtures for wiping wide seams are used. They are made on the basis of cement. The grout is produced by means of rubber spatulas or narrow metal, which are not larger than the width of the seams.

The sizes of the seams often force the tiler to work with a semi-dry mixture, which can be checked in a fist - the grout in no case should not crumble.

Raising the porch facing the topic, it is impossible not to affect the clinker - a durable and reliable tile of clay. Clinker steps have only one minus - the absence of a large selection of collections in comparison with ordinary cafeter or porcelain. Although it is not quite negative, the material and structurally, and it would be decorative to be created for stairs. Yes, you yourself have seen a staircase lined with clinker more than once: with some missing variations, they still benefit relative to the usual tiles.

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Characteristics of clinker steps

Why are more and more people prefer clinker when the porch device? There are several reasons, and all weighty.

Frost resistance

The clinker is characterized by low water absorption (up to 2%), and this means an adequate response to temperature differences. The zero mark is especially dangerous in the oscillations - the transition of fluid from one state to another. The clinker is able to withstand up to 300 such cycles. Probably, this is the main factor that determines the choice of material for street facing. This is especially true of the stairs, since the joint between the steps and the risers is exposed to a huge load, and the slightest detachment is fraught with the fast destruction of the structure.

Wear resistance

Street outdoor material must be well resist to wear - ordinary ceramics crowds leave no chance. Clinker tiles for steps belongs to IV and V abrasion classes. This, along with the rest of the parameters, guarantees the durability of the facing.

Wearness depends on the manufacturer. The strongest coverage of the German clinker (Stroeher). It can be attempting to scratch anything - sparks will fly, but the scratches will not remain. The Spanish clinker in this plan is worse, but it stands cheaper. Polish manufacturers often under the guise of clinker sell ordinary ceramics.

On how to distinguish a fake from the original and buy good products told in video:

Anti-slip properties

The exploitation of the porch is conjugate with increased trauma, so the non-slip clinker surface helps when finishing the steps. In Russia, there is no standard that determines the degree of sliding of the facing tile, buyers have to be content with their own sensations and ideas. But today both Russian manufacturers, and consumers are increasingly guided by the Eurostandard DIN 51130, according to which ceramics on anti-slip indicators is divided into five categories: R9-R13. For laying tiles on steps, it is recommended to use the tile of the last three classes: R11-R13.

Mechanical strength

An important indicator characterizing ceramics resistance with bending loads. The strength of clinker tiles in this respect reaches 20 MPa. When exploiting stairs, the main load falls on the edge of the steps, so the value of the strength properties of the clinker is difficult to overestimate.

Clutch with glue

The smooth structure of porcelain stoneware reduces adhesion with glue. The clinker has a mounting base with a structural surface, which ensures the best adhesion with glue.

All these quality clinker tiles contribute to the durability of the design.

Types of clinker slabs for steps

Clinker for stairs, including Russian production, although does not affect texture and textured variety, is produced in a considerable amount of formats. Among them are distinguished:

All elements are available in a variety of variations: geometric and tonal. This allows you to fit even structurally complex stairs. Some species do not have a big functional value, but they play a huge decorative role, opening the road to designer fantasies.

Laying clinker steps

Facing the stairs is one of the most complex in the work of the Tiler. Decorative elements, on the one hand, help in laying, on the other, complicate. Yes, and without them difficulties enough: complex markup, the need to constantly control several parameters. Before laying, waterproofing is performed.


In addition to the observance of the plane and evenness of the seams, with the lining of the stairs adhere to the same height of the steps. To calculate the size of a single step, share the total height for their number. Standard for stairs - 15 cm, but it happens differently. It is not always possible to observe dimensional homogeneity, sometimes the wrong shape of the draft porch is prevented by this and / or the need to be attached to the finished tie, which is the continuation of the steps. Nevertheless, visually steps should be the same.
The complex geometry obliges the tiler to hold not only the height in the head - it is desirable to adhere to the foundity of the plates when calculating their number in length and width. Narrow trimming around the edges looks ugly. It is necessary in a small shortening of a pair of central tiles to ensure the wholeness of the poles. The street porch has a sidewall, part of which is vertical cladding. These also keep in mind, placing the stairs.


Facing is made in different ways, but ordinary practice involves the primary laying of the beacon horizontal series. It sets the plane and suture. Having paved the first row, we are lined with the rest of the horizontal plates. Last but, waiting for the collapse of the clinker, lay the risers.

When working on the street use special. Universal mixtures do not possess the desired fortress and elasticity, as a result of their use, clinker steps are rapidly destroyed. Due to the low clinker porosity, the base and tile are also treated with glue. Adhering to these rules, you will get a durable cladding.

The variety of form factors allows you to keep the steps and risers in different ways. Laying the cam paper makes the facing more voluminous and spectacular. By issuing in this way, leave a 03 mm gap between the riser and the "nose" of the figure. The method is also convenient because it disappears the need for accurate trimming of vertical plates. There is a method and one more advantage: the possibility of laying for metal and wood.

The lining of the jack is possible only when laying on a concrete base, the coefficient of temperature expansion of which is close to the appropriate clinker indicator.

1 - gap 3-5 mm,
2 - grout,
3- Tile glue,
4- clinker tiles.

Laying steps with straight naval jack and brace.
1 - gap 3-5 mm,
2 - grout,
3- Tile glue,
4- clinker tiles.

What you need to know when installing clinker steps:


Clinker steps are made up with wide seams - up to 12 mm. When fugging, use special thicker mixtures for wide seams. They are based on cement or belong to the class of epoxy compositions. Pass the gaps with a rubber spatula or narrow metal, whose width is equal to the width of the seams.

The dimensions of the gaps are forced to work with a semi-dry mixture, whose consistency is checked by compressing in the fist - the grout should not crumble.
Video on the grout:

Having finished the feet of the porch, ensure the proper care steps. Clinker in this regard is unpretentious, and indeed its use when laying tiles on street ladders - the best choice. In addition to the strength, which is provided by the delage of high-plate clay at a temperature close to +1200, the material is famous for ecology - no artificial plasticizers and dyes.
In conclusion, several photos of montage errors, and what they led to.

The absence of a gap under the step led to the appearance of a crack.

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