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China resorts with beaches: tourist reviews, water temperature in the sea. Where better to go to China

In this material we will tell you about how to organize an independent trip to the Middle Kingdom so that it costs it inexpensively.

China is a magical country, making it up with its ancient culture and a rich history, which has more than 5 thousand years. These are colorful places and works of art, magnificent monuments and majestic temples ...

Planning an independent stay in China in 2016, you will probably want to visit the main "places of power", including the Great Wall of China and the Forbidden City, and also to see Terracotta Army, Chengdu Reserve with His huge pandas and the Guilin area with her calm landscapes.

An independent trip to China is not a two-week tour to Egypt, so be prepared for different surprises and the specifics of Asia. Study China is best consistently, starting, for example, with cosmopolitan Hong Kong and local Las Vegas Macau, and then visit the Philippine Islands, Guangzhou and Hainan. And only when the most tourist places Countries will be mastered finally, boldly go on your own in China.

Remember that most Chinese do not speak English, with the exception of education workers and students, so be prepared for the worst - may have to use the language of gestures.

And finally, there is a fairly specific nutrition, so if you are not an acute kitchen lover, you will have difficulty in China. In addition, in the menu of a typical cafe may not be an English version of the names of dishes, and then you will have to order at random on the picture or pointing to the neighbor's plate.

Another characteristic point is public transport of the country. China smoke almost everywhere, including buses and trains. Do not smoke except in airplanes, so if you are not an avid smoker, choose the airfare. But in general, transport here is well developed, and you can get to the right place as railwayand on the highway on the rented car or taxi.

Travel Organization Plan

The price of the tour to the Middle Kingdom in the agencies will be higher than the cost self-trip To China. So, if you want to save, it is better to be patient and develop a clear plan of travel to the Middle Kingdom:

  1. Determine exact dates Trips
  2. Approximately calculate travel budget
  3. Decide on the destination
  4. Book a hotel or house
  5. Purchase plane tickets to China
  6. Issue required documents (visa and insurance)
  7. Collect a suitcase and go on the road.

Flight tickets

Before you go to China yourself, you need to buy a ticket for a plane ticket. China can fly directly with Aeroflot or Air China, and you can get with transfers to Emirates, Air Astana and other airlines.

Aeroflot has regular flights from Moscow to Beijing and Shanghai. The duration of the flight ranges from 8 to 10 hours. CHINA EASTERN aircraft also fly to Shanghai, and in China's capital, you can fly on regular flights of Hainan Airlines, Air China, Transaero and S7.

In Hong Kong from Moscow and from St. Petersburg, it is convenient to fly without transfers to the same Aeroflot, Transaero and Cathay Pacific or using Qatar Airlines and Emirates with one transplant. You can buy tickets (there / back) from 20,000 rubles. By the way, international Airport Hong Kong Chkeclappok, which is located on an artificial island, is considered one of the most comfortable aircraft in the world. From one terminal to another can be reached in Aeroexpress.

In addition to Chkeclapkok, China is 5 tens of airports, so their choice will depend on what city you want to see first. Most convenient will come to Hong Kong and then continue independent trip In the direction of Chengdu or Hainan. Or you can fly to Shanghai, and from there you can go to Guilin, Hangzhou and Lunchza.

The most convenient way to book cheapest tickets to China is the portal. To find a profitable sentence, enter the airport codes of departure and arrival in the query line, select Dates of Trips, click on "Search" and wait for the result. In a couple of seconds, you will turn on all available flights to China to the days you have shown, which can be distributed by the number of transfers, ticket prices and other criteria.

If you know English, be sure to activate the "English-speaking agencies" search function in the settings so that the system gives more results. If you wish, you can save the request data and subscribe to the permanent update of the price from Aviasales by the direction you need.

Low prices calendar for flights

Despite the fact that this country does not come down from the monitor screens and almost every day "glows" in the news, China is not extensive and charmingly diverse - the direction of mystical, exciting and from that irresponsible. "The first journey to the Middle Kingdom" sounds so exciting as frightening. To help with your head to plunge into the unknown and incomprehensible world of China, we suggest familiarizing yourself with our "guide for the kettle" on the most populated land on the planet.

Bare Language Barrier

An obstacle number one, which is found on the path of each going on a journey through China, is a language barrier. Even today, with Chinese children studying english from elementary schoolThis barrier can be practically impermeable as the Great Wall. Tip: It is advisable to explore a few words and phrases before you visit the Great Lands of China. Buy or print a phrasebook, sign up for the courses of the Mandarin Chinese (the most common dialect, which is understood almost throughout the country) or try to learn the language on your own online: the basics of the basics are on the BBC website (English).

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In our age of developed technologies, you can, of course, go along the path of least resistance: Download the Google Translate app, gently and accurately expressing your thoughts out loud on Chinese. But this, you see, deprives the trip a significant share of adventure.

But regardless of all of the above and your linguistic knowledge and skills, there is one thing that every traveler must have with him: this business card Hotel, restaurant or even a museum in Chinese. To have something to show passersby, taxi drivers, bus circulators, etc.

Decide on the route

China is huge. Even for our greatestly claims, this country will seem large. Very big. Here are the very high mountains In the world, one of the largest deserts in the world, endless valleys and, of course, overcrowded, noisy, dizzy with their skyscrapers and frightening with their narrow maze of the old marks of metropolis. To pay tribute to all this, you will need months and months of travel.

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Tip: Instead of jumping like a mountain goat on the tops of all of China, take the roots of one particular area. The best of the best:

  • Beijing: Use this city exclusively as a transport hub - an unforgivable negligence. Do not just fly here, stay here. All as a selection of vintage, elegant and colorful attractions of this city include Tiananmen Square, the Mystical Forbidden City of the Googun, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall of China (only 60 km from the city), Imperial Parks ... The list can be continued for a very long time.
  • Sichuan: One province and immediately three regions. Stop in the center or in the south - to visit wet bamboo forests and pretty village of Ming dynasty. Go to the north to the stunning place of the lakes among the Alpine Mountain Landscapes. Take the risk to the west to the West to the hard-to-reach Tibetan plateau.
  • Hainan: needles in the back, sand under a soft place, salty water in the eyes - no, it is not torture, but paradise Island Hainan. Here, under the leadership of the luxurious beach holidays Chinese flourishes ethnoscience, allowing you to relax and soul and body.
  • Guangxi: The Aysian Business Card - Emerald Rice Terraces Book with otherworldly karst peaks dominated here above lush, almost like in the jungle, landscapes. The ideal area for hiking, trips on bikes or rafting.

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Check the weather

At any time of the year in China there are places that can boast perfect weather for travel. But there is almost no such place where good weather is worth round year. In such a way that in the first trip by the country does not resist the wind knocking from the legs, do not topter the methodically under the scorching sun or do not let root from the constant irrigation of the rain, it is worth a pre-clarification of all weather nuances in a particular region.

In general, spring and autumn are convenient for trips, although not in all areas (and somewhere they last a couple of weeks). For a start, this page can help: Weather in China (forecast in the most popular cities and resorts for 10 days and tips when riding).

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Use public transport

Forget about a taxi and aircraft, choose buses, bikes and trains: to see China as locals see him. Of course, more easy way Traveling is to take a plane, order a taxi to the hotel, but what's interesting? China's public transport system every year becomes everything extensive and more convenient. Finally, everyone more cities It becomes friendly to cyclists, such as Beijing.

And do not be afraid to get lost. The Chinese are extremely friendly, helpful and responsive, especially in relation to foreigners who cannot speak Chinese. And in mind that this country is the most densely populated in the world, you will always have a local resident who will put you on the path true.


China has a lot of unique and particularly attention to the merits, but perhaps the most outstanding is the food. The country's kitchen varies extremely from the area to the area that neither the droplets affect its quality: they prepare delicious, healthy, unusual, devils of appetizing dishes across the country. And do not listen to anyone who will advise to avoid street food. This is most of the country's culinary experience.

One final advice for those who do not know how to use Chinese chopsticks: do not take blonde t-shirts, snatch the suitcase with dark shades, as there is a fork and a knife in China - it's just some kind of moveton!

China is famous not only for his rich and ancient history. China is a set of sandy islands and picturesque maritime gifts. Rest in China is popular thanks to a comfortable climate and a great variety beach resorts. Here you can choose a place of recreation that will have to like any tourist.


  • South China: where to go?

    Hong Kong

    safe for children.

    Turntl Cove - most clean beach Hong Kong

    Hainan Island

  • Rest on the Yellow Sea

    Best beach places

    • Qingdao Island Or "Green Island" is the most picturesque and famous beach resort in China. Tourists from all countries go here in order to enjoy the landscapes of these places. Also, Qingdao Island is famous for the whole country with his beer Tsyntao, which is boiled here from time immemorial.
    • Island with snow-white beaches - Sanyarich in juicy greenery jungle and mirror sea water. Here, all year round is resting a huge number of travelers. The most popular place on the island is a mountain of deer, whose vertex is considered sacred.

    Outside the travel center there is an ancient Temple of the Buddha, which keeps the statue of the goddess Guanin, made of real gold and precious stones. The weight of the statue is equal to one hundred forty kilograms.

    South China: where to go?

    The most popular resort of South China - Hong Kong. However, this city has never been included in the lists of China's most popular beach resorts, there are almost 40 public beaches on its territory, and more fifty closed. All beaches have protection from sea predators, equipped with sun beds and umbrellas.

    The Central Island of Hong Kong includes 12 beaches. The most popular here is Repels Bay. On the beach you can rent a boat and explore the coastal cliffs or learn how to manage the sailboat, swim with the aqualung, and then order a portion of fresh mussels in a local restaurant.

    The bay located near the beach is not able to skip big ships, so you can meet only small boats and yachts. Harbor protected from strong wind and waves A variety of small islets. Also, swimming in the beach zone is completely safe for children.

    Turntl Cove - the cleanest beach of Hong Kong. Water, both in coastal and depth, is practically transparent. The bottom of the beach of the hollow, the sand is small, and the waves here are extremely rare. The beach perfectly proven himself to relax with children.

    Other, less popular beaches, for example, Shrek O and Big Vave Bay are located almost nearby and greatly suitable for surf lovers.

    Hainan Island

    Hainan Island lies in the southern part of China. The name can be interpreted as the "island of the South Sea".

    On the island of climate is quite warm, and any industrial enterprises are completely absent - that is why the resort on the island of Hainan is recognized as one of the most popular places on the planet.

    The air is clean and therapeutic sea \u200b\u200bwater It has a heavenly shade, and the vegetation is so bright and rich, as if she came down from the canvas of a talented landscape system. Directly here was registered the highest life expectancy Among all China's provinces. About 7 million people live on the island.

    Holidays in Hainan - In the following video:

    The island is surrounded by the South China Sea. average temperature Air here fluctuates from + 23 ° C to +26 ° C. The hottest month is July, this month the air heats up to +35 ° C. The coldest month is January, and the temperature drops only to +22 ° C.

    To swim in the sea is not rebiring at least all year round, because the water changes its temperature slightly.

    Tourists arrive at the island at any time of the year, especially the mild climate is valued in winter months. The sun on the island shines almost all year, about 300 days, the clouds hide him in the remaining days.

    Capital of Islands Hainan - Haikou. The route, which kilometer is 370 km, connects the capital with the south of the island - the popular Sanya resort. The capital received the nickname from the locals - the "coconut city". It is here that the evergreen hills of the mountains are covered with tropical clouds, and the snow-white sandy bank is washed by crystal, blue water.

    Ski highways of this country

Many go to China low pricesBut not always this decision is correct. Rather, you need to know in advance where which product in China should go.

If you want to buy mobile phone international brand, then continental China is not the best choice. Apple or Samsung devices here are so much as in Russia. For this purpose, it is better to visit Hong Kong or Macau, where there is no VAT tax (VAT).

If you want to buy cheap clothes and footwear from famous brands, then the situation is twofold. On the one hand, such things in boutiques in China are cheaper, but no one will protect you from the fakes here.

China needs to go beyond the goods that are truly Chinese. It is silk and clothing of local brands, technology of Chinese brands, tea and accessories for tea drinking. All this can be purchased here cheap and very good quality.

China for tourists is an opportunity to see the achievements of science and technology

Modern China is an advanced country in many areas. Ten years ago, Chinese science could be called backward, but now everything has changed. In the area of \u200b\u200ball new and high-tech tourists there is something to see.

In China, the fastest view of public transport on our planet is functions - this is a train on Maglev's magnetic cushion. Each tourist can ride on it, and this is the most convenient way. Speed \u200b\u200bis a breathtaking - 470 kilometers per hour.

There are famous Shanghai skyscrapers - this is a building. Next to them rises the second in height of the world building - which opened on May 17, 2015. On all these skyscrapers there are viewing platforms. From a high height, you can look at the city, seeing what huge Shanghai is a megapolis with the largest population in the world.

China built the most advanced network. The speed of the compositions reaches 360 km / h. Many tourists go to other cities to watch more attractions, and this is a good chance to ride on the famous Chinese "speeds".

The world's longest bridge is located on the way from Shanghai to Ningbo. If you decide to visit Ningbo, then go on the bus, and you will have a chance to drive on a 38-kilometer bridge.

It is difficult to imagine that in the heart of the bridge right in the middle of the bay there is a congress. This fact produces an indelible impression on tourists due to the effect of surprise.

China is actively developing its energy. Three of the five largest hydroelectric power plants in the world are built on the Yangtze River in China. If you wish, they can be viewed, although they will have to be far away from the main tourist routes.

Also in China there is a technical miracle of antiquity - the Great Channel. Looking at his water, it is difficult to imagine that it is a breakthrough 2400 years ago with people with wooden shovels.

Are you interested in China or not? Decide yourself, we just told about everything that the tourist may interest here. Read even more interesting information In our articles ( links below).

China is associated primarily with cheap working forcefakes famous brands Clothes and rice noodles. All these facts will come to the mind of a man unrecorded and limited, which refers to the Chinese condescendingly and arrogantly. Modern China is a global economic leader that transmits only Japan, with a rich history, hardworking population and well-maintained resorts. If you have not knew anything before that, as a popular tourist destination, we recommend that you now correct this misunderstanding.


Pretty large territory of East Asia (9.6 million square meters) is occupied by this country. Although when you find out what population in China, its area seems negligible. After all, indeed, how can 1 billion 300 million people fit in this block of land? When you learn a little more about this culture, you will understand how it succeeds.

China's neighbors abound. When you count their number (total - 13, and it is only on land!), You understand why it was necessary to build a great Chinese wall. Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, India, Burma, Laos, Vietnam - All these countries have an land border with the People's Republic of China. By sea, it borders with Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunhem. By the way, the sea in China is not one, their whole three: yellow, East Chinese and South China.

China climate

This country stretches along three climatic belts, and therefore the temperature indicators in the country differ depending on the region.

A moderate continental climate in the north is not much different from the climate in the central regions of Russia: in winter there is about -7⁰, and in the summer + 22 ° C. The center of the country with its subtropical climate has almost the same indicators: from 0 to -5⁰s in winter and + 20 ° C in summer. This is due to high humidity Air winter is softer here, and summer is cooler. But really to pamper the warmth of tourists and locals can the south of the country, where tropical monsoon masses prevail. In the summer, the temperature here reaches + 25⁰, and in winter - from + 6⁰c to + 15⁰s. But the island of Hainan is a separate place in the climatic map. This is the hottest and sunny place in all China, where you can rest all year round.

Visa to visit China

For Russians, entry into the PRC is impossible without a visa. Although there is one "but": Russian citizens are provided with the right of visa-free finding in a special administrative district of the PRC - Hong Kong for a period of no more than 14 days.

  • tourist (L);
  • business (F);
  • transit (G);
  • educational (x);
  • working (Z).

As you could guess, its type depends on the purpose of staying in the PRC. Get every one of them in the Embassy of the PRC in the Russian Federation.

Resorts of China

China is a big anthill. But the anthill is a differed: there are large megalopolises, the life in which does not stop for a minute, but there are a delicious silent in the mountains in the mountains, which are nevertheless visited by tourists who want to comprehend the secret of Being and the Universe. Chinese Chinese brand too. At first glance, they are all the same, but it is worth knowing them a little better, and you will understand what the inhabitants of each individual administrative unit are distinguished. Individuality is inherent in individual cities that are popular with the guests of the country. - you decide. After reading the information below, it will be easier to decide on this issue.

Hainan Island

Hainan Island is the territory of summer. Here more than 300 sunny days a year, and therefore Russians (especially with Far East) regularly arrive here to treat the soul and body. Four bays are distinguished on its territory: Sanya, Sanyan, Dadonghai, Yalunvan. Yalunvan is considered the most luxurious and elite. This is a quiet harbor with azure transparent water, snow-white sand and fashionable hotels. Unlike Dadonghai, who was chosen by surfers because of the constant winds, Yalunvan - a calm place. Sanya and Sanyan are located next to each other in the immediate vicinity of Sanya Airport. And let the water in the coast, are not as crystal clear, but the landscapes around with more than compensate this minor flaw. The Holliday IN hotel is located, and the opening of the Govard Johnson Hotel, which has 5 stars already scheduled. Centers traditional chinese medicine "Taiji" and "Yu-Kang" will offer you to cure skin, pulmonary, urological diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system without surgical intervention. In addition, you can get aesthetic pleasure from viewing local attractions:

  • butterfly gorge;
  • nature Reserve "Monkey Island";
  • volcano Ma-An
  • zoo Safari "Dunshan";
  • cape "The Edge of the Sky and the Sea".


Many arrive in China only for the sake of Tibet. But here you can face additional difficulties: I'm not so easy to get. To begin with, you will need to take permission to visit the Tibet Tourism Bureau. But it may not help you, as there are periods when Tibet is generally closed for tourists (for a month or two). To get to one is also difficult, issued mainly group permissions (by 5 or more people). But all these peripetia is nothing if you have a cherished dream - see Tibet. After all, he is considered a shrine for Buddhists and Hindus. Hundreds of thousands of tourists come to feed his energy, because here are the most famous monasteries and "power plants":

  • white Potala Palace (in Lhasa);
  • park complex with the summer palaces of Dalai Lam;
  • temple of Jokhang;
  • monastery sulfur and Monastery Drepung;
  • lake Manasarovar, Nummock;
  • mount Calais.

Beijing is the capital of the state, it inhabits 21.5 million people. Is impressive? Still would! And this you have not seen His beauty. The main city of the PRC is an echo of long-standing history, which is smoothly invested in today's reality: palace complexes, centuries-old Buddhist temples are harmoniously adjacent to the cloud cuts with the vertices of glass and metal designs, called skyscrapers. Walking around Beijing is only with the business card of the hotel where you stopped and on which the address is specified in Chinese. Since the metropolis is just a huge, and get lost in it simply, as twice two four. In advance of the inspection plan of Beijing, to have time to watch its main attractions:

  • palace complex Googun ("Forbidden City");
  • huge square Tiananmen and the gate of the same name next to her;
  • jianmen Gate ("Front Gate");
  • Summer Palace;
  • temple of the sky "Tiantan" with the famous Huyinby;
  • lugouciao Bridge (Marko Polo);
  • park Qiang Tang with tombs 13 emperors of the Ming dynasty;
  • mausoleum Mao Dzeduna;
  • The great Wall of China.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a separate administrative district in China, where, by the way, you do not need a visa for Russians. This chance can be used and fly to rest here, because there is one of the most popular resorts In Asia - Macau Island. This administrative unit includes the Kovlun peninsula, the island of Hong Kong, new territories and 262 of the islands that are adjacent to them. All fashionable men will be useful to learn that Hong Kong is the real capital of the shopping, especially the popularity of "fur coat" shopping. On fur products affordable prices (lower than in the whole country), and in the latitude of the range you may not even doubt. You definitely do not have problems with accommodation, as high-class hotels, like drops in the sea - very and very much. There are "average" options in the form of guest houses. Each visits will find a refuge in their capabilities.

Of all tourist stops in Hong Kong, it is especially necessary to allocate:

  • the world's largest sitting Buddha (reaches a height of 34 m);
  • Bay repraint;
  • streets Hollywood Road and Appper-Laskar-Row;
  • harbor Aberdeen, which is a "city on water", in which thousands of people spend their entire lives on the water in Junks;
  • peak Victoria - observation deck;
  • temple Von Thai Sing;
  • Alley of stars;
  • Disneyland;
  • Multimedia show "Symphony of Lights", which fell into the Guinness Book of Records, as incessant.

In Hong Kong, you can take off and stew without stopping, as the clubs grow every day new, like mushrooms after the rain. Nightlife Burlit is always, regardless of the day of the week. The most proven and authoritative places for night rest are clubs of Lai-Kwan-Fong, bars and pubs of Vacha, Ntsford terraces.