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What is the height of the chinese wall. Great Wall: Interesting Facts and Construction History. How many years have gone to the construction

Great Wall of China (China) - description, history, location. Accurate address, telephone, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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It is difficult to find a more large-scale creation of human hands than the Great Wall. You can select except Egyptian pyramids. And if the structures in the Giza valley are mainly concentrated in one place, the wall, as if a giant dragon, runs over the deserts, fields, mountains and a plateau, stretching more than 20,000 km from the east to West China. Despite practically zero efficiency in protection against invaders, it still became a symbol of the country's relics, a certain barrier between the subway and the rest of the world. Today, millions of tourists each year seek this symbol every year, a significant part of which are residents of the PRC, who believe that if a person has never been on the wall, he cannot be a real Chinese.

A bit of history

The Great Wall of China is not routged. This is the result of the labor of many states that existed in the territory of the modern PRC. The rulers of the state of the state of Chu, and finished the rulers of the Qing Empire in 1878, began to erect her in the 7th century. The main part of the structure was built 600 years ago. Up until the 1980s, the wall was practically not repaired, and only the Badalin segment was located in a more or less preserved state. But thanks to a large-scale restoration program, the construction managed to save, although many sites are still in a dilapidated state.

There is a urban legend that the Great Wall of China can be seen from space. In fact, it is not entirely true. The wall is really impressive, but first of all its length. The width of it is relatively small, and the visual sharpness is simply not enough to see it. But you can still look at the wall on a high-quality photograph. On it it looks like a thin broken hair.

What to see

Great Wall - Design is not solid. For 2,700 years of existence, many of its sites turned into ruins, and even they were completely disassembled. Therefore, it is understood by a trip to certain segments, most often fully restored, located near large cities with a developed tourist infrastructure.

Mutyanyuy - the most "sleek" 73-kilometer plot located in 2 hours drive from Beijing. A carefully renovated wall with a multitude of guard towers is surrounded by stunning mountain chains. There are not so many people here, as on other segments, so if time allows time, it is better to go here. According to many tourists, the architecture is more interesting here than at the superpopular site Badalina.

Badalina often happens not to push up - this is "thanks to a small distance from Beijing (80 km), a developed infrastructure (hotels, restaurants, a funicular) and, of course, beautiful landscapes.

Symaka is one of the few segments that have retained the original appearance of the 14th century. On bricks, of which the wall is folded, the date is indicated when they were laid and the number of the military unit engaged in construction. This is the only plot open in the evening.

The chip of the Jinshanlin segment is a well-preserved defensive system with braziers, hourly towers, gates and firing points.

Practical information

The most popular sections of the wall are located in the relative proximity to Beijing. Here's how to get to them.

Mutyanyuy. Straight at the airport to sit down in the subway and drive to Dongzhimen station. From there on weekends at 7:00 and 8:30, bus number 867 leaves against the wall. On the road, it spends 2-2.5 hours and leaves back to Beijing at 14:00 and 16:00.

Badalin. Bus number 877 Badalin departs from the Moscow bus station Deshengon from 6:00. Also here can be reached by the tourist bus BEIJING Tourist Hub, running from the southern tip of Tiananmen Square. The ticket costs 100 CNY, children grow up to 120 cm ride for free.

Symatai At the Beijing station Dunchimens, to go on bus number 980 to the city of Miyun, and then take a taxi to the wall (180 CNY there and back). Total time on the way - 2 hours.

Jinshanin. On the subway to get to Dongzhimen train station. From there to the wall at 8:00 there is a tourist bus. From Jinshanina he leaves at 15:00. Ticket 50 CNY, trip time 2 hours. Prices on the page are shown in April 2019.

"There are roads for which they do not go; There are army, which are not attacked; there are fortresses, because of which they do not fight; There are terrain, because of which they are not fighting; There are commands of the sovereign, which are not executed. "

"Art of War". Sun Tzi.

In China, you will definitely tell you about a magnificent monument to a length of several thousand kilometers and about the founder of the Qin dynasty, thanks to the command of which the Great Wall of the Wall was built in the subway, the Great Wall was built.

However, some modern scientists are very doubted that this symbol of the power of the Chinese Empire existed until the middle of the 20th century. So what are tourists show? - You will say ... And tourists show what was built by Chinese communists in the second half of the last century.

According to the official historical version, the Great Wall, designed to protect the country from nomadic peoples, began to erect in the III century BC. Upon the will of the legendary emperor Qin Shi Juan di, the first ruler of the united China in one state.

It is believed that the Great Wall reached this day, built, mainly in the era of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), and everything allocate three historical periods of active construction of the Great Wall: the Epoch of Qin in the III century BC, the era of Han in III century and era min.

Essentially, under the name, the Great Wall of China, at least three large projects in different historical epochs, which are estimated by experts in total, have a total length of the walls of at least 13 thousand km.

With a fall of mines and establishing in China, the Manyzhur Qin Dynasty (1644-1911) construction work stopped. Thus, the wall is mainly preserved, the construction of which was completed in the middle of the XVII century.

It is clear that the construction of such a grand formal structure required the mobilization of enormous material and human resources from the Chinese state at the limit of opportunities.

Historians claim that simultaneously on the construction of the Great Wall, up to a million people were employed and the construction was accompanied by monstrous human victims (three million builders were involved in other data, that is, half of the male population of ancient China).

It is not clear, however, what final meaning saw the Chinese authorities in the construction of the Great Wall, since China did not have the necessary military forces, not to defend, and at least reliably control the wall over the entire length.

It is probably due to this circumstance, nothing specifically is known about the role of the Great Wall in China's defense. Nevertheless, the Chinese rulers of two thousand years have stubbornly erected these walls. Well, it should be just not given to understand the logic of the ancient Chinese.

However, many Chinese people are aware of the weak persuasiveness proposed by researchers of rational motives, there must be prompted the ancient Chinese to create a great wall. And to explain more than a strange story of a unique building, philosophical tirades are pronounced approximately such content:

"The wall was supposed to serve as an extreme northern line of the possible expansion of the Chinese themselves, it had to protect the subjects of the Middle Empire from the transition to a semi-bed lifestyle, from a merger with barbarians. The wall was to clearly fix the boundaries of the Chinese civilization, to contribute to the consolidation of a single empire, which has just been composed of a series of conquered kingdoms. "

Scientists simply struck the blatant absurdity of this fortification. The Great Wall can not be called an ineffective defensive object, with any imputed military point of view, it is crying absurd. As you can see, the wall passes along the ridges of hard-to-reach mountains and hills.

Why build a wall in the mountains, where not that nomads on horseback, but also the walking army hardly happen ?! .. or the strategic empires feared the attacks of wild climbing tribes? Apparently, the threat of the invasion of the Horde of evil climbers really frightened the ancient Chinese authorities, because with a primitive construction technique, the difficulties of building a defensive wall in the mountains increased incredibly.

And the crown of a fantastic absurdity, if you look closely, it can be seen that the wall in some places intersection of the mountain ranges branches, forming mockery of meaningless loops and branching.

It turns out that tourists usually show one of the sections of the Great Wall, located 60 km north-west of Beijing. This is the area of \u200b\u200bMount Badalin (Badaling), the length of the wall is 50 km. The wall is in excellent condition, which is not surprising - its reconstruction on this site was carried out in the 50s of the 20th century. In fact, the wall was constructed anew, although it is argued that on old foundations.

There is nothing more to show, no other inspired by the rest of the remnants from the allegedly existing thousand kilometers of the Great Wall is not available.

Let's return to the question, why nevertheless the Great Wall was told in the mountains. There are relaxes, except for those that may have recreated and extended, perhaps the old fortifications of the Domanzhury era gorge and mountain defile.

The construction of an ancient historical monument in the mountains has its advantages. An observer is difficult to make sure whether the ruins of the Great Wall are truly thousands of kilometers along the mountain ranges, as they say.

In addition, in the mountains it is impossible to establish how old the foundations of the wall. For several centuries, the stone buildings on the usual soil entered by sedimentary rocks are inevitably immersed in the ground a few meters, and it is easy to check.

And on the rocky soil this phenomenon is not observed, and the recent building is easy to give for very ancient. And besides, there are no numerous local population in the mountains, a potential uncomfortable building of the construction of historical sights.

It is unlikely that initially fragments of the Great Wall of the north of Beijing were built in significant sizes, even for China, the beginning of the XIX century is a difficult task.

It seems that those are several tens of kilometers of the Great Wall, which show tourists, for the most part, for the first time, built with the Grand Corde Mao Zedune. Also a kind of Chinese emperor, but still it is not possible to say that very ancient

Here is one of the opinions: one can falsify what exists in the original, for example, a banknote or picture. There is an original and can be copied to it than and the artists-falsifiers and counterfeiters are engaged. If a copy is done well, it is difficult to determine the fake, prove that this is not a script. And in the case of the Chinese wall, it is impossible to say that it is fake. Because there was no real wall in antiquity.

Therefore, the original product of modern creativity of hardworking Chinese builders has nothing to compare with. Rather, it is some quasi-historically reasonable grand architectural creativity. Product of the famous Chinese desire for order. Today it is a great tourist attraction, worthy of enhancing in Guinness Records.

This is what questions set Valentin Sapuno in:

one . From whom, in fact, was to protect the wall? The official version is from nomads, Huns, Vandals are unconvincing. China by the time of creating the wall was the most powerful state of the region, and possibly the whole world. His army was well armed and trained. This can be judged very specifically - in the tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuana Archaeologists have excavated the full-scale model of his troops. Thousands of terracotta warriors in full equipment, with horses, wagons, were to accompany the emperor on that light. The northern peoples of the time did not have serious armies, lived mainly in the period of Neolithic. Dangers for the Chinese army they could not represent. There is a suspicion that from a military point of view the wall was very needed.

2. Why is a significant part of the wall built in the mountains? It takes place along the ridges, over the cliffs and canyons, wriggles on impregnable rocks. So defensive structures do not build. In the mountains and without protective walls, the movement of troops is difficult. Even in our time in Afghanistan and Chechnya, modern mechanized troops are moving not through the ridges of mountains, but only in the gorges and passes. To stop the troops in the mountains, sufficiently small fortresses that dominate the gorges. The north and south of the Great Wall stretch the plains. It is more logical and many times cheaper to put the wall there, and the mountains would serve as an additional natural obstacle to the enemy.

3. Why is a wall with a fantastic length relatively small height - from 3 to 8 meters, rarely where to 10? It is much lower than in most European castles and Russian Kremlin. A strong army equipped with appropriate technique (stairs, mobile wooden towers) could, choosing a vulnerable area on a relatively smooth area of \u200b\u200bthe terrain, overcome the wall and invade China. So it happened in 1211, when China was easily conquered by Horde of Genghis Khan.

4. Why is the Great Wall of Wall oriented on both sides? All fortification facilities have teeth and curbing on the walls from the side facing the enemy. In the direction of his teeth do not put. It is meaningless and difficult to maintain warriors on the walls, the delivery of ammunition. In many places, the teeth and loopholes are divided into their territory, some towers are shifted to the south. It turns out that the buildings of the walls assumed the presence of an enemy and for their part. Who were they going to fight in this case?

Let's start the reasoning with the analysis of the person's identity analysis of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe wall - Emperor Qin Shihuana (259 - 210 BC).

His personality was extraordinary and largely typical for the autocrat. Brilliant organizational talent and state thinking he combined with pathological cruelty, suspicion and self-immortality. A very young 13-year-old man he became a prince of the state Qin. It was here that the technology of ferrous metallurgy was first mastered. Immediately it was applied to the needs of the army. Possessing more perfect weapons than the neighbors equipped with bronze swords, the Army of Principality Qin quickly won a significant part of the country. From 221 g BC Successful warrior and politician became the head of the United Chinese State - the Empire. From that time, he began to wear the name Qin Shihuan (in other transcription - Shihuandi). Like any usurper, he had many enemies. The emperor surrounded himself an army of bodyguards. Fearing the killers, he created in his palace the first magnetic control of weapons. According to the advice of specialists, he commanded to put at the entrance of the arch of magnetic ironing. If an incoming iron weapon has been hidden, magnetic forces were pulled out from underwear. Immediately slept the guard and began to find out why the incoming wanted to enter the palace armed. Fearing for power and life, the emperor fell ill mania the persecution. He saw conspiracies everywhere. The prevention method he chose the traditional - mass terror. For the slightest suspicion of people's disloteard, they were trying and executed. Square of the cities of China was continuously announced by the cries of people, which were destroyed into parts, cooked alive in the boilers, fried on the pan. Hard terror pushed many for flight from the country.

Permanent stress, the wrong lifestyle shared the health of the emperor. A 12-risen ulcer played. After 40 years, symptoms of early aging appeared. Some wise men, but rather, Charlatans told him the legend of the tree, growing over the sea in the East. The fruits of the tree, allegedly, heal from all diseases and prolong youth. The emperor commanded immediately to supply an expedition for fabulous fruits. A few large junok reached the shores of modern Japan, founded the settlement there and decided to stay. They rightly decided that the mythical tree did not exist. If they come back with empty hands, the steep emperor will swear chibically, and maybe it will come up with worse. This settlement later became the beginning of the formation of the Japanese state.

Seeing that to return the health and youth science is not able, he wrapped anger on scientists. "Historic", or, rather, the hysterical decree of the emperor read - "burn all the books and execute all scientists!". Part of the specialists and work related to military affairs and agriculture, the emperor under pressure from the public was still amnestied. However, most invaluable manuscripts burned down, and 460 scientists who were the then color of the intellectual elite, cumshot life in cruel torment.

It was this that the emperor, as noted, belongs to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Great Wall. Construction work began not from scratch. In the north of the country there were already defensive structures. The idea was to combine them into a single fortification system. What for?

The simplest explanation is the most real

We resort to the analogies. Egyptian pyramids did not have a practical meaning. They demonstrated the greatness of the Pharaohs and their power, the ability to make hundreds of thousands of people do any, even a meaningless action. Such structures that have a goal only the alignment of power, on earth more than enough.

Also the Great Wall is the symbol of the power of Shhihuan and other Chinese emperors that graduated from the relay of the Grand Construction. It should be noted that, in contrast to many other similar monuments, the wall of the picturesque and in its own way beautiful, harmoniously combined with nature. The work was attracted by talented fortifies, which know the fuss in the east sense of beauty.

There was a second need for a wall, more prose. The waves of the imperial terror, the Samoram of the feudal and officials forced the peasants in mass order to run in search of a better life.

The main path was north, in Siberia. It is there that Chinese men dreamed of finding the land and will. Interest in Siberia as an analogue of the land of the promised has long been excited by ordinary Chinese, and has long been practicing this people to spread throughout the world.

Historical analogies suggest themselves. Why did Russian settlers go to Siberia? For the best fraction, behind the earth and will. They were saved from the royal anger and the Barsky Samodor.

To stop uncontrolled migration to the north, undermining the unlimited power of the emperor and the nobles and created the Great Wall. She would not keep a serious army. However, overlapping the path to peasants going on mountain trails, burdened unaccomfortable scarves, wives and children, the wall could. And if the guys were walking to breakthrough, headed by such Chinese Ermacom, they met the rain of arrows because of the teeth facing their own people. Analogues of such immakeable events in history are more than enough. Recall the Berlin Wall. Officially built against the aggression of the West, she put the goal to stop the flight of the inhabitants of the GDR there, where life was better, or at least seemed so. With a similar goal in Stalin's times, they created tens of thousands of kilometers the most fortified border in the world, called the "Iron Curtain". It may not happen by chance, the Great Wall in the mind of the people of the world acquired a double meaning. On the one hand, this is a symbol of China. On the other hand - symbol of chinese isolation from the rest of the world.

There is even the assumption that the "Great Wall" is the creation of not ancient Chinese, but their northern neighbors.

Back in 2006, the President of the Academy of Fundamental Sciences Andrei Aleksandrovich Tyunyev in the article "The Great Wall of China ... not the Chinese!", Made a suggestion about the non-Chinese origin of the Great Wall. In fact, modern China has assigned the achievement of another civilization. The task of the wall was changed in modern Chinese historiography: initially she defended the north of the south, and not the Chinese south from Northern Varvarov. Researchers suggest that the slaughterings of a significant part of the wall look at the south, and not to the north. This can be seen in the works of Chinese drawing, a number of photos, on the most ancient not modernized for the needs of the tourist industry, sections of the wall.

According to Tyunayev, the last sections of the Great Wall were built similarly to Russian and European medieval fortifications, the main task of which is to protect against the effects of guns. Building such fortification structures began not earlier than the 15th century, when the guns spread widely on the battles. In addition, the wall indicated the border between China and Russia. In that period of history, the border between Russia and China took place on the "Chinese" wall. " On the map of Asia XVIII century, which was made by the Royal Academy in Amsterdam, two geographical entities were marked in this region: Tartarie (Tartarie) was located in the north, and in the south - China (CHINE), the northern border of which was approximately the 40th parallel, i.e. exactly in the Great Wall. On this Dutch card, the Great Wall is marked with a fat line and signed "Muraille De La Chine". With French, this phrase is translated as a "Chinese Wall", but can be translated as a "wall from China", or the "wall, separating from China". In addition, other cards confirm the political importance of the Great Wall: on the map of 1754, Carte De L'Asie is also held along the border between China and the Great Tataria (Tartaria). In the Academic 10-Tomny World History, a map of the Qing Empire of the second half of the XVII - XVIII centuries is posted, on which the Great Wall is shown in detail, which goes exactly along the border between Russia and China.

The following are evidence here:

Architectural style wallNow in China, is captured by the features of the construction of the "handprints" of its creators. Elements of walls and towers, similar to the wall fragments, can be found in the Middle Ages only in the architecture of the ancient Russian defensive structures of the central regions of Russia - "Northern Architecture".

Andrei Tyunayev proposes to compare the two towers from the Chinese wall and from the Novgorod Kremlin. The shape of the towers is the same: a rectangle, slightly narrowed up. From the wall inside and the other tower leads an entrance, covered with a round arch, posted from the same brick as the wall with the tower. Each of the towers has two top "workers" of the floor. In the first floor and the other tower made roundard windows. The number of windows of the first floor and in the other tower - 3 on one side and 4 to another. The height of the windows is approximately the same - about 130-160 centimeters.

On the top (second) floor there are braces. They are made in the form of rectangular narrow grooves of about 35-45 cm wide. The number of such boys in the Chinese tower is 3 in depth and 4 wide, and in Novgorod - 4 in depth and 5 width. On the top floor of the "Chinese" tower along its very edge there are square holes. There are the same holes in the Novgorod Tower, and the ends of the rafter are sticking out of them, on which a wooden roof is holding.

The same situation in comparing the Chinese Tower and Tower of the Tula Kremlin. The Chinese and Tula towers have the same number of boys in the width - they are 4. And the same number of arched outlooks - on 4. On the top floor there are small bobbies - in Chinese and from the Tula towers. The shape of the towers is still the same. In the Tula Tower, as in Chinese, a white stone is used. The vaults are equally performed: Tula - Gate, at the "Chinese" - inputs.

For comparison, the Russian towers of the Nikolsky gate (Smolensk) and the northern fortress wall of the Nikitsky Monastery (Pereslavl-Zalessky, XVI century) can also be used (Pereslavl-Zalessky, the XVI century), as well as the Tower in Suzdal (mid XVII century). Conclusion: The design features of the Chinese wall towers detect almost accurate analogies among the towers of Russian Kremlin.

And what does the comparison of the preserved towers of the Chinese city of Beijing with medieval towers of Europe? The fortress walls of the Spanish city of Avila and Beijing are very similar to each other, especially the fact that the towers are located very often and practically do not have architectural devices for military needs. Beijing towers only have an upper deck with braces, and laid out in one height with the rest of the wall.

Neither Spanish neither Beijing towers do not discover such a high similarity with the defensive towers of the Chinese wall, as they show the towers of the Russian Kremlin and the fortress walls. And this is a reason for thinking historians.

But the reasoning Lexautov Sergey Vladimirovich:

In the chronicles it is written that the wall was built two thousand years. In the sense of defense - absolutely meaningless construction. This is what, while the wall was built in one place, in other places the nomads were honestly walked in China as much within two thousand years? But the chain of fortresses and shafts can be built and improved for two thousand years. Fortresses are needed that garrisons from superior enemy forces will be defeated in them, as well as for the quartering of mobile detachments of the cavalry, to immediately go in chance for the detachment of the robbers, which raced the border.

I thought for a long time, who and why in China built this meaningless cycopic structure? In addition to Mao Jie Dun, just no one! With the wisdom inherent in him, he found a magnificent means, how to adapt to the work of tens of millions of healthy men, who before that thirty years have fought, and except for how to fight nothing was cleaned. It is unthinkable, what a mustache began in China if they were demobilized at the same time such a number of soldiers!

And the fact that the Chinese themselves believe that the wall has been worth two thousand years, explained very simple. The battalion of demobels comes to the clean field, the commander distributes them: - "That's where the Great Wall was in this very place, but the worst of the barbarians were destroyed, we will have to renovating it." And millions of people sincerely believed that they did not build, but only restored the Great Wall of China. In fact, the wall is composed of smooth, explicitly chopped blocks. This is what, in Europe, the stone was not cleaned, and in China were involved in China? In addition, they saw the stone of soft rocks, and the fortress is better to build from the granite or basalt, or from anything no less solid. And granites and basalts learned to cut only in the twentieth century. Throughout four and a half thousand kilometers, the wall is composed of monotonous blocks of the same sizes, and in fact, in two thousand years, the methods of stone processing inevitably should have changed. Yes, and building methods for the centuries are changing.

This researcher believes that the Great Wall of China was built to protect against sandy storms Desert Ala-Shan and Ordos. He drew attention that on the map, compiled at the beginning of the twentieth century, Russian travelers P. Kozlov, it can be seen how the wall passes along the border of moving sands, and in some places it has significant branches. But it was near the deserts by researchers and archaeologists several parallel walls were found. Galanine explains this phenomenon is very simple: when one wall lied sand, another was erected. The researcher does not deny the military purpose of the wall in its eastern part, but the western part of the wall performed, in his opinion, the function of protecting agricultural areas from the natural element.

Fighters of the invisible front

Perhaps the answers - in the beliefs of the residents of the inhabitants? We, people of our time, it is difficult to believe that our ancestors would erect barriers to reflect the aggression of imaginary enemies, such as disembodied other entities with unkind mises. But the whole thing is that our distant predecessors considered evil spirits with completely real creatures.

The inhabitants of China (both today and in the past) are convinced that the world around them inhabit thousands of demonic creatures. Sandaganda. One of the names of the wall sounds like "a place where 10 thousand spirits live".

Another curious fact: the Great Wall of the Wall stretches not in a straight line, but on winding. And the features of the relief here have nothing to do with it. If you look closely, you can find that even on the plain sites it "loops." What was the logic of ancient builders?

Ancient believed that all these creatures could move exclusively in direct and unable to bypass the obstacles arising on the path. Can the Great Wall of the Wall have been erected to block the road to them?

Meanwhile, it is known that Emperor Qin Shihuang di during construction was constantly consistent with astrologers and consulted with predictors. According to the legend, the monitants told Jell to bring the glory to the Lord and to ensure reliable defense to the state may be a terrible sacrifice - buried in the wall of the body of the unfortunate who died during the construction of the structure. How to know, perhaps these nameless builders and today are standing on the eternal guard of the frontier ...

Let's see the photo wall:


The Great Wall of China stretches along the northern regions of the People's Republic of China, through the territories of 17 provinces: from Liaoning to Qinghai.

Taking into account all the branches measured in 2008, the length of the Great Wall of China in modern condition reaches 8850 - 8851.9 km (5500 miles).

According to archaeological research, the results of which were made public in 2012, the historical length of the Great Wall of China is 21196 km (13170.7 miles).

The measurement of the monument is complicated by the fact that some historical sites have a complex shape, separated by natural landscaped barriers or turned out to be partially or completely blurred, disassembled locals.

The history of the construction of the Great Wall

The construction of the Great Wall of China was laid in the III century BC. e. - In the period of fighting (warring) kings (475-221 BC. Er) to protect against nomads. At the same time, the technology of the construction of fortifications was used before - in the VIII-V centuries BC. e.

In the construction of the northern defensive walls, the population of the kingdoms of Qin, Wei, Yan, Zhao, the total in the works turned out to be involved about a million people. The first constructed areas were global and even ground-based - pressed local materials. Early protective sections between kingdoms are combined to create a common wall.

In the first centralized state under the emperor Qin Shihuandy (from 221 g. BC) Early sections are fortified, completed, the single wall is elongated, and the walls between the former kingdoms are demolished: all the forces are aimed at creating continuous strengthening along the Mountain chain of Insan to protect against raids. At that time, the total number of mobilized wall builders reached almost 2 million, due to the harsh working conditions and low infrastructure grew mortality. Builders of that time continued to use primitive pressed materials and bricks dried in the sun. On separate rare areas, mostly in the East, the stone plates began to launch.

The height of the wall with such an inhomogeneous terrain landscape was also different on different segments. On average, the fortifications were tested by 7.5 m, taking into account rectangular teeth - about 9 m, the width was 5.5 meters below and 4.5 m from above. An integral part of the walls of the tower were built at the same time on arrows from each other (about 200 meters) and early, included in the wall in random order. In the grand walling wall, signal towers, tower with braces and 12 gates were also provided.

With the Han dynasty (206 BC. E. - III century. Er) The Great Wall of China continued to the West to Dunhuana. According to archaeologists estimates, during this period, about 10,000 km of fortifications were restored and built, which included new guard towers on the desert site, where the protection of trading caravans from nomads was required.

The following construction period described in historical sources is the XII century, the ruling dynasty - Jin. However, the plots built at this time were mainly located north of the early wall, within the Chinese province of Inner Mongolia and on the territory of modern Tesstren Mongolia.

The preserved Great Wall for the most part is built at the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). For the construction of fortifications, durable stone blocks and bricks were used, as a binder composition - a mixture of rice porridge with hawed lime. For a long time, mines the fortress wall stretched from the east to the west of Shanha Haiguan outpost on the shore of the Bohaji Bay to Superguan Ozdasha, located at the modern border of Gansu Province and Xinjiang Uigur JSC. These reference points from the sea to the desert are now referred to as the beginning and the end of the Great Wall of China.

Interesting facts about the Great Wall

  • Badalin's tourist plot since 1957 has managed to visit more than 300 statesmen from around the world. The first of the foreigners was the revolutionary Klim Voroshilov.
  • Since 1999, the Great Wall Marathon Marathon has become an annual on the equipped area of \u200b\u200bthe wall. It participates 2500 athletes from more than 60 countries of the world.
  • The visual distinction of the Great Wall of Cosmos is a common myth. Currently refuted delusion that the wall can be seen from the moon with a naked eye. Visibility with earthly orbit has not yet been confirmed, photographs of the Great Wall of Cosmos cannot be evidence, since the resolution of the cameras used is higher than the possibilities of the human visual system.

Sections of the Great Wall

For tourists is equipped and on an ongoing basis only a small part of the Great Wall of China is available. Refailed areas near Beijing are calculated for massive tourism.


The Badalin plot is built with the Ming dynasty, comprehensively renovated with Mao Zedune. This is the first section of the Great Wall, open for free visits. The length is about 50 km. Thus, tourism in Badalina has been developing since 1957, and now it is the famous and most visited plot, including due to its location - only 70 km from Beijing, is connected to the capital of bus and railway express.

The entrance charge: 45 CNY from April to October, 40 CNY - from November to March.

Opening hours: from 6:40 to 18:30.


This is the second approximate to Beijing (about 80 km from the city center) and also a very popular section of the Great Wall of China, length - 2.2 km. Mutyanyuy is located near the Huijou district, is associated with Jiankou in the West and Lianhuachi in the East. The foundation of this section is older than Badalina: The first wall was built in the 6th century at northern qi, the wall of the mining dynasty was built on the preserved basis. In 1569 Mutyanuy restored, the site was perfectly preserved to the present day, located in the picturesque environment of forests and streams. Another feature of Mutyanyuy is a large number of staircases.

The cost of the entrance is 40 CNY, for the elderly from 60 years and children with an increase of 1.2-1.4 m - 20 CNY. Children below 1.2 m - free.

Mode of operation: The second half of March - mid-November from 7:30 to 18:00 (on weekends - until 18:30), the rest of the year - from 8:00 to 17:00.


Simatai section 5.4 km long is 145 km from the Beijing Center. In the western part of this segment, 20 guard towers are well preserved. The eastern wall is distinguished by a steep slope, which is due to rough terrain with rocks. The total number of towers in Simata - 35.

At Simata, there is less restoration recently, but the route is more difficult. Of particular interest are the towers; Heavenly bridge - a plot of up to 40 cm wide; Heavenly staircase - a rise at an angle of 85 degrees. The most extreme sections are closed for tourists.

Entry fee - 40 CNY for adult, 20 CNY for a child with an increase of 1.2 - 1.5 m. Free - children below 1.2 m.

Opening hours (day and evening shifts): April-October - from 8:00 to 18:00 and from 10:00 to 22:00; November - March - from 8:00 to 17:30 (on weekends - until 21:30) and from 17:30 to 21:30.


Mostly "wild" and not restored segment of the wall in the area of \u200b\u200bGubaikou in 146-150 km from Beijing. It was built with the Ming dynasty on the foundation of the ancient wall of the VI century, from the XVI century no longer rebuilt, retained the authentic appearance, although not so impressive as on Simatay and Jarksaline.

The city of Gubaiou Wall in the area is divided into two parts - WOHUSHAN (4.8 km, the main attraction - "Sisters") and Panlongshan (about 5 km, notable "24-Eyes Tower" - with 24 observatory holes).

Input board - 25 CNY.

Opening hours: from 8:10 to 18:00.


Located in a mountainous area of \u200b\u200bLuanpin County, 156 km from the center of Beijing in roads. Ginsaulin is connected with the Simatham in East and Mutyanyuy in the West.

The length of the walls of Ginshanina is 10.5 kilometers, it includes 67 towers and 3 signal tower.

The initial section of the wall is renovated, but its general condition is close to the natural, gradually deteriorating.

Entrance fees: from April to October - 65 CNY, from November to March - 55 CNY.


Huanghuanian is the only priest piece of the Great Wall in the vicinity of Beijing. The distance from the city center is about 80 km. This is an interesting heavyweight route, especially picturesque in the summer. Wall at Lake Homin was built from 1404 for 188 years. Now this segment reaches 12.4 km, segments of stone masonry segments are immersed in water.

Entrance fee - 45 CNY. Children up to 1.2 m - free.

Opening hours: From April to October on weekdays - from 8:30 to 17:00; Weekend, May 1-7 and October 1-7 - 8: 00-18: 00; From November to March - from 8:30 to 16:30.

Pass Huanja

Juanyaguan, or Huan's Pass, built along the mountains, stretched 42 km from General Pass in Beijing to Malan Pass in Hebeie, initially included 52 guard towers and 14 signal tags. However, due to the lack of repair, most of this wall is destroyed. Since 2014, it was possible to restore about 3 km of construction and 20 towers. Attractions include Vdda Tower, an ancient part of the era of the dynasty of Northern Qi at the end of the staircase of Chania Sky, as well as the Museum of the Great Wall.

The distance to Juanyagan from the center of Beijing is about 120 km.

Input board - 65 CNY. Children from 1.2 to 1.5 m - 35 CNY children up to 1.2 m - free.

Open for tourists from 7:30 to 18:30.


Sign part of the wall: It is here that one of its ends is - "Dragon's Head", leaving in the Yellow Sea. Located 15 km from Qinhuangdao and 305 km from Beijing.

The Shanhaiguan Fortress Plan has a square shape of a perimeter of about 7 km (4.5 miles) with a gate on each side. The Eastern Wall was the main line of the Pass defense, is known as the "first passage under the sky."

Entrance to the old town in the fortress, the Museum of the Great Wall of China - for free. "First passage under the sky" - 40 CNY from May to October, 15 CNY from November to March.

Mode of operation - from 7:00 to 18:00 during May - October, from 7:30 to 17:00 from November to April. The museum has been working from 8:00 to 17:00.

Sections of a wall of purple marble

Fortress facilities made of purple marble as part of the Great Wall of China are considered the most durable and beautiful. They are erected from marble mined at local fields. Two sites are located near the city of Jiangian, another one - in the mountains of Janyshan. Check information in practice is hardly possible: the listed walls are closed for mass tourism.

How to get to the Great Wall

The most affordable plot of Badalin. However, you can independently get to the other preserved parts of the Great Wall of China.

How to get to the Great Wall of Beijing

From Beijing B. Badalin Recreation will be transported:

  • buses number 877 (express from stopping Deshengmen, 12 CNY);
  • public bus number 919 (rides longer, with stops, you need to check if Badaline takes it to Badaline;
  • by train S2 from Huangtudian station, then on a free bus to the Badaline cable car station;
  • on special tourist buses: from Qianmen stops, East Bridge, Xizhimen Gate, Beijing Railway Station.

From Beijing Airport to the Great Wall (Badalin) Getting to get on with the transfer (subway / bus + bus or subway / bus + train) or using the transfer - such proposals is enough for both groups and for individual travelers.

Transport to Wall Mutyanyu From Beijing (with transplantation):

  • from Dongzhimen Station by bus number 916 (express or ordinary) to Huairou North Avenue (Huairou Beidajie);
  • put on the H23, H24, H35, or H36 transfer bus to Mutyanyu.

Transportation from Beijing to the wall Simai (with 1 transplant):

  • bus number 980/980 Express (respectively 15/17 CNY) from Dongzhimen to Miyun bus station;
  • next - MI 51 (8 CNY) to the village of Simtai.

To get there to Gubaikou From Beijing, you need to sit on the express number 980 from Dongzhimen to Miyun bus station, then get on the MI 25 bus to the destination.

Ginshalin From Beijing:

  • on the subway (line 13 or 15) to West Wangjing, then on a tourist bus to destination (departs at 10:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:30 and returns at 10:30, 11:30, 13: 30, 15:00, passage 32 CNY); Actual only in the season from April to 15 November;
  • from Dongzhimen by bus number 980 to Miyun County, then independently (with a fellow traveler, on a rolling car, taxi) to Messhanlyan.

Huanyaguan From Beijing:

  • on a long-distance bus to Jijour (30-40 CNY), then at the local charter minibus to Hagyaguan (25-30 CNY);
  • train to Jijou from the eastern railway station Beijing (14.5 CNY), then on a charter minibus.

Transportation from Beijing to the Great Wall on the site Huanghuachen:

  • from Dongzhimen on a special excursion bus, riding the peak season from April to October (on weekends and holidays). You need to purchase a ticket back - back - Huanghuacheng Lakeside Great Wall for 80 CNY;
  • from dongzhimen by bus 916 or 916 Express to Huizhou bus station, then on the H21 bus to Small West Lake.

To get to the site of the Great Wall of the Wall of Shanhaiguan from Beijing, you need to take the train to the Shanhaiguan station, then go on foot. Train timetable to site.

Transfer, taxi from Beijing

Transferring shuttle service to the close and most popular sections of the wall.

Video "Great Wall HD"

In China, there is another material evidence of the presence of a highly developed civilization in this country, to which the Chinese do not have relations. Unlike Chinese pyramids, this testimony is well known. This is the so-called The great Wall of China.

Let's see what orthodox historians say about this largest architectural monument, which has recently become the main tourist attraction of China. The wall is located in the north of the country, stretching from the sea coast and leaving into the depths of Mongolian steppes, and for different estimates has a length, taking into account the branches, from 6 to 13,000 km. Wall thickness - a few meters (on average 5 meters), height is 6-10 meters. It is argued that the wall included 25 thousand towers.

A brief history of the construction of the wall today looks like this. Build the wall allegedly started yet in the III century BC During the board of the dynasty QinTo protect against nomads from the north and clearly define the border of the Chinese civilization. The initiator of the construction was the famous "Mortacebade of the Land of Chinese" Emperor Qin Shi-Huangi. He drove for about half a million people for the construction of about half a million, which at 20 million of the common population is a very impressive figure. Then the wall was a construction mainly from the Earth - a huge earthy tree.

During the board of the dynasty Han (206 BC. E. - 220 AD) The wall was expanded to the West, strengthened with a stone and built a line of guard towers, which went deep into the desert. With dynasty Min. (1368-1644) The wall continued to build further. As a result, it stretches from the east to the west of the Bohaji Gulf in the yellow sea to the western border of the modern provinces of Gansu, entering the territory of the Gobi desert. It is believed that this wall was made by the efforts of the millions of Chinese from bricks and stone blocks, so these sections of the walls were preserved to this day in this form in which it was already used to see a modern tourist. Ming dynasty changed the Manchurian dynasty Qing (1644-1911), which was not engaged in the construction of the wall. It limited himself only to maintaining a relative order of a small site near Beijing, which served as "gates to the capital."

In 1899, American newspapers were raised about the fact that the wall will soon be demolished, and in her place will be built a highway. However, no one was going to demolish anything. Moreover, in 1984, a program on the restoration of the wall on the initiative of Dan Xiaopin started and under the leadership of Mao Jie Duna, which is carried out and now, and is funded from the funds of Chinese and foreign companies, as well as individuals. How many Mao drove to the restoration of the wall, not reported. Several areas were repaired, somewhat raised at all. So we can assume that in 1984 the construction of the fourth Chinese wall began. Usually, tourists show one of the sections of the wall, located 60 km north-west of Beijing. This is a District of Mount Badalin (Badaling), the length of the wall is 50 km.

The largest impression of the wall does not produce in the Beijing area, where it is erected at the not very high mountains, but in remote mountainous areas. There, by the way, it is very clearly seen that the wall, like a defensive structure, is very thoughtful. First, on the very wall together, five people could move together in a row, so she was and good dear, which is extremely important if necessary for the transfer of troops. Under the cover of the teeth, the guards could be secretly sewed to the site where the enemies planned to attack. The signal towers were arranged in such a way that each of them was in the visibility zone of the other two. Some important messages were transferred either by drumbo, or smoke or fire fire. Thus, the message about the invasion of the enemy from the farthest frontes could be transferred to the center per day!

In the process of restoration of the wall, interesting facts opened. For example, its stone blocks were bonded between themselves with a sticky porridge with an admixture of gasheny lime. Or what bobers on her fortresses looked in the direction of China; that from the north side the height of the wall is small, much less than with southern and there are stairs. The latest faces, for obvious reasons, are not advertised and not commented by official science - neither Chinese nor world. Moreover, with the reconstruction of the towers, the loopholes are trying to build in the opposite direction, although it is not possible everywhere. These photographs show the south side of the wall - the sun shines at noon.

However, on this oddity with the Chinese wall do not end. Wikipedia has a complete wall map where various color shows a wall that every Chinese dynasty has built. As we see, the Great Wall, it turns out not alone. North China often and Gusto Usiyan "Great Chinese Walls", which enter the territory of modern Mongolia and even Russia. Light on these oddities shed A.A. Tyunyev In his work "The Women's Wall is a great barrage from the Chinese":

"Trace the stages of the construction of" Chinese "walls based on Chinese scientists, extremely interesting. Of these, it can be seen that Chinese scientists who call the Wall of the "Chinese", not much care that the Chinese people himself did not accept any participation in its construction: every time the next section of the wall was built, the Chinese state was far from construction sites.

So the first and most part of the wall is built in the period from 445 BC. On 222 BC. It passes along 41-42 ° Northern latitude and at the same time along some areas p. Huanghe. At this time, naturally, no Mongol-Tatar was. Moreover, the first association of peoples in the composition of China took place only in 221 BC. Under the kingdom of Qin. And before that there was a period of Zhanggo (5-3 centuries. BC), in which eight states existed in China. Only in the middle of the 4th century. BC. Qin began the fight against other kingdoms, and to 221 BC Communicated some of them.

The figure shows that the Western and Northern Border of the Qin state to 221 BC. began to coincide with the plot of "Chinese" wall, which began to be built yet in 445 BC. and was built precisely in 222 BC.

Thus, we see that this section of the "Chinese" walls built not the Chinese state of Qin, but northern neighborsBut it is from the Chinese propagating to the north. In just 5 years - from 221 to 206. BC. - Wall was built along the entire border of the state of Qin, which stopped the spread of his subjects north and west. In addition, at the same time, 100-200 km west and norther from the first were built and the second line of defense from Qin - the second "Chinese" wall of this period was built.

The next period of construction covers time from 206 BC On 220 AD. During this period, sections of the wall were built, located 500 km west and 100 km north of the previous ones ... from 618 to 907 China Rules of the Tang Dynasty, which did not marks themselves victories over the northern neighbors.

In the next period from 960 to 1279. In China, the Empire Song was established. At this time, China has lost the domination over his vassals in the West, in the northeast (on the territory of the Korean Peninsula) and in the south - in North Vietnam. The Soon Empire lost a significant part of the territories of the Chinese actually in the north and north-west, who has departed to the Kiden State of Liao (part of the modern provinces of Hebei and Shanxi), the Tangutsky kingdom of Si-Xia (part of the territories of the modern province of Shaanxi, the territory of the modern province of Gansu and Ninxia-Huieski autonomous area).

In 1125, the border between the non-Chinese kingdom of Zhurzheney and China took place on the river. Huihehe is 500-700 km south of the places of the built wall. And in 1141, a peace treaty was signed, according to which the Chinese Soon Empire recognized himself by Vassal of the Nekitai State of Jin, obliged to pay him a big tribute.

However, so far, China itself is nodded to the south of r. Hahunue, at 2100-2500 km north of his borders was erected by another section of the "Chinese" wall. This part of the wall, built from 1066 to 1234., It takes place on the Russian territory north of the village of Born next to the p. Argun. At the same time, 1500-2000 km north of China built another segment of the wall, located along the Big Hingana ...

The next segment of the wall was built in the period from 1366 to 1644. It takes place on the 40th parallel from Andong (40 °), just north of Beijing (40 °), through Yinchuan (39 °) to Dunhuan and AnSi (40 °) in the West. This section of the wall is the last, the most southernmost and deeper penetrating into the territory of China ... During the construction of this section of the wall to Russian territories, all the Amur region applied. By the middle of the 17th century, the Russian fortresses (Albazinsky, Kuhamsky, etc.) were already existed on both shores of Amur, the peasant Slobods and Pashnya. In 1656, Dauro (later - Albazinskoye) was formed, in which the Valley of the Upper and Middle Amur was part of both shores ... Built by the Russians by Russians by 1644, the "Chinese" wall took place exactly along the border of Russia with Qing China. In the 1650s, Qing China invaded Russian lands to a depth of 1500 km, which was enshrined by Aigunsky (1858) and Peking (1860) contracts ... "

Today, the Chinese wall is located inside China. However, it was a time when the wall indicated border of the country.

This fact confirms the old maps that came to us. For example, the map of China's famous medieval cartogfer Abraham Ortelus from its geographical atlas of the world Theatrum Orbis Terrarum 1602 years. On the North map is located on the right. It is clearly seen that China is separated from the Northern country - Tartaria by the wall.

On the map of 1754 "LE CARTE DE L'ASIE" It is also clear that China's border with the Great Tartaria passes along the wall.

And even the 1880 card shows the wall as the border of China with the northern neighbor. It is noteworthy that part of the wall goes far enough to the territory of the Western neighbor of China - Chinese Tartarium ...

Interesting illustrations to this article are collected on the website "Food of the Republic of Armenia" ...

Fake antiquity of China

The most ambitious on the planet, the defensive structure is the Great Wall of the Wall, the eighth miracle of the world. This fortification is considered the longest and widest. There are still disputes, how many km chinese wall stretches. You can find a lot of interesting facts in the literature and on the Internet. Even his location causes interest - this wall shares China to the north and south - the edge of nomads and the edge of the farmers.

History of the Chinese Wall

Before the advent of the Great Wall of China, there were very many scattered defensive structures from nomad raids. In the third century BC, when Zin Shihuandi began to rule, small kingdoms and principalities were united. And the emperor decided to build one big wall.

Start the wall in 221 to our era. There is a legend that construction of a Chinese wall Throw the whole imperial army - about three hundred thousand people. They attracted the peasants. First, the wall was in the form of ordinary earthy embankments, and after them began to be replaced with brick, stone.

By the way, this construction can be called the longest not only the wall, but also the cemetery. After all, a lot of builders were buried here - they were buried into the wall, and the structures were built right on the bones.

From the moment of construction, the wall has repeatedly tried to destroy, and then restore. Modern appearance, this construction obtained at the Ming dynasty. From 1368 to 1644, construction tower was installed, instead of earthen embankments, brick were put, some areas were rebuilt.

About the Chinese wall, which is considered the longest artificial structure in the world, there are many interesting facts. Here is some of them:

  • when laying the blocks of stone, a sticky rice porridge was used, which mixed lime hated;
  • its construction took the lives of more than millions of people;
  • this wall is in the UNESCO World Heritage List as one of the greatest historical sights;
  • in 2004, the Chinese wall was examined for more than forty millions of foreign tourists.

Most of the disputes are conducted around the digit, how many km of the Great Wall. It was previously believed that its length is 8.85 thousand. But then it turned out that the archaeologists were measured only by those areas of the facilities that were erected in the era of the Ming Dynasty.

But if we talk about all chinese Wall, Length It is 21.196 thousand kilometers. These data were announced by the staff of the State Administration on Cultural Heritage Affairs. They began research back in 2007, and the results were announced in 2012. Thus, the length of the Chinese wall turned out to be more initial data by 12 thousand kilometers.