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School is not only duties, but also rights. Violations in the field of school education. What rights do students and their parents have?

constitution Russian Federation Every child is guaranteed the right to receive basic general education free of charge.

Upon admission to the school, the child has the right to familiarize himself with the Charter and the internal regulations of the school, which must be posted by the school administration for public viewing.

The student is entitled to an accelerated course of study in a subject that can be learned ahead of schedule. The ways in which the school can help such a student's desire should be contained in the School Charter.

The child has the right to participate in the management of the internal life of the school. If the student does not agree with the decision of the administration of the educational institution, he has the right to seek assistance from the authorized state bodies through his representative (parent, teacher). This possibility is provided for by Article 9 of Federal Law No. 124-FZ of July 24, 1998 “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”.

A child over eight years of age has the right to participate in the creation of public associations and organizations at school, if they are not of a political or religious nature. Pupils can hold meetings and rallies to protect their rights, if such meetings do not violate the Charter of the school.

The child has the right to use the school library free of charge.

Federal Laws No. 124-FZ of 24.07.1998 “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”, No. 273-FZ of 29.12.2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation” establishes the rights of the child to respect for his human dignity, freedom of conscience, information, to the free expression of their opinions and beliefs, as well as freedom from forced labor.

When studying at school, each student is obliged: to comply with the Charter and rules of the educational institution; to study conscientiously; attend classes included in the core educational program, in accordance with the schedule; take good care of school property; respect the honor and dignity of other students and school employees; comply with the requirements of school employees to comply with internal regulations.

It is not uncommon for parents of schoolchildren to collect funds for the needs of the school. You should be aware that the decision to transfer money in favor of the school can only be voluntary.
The same applies to extracurricular activities. Each school has a curriculum that lists the main general education program by class, as well as additional tasks, circles and electives. The main program is free and obligatory for the student, attending additional classes can only be voluntary. The teacher cannot force the student to attend additional classes that are not included in the main program.

No religion or belief should be imposed in the school. The child has the right to freedom of conscience and religion. The school does not have the right to hold any events of a religious nature and collect donations for religious organizations. Students have every right to refuse to participate in such activities.

In addition, the teacher does not have the right to force students to declare their affiliation to any religion.

In case of violation of the rights of the child, parents and other legal representatives may file a written complaint with the principal of the school. In case of failure to take measures - to the territorial body of the Department of Education at the location of the school or to the prosecutor's office. In addition, parents have the right to appeal against the actions of the school administration in court.

The school also does not allow the use of physical and mental violence against students. The use of such methods is the basis for attracting an employee educational institution to criminal liability.

Education is a necessary part of life in society, which is the basis for harmonious personal growth and development. Every child is obliged to attend school, so parents have a number of experiences and questions during all the years of study. First of all, you need to know what are the rights of the child at school. They need to be explained in an accessible form even to a first grader.

Rights of the child in schools in Russia and Ukraine

Children, and infringement of the rights of the child at school is punishable. Both Russian and Ukrainian schoolchildren have the same rights:

  • independently choose the educational institution in which he wants to study, that is, no one can forbid the child to study at a school that is far from the student's area of ​​​​residence;
  • for respect from all school employees, including not only the teaching staff, but also cleaners, janitor, administration, cooks;
  • that the training will be organized in compliance with all safety regulations. For example, a student may refuse to comply with the standards if the equipment in the gym is not reliable;
  • receive any necessary book in the library of the institution;
  • participate in the improvement of the territory, but solely on their own initiative, that is, the child is not obliged to clean the leaves in the yard or donate money;
  • study free of charge, without additional material contributions;
  • attend circles and sections in the institution, regardless of the availability of abilities;
  • with the consent of the parents, the student can transfer to another school at any time, even in the middle or end of the school year;
  • rely on the help of a school psychologist;
  • attend additional activities and classes that are not included in the curriculum only voluntarily;
  • the expression of views, but only in the correct form;
  • spend vacation time on recreation and entertainment appropriate for age;
  • be warned about all activities aimed at controlling and testing knowledge in advance;
  • receive clear answers to questions regarding the assessment;
  • get an education in mother tongue.

Some mothers are interested in the issue of the rights of a disabled child at school. By law and according to the UN Convention, children who have disabilities can attend educational institutions on an equal basis with other students. If there are medical indications and the consent of the parents, a disabled child has the right to study in specialized institutions (correctional schools). In such institutions, work is aimed at classes with children with certain disabilities, and teachers have necessary knowledge and skills.

Protecting the rights of the child at school

The younger the student, the more difficult it is for him to defend his interests on his own. Therefore, the rights of the child at school, both in Russia and Ukraine, are called upon to protect, first of all, parents. Of course, some conflicts can be resolved directly with class teacher, but sometimes you have to contact the director or other authorities.

You should be aware that both physical and psychological abuse are considered in school.

Physical violence is understood as a situation where physical force was applied to a student. Unfortunately, exact definition there is no mental abuse. But it is customary to attribute the following facts to its forms:

If the situation is really serious and its resolution is impossible at the level of the class teacher, then the way out may be to transfer to another educational institution. But parents have the right to defend the interests of their child and turn to the director, demanding to understand the situation. If the result does not satisfy them, they can write a statement to the police or the prosecutor's office.

When a child enters a general education institution, many new responsibilities await him: to study, to comply with the rules and requirements of the school, and to participate in its activities. Along with the duties, he has the rights prescribed at the legislative level. It is important for parents and children to know what children's rights are at school in order to better protect themselves. This will be discussed in the material.

Basic rights of children at school

In Russia, the rights of the child population are protected by state institutions and legislation. Each student has the right to be heard, to express his point of view, so that the teachers of the educational institution respect his personality.

School-age children also enjoy the right to:

  • to free secondary education in their native language;
  • be safe on school grounds;
  • receive for temporary use for the period of study all the necessary study guides, notebooks and fiction from library collections;
  • attend various events organized by the educational institution, voluntarily participate in cleaning the school grounds;
  • consult a psychologist if necessary;
  • together with parents, choose a school and an educational program for training, at any time of the year, if desired, transfer to another educational institution;
  • study according to an individual plan due to the circumstances.

How does a child learn about their rights?

Schoolchildren receive information about their rights from the media and the Internet. But the most important source for a minor in this matter remains, of course, the parent. It is his responsibility to inform the child about the rights and obligations at school and at home.

Rights of children with disabilities

Disabled children enjoy the same rights as schoolchildren without health restrictions.

For them there are benefits and privileges:

  • physical activity should be strictly dosed, taking into account the health of the disabled child;
  • free sessions of the school psychologist;
  • free breakfasts and lunches in a general educational institution;
  • The format for taking exams depends on the student.

What can be expressed infringement of the rights of the student

The school may take place different reasons. Most often they are caused by a conflict with a teacher or with classmates.

Let's consider problem situations.

Injuries and health hazards

The effect of the law on the protection of the rights of the child extends not only to the territory of the school, but also to the school grounds. For the preservation of the health of the student while he is on the territory of the school, its staff is responsible. Threats to the health of minors can arise for various reasons.

The nurse is responsible for the following actions, if necessary:

  • first aid;
  • emergency call medical care;
  • escort to the hospital.

The teacher must:

  • take the victim to the treatment room;
  • notify parents;
  • find out the reasons for what happened.

The director is responsible for the organization of medical care in general.

Incorrect teacher behavior

Most often, students complain about the unfair, biased attitude of the teacher. It is important to remember that the rights of a student end where the rights of another student or teacher begin.

By law, teachers must notify parents:

  • about how the student learns, about his behavior;
  • about a student missing classes.

The teacher is not authorized to expel a student from lessons for bad behavior. The teacher's attitude towards his student should not depend on how the student behaves in the lesson, the assessment for the subject should be completely objective.

When faced with such a situation, parents can contact the principal. It is better if they have evidence of the veracity of their words. If there is no reaction from him, you can go to the prosecutor's office or to the court.

Other difficult situations

In the classroom, a student may encounter unpleasant situations of various kinds:

Attraction to work

According to international ones, it is forbidden to involve minors in school in two cases:

  • if this work is harmful to his health;
  • if it infringes on his rights.

According to the law, in order to attract a student to work, you need to obtain his consent and conduct a safety briefing.

Fight between students

The responsibility for the students lies with the staff, so their task is to ensure the inviolability of children, including on the school grounds.

The task of the teacher is to prevent a fight at all costs. If this happened and caused backfire in terms of health, then the court should not be sued against the parents of the fighter, but at the educational institution.

Theft of personal belongings

In case of missing things from the students, the teacher is authorized to call the police. He himself does not have the right to inspect the portfolios of schoolchildren.

Bullying by peers

If classmates insult and humiliate their fellow student, vigilant parents need to discuss everything with the class teacher or the parents of the instigators. If nothing changes, you need to go to the police.

Duties of schoolchildren in a general education institution

It is important to understand that in school children have both rights and responsibilities. If they are not performed properly, it is fraught with liability before the law.

Main responsibilities:

  • punctuality when attending lessons;
  • careful appearance, the availability of removable shoes, the necessary stationery and training materials;
  • follow the rules of etiquette;
  • do not leave school during lessons without permission;
  • smoking, carrying explosives, alcohol and narcotic substances is prohibited;
  • respect the personality and dignity of other students and teachers;
  • handle the property of the school and other children with care.

How to protect the rights of the child

To protect rights, it is important to make information accessible. Students need to know what rights a child has at school. If these rights are violated by a teacher or classmates, you need to contact the director. It is important to correctly formulate your request in the form of a complaint. If the director did not take measures to rectify the situation, one should write to the prosecutor's office or to the court.

Responsible for protecting the rights and interests of schoolchildren

Parents or legal guardians are responsible for making all major decisions and for respecting the rights of underage students.

People who have the primary responsibility for protecting the rights of the child in an educational institution:

  • teachers;
  • medical personnel;
  • director.

If a student is injured at school

If the infringement of rights was not severe, did not carry critical consequences for his health, then the problem must be solved within the school. First of all, you need to draw up an application addressed to the director, ask him to sort out the situation.

If there has been an injury to health, then you must do the following:

  • conduct a medical examination, testify to damage or psychological trauma;
  • collect other evidence;
  • submit an application to the director;
  • write a statement to the police or the prosecutor's office.

The rights of school-age children must be fully protected on school grounds. The quality of education and upbringing of children is closely related to this. Unfortunately, children are often afraid to say out loud that their rights have been violated. In this case, parents need to be more attentive to their children in order to feel the moment when they need help.

Legislative regulation

Every person has the right to education in accordance with the Constitution. It is education that is an integral part of the harmonious and full development of the individual. Every child in the modern world is required to attend in order to gain new knowledge and skills and improve already known ones.

Meanwhile, the education of children in an educational institution does not always go smoothly and calmly. Some parents are faced with a situation where the rights of their child in school are infringed. To prevent this from happening, starting from the first grade, you must convey to your son or daughter in an accessible form what exactly he is entitled to.

In this article, we will tell you what the rights of a child are at school in Russia and Ukraine, and what needs to be done to protect your child from arbitrariness.

What rights does a child have in schools in Russia and Ukraine?

The rights of schoolchildren, both in Russia and in Ukraine, are no different. Every child is protected by law, and his rights at school must be suppressed and punished. Ukrainian and Russian schoolchildren have the following rights:

  • independently choose the educational program, as well as the school in which the child will study;
  • study in a safe environment;
  • to the respect of their personality by all the staff of the educational institution;
  • to provide the necessary educational base, that is, textbooks, workbooks, and so on;
  • get a secondary education and a certificate absolutely free of charge;
  • receive the necessary art and educational literature in the school library;
  • voluntarily participate in the improvement of the school and school grounds;
  • if you wish to receive additional services, including on a commercial basis;
  • if necessary, receive qualified assistance from a professional psychologist;
  • at any time of the year, the student, with the consent of his own parents, has the right to transfer to another educational institution of a similar type;
  • receive education in their native language, as well as choose an additional language for study;
  • after 15 years, with the consent of parents or guardians, the student has the right to stop studying;
  • attend any school activities;
  • express your opinion openly and listen to the opinions of others.

What to do in case of infringement of the rights of the child at school?

Since any student is the same citizen of his state as everyone else, infringement of his rights while studying at an educational institution is not allowed and should be punished. This also applies to the rights of a child with a disability. If there are certain medical indications and the consent of parents or guardians, such children can study in specialized institutions. Meanwhile, if a child can study in a general education school for health reasons, the rights of a disabled child should absolutely not differ from the rights of healthy children.

The rights of schoolchildren can be violated in case of manifestation in their direction, both physical and psychological abuse. At the same time, if all children and parents are well aware that the use of physical force against a child is unacceptable, then some forms of psychological violence may be left without due attention.

So, violation of the rights of the child at school from a psychological point of view can be expressed in the following:

In the event of any manifestation of violence on the part of the teacher, parents can apply to the principal with a request to protect the rights of their child in the school. If the top management of the educational institution refuses to understand the situation, mothers and fathers, as well as guardians, have the right to file an application with the prosecutor's office.

Every minor spends a significant part of his time at school. Nearby there are no close people responsible for protecting his rights, and last changes normative acts have removed the educational function from organizations. What measures does the legislator take to ensure that the process of obtaining knowledge is safe for children and without violating their rights?

The period spent by minors in school is quite large. On average, a student spends 960 hours in an educational organization per year. All this time he is in contact with other people: teachers, school administration and students. Theoretically, each of them can jeopardize the legitimate interests of a minor.

The legislation of the Russian Federation pays special attention to the protection of the educational rights of minors. Exists a large number of regulations governing this question. The main ones are:

  • Convention on ;
  • the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • Civil Code;
  • Family code;
  • Education Act.

One of important points is legal literacy. Each student and his parents should know all the rights and obligations of children at school.

List of rights

The right of a minor to education is general concept. It consists of a whole complex of legally protected interests. Among them:

Some of the rights of the child in school must be ensured by the educational organization in without fail, for example, on respect for the individual or equal treatment of all students by the teacher. Others - with the participation of legal representatives (change of educational institution or transfer to a special training program).

How does a child learn about their rights?

One of the tasks of an educational institution is to inform minors about their rights. This information should be communicated to the child in special lessons or as part of class hour. The teacher can use visual (posters, presentations) and handouts (brochures, booklets, memos).

Each educational organization is obliged to equip a legal stand. It contains information and contacts of officials and specialized bodies that ensure the protection of minors. Among them:

  • school administration (principal, head teacher, social pedagogue);
  • guardianship and guardianship authorities;
  • district police department;
  • commissioner for children's rights in the municipality and the region.

In addition to the contacts of the competent authorities, the stand must contain an anonymous helpline number. A memo with a number must be given to each student.

The juvenile inspector is responsible for conducting legal lessons for pupils of the schools assigned to him in the district. Such classes are prescribed in the plan of joint activities.

Forms of violation of children's rights at school

at school it is possible both on the part of teachers and on the part of other students. It can take the form of physical or emotional abuse. Psychological pressure includes:

  • Systemic criticism on the part of the teacher in relation to the child in the presence of other students, expressed in a rude form or using profanity.
  • Demonstrative ignoring of the child in the classroom.
  • Exaggerated requirements for a minor, which he obviously cannot fulfill due to lack of skills or abilities.
  • Demonstrative negative attitude of the teacher to the student.
  • Assigning offensive nicknames.
  • Spreading rumors about the child's personal life.
  • Refusal to accept minors.

Physical punishment by teachers is the basis for bringing the perpetrator to criminal responsibility. The reason for initiating a case can be both the testimony of witnesses and marks on the body of the victim (bruises, abrasions).

Physical aggression on the part of peers is the basis for bringing the perpetrator to administrative responsibility (from the age of 16), imposing a fine on the parents of a minor aggressor and further registration with the police. When one student commits a crime against another, provided for by the Criminal Code, the punishment begins from the age of 14.

Protecting the rights of the child at school

The protection of the rights of the child at school rests primarily with the legal representative. However, each organization has a staff of specialists who, by virtue of official duties protect children's interests. It can be:

  • social teacher;
  • Commissioner for Children's Rights.

The main responsibility lies with the head of the organization. It is the director who must stop violations of children's rights to entry level resolve conflicts between teachers and students.

At the same time, minors must comply with the obligations of the child at school. Among them - compliance with the charter of the institution, respect for teachers, officials and other students.

Important! When putting forward demands for the protection of their own interests, a minor must remember the need to comply with the rules of the organization and the rights of teachers and students.

What to do to parents

If the rights of children at school are violated by teachers, legal representatives must take measures to restore them. In the case of physical violence against a minor, it is necessary to act as follows:

  • contact the police department;
  • to write an application;
  • obtain a medical report on injuries;
  • make a copy of the certificate;
  • attach original documents to the application;
  • contact the head of the educational organization to protect the child from the teacher.

One of the options for violence against students may be involvement in activities that are dangerous for the child. For example, a physical education teacher forces a minor who has had an illness to take lessons. If the state of health worsens or a new injury occurs, parents should contact the authorized bodies (police, prosecutor's office).

Less significant issues can be raised during the parent-teacher meeting. The opportunity to complain and find like-minded people among other parents in the class can help resolve the conflict situation.

Procedure for infringement of children's rights at school

If teachers or the administration of an educational institution infringe on the right to education, legal representatives must complain to the competent authorities. The actions of parents depend on who committed the violation. Walkthrough:

  1. Any conflict with the teacher must be tried to resolve by conversation.
  2. If the desired result is not achieved, the parent needs to submit an application to the head of the organization. The document is drawn up in 2 copies, on one the secretary puts a mark on admission to work, the other is transferred to the director.
  3. A written response to the application is prepared within 30 days. During this period, the problem should be resolved.
  4. Otherwise, a complaint is filed with the district department of education. A copy of the application to the principal of the school and the answer to it (if any) are attached to it.
  5. If the problem is not resolved, the prosecutor's office and/or the regional ministry of education should be involved.

As practice shows, if the problem is not solved at the level of the headmaster, the best option there will be a change of teacher or transfer of the child to another institution. The continuation of the proceedings makes more sense to restore justice, but leaving a minor in contact with the aggressor is dangerous for the child's psyche.

Legislation regulates the rights and obligations of the child at school and at home. A large number of normative acts devoted to this problem have been developed. However, violations in this area are very common. Parents need to take maximum measures to ensure that the education of the child takes place without endangering his physical and mental health.