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Where to start the flue lady. The history of the emergence of a revolutionary cleaning system. Principle - weekly hour for the blessing of the house

Hi, my dear hostes! So it came the next stage of home cleaning on the Fly Lady system. I want to remind you that we do not follow her the way Marla Silly came up with. For you, I prepared a little simplified version of the system, which can be called "". So, we, gradually organize morning and evening, step by step fill in the control magazine, now it's time to talk about zones.

To guide and maintain order, we need to divide your home into several zones, each of which you will be given for one week. For example, a two-room apartment can be divided as follows:

  • Zone 1 - kitchen
  • Zone 2 - Bedroom
  • Zone 3 -
  • Zone 4 - Toilet and bathroom
  • Zone 5 - Corridor

This is my example, as I zonied my house. My hall is missing, as the kitchen and living room are combined. You already make division at your discretion. You may have less zones, but more than 5 do not be recommended. What is it for? It is necessary so that we do not make a general cleaning, she, in other words, will last five weeks (well, or less, depending on how many areas do you have). And then everything is repeated in a circle.

The next step, you need to determine what and where we will be removed in each of the zones. Take a notepad and handle, carefully inspect the room and make a list of cases. I recommend to write exactly those that are performed during general cleaning And do not enter, in the morning and evening rituals. For example, we will not wash the floors or wipe the dust once every five weeks, for sure, this occupation is written in your case to do it weekly in every zone. Remember on Saturday and Sunday we have a day off!

Think carefully how much time you will spend on cleaning around the zones. Recommends 15 minutes, but if you have a desire and time, you can increase this period, but not reduce. 15 minutes a day is not so much, you see, even for a working person or for a young mother. I decided for myself that 30 minutes would be enough for me.

Here is my list of detailed cleaning around the zones:

By the way, I will say, it happens that for some reason I do not perform the planned work. Then on the second day I work twice. So that cleaning does not move as a snowball, you need to try everything on time, then no printing does not shine to you.

And even if you can only apply this principle from the entire Play Lady system, the house will still acquire a suitable look, will become much cleaner and cozy. Thus, you rationally use your time. Judge yourself, to devote 15 minutes cleaning every day, there is nothing easier. This week it will be almost an hour and a half! For a month 7 hours! This is a full-fledged general cleaning! Only she is being held gradually, step by step, not tightening.

Another nuance! If you have noticed that the case does not require much work, the shelf or the place in the zone that is scheduled clean, they still go through it, that is, remove where there is no dirt.

After a few months, you will notice that your home shines! Do not be afraid that it will not be as fast as you would like. After all, we littered our house for more than one day and not one week. Slowly, but right, you will make your apartment perfect. Do not be afraid to experiment with time paid to cleaning, with a sequence of actions, morning and evening routines. Find your suitable life rhythm, Flace Lady.

In the comments, share your experience, write about the results! I will really wait for your feedback! To new meetings!

Fly Lady - systematized arch principles household. This is a system that will allow you to make a sparkling home in a short time. The set of rules of flying housewives will allow good household well, avoid fatigue at the end of the day, be constantly in shape and please the surrounding self-estelling and energy.

Get acquainted with flying housewives

Fly Lady is a homemade system that will make the most nesting house in just a month. With flying housewives you can forget about the exhaustive general cleaning, learn how to devote time not only to households, but also yourself.

The history of the emergence of the revolutionary cleaning system

Flame Lady Household Wearing System In 1999, a modest homemade mistress of Marla Silly. It was such a moment in her life, when the awareness of the full disorder in the house, in matters and in the shower. Trying to put in order at least my home, the woman realized that all her efforts to restore order, they only lead to the fact that the cleanliness of the rest and the dreams of rest and free time. Then I began to systematize my thoughts on how to streamline at the same time all spheres of your life. This led to the emergence of the fundamental law of the system - to do everything gradually and small steps. Due to the fact that no more than 15 minutes of time should be left for cleaning with flying housewives, the system quickly found in different parts Light Mass is a commitment to such a life organization.

The system whose abbreviation has been decrypted as "Finally Love Yourself" - "Finally, love yourself!", I was initially intended for some kind of universal housekeeping instructions. But subsequently, the instruction turned only only the organization of life, but became a symbol of organizing the life of a woman. Women who not only contains a house. Flylady is simply successful in all respects a woman who, playing can overcome the problems, skillfully arranging priorities, time to work, to lead the economy, raise children and not forget about themselves.

Apparently, so the original system developed in minutes of despair is a simple housewife, today is successfully used by working women, moms on maternity leave and, of course, household hostesses of any age and the level of wealth.

At the same time, a working woman in an amazing manner time to combine and the house, and the work, mommy in the decree not only proud of their housing, but her husband and her husband are also well-keeped and have a housewife, and the housewife is not just perfectly to lead the economy, but also to engage in self-development. Flying housewife cares not only at home. She loves himself, watches himself, proud of themselves.

Pledge of success: 10 Fly Lady Principles

In ten basic principles of the system, there is a key to success in guiding in the life of the order.

  1. The sink in the kitchen should always be perfectly clean. This principle is simple and clear: the sink in the kitchen is a symbol of purity of all at home.
  2. Morning begins with care, beautiful home clothes and laced comfortable shoes. Beautifully dressed, conveniently shook hostess will always find the strength to overcome the desire to stick to the sofa.
  3. Optical routines in the morning and in the evening - care for themselves plus a good mood for the whole day. In the morning and in the evening you need to devote time to care for yourself. Before starting the day, and after all planned done.
  4. IN pure House The whore is not a place. All than no one uses, everything that has long been broken, everything that no one needs is to go to the garbage.
  5. 15 minutes a day for cleaning. No second! Daily cleaning should last only 900 seconds. The timer will not be carried away by the process and in time to interrupt it.
  6. Five minutes for cleaning hot spots. These places of Flyushki are called hotspots, which are devoted to five minutes a day.
  7. Only sixty minutes a week - and the house is blessed. One hour a week is worth spending on general cleaning: shift bed, rubbing dust and gender.
  8. Control magazine to systematize thoughts, plans, cases. Notebook, in which I will gather plans for the day, week, month, year. Immediately, you can make the necessary shopping lists, planned spending, to conduct a kind of diary of the hostess.
  9. Small steps on the way to ideal. It is impossible in one day to bring your housing in perfect condition. In order not to break and not throw all things again, you need to make small chambers to your goal. No general cleaning!
  10. Weekends only for recreation. On Saturday and Sunday you need to relax and care for your beloved.

Organization of homework

Based general principles Systems, all the organization of homework is built. It ranks step by step, taking into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire apartment, including the balcony.

First steps to organize work

  1. The first step on the organization of domestic activities involves the flying housewife will be a list of areas in which it will work. Work in each zone occurs 15 minutes a day throughout the work week. List of zones is an elementary breakdown of the entire apartment on small areas in which cleaning will be cleaned. For example, zones in a two-room apartment can be distributed as follows: Hallway - Storeroom - Balcony; kitchen; bedroom or children's room; living room (hall); Bathroom, toilet, corridor.
  2. The second step will be a detailed listing of all that is to be done in each zone. If it is a bedroom, then you need to clean up in the cabinets during the week, wash the window and chandelier, streamline cosmetics and perfumes on the dressing table, wipe dust, transplant flowers or pour them, wash the floor in all corners, clean up the bedside tables and inside them , Sat the curtains. Drawing up a similar list streamlining cleaning, allow nothing to forget, distribute uniformly load for the entire week.
  3. The third step is an ordered detailed routine of the day. Flyliment recommends painting your day in detail, including on the plan for the day of unusual earlier small home affairs. It is best to add something useful to it and does not take much time. For example, watering colors or animal care.
  4. The fourth step is a mandatory weekly hour cleaning. No more and no less - only an hour to tighten the tails accumulated over the week. It costs 60 minutes of blessing to divide into small segments of time, each of which make one thing. Wipe dust, wash the floors ,.
  5. The fifth step is general cleaning without moral and physical costs. Actually, general cleaning is not. This is an extra hour at the end of the month, when you need to do only that it requires periodic intervention of the hostess: washing curtains, careful rubbing switches and so on. It makes another concept as a crisis cleaning, but it is rather an exception to the rules. If suddenly renewed guests come, then cleaning is carried out within an hour, but in each zone. Fast cleanliness is aimed only to create an appearance of order. And deep cleaning will still take place within the framework of the plans.
  6. Step six, mandatory for execution, - care for yourself. The order in the house begins with a well-kept mistress. Home clothing, like shoes, must be neat, beautiful and comfortable. Hairstyle, makeup, manicure - everything should be so that it was not ashamed to open the door to the unexpected guest.

Useful and important documents for Fly Lady

Naturally, every step of the organization's organization requires planning. And in this very help special tables, check-sheets and lists. It is very convenient to print forms under them in advance, and then only fill.

You can do without all these lists, plans, memos. But here there is a chance to forget something important. The task of the entire Fly Lady system to ease the life of the hostess. Therefore, the sequence of such a life organization structures their work with home planners.

  1. Tables - can systematize periodic cases (once a quarter, half a year, year).
  2. Lists of daily routine cases, which are performed daily, in the morning or evening,
  3. Weekly planned affairs.
  4. Check list - a list of the most important cases for every day that you can not forget.
  5. Schedule.

Photo Gallery Fly Lady Documents

Rutina cleaning frequency form for morning rutine schedule for a week weekly Cleaning Schedule Check-sheet quick cleaning 15 days of general cleaning Check leaf of paper organization Weekly cleaning Form of the day routine form

Flace Lady

Another assistant to succeed flue lady can be called its female organizer - a checklist.

The log may contain absolutely all the necessary records:

  • contacts and phone books;
  • list of logins and passwords from sites and forums;
  • shopping list;
  • menu for a week;
  • planning family spending;
  • important dates;
  • information on care;
  • useful tips on household;
  • lists of cases and plans;
  • planning holidays;
  • list of drugs in the first-aid kit;
  • pages with favorite quotes or inspirational verses;
  • fly Lady commandments;
  • plans and tables.

In fact, the list of the heading of the control magazine may be infinite. And if tables, plans, schedules can be guided in in electronic formatUsing tips and remindes thematic groups in social networks, then the ladies' organizer is very individual. It contains data that belongs only to the person who leads it. It can hardly be a useful list of purchases of someone else's family or phone numbers emergency services Cities in which the owner of the magazine does not live.

Working with this document involves the creative component. And it is aimed at performing various functions.

  1. Systematizing function - aims to attach order in thoughts and systematize its own plans, affairs, purchases.
  2. The information function is aimed at not to store all the necessary information in the head, and write it down and keep it in the place where it will be easily accessible.
  3. The economy function is aimed at saving not only financial resources by careful purchase planning, but also to save the strength, time and nerves of the hostess, which accurately knows where to find the necessary information to spend family money and how best to distribute their strength.

Forms and templates for the log. How to fill them correctly

If the hostess has abilities to develop plans, tables and lists, it can work in developing its own form for each log section. However, today on specialized sites and in Fly Lady groups on social networks, you can find many templates developed by experienced fibes. Also, the magazine may include all tables, lists and check-lists, which uses the Fly Lady.

It is convenient to work with these forms, it can be recycled, filling out your hand or print data on the computer, you can decorate and incur your like-like pictures.

It must be remembered that the control magazine is not a reading book, but a fascinating form of the organizer of the modern hostess, a kind of female diary.

Photo Gallery Templates for the Control Log

Title page Title leaf career phone book preparation for the holiday List of desires Internet passwords First aid kit Festive menu Shopping list Template for list shopping Example Makeup Menu template

The whole Flace Lady system is aimed at developing useful habits of order in the house. If within one month each day perform certain actions, then it really becomes part of life, like washing, cleaning teeth, having.

Habits that need to develop a flying hostess to keep your home clean:

  1. Every evening it is necessary to distribute all items in our places, then in the morning there will be no feeling of disorder.
  2. The next day is better to compose in the evening, in order not to fuss in the morning, but go to the goal.
  3. Clothes, food, things in repair too need to be prepared on the eve, saving morning minutes.
  4. Before bedtime, it is necessary to care for me, to give time to delight yourself and your body.
  5. Morning need to start with a smile to smile a happy woman all day.

Basic concepts and definitions

It seems that all this separation for cleaning according to the plan is very confused. In fact, you just need to figure out the system once, and everything will fall into place.

Morning and evening routine

Morning and evening routine are part of the usual worries that are made on both the system and without it. Each host will increasingly turn on something individual in the routine, without which any day does not cost.

Morning routine is usually performed immediately after the lifting. The list of morning routine may include:

  • cleaning bed;
  • hygienic procedures;
  • easy cleaning in the bathroom (wipe the mirror immediately after the shower, refresh the shelf after cleaning the teeth, put all the bottles of bottles in its place);
  • cooking breakfast;
  • feeding animals;
  • reception of drugs or vitamins;
  • actually, breakfast is in a family circle or each separately;
  • viewing plan for day;
  • mismirement;
  • seversing hot spots.

Evening routine is what completes the day. In the evening routine can enter:

  • cleaning to the gloss of kitchen sink;
  • analysis of hotspot;
  • checking the performance of the day plan;
  • personal care;
  • proving things in the morning;
  • taking a bath;
  • acceptance of medicines;
  • preparation of the plan the next day;
  • five minute salvation room;
  • reading books, watching movies.

Five-minute rescue of the room

The five-minute salvation of the room is another five minutes on cleaning the house, which stand out daily. It can be included both in the morning and in the evening routine. It is assumed that during these five minutes a visual order can be brought into the room: to collect things that lie outside and place them in the cabinets, bedside tables, drawers. It is possible that the hostess for these five minutes will be able to collect unnecessary garbage and attributed it to the bucket. This cleaning reminds the situation according to which in five minutes in this room may appear an unexpected guest, to its arrival in the room there should be an order. Exactly five minutes after timer.


Lazowing is another admission that will help the breadout gradually, step by step, get rid of superfied trash. Yes, this is extra 15 minutes for cleaning a day, but the result will definitely please not only the Flyushka itself, but also members of her family and guests at home. Melting can be carried out during the rutin, taking a bag for garbage and mercilessly dropping into it that has long been broken, no one needs or long overdue. One day you can glue only one point: a home first-aid kit, a shelf with bath accessories or a cosmetics box. If the week is planned for cleaning in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom, a toilet, a corridor, then it is necessary to carry out the miscarriage in this zone before the hostess start daily guidance.

Hot Points - Hotspot

According to Flywer's principles, it is assumed that the hostess will spend five minutes a day to parse hot spots. It is here, in hotspots, the mess appears most often. Time for cleaning Hotspot is spent additionally to those 15 minutes, which is highlighted for daily cleaning. Each hostess knows where the mess arises spontaneously. Often it is a bedside table or a table in the hallway, where households throw keys, gloves, other little things, entering the apartment. Sometimes it is a desktop, a coffee table, where paper, checks, receipts can accumulate, even the windowsill, where something is placed, can be a hot spot. Only 300 seconds a day you need to devote to the cleaning of hotspots, so that they visually did not create a feeling of non-disgrace.


FlySpot is a plot where dirt accumulates, and you don't even notice it. Pay 15 minutes to this front of work, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result.

Marla Silly, translation of Alenka Ivanova

In one bundle with hot dots where the mass of objects accumulates other hot spots. They have the ability to accumulate dirt. It is recommended to move to the cleaning of the flagovotes, it is recommended to experience experienced fibers that have mastered the system. This part of cleaning involves an additional time during the week, which will be spent on cleaning something one. It can be a grille plate or rug in the kitchen, picking up culinary recipes or cleaning your own computer from unnecessary information. Fifteen minutes a week can be spent in one day, and you can divide them for a few minutes throughout the week.

To repay the flying, you can use your own work plan to work in the zone, having dedule from it the subject or then the task that has not been done for a long time, and you can use the reference jobs, where the additional task for the week will be determined in the beginning of the week.

Daily cleaning

In 15 minutes, the hostess will have cleaning in the zone that is scheduled for this particular week. Best of all, if for every day a cleaning plan will be drawn up taking into account the allocated time. For example, in the kitchen on Monday you can thoroughly wash kitchen stove, On Tuesday - to bring order in the cabinets, on Wednesday - to move the pans and frying pan, on Thursday - wash the window and window sill, change the curtains, on Friday - to clean the floor and chandelier. Perhaps the Fly Lady will take advantage of the plan, which will be done or will use the newsletter from the site and social networks.

Usually daily mailing contains the so-called kelly's tasks. Kelly is a helper of the creator of a system of flying housewives Marlas Silly. Just Kelly helps Marle to respond to the emerging issues of the fan of the organization's organization system, it also makes the newsletter, publishes them on the Flylady website. Such newsletters may include reminders of what order should be removed and washed into each day, suggest, the points that need to be quenched ..

Hour of blessing at home - weekly cleaning

This is usually an hour that stands out additionally on Fridays, it is to ensure that the weekend is devoted to rest and family. It can be assumed that too much time is spent on Friday for cleaning: 15 minutes on a planned in a certain zone, five minutes for hotspot and another hour for the blessing of the house. But no one forces the host to spend this time without a break. Having spent 15 minutes on the zone, you can give yourself the opportunity to relax, drink tea, make a face mask. Then dedicate 5 minutes hotspot and go to the weekly blessed hour.

Weekly cleaning can consist of the following items:

  1. Cleaning floor with a broom or vacuum cleaner in the center of the room. It is not assumed that the Fly Lady will move the furniture at this time or get to all inaccessible placesAfter all, during the week the mistress has already been engaged in this in a certain zone.
  2. You should shut down the face on open surfaces: window sills, shelves, tables. No need to get everything from the shelves. Loins the hostess only open surfaces!
  3. Wash outdoor parts of the floor (in the corridor, kitchen, bathroom, rooms, if there are no carpet).
  4. Throw away unnecessary papers accumulated over the week: letters, advertising, newspapers.
  5. Replace linens For the whole family, replace towels in the bathroom.
  6. Wipe the doors, mirrors, the outer surface of the cabinets.
  7. Wash the toilet and sink in the bathroom, the bath itself.

Monthly hour cleaning

For ordinary hosts that do not use the system of flying housewives, the monthly cleaning is the general cleaning, which is spent all day, or even one. But Flyushki live in a different way and, it would seem that you can still do an extra hour per month if everything is already removed. But the list of cases remains, which the hostess performs periodically: once a month, in three months, half a year or a year. For each month you can schedule your own list of cases.

For example, a monthly hour can be spent on thorough cleaning of carpets or ventilation grille In the kitchen, defrosting and washing the refrigerator, cleaning the microwave, polishing of furniture, the dissemination of the cabinet and the preparation of seasonal wardrobe, washing plinths. In principle, each hostess has its own cleaning priorities.

Monthly work can be done at a time, having allocated an additional time at the end of the month, and can be divided into several parts and throughout the month, add this time to daily or weekly minutes at home cleaning.

Using the Flylady system, you can save yourself from the exhaustive general cleaning of the entire apartment in a few hours, when the hostess just falls from fatigue.

Crisis cleaning

This type of cleaning is used for force majeures, in the form of unexpected guests who will arrive literally in an hour or another. For cleaning in such conditions, experienced plys, based on the description of the system's creator, have developed even a special actions algorithm. The basic principles of crisis cleaning suggest a change of zones every 15 minutes with a break after 45 minutes. The hostess removes three zones for 15 minutes each, then resting 15 minutes. During the rest, Flyliment has time to drink a cup of coffee or tea, sit at the computer, listen to music before the second apartment.

Example crisis cleaning algorithm:

  1. Kitchen 15 minutes:
    - we remove trash from the windowsill, table tops, tables;
    - My dishes;
    - My sink;
    - wipe the surface;
    - we remove dirty towels in washing, hang fresh.
  2. Hall 15 minutes:
    - throw away visible garbage;
    - excess things we clean;
    - arrange beautiful shoes;
    - decompose a beautiful bags;
    - Upper clothes broadcast on hangers;
    - shake the rug;
    - Adjusted, wipe the floor;
    - Wipe off the dust.
  3. Bathroom, toilet 15 minutes:
    - we remove the visible garbage;
    - arrange jars / shampoos;
    - we apply a cleaning agent on the sink, toilet and bathroom and cranes;
    - dirty things throw in the basket for washing;
    - wipe the mirror;
    - wash off the cleaning agent from plumbing;
    - hang clean towels, put a roll of toilet paper, put soap;
    - sprinkle air freshener.
  4. Recreation 15 minutes.
  5. Room 15 minutes.
    - throw away visible garbage;
    - stuff lay out in places;
    - improve capes on sofa and chairs;
    - Wash dust from the TV and visible surfaces.
  6. The kitchen is 15 minutes - finish the items that did not have time to do in the first approach, my floor.
  7. Bathroom, toilet 15 minutes - finish the items that did not have time to do in the first approach
  8. Recreation 15 minutes

Flyli in Russian Lad

You wonder how every day create and maintain perfect comfort and cleanliness in the house, not spending all your strength and time for it? Another American housewife named Marla answered this question in the 20th century. In order to facilitate ordinary women with life, she developed a whole method of cleaning, which includes several fundamental principles that provide success. Consider the basic rules and secrets of cleaning through the Fly-Lady system (Fly Lady), which won the heart of millions of women around the world.

Create your "island of cleanliness"!

The author of the method is confident that it is impossible to create flawless cleanliness in every corner of the house. But sometimes we want the ideal order so that his inability causes the hands to descend, and cleaning seems to be useless closed circle. Garla offered to choose his "island of purity" in the house, in which the psychological need for impeccable order will be implemented. It is important that it was exactly some small corner, and not a room or a large part of it. For example, for marlah, such a place has become a kitchen sink. Every day she was sink to shine, and it raised her mood and attached strength to continue to strive for perfection and create beauty around themselves. Each woman can choose her own "island of purity". It may be a workplace or dressing table, bedside table Or junction in the corridor, who likes more.

Always be prepared for the arrival of guests!

Waking up in the morning so often do not want to do anything. Even lead themselves in order laziness, what is there to talk about the order in the house. And if you learned that in an hour a friend would come to visit or any other person, whose opinion has a value for you? Incentive and desire to look good and you yourself, and your home would immediately appear. Therefore, the author of the Fly-Lady technique advises every morning to wake up with the idea that at any time it is inappropriate to harm guests, in front of which they do not want to fall into the dirt face. Garla advises to categorically exclude from his wardrobe until the evening bathrobe and slippers, as these two objects are touched by a working way, but on the state of relaxation and peace. Beautiful terry gown and no less beautiful home slippers you can proudly wear after an efficiently lived day and after the relaxing bath at the end of this day. Then you can relax and for a certain time to pamper yourself with watching TV, reading a book, but everyone that will do. And in the morning - no bathrobes and slippers so that there is no temptation to quickly drop these slippers from the legs and for a minute to lie down in front of the TV!

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An ideal version of the home shoe during the day of the March of Marla considers any lace shoes, which will be difficult to remove, in order to once again be afraid to lie and aimlessly kill his time. Before you go out, you will definitely visit a rational question, whether you have done all the necessary cases.

Another important ritual since the morning in the Fly-Lady system is considered to be counted its bed and put a person in order. After all, in anticipation of guests, you will do it, without even thinking. Why not do the same every day? Then daily you will be a few steps to become closer to perfection, and more reasons will appear to love yourself. Put in order the face does not mean to apply a complex evening makeup. Frequently refreshing and caring procedures, as well as light natural makeup to hide disadvantages and emphasize the merits.

Each morning you give 5 minutes about order in the bathroom!

Our morning always starts with the bathroom. The extra 5 minutes spent there will not affect your business during the day, but in these 5 minutes you can have time to bring the bathroom to the appropriate look, if you repeat this ritual every day. This time is enough to arrange all bath accessories, hang fresh hand towel, wipe with sponge sink and check availability of toilet paper in the restroom.

Remove with me immediately!

The success of an ideal hostess is not that it can be out of everywhere and quickly, but that she removes him immediately, that is, not a master. For example, wash the dishes and other family members immediately after eating you can easily and quickly, but to move a bunch of utensils accumulated over the whole day with dried residues will take a lot of time and takes a lot of strength, which in the evening, as a rule, and without That is already on the outcome. During cooking dinner, the fat drops hit the kitchen headset? It is much easier to get into the paper towel immediately, how then to rub their chemicals for a long time. washing agents.

See also: Electropad Olli. Advantages and principle of electrofastuha

Marla offers another technique for preserving order in the house. You just need to pay attention to the "hot spots", in which heaps of trash are most often accumulated. These are those places in the house where everything is usually developing, which has nowhere to put. So, you just need to pay attention to these places daily and make sure that there is nothing superfluous. Nowhere to put a thing? Maybe it's time to throw it already? Or release a place for it from something else for her, which is straight somewhere in the closet?

Clean your home regularly, your cabinet and your computer from unnecessary trash!

The author of the methodology proposes to stick to one of the rules of Feng Shui: to regularly dispose of 27 unnecessary things from the house. During the cleaning of each zone, do not shift unnecessary things from place to place, find the determination to throw them out or give, then something new will come to the house. To free the cabinet from unnecessary clothes it would be better to highlight a separate day at a certain period of time, depending on how often you update your wardrobe. For example, once a year or half a year, be prepared to give in need of 27 old things. The same applies to electronic media of information: phones, tablets and laptops. To clean your mailboxes, SMS and contact lists, you can allocate a separate number of each month.

Divide your home on the zone!

In order for cleaning to bring pleasure and did not occupy a lot of time, you need to share your apartment or a house on the zones, each of which will be devoted separate week. At the same time, the timer must need for work on this system, because it is necessary to work in a certain zone a strict amount of time, otherwise it can last infinitely. Garla advises to devote every zone only 15 minutes a day, but, in any case, no more than 45 minutes. At the same time, the subsequent equivalent period of time should be devoted to any pleasant and relaxing lesson.

Belt yourself every evening!

Every evening a reward for an effectively lived day, and indeed from love for yourself, be sure to indulge yourself what you like. Let yourself relax, feel joy and pleasure. First of all, the obligatory ritual of the end of the day should be a foam bathroom with daily and weekly treatment procedures. And then do what you want now, which will bring you pleasure: reading a book, watching the film, romantic night with my husband, and maybe you just want to sleep or bake a chocolate pie, - do not refuse yourself! You deserve it!

Cleaning the day of the week

It is not necessary to remove every day. Most types of work, except daily rituals, can be spoken by day of week. But it is very important to strictly fulfill everything that is scheduled for every day, any crossway will disable the entire system.

A lot of women became fans of the system that freed them from home slavery. Now they flush through their lives, supporting beauty and purity.

There are no more weekly general cleaning, which for some reason do not help and force to produce a more thorough examination of the territory every month. By the way, the corners with trash and storage rooms, clogged with incomprehensible things, went into the past.

Principles of the Flace Lady system "take off together"

The owners who hold this order of the day are, they have their own commandments, they allow you to not get away from the right track. It is noted that for their execution do not have to bother strongly:

  • the sink in the house should not be dirty;
  • all business are fulfilled according to the control magazine;
  • we must not forget that every morning clothes and shoes of the hostess dresses only comfortable;
  • yourself should be monitored and not to pay a long time to a computer or TV;
  • after the subject from somewhere was removed, it should be put in place;

  • no need to break, it is better to do one thing than to leave a few unfinished;
  • every day should include a deed made for yourself;
  • the faster the end of the task comes, the sooner the period of pleasant affairs will come;
  • you need to smile daily, even if I don't really want;
  • it is necessary to love yourself and pamper.

Fly Lady in Russian Federation, features

According to flying housewives, weekends should be given only to rest. No work or alterations, only a pleasant pastime. Otherwise, the routine will absorb a woman with his head, and it will be impossible to get out of this swamp.

Without general cleaning, you can do, for this, there is a Fly Lady system. The cleanliness in the house will be maintained with the help of the time that is given daily for regular guidance of order. Every day for 15 minutes for one of the zones.

It is worth removing not only during the pollution period, the surface is processed constantly. Therefore, despite the appearance of equipment, furniture or gender, they should be put in order. By the way, things that are taken to use should be again in place at the end of the manipulation with them.

Spear in your apartment is no extra things worth it, it is better to give someone to someone or just throw out what is not used. Store on shelves objects that are not used is the first step towards the litter of space.

Buy an opinion or something new, without throwing old, no need. Spare a few kilograms of rice or new towels when there are still old-more! If accessories for the kitchen were purchased, then the existing copies go to the trash can.

Note! The flue-lady system helps a woman competently use his time so as not to fall down after harvesting his home. At the same time, for the correct execution of tasks, a reward is a clean and well-kept apartment.

Fly Lady System: Where to start

Entry into the correct routine of the day always begins with 31 steps from the Fly Lady system. The hostess will be able to gradually plunge into the schedule and comprehend the basics of this manual. A sharp change of habitual life will not lead to anything good.

Often, the beginning of the system is the newsletter with recommendation letters, the entire month of the lady will receive one "envelope". It is not convenient to everyone, so there is detailed description Manipulations. It is noted that the steps of the system may have differences, so do not be surprised if distinctions are found.

Some women as soon as weigh, allow themselves to adjust the paragraphs of the plan. This has a beneficial effect on the result, because they adjust this schedule.

31 Step Fly Lady

Psychologists agreed that the habit is produced in a month, perhaps, therefore, this system offers to take steps in order to enter the rhythm.

1. The first day suggests bringing the shell to the mirroring gloss.

2. Morning are paid to yourself, but in the evening they are engaged in the sink. The beginning of a new life requires hanging notes of reminders in prominent places.

3. The first half of the day is engaged in themselves, then clean the sink, after which yesterday's notes are read.

Flat Lady System into Russian Floor: It is not necessary to completely adopt the lifestyle and behavior of American housewives, you can simply be taken away by convenient principles.

4. Repeating past steps again, now reminders of them hang out in a couple of places.

5. Fasten the generation of habits and repeat steps. Many in the period of change inside the voice is heard, who says that his owner is not so good and everything is bad.

Therefore, a piece of paper is taken, there are deficiencies on one side, which imposes a critic inside. The second side remains for advantages, you need them more.

6. After steps from past items are made, reminders are required again. If a inner voice It reminispens up to the shortcomings, it is worth reading the merits written on paper. Now, the transition to a new level, the allocation of hotspots.

Hotspot - points that suggest the breeding of the mess. Workplace, shelf at the mirror or coffee table, everyone has their own. Allocate exactly 2 minutes you want to clean up. Not perfect purityAnd how much it turns out, along the way, collecting important papers that are lying there.

7. Repeat all past actions, including the cleaning of hotspots. Before bedtime, it is recommended to prepare clothing for tomorrow.

8. Yesterday's preparation of the Flat Lady is called Evening Rutin. As the schedule shows, it has a morning routine that concerns the cleaning of the shell. In the first half of the day it is worth paying for yourself, read reminders, forget about the inner criticism and remember him the last time.

In the evening, the outfit is preparing in the morning, the sink is cleaned and a 2-minute cleaning of hot spots passes. Before bedtime, a folder is prepared with rings in which some clean sheets are put. This is the beginning of the Fly Lady control magazine.

9. In the morning again you need to put yourself in order, read reminders and praise yourself. After that, the chaspotam closure, which is given 2 minutes. In the evening, the cleanliness of the sink is maintained, Morning Clothing is prepared.

Hot spots cost again to see the order and purity in the morning. A few minutes can be given to racks to ruthlessly throw out or pay extra things.

10. The first half of the day is given to bring themselves in order, reading reminders and personal praise. For 2 minutes, hotspots are soaked, and for cleaning the room it stands out for 5 minutes.

In the evening, the morning dress was prepared, cleaning the sink and the analysis of hot spots.

This day involves the introduction of a new habit, the analysis of the apartment in 15 minutes. During this period, all the trash and garbage in the house that will meet on the way are sent to trash can or needing. The following 15 minutes are given to pleasure, you can read the book or hiking news.

It's important to knowthat the right hostesses make work with pleasure, and do not suffer from the execution of basic tasks!

11. Now in the morning, after bringing yourself in order, praise and reading notes, it is required to pay 2 minutes by hot areas, 5 minutes for the cleaning of the room and 15 - for lubricating. In the evening it will be easier, since finally cleaning the sink, the preparation of clothes and a 2-minute race for hotspot.

The recorded records are recorded, talk about routines in the morning and in the evening. And also, fit or quotes for inspiration.

Record tasks for every day: for cleaning the house, unwinding the clutch of hotspots can be in a paper magazine, and you can conduct an electronic file.

12. Looking into the Flame Lady Control Journal, spend the morning and evening routine. A new note appears, reminiscent of reconciliation with the magazine.

13. After the routines are in the morning and the evening are made, 15 minutes of mischief are produced again. In order to dilute the system, the first task from Kelly is added.

14. After the repeat of the previous day, it remains time to create a family calendar.

15. From the third week a new habit is formed, now mandatory condition Based bedding. According to the plan goes tasks from the control magazine, performed in the morning and in the evening.

16. After the routines for the day are completed, you can read inspirational records.

17. Another repetition of past actions, after which is being added to the evening. It is important to point out good timeIn order not to suffer from the lack of sleep.

18. Perform the tasks on the control magazine, acquaintance with the main rules for the Fly Lady.

19. The day is given to the usual routine, so as not to get tired of it, in the evening it is worth reading something useful and interesting.

20. Morning and evening routines do not change, wash them to be washing. Linen disassemble, erased, dried, stroke and folded into place.

21. Continuation of the Morning and Evening and Evening.

22. After the routine tasks are completed, it is required to remember the problems of hot spots, lubsouling and targeting Kelly.

23. Planned tasks are executed by magazine, a new item also contributes to it. Plans to be made after work or lunch.

24. The execution of plans passes throughout the day, it is added to the cleaning of the toilet toilet with the Yershik, wiping the edge of the edge of the bathroom. Excess objects will need to be removed from it.

25. It has already passed enough time so that the plans are automatically executed. Actions in the morning, day and evening are held on the magazine.

26. Routine work is carried out, it will not be superfluous with me. Look at your progress, praise for achievements.

Interesting to know! No need to throw entry into the system if the failure has occurred and the day was missed or executed incorrectly. Changes in life occur gradually, so some errors at the first time excuses.

27. It is assumed to perform all the specified tasks for different days of day. Until 18:00 it is worth thinking over a dinner dish, it is fixed in the magazine.

28. It is important to check with a checkbook and execute all routine affairs. The new point of the plan will be care about the hostess. It is necessary to eat right, do not forget to rest and drink enough liquid.

29. Overcoming some barrier, has passed 4 weeks from the beginning of the marathon to develop a habit. The hostess should praise himself for perseverance, and then perform any task from Dana.

30. After the tasks are made, you need to pay attention to the plans of the next month. During the day, time stands out to choose gifts or postcards for advancing celebrations.

31. No need to know about all the nuances of the system, it is enough to correctly execute the tasks. The day work is carried out on routine plans from the control magazine.

Flace Lady System - House cleaning

Fly Lady Lamousing

Every day, flying housewives are given 15 minutes of cleaning at home. Due to this, their dwelling is transformed, free space appears, the forces in the analysis of the apartment is spent less. To secure the effect, it is required to get rid of the rubble. To do this, miscarriage is introduced, 15 minutes are also discharged for it.

For allotted time, a woman needs to make out things in various places at home. Not globally, on the shelves, in parts, while unnecessary things need to throw out. Ruthlessly forgive with objects that are not used last year.

Cleaning at home (apartments) on the Fly Lady system

  • routine execution in the morning and evening;
  • consolidation of a monthly habit;
  • production of stickers with reminders;
  • neutralization of bad thoughts;
  • control journal;
  • use timer;
  • performance daily by the task of Kelly;
  • relief from the rubble, regular;
  • family calendar;
  • compilation of a weekly plan;
  • decision of the room for 5 zones.

Flace Lady - Home Improvement

Fly Lady: Accounting for Financial Costs

Flying housewives allocate several rules to control their profits and expenses. Woman begins to follow their budget for various reasons. To make money not evaporated for no reason, the execution of tasks is required.

  • All receipts, accounts and other payment documents retain in one place.
  • The blessing of the financial condition, in a certain hour, women spend a conversation with the highest forces.
  • It will not be superfluous to start a bank card, it is convenient to keep track of the costs.
  • Why not try on the role of a banker and put your expenses and income into control journals.
  • Watch how much money goes to food.

  • The discarded income must be minimized, we are talking About spoiled products.
  • Before going shopping, a list is drawn up.

Interesting fact! Even those women who love to spend money without taking into account, like a finance tracking system. They appreciated her benefit and could make impressive accumulation without loss as life.

Flace Lady: Menu

Before replenishing the grocery reserves should be a power plan for a certain time segment. For this you need to go a few steps to achieve a qualitative result.

First, the hostess inspects its reserves, notes which position should be used primarily due to a limited shelf life. After that, the item is filled about favorite family dishes.

Of course, for the first time you have to give this manipulation a lot of time. However, the following times the woman will be already prepared and will cope faster.

Now, the menu is drawn up for 3 days, for the first time it will be enough. And on a separate leaflet, the products that need to be purchased are discharged. The main thing in the store does not deviate from the list and follow only him. Shares, discount sets and other detachable factors should not be interested in Fly Lady.

Fly Lady System for Different Women

Flace Lady System for Working Women

When a fair floor is working, it seems that it will be harder to do everything on the system. In fact, precisely such ladies of the Fly Lady allows you to get more free time to communicate with households.

Important points for working women:

  • Each family has its own routine where households get up at about 7 hours. To follow the rules of the Fly Lady, it is worth up for half an hour or an hour earlier. During this period, while still sleeping, affairs are performed for morning routine.
  • Combining cases will also not suffer due to lack of time. Cooking dinner is combined with kitchen cleaning, and cleaning teeth with a guidance of order in the bathroom.
  • It is cooking that takes a lot of time in women to free the evening, you can prepare in the future. The warm-up food from the freezer is not inferior to taste what they just prepared.

  • For family members, there are a rule that says that if not to litter, it does not have to clean. That is, all taken objects must be returned to the place.
  • You must not forget about automation, which is aimed at helping the hostess. In the house it is worth paying the place to the robot vacuum cleaner, washing machine, Multicooker.

Flace Lady System for Mom

A woman with a child cannot refuse to fulfill certain cases due to the presence of a kid. It is necessary to iron daily, erase or clean, but these tasks can be performed gradually. According to the system of flying women, the routine will take a little time, while important things will be made.

In order to follow the system, the standard plans need to immediately assign one task from the mother. At the same time, it should be given a bit to it so as not to download completely its schedule. Depending on the fact that the woman is more necessary, it puts certain tasks in the first place.

Such women reminders near the mirror will be more, because for its dense schedule there will be a tragedy on time not to get a mince or not wing a baby's underwear. Therefore, special attention is paid to payments with tips.

It's important to know! In order not to launch an apartment in the period of having a child, a woman is offered to make a schedule for 30 days. It is following that all items will allow to spend days without tension and have a clean apartment.

Flace Lady System for Pregnant

An interesting position should not be the reason for refusing to execute the usual schedule. On the contrary, many ladies after pregnancy became fans of such an excellent method.

When having tooling the baby, many prescribe a bed mode, allowing efforts only sometimes. The entry into the system is gradual, because it is ideal for similar ladies.

To facilitate your day, the plan includes specific tasks for pregnant women. For example, there is a charge on the morning, and during the day a visit to the doctor. Since this is not a daily task, it will easily fit into the Fly Lady chart.

In some families, a part of the worries takes her husband, for example, it helps her beloved and vacuuming on the weekend. With a special position, such interventions and adjustments are fully allowed.

Fly Lady: Jobs for today and for every day

When drawing up a plan, it is required to take into account the set of nuances in order not to go beyond the familiar system. If you follow a few items, then the development of tasks will not bring problems.

  1. For each task is given not more than 15 minutes if it has a large volume, it is better to share it.
  2. The list of tasks should not exceed 7 pieces, Since every day is given one by one.
  3. Provided what things are a lot, and it does not come out, you can move part of them to cleaning around zones.
  4. The load should be uniform if an easy task falls on a 15-minute case, it is complemented by one more.

Flace Lady System: Daily Tasks (Tables)

Every week a woman is preparing a new schedule with tasks for every day. It will indicate all the planned affairs. It is necessary to pay enough time to this lesson in order to miss anymonid.

Below is a ready-made table at which you can draw up a personal instance.

monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday
Hour of blessing at home Planning business Execution of postponed tasks Procurement day Other deeds Day for family Day for yourself
Work with vacuum cleaner 15 min on cleaning 1 zone 15 min on cleaning 1 zone 15 min on cleaning 1 zone 15 min on cleaning 1 zone Visiting the cinema Shopping
Floor washing in the hallway, toilet and bathroom Hallpote's analysis for 2 min Half-point analysis Hallspot analysisHallspot analysisHike in TC.Taking Bath with Utya
Cleaning dust from furniture and windows Washing kitchen floor Emission 10 unnecessary things Emission 10 items Emission 10 extra things Park zone walking Epilation
Cleaning mirrors and doors Watering plantsFloor washing in the living room Purchase of products Floor washing in the bedroom Games with younger generation Manicure and pedicure
Change of bedding Selling products, drugs Cleaning aquarium Purchase of household chemicals Repair spoiled things Family dinnerView film
WashMenu planning Cleaning feline bowls Purchase gifts to the nearest dates Shoe shoe Reading a favorite work
Hearing of old printed products Drawing up a shopping list Record to the doctor Payment of billsGuidance order in a handbag and car
Taking out the trash Output planning Guidance order in the refrigerator Cleaning the phone from excess garbage Have a pleasant evening with your loved one

Important fact! Preparation of such a table is obligatory if it is not possible to do it on an electronic medium, you can draw it from hand. Such things are very organized by a person, the support is meant when entering the system.

Check magazine (diary) Fly Lady how to make

Each fly-lady should have a checklist to which it will follow daily.

In order for an additional stimulus, the notebook for entries should be made bright and unusual. To create a creative magazine, you will need:

  1. Notebook or notepad, it is desirable that the sheets are in the cell and connected rings.
  2. A set of pens and bright markers to have the ability to highlight the text or title.
  3. Stickers, separators that are pasted inside and contain important information.
  4. Cutting from printed products, business cards, motivators.
  5. Clip, beautiful scotch, stapler.

Now go to move skillful handsAnd the actions will tell them a light head. In 60 minutes you can build a beautiful book, to write daily tasks in it.

Fly Lady Check Magazine:

Flace Lady: Reviews Negative and Positive

The female half does not have a general opinion on the use of the Fly Lady system in ordinary life. As statistics show, it is those who are fans of cleaning, refuse to comply with the schedule. After all, in their opinion, it is worth painting not only the sink every day, but all the apartment.

But for the people's employed, the system becomes salvation, and they get clean room For a minimum of time.

Fly Lady: Book of Marla Silly

Useful guide for those who decided to enter into the ranks of flying housewives. Of course, you can do without it, but the donkey reading the woman's book will imply a reserve with new terms.

Immersed in reading, a woman will be difficult to break away from the work. You can purchase an instance in any bookstore. Almost all network markets have a well-known book on the shelves.

To understand the benefit or her lack, you need to try on yourself this system.

Of course, due to a dense schedule or personal reasons Some refuse to live in flying women. However, it is enough to make a little effort and overcome yourself to assess the benefit of the Fly Lady system in everyday life.

Fly Lady System into Russian Federation. Where to begin?

Flace Lady System - House cleaning, tasks for every day:

The rapid rhythm of life often requires the modern hostess a clear arrangement of priorities in an inextricable chain "Professional career-personal interests-everyday home duties." However, as life practice shows, it is often very difficult to make the right choice in favor of this or another "link". Those who are tired of breaking between work and domestic affairs will come to the aid of Fly Lady - an effective program that even the most busy women consistently contain their home in perfect order.

At the same time, the active supporters of the Flace Lady remains enough free time to devote to his beloved hobby or beauty, health and youth preservation events.

What is the basis of such a unique system and what are the secrets of her amazing efficiency? Reply to these and other questions will help our investigation.

With its appearance, the "Fly Lady" system is obliged once a regular American business woman and a housewife, and now - a famous wide female writer Marla Silley (Marla Cilley).

Once, on the eve of the coming 1999, Marla suddenly thought about the question: why all its attempts to effectively combine work and homemade work, contrary to the accompanying efforts, do not bring high and stable results. After carefully and scrupulously conducted analysis, the woman made the following conclusions: it is impossible to ensure order in everything and immediately, if not adhere to a specific rational system in its actions.

Marla decided to change the approach to the journey of everyday affairs, starting from the first days of the new year, and in the near future developed for himself a number of rules that should have helped her get rid of chaos in the house and in life. Trucks personal experience, thoroughly "polished" and systematized, subsequently, these rules were based on an extremely popular and demanded Fly Lady program.

Initially, the name of Creation Silly was the abbreviation "Fly" (Fly Loving Loving), which in translating from English means "finally love himself"). In the future, the word "Lady" was added to the first part, as a result of which the name acquired the meaning, ideally the corresponding essence of the newly invented program. In the literal translation of the Flaigh Lady means "Flying Mistress", that is, the hostess who can quickly, easily and play to cope with any domestic affairs.

How to become a "flying housewife": Secrets of the Lady Lady

In order to experience all the advantages of housekeeping on the Fly Lady, absolutely not necessarily possess any special talents and skills. All that will be needed is to be desire and patient, actively "join" in the development of the program and disciplined to follow its basic principles. Subject to these non-hard conditions You will probably very soon note that now your home is invariably shining with delicious purity, while cleaning takes you only 15 minutes daily. So, proceed to comprehend the secrets of the "flying housewife"!

Turn on the timer for 15 minutes

First of all, the Fly Lady program implies the following: cleaning should be carried out in zones, and be sure to comply with the recommended time, which is 15 minutes per day. Do not rush to do everything immediately and do not spend on homework not one "non-normalized" minute.

At first glance it may seem that a quarter of an hour a day is too little in order to contain a housing in impeccable state. Indeed, it turns out to quickly achieve a high result from all owners. However, as it gets rid of the rubble and pointing the order in separate zones, you will make sure that 15 minutes is more than enough to maintain stable purity in your home.

The first, where to start when comprehending the Azov of the Flace Lady system, is from the definition of individual zones for further cleaning. The fact is that, according to the program, Marlas Silly, the activities to guide purity and order should be carried out according to the following principle: within one week - cleaning in the same zone, 15 minutes daily.

Consider the approximate zoning scheme on the example of a standard two-bedroom apartment:

  • Zone number 1: kitchen.
  • Zone number 2: Living room.
  • Zone number 3: bedroom.
  • Zone number 4: Hallway
  • Zone number 5: Bathroom + loggia.

Step-by-step weekly cleaning of each individual zone with time will ensure the constant presence of shining purity in your home, because the order in all corners of the dwelling will eventually be brought to you almost to perfection.

Compile a plan of work for a week

After the zones for cleaning are defined, the time comes to compile the plan of household events for the first week. When planning it is important to remember that at home should be allocated not more than a quarter of an hour per day.

If you chose a kitchen as the first object for cleaning, the weekly plan may look like this:

  • Monday: Wash the door and window.
  • Tuesday: Clean the kitchen plate and kettle.
  • Wednesday, Thursday: to clean up kitchen cabinet.
  • Friday: Wash tile tile.
  • Saturday: Clean the microwave oven.
  • Sunday: wash the chandelier and sink.

Disciplined following the planned cleaning plan, a week later, you will notice the impressive change in the kitchen room. And after five to six weeks, when the first work is made in the rest of the zones, your dwelling is transformed into the most magical way. Continue to carry out daily cleaning "in a circle" - and order in the house will be just a familiar tradition for you!

Fly Lady categorically declares: chaos cannot be controlled, but in the forces of everyone - to completely eradicate this phenomenon from his life. For this, first of all, you need to get rid of all useless and unnecessary things.

To properly decide on the decision, whether to throw out (or transmit to other hands) one thing or another, you need to ask yourself only one question: "Did I use it during last year? " The negative answer will definitely testify that the "moment of parting" has come.

Of course, it is not about family relics, expensive gifts or objects with which you are associated with particularly warm and bright memories. In all other things, get rid of old things should be decisively and unconditionally.

Weekly arrange an hour of cleaning

Along with the everyday 15-minute houseworks, the Flace Lady system implies the mandatory implementation of watch weekly cleaning.

In order to optimize the process of pointing the order, distribute an hour for six ten-minute periods, each of which will be assigned to perform a specific separate task. For example, during the first "decade" you wipe the dust in the apartment, and in the subsequent periods of time - my floor, vacuuming, take a garbage, knock out mats, etc.

Weekly cleaning is a kind of "final event", which allows us to bring the results of previous days to maximize perfection.

Throughout the day, each mistress has to perform many small cases that Fly Lady refers to routines. The range of "routine" events related directly to home duties, more than wide: washing dishes, laundry, care houseplants, sewing torn buttons, elimination of natural foci of disorder, etc.

Despite the fact that the execution of rutin, in most cases, does not represent a special difficulty, many women are inclined to postpone them "for later." Fly Lady offers routines between the case. For example, in the cooking process, borsch is easy to clean the time to wipe the dust, and when visiting the news, nothing prevents you from stroking a small slide of linen or put in order the mirror and kitchen sink. As a result, you can not only easily and quickly deal with routines, but also to provide yourself with an additional amount of free time on hobbies or other pleasant classes.

We declare a war of hot spot

Under hot spot (in English Hot Spot means "hot spot") Fly Lady implies the place of spontaneous cluster of various kinds of things and small items. As practice shows, the bedside tables in the hallway are most often performed as hot spots. coffee tables, shelves, chairs, chairs and window sills. If you do not follow these zones, they are amazingly grinding quickly, and bringing them into order will subsequently take a lot of time.

The task of the "flying housewife" - to identify and quickly "extinguish" the formed in the house of hot spots. Ideally, you should add yourself to all households to strict compliance with the immutable rule: each thing has its own place. For example, umbrellas and gloves should always lie on the shelves specifically allocated to them, and needles, threads and scissors - immediately searched after use in the top box of table stands. As for crumpled sheets of paper, candy wrappers and other garbage - the presence of such things is categorically inappropriate in any other place, besides the garbage bucket or urn!

Planning to contact the Fly Lady system, be sure to make a checklist. In the role of such a common thick notebook, which should be divided into three parts.

  • The first part of the magazine is intended to compile plans for the upcoming week. At the same time, the list should include both business affairs and any other mandatory events (hike for products, visit to the clinic, visiting the parental meeting, etc.).
  • The second part of the control magazine is recommended to be offered to planning not mandatory, but desired activities, such as shopping, hiking in a cinema, visits to the beauty salon or meetings with girlfriends.
  • The third part of the magazine is an analogue of a notebook; Here you can fix all the latest information for you: phone numbers, shopping lists to prepare a child for school, names effective drugs or interesting novelties of cosmetics, etc.

You may ask: "What does such a magazine to keep a household?" The most direct and immediate: compiling short-term and long-term plans, along with the presence of "at hand" useful informationwill help you quickly acquire the skills of rational use of free time.

Passing yourself - a mandatory event for every day

As far as you have been loaded with routines and other home affairs, do not forget: the real "Fly Lady" looks flawless under any circumstances. Therefore, do not spare free time to care for your appearance. And, of course, you definitely pay attention to how your homewear looks like, including - intended for classes.

Try to always stay in this form so that the random visit to the guests does not turn you into embarrassment due to the inconsistencies of your "forms" and "content". Remember: even the most perfect order in the house can fade and lose its splendor without a beautiful, well-groomed and loving mistress!