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Kathetonal injections instructions for use. Kathetonal in the form of ampoules - instructions for use. Are there effective analogues of the drug

Instructions for use:

Kathetonal is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent used in symptomatic therapy of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as to eliminate painful syndrome of various origin.

Pharmacological action of Ketonala

Katheton has anti-inflammatory, painful and antipyretic properties.

The effect of ketoprofen, the ketonal active substance, caused the ability of the drug to increase the pain threshold by suppressing the synthesis of bradykinin, stabilize the lysosomal membranes and delay the release of enzymes from them, which in chronic inflammation contribute to the destruction of tissues.

The maximum concentration of ketoprofen in the blood can be observed after 1.5-2 hours after applying ketonal tablets, 65-80 minutes after applying rectal suppositors and after 5 minutes during intravenous administration.

About 90% of the ketoneal is removed by the liver, half-life is about 2 hours. Slow output of the ketonal in renal failure requires a dose correction for patients with such a disease.

Indications for use

  • psoriatic arthritis (inflammation of the joints during psoriasis);
  • rheumatoid arthritis (inflammatory-destructive damage to large and small all-dimensional joints);
  • bekhterev's disease (resistant limitation of spinal mobility with possible involvement in the inflammatory process of internal organs);
  • osteoarthritis (joint disease, provoked by the damage to their cartilage tissue);
  • gift arthritis (joint disease caused by deposits in various tissues of uric acid salts).

The use of ketonal is advisable as:

  • pain in muscles;
  • neuralgia (the defeat of the peripheral nerves, accompanied by the attacks of pain);
  • sesalgia (pain as a result of bone lesion);
  • pain in the joints;
  • tend you (inflammation around or inside the tendon);
  • radiculitis (lesion of beams of nerve fibers derived from the spinal cord);
  • bursitis (inflammation of articular bags);
  • adnexite (inflammation of the appendages of the uterus);
  • dental and headaches.

Kathetonal is used as an analgesic remedy for post-traumatic and postoperative pain syndrome, accompanied by inflammation, oncological diseases, algodismenorei (menstruation soreness), childbirth.

Instructions for the use of ketonal

The ketonal is produced in forms intended for intake: capsules, tablets, granules for the preparation of suspension.

For intramuscular injections, the ketonal is used as a solution or lyophilisate for the preparation of the solution. Only a solution is introduced by intravenous. For external use, the ketonal is produced in the form of gel, cream, spray and solution. Kathetonal candles are designed for rectal applications.

Take capsules ketonal instruction recommends three times a day 1 pcs. (50 mg), not exceeding the daily dose of 300 mg. With osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, 50 mg of the drug is received four times a day. Putting the ketonal follows sufficient amount of milk or water, take the drug is recommended during meals. Capsules ketonal Duo, containing 150 mg of ketoprofen, usually take 1 pc. Once a day, and if you need to appoint large doses of the drug for a short time, it is possible to increase the number of receptions up to two times a day.

Tablets Kathetonal are prescribed usually 1-2 times a day 1 pcs. (150 mg), not exceeding a daily dose of 300 mg. The duration of treatment is two weeks, if necessary, the duration of the use of the drug can be increased by a doctor. Pills ketonal should be taken during or immediately after eating, drinking water in sufficient quantity.

Cuttonal candles, the use of which can be combined with a reception of tablets or capsules, usually assigned to 1 pc. (100 mg) in the morning and evening.

Intramuscular ketonal injections are standardly prescribed 1-3 times a day 1 ampoule (100 mg). Intravenously ketonal injections should be made only in the hospital. When intermittent, the introduction of 1-2 ampoules of the drug is divorced by 100 ml of "saline" and administered for half an hour. With continuous administration, the same amount of ketonal is bred in 500 ml of "saline" or glucose and administered for 8 hours. Repeated intravenous ketonal injeces are entered after 8 hours.

The gel and cream Kathetonal are designed for outdoor local applications. These forms of the drug are used in pain in the joints and muscles, which were caused by damage or injury, as well as when tendovaginate (inflammation of the tendon and its shell). Kathetonal cream should be applied to the affected areas 2 times a day, and gel - 1 or 2 times. An occlusive bandage is not recommended. Maximum daily dose - 200 mg (10 cm ketonal cream). The duration of treatment is 7-10 days.

Side effects

According to the instructions, Kathetonal may be the cause of the following undesirable phenomena:

  • abdominal pain, stool disorders, vomiting, nausea, dry mouth, stomatitis, violation of liver function, gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • nervousness, fatigue, headache, migraine, sleep disorder, dizziness, speech disorder;
  • a change in taste, noise in the ears, conjunctivitis, impairment of vision, pain in the eyes;
  • arterial hypertension, tachycardia, peripheral edema;
  • anemia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia;
  • nephrotic syndrome, impaired kidney function, blood presence in urine over the norm;
  • allergic reactions on the skin, shortness of breath, bronchospasm, rhinitis, angioedema edema.

Ketenal cream and gel can provoke vascular swelling, urticaria, skin rash, skin necrosis, dermatitis.

Contraindications for the use of ketonal

The use of ketonale is prohibited in hypersensitivity, "aspirin" asthma, ulcerative disease, ulcerative colitis, peptic ulcers, diverticulite (intestinal walls), crown disease (inflammation of the digestive tract, which all its departments can be amazed), blood coagulation disorders, chronic kidney disease .

According to the instructions, Kathetonal is contraindicated for children under 14 years old, pregnant and nursing women.

With caution, the ketonal is prescribed by patients suffering from bronchial asthma, anemia, alcoholism, alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, hepatic insufficiency, sepsis, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, edema, stomatitis, blood diseases. The use of ketonal patients of old age should occur on purpose and under the control of the doctor.

Additional Information

Kathetonal should be stored in a dark, dry place, where the air temperature does not exceed 25 0 S.

Kathetonal is a strong action preparation, which, due to its effectiveness, was widely distributed in medical practice.

The drug has the characteristic features that need to be studied before the start of admission.

The active substance of this drug is ketoprophen, the main properties of which are the provision of anti-inflammatory and painkillers, reducing the body temperature.

When taking a ketonal in the form of tablets and ointments, the maximum level of concentration of the drug in the blood is achieved hour after receiving. With intramuscular administration, this time is reduced to 7 minutes.

The average half-life of the active substance from the body is 2 hours. More than 85% of the total received drug is derived by liver. If the ketonal is accepted by the patient who has renal failure, then the period of its removal, on average, increases by an hour and a half, so with such diseases it is necessary to adjust the dose of drug intake and the course of treatment.

Indications for the use of ketonal

The drug of the ketonal in the form of an injection solution is prescribed in case of such diseases as:

  • arthritis (lesion of the joints of various types of upper and lower extremities, which is inflammatory)
  • diseases of the joints that were caused by inflammation of cartilage tissue
  • which was caused by psoriasis
  • various lesions of the joints, the cause of which is excessive deposition of uric acid salts in the body tissues
  • inflammation of intervertebral joints, which can lead to partial limitation of mobility.

In addition to the above diseases, ketonal as a drug can be appointed in the following cases:

Kathetonal is often used as an analgesic after surgical interventions: Caesarean section, removal of malignant neoplasms and a number of other surgical operations that may be accompanied by an inflammatory process.

Mode of application

When using ketonal in the form of injections, 1 ampoule (100 mg) is needed to introduce intramuscularly 1 - 2 times a day. The exact dosage can be assigned only the attending physician. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, it is recommended to fit with injections, taking a ketanol in the form of tablets or ointments.

Intravenously, this drug can be prescribed only in a hospital, and the infusion themselves can be continuous or with some intervals. The dosage for intravenous use is prescribed individually by a doctor, the drug is dissolved in physical. A dropper with a ketonal can be set up to 8 hours, after a short break, injections can be continued.

Side effects

As practice shows, ketonal in rare cases is able to cause some side effects, especially if the drug is accepted as an injection. If some kind of symptoms, still arise, they quickly and painlessly pass.

In 10% of cases, the following side effects may be observed:

  • (stool violation, no appetite, diarrhea, nausea);
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • in rare cases, anemia and thrombocytopenia may develop;
  • rashes on skin cover;
  • the appearance of small bruises on the skin.

In case of the appearance of these symptoms, consultation with the doctor is needed.


Kaetonal has a large number of contraindications, in the presence of which should be applied to the treatment of similar drugs.


  • individual high level of sensitivity to the active substance of ketoprofen, as well as other components that are part of the drug
  • bronchitis, asthma, rhinitis, urticaria and a number of other diseases caused by the occurrence of acetylsalicylic acid or other drugs that belong to the NSAID
  • gastritis and, any intestinal diseases, bearing periodic, inflammatory character
  • colitis of ulcerative type
  • blood diseases that affect its coagulation, such as hemophilia
  • age restrictions (Kathetonal is forbidden to accept children under 16)
  • pronounced liver or kidney activity dysfunction
  • the presence of heart failure
  • after shunting an aortoconary artery type, in the first few months after the operation, the drug is prohibited for receiving
  • bleeding gastric, intestinal
  • dyspepsia
  • pregnancy in the third semester, lactation period.

In some diseases, the ketonal is allowed for receiving as a drug, but it is necessary to use it with extreme caution, in a minimally allowable dosage, so as not to cause exacerbations and negative consequences for the body.

With caution take the drug at:

  • the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • arterial diseases
  • dyslipidemia
  • cirrhosis of the liver, which is caused by excessive alcohol use
  • dehydration
  • the presence of bad habits, such as smoking and abuse of alcoholic beverages.

Apply ketonal is prohibited in the third trimester of pregnancy, since the active substance of ketoprofen in late pregnancy may not

Kathetonal blocks signs of infectious diseases

only negatively affect the development of the fetus, but also provoke a miscarriage.

In the first and second semester, in the dosage that was appointed by a doctor, the ketonal was allowed to use with caution. But this is only in cases where the benefit from treatment with ketoprofen will be much higher than the potential risk to the fetus.

If the drug is used to treat during breastfeeding, it will be necessary to temporarily abandon feeding, as the substance penetrates into breast milk, and, accordingly, will affect the organism of the newborn.

special instructions

With prolonged use of drugs that relate to anti-inflammatory means of nesteroid type, which is ketonal, it is necessary to regularly carry out the diagnosis of liver and kidney activities. In particular, this concerns people of older than 50 years.

Since the injection solution responds to light, it is necessary to choose a dark and cool place to store it, and the bottle with the solution additionally should be wrapped in a dark cloth or paper.

If the ketonal is used for patients with hypertension and some other heart disease, then it is necessary to keep the blood pressure under control, since the drug contributes to the fluid delay in the body.

Kathetonal in the instruction has no special guidelines for people who drive a car or other mechanisms.


All preparations that are included in the lineup of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in overdose have the same symptoms:

  • nausea, vomiting
  • violation of stool
  • diarrhea
  • pain in abdomen, feces with small blood release
  • breeding
  • violation of consciousness
  • cramps.

In particularly severe cases, the overdose of ketonal can provoke the development of hepatic and renal failure.

In case the patient began to show all signs of overdose, it is necessary to wash the stomach with activated carbon.

Kathetonal is an efficient and effective drug, therefore has a wide range of applications in medical practice. It is not necessary to engage in self-medication and ketonal use for treatment only on the recommendation of the doctor.

About the drug ketonal on the video will tell the pharmacist:

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The pain is what time from time to time have to face every person. And in some cases, painkillers are simply necessary. Quite effective today the means is considered to be "ketonal" (injections). The application instruction indicates that the medicine is really able to eliminate pain and inflammation. What is part of the drug? How effective is it? Are there any complications and side effects possible? What do the doctors talk about this means? Answers to these questions will be useful to many readers.

Release form and composition of the drug

In the pharmacy, you can purchase the drug "Kathetonal" in the ampoules of dark glass with a volume of 2 ml. The medicine itself is a colorless solution, sometimes with a slight yellowish tint. The main active substance is ketoprophen (in one millilitress of the solution contains 1 mg of this component).

There are also some excipients, in particular ethanol, propylene glycol, benzyl alcohol and purified water for injection. Ampoules are packed in plastic blisters of five pieces (there are packs of 5 or 10 bottles). "Kathetonal" in ampoules can be bought without a doctor's prescription. Nevertheless, in no case should this remedy be used without prior consultation with a specialist.

What properties is the medicine?

Today in different sectors of medicine, the Kathetonal (injections) medicine is often used. Instructions for use classifies this preparation as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. Ketoprofen blocks the activity of COG-1 enzymes and COF-2, resulting in a decrease in the amount of prostaglandins produced during inflammation. This medicine has a pronounced painkillery effect.

The bioavailability of the drug is 90%. If you get into the body, ketoprophen is 99% binds to plasma proteins. The maximum concentration of this substance in the blood is observed 15-30 minutes after injection. That is why the painkillers "Kathetonal" are so popular - they really eliminate discomfort in a matter of minutes.

Ketoprofen penetrates the synovial fluid, but does not have a negative impact on articular cartilage. The exchange of this substance occurs in the tissues of the liver with the participation of microsomal enzymes. The half-life is two hours. The medicine is excreted from the body through the kidneys along with the urine in the form of inactive metabolites.

Main indications for use

In which cases do the doctors prescribe to patients the drug "Kathetonal" (injections)? The use of this tool is quite widely used to eliminate painful syndrome of almost any origin.

For example, the most common injections are prescribed to people suffering from degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In particular, the drug is effective in rheumatoid arthritis, reiter syndrome, ankylosing apondilite, psoriatic lesions of the joints, as well as gout, osteoarthritis and pseudoproda.

The drug is also recommended in pronounced and strong pains, which is accompanied by radiculitis, Malgy, tendinite, neuralgia, bursitis. Injections effectively remove pain after injuries and passing operational interventions. The indication for receiving is pain syndrome appearing against the background of cancer. Also, the solution helps to facilitate the condition of patients with strong migraines, adnexites, algodisaminores, inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis organs.

The drug "Kathetonal" (injections): instructions for use

Before using the drug, it is necessary to consult with your doctor. Only a specialist can correctly determine the dose and the mode of adopting the drug "Kathetonal" (shots). The instruction contains only general recommendations.

The maximum daily dose is 200 mg of ketoprofen per day. How to apply a solution for injection "ketonal"? Pricks intramuscularly can be done at home. As a rule, with strong pains, doctors recommend using 1-2 ampoules per day.

In addition, the intravenous administration of the medication is possible, but only in hospital conditions under constant supervision of medical workers. For a short infusion of 1-2 ampoules of the drug are divorced in 100 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution. The administration time is 30-60 minutes. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated, but not earlier than eight hours.

Sometimes patients require long intravenous infusion. In such cases, 1-2 ampoules of drugs are diluted with 500 ml of physiological solution (can be replaced with a lactate-containing ringer solution or a 5% decosition composition). The drug is introduced for 8 hours.

It is worth noting that in some cases intravenous or intramuscular administration is combined with the reception of tablets or the ketonal suppositories. Also, the drug can be combined with some other analgesics, as well as opiodes.

Can I use the medicine during pregnancy?

It's no secret to anyone that far from all drugs can be used to treat future mothers. "Kaetonal" during pregnancy is allowed only in cases where the benefits for the parent body significantly exceeds possible damage to the growing fetus. According to studies, in the first trimester of pregnancy, such therapy increases by 1-2% increases the likelihood of spontaneous abortion, as well as the formation of heart defects. But in the third trimester, this medicine is strictly prohibited.

More about contraindications

Not all patients can take this medicine. "Kaetonal" has a number of contraindications that need to be familiar with:

  • pregnancy and lactation period (you need to stop breastfeeding at the time of therapy);
  • children's age (the drug can be used to treat patients over 15 years old);
  • severe kidney diseases, including renal failure;
  • blood coagulation disorders, including hemophilia;
  • liver failure;
  • noncompensated heart failure;
  • increased sensitivity to ketoprofen, salicylates and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory means;
  • bleeding, including gastrointestinal;
  • postoperative period with an aorticonial shunting;
  • chronic dyspepsia.

Possible side effects arising against the background of treatment

This medicine in some cases can cause undesirable side effects. The list of them is quite impressive, but it is worth saying that in medical practice they are rarely recorded and, as a rule, are associated with incorrect use.

  • The drug can affect the nervous system, causing headaches, increased drowsiness, dizziness. Much less often are paresthesia, convulsions and distortion of taste sensations. Sometimes patients also complain about noise in ears and vision.
  • Side effects are possible on the part of the digestive system, including nausea, vomiting, stool disorders, bloating. Much less often therapy leads to the development of gastritis, the exacerbation of Crohn's disease, as well as the emergence of gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Allergic reactions can be attributed to side effects, which are manifested by urticule, skin rashes, itching, edema. It is much less likely to develop anaphylactic shock.
  • Against the background of therapy, violations in the operation of the respiratory system can occur, including nasal bleeding, bronchospasm, strong rhinitis, asthmatic seizures, larynx swelling.
  • Sometimes there is an increase in the level of hepatic enzymes and bilirubin.
  • It is possible to violate the functioning of the kidneys right up to renal failure.
  • Other side effects include fatigue, swelling, an increase in body weight, hypertension, hemorrhagic anemia.

When any deteriorations appear, you need to immediately stop therapy and report the symptoms at the attending physician.

Overdose, symptoms and methods of its treatment

Is it possible to the drug "Ketonal" (injections)? The application instruction indicates that the use of too large doses of the medication may result in complications. The most often symptoms of overdose are nausea, vomiting (sometimes with blood), severe abdominal pains, small intestinal bleeding. Less often in patients there is a violation of consciousness, convulsions, inhibition of breathing. The most dangerous consequences include a violation of the work of the kidneys right up to the development of renal failure.

With overdose, symptomatic treatment is carried out. You can weaken the effect of ketoprofen using prostaglandins and proton pump inhibitors.

The drug "Ketonal" (injections): Price

For many people, the cost of a particular medicine is one of the priority issues. So how much will the drug "Kathetonal" (injections) cost? The price, of course, will depend on many factors. Here you need to take the amount of ampoules, producer and distributor of this fund, as well as the features of the pharmacy pricing policy, etc.

Despite this, the cost of the drug is quite affordable. Packing out of ten ampoules will cost you about 250-300 rubles, which, you see, not so much, given a really fast effect.

Are there an effective analogues of the drug?

Sometimes patients for one reason or another does not fit the drug chosen by the doctor. Is it possible to replace an anesthetic "Katheton"? Analogues with a similar therapeutic effect, of course, exist.

At the pharmacy, you will probably offer such drugs like "Arquetal", "Arterum", "Flamaks", "Flexen". Ketoprofen can be used as a substitute (here the same current component) or "arthrosylene". By the way, all of the above drugs are produced not only in the form of injection solutions, but also in tablets, rectal suppositories, and even in creams for outdoor use.

But not without the knowledge of the doctor to abandon the use of the drug "Kathetonal". Analogues should be selected by a specialist based on the patient's condition, the varieties of the disease and the individual characteristics of the body.

What do doctors and patients talk about this tool?

In modern medical practice, the drug "Ketonal" is often used. Reviews of doctors about this means are mostly positive. The medicine really gives a practically instant effect, while rarely causing serious side effects. But experts warn with abuse drug, as this can cause addiction, overdose and various complications. In addition, it is worth understanding that this is just an anesthetic, so it cannot replace full-fledged therapy.

What do patients talk about the cettenary medication (injections)? Patient reviews confirm that the drug removes the pain for a few minutes after use. Injections are not too painful. The undoubted advantage of the medication is low cost. On the other hand, in many patients the drug causes drowsiness. In any case, such drugs cannot be used to use itselves - only a doctor can assign them.

Often, pain occurs suddenly and it is extremely difficult to endure it. Tablets Part is simply not able to cope, because their action is much lower than in injection drugs. This is due to the fact that tablets are absorbed by only 5-10% and affect the source of pain is not enough. With injections such a problem is not observed. One of the best painful drugs is ketonal.

What is this drug?

Cotonal in the form of injections contains an active substance ketoprofen, which quickly relieves pain. One ampula in 2 ml accounts for 100 mg of this substance. Retoprofen breeds in injection water and additionally contains alcohols (benzyl, ethanol), also contains propylene glycol. The whole composition is in ampoules of darkened glass, the preparation itself is transparent, but may have a yellowish shade. Under the use of injections refer to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Injections are quickly operating on the body. After administration, intramuscularly noticeable decrease in pain occurs after half an hour. Such an impact is explained by a special pharmacological action - the suppression of enzymes provoking inflammatory processes in the body. It is excreted ketonal with urine and the main decay of the drug occurs in the liver. The activity of ketoprofen for the body is 90%, which indicates its incredibly high compatibility with plasma proteins and very high exposure to pain.

Who approaches Kaetonal?

For use, Kathetonal has a separate number of indications, but can be used to suppress any pain. Carefully examine the list of contraindications. In the instructions for use of Ukolov, Kathetonal presents such a list of contraindications:

  • Any violations with blood intake;
  • Any bleeding;
  • The acute states of the ulcers in the stomach and the 12th roster;
  • Digestive disorders;
  • Any acute inflammatory intestinal processes;
  • Pathological states of kidneys;
  • Lack of liver or renal, cardiac;
  • When carrying out an aortocortonary shunting less than 2 months ago.

Separately, pregnancy and young age will be allocated until 15 years. If you need to treat a nursing mom, it will need to suspend breastfeeding. Additionally check personal portability of components. Never quiet yourself drug if there are any violations from the list of contraindications!

The intramuscular solution for the injection of ketonal is assigned in cases of any disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Appointed by many doctors at:

  • Arthosis;
  • Arthritis of reactive, rheumatoid, psoriatic and other characters;
  • Periatritians;
  • Polyarthritis;
  • Rheumatism of composite and incoming;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Gout and pseudoproda;
  • Plecelopatomic syndrome;
  • Arthrinovit.

It is also often appointed with headaches, neuralgia, tend little, bursite, Malgia, kidney colic, Lyumbago. Kathetonal relieves pain in menstruation, it is applied even in the postoperative period and in injuries to facilitate the patient's condition. Strong oncological pains can also be indications.

Features of application

Nick Kathetonal is enough 1-2 times a day on one ampoule. It is allowed intravenous use in the form of droppers. For this, the daily dosage is divorced in an injection solution with a volume of 100 ml and drips from half an hour to an hour. Droppers can be done if necessary every 8 hours. It is necessary to ensure that the daily dose never exceeds 200 mg of ketoprofen.

Intramuscularly entered ketonal in places where the skin is closest to the muscles. Best of all, if it is the thigh or the top of the shoulder. Fat layers can reduce the absorption of the active substance and reduce its action.

Kathetonal should not be combined with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticosteroid medications and alcohol, since there is a risk of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. During treatment with ketonal, you should not apply any drugs against thrombov, as it may be bleeding. The effects of drugs with a lithium content, calcium kagalla blocks, cardiac glycosides, hypoglycemic drugs, methotrexatin increases. Some drugs are suppressed: aimed to reduce blood pressure, diurendic, mifepristone. Admissible combination with ACE and diuretics inhibitors.

Side effects

In practice, side effects were noticed infrequently. They were connected mainly with an independent increase in the dosage designed for a day or in violation of the technique of administration of ketonal. They may still arise with personal hypervisibility to the composition of which the patient did not know. However, caution is allocated to combine and be sure to advise you with a doctor who churrents you. Do not decide on your own, what drugs are needed.

Negative reactions can be expressed in shape:

  • Headaches;
  • Dizziness;
  • Reinforced drowsiness;
  • Vision becomes;
  • Noise in the ears;
  • Nausea;
  • The wrongness of the feelings of tastes;
  • Vomit;
  • Bloating;
  • Stool violation;
  • The occurrence of gastritis;
  • Bleeding gasts;
  • Convulsions;
  • Exacerbation of Crohn's disease;
  • Allergies on the skin (swelling, itching, rash);
  • Blood from the nose;
  • Nasal mortgage;
  • Gunted edema;
  • Disorders in breathing;
  • Asthmatic attacks;
  • Anaphylactic shock.

Any non-standard organism reaction must be fixed. Treatment from negative reactions can only be stationary and will be the same as in overdose. Overdose symptoms are usually accompanied by vomiting and nausea, stomach pain. There may be violations of consciousness, difficulty with breathing and convulsions.

It is treated with drugs to eliminate negative symptoms and the elimination of ketoprofen from the body. The output occurs with special inhibitors and prostagland drugs.


Special conditions of the ampoule of the cotonal for storage do not require. Make sure that the temperature is not above 25 degrees and the drug did not fall directly solar rays. Kathetonal can be stored for 3 years. Be sure to protect the kids so that they do not find ketonal.

Additional instructions

Kathetonal is not intended for injection for a long time. The means only removes pain, but does not treat the main reason for its occurrence. Treatment should last other special medicines. In addition, Kathetonal affects the kidneys and the liver, so it should be monitored about changes in their condition.

Ethanol, lavender essential oil, sterile water.

  • Cream - ketoprofen, isopropylmiristat, methylhydroxybenzoate, propylene glycol, propyl hydroxybenzoate, white vaseline, magnesium sulfate, Elfakos ST9, oleate propylene glycol, glyceryl, water.
  • Pills - silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, talc, corn starch, lactose, , hypimloose, titanium dioxide, indigocarmin, wax, talc.
  • Capsules - Ketoprofen, microcrystalline cellulose, lactose monohydrate, sodium crossarmellos, povedium, polysorbate, purified water, eudragte, triethyl citrate, talc, iron oxide yellow, purified water, silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, gelatin.
  • Suppositories - Ketoprofen, fat fat, glyceryl Caprilocaprat.
  • Form release

    • Solution 50 mg / ml For in / in and per / m administration - in dark glass ampoules 2 ml, in a blister 5 and 10 ampoules in a cardboard package No. 10.2
    • Gel 2.5% - For outdoor use, colorless, transparent homogeneous in an aluminum tube of 50, 100 g in cardboard packaging.
    • 5% cream - For outdoor use, a homogeneous, white color in an aluminum tube of 30, 50 g in cardboard packaging.
    • Tablets ketonal 50 mg - Two-screw round shapes coated in glass dark bottles of 20 pcs. in cardboard packaging.
    • Capsules 50 mg With a modified release - blue in blister in a cardboard package No. 20, 30.
    • Suppositories rectal - Smooth, white, homogeneous in a blister for 6 suppositories in cardboard pack No. 12.

    pharmachologic effect

    Anti-inflammatory, anti-edema, analgesic, antipyretic.

    Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


    Ketoprofen. Suppresses activity cyclooxygenase that oppresses the synthesis process prostaglandinov .

    The drug also inhibits synthesis bradyikinina , lipoxygenase , stabilizes in a cell lysosomal membrane and suppresses the production of enzymes that are involved in the inflammatory process. The state of the articular cartilage ketoprofen does not have a negative action.


    Suction process ketoprofen. In the body, it is very slow and in the body it is practically not cumulative. Bioavailability - 5%. The drug penetrates well and reaches therapeutic concentrations in synovial fluid, muscles, ligaments, subcutaneous tissue. In the blood plasma, its concentration is insignificant. Metabolized in the liver with the formation of conjugates. Displays with urine. Slow.

    Indications for use

    Indications for the use of various forms of the drug are identical. The choice of the form of the drug is carried out on the basis of a number of factors (type of disease, ease of reception).

    The drug is appointed in the following cases:

    • Symptomatic treatment of inflammatory-degenerative diseases of the bone-muscular apparatus ( various origin, , , , articular and incoming , malgy , tendinit , , , shoulder-paint syndrome, injuries of the musculoskeletal apparatus - stretching and breaking bundles, muscle bruises)
    • Reviving pain syndrome in Malgia, Bursitis, Tendtion, Neuralgia, Radiculitis, , headache, algodismenoria , kidney colic, post-traumatic pain syndrome, oncological diseases, , lumbago , and lymphangite. , flebit .


    Individual increased sensitivity to the drug and other NSAIDs, blood clotting disorders, children's age, hepatic / renal failure , Exacerbation , , Period after the operation, the period of lactation and during pregnancy in the 3 trimester.

    Assign carefully if there is a history , ulcerative disease; , arterial hypertension , simultaneous reception anticoagulantov , cardiovascular diseases, long-term treatment of NSAIDs, in old age.

    Side effects

    The side effects of the drug may manifest disorders from different body systems:

    • anaphylactic reactions;
    • anemia , lakeing , thrombocytopenia , , bone marrow function disorders;
    • asthenia , insomnia, depression , drowsiness, dizziness, headache, convulsions, confusion;
    • noise in the ears, pain in the eyes, fuzziness, , reduction of hearing;
    • , increase hell, heart failure;
    • nose bleeding bronchospasm , , larynx swelling;
    • nausea, dyspepsia , soreness in the abdomen, , , ;
    • hepatitis ;
    • skin itching and rash, photosensitization;
    • , , hematuria ;
    • peripheral edema, fatigue;
    • increased weight, thirst, .

    Instructions for the use of ketonal (method and dosage)

    Tablets Kathetonal, instructions for use

    Take an inside of 1 tablet ketonal (50 mg) twice a day or kaetonal forte (100 mg), swallowing entirely and drinking at least 100 ml liquid (water, milk) after eating.

    The maximum daily dose of the drug should not exceed 200 mg per day. At the same time, the pills ketonal can be combined with other forms of the drug (cream, suppositories). You can take tablets of prolonged action (Kaetonal Retard) - once in a distance of 150 mg (1 tablet).

    Ketenal cream, instructions for use

    A bit of 5% of the cream (3-5 cm) apply to the skin and light movements to thin the cream Kathetonal 2-3 times a day into the problem areas of the body. The duration of independent treatment should not exceed two weeks. In the absence of effect, you need to contact a specialist. Sometimes, patients on the cream mistakenly say "ointment."

    Ketonal gel, instructions for use

    The gel is applied similar to the cream. The gel dosage must be selected according to the area of \u200b\u200bthe problem area. Approximate dosage - 5 cm of gel correspond to 100 mg of ketonal.

    Capsules ketonal, instructions for use

    Take in arthrites, dysmanifier, osteoarthritis and weakly or moderately pronounced pain inside in one capsule when taking food, drinking with milk or water every six hours. It is possible in combination with a solution for injections, suppositories, taking into account the maximum daily dose. Recommended simultaneous reception with antacid means .

    Ketonal injections, instructions for use

    For parenteral use, the drug is introduced in the form of an injection in the amount of 100 mg 1-2 times a day. In / in infusion: the procedure is carried out in a hospital. A short infusion - ketoprofen in ampoules (100-200 mg) is diluted in a solution of 0.9% sodium chloride (100 ml) and administered for one hour, re-introduction no earlier than eight hours. With prolonged infusion, the drug (100-200 mg) is bred in 500 ml or 0.9% sodium chloride and administered for eight hours. Kathetonal in / in can be administered with analgesics of the central action .

    Candles ketonal, instructions for use

    Rectal suppositories in the rectum are introduced, as de-one as possible one suppository 1-2 times a day. You can combine the introduction of suppositories with oral forms of the drug (pills, capsules).


    Overdose of the drug is accompanied by nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, violation of consciousness, convulsions, inhibition of breathing, renal failure.


    Ketoprofen. Lowering efficiency hypotensive products and diuretikov , strengthens the action hyogolcemic oral LS. and rows anticonvulsant drugs ( ).

    Simultaneous reception S. anticoagulants , antiagreganta and thrombolitics Increases the risk of bleeding. Reception of Ketonal S. salicylatami other Npvp , ethanol and GKS. Enhances the risk of developing complications by the gastrointestinal tract.

    Kathetonal increases blood concentration lithium preparations , cardiac glycosides , BKK. , , , and when it is simultaneously appointed with potassiabelling diuretics , aPF inhibitors , low molecular weight heparins and Risk of development increases hypercalemia .

    Terms of sale

    Without recipe.

    Storage conditions

    At temperatures up to 25 ° C.

    Shelf life

    Analogs of Ketonala

    Coincidences on the ATX 4 level code:

    Analogs of Ketonal B. tablets and capsule - , Ketoprofen. , , , Osteoarti Active Plus , , Flamaks Forte , Ketoprofen MV. , Hondron Power , , Bystremkaps. , Orovere , Profinid other.

    Ketonal analogues solo - , , Denbol , OKI , Emodol , Orovere , , , other.

    Analogs cream and ketonal gel - Arthrosylene , Ketoprofen. , , , , F-gel , , Ketoprom. , Orovere , Ketum gel , Resuscator thermo gel , Valusal , Arthropod , Ultrafastine , Fort gel , Profinid , .

    Ketonal analogues suppositories - ARTRUM. , Orovere , Flexen , Arthrosylene .

    The price of analogs can differ significantly from the cost of the cogether. When replacing the drug, you should get a consultation of a specialist.

    Reviews of Ketonale

    In the Internet environment you can find numerous oscillation reviews, mostly favorable. The most favorable reviews about Kethena in tablets and injections:

    • "... I left a stone from the kidneys, hellish pain, neither Baratgin nor other analgesics helped. The doctor quickly made Ketonal injections and the pain practically immediately released. Excellent anesthetic, not a drug and price accessible ".
    • "... I removed the tooth. When removing the tooth cooked and when they began to pull the roots, there was a hellish pain. But after the injection of Ketonala, I stopped feeling pain. Good medicine from dental pain. "
    • "... I suffer with osteochondrosis, from which the tablets otteal drink and use cream, helps well."

    Many patients leave good reviews about Kathetonal cream and often refer to his "ointment": "... My mom has long been using the ointment of Kaetonal with Arthrosis. The drug is good and quickly removes the pain in the knee joints. This is not the cheapest drug, but very effective. ".

    Negative reviews are found: "... I drive a horse. After the fall began to hurt the ankle joint. Used the cream of the month. It did not help, the joint continued to root. Delivered on the hippodrome "horse balsam" - an excellent result ".

    Those who are not familiar with the drug ask the question: " what is the ointment ketonal?"It is successfully used in damage to the ligament apparatus and muscles, which is very relevant for persons leading an active lifestyle. Which ointment can be used? Local treatment in cream forms, ointments, the gel is very effective with inflammation of the veins (phlebitis). In this case, the NSAIDs are prescribed in parallel with veotonic and thrombolytic.

    The gel reviews are also positive, and it is noted that this dosage form is easier and faster absorbed, without leaving traces on the skin and clothing, the use of gel is more economical.

    There are numerous positive feedback on candlelights in gynecology: "... I have the beginning of the menstrual cycle almost always accompanied by strong pain. What I just didn't drink. The doctor once again advised the candles Kathetonal and the pain retreated. Of course, the application procedure is not very pleasant. After the introduction of the candle, I feel discomfort (easy burning and itching), but they quickly stop pain and the effect lasts a whole day. Excellent means ».

    The price of cotonal, where to buy

    The price of cotonal depends on the form of the drug.

    Price Kethenala in injections (ampoules 2 ml 100 mg) No. 10 varies within 230 - 305 rubles per package; Ampoules ketonal No. 50 - 957 - 1490 rubles.

    Price Ketenala in tablets 100 mg number 20 ranges from 200 to 210 rubles; Tablets Kathetonal retard 150 mg No. 20 -235 - 302 rubles.

    Cost Kaetonal in capsules 50 mg number 25 is 105 - 115 rubles.

    Price ketonal cream 5% in the tube 30 g varies within 230 - 297 rubles; 50 g - from 310 to 395 rubles.

    Price ketonal gel 2.5% in a tube 100 g varies from 338 to 466 rubles per pack.

    Price Ketenala in candlelight No. 12 pieces varies from 283 to 345 rubles.

    You can purchase preparations without difficulty in most Pharmacies of Moscow and other cities.

    • Internet pharmacies of RussiaRussia
    • Internet pharmacies of UkraineUkraine
    • Internet pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


      Kathetonal solution for V / B and V / m. 50mg / ml 2ml 10 pcs.LEK D.D.

      Kaetonal Tablets P.P.O. 100mg 20 pcs.LEK D.D.

      Kathetonal gel 2.5% 100gSalutas Pharma GmbH

      Kaetonal Cream 5% 50gLek D.D./Salutas Pharma GmbH

      Kaetonal capsules 50mg 25 pcs.LEK D.D.

    Pharmacy dialogue

      Kathetonal (caps. 50mg №25)Lek.

      Ketonal ( / vol.100mg №10)Lek.

      Kathetonal (Supper 100mg №12)Sandoz.

      Kathetonal (Supper 100mg №12)Lek.

      Kaetonal Cream (tub 5% 50g)Salutas Pharma Gmbh.

    Eurofarm. * 4% discount on promotion mEDSIDE11.

      Kaetonal gel 2.5% 50 gSandoz DD / Salutas Pharma GmbH

      Ketenal Cream 5% 100 gSalutas Pharma GmbH