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The most common causes of increased cortisol in women: symptoms and methods for treating hypercorticism. Main stress hormones and their features. What if prolactin is raised

In such a situation in the human body there are various biochemical processeswhich can have a negative impact on health if their impact continues over a long period of time. To neutralize the effects of stress, almost all systems are involved. human organismBut the greatest role is played by endocrine. It is during its work that various stress hormones stand out.

The role of adrenaline in stress

After understanding which hormones are generated first, it should be noted that it is adrenaline and norepinephrine. They are involved in the regulation of the organism processes at the moments of peak nerve loads. They are responsible for launching embedded mechanisms that adapt the body to stress state. They are lifted in the blood of the adrenal glands. The level of adrenaline is sharply growing at the time of anxiety test, in a shock or when a person is experiencing fear. Entering the bloodstream and spreading through the body, adrenaline leads to rapid heartbeat, the person becomes expanded pupils. It must be borne in mind that its long-term impact on human systems lead to the depletion of protective forces.

The discharge of norepinephrine is accompanied by a sharp increase in blood pressure. This stress hormone is also standing out at the time of increased nerve loads or when a person is experiencing shock. From a psychological point of view, adrenaline is considered a hormone of fear, and norepinephrine is rage. Introducing various impact on the body, both hormones make its systems work almost at the limit possible and, thus, on the one hand, protect the body from stress, and on the other hand help a person to get out of the difficult situation. If the data generation of hormones is broken, human behavior in the stressful situation may be inadequate.

Cortizola action mechanism

Another stress hormone, which is called cortisol, and stress is practically inseparable. A sharp increase in the level of the hormone is observed at the moments of peak physical or emotional loads. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body. Having affecting a certain way on the nervous system, this hormone encourages the brain to look for an optimal way out of the situation, it will mostly activate its activities. If muscle efforts are required to exit the complex situation, the cortisol can give them an unexpected impulse. It is exactly the action of this hormone explains a sharp increase in speed and the ability to climb on the trees in hunters who ran away from the bear. Or a sharp tide of the forces in mothers who were forced to protect children.

The effect of cortisol is that the body finds the sources of fast energy, which is glucose or muscle. Therefore, long-term stress and, accordingly, maintaining the level of cortisol at a high level for a long time can lead to the destruction of the muscles (after all, they can constantly supply human energy) and a weight set. The body requires the restoration of glucose reserves, and the person begins to increase the consumption of sweet, which leads to an increase in body weight.

The consequences of the cortisol action on the body

Normally, the hormone of stress cortisol is not only not harmful, but also useful for the normal functioning of human life systems. Thanks to it, the balance of sugar is regulated, a normal metabolism is ensured, insulin production in the necessary volumes and stable glucose cleavage. In the conditions of stress, a sharp increase in the level of cortisol occurs. As described above, the short-term effect of peak hormone generation is even useful, but when it is in a state of stress for a long time it makes harm.

The constant increase in the content of cortisol in the blood leads to the following consequences:

  • Increased blood pressure, which negatively affects human well-being and can lead to negative consequences, up to a stroke.
  • The deterioration in the work of the thyroid gland is that in the future may lead to a decrease in insulin production and the appearance of diabetes mellitus.
  • A sharp increase in blood glucose levels, which together with a deterioration in the work of the thyroid gland can lead to a violation of the work of the main systems of the body.
  • Disruption of the functioning of the endocrine system as a whole, which can lead, among other things, to the increased fragility of bones and the destruction of some tissues of the body.
  • Reduction of immunity due to failure in the work of human life systems.

The effect of cortisol on weight

Another negative impact of this hormone on human life is the formation of new fatty tissues. In chronic stress and constant elevated level of cortisol, a person develops a thrust for oily and sweet food. To constantly fight stressful phenomena, the body requires the reserves of fast energy - glucose and amino acids. The first is contained in the blood and comes there as a result of sugar intake or sweet food, and the second component is in the muscles. It turns out a vicious circle. The body requires sweets that consist of glucose and carbohydrates, glucose is consumed to combat stress, and carbohydrates are converted into fat and accumulate to create energy reserves. Moreover, such fat is quite difficult to liquidate, it is formed in men at the bottom of the abdomen, and in women - on the hips. In these places, it is very difficult to remove it even by exercise.

Moreover, the presence of a high level of cortisol often prevents reset overweight. First, the body gives signals that he needs additional foodWhat leads to the appearance of a feeling of hunger, which means that the weight does not decrease. Secondly, under the influence of cortisol, the muscles are destroyed on the amino acids, which are required for a protective reaction to combat stress. This leads to the fact that human strength does not remain on physical exercises. Thus, a person is difficult to reset the weight, both with the help of physical exertion and the diet. To lose weight, you must first reduce the content of cortisol in the body.

Prolactin and stress

The hormone of stress prolactin operates in most cases on women. This is due to the fact that it is associated with the realization of the birth function of children. The level of this hormone in women also increases sharply during the period of unexpected mental loads. Its negative impact is that with long-term exposure, it leads to a violation of ovulation, menstruation graphs, and therefore problems with the conception of the child. In addition, it can lead to various diseases of female genital organs and reproduction systems.

Prolactin rises and during pregnancy, which leads to various emotional splashes in women. However, a permanent hormonal failure may result in subsequent problems with breastfeeding. Therefore, if in the process of pregnancy, women arise signs of depression, it is necessary to make an analysis to the level of content of this hormone. The timely response and purpose of drugs will contribute to the birth of a healthy child and the positive mood of the future mother.

Standing stress in women, which means that the increased content of prolactin in the blood can lead not only to problems with pregnancy, but also to other critical consequences. Therefore, it is imperative to learn how to deal with stress, look at life positive and avoid strong nervous overloads.

Fighting with stress

To avoid health problems caused by stress hormones, you need to learn how to manage your mental and nervous state. There is enough a large number of methods of struggle with stress and increase stress resistance. Someone spend time alone in a quiet peaceful place, someone leaves empty and just screaming to spill up negative energy, and for someone the best anti-stress is a hike in the box of the box. The main thing is to find your way and actively use it. It is also necessary to remember that a healthy and calm sleep is the key to the stable nervous and endocrine systems.

It is useful to play sports. At the same time, training should be not up to exhaustion, but just sufficient. Too active sports may, on the contrary, provoke the emission of cortisol and lead to a weight set, and not to a positive psychotropic effect. In general, participation in sporting events and regular physical exertion (especially on fresh air) Contribute to the generation of endocrine system of endorphins - hormones of joy and happiness, significantly increasing stress resistance.

It is useful to listen to good music, to distribute things in advance to eliminate the feeling that everything must be done at the same time, but there is no time (this is one of the most common causes of stress). Also a positive effect on the mental, nervous and endocrine system has massage, manual therapy, meditation, breathing exercises.

So, in stress in humans, complex biochemical processes in the body are accompanied, which are accompanied by a sharp increase in the choice of special substances, which are called stress hormones. On the one hand, they form a protective reaction, help quickly find a way out of a difficult situation, but, on the other hand, with long-term nervous stress, the stress hormones lead to violations in the body, the unbalance of its systems. The consequence of constant stress can be various chronic and incurable diseases. Therefore, with stress you need to fight and learn to manage your emotional state.

All about prolactin and its norms

To all the processes that occur in our body, it is necessary to relate not only with respect, but also with a certain period of responsibility. For example, many women, and men, during the child planning, do not pay time and attention to the surrender of blood tests on hormones.

The elevated level of prolactin is one of the most common causes of female infertility. Therefore, it is so important to know which functions each of the hormones in the body performs, and what will entail an excess or lack of hormone.

What is prolactin?

The prolactin hormone is produced in the front pituitary department. It is called the lactation hormone, as one of the most important functions performed by him - the effect on the production of milk in pregnant and nursing breasted women. For three trimesters of pregnancy, prolactin is elevated, as a result of which it contributes to maintaining progesterone. Such interaction of hormones allows you to save the fruit, makes it possible to develop it and appear on the light without pathologies.

The prolactin hormone is found in the body in three forms, they are also called prolactin fractions. This is a monomeric, dimeric and three-dimensional prolactin pituitary. If you consider the percentage of these fractions, then you can see that a monomer hormone is in the most active phase - it is 80% in the body.

Gormon functions

Prolactin is responsible for the reproductive ability of the female organism. If the hormone content is normal, then the woman is ready for conception, tooling the child and breastfeeding. In addition, the hormone is responsible for:

  1. Development and formation of mammary glands in adolescence;
  2. The formation of iron fabric in the chest on the last trimension of pregnancy;
  3. Synthesis of milk in lactic glands after childbirth;
  4. The conversion of milk into colostrum;
  5. Control of electrolyte metabolism in the body (ratio of potassium, sodium, magnesium);
  6. Contraception during breastfeeding and the first few months after childbirth;
  7. Package of organism cells. The hormone is responsible for providing comfortable and painless childbirth, as the higher the level of prolactin, the lower the pain threshold of a woman.
  8. Stimulation of the first breath in the newborn.

In men, the hormone of the pituitary glands is responsible for the formation of spermatozoa, and also affects the sexual function. It is worth noting that the prolactin hormone contributes to the maintenance of immunity and regeneration of immunostimulating cells.

Symptoms of hyperprolactiamia

Hyperprolactinemia is a disease in which lactation hormone significantly exceeds the norm. The woman has a hormone of pituitary glands only during pregnancy and in the next 6 months. If after this period, the hormone is increased, then it is necessary to contact the doctor.

Factors of raising prolactin

The reasons for increasing the stress hormone can be different from behavioral reactions, ending with physical exertion. Stress, nervous excitement, mental disorders, sexual intercourse, increased loads in the gym - All these factors can affect the level of the hormone pituitary.

You should also pay attention to side effects medical drugs that you take on this moment. It can be both psychotropic, contraceptive and ordinary anti-ansulistic agents.

The pathological factors of increasing prolactin include such diseases as:

When is the surrender of tests?

Prolactin in women is raised when:

  1. Irregular menstruation are observed;
  2. Amenorrhea was diagnosed - no menstrual cycle for more than six months;
  3. Uterine bleeding;
  4. Infertility - no conception for one year;
  5. Excess weight that cannot be adjusted by diets and exercise;
  6. Constant headaches noted by an uneven emotional state;
  7. Mastopathy;
  8. Allocations of various types of mammary glands - Galathery;
  9. Dry vagina, absence of natural lubrication;
  10. An increase in fragility of bones - osteoporosis;
  11. A significant reduction in libido - sexual attraction.

In men, the elevated level of prolactin will give a signal in the form of depression, reducing the volume of sperm during sexual intercourse, decrease in sexual entry and as a result - the appearance of impotence and infertility. Also, a strong floor can manifest gynecomastia - an increase in the mammary glands.

Both men and women, as a result of hyperprolachethemia, there may be a deterioration in view without a weighty reason.

Normor prolactin in children

The newborn hormone of the pituitary is prolactin, produced quite intensively. It is not necessary to scare the marks in 1700 honey / ml. At the same time, the child is observed is the selection of colosis from the mammary glands. This is due to the fact that within 9 months the thyroid gland of children produces this hormone in huge quantities. The reasons for this are simple - it is necessary to prepare a light child to the first breath. When the air enters the alveolo walls, they must remain in the former flexible form and not begins inside.

If the newborn does not shout after the appearance of the light, it can talk about the lack of prolactin in its body. The level of prolactin is also increased in children of adolescence. But it passes, as soon as the child turns 18 years old.


To obtain reliable analyzes on the level of prolactin in the blood, it is necessary to carefully prepare. Before passing an analysis per day, exclude sexual contact with a partner. All this can lead to the fact that the pituitary hormone as a result of the analyzes will be elevated.

You should not take a hot bath, visit the bath or sauna. Limit the cool shower. Stress hormone increased by avid smokers and alcoholic beverages. Which means that 5 hours before the visit medical institution It is not recommended to smoke, and a week before the analysis - eliminate alcohol consumption. 8 hours before the blood delivery, you will need to abandon meals. The only thing is allowed to drink ordinary non-carbonated water.

Do not forget that prolactin is a hormone of stress. Therefore, when you are nervous, its level is raised in tens of times. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the likelihood of stress, nervous excitation, or any other emotional load before surrendering analysis. The same applies to children.

Remember that blood test must be taken within three hours from the moment of awakening. If such a temporary range does not suit you, then specify the clinic about the possibility of putting blood at home.

The feeling of strong fatigue, weakness, prolonged insomnia or a short rest before analysis may affect the receipt of reliable results. If you feel bad, then you should not go to the hospital on this day.

Women to donate blood for analysis is needed on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle, but if you have irregular menstruation, it is better to prepare a doctor's advice.

Full examination

If the blood test shows that the stress hormone is elevated, it will be necessary to find and establish the reasons. To do this, it is recommended to make an MRI (magnetic and nuclear resonance) of the brain, in particular its front department - pituitary gland. Then the ultrasound of the thyroid gland is waiting for you, blood test on glucose and cholesterol levels. You need to visit the oculist to determine the field of view. If prolactin is below the norm, then the treatment is not carried out.

Options for treating hyperprolactiamia

The reasons for increasing the hormone of the pituitary gland can be absolutely different, respectively, the treatment cannot be common to all. But, there is a general drug method - this is biologically active prolactin, contained in preparations such as bromocriptine, parlorodel, abergin, bromergon, achievek.

The reaches and bromergon are preparations that are aimed at the gradual increase in the hormone. If prolactin is significantly increased initial stage Treatment, it is shown to apply for ½ tablets only 2 times a week. The same method of receiving the drug applies to children.

I read the article and was horrified, how much could the lack or excess of only one hormone be entrusted. It turns out that it is necessary to control the level?

Of course it is scary when so much can happen. But it is not so difficult to pass the blood test once a year.

But these analyzes are not so cheap.

I am 25 years old and only now I learned that I have a lot of problems with hormones, because of what I can not get pregnant! Therefore, if you have the opportunity, then follow the Hammas. It is very important.

I have greatly enhanced prolactin, frequent headaches, skin problems, as a result, after passing the MRI, the adenoma of the pituitary is discovered! I drink a reachable, I rent tests, attend your doctor! Yes, this hormone is very important in the body! I wish everyone only health!

yana and the treatment helps you.

women can not be passed, they will show the clinic, but men needed.

Faced with a hormone prolactin when he learned in shock. But it was worth it and expect, nervous breakdowns, psychosis. I drink four years Triergol and Riguevidon. And it is up to the owner and count how much money goes away. Every month more expensive, and who is guilty? Our halves

In case of detecting any symptoms of diseases, please contact your doctor. Copying the materials of the site is allowed only if you set the active indexed link to our site.

Hormones of stress prolactin and cortisol, how to reduce

What can be caused by stress, hormones, as affect the body, their functions, cortisol, prolactin, adrenaline, causes, consequences, how to reduce.

In the occurrence of diseases, a person is to blame not only bacteria, viruses, innate or acquired pathology of internal organs.

Many diseases develop and under the influence of long stress. Stress resistance B. lately Pay a lot of attention.

And is due to the fact that modern people often have to be in stressful situations, since their personal and public life Often flows in extreme conditions.

The overall concept of stress

The term stress in medicine is denoted by an unfavorable, negative load on the human body, leading to various psychological and physiological reactions.

From the point of view of morphological and functional development, stress is characterized by adaptation syndrome, which has three stages:

  • The first stage is alarm response. The usual resistance of the body decreases, a shock state occurs, during which a person loses the ability to partially or fully monitor its actions and thoughts. Protective mechanisms are included in the first stage.
  • Second stage of resistance or otherwise resistance. The voltage noted during the functioning of all vital systems leads to the fact that the body begins to adapt (adapt) to the new conditions for it. At this stage, the individual can already make decisions that should help cope with stress.
  • Third stage - exhaustion. It manifests itself the inconsistency of protection mechanisms, which ultimately leads to a pathological impairment in the interaction of particularly important functions of the body. If stress goes to the third stage, it becomes chronic, able to give impetus to the development of many diseases.

The severity of stress is determined by the degree of severity of the main symptoms, this is:

  • Physiological manifestations. Stress leads to the appearance of headaches, pain in the field of chest, back, drops of blood pressure, redness of individual parts of the body. Long stressful situations are caused by eczema, atopic dermatitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach.
  • Psychological manifestations. Reducing appetite, increased nervousness and irritability, decline in life, fast excitability, permanent expectation of possible troubles, nervous ticks, depressive states - psychological manifestations of stress.

In psychology distinguish two types of stress:

  • Eustrades or "useful" stress for the body. The development of the human body is impossible without the influence of minor stressful situations. Morning rise, hobbies, studies, meetings with loved ones - all this leads to the development of stressful hormones, but if their number is within the normal range, it brings the body only to the body.
  • Distresses or negative stress. They arise at the time of the critical stress of the body and their manifestations meet all the traditional ideas about stress.

What is caused by stressful state

The person's body is under the influence of events taking place at work, in a personal life, in society.

Stress is often experiencing those who have come into emergency situations. In stressful situations in the body, identical biochemical changes occur, their main goal is the repayment of the increasing voltage.

Stressing restructuring in the body occur with the participation of two systems, this is:

  • Sympatheadar system.
  • Hypophizar hypothala's adrenal.

Their work is controlled by the hypothalamus and the highest brain departments, and intensive work leads to the emission of certain substances that called the stress hormones.

The task of data of hormones is mobilizing the physical resources of the body in order to repay the influence of factors that cause stress.

Main stress hormones and their features

Under the influence of stressful situations in the body, the activity of the main functional systems and their usual functioning change dramatically.

At this time, certain hormones play a major role in maintaining the changed status.

Eliminate their glands of internal secretion, especially for adrenal glands.

The bark of adrenal glands during stress throws stress hormones into the bloodstream related to four groups:

  • Glucocorticoids, it is cortisol and corticosterone. It is Cortizol begins to produce in large quantities in stressful and emergency situations for humans. Also, its increased emissions occurs with strong physical loads and against the background of the lack of nutrition. Cortisol is distinguished by a long effect and its constantly elevated level causes the appearance of depressive state and memory disorders. With the normal functioning of the body, cortisol in serum in the maximum amount is found in the morning and in the minimum - at night. This hormone begins to stand out hard with constant overvoltage, an indirect feature of this state can be thrust to fatty food and sweet dishes. Thus, cortisol signals that fat deposits are needed in order to be an energy supply to combat future "enemies." In chronic stress, cortisol is produced in such quantities that it becomes harmful for the body. Under his influence increases blood pressure, the work of the immune system is reduced, the tone is reduced muscular fabric, it starts to postpone the abdominal fat, hyperglycemia develops. Similar changes give impetus to the development of diseases such as infarction, stroke, diabetes. Therefore, in some sources, cortisol is indicated as "death hormone".
  • Mineralocortokids. The group of adrenal hormones includes aldosterone, which is responsible for the process of reforming - reverse absorption of liquids. If the level of aldosterone increases, the fluid in the body begins to delay and swelling is formed.
  • Private hormones androgens, estrogens. With a high level of estrogen in the blood, the pain threshold increases, that is, a person is easier to transfers pain.
  • Catecholomins - Noradrenalin, Adrenaline, Dopamine. It is distinguished by the brain layer of adrenal glands and are considered biologically active substances. Adrenaline is characterized by powerful effect intensity, but its action compared to the cortisol ends quickly enough. Therefore, adrenaline mainly participates in the development of short-term alarm and panic. The increase in adrenaline in the blood is celebrated in the first minutes and seconds of the influence of the stressor. According to some scientists, frequent allocation of adrenaline can cause cancer education.

Not only the adrenal glands produce stress hormones. Hormone participating in exchange reactions accelerating biochemical reactions and increases attention is produced by thyroid gland and pituitary gland.

Thyroxin and triiodhydronine is formed in the thyroid gland, in the forefronts of the pituitary gland - growth hormone, prolactin, follicle-sustaming and luteinizing hormones, ACTH.

Stress hormones, especially this applies to adrenaline, prolactin and cortisol, prepare the human body to develop unusual, complex states by incorporating certain mechanisms.

During stress rises blood sugar and blood pressure, it is required to provide the necessary power of the brain and muscles.

Similar changes cause fear and panic and at the same time prepare a person to confront the threat.

As stress hormones affect the body, their functions

The stressful situation initially leads to the fact that a person appears confusion and anxiety increases.

These states are considered to prepare the organism to more pronounced changes.

Information about the threat or non-standard situation enters the brain, processed there and through the nerve endings enters vital organs.

This leads to the fact that stress hormones in a huge amount are beginning to flow into the bloodstream.

If a person is experiencing physical stress, then norepinephrine is released more. In mental stress, adrenaline is produced.

Each of the stress hormones launches its mechanism of action, which affects the appearance of certain symptoms.


Cortisol begins to actively produce in emergency situations, with a lack of admission to the organism of nutrients, with enhanced physical exertion.

The norm is considered when the level of cortisol is within 10 μg / dl, with a pronounced shock, this level can reach 180 μg / DL.

Increased cortisol - the protective reaction of the body, allowing a person in stressful situations faster to make faithful solutions.

To achieve this, additional energy is needed. Therefore, the high level of cortisol leads to the following changes:

  • To transformation of amino acids of muscle tissue in glucose, which is necessary to isolate energy and removal of voltage.
  • To insulin metabolism.
  • To anti-inflammatory reactions arising from the fact that the permeability of the vessels walls is reduced and the development of inflammatory mediators is depress.
  • To the immunoregulating effect on the body. Cortisol reduces the activity of allergens and lymphocytes.

Cortisol with enhanced workout destroys the neurons of the hippocampus, which negatively affects the work of the brain as a whole.


Prolactin has anabolic and metabolic effect on the body. Under the influence of this hormone, metabolic processes change, and the synthesis of proteins is accelerated.

Also prolactin has an immunoregulating effect, regulates water-salt exchange, mental functions and behavioral reactions organism.


As already mentioned, adrenaline begins to actively stand out at the moment of severe anxiety, with fear, rage, panic.

The main action of adrenaline is the bronchorant and antispasmodic, in addition, this hormone is an antidhyra.

It is possible to determine the instance of adrenaline in large quantities by expanding pupil.

Under the influence of adrenaline, the frequency and depth of breathing decreases, the walls of the internal organs are relaxed, the motor function of the stomach is slowed down and the digestive enzymes and juices are aligned.

It is simultaneously increasing the reduction of skeletal muscles, if you make urine analysis at the moment of a strong stressful situation, then sodium and potassium ions can be detected.

The discharge of norepinephrine becomes the reason for increasing blood pressure, but the acceleration of the rhythm of the heart does not occur. Noranedrenalin reduces diuresis, reduces the secretory activity of the stomach, enhances the selection of saliva and relaxes a smooth muscles located in the intestinal walls.

The effects of increased level of cortisol and prolactin

More negative changes in the body arises if a large amount of cortisol or prolactin is constantly in the blood.

If the indices of cortisol for a long time remain at a consistently high level, then this becomes the cause:

  • Reduced muscle mass. The body synthesizes energy not from the incoming food, but from muscle tissue.
  • Increases the percentage of fat deposits. With an increased cortisol, a person constantly wants sweet, and it provokes a weight set.
  • The appearance of folds on the stomach. With a high level of cortisol, fat deposits are accumulated inside the abdomen, they pushed out the muscular layer, and the figure acquires the shape of the apple.
  • Type diabetes mellitus. The influence of cortisol decreases the production of insulin and at the same time glucose appears in the blood due to the destruction of the muscles. That is, sugar in the blood becomes almost twice.
  • Reducing testosterone levels.
  • Increased risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies. The high level of cortisol causes the body to constantly work with overloads, which negatively affects the state of the vessels and the heart muscle.
  • Osteoporosis. Cortisol worsens the processes of assimilation of collagen and calcium, slows the processes of regeneration, which causes the increased fragility of bone tissue.

Hormone Prolactin is responsible for the formation of progesterone. More important This hormone has a woman for the body.

In stressful situations, prolactin strongly affects metabolic reactions and mechanisms regulating the water content in the body.

When depressed prolactin is produced in large quantities and it becomes the cause of various pathologies, including the development of cancer cells.

The excess number of prolactin becomes the absence of ovulation, not to wear pregnancy, mastopathy.

Prolactin is important for the health of men, if it is not enough, the sexual function may suffer, there is a predisposition to the formation of adenoma.

Causes of increasing stress hormones in the body

Stress hormones begin to produce in human body during stressful situations.

The sharp production of hormones, mostly adrenaline, may be due to an emergency incident - earthquake, an accident, thermal injury.

Adrenaline in excessive amounts is produced during parachute jumps, during classes and other extreme sports.

Long or even constant increase in cortisol, prolactin arises due to:

  • Severe, prolonged disease.
  • Losses relative or a loved one.
  • Divorce.
  • Deterioration of the financial situation.
  • Problems at work.
  • Retirement.
  • Problems with the law.
  • Sexual dysfunctions.

In women, stress hormones can begin to accumulate after the occurrence of pregnancy.

Sometimes after the birth of a child, the situation is only aggravated, which can lead to a difficult psychosis or postpartum depression.

Chronically elevated cortisol concentration can be due to:

  • Periodic starvation or rigid diets.
  • Incorrect organization of physical exertion. Sports need to be carried out under the guidance of an experienced trainer, who knows how the level of training affects the critical increase in cortisone and may, by selecting the right complexes, neutralize this harmful effect.
  • Coffee abuse. A cup of strong coffee raises the level of cortisol by 30%. Therefore, if you drink several cups of drink during the day, it will lead to a constantly elevated level of stress hormone.

The situation is aggravated if the person is constantly inappropriate, it works a lot and does not know how to rest.

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Stress symptoms depend on several factors, this is the state of the psyche of a person, the stage of the pathological process, the force of negative impact. Signs of stress are divided into physical and psychological. The most expressed in their manifestations of psychological symptoms, it is:

  • The emergence of an unfortunate anxiety.
  • Internal tension.
  • Constant dissatisfaction.
  • Constantly bad mood, depression.
  • Reducing interest in work, personal life, to loved ones.

Physical symptoms can manifest itself strong fatigue, sleep disorders, weight loss, irritability or apathy.

In women during pregnancy and after childbirth, stress incontinence of urine may occur, that is, its spontaneous selection when coughing, sneezing, scheme.

The incontinence of urine after stress is also noted in young children.

Eliminate the increased level of prolactin in the body is necessary at:

  • Infertility.
  • Miscarriages at the first weeks of pregnancy.
  • Galactors, that is, when the milk is isolated from the nipples.
  • Frigidity and reduced sexual attraction.
  • Acne and hirsutism.
  • Disorders of the menstrual cycle.
  • Increased appetite, which may cause obesity.

With long-term development of prolactin, the structure of cells that produce this hormone varies, the tumor - prolactinoma begins to grow as a result.

This tumor squeezes the visual nerve and negatively affects the state of the nervous system.

Its main symptoms is a decrease in visual acuity, sleep disturbance, depression.

It is possible to assume the chronic enhancement of cortisol according to the following features:

  • Weight set with regular training and balanced nutrition.
  • PUBLIC OF PULSE. The high level of cortisol leads to a narrowing of the vessels, which leads to elevated heartbeat even alone.
  • Nervousness arising even without any reason.
  • Reducing libido.
  • Frequent sweating and rapid urination.
  • Insomnia
  • Depressive state.

The manifestations of the increase in stress hormones leads to severe and not always reversible changes.

In some cases, people prefer to cope with stress themselves, muffled psycho-emotional manifestations of alcohol, drug use, gambling.

How to reduce

Reduce selection in the body of stress hormones single way - minimize the effects of stress. For this you need:

  • Follow healthy image Life, that is, not to rebuild, sleep fully sleep at night, walking out in the fresh air.
  • Having sports. Training should be regular, but they need to be given a day to a maximum of 50 minutes.
  • Avoid stress. To learn to adequately react to negative loads, you can learn yoga, meditation, use various techniques Relaxation. With elevated susceptibility, it is better to abandon the viewing of negative news and materials.
  • Learn how to make your diet so that the body gets all the substances they need, and the digestive system did not overload. It is necessary to reduce the use of caffeine, there are more plant products, drink more water.
  • To smile more often. View comedy, Communication with friends, sincere laughter - all this positive emotionsnot allowing dramatically to climb the level of cortisol.

Stressful situations in the life of any of us will necessarily be. And as the body will react to the selection of stress hormones depend on the person itself.

Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to react sharply on negative factors and, if necessary, do not be shy to seek help to a psychologist.

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Any stress factors provoke biochemical reactions in the body, which, with long-term effects, can cause negative consequences for human health. Many systems are affected, but the most important is an endocrine sphere, since it controls the activity of stress hormones. The most important hormone of stress, which is mentioned most often - cortisol.

The hormone of stress cortisol is the most dangerous element that affects a person during a period of long-term voltage. It leads to combat readiness the body, therefore, the body reaction is ensured for danger. This property is actively using athletes who need to spur muscles and systems. In the future, the cortisol is excreted from the body, but with a long-term stressful state is produced in large volumes and negatively affects health.

Its impact is expressed in the following:

  • increased drowsiness;
  • weakness;
  • reluctance to do something;
  • desire to seize the stress sweet;
  • impairment of memory.

The danger of cortisol is that it suppresses the production of estrogen, it leads to a premature aging of the body. The stress hormone reduces immunity and increases the pressure, leads to frequent hypoglycemia and fat mass in the abdomen, a decrease in muscle mass, which is particularly risky for athletes. As a result, the likelihood of such chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes.

For athletes, it is also undesirable to exude this hormone in the sense that its oversuetting in the body increases the fragility of the bones and provokes the destruction of tissues. High concentration of cortisol hinders weight loss.

Hormone cortisol is an important element that is formed as a result of biochemical processes in the body in stress, but in excessive amounts it adversely affects all organs.


The group of Catecholamine hormones caused by stressful influence includes adrenaline, norepinephrine and dopamine. These are hormones of the brain layer of adrenal glands - biologically active substances that differ in effect effects. In the first place is adrenalineIt is produced immediately after the start of the action of the stressor, and is the most powerful and active substance.


A stressful hormone is produced in the case of fright or shock, mainly in the mental nature of stress. When entering the blood, it contributes to the expansion of pupils, heating the heartbeat, that is, under its effect, the body strengthens the protection. But with its long-term effect, the protective forces are depleted. Specialists are called a hormone causing cancer.

The effect of adrenaline is used in training, it allows you to lose weight, because it has the property of strengthening the metabolism. But long-lasting hunger strikes and stress training are depleted by the body. The effect of adrenaline lasts five minutes, there are so-called adrenaline addicts, which are specially engaged in extreme sports. This sooner or later leads to problems with heart and vessels. At the same time, his lack can provoke depression.


Dopamine also stimulates the psyche. It participates in the regulation of the motor medium and allows you to form behavioral reactions to the voltage. Reducing the level of this hormone leads to depressive states, and provokes neurological and somatic diseases.


This hormone increases diastolic and systolic pressure, but he does not change cardiac rhythms. Its action causes reducing kidney vessels and relaxation of intestinal muscles. It appears as a result of physical impact and accompanies such a state as rage.

Androgens, or sex hormones are represented by estrogen. It raises the human pain threshold, while the physical impact of stressors is not so noticeable. Unlike other elements, it is synthesized only by the adrenal glands (Androstendion and dehydroepyondrosterone) and gender glands. Men do not experience his oversupply, as the main hormone for them is testosterone.

And for women, with an increase in the amount of androgens, male signs may appear - the sore, changing voice grade, body structure. But, as a rule, the effect of androgen is quite weak.

Speaking of such relationships, like hormones and stress, it is worth remembering beta endorphine, which also allows you to survive a difficult period. It makes it up with an intermediate department of the pituitary. It reduces the response to pain, eliminates the effects of shock, keeps the CNS in the tone. Refers beta endorphin to the Endorphin group.

Physiologically, it is an excellent painkillers, anti-shock and anti-stress agent. It contributes to a decrease in appetite, reduces the sensitivity of the CNS departments, normalizes pressure and breathing. It is often compared with morphine and other opiates, thanks to which Endorphin received another name - endogenous opiate.

The effect of endorphine causes Euphoria, it is not in vain that after stress, a positive emotional effect is associated. But this side effect Hormone in stress, as it can be called not only with tension, but also a momentary feeling of happiness, listening to music, watching works of art.

Other hormones

Consider them.

  1. Mineralocortokids. These hormones play an important role, they are produced in the core of the adrenal glands, and live no more than 15 minutes. The main hormone belonging to this group is aldosterone. It allows you to detain in sodium and water in the body, stimulates the release of potassium. Its oversupply can cause pressure increase, and the lack of fraught with losses of salt and water. As a result, a dangerous state can develop - dehydration and adrenal insufficiency.
  2. Hormones thyroid. The main hormones, for the production of which corresponds to the thyroid gland - thyroxine and triiodotinin. For the synthesis of these elements, it is necessary to adequate in the body of the iodine. Otherwise, problems with memory and attentiveness are possible. Another hormone, which produces the thyroid - Calcitonin. It contributes to saturation of bone calcium, which ensures its hardness and prevents destruction.

Hormones of the front lobe of the pituitary

The front proportion of pituitary glands produces a hormone of prolactin stress, thyrotropic hormone and many others. They have an impact on human well-being and stress maturation. A thyrotropic hormone stimulates the work of the thyroid gland, allowing it to produce sufficient number Elements. The secretion of this substance is broken by age, and its oversuetration affects the structure and work of the thyroid.

The adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulates the work of the adrenal glands and participates in the secretion of pigments. Somattropine is the main element responsible for human growth. IN childhood His drawback leads to irreparable consequences. It also participates in the distribution of fat savings, the growth of the skeleton, the metabolism of proteins, ensuring the power and growth of the muscles. Somattropine affects the pancreas cells and insulin production.

Prolactin and metabolism

Stress and hormones prolactin are inextricably linked. Prolactin in chronic voltage is produced in small quantities, which can cause metabolic disorders. It is especially dangerous for women. It also leads to critical consequences. Since prolactin is associated with childbearing function, it leads to the impossibility of becoming pregnant, disruption of ovulation, causes the development of adenoma, mastopathy.

The main factor affecting his oversupply becomes stress. Even minor experiences can cause its increase. Also provoking factors can be the reception of drugs and breast surgery, diseases of the endocrine system, the effects of radiation. The reduction of the hormone is rare and is called, as a rule, physical and emotional overloads.

It is worth noting that all stressful hormones are important for the normal life of the body, their presence is required. Cortisol, adrenaline and prolactin are preparing to combat stress, but with their exceeding negative consequences are inevitable. To prevent this, it is worth controlling the impact of traumatic factors. Make it will allow compliance with the recreation and activity mode, avoiding tense situations and the formation of the correct reaction to stress.

Cortisol (hydrocortisone) is a hormone, which is produced by the human body during stress, is called stress. If unforeseen situations happen often, or there is long overvoltage, cortisol is produced too much. This leads to an excessive weight, muscle intake processes and other unpleasant consequences. What is hydrocortisone, what is its functions in the body and what to do when cortisol is greatly enhanced, consider below.

Generation and functions of hydrocortisone

The hormone of stress is produced by adrenal glands at the time of physiological or psychological overvoltage. Raw materials for its production serves cholesterol. After the strengthened workout in the fitness center, the cortisol hormone is elevated. Its generation concentrates all the forces of the body and mobilizes them to solve an emergency problem.

The substance is present in the body in 2 forms - the associated hydrocortisone and unrelated. The associated hormone does not take part in the processes of the body and is a reserve for the rapid release of the substance in the stressful situation. Unbound cortisol in the blood performs basic functions during the stress period.

Under the influence of the hormone, generation increases, the content of glucose in the body increases, the metabolism is stimulated. That is, cortisol like assistant, promotes a person to cope with non-standard circumstances. But constantly Elevated cortisol can harm a person. How to reduce the level of cortisol, consider below.

In women during a stressful situation, along with hydrocortisone, the volume of prolactin is growing. This is a sex hormone, but it is imperatively produced in extreme situations. When prolactin is elevated over measures, it leads to a violation of ovulation, loss of opportunity to get pregnant, mastopathy, fibrosis and other troubles. Cortisol and prolactin are produced in the same cases. Women are struggling with the increase in both hormones.

The functions of the hydrocortisone refers:

  • Stimulation of metabolism;
  • Concentration of attention on the stress situation;
  • Expansion of bronchial ways;
  • Promoting the growth of blood pressure;
  • Reduction of digestive processes;
  • Production growth in glucose organism;
  • Acceleration of heartbeat.

The cortisol emission is inhibits all the irrelevant processes in the body, and the confrontation associated with the stress of the function is activated. Substance with success present Inflammatory processes, allergic reactions that interfere with how to cope with the emergency situation. Therefore, it is so important to reduce the level of the hormone.

Hydrocortisone rate in the body

Normal substances may vary, depending on the laboratory, in which the patient is carried out. Cortisol level in the body depends on age. The averaged indicators are shown in the table:

As can be seen from the table, the highest lower limit of the values \u200b\u200bis achieved after 16 years. The highest upper limit to the child under 10 years old.

The high level of cortisol is achieved by redirecting the main blood flow from the organs that are not involved in solving a stress problem to organs on which their permission depends. At the same time, glucose production increases, which is a source of energy for humans. There is a splitting of fats (triglycerides) into fatty acids, which are split into simpler substances, also releasing energy.

Increased hydrocortisone

Signs of high hormone

When a person is experiencing constant stress in the family or in service, loads herself with exercise over measures and without coach control, it risks constantly have an excess cortisol. The following signs are talking about the presence of a similar problem:

  1. Permanent feeling of weakness. The feeling does not pass even with a small daily load. This occurs as a result of the collapse of proteins in the body.
  2. Problems with cardiovascular system, increased blood pressure. It may even happen hypertensive crisis.
  3. A set of excess weight, thickening of the waist, edema - all these are signs of high cortisol. This is due to the delay in sodium body, which hydrocortisone contributes.
  4. Blocking the immune action of the body. Under the influence of hydrocortisone, lymphocytes do not produce antibodies.
  5. Worstification of the sexuality and reproductiveness of women. Under the influence of the described substance, fewer female genital hormones and androgen are produced. The lady begins to experience failures in the menstrual cycle. Her body is subjected to excessive overeating (face, back, chest, limbs).
  6. Increases blood sugar levels. At the same time, the body's ability to respond to insulin is reduced. It threatens the complex of problems - diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and vessels, extra kilograms and so on.
  7. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is inhibited.
  8. Difficulties with falling asleep, chronic neurasthenia.
  9. Impairment of memory, scatletination, inability to learning. This is caused by the gradual destruction of the hypothalamus under the action of hydrocortisone.

Symptoms increased cortisol enough. All listed problems significantly reduce the quality of life. A person appears a bouquet of diseases. So that this does not happen, it is necessary to fight cortisol under the direction of the endocrinologist. How to normalize the indicator depends on the reasons for its increase.

Causes of increase in hormone content

Increased level of cortisol (hypercorticism) can be caused by lifetime, circumstances, and may be the consequence of certain diseases. The reasons do not associated with pathologies:

  • Psychological stresses of long-term flow or constantly repeated stress;
  • Classes in the gym with the exercise that gives too much loading the body;
  • The uncontrolled reception of medical drugs affecting the hormonal balance (here includes, including contraceptives, prednisone and other medicines);
  • The state of pregnancy, when all substances are produced in view of the need for their mother and child;
  • Obesity;
  • Unbalanced carbohydrate nutrition.

All these situations are signs of increased hydrocortisone. The reasons for the increase in cortisol may consist of diseases:

  • Tumor education in the pituitary gland capable of increasing or decreasing hormone production;
  • Adenoma in adrenal glands capable of becoming a source of unnecessary hormone generation;
  • Increased adrenal in volume;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Increased secretion of thyroid hormones, causing stressful state;
  • AIDS;

The increased content of cortisol does not make a reason to establish a specific disease. The diagnosis of any disease can only be delivered by a specialist after additional examinations - MRI, CT and so on. In diseases associated with the pituitary gland or adrenal glands, the cortisol in the urine is investigated.

What if it is increased by hydrocortisone?

How to lower cortisol? What to apply treatment? If the symptoms of hormone increase described above, it is necessary to contact the endocrinologist. Before the examination, the doctor will most likely recommend abandoning energy-making drinks - coffee, carbonated water, other caffeine-containing drinks. It is necessary to establish sleep and rest mode - sleep at least 8 hours a day, resting during the day. Rest is a downhill hormone factor.

Treatment contains several points. Fighting includes changing the diet. In order to eliminate the increase in cortisol in the blood, you need to reconsider your menu. In food it is necessary to use animal proteins (meat, chicken eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, milk). From the easily friendly carbohydrates contained in sweet dessert dishes, it is worth refrangiving vegetables and fruits. It is useful to use in the diet of porridge from solid grain varieties to suppress the growth of the hormone. Bread is better to buy whole grain varieties. It lowers hydrocortisone.

If the cortisol is elevated, then the attending physician will write vitamin preparations with content ascorbic acid and the group of vitamins of the group B, which normalize the state. Treatment should appoint a specialist endocrinologist, surgeon or oncologist based on the results of the survey.

When determining diseases causing hormone increases in order to reduce the level of cortisol, it is necessary to carry out appropriate treatment. With benign or malignant tumor A surgical operation will be prescribed as a patient as treatment. After it, in complex cases, chemotherapy and other procedures are prescribed.

Reduced hydrocortisut

If the cortisol is above the norm, it is harmful with a long deflection of the indicator from the norm, but when stressing is necessary. The decrease in the level of cortisol in the blood speaks of the inability of a person to withstand stressful situations. The reason for the reduction of cortisol serve:

  • Pathology pituitary
  • Addison's disease, expressed in the inability of the adrenal glands to produce enough hormones;
  • The pathology of the thyroid house, which produces not enough hormonal substances;
  • Reception of synthetic hydrocortisone substitutes reduces its natural secretion;
  • The presence of adrenogenital syndrome.

Signs of the lack of hydrocortisone are:

  • Constantly reduced blood pressure;
  • Low blood sugar;
  • Feeling of numbness of limbs;
  • Tremor hands;
  • Alarm state, nervous suppression;
  • Failures in the work of the digestive system.

Treatment of the lack of hydrocortisone depends on the cause that caused it.

Stressful condition is caused by various life events, whether it is personal problems or difficulties of an external nature, for example, unemployment. In any complex situations in the body, biochemical processes occur, with a long-term traumatic experience, they are able to influence human health. With stressful moments, many systems are involved, immune, digestive, urinary and other functional areas of the body are involved in mobilization. In this case, the most active system is an endocrine sphere, it is under its control that there is a so-called stress hormone. Usually under it implies cortisol, but it is impossible not to take into account other changes under the influence of a strong experience.

Biochemical processes of stress
How does the body work during stressful experiences? Doctors argue that a long-term traumatic factor causes various physiological changes, endocrine tissues are most susceptible to various aggressors. Consider a chain of biochemical changes in the body.

At the first signs of danger in adrenal glands, adrenaline and norepinephrine is produced. Adrenaline rises with alarm, shock states, fear. Enrolled in blood, it enhances the heartbeat, expanding pupils, and also begins work on the adaptation of the body to stress. But long exposure to its protective forces of the body. Noraderenalin is allocated for any shock situations, its action is associated with an increase in blood pressure. Adrenaline during stress is considered a hormone of fear, and norepinephrine, on the contrary, rage. Without the development of these hormones, the body becomes unprotected before the influence of stressful situations.
Another stress hormone is cortisol. Its increase occurs in extreme situations or severe physical exertion. In small doses, cortisol does not have a special impact on the work of the body, but its long-term accumulation causes the development of depression, there is a thrust for fatty food and sweet products. No wonder cortisol bind with weight set.
It is impossible to exclude an important hormone from the biochemical chain, which particularly affects women is prolactin. In a situation strong stress And the depression prolactin is strongly distinguished, which leads to a violation of metabolism.
Biochemical processes cause certain mechanisms that adapt a person to danger. At the same time, stress hormones are able to affect the work of the body. Consider their impact in more detail. How do prolactin and cortisol affect health?

Cortisol is necessary for the body's correct operation, it regulates the Sahara balance, glucose and insulin metabolism. But stressful impact increases its norm, in this case the critical influence of the hormone occurs.

What happens if cortisol exceeded its norm?

High blood pressure.
Reducing the function of the thyroid gland.
Bone fragility.
Reduced immunity.
Festivation of fabrics.
Such an action is manifested in chronic stress, and accordingly a long-term increase in the hormone.
Another negative impact of stress hormone is the appearance of fatty sediments in the waist area. This is due to the appearance of thrust to sweet and fatty food. If stress moved to the chronic phase, then the closed circle is obtained. The organism is sent signals that he needs to postpone fat for the energy reserve. Sometimes the cortisol and its high level interfere with reset overweight.

In order to avoid the above problems, it is necessary to study to cope with stress. Cortisol decreases in a relaxed atmosphere, in the absence of long experiences. A good emotional background will allow you to maintain hormone at the required level.

Prolactin is associated with childbearing function, moreover affects metabolism. If prolactin is elevated, its excess leads to a violation of ovulation, the absence of pregnancy, it may cause mastopathy, adenoma and fibrosis.

What is the reason for increasing this hormone? The main source includes a stress factor. Even the usual excitement before exams causes a short-term increase in such a hormone as prolactin. In addition to stressful influence, the reasons for the increase refers:

Receiving a certain range of drugs.
Radioactive radiation.
Operations on lactic glands.
Chronic liver and kidney failure.
Endocrine diseases.
And if prolactin is lowered? The reduced level is found in rare cases. If the body is healthy, then the increase in the hormone is associated with pregnancy, emotional and physical overloads. To learn about increasing the norm, you should pass the analysis for its definition. After that, the reasons are determined, and the treatment is also assigned.

If prolactin is produced during a protracted depression, then the consequences for the body can be critical. The hormone is very mobile, so it is difficult to influence its concentration. It is important to observe calm regime, nerve overload causes strong vibrations of stress hormone. Prolactin and its level should be monitored when planning pregnancy.

It should be noted that the person needs hormones in the body. Cortisol, prolactin and adrenaline prepare the body to combat and adapt. But if the traumatic factor is delayed, then their negative impact begins.
Hyperprolactinemia is a condition that occurs as a result of increased production of prolactin hormone. It is synthesized in the front of the pituitary gland and has a great influence on the reproductive function.

This hormone together with progesterone support the functioning of the yellow bodies of the ovary and take an active part in the process of tooling the fetus during pregnancy.

If prolactin is elevated, the symptoms of this state, observed more often than others - headaches and a decrease in libido.

Long-term hyperprolactinemium leads to a decrease in the bone density and the development of osteoporosis. In patients, there is an increased synthesis of androgens and, as a result, the development of hirsutism (excessive masculine type) increases weight, mastopathy develops, a sleep disruption occurs, depression occurs.

One of the main symptoms of hyperprolactinemia is disorders of the menstrual cycle. It becomes irregular or completely disappears.

Few people know that prolactin is produced in the body of a man. An increase in the synthesis of this hormone can lead to diseases of the prostate gland and the development of erectile dysfunction.

Causes of hyperprolactiamia
Increased prolactin synthesis can have both physiological and pathological origins.

W. healthy people Hyperprolactinemia can be observed with a lack of sleep, physical overvoltage, in women during lactation and so on.

The hormone level may increase even with the massage of the cervical spinal column, since it is there that there are nerve endings that affect the synthesis of prolactin.

A short-term increase in the level of prolactin may be observed in stress caused by, for example, a gynecological inspection or surrender of blood test.

Pathological hyperprolactinemium may arise due to the development of such serious diseaseslike tuberculosis, SPKA (polycystic ovarian syndrome), hepatic or renal failure, pituitary tumor.

Synthesis prolactin increases when taking some medicines (estrogen, contraceptive and antiemetic tablets, opiates, neuroleptics, hypotensive drugs), so at the doctor's reception, you need to tell him about all the preparations taken.

Hyperprolactinemia is observed after radioactive exposure, with the "empty" Turkish saddle syndrome (the place where the pituitary is located), after operational intervention in the milk glands.

Source: Eco Clinic "Altravit"

Prolactin and Cortisol - Stress Hormones

Of particular interest in the problem of stress resistance and the emergence of stress is due to the expansion of the activity of a modern person who often occurs in fairly extreme conditions and accompanied by a constant increase in mental and mental loads and a decrease in physical work.

Created by scientific and technical progress and civilization of hypokinesia (restriction of motor activity) and hypodynamine (reduction of power loads) not only adversely affect the respiratory system, blood circulation, the musculoskeletal system, the metabolism, but also, they will certainly lead to a decrease in the body's reactivity and as a result - Development of stress.

The overall concept of stress denotes a strong adverse and adverse effect on the body, as well as the psychological and physiological response of a person of various kinds of aggressor (stressor).

In morphological and functionality, stress is accompanied by a general adaptation syndrome that has certain stages:

anxiety reaction - the overall resistance of the body decreases ("shock"), after which protective mechanisms are included;
The resistance stage (resistance) - on the basis of the voltage of the functioning of all systems, the maximum adaptation of the body is achieved to new conditions;
The period of exhaustion is manifested by the inconsistency of protective mechanisms, as a result of which a violation of the interaction and consistency of life functions is increasing.
One of the criteria of gravity of stress is the degree of severity of signs (symptoms) of this state, namely:

physiological manifestations - migraine (headaches), periodic increase in blood pressure, chest pain, heart, lower back, redness of skin, atopic dermatitis, eczema, other skin diseases, development of stomach ulcers;
Psychological reactions - loss of appetite, irritability, reduced interest in what is happening, the inability to focus, increased excitability, waiting for pain or possible trouble, depression.
Stressful state can be caused by individual factors associated with events in personal life, work, emergencies. In this case, the body reacts with the same biochemical changes aimed at repayment of the voltage.

The main systems that implement stressful restructuring of the body are pituitary-hypothalamic-adrenal and sympathetic systems under the control of the highest brain and hypothalamus departments, the intensive functioning of which is accompanied by the release of various hormones called stress hormones. They, mobilizing the physical resources of the body, help him cope with the emergence of an overlap, which led to stress.

Main stress hormones and their features
During the stress in the body, the level of activity of its functional systems - cardiovascular, immune, urinary, digestive, and others is changing. Therefore, the main role in maintaining this new status is the hormones of stress. At the same time, adrenal glands protrudes the most active iron of the internal secretion.

The bark of adrenal glands highlights the four main groups of steroid hormones of stress:

glucocorticoids (corticosterone, cortisol) - hormone cortisol is produced in emergency or stressful situations, with a lack of nutrition and strong physical exertion. After the release, the cortisol exhibits a long effect, but its constantly increased level can lead to a violation of memory and the development of depression. The maximum content in blood serum cortisol reaches in the morning and lower - at night. In large quantities, cortisol is produced in chronic overvoltage, which can cause cravings to sweet or fatty food. Its action cortisol signals the body about the need for "fat deposits" to create an energy reserve in the "Combating Enemy". Cortisol, undoubtedly, is one of the most important hormones, but in chronic stress such a hormone is produced in much larger quantities than it is necessary and then it becomes harmful. This hormone in excess can have a number of adverse effects: high blood pressure, decrease in immunity, increase in abdominal fat, reduction of muscle tissue, as well as hyperglycemia. This usually leads to large problems associated with increasing cholesterol, the appearance of diabetes, heart attack or stroke. Therefore, cortisol has also received the nickname "death hormone";
Mineralocortokids (aldosterone) - a hormone required for normal operation of the kidneys, contribute to reabsorption (reverse absorption), which leads to a delay in the body of the water and the emergence of numerous edema;
Androgens (sex hormone, estrogen) - the higher the level of estrogen in the blood of a person, the more resistant to pain. This is due to the increase in pain;
Catecholamines (adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine) - belong to the hormones of the brain layer of the adrenal glands and are biologically active substances. Of these, norepinephrine and adrenaline are produced not only by nervous tissues, but also a brainstant. Their effects in the human body differ somewhat, since human adrenaline is about 80%, and norepinephrine is only 20%. Adrenaline has a powerful and intensive effect, but compared with cortisol, it turns out quickly, so adrenaline often participates in a serious short-term alarm and the panic situation. Adrenaline in the blood increases in the first moments of the impact of the stressor and, according to many scientists, can contribute to the development of cancer.
In addition to the adrenal glands of stress, an increase in the exchange, accelerating chemical reactions and creating increased attentiveness, is also produced by the thyroid gland (thyroxine, triiodhythonic) and the front lobes of the pituitary gland (prolactin, growth hormone, ACTH, folliclestimulating and luteinizing hormone).

Of great importance, especially for the female organism, has a hormone prolactin, which supports the yellow body and controls the formation of progesterone. Under stress, it is prolactin that has the most powerful impact on the metabolism and water regulation mechanisms in the body. In the state of depression, prolactin is produced uncontrollably and can lead to disastrous consequences, especially in cases where there is a predisposition for the development of cancer cells.

Prolactin - Movable hormone, because it is easy to influence its concentration. At the same time, prolactin, whose formation is pulsing and rises during sleep, may depend on the reception of some drugs (opioid analgesics, antidepressants, cocaine, estrogens, etc.) or oral contraceptives. Prolactin plays a special role in the production of milk at the mother during lactation. To keep prolactin normally, it is important to observe the recreation and work mode, as well as avoid stress or try to form a healthy and proper reaction on stressful situations.

All these stress hormones (especially cortisol, prolactin and adrenaline) prepare the body to the emergence of complex situations by certain mechanisms, including the increase in blood sugar levels or blood pressure to provide muscle and brain fuel. Thus, causing the feelings of panic and fear, as well as making a person ready to resist any threat or escape from her.

Mechanism of the impact of stress hormones on the body
In response to the stressful situation in the human body, there is a state of confusion and anxiety, which are preparing for active actions. Information about a possible alarm enters the brain where it is fixed as nerve pulses, and then through nerve endings are transmitted to the relevant organs. As a result, a huge number of stress hormones are thrown into the blood, which are spread over the vessels of the whole body.

In physical stress, it is predominantly norepinephrine, and with mental (rage, fear, anxiety) - most often adrenaline. Both the other hormone have a certain impact, as follows:

noraderenalin causes an increase in diastolic and systolic pressure without accelerating cardiac rhythms, increases the intensity of heart abbreviations, inhibits diuresis, due to the narrowing of the kidney vessels, delays sodium ions in the blood, lowers the secretory activity of the stomach, enhances the salivation, and also contributes to the relaxation of the intestinal muscles;
Adrenaline is an antidiuretic and has antispasmodic and bronighting effect. Unlike other hormones, adrenaline can cause an expansion of the pupil and a change in carbon exchange. Adrenaline its influence reflexively reduces the amplitude and frequency of breathing, the release of potassium and sodium ions with urine, relaxes the walls of the organs, slows down the digestive secretion and motor activity of the stomach, and also increases the reduction of the skeleton muscles. Adrenaline is considered one of the most active natural stimulants of all organism systems.
Cortisol and corticosterone affect the body system by:

transformations in amino acid muscles in glucose in order to provide the body with additional energy and removing the voltage;
Adjusting blood pressure and insulin metabolism;
control of blood sugar balance;
anti-inflammatory effects due to a decrease in the permeability of vascular walls, oppression of mediators of inflammation and inhibition of other mechanisms causing inflammatory reactions;
Immunoregulating effects - cortisol inhibits the activity of lymphocytes and allergens.
In parallel with this, the hormone cortisol can negatively affect the work of the brain as a whole, destroying the neurons in the hippocampus.

An important role also plays prolactin, which has a metabolic and anabolic effects that affect metabolic processes and accelerating proteins synthesis. In addition, prolactin has an immunoregulating effect, can affect behavioral reactions and participates in the regulation of water-salt metabolism and mental functions. It is closely related to the reproductive woman's reproductive panel.

Stress hormones are secreted not only during adverse conditions or situations. In the normal state, they act as the necessary component of the endocrine regulation. However, their concentration in the blood during stressful exposure increases many times. In this case, the muscles are activated, and the instant cleavage of carbohydrates and proteins occurs.

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      • This is a description of the nature of the "unhappy" person

        His 2 main problems:1) chronic dissatisfaction of needs, 2) the inability to send his anger internship, keeping it, and together with it and all warm feelings, every year they make it more and more despairing: so that he will do it better, on the contrary, only worse. The reason - he does a lot, but not that. If you do nothing, then, over time, or the person "burns at work", loading itself more and more - until complete exhaustion; Either his own self will be empty and disinterested, unbearable hatred for himself, refusal to care about himself, in the future - even from self-fighting. The manner becomes like a house, from which bailiffs made a furniture. On the background of hopelessness, despair and depletion there is no strength , Energy even thinking. Full loss of ability to love. He wants to live, but begins to die: the dream is disturbed, the exchange of substances ... It is difficult to understand what he lacks precisely because it is not about the destruction of the possession of someone or something.

        On the contrary, he has the possession of destruction, and he is not able to understand what is deprived. It turns out to be their own self. He is unbearably painful and empty: it can not even arrange it in words. This is a neurotic depression.. Everything can be warned, do not bring to such a result.If you learned in the description of yourself, and you want to change something, you need to urgently learn to two things:1. To learn the following text by heart and repeat it all the time until you learn how to use the results of these new beliefs:

        • I have the right to need. I am, and I - I am.
        • I have the right to need and meet the needs.
        • I have the right to ask for satisfaction, the right to seek what I need.
        • I have the right to crave love and love others.
        • I have the right to a decent organization of life.
        • I have the right to express discontent.
        • I have the right to regret and sympathy.
        • ... on birth right.
        • I can get a refusal. I can be alone.
        • I'll take care of myself anyway.

        I want to draw the attention of my readers to the fact that the task of "learn the text" is not an end in itself. Autotraining itself will not give any sustainable results. Every phrase is important to live, feel, find it confirmation in life. It is important that the person wants to believe that the world can be arranged somehow differently, and not just as he got used to imagine him. What is from himself, from his ideas about the world and about themselves in this world, it depends on how he will live this life. And these phrases are only a reason for thinking, reflection and searches for our own, new truths.

        2. To learn how to send aggression on the one to whom it is addressed in fact.

        ... Then the opportunity to experience and express to people and warm feelings will appear. Realize that anger is not destroyed, and can be presented.

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        For K. Ageuya "negative emotion" is needed or desire, the satisfaction of which is the key to changes in life ...

        To search for these treasures, I invite you to your advice:

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        Psychosomatic diseases (it will be correct) - these are those disorders in our body, which are based on psychological reasons. psychological reasons are our reactions to traumatic (complex) life events, our thoughts, feelings, emotions that do not find timely, correct for a particular person of expression.

Stress can be due to various reasons. These may be personal problems (breaking with your loved one, trouble with children, disease), and there may be external circumstances, for example, a loss of work. In such a situation, various biochemical processes occur in the human body, which can have a negative effect on health if their impact continues over a long period of time. To neutralize the consequences of stress, almost all systems of the human body are involved, but endocrine plays the greatest role. It is during its work that various stress hormones stand out.

The role of adrenaline in stress

After understanding which hormones are generated first, it should be noted that it is adrenaline and norepinephrine. They are involved in the regulation of the organism processes at the moments of peak nerve loads. They are responsible for launching embedded mechanisms that adapt the body to stress state. They are lifted in the blood of the adrenal glands. The level of adrenaline is sharply growing at the time of anxiety test, in a shock or when a person is experiencing fear. Entering the bloodstream and spreading through the body, adrenaline leads to rapid heartbeat, the person becomes expanded pupils. It must be borne in mind that its long-term impact on human systems lead to the depletion of protective forces.

The discharge of norepinephrine is accompanied by a sharp increase in blood pressure. This stress hormone is also standing out at the time of increased nerve loads or when a person is experiencing shock. From a psychological point of view, adrenaline is considered a hormone of fear, and norepinephrine is rage. Introducing various impact on the body, both hormones make its systems work almost at the limit possible and, thus, on the one hand, protect the body from stress, and on the other hand help a person to get out of the difficult situation. If the data generation of hormones is broken, human behavior in the stressful situation may be inadequate.

Cortizola action mechanism

Another stress hormone, which is called cortisol, and stress is practically inseparable. A sharp increase in the level of the hormone is observed at the moments of peak physical or emotional loads. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body. Affecting a certain way on the nervous system, this hormone encourages the brain to look for an optimal way out., It will mostly activate his activities. If muscle efforts are required to exit the complex situation, the cortisol can give them an unexpected impulse. It is exactly the action of this hormone explains a sharp increase in speed and the ability to climb on the trees in hunters who ran away from the bear. Or a sharp tide of the forces in mothers who were forced to protect children.

The effect of cortisol is that the body finds the sources of fast energy, which is glucose or muscle. Therefore, long-term stress and, accordingly, maintaining the level of cortisol at a high level for a long time can lead to the destruction of the muscles (after all, they can constantly supply human energy) and a weight set. The body requires the restoration of glucose reserves, and the person begins to increase the consumption of sweet, which leads to an increase in body weight.

The consequences of the cortisol action on the body

Normally, the hormone of stress cortisol is not only not harmful, but also useful for the normal functioning of human life systems. Thanks to it, the balance of sugar is regulated, a normal metabolism is ensured, insulin production in the necessary volumes and stable glucose cleavage. In the conditions of stress, a sharp increase in the level of cortisol occurs. As described above, the short-term effect of peak hormone generation is even useful, but when it is in a state of stress for a long time, it damages it harm.

The constant increase in the content of cortisol in the blood leads to the following consequences:

  • Increased blood pressure, which negatively affects human well-being and can lead to negative consequences, up to a stroke.
  • The deterioration in the work of the thyroid gland is that in the future may lead to a decrease in insulin production and the appearance of diabetes mellitus.
  • A sharp increase in blood glucose levels, which together with a deterioration in the work of the thyroid gland can lead to a violation of the work of the main systems of the body.
  • Disruption of the functioning of the endocrine system as a whole, which can lead, among other things, to the increased fragility of bones and the destruction of some tissues of the body.
  • Reduction of immunity due to failure in the work of human life systems.

The effect of cortisol on weight

Another negative impact of this hormone on human life is the formation of new fatty tissues. In chronic stress and constant elevated level of cortisol, a person develops a thrust for oily and sweet food. To constantly fight stressful phenomena, the body requires the reserves of fast energy - glucose and amino acids. The first is contained in the blood and comes there as a result of sugar intake or sweet food, and the second component is in the muscles. It turns out a vicious circle. The body requires sweets that consist of glucose and carbohydrates, glucose is consumed to combat stress, and carbohydrates are converted into fat and accumulate to create energy reserves. Moreover, such fat is quite difficult to liquidate, it is formed in men at the bottom of the abdomen, and in women - on the hips. In these places, it is very difficult to remove it even by exercise.

Moreover, the presence of a high level of cortisol often prevents reset overweight. First, the body gives signals that it is necessary for additional meals, which leads to the appearance of a feeling of hunger, and hence the weight does not decrease. Secondly, under the influence of cortisol, muscle destruction on amino acids occursRequired for a protective reaction to deal with stress. This leads to the fact that human strength does not remain on physical exercises. Thus, a person is difficult to reset the weight, both with the help of physical exertion and the diet. To lose weight, you must first reduce the content of cortisol in the body.

Prolactin and stress

The hormone of stress prolactin operates in most cases on women. This is due to the fact that it is associated with the realization of the birth function of children. The level of this hormone in women also increases sharply during the period of unexpected mental loads. Its negative impact is that with long-term exposure, it leads to a violation of ovulation, menstruation graphs, and therefore problems with the conception of the child. In addition, it can lead to various diseases of female genital organs and reproduction systems.

Prolactin rises and during pregnancy, which leads to various emotional splashes in women. However, a permanent hormonal failure may result in infant breastfeeding issues. Therefore, if in the process of pregnancy, women arise signs of depression, it is necessary to make an analysis to the level of content of this hormone. The timely response and purpose of drugs will contribute to the birth of a healthy child and the positive mood of the future mother.

Standing stress in women, which means that the increased content of prolactin in the blood can lead not only to problems with pregnancy, but also to other critical consequences. Therefore, it is imperative to learn how to deal with stress, look at life positive and avoid strong nervous overloads.

Fighting with stress

To avoid health problems caused by stress hormones, you need to learn how to manage your mental and nervous state. There is a sufficiently large number of methods of struggle with stress and increase stress resistance. Someone spend time alone in a quiet peaceful place, someone leaves empty and just screaming to spill up negative energy, and for someone the best anti-stress is a hike in the box of the box. The main thing is to find your way and actively use it. It is also necessary to remember that a healthy and calm sleep is the key to the stable nervous and endocrine systems.

Useful do sport. At the same time, training should be not up to exhaustion, but just sufficient. Too active sports may, on the contrary, provoke the emission of cortisol and lead to a weight set, and not to a positive psychotropic effect. In general, participation in sporting events and regular physical exertion (especially in the fresh air) contribute to the development of endocrine system of endorphins - hormones of joy and happiness, significantly improving stress resistance.

Useful listen to good music, distribute business in advanceTo eliminate the feeling that everything must be done at the same time, but there is no time (this is one of the most common causes of stress). Also a positive effect on the mental, nervous and endocrine system has massage, manual therapy, meditation, breathing exercises.

So, in stress in humans, complex biochemical processes in the body are accompanied, which are accompanied by a sharp increase in the choice of special substances, which are called stress hormones. On the one hand, they form a protective reaction, help quickly find a way out of a difficult situation, but, on the other hand, with long-term nervous stress, the stress hormones lead to violations in the body, the unbalance of its systems. The consequence of constant stress can be various chronic and incurable diseases. Therefore, with stress you need to fight and learn to manage your emotional state.