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How to use ascorbic acid in dragee. Instructions for use and contraindications of ascorbic acid for children and adults, analogues. Application in children


Which composition of ascorbic acid and in what form it is produced. In what cases it is assigned and how to choose a dosage.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a substance that needs the body for the formation of collagen, strengthening the structure of bone tissue, capillaries and teeth. The element participates in tyrosine metabolism, redox reactions, carbohydrate cleavage, protein production and lipids.

Also ascorbic acid is an indispensable element of cellular respiration. It reduces the need for tocopheropole, retinola, vitamins B1 and B2, pantothenic and folic acid. The effect of vitamin C is aimed at strengthening the immune system, the absorption of iron and the execution of antioxidant functions. Below are the subtleties of receiving and dosing ascorbic acid, instructions for the use of the drug in the form of dragee (50 mg).

Composition and form

Today, ascorbic acid is produced in the form:

  • Tablets - 25 and 50 mg (glucose is added to some drugs).
  • Dragee - 50 mg.
  • Solution for reception inside - 2.5 g.
  • Solution for injection (intramuscular and intravenous).

The most popular form of vitamin C - drage, which contains:

  • Ascorbic acid - 0.05 grams;
  • Additional elements - wheat flour, starch pattern, sugar and sunflower oil. Beeswax, flavors, talc and dyes are also added.

The composition of the auxiliary elements may vary - here a lot depends on the manufacturer of the drug.


Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - a substance that provides multifaceted action on the human body:

  • Improving blood clotting.
  • Restoration of the cells of the body.
  • Participation in oxidative, as well as regenerative reactions.
  • Regulation of amino acid and carbohydrate exchange.
  • Help in the biosynthesis of catecholamines and carbohydrate exchanges.
  • Insulin biosynthesis and steroid hormones.
  • The production is punctured and collagen.
  • Regeneration of bone and connective tissue.
  • Absorption of iron from food.
  • Development of hemoglobin and normalization of blood composition.
  • Improving capillaries permeability, which reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
  • An increase in non-specific organism resistance.
  • Antioxidant properties.

Lack of ascorbic acid leads to the development of avitaminosis with due to the inability of the body to synthesize this vitamin independently.

After using the dragee of vitamin C, it passes into the delicate intestine, where the absorption of ascorbic acid occurs. Deterioration of the process of assimilation Substances may in the following cases:

  • intestinal dyskinesia;
  • achilia;
  • enteritis;
  • giardiasis;
  • glice invasion;
  • consumption of alkaline drinks;
  • reception of fruits and fresh vegetable juices.

The greatest concentration of the drug is achieved four hours after the reception. The peculiarity of the substance is the rapid penetration of platelets, leukocytes, and then in all the tissues of the human body. After the substance accumulates in the following parts of the body:

  • back of the pituitary
  • eye epitheliums;
  • liver;
  • ovaries;
  • intestinal walls;
  • bark of the adrenal glands;
  • intermediate cells of seed glands;
  • spleen;
  • pancreas and thyroid gland;
  • heart and muscle.

The substance is metabolized primarily in the liver, transforming into a deoxyaskorbic, and then in dicoomglona and oxaluchetic acid. Extra products (metabolites and ascorbate) are outlined with urine and feces.

Piece of vitamin C enters into breast milk mother, which should be taken into account during feeding. In the case of taking additives in an increased dosage, when the concentration increases to the level of 1.4 mg / decylitr and more, and the removal of the drug is enhanced. At the same time, the accelerated output is often saved and after the reception of the additive is completed.

Vitamin C in Dragee assign In the following cases:

  • Treatment or prevention of vitamin C deficiency (hypo and avitaminosis).
  • Excessive loads (mental and physical).
  • The condition when the body needs an increased volume of ascorbic acid.
  • Diets or improper nutrition.
  • Periods of active growth.
  • As a component of the complex treatment of alcoholism.
  • Durable current chronic infections.
  • Chronic intoxication by iron-containing drugs. The need for vitamin C often arises with complex therapy with deformering.
  • Nicotine addiction.
  • Grass diseases.
  • Idiopathic methemoglobinemia.
  • Pregnancy, postoperative period.
  • Excessive stress associated with work or domestic nonpects. It is possible to prescribe ascorbic acid in violations of the CNS.
  • Fevering states showing themselves against the background of long-term respiratory diseases, as well as viral infections.


Despite the free sale and safety of the drug, it is important to know how to take vitamin C in dragee and to clearly follow the recommended dosage. Reception is carried out inside, after eating food. Dosage is as follows:

  1. For prevention:
    • Adults - 50-100 mg per day (1-2 dragee).
    • Children aged from five years - 50 mg per day (1 dragee).
  2. For medicinal purposes:
    • Adults - 50-100 mg (one portion), 3-5 times a day.
    • Children aged five years and more - 50-100 mg (1-2 dragee). Reception frequency - 2-3 times a day.
  3. Period of pregnancy and lactation. The first 1.5-2 weeks is accepted. 300 mg (6 dragee) per day, after which 100 mg (2 dragee) per day.

The maximum need for ascorbic acid by 2-3 trimester of pregnancy is 50-60 mg. In the period of feeding, it is important that 80-100 mg of vitamin C have been received in the body. This is enough to prevent the lack of vitamin C in the baby at heart age. In the period of lactation, it is important to control the volume of vitamin consumption and prevent an overdose, despite the lack of evidence of negative influence on the child.

During pregnancy, ascorbic acid quickly passes through a placental barrier, thanks to which the fruit fastens faster to elevated dosages. After a newborn child, the cancellation reaction is possible. To avoid problems, the dosage of vitamin C during pregnancy should be tightly controlled.

Overdose and side effects

In case of continuous reception of the drug in a dosage greater than 1 grams per day, the following problems are possible:

  • diarrhea;
  • heartburn;
  • difficulty with urination;
  • staining urine in red;
  • hemolysis.

The treatment of overdose is made taking into account the current symptoms. First of all, it is recommended to stop the reception of the drug, as well as limit the use of products, which contains vitamin C.

In the process of reception, the following side effects are possible:

  • anemia;
  • renal failure;
  • hyperoxalaturia;
  • thalassemia;
  • hemochromatosis;
  • leukemia;
  • cideroblast or sickle-cell anemia;
  • malignant diseases;
  • lack of glucose-6-phostrophetdehydrogenase.

Interaction with other drugs

During the reception of ascorbic acid nuances should be taken into account The interactions of vitamin with other substances (drugs). It is worth highlighting the following action:

  • Improving iron absorption in the intestines, as well as acceleration of metal output in the case of alignment with deferoxamine.
  • Increasing the risk of crystalluria in the treatment of sulfanimamides and sallocitis. This slows down the process of removal of acids through the kidneys, and also increases the rate of the output of drugs having an alkaline reaction. In addition, the concentration of oral blood contraceptives is reduced.
  • The exhaustion of vitamin C stock in the case of reception of salicylates, calcium chloride, as well as a quinoline row.
  • Increased ethanol general clearance, which reduces the level of ascorbic acid in the blood and alive tissues.
  • Reducing the absorption and degradation of digestibility when combining vitamin C with acetylsalicylic acid, alkaline drink, oral contraceptives.
  • An increase in the volume of tetracycline and benzylpenicillin in the blood. Also, with an increase in dosage above one gram, the bioavailability of ethinyl estradiol increases.
  • Improving renal excretion of mexylene (in the case of an ascorbine intake in high dosages).
  • Acceleration of the withdrawal of vitamin C with urine in the case of receiving a prison and barbiturates.
  • Reducing the chronotropic effect of isoprenaline (with simultaneous reception).
  • The deterioration of the therapeutic effect of tricyclic antidepressants, amphetamine tubing reabsorption, reduction of antipsychotic drugs.

special instructions

For vitamin with instructions for the use of dragee negotiate a number of special instructionswhich should be followed during the course of the course:

  • The reception of ascorbic acid is carried out with caution in violation of the work of the kidneys, hyperoxaluria, if there is indications for the presence of urolithiasis.
  • Due to the increase in iron absorption, the reception of vitamin C in large dosages is dangerous for people with polycythemia, thalassemia, leukemia and Cideroblastic anemia. People with a high content of iron in the body, it is recommended to limit the reception of ascorbic acid.
  • In the case of increased reception, the state is possible in the presence of sickle-cell anemia.
  • High risk of exacerbation in the presence of a patient disseminated or proliferating tumors, which can only aggravate the course of the process.
  • Diabetics are recommended to keep control of glucose levels in the body during the preparation of the drug.
  • When eating vegetable or fruit juices, and alkaline drinking vitamin C is absorbed and digested worse.
  • Due to the stimulating effect on the production of corticosteroid hormones, it is recommended to monitor the work of the kidneys and periodically measure blood pressure.
  • During the reception of ascorbic, it is possible to distort the testimony of many laboratory tests.


The pharmaceutical sector offers a wide selection of drugs with the content of vitamin C. All of them differ in the volume of the active substance, the manufacturer, a set of auxiliary elements and pricing policies. The most famous drugs should be attributed:

  • Tsevikap.
  • Calasskon.
  • Multi-Tab with Vitamin C.
  • Ascovit.
  • Additive Vitamin S.
  • Nethese 500.
  • Plivit S.
  • Celuckson Efferscences.
  • Vitamin with Plus Kid Formula Pharmaced and Others.

Shelf life and storage conditions

Ascorbic acid in the form of dragee has an expiration date equal to 1.5 years. The drug should be stored in a light-protected place. Storage temperature - up to +25 degrees Celsius.

Vitamin Preparation

Active substance

Release form, composition and packaging

100 pieces. - Polymeric banks (1) - packs cardboard.
200 pcs. - Polymeric banks (1) - packs cardboard.

pharmachologic effect

Ascorbic acid () is not formed in the human body, but comes only with food.

Pharmacological effects: In quantities, significantly exceeding the daily need (90 mg), almost does not have actions, with the exception of the rapid elimination of the symptoms of hypo-and avitaminosis (zing).

Physiological functions: It is a cofactor of some hydroxylation and amidation reactions - transfers electrons to enzymes, providing them with a reducing equivalent. Participates in the reactions of hydroxylation of proline and lysine residues pierced with the formation of hydroxyproline and hydroxylizin (post-transmission modification of collagen), oxidation of the side chains of lysine in proteins with the formation of hydroxitrixtillizine (in the synthesis of the picture), oxidation to the folin, metabolism of the drug in the liver microsomes and dopamine hydroxylation with The formation of norepinephrine.

Increases the activity of amidating enzymes involved in the processing of oxytocin, antidiuretic hormone and Holicystokinin. Participates in steroidogenesis in adrenal glands;

Restores Fe 3+ to FE 2+ in the intestine, contributing to suction. The main role in the tissues is to participate in the synthesis of collagen, proteoglycans and other, organic, components of the intercellular substance of the teeth, bones of the endothelium of capillaries.

In low doses (150-250 mg / day inside), it improves the complex-forming function of the deferoxamamin in chronic intoxication by iron preparations, which leads to strengthening the excretion of the latter.

Ascorbic acid is actively involved in many oxidative-reducing reactions, has a non-specific physical imaging effect on the body. Increases the adaptation abilities of the body and its resistance to infections; Promotes regeneration processes.


It is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract (mainly in the city). With increasing dose of up to 200 mg, up to 140 mg (70%) are absorbed; With a further increase in the dose, suction decreases (50-20%). Linking with proteins - 25%. The diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and duodenal intestine, constipation or diarrhea, melting invasion, giardiasis), consumption of fresh fruit and vegetable juices, alkaline drink reduce ascorbic acid absorption in the intestine.

The concentration of ascorbic acid in the plasma is approximately 10-20 μg / ml, stocks in the body - about 1.5 g when receiving daily recommended doses and 2.5 g when receiving 200 mg / day. The achievement time C Max after receiving inside - 4 h.

Easily penetrates leukocytes, platelets, and then in all fabrics; The greatest concentration is achieved in ferruginous organs, leukocytes, liver and leather leakage; Penetrates the placenta. The concentration of ascorbic acid in leukocytes and platelets is higher than in the erythrocytes and plasma. In deficient states, the concentration in leukocytes is reduced later and more slowly and is considered as the best criterion for estimating the deficit than the plasma concentration.

Metabolized mainly in the liver into the deoxyaskorbic acid and further in oxaluacetic acid and ascorbate-2-sulfate.

Examined by the kidneys, through the intestines, with then, breast milk in unchanged form and in the form of metabolites.

When prescribing high doses, the elimination rate is sharply enhanced. Smoking and use of ethanol accelerate the destruction of ascorbic acid (transformation into inactive metabolites), sharply reducing reserves in the body.

Derived during hemodialysis.


  • prevention and treatment of hypo-and avitaminosis with;
  • states of increased need of ascorbic acid;
  • period of artificial feeding and intensive growth;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • increased mental and physical exertion;
  • reconnaissance period after severe diseases;
  • alcoholism;
  • burn disease;
  • feverish condition against the background of sharp respiratory diseases, acute respiratory and viral infections;
  • long-term chronic infections;
  • nicotine addiction;
  • stressful state;
  • postoperative period, pregnancy (multiple, on the background of nicotine or drug dependence);
  • chronic inxication of iron preparations (as part of comprehensive therapy with deferoxamine);
  • idiopathic methemoglobinemia.


  • thrombophlebitis;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • diabetes;
  • saharase / isomaltase deficiency, fructose intolerance,
    glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • increased sensitivity.

FROM caution:hyperoxalaturia, renal failure, hemochromatosis, thalassemia, polycythemia, leukemia, sideroblastic anemia, deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, sickle-cell anemia, progressive malignant diseases.


The drug is taken inside after meals.

For prevention:adults 0.05-0.1 g (1-2 dragee) / day, children from 5 years -0.05 g (1 dragee) / day.

For treatment: adults 0.05-0.1 g (1-2 dragee) 3-5 times / day, children from 5 years

For pregnancy and lactation - 0.3 g (6 dragee) / day for 10-15 days, then 0.1 g (2 dragee) / day.

Side effects

If any side effects appear, the drug should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

From the CNS: Headache, feeling of fatigue, with long-term use of large doses - increase the excitability of CNS, sleep disorders.

From the digestive system: Irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach spasms.

From the endocrine system: Infection of the function of the insular apparatus of the pancreas (hyperglycemia, glucosuria).

From the urinary system: When applying in high doses - hyperoxalaturia and the formation of urinary stones and calcium oxalate.

From the side of the cardiovascular system: Thrombosis, when used in high doses, increased blood pressure, the development of microingness, myocardiodestrophia.

Allergic reactions: skin rash; Rarely anaphylactic shock.

Laboratory Indicators:thrombocytosis, hyperprothrombinemia, erythroaction, neutrophilic leukocytosis, hypokalemia.

Others: Hypovitaminosis, feeling of heat, with long-term use of large doses - sodium delay (Na +) and liquid, disruption of zinc exchange (Zn 2+), copper (SI 2+).


Symptoms: When taking more than 1 g / day, heartburn is possible, diarrhea, difficult urination or urine staining in red, hemolysis. (in patients with a deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase).

Treatment: Symptomatic, forced diuresis.

Medicinal interaction

Increases blood concentration and tetracycline; At a dose of 1 g / day increases the bioavailability of ethinyl estradiol.

Improves suction in the intestines of iron preparations (translates the trivalent iron into a divalent); It can increase the excretion of iron while simultaneously use with deferoxamine.

(ASK), oral contraceptives, fresh juices and alkaline drink reduce suction and assimilation.

With simultaneous use with ASC, the excretion with urine ascorbic acid increases and the excretion of ASK is reduced. ASC reduces ascorbic acid absorption by about 30%.

Increases the risk of crystaluria in the treatment of salicylate and sulfonamide - short action, slows down the excitation of acids, increases the removal of drugs having an alkaline reaction (including alkaloids), reduces the concentration of oral contraceptives.

Enhances the general clearance of ethanol, which, in turn, reduces the concentration of ascorbic acid in the body.

Preparations of quinoline row (fluoroquinolones, etc.), salicylates, GCS during prolonged use, the reserves of ascorbic acid are depleted.

With simultaneous use, it reduces the chronotropic effect of isoprenaline.

With long-term use or use in high doses, it may violate the interaction of disulfiram-ethanol.

In high doses enhances renal excretion of mexylene.

Barbiturates and prison raises the removal of ascorbic acid with urine.

Reduces the therapeutic effect of antipsychotic means (derivatives of phenothiazine), the tubing reabsorption of amphetamine and tricyclic antidepressants.

special instructions

Due to the stimulating effect of ascorbic acid on synthesis of corticosteroid hormones, it is necessary to monitor the kidney function and hell

With long-term use of large doses, it is possible to invent the function of the inasurant apparatus of the pancreas, so in the process of treatment it must be regularly monitored.

In patients with an elevated content of iron, in the body should be used ascorbic acid in minimal doses.

The purpose of ascorbic acid to patients with rapidly prodiprising and intensively metastatic tumors may be aggravated by the course of the process.

Ascorbic acid, as a reducing agent, can distort the results of various laboratory tests (blood glucose, bilirubin, transaminase activity, lactate dehydrogenase).

Impact on the ability to driving vehicles and control mechanisms

Ascorbic acid does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions when driving a car and working with accurate mechanisms.

Pregnancy and lactation

The minimum daily need for ascorbic acid in the II-III of trimesters of pregnancy is about 60 mg.

The minimum daily need for lactation is 80 mg. The mother's diet containing an adequate amount of ascorbic acid is sufficient to prevent vitamin C shortage of a breast child (it is recommended to not exceed a nursing mother with a maximum of daily need for ascorbic acid).


For prevention: children from 5 years -0.05 g (1 dragee) / day.

For treatment:children from 5 years - 0.05-0.1 g (1-2 drage) 2-3 times / day.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

Terms and Storage Terms

Store the drug in a dry, light-protected place at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life - 1 year 6 months.

Do not use after the date indicated on the package

Ascorbic acid is prescribed in such doses:


  1. children - 25 mg per day;
  2. adults - 50-100 mg per day;


  1. children - 50-100 mg per day;
  2. adults - 150-200 mg per day;
  3. pregnant and nursing mothers - 250-300 mg per day.

Ascorbic acid drage composition

IN 1 dragee contains 50 mg of ascorbic acid in recalculation to clean substance.

Additional components:sugar, Patok, Talc, Yellow Wax, Aromatizer "Orange", Mineral Oil, Dye E 104.

Form release

Available in the form of a spherical shape, yellow, with a uniformly painted surface.

Preparations of vitamin C.

Ascorbic Acid Dragee - Pharmacological Action

Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant. Protects cell walls from the destructive effects of free radicals, controlling the redox reactions. Ascorbic acid affects such organism systems:

  • immunity stimulation;
  • an increase in the body's resistance to infectious diseases;
  • reducing the manifestations of inflammation and allergies;
  • participation in the restoration of antioxidants - Vitamins A and E.


  • stimulation of hormone synthesis;
  • amplification of the excretory activity of the pancreas;
  • stimulation of the hormonal activity of the thyroid gland.


  • stimulation of the synthesis of construction proteins in the liver;
  • participation in the formation of digestive enzymes;
  • strengthening the anti-ease liver activity;
  • stimulation of the selection of bile.

Cardiovascular and blood system.

  • an increase in the bioavailability of iron necessary for the formation of hemoglobin;
  • reducing the level of "harmful" cholesterol in the blood;
  • raising blood clotting;
  • normalization of permeability of small vessels.

Indications for use

Ascorbic acid in dragery is shown for use in such cases:

  • hypo and avitaminosis with;
  • period of intensive growth;
  • monotonous and unbalanced nutrition;
  • heavy mental and physical work;
  • recovery period after disease and operations;
  • alcoholic, nicotine and narcotic dependence;
  • stress and depression;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • poisoning of iron preparations;
  • anemia;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • blood coagulation disorders;
  • infectious diseases;
  • systemic intoxication;
  • bad healing wounds and fractures.


Reception of ascorbic acid in dragee is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • predisposition to the formation of blood clots;
  • diabetes;
  • increased sensitivity of drug components;
  • acute renal failure;
  • exacerbations of urolithiasis;
  • fructose intolerance.

Side effects

In rare cases, the reception of ascorbic acid in the dragee may cause allergic reactions. From the side of the individual systems of the body, such symptoms may be observed:

  • headache;
  • weakness and oppression;
  • insomnia;
  • excessive excitability.


  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;
  • painful spasms in the stomach.


  • reducing the endocrine function of the pancreas;
  • increased blood sugar levels.

Cardiovascular and circulatory system.

  • formation of thromboms;
  • raising blood pressure;
  • myocardial dystrophy.

Laboratory indicators may change - the blood content of platelets, promcrin, sodium and neutrophilic leukocytes will increase, will decrease - the number of erythrocytes and potassium.

How to take ascorbic acid in dragee - special instructions

Ascorbic acid stimulates the work of the adrenal cortex, therefore, during the reception, blood pressure and kidney state should be monitored.

With a long course, you need to monitor the endocrine pancreatic function. With a high content of iron in the blood, ascorbic acid is prescribed in minimal dosages.

In patients with fast-growing tumors, the drug can speed up the pathological process. Reception of ascorbic acid distorts the results of laboratory studies.

Ascorbic acid - Instructions for interaction with other drugs

With the simultaneous use of ascorbic acid in dragee with other drugs, the following may be observed:

  1. an increase in blood concentration of antibiotics of a group of penicillin and tetracycline;
  2. reducing the effectiveness of drugs that reduce blood coagulation;
  3. decrease in the bioavailability of ascorbic acid when receiving oral contraceptives and alkaline solutions;
  4. sulfanimamides and salicylic acid increase the risk of crystals in the urine;
  5. glucocorticosteroids and calcium preparations reduce the content of ascorbic acid in the body;
  6. the effectiveness of antidepressants is reduced.

Ascorbic acid dragee instructions for use

Ascorbic acid is taken inside after eating in doses established by the doctor. For children, dragee can be dissolved in water and produce in the form of a drink.


Under the overdose of ascorbic acid, it is observed:

  1. abdominal pain;
  2. nausea;
  3. vomiting;
  4. diarrhea;
  5. bloating;
  6. rash;
  7. corruption of the nervous system;

Reception in large doses for a long time can cause reduced insulin production and stone formation In the bladder. When overdose, it is necessary to rinse the stomach, take sorbents and immediately consult a doctor.

Terms of sale

Sold in pharmacies without a recipe.

Storage conditions

Store in factory packaging, in a dark, inaccessible to children, at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C.

Vitamin C plays a crucial role in the human body, but not produced by them on their own. Therefore, it is so important to remember that ascorbic acid, dragee is, tablets or powder, should be an integral element in a home first-aid kit. Vitamin helps to support the forces of the body, serves as a prophylactic agent against colds and infectious diseases.

Our health is influenced by many negative factors: a bad environmental situation, high heavy metal content in air and water, improper nutrition, bad habits, chronic diseases, hormonal failures, everyday stress and a sedentary lifestyle. All these moments reduce immunity, violate the proper operation of the cardiovascular system, cause problems with digestion and worsen well-being. Persons who regularly take helps their body to cope with disease independently and protect themselves from health complications in the future.

Indications for the use of vitamin C in drage

In the treatment of many diseases, doctors prescribe preparations with a vitamin C content for maintaining immunity.

Consider more than the ascorbic acid of dragee is useful, and in what cases it is prescribed:

  • Avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis vitamin C . The pathological condition of the body associated with improper nutrition and eating foods with low vitamin content. Also, violation of the digestibility of vitamin may be associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the inability of the body to suck the useful element.
  • Prevention of infectious and colds . In the offseason, it is likely to get infected or get sick from supercooling. Ascorbinka is in this case an immunomodulatory drug and protects the body from diseases.
  • Bleeding. At elevated pressure, thin capillaries cannot withstand the load and burst, nasal bleeding can be connected with this. Ascorbic acid in Dragee strengthens the vessels and improves blood composition.
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis . Symptoms of the disease are expressed in the appearance of a hematoma on the body. The hemorrhages occur due to disorders of blood clotting and fragile vessels. Vitamin C improves the condition of the cardiovascular system and restores the walls of the vessels.
  • Dystrophy. The disease accompany avitaminosis and lack of vitality. For treatment, integrated therapy is assigned aimed at improving immunity.
  • Poisoning. With intoxication, doctors are always recommended to urgently take lemon juice or lemon water. Due to the high content of ascorbic acid in the fruit, the body is quickly cleaned from toxins and slags. Vitamin has an antioxidant effect and removes harmful substances.
  • Physical and mental load . Any coach will confirm that during sports, ascorbic acid should be taken in dragee. The element contributes to the muscle tone, helps bodybuilders to quickly increase muscle mass, and also strengthens the seed-vascular system, which is exposed to large loads in athletes. People whose activities are associated with mental loads, vitamin C helps to supply oxygen into the brain and contributes to improving memory and attention.
  • Diseases of the liver. With a lack of vitamin C metabolism is broken, and local immunity decreases. Ascorbinka promotes tissue regeneration, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the main "filter" of our body.

As can be seen from the above, vitamin C is an indispensable element for the proper operation of the body. You can always take with you ascorbing to work and take at the right time. Due to the available value of the drug, people with any level of wealth can afford to receive dragee.

Useful properties of ascorbic acid

Vitamin C is contained in many food products (rosehip, green salad, collar, parsley, onion, Bulgarian pepper, grapefruit, black currant, lemon, etc.), but does not always go into the body in the required quantity. Meanwhile, this element is very important, its deficiency must be filled.

Ascorbic acid has a beneficial effect on the work of the nervous system, restores the relationship between neurotiars, thereby improving memory and attention, so vitamin is recommended to drink additionally to students during examinations. Also, vitamin is involved in blood formation and allows you to absorb the gland that is responsible for the normal level of hemoglobin in the blood. Ascorbinka restores the intestinal operation and normalizes metabolism. Acid helps to remove excess fluid from the body and eliminates the edema of the tissues. The drug is useful as a prophylactic agent against strokes, as it dilutes blood, prevents the formation of blood clots and strengthens the vessels.

Beautiful sexes at all times walked on various tricks to maintain the figure in good shape. With much simpler, as it stimulates the production of hormones, which are responsible for the process of fat burning. Many women use ascorbic acid in dragee for the preparation of rejuvenating masks. Due to the regenerating functions of the acid smoothes wrinkles, eliminates signs of fatigue and relieves irritation on the skin.

Instructions for applying dragee with vitamin C

Ascorbic acid in Dragee is small yellow balls with an acidic taste.Before you begin the course of reception of vitamin, you should consult with the attending physician and clarify how to take it.

For a child and an adult, various dosages are designed depending on the state:

  • For the prevention of ARVI, children from 5 years should be taken 1 dragee per day, adults - 2 dragey per day.
  • For the treatment of adults, it is recommended to drink 2 dragees from three to five times a day, children - 2 stages three times a day.

Vitamins should be taken on a full stomach in order to avoid side effects in the form of burning and pain in the stomach. There are some contraindications to the use of ascorbic acid. Patients with thrombophlebitis, renal failure, diabetes, people with shortage of sucrose, isomaltase, fructose, as well as persons with blood diseases are contraindicated therapy with vitamin application.

? In case of overdose, children and adults may have the following symptoms:

  • heartburn;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • disorder of the intestine;
  • headaches;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • nausea;
  • Increased blood sugar levels.

In order to avoid the development of side effects, including, it is necessary to carefully examine information about the benefits and dangers of ascorbic acid in the dragee, which is contained in the instructions for use.

Recipes with vitamin C

There is no ascorbic in the animal products. If you want to support immunity and eat right, vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin should be eaten. Salad of and fastened with olive oil is not only useful, but also a delicious dish for the whole family. Oncecara Cabbage is famous for their use for digestion. Scientists have proven that in the sauced product several times more vitamin C than in fresh cabbage. Many doctors recommend using this product to those who want to lose weight.

At the autumn time, it is necessary to support immunity, cranberry juice with lemon serves as an excellent solution. To prepare a "living" drink, you should pour hot boiled water and put it in the winter for half an hour. Without boiling All useful properties of berries in the composition of the drink are saved.

Ascorbic acid can also be used in the preparation of bleaching masks for face and beneficial hair balms. It is no secret that collagen supports youth and skin elasticity. To prepare a rejuvenating mask you should mix one teaspoon gelatin, one dragee of vitamin C and dilute with one spoonful water. The resulting mixture is heated in a microwave oven for 10 seconds and apply a means to a pre-purified face. After 15 minutes, remove the mask. Such a procedure will allow to rejuvenate the skin, to saturate it with collagen, and due to ascorbic acid - eliminate inflammation, rash and pigment spots on the face.

To normalize the work of the sebaceous glands of the scalp and restoration of the damaged hair structure, you can use dragee with vitamin C to prepare balms. The most common recipe is the egg mask. Mix the yolk of one eggs with a rapid oil, add one ascorbine drag. Wrap a mask in the roots of the hair. According to consumer reviews, hair after the procedure becomes soft, obedient and silky. Many women noted that after the course of treatment with such a mask, the fatness of hair decreases, and the head can be soaked much less.

Be careful to your health and in a timely manner. The disease is easier to prevent than then to treat and spend money on expensive drugs. Ascorbic acid is an excellent means of preventing many diseases.


Many since childhood, parents gave dragee or vitamin C tablets. This element is responsible for important biochemical and biological processes. Externally, the drug is crystals of a light shade with lemon taste. However, not every person is known about all properties of this substance.

What is useful ascorbinka

Many take vitamin C without thinking as it acts on the human body. First of all, acid ascorbic acid is a very powerful antioxidant that promotes the neutralization of free oxygen atoms that cause harm human body. The lack of vitamin C leads to the weakening of the immune system. Reception of the drug in tablets, ampoules or powder strengthens the natural protection of the human body of any age. The action of ascorbic acid includes neutralization of poisoning.

What is useful vitamin C:

  1. All skin cosmetics with collagen contains this substance. Ascorbic acid stimulates the production of fibroblast cells that contribute to the formation of epithelial and connective tissue.
  2. It is very important to remember why vitamin C is needed in the hematopoietic system. Without it, the correct exchange of folic acid and iron is impossible. The disadvantage of this vitamin may cause anemia development.
  3. The use of ascorbins suppresses inflammatory reactions and reduces the risk of developing allergies.
  4. Ascorbic acid can affect the production of steroid hormones and catecholamines, so it is important to use this substance for the normal operation of the nervous, sexual and endocrine system.
  5. Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels, accelerates blood coagulation, prevents the development of edema in women (during menstruation).
  6. The use of tablets, ampoules, powder or dragee of this drug helps to overcome stress. In addition, this substance prevents the development of infectious diseases that attack the human body during stress, depression, imminent weakening.

Daily dose of acid ascorbic

Before starting the use of the drug, it is recommended to know the need for an adult and children's body in this substance. How much can there be ascorbic acid per day? Under normal conditions - no more than 50-100 mg. The dosage increases significantly (one-time - up to 1 g per day), if the body is exposed to high physical and mental loads, frequent exposure to low and high temperatures. In addition, the use of ascorbins in an enlarged volume need:

  • women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • athletes who are fond of bodybuilding;
  • patients during treatment.

How to take ascorbic acid

The patient can be assigned in the presence of testimony intravenous or intramuscular injections, a spinning solution of powder or pill. It is recommended to receive an individual instruction from a doctor how to take ascorbing to avoid a side effect. Dosage and form of reception depends on what function of the human body needs support.

How to take ascorbic acid in dragee? The substance must be taken after meals in the following quantities:

  1. Children - 25-75 mg (prevention), 50-100 mg daily three times (treatment).
  2. Adults - 50-100 mg (prevention), in the treatment of the indicated dose increase to 200-400 mg, dividing into several methods.
  3. During pregnancy, you need to take 2 weeks of 300 mg, after which it is underway to reduce the dosage.

They can assign injections with glucose - 1-5 ml of sodium ascorptus solution up to three times daily. For the treatment of avitaminosis, children prescribe powder in sachets of 0.05-0.1. It is important to adhere to the instructions. The course of treatment, the doctor appoints an individually to each patient according to the testimony. The maximum volume of daily substances is not more than 0.5 g (for an adult patient), children are 30-50 mg (depends on the age of the child and individual instructions for the use of the drug).

Ascorbic acid price

You can purchase this drug in any pharmacy, or order and buy in the online store. Manufacturers catalogs contain many different variants of vitamin C. As a rule, the price varies from 13 to 45 rubles. The cost of the manufacturer's brand is influenced by the manufacturer. The price of ascorbic acid (dragee) in the jars of 200 pieces (50 mg) in different pharmaceutical companies is not particularly different. However, significant runs can be found when buying acid ascorbic acid tablets. Manufacturers increase the price for bright packaging and taste additives.

How to choose ascorbic acid

Experts recommend to obtain vitamin C from natural products. It can be kept in vegetables, greenery, fruits. With a strong shortage of the element, you can buy ascorbic acid in powder. The most common form for prevention is a dragee or chewing pills. Injection, as a rule, appoints a doctor with strong poisoning or pregnant women to maintain the body.