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Markus Zuzak “The Book Thief. The Book Thief - Markus Zuzak

Book thief

Book thief
The book thief
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Intelligent bestseller


"Book Thief" is a 2006 novel by Australian writer Markus Zuzak.


The action takes place in fascist Germany starting in January 1939. The main character of the novel is a nine-year-old German girl, Liesel Meminger, who is getting older as the plot develops. Liesel has a difficult fate: her father, who is unknown to the communists, disappeared without a trace, and her mother, unable to take care of the girl and her brother, will decide to give the children up to foster parents. On the way to a new home, Brother Liesel dies a serious death from an illness, this happens right in front of the girl, leaving a heavy impression for her entire life. Brother Liesel is buried in the cemetery, where the girl picks up her first book in her life - "Instructions to the Gravediggers."

Soon Liesel arrives in the town of Molching, to her new adoptive parents, who live on Himell-Straße, which means "Heavenly Street". The adoptive mother, Rosa Hubermann, does not greet the girl very friendly, but Liesel soon gets used to the local manner of communication and customs. But with Hans Hubermann, the adoptive father, the girl develops an excellent relationship and full understanding comes. In addition, Hubermann is an anti-fascist, which plays an important role in the development of events.

Living on Himmel Strasse, Liesel quickly makes new friends, one of whom is Rudy Steiner, the boy next door who is destined to become her best friend... Liesel and Rudy go to school together, play football, steal food from hunger - they go through all the events of their lives together.

As the plot develops, Liesel learns to read, and this activity fascinates her so much that she begins to steal books, she turns out to be a real "book thief". The first book to be stolen was "Shrug of the Shoulders", in the development of which Hans Hubermann, her adoptive father, willingly helps her. Together with him, Liesel reads all his other books, including "Whistler" and others. Books mean much more to Liesel than you think. They nourish her soul, give her food for the mind and soil for development. Books are the only joy in the difficult life of a girl.

In the climax of the novel, Liesel has new friend- Max Wattenburg, a fugitive Jew who temporarily settled with the Hubermanns. Max and Liesel move closer without realizing it. Gradually, they become friends, and Max gives Liesel a book consisting of his own drawings and inscriptions. A spiritual connection is established between them, they become attached to each other for the rest of their lives.

Liesel's whole life is permeated with the events of World War II. The plot of the novel reflects everything: the idea of ​​the fascists, the persecution of the Jews, the division of the German people into two halves - those who joined the fascist party and those who are against Hitler's ideology. The Hubermanns are shown as an ordinary German family, not sharing fascist views, but at the same time afraid to say anything against, as the consequences may be irreversible. Liesel is a victim of her time. A girl who hates Adolf Hitler, who ruined her entire family (native, and later adopted), cannot do absolutely anything. She sees with her own eyes all the humiliations that people who do not belong to the Aryan race have to endure, and all this falls like a heavy stone in her soul. The book ends tragically - the Hubermanns and other people close to Liesel are dying under the bombing. The girl, who at that time is already fifteen years old, is left alone. Subsequently, she will write a book called "The Book Thief", where she will talk about her fate.

Composition of the novel

The novel is built in an unusual way - the story is told from the perspective of Death. Death is a rather vague image, but its presence in the novel plays an important role. Death talks about his hard work, and often gives his own comments about what is happening in the book. The novel is divided into ten parts, each with its own title. The final, tenth part, is called the same as the book itself - "The Book Thief".

main characters

  • Death (as narrator)
  • Liesel Meminger
  • Rosa Hubermann, Mama
  • Hans Hubermann, "The Pope"
  • Rudy Steiner
  • Max Wattenburg
  • Ilsa Hermann
  • and etc.

World press about the novel "The Book Thief"

  • The "book thief" will be praised for the author's insolence. The book will be read everywhere and admired as it tells a story in which books become treasures. And you can't argue with that. - New York Times
  • The "book thief" hurts the soul. It is an unsentimental book, but deeply poetic. Its gloom and the tragedy itself are passed through the reader, like a black-and-white movie from which paints have been stolen. Zuzak may not have had a chance to live under the thumb of fascism, but his novel deserves a place on the shelf next to The Diary of Anne Frank and The Night by Elie Wiesel. It looks like the novel will inevitably become a classic. - USA Today
  • This weighty tome is no small literary achievement. The Book Thief challenges all of us. - Publisher's Weekly
  • Literary gem. - Good reading
  • This story will break the hearts of both teens and adults. - Bookmarks Magazine
  • A triumph of writing discipline ... one of the most unusual and compelling Australian novels of modern times. - The age

see also


  • The Book Thief study guide, quotes, themes, literary devices, teacher resources

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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« This story will break the hearts of both teenagers and adults. "

Bookmarks Magazine

The literary searches of the majority of modern writers who turn to the topic of war, trying in this way to declare themselves and their work, often end in failure, since works of this kind are most susceptible to a wide variety of criticism from both experts and ordinary people. However, there are some very successful attempts.

novel Markus Zuzak"Book Thief" ( The Book Thief) was released in 2006, causing a stunning storm of emotions both among young people and among the older generation, who perceived the work of the young Australian writer with some surprise, if not suspicion. Brief but extremely accurate statement Bookmarks Magazine in many ways predetermined the subsequent attitude of readers to the extraordinary, strikingly dark and exciting story about the tragedy of human destinies during the Second World War. Of course, the topic chosen by the author is not new - on the contrary, it has repeatedly appeared in the works of writers of the last century, whose terrible memories, together with parenting stories the horrors of the fascist regime often shocked teenage readers.

Photo source:

Among them was Zuzak, the son of Austrian émigré workers, who managed to combine the general ideas of a generation that was not "under the heel of fascism" and a fundamentally new literary approach into something worth reading. However, not everyone agrees with this. Some condemn the author for the specificity of the narrative; others criticize his "incomprehensible" and "terrible" syllable, while others are unhappy with the idea of ​​the writer as a whole. The rest, of whom, however, there are quite a few, on the contrary, believe that Zuzak was able to withdraw this problem on new level... One cannot but agree with this, since the theme of the struggle between fascism and anti-fascism permeates in a special way the whole story of the survival of a nine-year-old Liesel Meminger in Nazi Germany since early 1939.

Photo source:

While learning to read in the basements of a house on Himmel Street, the girl gradually becomes attached to books that help her satisfy her need for self-development. They "nourish" her soul, helping her to maintain optimism and humanity even in the most difficult circumstances. The initial mistrust and fear of fascist cruelty gradually develop into hatred of the “book thief” for the Nazis, who deprived her of her family and then her adoptive family, which subsequently makes Liesel and her peers treat life in a different way in a society divided into followers and opponents of Hitler’s ideology. The latter hate fascism as much as the main character: most of the citizens are forced to live in constant fear, hiding their true attitude towards it, while the rest are not afraid to resist the "Fuhrer" Inquisition, while remaining brave people with kind and loving hearts.

The form of the narrative on behalf of Death itself - a metaphysical figure carrying souls in his arms - is really unusual: Zuzak personifies, it would seem, the most terrible enemy of humanity, reinforcing the impression of a terrifying reality from which one cannot hide. However, the paradox of "The Book Thief" is completely different: the author gives the narrator the ability to love and empathize, which is manifested in the relationship between the main character and Death, which "accompanies" Liesel, observing her throughout the novel.

Author's style Zuzaka often criticized for "excessive" metaphor, full of reasoning and not always clear comparisons. Short, “abrupt” sentences that make readers accustomed to smoother language forms often return to the text they have already read, rethinking it, have also repeatedly become the subject of controversy between fans and opponents of the original presentation.

Shot from the movie "The Book Thief"

In 2013, the book was filmed by the film company 20 th Century Fox: film "The Book Thief" directed by Brian Percival received both extremely negative reviews from critics, who considered it an awkward and inept likeness of the original source, and positive reviews from viewers who have not read the novel. Of course, the ending of the film makes a strong emotional impression on both, but those who are familiar with the "Book Thief" to one degree or another, as a rule, lack a more accurate characterization of the characters, whose images acquire a certain vagueness, uncertainty, fragmentation. which cannot be said about their literary prototypes. Many episodes from the book - the death of little brother Liesel, a difficult parting with his mother, relationships the main character and her adoptive parents - Hans and Roses Hubermann, a strong and touching friendship between Liesel and the bully Rudy Steiner- in the film adaptation they are not filled with the deep meaning that determines the specificity and originality of the novel by Markus Zuzak. The Second World War is losing its significance, turning only into a faded background for the story of the life of the "book thief", since the director avoids demonstrating even a small part of the military actions described in the novel. The relationship between the mass burning of books in the square and Liesel's further theft, justified by the writer, is absolutely incomprehensible to the critical viewer, as well as to the reader, for whom the role of reading in the life of the main character, her becoming as a person, is central to the plot of the novel. Few viewers will be able to recognize the voice of the narrator, which, as in the book, is Death.

Review of the book "The Book Thief" by Markus Zuzak, written as part of the "My Favorite Book" competition. Reviewed by Alexandra Vasyagina.

I don't have a favorite book. And I cannot say that I love all those works that I have read. On the contrary, some of them are worthy of contempt. Maybe I just haven't found That Book yet, and I still have it ahead of me. But still, among what I have read, there is one work that stands out from all the others.

First, I want to ask you: have you ever thought about the life of the people of Germany during the Second World War? And about the little Germans, whose parents chose either Hitler or death? Have you ever imagined how the childhood of children, accustomed to "Heil Hitler" from birth, went? Or maybe you were thinking about the suffering of German schoolchildren who hated the Fuhrer, but were silent about it?

I'll be honest: I am not. But I happened to read a book that put reflections on this and many other things in my head.

"" Is an amazing work by Markus Zuzak, describing the life of a German girl, whose childhood fell on terrible times for the whole world.

Nine-year-old Liesel with younger brother goes to a foster family, but on the road due to illness the boy dies in front of his sister. At her brother's funeral, the girl picks up her first book from the ground - "The Gravedigger's Guide." This is an important event in the fate of Liesel, and it will become a starting point for her in understanding the world. There will be many more books in the girl's life: the “Dog named Faust” donated by her father, and the miraculous survivor in the fire, retaining only “... shoulders” on the spine, and funny, painted by a Jewish friend, over Mein Kampf. But it is the Gravedigger's Guide that will make Liesel learn to read and generate in her a great craving for books.

The second World War as if entwining the girl's life with its long, bloody tentacles. But there is something that helps Liesel to endure all difficulties easier: books and a neighbor's boy Rudy. In fact, these two things are closely related. No, no, what are you, Rudy has not read it. He helped a friend steal books from the burgomaster's wife's library.

Books play a very important role in the girl's life. For her, reading is not just a pastime, it is a second heart that needs lines of works instead of blood.

Markus Zuzak has incredible skill: he manages to make the reader cry over the death of a Soviet pilot, whose presence in the book lasts only a couple of pages. The writer devotes only a few paragraphs to the persecution of Jews, and we are already sure that we know the history of every unfortunate person and live all the events with them.

In "The Book Thief" the story is led by the character who appears in the book more often than others - Death. Zyuzak attributed her eloquence, male gender and heart. Death does not like mystery, and in the middle of the work we find out the further fate of the characters. Our narrator at the beginning of each part reveals the main events of the subsequent chapters, but from this the desire to read the book further, on the contrary, increases.

Liesel grows older with every page. The one that she turns over, and the one that you and I turn over.

For all its long life Liesel will lose a lot, but in the end, from the hands of such a familiar Death, she will receive a gift - the book "The Book Thief".

The story of a little girl who loves books is worthy of being read by every person on Earth.

The "Book Thief" should thus become the "Gravedigger's Guide" for the new Book Thief.

The review was written within the framework of the competition “


Table of contents

  • about the author
  • Markus Zuzak The Book Thief
  • PROLOGUE RIDGE OF BIT STONE where our narrator introduces: himself - paints - and a book thief
  • PART ONE "INSTRUCTION TO THE GRAVER" featuring: Himmel Strasse - The Arts of Piggy - The Iron Fist Women - The Kiss Tries - Jesse Owens - Sandpaper - The Smell of Friendship - Heavyweight Champion - and all the spanking bangs
  • PART TWO SHIPPING with the participation of: a girl made of darkness - the joy of cigarettes - a street crawler - a few dead letters - Hitler's birthday - 100% pure German sweat - the gate of theft - and a book of fire
  • PART THREE "MY FIGHT" with the participation of: the way home - a broken woman - a fighter - a cunning man - the properties of summer - an Aryan shopkeeper - a snorer - two dodgers - and retribution in the form of a lollipop mixture
  • PART FOUR "THE DEPENDENT MAN" with the participation of: accordionist - fulfillment of promises - glorious girl - Jewish brawler - rozina's rage - lecture - sleeping - exchange of dreams - and a few pages from the basement
  • PART FIVE "WHISTLE" featuring: a floating book - the players - a little ghost - two haircuts - the youth of rudi - outcasts and sketches - a whistler and a pair of boots - three stupid things and a frightened boy with frozen legs
  • PART SIX "THE POSTER OF DREAMS" with the participation of: a death diary - a snowman - thirteen gifts - the next book - a nightmare with a Jewish corpse - newspaper sky - a visitor - "Schmunzeller" - and a farewell kiss on the poisoned cheeks
  • PART SEVEN "COMPLETE DICTIONARY AND THESAURUS OF DUDEN" featuring: champagne and accordions - a trilogy - a few sirens - a sky thief - a business proposal - a long walk in dachau - peace - an idiot and several men in raincoats
  • PART EIGHT "THE WRITER OF WORDS" with the participation of: dominoes and darkness - thoughts of bare ore - punishment - the wife of the one who kept her word - the collector - bread eaters - candles in the forest - the secret book of drawings - the collection of anarchist costumes
  • PART NINE "THE LAST HUMAN ALIEN" featuring: a new temptation - a gambler - the snows of Stalingrad - an ageless brother - an accident - a bitter taste of questions - a set of tools, a bloody and bear - a crashed plane - and returning home
  • PART TEN "BOOK THIEF" with the participation of: the end of the world - the ninety-eighth day - the sower of war - the path of words - the petrified girl - confessions - the black book of Ilza German - the ribcages of the aircraft - and the ridge of broken stone

about the author

Australian writer Markus Zuzak was born in 1975 and grew up listening to his parents - emigrants from Austria and Germany who survived the horrors of World War II. Australian and American critics call him a "literary phenomenon" for a reason: he is recognized as one of the most inventive and poetic novelists of the new century. Markus Zuzak is the recipient of several literary awards for books for teens and young adults. Lives in Sydney.

World press about the novel "The Book Thief"

The "book thief" will be extolled for the author's insolence ... The book will be read everywhere and admired as it tells a story in which books become treasures. And you can't argue with that.

New York Times

The "book thief" hurts the soul. It is an unsentimental book, but deeply poetic. Its gloom and the tragedy itself are passed through the reader, like a black-and-white movie from which paints have been stolen. Zuzak may not have had a chance to live under the thumb of fascism, but his novel deserves a place on the shelf next to The Diary of Anne Frank and The Night by Elie Wiesel. It looks like the novel will inevitably become a classic.

USA Today

Zuzak doesn't sweeten anything, but the tangible darkness of his novel can be endured in the same way as Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse 5 - here, too, a sense of humor somehow sternly comforts.

Time Magazine

An elegant, philosophical and touching book. Beautiful and very important.

Kirkus Reviews

This weighty tome is no small literary achievement. The Book Thief challenges all of us.

Publisher "s Weekly

Zuzak’s novel is a tightrope walker’s taut rope woven from emotional plasticity and ingenuity.

The Australian

A triumph of writing discipline ... one of the most unusual and compelling Australian novels of modern times.

A fast-paced, poetic and superbly written tale.

Daily telegraph

Literary gem.

Good reading

A brilliant whimsical tale. An excellent book that you will recommend to everyone you meet.


Brilliant and ambitious ... Such books are life-changing because, without denying the inherent immorality and randomness of the natural order of things, "The Book Thief" offers us the hope we have so hard won. And she is invincible even in poverty, war and violence. Young readers need such alternatives to ideological dogmas and such discoveries of the importance of words and books. And they will not interfere with adults.

The new York Times Review of Books

One of the most anticipated books recent years.

The wall street journal

This book acts on the reader like a graphic novel.

The philadelphia Inquirer

Wonderfully written and populated with memorable characters, Zuzak's book is a poignant tribute to words, books and the power of the human spirit. This novel can not only be read - it is worth living in.

The Horn Book Magazine

Markus Zuzak has created a work that deserves the most close attention not only sophisticated adolescents, but also adults, - a hypnotic and original story, written in poetic language that makes readers revel in every line, even if the action inexorably drags them forward. Extraordinary storytelling.

School Library Journal

While the thickness of the book, its themes and the author's approach may be scary for adolescents, the book undoubtedly captivates with its inspiring storytelling.

The Washington Post "s Book World

This story will break the hearts of both teens and adults.

Bookmarks Magazine

Stunning human characters, written out without unnecessary sentimentality, grab the reader by the soul.


Markus Zuzak
Book thief

Elizabeth and Helmut Zuzakam with love and admiration

where our narrator presents:
yourself - paint - and a book thief


Paints first.

Then people.

This is how I usually see the world.

Or at least I'm trying.

* * * HERE IS A SMALL FACT * * *
Someday you will die.

I'm not kidding my heart: I try to approach this topic easily, although most people refuse to believe me, no matter how much I resent it. Please believe me. I still how I can be light. I know how to be friendly. Friendly. Sincere. And it's in one letter D. Just don't ask me to be nice. This is not for me.

Does this bother you?
I urge you - do not be afraid.
I'm just fair.

Oh yes, introduce myself.

To start.

Where are my manners?

I could introduce myself by all the rules, but there is no need for that. You will get to know me quite closely and pretty soon - with all the variety of options. Suffice it to say that some day and hour I will stand over you with all the cordiality. I will have your soul in my arms. Some paint will sit on my shoulder. I will carry you carefully away.

At this moment you will be lying somewhere (I rarely find a person on his feet). The body will harden like a crust on you. Perhaps it will happen unexpectedly, screaming in the air. And after that I will hear only one thing - my own breath and the sound of the smell, the sound of my steps.

The question is what colors everything will be painted the minute I come for you. What will the sky talk about?

Personally, I love chocolate. The sky is the color of dark, dark chocolate. They say this color suits me. However, I try to enjoy all the colors that I see - the whole spectrum. A billion tastes or so, and no two are exactly the same - and a palate that I slowly absorb. It all smooths out sharp edges my burden. Helps relax.

The Book Thief was written in 2005. Its author is a young Australian writer. The book was highly praised by critics and readers. The world press rave about the book, calling it one of the best literary works about the Second World War.

Death the storyteller

The action takes place in Nazi Germany. The story is told from the perspective of Death. Death in "The Book Thief", a summary of which is presented in this article, is masculine.

Death violates its eternal rule - to deal only with the dead - and begins to observe with curiosity the girl whom he calls the "book thief." Death and the girl met three times: when the brother of the "book thief" died, when Death came for the dead pilot, when the bombing ended. Then the girl accidentally lost the book she was writing about herself. Death found the book and decided to tell the story of the "book thief".

Gravedigger's first book

January 1939. Germany. The woman is taking her daughter and son to foster parents. The woman's husband is a missing communist. By giving the children to foster parents, she hopes to save the children from Nazi persecution. On the way, the unfortunate boy dies of pulmonary hemorrhage. His death makes a huge impression on the girl. After the boy's funeral, his sister, whose name is Liesel Meminger, picked up the book dropped by the gravedigger. So she became a "book thief."

New family

In the book "The Book Thief", a summary of which is presented in this article, it is said that a lady from the state guardianship authorities took Liesel to the city of Molching on Himmel Street - Heavenly Street and entrusted her to the foster parents of the Hubermanns. The foster parents seemed to the girl not the most charming people. Rosa and Hans Hubermanns are rude and not prone to violent displays of feelings people, by conviction - anti-fascists. They tell Liesel to call them Mom and Dad. The girl is a little afraid of her adoptive mother, although she begins to become attached to her. In the summary of "The Book Thief" Zuzak, it is narrated that with Hans the girl quickly found mutual language... His kindness and calmness helped her survive the nightmares that tormented her after the terrible death of her brother.

At school

The girl went to school. Although she is 9 years old, she is forced to go to the same class with the kids, because she is not taught even the basic skills of reading and writing. In the summary of "The Book Thief" it is said that Hans, seeing the book at Liesel's, tells her that it is called "Instructions to the Gravedigger." The adoptive father teaches the girl to read. She is transferred to a class with her peers, where she meets the boy Rudy, with whom she forms a strong friendship.

Rudy Steiner is a neighbor of the Hubermans. He dreams of being like his idol - a black American athlete who won 4 gold medals at the Berlin Olympics.

The beginning of the war

The Second World War begins. The Hubermanns are not doing well. They are getting poorer. Liesel learns to write letters. She decides to write to her mother, for this she steals money from the Hubermans and sends a letter. An angry Rose punishes the girl. The letter does not reach the addressee - the Nazis took away Liesel's mother.

Second book

On April 20, on the birthday of Adolf Hitler, a huge bonfire is kindled in Molching, into which old things and books are thrown, recognized by the Nazis as harmful to the Germans.

Hans quarrels with his Nazi son. Death says that the young man will die in the Battle of Stalingrad.

When dusk fell, the people went home, and the fire burned out, Liesel and Hans passed by. Liesel secretly picks up and hides the miraculously surviving Shrug of the Shoulders. This is seen by the governor's wife, who is known as a madman.

"My struggle"

Liesel worries that the governor's wife will betray her, but in vain. She shows the girl her room filled with books.

Hans exchanges Hitler's book "My Struggle" for tobacco.

Death tells about Max - a young Jew. He is forced to hide in a closet and starve. A friend gives him the false documents enclosed in the book "My Struggle" and advises him to go to Hans in Molching.

With the onset of summer, Liesel reads "Shrug of the Shoulders" at night, and during the day - books that she takes from the burgomaster's library. By chance, the girl learns the reason for the insanity of the governor's wife - this is the death of her only son.

Arthur Berg is a fifteen-year-old teenager, the leader of a gang that plunders neighboring gardens and orchards. He takes Liesel and Rudy into the gang. Summer has passed, Arthur left. Death saw him in Cologne, holding his dead sister in his arms.

In November, Max arrives and opens the door of Hans' house with his key.


Hans tells Liesel the story of his acquaintance with Max. As it turned out, his father saved Hans's life during the First World War. In turn, Hans saved Max during the Jewish pogrom by putting him in his basement for two years. Hans punishes Liesel not to betray Max.

The girl and Max become friends. The Jew paints over the pages of Hitler's book and makes illustrations for the story of his acquaintance with Liesel in order to give her a birthday present.

The third book "Whistler"

The governor's wife gives Liesel the book "Whistler", but the girl rudely refuses.

In the summer, Victor becomes the leader of the gang - a sadist who treats Rudi rudely. At the instigation of Liesel, the teenagers climb into the governor's house. Liesel steals the book.

The fourth book of the girl

So that Max can make a snowman, Liesel brings him snow to the basement. Max falls seriously ill and recovers only by mid-spring.

Liesel steals new book- "Postman of dreams".

New, fifth book

Rudy becomes the champion of local sports events. Liesel steals a new book.

Hans gives bread to an old man from the Jewish column, both are beaten. Max has to leave the Hubermans.

The Nazis want to take the champion Rudy to their special school, but his father refuses to give him. Father Rudy and Hans are sent to the front.

Sixth book

The book "The Book Thief", a summary of which is interesting to read, tells how a girl steals the book "The Last Human Stranger". Hans is commissioned. He is coming back. A plane crashes near the city, the pilot is dead. Death sees Liesel.

The girl sees Max in the column of Jews. She walks beside him. Both are beaten. Liesel spends 3 days in bed, and then talks about everything to Rudy.

"Book Thief"

Frau Hermann - the governor's wife - gives the girl a book without words for Liesel herself to write. As the summary of "The Book Thief" by M. Zuzak tells, the girl regularly fills it in the basement, calling her story "The Book Thief", thanks to which she remains alive during the bombing, in which almost the entire population of Himmel Strasse perishes.

The girl says goodbye to the deceased mom, dad and Rudy. The girl's book goes to Death.

Frau Hermann takes Liesel to his place. In the fall of 1945, Max finds her.

From summary"Book Thief" you can find out that after living a long happy life, Liesel dies. Death gives her her book.