Repair Design Furniture

DIY candles with flowers. How to learn how to make candles with your own hands at home. DIY decorative candle ideas

The soft fragrance of melting wax, the flickering of living lights, the magical aura of romance - candles can create a special atmosphere in the house, lift your mood or relieve stress after a hard day. They charge the dwelling with the power of natural elements and protect it from negative energy... Scented candles, created by you according to sketches of your own imagination, have even more power, because the warmth of your hands and the miracle of creation are concentrated in them.

Fire has a magical effect: it can be destructive and life-giving, scorching and warming, dazzling and illuminating. It is believed that a person can look at him forever. Religious and witchcraft rituals take place accompanied by the flame of a candle - exactly the same as accompanied by incense. Scented candles are a beautiful tandem of smell and light; they are in special demand among mystical, dreamy and sensual natures. And if they also carry a high decorative value, then how can you do without them at all?

Candles self made will allow you not only to throw out your creativity, but also to provide pleasant gifts to all your friends and loved ones. And who knows, maybe this exciting activity will turn into an easy source of income for you?

Making candles at home: materials and inventory

Anything you need for a fun glowing process can be purchased at craft and art stores. Making candles at home is not too expensive a pleasure, and for the first experiments you can get by with the minimum amount of necessities.

To place original accents in the interior and create a pleasant atmosphere, you will need:

Wax, paraffin, stearin

Both pre-assembled cinders and a special candle mass are suitable. Ten to twenty percent of the stearin added to the paraffin will harden it and reduce "weeping" when it burns. You can buy natural candle wax from beekeepers - by the way, they will probably also have foundation for textured finishing of your creations.


You can make a DIY candle wick by twisting it from heavy cotton threads. You can also use floss. However, it is much easier to get ready-made in the store - the price is more than affordable. An important point: The thickness of the wick greatly affects the burning quality of the candle. Too thin will give a faint flame, which will go out, choking on melted wax. Too thick - a guarantee of excessive burning and soot.

Wax melting utensils

It must be heat-resistant. Any tin can work for a small candle - the main thing is that it is convenient for you to work with it (take it out, hold it, tilt it).

A pot or bowl for a water bath

There is only one requirement - it must be wider and lower than the melting pot. Sustainability is encouraged.

Special dyes or wax crayons

Pigments for coloring candle mass can be in the form of powder or solid granules. Ordinary wax crayons from your child's art arsenal will also replace them. Water-soluble dyes are absolutely not suitable!

Essential oils

You can make scented candles with your own hands at home using synthetic fragrances, but, you see, this will reduce the magic to zero. Essential oils have powerful therapeutic properties, the range of their aromas is rich - it will not be difficult to choose a composition that is pleasant and useful for you. If you wish, you can get by with the vanilla, cinnamon, and ground coffee available at home.

Thin sticks

They will be required to fix the wick exactly in the middle of the candle, stir the dyes and fragrances in hot paraffin, and also to apply an original "scratched" ornament to the finished candle.

Candle Molds

Specialized stores will surprise you with the choice of forms for pouring paraffin, but making candles at home does not require any extra expenses at all. Real masterpieces "with a twinkle" can also be obtained with the help of an aluminum can of beer, a Tetra-Pak package, and a glass of yogurt.

Decoupage napkins, coffee beans, dried flowers, beautiful spices, beads, rhinestones

If you do make candles with your own hands, then certainly original ones. Decorative items - whether offered by the store or found in your home treasures - are the inspiration for your unique work of authorship. And special candle adhesives, varnishes, outlines and markers will allow you to create the most elegant and colorful piece. But keep in mind: only candles with a large diameter and a thin wick can be decorated with flammable paper, fabrics, herbs.

Scented candle at home: sequence of work

This process requires, above all, caution: hot wax spilled on towels, clothes, skin can cause fires and burns. But the rest - a scented candle at home - it's simple, interesting, exciting!

Think over the design and aroma composition for the future candle. Measure required amount pigments, choose a decor. Prepare the mold and wick.

If you will be pouring wax into a handy mold, make a small hole in the middle of its bottom. Thread a wick into it and tie a knot with outside forms - later this will be the upper part of the candle. Pull slightly so that the knot fits snugly against the hole. Lightly grease the mold with vegetable oil or liquid soap... Put it on the bottom, and on the top walls, put two sticks - in diameter or diagonally. Fasten the wick between them so that it is stretched exactly in the middle of the candle.

Prepare a water bath. The water should not boil in it. You can put a cloth napkin on the bottom of the dish. Cut (break, rub) the candle mass into small pieces, place them in a heat-resistant dish and set to melt. Add stearin if needed.

The maximum temperature to which the paraffin can be brought is 75 degrees.
Add pigments to the melted mass, and then flavorings. Mix thoroughly.

Carefully, without moving the wick, pour the wax into the mold. Leave to harden for 15-30 minutes. The time depends on the thickness of the candle.

Untie the knot at the bottom of the mold, gently pull on the wick and remove the candle.
If the candle does not give in, send it to the freezer for 15 minutes, then it will easily slip out of the mold.

Cut the wick (the one at the bottom) to a length of 1 centimeter, and the bottom one at the root.
Your scented candle is ready! Now you can make a carved ornament on it, beautifully wrap it with twine or decorate it using decoupage technique.

Putting crushed ice into the mold before pouring the wax will create fantastic openwork candles.

You can make a candle in a glass beaker, a pretty jar, a coconut shell, or dried orange peel - in which case you will need a special metal wick holder. It needs to be glued to the bottom of the selected vessel.
Natural beeswax much more suitable for scented candles with essential oil: it, unlike paraffin, does not emit harmful substances during combustion, but saturates the air with useful ones.

Striped candles are easy: just pour layers of colored wax, one by one, after the previous one has hardened.

Rose essential oil has an overly intense scent. To many, when a candle burns, it may seem suffocating.

The most popular oils for air aromatization:

  • Citrus fruits: orange, tangerine, bergamot, grapefruit, lime, lemon - improve mood, help overcome depression, are useful for increasing the tone of the body and preventing ARVI.
  • Lavender, mint, sandalwood, myrrh, styrax - relieve insomnia, relax, clear the mind.
  • Jasmine, ylang-ylang, patchouli are the scents of a romantic evening.
  • Fir, cedar, pine, tea tree, vetiver, eucalyptus will help you get rid of colds faster, destroy germs and viruses in the air.

Making candles with an exquisite scent has a therapeutic effect in itself. Creativity distracts from bad thoughts, reveals the soul of a person, brings meaning and satisfaction to his being. After creating your scented wax masterpiece, light it, focus on the fire, relax and think: "Life is beautiful."

Candles have become popular since the Middle Ages. They were only people with wealth because their price was very high. They were made from different material, it could be paper or papyrus, various plants and fat. Then the North American colonists figured out how to get wax. After that, a lot of different experiments and experiments were carried out, but the expected result was never obtained. This lasted until paraffin wax was invented. Since then, candles have been made from it.

DIY candle molds

Forms for candles can be very different, it will depend only on your imagination and mood. For this, different glass transparent jars, cups that you have in your kitchen, containers from under baby food and yoghurts, small boxes that are made of thick cardboard. You can also use orange and lemon peels. You can also do plaster candle mold, for this you need to fill the figurine of an animal or flower with plaster and wait until it hardens.


You can buy a wick at a specialty store, take it from a candle that you have, or make it yourself. There are two options.

Materials that will be needed for work:

  • bamboo or balsa sticks;
  • sunflower oil, you can use olive oil;
  • napkins;
  • scissors.

First you need to cut the stick as long as you need it. Then place the resulting stick in sunflower or olive oil for twenty minutes. This is necessary so that the wick burns longer. After that, take out the stick and blot it lightly with a napkin. Your wick is ready.

Second option. Here the wick will be made of cotton thread. Necessary materials for work:

  • floss thread or cotton thread;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • borax.

You need to cut off a couple of strips of cotton thread. Then take a glass and mix three tablespoons of borax and one tablespoon of salt in it. After that, dip the strips of thread into the glass and leave them there for twelve hours. After this time has passed, the threads will need to dry well.

When the threads are dry, twist them together and dip them in wax or paraffin. Once dry, the wick is ready.


Essential oils can be used for this. When the candle burns, they will evaporate and soak the air. pleasant aromas, which, in most cases, have a good effect on the body. You can mix oils and get candles for different purposes, some for relaxation and arousal, and others for uplifting. The more oil is added to the candle, the brighter its smell will be. But if you are making a candle with your own hands from natural wax, it is better not to use fragrances.


It is not necessary to use this component, since you can make a candle without it. But if you decide to make your candles bright, you can use the wax crayons children use to paint on the pavement. Before use, it must be crushed into small crumbs, and then added to the molten mass for a candle. Still exist liquid food colors, but they will not work for our candles, because they are based on water. You can replace them oil paints or special paints, which are sold in stores that have everything for candlelighting.

How to make a candle at home

DIY wax candles

Necessary materials:

  • wax or paraffin, at your discretion;
  • form;
  • flavors and colors, if you decide to use them;
  • a container for a water bath and a saucepan with water;
  • wick;
  • sticks that will support the wick;
  • glue gun.

Candle making.

The first step is to decide on the form into which the wax will be poured. Then set the wick into this form. The wick must be glued to the bottom of the mold, via glue gun and fix his stick, and if there is no stick, then you can use a regular pencil for drawing.

After you have fixed the wick, you need to make a mass for the candle. For this, wax or paraffin is melted in a water bath. As soon as the mass becomes liquid, you can add flavors and dyes to it.

The last step in the work will be pouring the mass into forms. In order for it to take the shape you want it to harden, this will take several hours. After solidification, your original candle will be ready.

DIY gel candles at home

They can be a wonderful gift or souvenir. They smell very nice and burn much longer than paraffin or wax. Moreover, the container in which the candle will be made, after it burns out, can be used for other purposes. We will tell you how to make candles with your own hands further.

Materials for work:

  • gelatin, it should be colorless;
  • glycerin and tannin;
  • ink that has different colors;
  • the essential oil that you prefer;
  • glass container;
  • wick;
  • different subjects

Candle making.

The first thing to do is add five parts gelatin to twenty parts water. Then twenty-five parts of glycerin are placed in this mass and this is all heated over low heat until transparent.

Till gelatin and glycerin it is heated you need to dissolve tannin. To do this, you need to take two parts of tannin and ten parts of glycerin, after mixing it will add to the total mass. The mixture should simmer until clear.

If you want the candle to be bright and beautiful, add ink, the color of the candle will depend on its color. After that, essential oils are added.

To decorate a candle, you need to put decorations on the bottom of the mold, it can be beads, various beads, shells and even pieces of fruit.

After that, the wick is fixed in the form, you need it to be in the middle. Then the mass is poured and left to solidify. A beautiful candle, after hardening it will be ready for use.

For this, you can use whatever you like. If you are making an aroma candle, then you can use pieces of fruit, oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits are suitable. But before that, the fruit must be dried; this can be done in the oven at seventy degrees.

As a decoration, you can use different ribbons, decorative threads and lace. But with this material for decoration, you need to be careful, since it lights up easily... It is best to attach it to a candlestick.

Handmade candles can be decorated with pine cones, coffee beans, cinnamon sticks, various beads, printed photographs. How your candle will be decorated depends only on your imagination and desire.

Learn how to make candles with your own hands without high costs and have fun.

Interest is more prevalent among women today, but making this device is a courageous skill that has been traced for many years. Especially in medieval times, the trade in them was vital to kingdoms and villages because light was a necessity.

Today, when candles are of no practical value, they can add an atmosphere of comfort, coziness and romance to any room. They have a very meditative, relaxing effect, and can prompt reflection. Their main disadvantage is their rather high cost. What do you need to do on your own?

Materials: what is required for manufacturing

The process will not take you more than two hours, but the resulting products will complement your home or work interior, will be a good gift for loved ones.


This is the heart of the candle, of which there are three main types.

Paraffin. Traditional, used for hundreds of years to make a lamp. Now it continues to be the most common of all species. It's cheap, you can easily add color and smell to it. The main problem with paraffin remains its potentially toxic nature. Paraffin is a by-product of oil, which automatically gives it a poor performance for most consumers. If natural products are your credo, it's best to look for an alternative.

  • Soy. New to the market, it is becoming an increasingly popular main ingredient. Soy was created in the 90s when the natural foods movement was gaining momentum. It is usually made from soybean oil, but sometimes it is mixed with paraffin and other wax (palm, beeswax, etc.) It also easily takes on colors and odors.
  • Beeswax... Oldest crafting ingredient; beeswax candles have been found in the great pyramids of Egypt. As the name suggests, it is produced by bees and is a by-product of the honey process. Because of this, it has a natural golden color and subtle sweet aroma. This is a completely natural product, but you cannot add other flavors to it. The natural scent will overpower the rest of the aromas. Bee is also the most expensive option.

Most of the varieties sold in the store are sold in the form of pellets. This makes work easier as the granules melt faster. If you bought a unit, use sharp knife to chop it into small pieces.


The wrong wick can ruin your homemade candle. The main problem is the size, or rather the width. For container containers, which will be discussed, a wide wick is needed. The length of the wick is not important - you can trim it.

Aroma oils

Without smell, your wax just burns. It looks pretty, but doesn't create the subtle scent that candles are used for. There are thousands of fragrances to choose from - just search the internet. You can use essential oils, but the final product will not be as good with them. Men are better off choosing from such "masculine" scents as a mixture of cloves, amber and sandalwood, apple and maple bourbon, blue spruce, butter rum, coffee, whiskey.

Melting pot

A pan with a double bottom will do the job best. Melting directly over the flame in a regular saucepan will be too strong, so use a steam bath.


Coffee mugs, glassware, jars - anything that can withstand heat is used as a container. With a lid, they can be transported, sent, so that you can easily give to loved ones.

Accessories: thermometer, spatula, old pen

With a thermometer close at hand, you can quickly measure your temperature. When you buy wax, especially the one used for making wax, it has directions on what temperature the aroma oil is added to, when to pour it into the container, etc. Use a spatula or spoon to dilute it and dissolve large chunks. You will learn later why old pens / pencils are good helpers for homemade candles.

Workflow: how to do it?

  • Prepare your work area

Working with wax is a messy business. It melts, drops can go anywhere, you won't even know until it dries. Place newspaper or paper towels around your work area. Use them to set a thermometer, putty knife - be careful, they will probably stick a little. Fortunately, the wax is not that difficult to clean; you can simply scrape it off with your fingernail. Get your molds and wicks ready.

  • Melt the wax

Using a double-bottomed saucepan or water bath, melt the wax. Place about 200-300 grams, watch it melt by breaking it into pieces with a spatula and stirring it. It melts for about 10-15 minutes. Do not forget to monitor the temperature - you need to keep it between 70 - 75 degrees. If the temperature starts to rise, remove it from the heat.

  • Fasten the wick

While it is melting, attach the wick to the container. Rare wicks have a small sticker embedded on the bottom, but the main body doesn't. One option is super glue, but you can use the old candle trick: Dip the metal tab of the wick into the melted wax, then quickly attach it to the bottom of the container in the center. After a couple of minutes, when it hardens, the wick will fix at the bottom.

  • Add aroma oils, stir

When completely melted, add the desired aroma oils. Each species is different and requires a different amount per kilogram, so follow the directions on the package. Taking a block that is suitable for different purposes, remember the following proportion: 60 grams of oil per kilogram of wax. Pour it into a saucepan, stir for one minute to ensure even distribution.

  • Add color if desired

This step is optional. Your candles will come out naturally milky, but you can add some color using a non-toxic colored pencil or block. For example, you can add half a millimeter of red crayon to 500 grams of wax for a soft pastel shade. Want to bright color? Use more pencil.

The color will be much brighter in the melted mixture, but it will turn milky as it cools.

  • Let the mixture cool.

After adding the scented oil, turn off the heat and let cool for a couple of minutes. Optimum temperature for pouring into a container is about 55-60 degrees. It doesn't take long - just a few minutes, so pay attention to your thermometer. Once it has cooled properly, pour it into a container. Hold the wick so that it stays in the center, do not overtighten it. We advise you to leave a little in the pan - it will come in handy at the end.

  • The secret to attaching the wick

The wick attached to the bottom may swing slightly in the liquid wax at first. You definitely want it to stay level, centered, while everything solidifies. Just place the handle on top of the mold, tie a wick to it, and let it set for a few hours.

When the candle has cooled down, you will notice a slight dip at the wick. The wax will also come off the edges of the can. Reheat the remaining mixture in the saucepan, fill the holes that appear.

  • Cut the wick

You will probably have a few extra inches of the wick sticking out. A fuse that is too long will burn with too much bright flame. Light it up and check it out: if the flame is more than 2.5 centimeters, cut the thread.

  • Admire homemade candles

Chill the candles when room temperature to avoid cracking.

Previously, candles were used only in wealthy families to illuminate rooms. Today, many are interested in how to make a candle as a decoration with their own hands. You can implement your plan at home, the main thing is to prepare everything you need. Let's start!

How to make a candle with your own hands - the necessary materials


First of all, take care of the presence of paraffin. Buy it at All for Needlework stores or hardware supermarkets. You can also get paraffin wax from unburned old candles that are left at home.

Wax (instead of paraffin)

The analogue of paraffin is beeswax. It is a completely natural compound that, during combustion, purifies the air in the room. But the wax cannot be exposed to fragrances or staining. If this is your preferred ingredient, go for soy wax.


In addition to the main component, a wick is required. It can be in the form of a rope of paper or a thin rope.


Prepare your work space. A flat table lined with oilcloth or newspaper is ideal. You can make candles with your own hands only when quality lighting at home.

Additional tools

You will need a mixing container, a saucepan for heating the ingredients in a water bath, a thermometer for measuring the melting point of wax / paraffin (sold in handicraft stores, designed for making candles).


If it is supposed to make candles of a certain shade, dyes will be required. Food grade pigment is not suitable for this purpose. Choose oily dyes.

Essential oils

Since you can make a candle with your own hands with a certain smell at home, purchase essential oils. They are sold in pharmacies and any cosmetics store.


If your goal is to make a beautiful decorative candle, you may need coffee beans, beautiful stones, shells and other elements.

Candle mold

Use a glass, a cup, a cut jar, a square heat-resistant container and other handy containers as a form.

General technology for making a candle with your own hands

In this section, we will present a general scheme, detailed recipes can be found below.

STEP # 1

First, build a water bath: fill a pot with water, wait until it boils. Paraffin / wax must not be melted on open fire to avoid burning.

STEP # 2

Prepare a container that is smaller than the saucepan. Rub the paraffin into it using a fine grater. Place this dish in a saucepan to prevent water from entering the paraffin. Reduce cooker power, wait for melting.

Important! During the languishing process, it is necessary to keep a soapy solution and wet cheesecloth, folded in several layers, at hand. If you suddenly stain the table with paraffin, you need to immediately clean the surface.

STEP # 3

Equip yourself with a thermometer, which is available at handicraft stores. It is designed to measure the melting point of wax. Paraffin is melted at about 84-90 degrees. Do not overheat it, measure the indicators. Do not simmer.

Important! Since you cannot make a candle with your own hands without melting, observe safety precautions at home. Simmering in a water bath can lead to a fire. Monitor the temperature carefully. When using the remnants of old candles, you must first remove all the wicks from them.

STEP # 4

Continue simmering until the paraffin wax is liquid. In this step, essential oils for the scent and oil dyes for the color are added. You can make a multi-colored candle by adding many different shades of pigments at the same time (do not stir too much).

STEP # 5

Take a mold for pouring a candle. Place a pencil on its sides. Prepare a wick, tie it in the center of the pencil. Lower the tip of the wick into the mold so that the rope is aligned across the entire height of the container.

STEP # 6

If some decorations are used, it's time to send them in a mold. It is better to lay out the decorations on the sides and bottom of the container so that they are clearly visible after the wax has set.

STEP # 7

It's time to pour the melted paraffin / wax into the mold. Manipulations are carried out in a thin stream so that the wick does not lean to the side.

STEP # 8

When you fill the mold, leave the candle at room temperature. It will harden after 10-14 hours. Do not keep the product in the refrigerator, otherwise it will burn badly. Cut the wick before use, remove the product from the mold, or leave it inside.

Preparing a gel candle

Gel decorative candles are in great demand. The transparent base can be easily decorated various elements decor. Consider how to make a candle with your own hands without difficulty at home.

1. Visit a craft store and purchase a special gel based paste. It can be colored or transparent. The gel base for candles can be mixed together to achieve the desired shade.

2. Melt the gel using the classical technology (like paraffin), observing temperature regime(90 degrees). The result is a liquid mixture. Prepare the mold in advance and install the wick in it.

3. Place on the bottom of the container decorative elements at your own discretion. There is no limit to imagination, improvise! The main thing is that such jewelry is not flammable. They need to be washed and dried in advance.

4. It is recommended to place some of the accessories on the bottom, and add others as the container is filled. As a result, the elements will appear to float. Also, they should not be close to the wick (at least 1 cm), this is important.

5. To avoid the formation of bubbles in the finished candle, the mold should be warmed up. It is enough to use a hairdryer or boiling water. Dip the vessel into the liquid. Wipe the container dry.

6. Alternatively, you can make the candle more "sparkling". To increase the number of bubbles, the mold is pre-cooled in the freezer. Once you have filled the candle, it needs to stand for at least a day.

Making a scent candle with your own hands

1. It is easy to guess how to make an aroma candle with your own hands so that it smells good at home. A definite plus such products are considered that you will be completely confident in the environmental friendliness of the components.

2. In order for the candle to acquire a pleasant aroma, add a few drops of any essential oil.

3. Consider the specifics of each broadcast. Some formulations become heavy and cloying when heated. The rest of the procedure is carried out according to the classical technology.

Original ideas when creating candles

1. To make the candles really unusual, try to take a base different colors... Fill them in layers. It is best to carry out the procedure with a gel base. It is enough to pour in a layer and wait a little. As soon as it grabs, pour on.

2. Play around with colors... Fill in different shades of gel layer by layer. As a result, you can create a beautiful rainbow candle. To make the transition smooth, you need to wait less for the previous layer to solidify.

3. Colored compounds will just join at the border. To understand how to make a rainbow candle with your own hands using this technology at home, follow the rules.

4. You can make a natural candle from citrus peel. Chop any citrus in half and gently remove the pulp. Melt the base and add a few drops of lavender ether, dried clove bud and rosemary sprig into it.

5. Pour the melted gel into a natural mold and wait until it cools. The result is an unusual citrus candle with a subtle scent.

Homemade candles are quite simple to prepare. Having made several copies, you can start more complex tasks. Add something new and decorate the candles to your liking. Don't be afraid to experiment!

Useful Tips

In the modern world, candles are more used as part of the decor, decorating the interior and creating a cozier overall atmosphere. To make a candle at home, you need to know a few rules, for example, that properly made wick is of great importance, since the evenness of candle burning depends on it.

It is also worth knowing that the thickness of the candle depends on the number of threads, which are used in its preparation. For example, to make a candle with a thickness of 2 to 7 cm, you need to prepare 15 threads, and for a candle with a diameter of 10 cm, you need 24 threads. A candle with a diameter exceeding 10 cm needs 30 threads.

Go to the desired section:

Some useful information about candle making

Use a double boiler to melt the wax. It can be replaced electric oven. IMPORTANT: do not use glassware.

There are many types of wax, but almost all of them melt at 90 degrees Celsius.

Also it is advisable to have a thermometer nearby to help you keep track of your temperature. Better to use a thermometer with a steel stem and a scale on top. It can be purchased from specialized laboratory equipment stores. A steel stem thermometer can be used to stir the wax.

Use caution if you decide to melt the wax over an open fire, as this could cause the wax to catch fire.

For extinguishing, use baking soda but not water. It is also worth knowing that overheated wax will start to release acrolein is a toxic by-product... Do not forget to take care of good ventilation in the room.

How to make a candle with your own hands


Old pan for melting paraffin;

Old bowl;

Heat-resistant forms in which future candles will be located;

Multiple wicks, which can have either paper or wire cores;


Special holder to tighten the wick in the molten paraffin wax.

To make 3 candles prepare:

40 g stearin powder;

400 g of granulated paraffin;

Dye to add color to the wax;

Fragrance (you can replace it with essential oil).

1. We make a base for candles:

Place a bowl in a saucepan of boiling water and pour the stearic powder into it;

Wait for the stearin to melt and add 1/4 tablet of wax dye to the same bowl;

Put paraffin in a bowl and heat the water to 80C;

Stir well all the time;

After melting the whole mass, drip a few drops of essential oil or fragrance.

2. Prepare the wick

Immerse the wick in molten paraffin for 5 minutes;

Let it dry on foil.

3. We proceed directly to the manufacture of candles

Cut the wick - its length should be slightly more than the height of the mold;

Pass one end of the wick through special holder, and clamp it with pliers, and the other needs to be wrapped around a stick (pencil, for example) and secured;

Lower the holder together with the wick to the bottom of the mold and start pouring in paraffin;

After you have poured paraffin to the brim, you need to put the stick on the edges of the mold in such a position that the wick is in the very center;

Wait for the mass to harden;

Cut off the wick.

4. Something special

If you want to make your candle unique, you can use your favorite flower, souvenir, or spruce twig or pine cone if the candle is for the new year. You can also depict something on the form (you can use a festive stencil).

Useful Tips

It is better to look for the wax that is usually used in the manufacture of church candles;

Use powder paints (the best option), oil-based aniline paints, or natural ingredients to color the candle.

How to make a gel candle at home

When making candles, you need to be careful and follow all safety rules, especially if you want to place some kind of decoration inside the candle. Also choose the type of aroma oil and color carefully.

Now you need to decide what kind of candle you want to cook. Gel candles are different, and are divided into several groups:

Aquariums, Terrariums and Treasure Candles;

Beer glasses and cappuccino with foam;

Coca-Cola and other cocktails;

Rainbows, swirls, fireworks and neon lights;

Canned fruit;

Ice cream and desserts;

Festive decoration.

After which you have decided on the topic, choose the appropriate glass vessel for a candle. Alternatively, you can take a square vase, glass, jam jar or mug.

It is better to use forms that have a diameter of at least 5 centimeters (which will prevent the flame from being too close to the edges of the vessel);

Look for a transparent or colored shape (the candle will look nice);

Your mold glass must be strong.

For cooking you will need:

Flavoring agent;


Example of a gel candle

As an example, consider preparing an aquarium candle that will contain marine decorations.


Candle gel (several colors are possible);

Several clean decorative items that will be inside the candle and decorate it. Since the theme is marine, you can use, for example, seashells or marine-themed toys.

1. Put the gel for the candles in a water bath;

2. use low heat to heat the gel to 100C;

3. fix the wick with a leg at the bottom of the mold with glue so that the wick is in the middle, which will ensure the best burning of the candle; you also need to fix the wick on top of the mold (you can use ordinary threads);

4. it's time to use decorative objects that you can, as you want to lay out on the bottom of the form - of course, all of them should not be flammable; you can put several items on initial stage, and others a little later;

5. decorative items inside the candle should not be placed closer than 6 millimeters to the wick, and preferably closer to the walls of the form, so that they can be better seen;

6. before you start pouring the gel, it is advisable to warm up the mold, and this can be done with a hair dryer - this way you can get rid of the bubbles;

7. watch the temperature of the gel, and when you cool it down to 80-90C, you can start slowly pouring in the candle;

* the most the best option will be filled with layers, i.e. first, pour in a little gel and after a while, when the gel at the bottom of the mold hardens a little, you can fill in a new layer, and so on until the mold is filled;

* wait a long time if you do not want to see the boundaries of the layers;

* if you use several colors, then you can make them smoothly shimmer in the form, while you also need to wait a little until the bottom layer hardens a little, otherwise the paints will mix;

8. you can use the candle in a day.


* melt the wax only in a water bath and follow the instructions of the mold or wax, as the temperature at which the wax melts depends on factors such as: the quality of the wax and the shape, as well as the type of candle you want to make;

* overheating of the wax is dangerous to health and its vapor can ignite if the temperature reaches 180C;

* for extinguishing burning wax DO NOT use water- use a rag.

* use a clean and dry form;

* the souvenirs you want to decorate the candle with must be clean and non-flammable (you can wash them with warm mineral oil).