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Harmful production. Finds (List) of harmful industries and professions

We do not take a bad planet that gave us life, feeds us and gives all means for existence. A person is very often trying to turn his habitat in a rapid garbage. And usually it turns out. Forests are cut down and animals are destroyed, the rivers are polluted with poisonous drains, and the oceans turn into trash dumps.

Some cities in which we live are similar to the illustration of the horror movie. They have multicolored puddles, stiff trees and air saturated with poisonous emissions. People in such cities live long, children are sick, and the smell of exhaust gases becomes the usual aroma.

Our country does not differ in this regard from other industrial countries. Cities where chemical or any other harmful production is developed, are a sad sight. We accounted for a list for you, which entered the dirtiest cities of Russia. Some of them can be said that they will endure real ecological disaster. But the authorities have no business before, and the locals seem to have already accustomed to live in such conditions.

For a long time the dirtiest city of Russia Dzerzhinsk was considered in the Novgorod region. In this village earlier, chemical weapons were made, it was closed for the surrounding world. For decades such activities in the soil, so much of different chemical rubbish has accumulated that the locals rarely live up to 45 years. However, we make our list, based on the Russian counting system, and it takes into account only harmful substances in the atmosphere. Soil and water into account are not accepted.

Opens our list the city, which all its short history is firmly associated with metallurgy, heavy industry and the reinforcement of the first five years. The city has a Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine - the largest similar company in Russia. It is on his share a large part of harmful emissions, which poison the life of citizens. In total, about 255 thousand tons of harmful substances fall in the urban air every year. Agree, a huge number. The factory has numerous filters, but they have little, the concentration in the air of nitrogen dioxide, soot exceeds the norm several times.

At the ninth place of our list there is another Siberian city. Although Angarsk is considered quite prosperous, but the ecological situation is sad here. The Chemical Industry is extremely developed in Angarsk. It is actively recycled by oil, many machine-building enterprises, they also harm nature, and in addition, a plant is located in Angarsk, which is engaged in the processing of uranium and spent fuel from nuclear power plants. Neighborhood with such a plant has not added anyone to anyone. In the urban air, 280 thousand tons of poisonous substances fall each year.

At eighth place there is another Siberian city, in the atmosphere of which 290 thousand tons of harmful substances fall annually. Most of them are ejected by stationary sources. However, more than 30% of emissions fall on cars. Do not forget that Omsk is a huge city with a population of more than 1.16 million people.

The industry began to grow rapidly in Omsk after the war, as dozens of enterprises from the European part of the USSR were evacuated. Now in the city a large number of Enterprises of ferrous metallurgy, chemical industry and mechanical engineering. All of them pollute urban air.

This city is one of the centers of Russian metallurgy. Many of the enterprises have outdated equipment and seriously poison air. The largest metallurgical enterprise of the city is the Novokuznetsky Metallurgical Combine, it is also the main air pollutant. In addition, the region is quite developed by the coal industry, which also gives many harmful emissions. Residents of the city consider the bad environmental situation in the city - one of the main problems.

In this city, the largest metallurgical plant in Europe (NLMK), which throws a huge amount of pollutants into the air. In addition to him, there are several more large enterprises in Lipetsk, which contribute to the deterioration of environmental conditions in the settlement.

Every year 322 thousand tons of various harmful substances fall in the city air. If the wind blows from the side of the metallurgical plant, then a strong sulfide smell is felt in the air. True, it should be noted that in last years The company has certain steps to reduce harmful emissions, but there are no results yet.


In the fifth place of our list dirty cities of Russia There is a Ural settlement. How it becomes clear from the name of this city, it is mined and processed asbestos, and also produce silicate brick. Here is the world's largest plant, which mines asbestos. And it was these enterprises that led the city to the edge of the ecological catastrophe.

Every year more than 330 thousand tons of hazardous substances are emitted into the air, most of these emissions fall on stationary sources. 99% of them fall on one enterprise. You can also add that asbestos dust is very dangerous and can cause oncological diseases.

In this city there are chemical and metallurgical giants: "Cherepovets Nitrogen", Severstal, Severstal-Metiz, Ammophos. Every year, they emit about 364 thousand tons of substances dangerous to the air. The city is very large, the number of respiratory, heart and cancer organs.

The situation is particularly worsening in spring and autumn.

At the third place of our list is the city of St. Petersburg, in which there are no large industrial enterprises or especially harmful productions. However, it is true here: in the city a very large number of cars and most emissions are exhaust gases of cars.

Road traffic is incorrectly organized in the city, cars are often idle in traffic jams, poisoning air. Motor transport accounts for 92.8% of all harmful emissions in the air of the city. Every year, 488.2 thousand tons of harmful substances fall into the air and it is much more than in the cities with the developed industry.

In second place in terms of pollution ambient There is a capital Russian Federation - Moscow city. There are no large and hazardous industries, do not produce coal or heavy metals, but every year about 1000 thousand tons of harmful substances are thrown into the air in the air of a huge metropolis. Cars are the main source of these emissions, their share accounts for 92.5% of all harmful substances in the Moscow air. The air of the car is particularly strongly polluted during the many hours of standing in street traffic jams.

The situation worsens every year. If the situation is developed further, then soon it will be impossible to breathe in the capital.

In the first place of our list the most polluted cities in Russia, with a very large margin is the city of Norilsk. This settlement, which is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, already long years It is the leader among the most disadvantaged in terms of the ecology of Russian cities. This recognizes not only domestic experts, but also foreign environmentalists. Many of them consider Norilsk a zone of ecological disaster. In the past few years, the city is included in the leaders the most contaminated areas on the planet.

The reason for this situation is quite simple: the city is located in the city Norilsk Nickel, which is the main polluter. In 2010, 1,923,900 tons of harmful waste were thrown into the air.

Studies conducted several years ago showed that the level of heavy metals, hydrogen sulfide, sulfuric acid exceeds the safe level several times. In total, the researchers counted 31 harmful substances, the concentration of which exceeds the permissible norm. Plants and living creatures slowly die. In Norilsk, the average life expectancy is ten years less than the average country.

The dirtiest city in Russia - video:

On September 29, 1957, the first radiation accident in production happened in the USSR. PE occurred in the closed city of Chelyabinsk-40 (Ozersk) at the Chemical Combine "Mayak". The explosion occurred in tanks for radioactive waste, which was built in the 1950s.

This reservoir contained about 80 cubic meters of highly radiant nuclear waste. As a result of the cooling system failure, an explosion occurred. Radioactive particles were thrown into a height of 1-2 kilometers. Within 10-11 hours, radioactive substances fell out 300-350 km in the northeast direction from the explosion site.

In the zone of radiation pollution, the territory of several enterprises of the Mayak plant, military town, a fire station, a colony of prisoners and further territory of 23,000 square meters, was the territory of several enterprises. km with a population of 270,000 people in 217 settlements of three regions: Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and Tyumen. Chelyabinsk-40 himself did not suffer. 90% of radiation contaminants fell out on the territory of the Chemical Combine "Lighthouse", and the rest was dissipated further.

On this occasion, SmartNews amounted to a list of the most dangerous industries in Russia.

Production of chlorine

This substance is extremely important raw materials in the chemical industry. It is necessary for the production of many organic and inorganic substancesand also actively used in pharmaceutical. The annual consumption of chlorine in the world is calculated tens of millions of tons.

But Chlorine has one unpleasant feature - he is extremely poisonous. First world War It was applied for the first time as a combat poisoning substance. If the gas inlet is in light, there is a burn of lung fabric and choking. It has an irritating effect on the respiratory tract already at a concentration in the air about 0.006 mg / l.

For this reason, any enterprise producing or using chlorine in its processes can carry a potential threat. Of course, there are unprecedented security measures in such industries, but the fact of the accident may not be excluded. In addition, chlorine is transported daily throughout the country in huge railway tanks.

The largest plants for the production of chlorine are concentrated in Volzhzhsky federal District. The plants of the Kaustik enterprise are located in Sterlitamak and Volgograd, and the capacity of Sur-Neftekhim OJSC and Soda-Chlorat are located in Dzerzhinsk and Berezniki, respectively.


Video: Rianovosti on YouTube

Chlorine poisoned in Georgia lying under droppers

Ammonia production

Everyone is widely known as a sharp and suffocating the smell of aqueous solution of this substance in the water - amazing. Ammonia is a very valuable and important raw material for organic chemistry and fertilizer production. Therefore, its production is traditionally very high all over the world. At the same time, one tenth of all world ammonia factories is in Russia.

However, ammonia in large concentrations is very dangerous for humans. When the content of ammonia in air in an amount of 280 mg / m3, the respiratory tract irritation occurs, and in an amount equal to 490 mg / m3, the eyes be hurt. It is worth the ammonia to act on a person at a concentration of 1.5 g / m3, as the toxic pulmonary swelling begins. In addition, this gas has a neuro-paralytic effect.

In Russia, the top of the largest producers of ammonia are "Tolyattiazot", NAC "Nitrogen" and "Acron". Their plants are located in Tolyatti, Novomoskovsk and in Veliky Novgorod, respectively.


Video: Ntdrussian on YouTube

Ammonia leak in Ukraine: 5 dead

Benzol production

Benzol is widely used in industry, as the feedstock for the production of drugs, various plastics, synthetic rubber, dyes. Although benzene is part of crude oil, industrial scale It is synthesized from its other components.

For a person, benzene is a huge danger, as it has toxic and carcinogenic properties. Moreover negative consequencesDepending on the dose, they can come almost instantly, and they can come through many years.

At very high concentrations - almost instant loss of consciousness and death within a few minutes. If the human body is exposed to the long-term effects of benzene in small quantities, the consequences can also be very serious. In this case, chronic poisoning benzene can cause leukemia and anemia.

The main manufacturers of this substance: Sibur-Neftekhim (Nizhny Novgorod region) and Nizhnekamskneftekhim (Nizhnekamsk).

Disposal of nuclear fuel

All nuclear reactors operate on TVelah - fuel elements. They are rods containing "tablets" from uranium compound. Before they are not placed in the reactor, they do not represent any danger.

But after the fuel generates its resource, its radiation level rises repeatedly. Fuel cells begin to heat independently large temperatures. Therefore, after extracting from the active zone of the reactor, it is kept from 2 to 5 years in a special exposure pool. Then the cooled rods are buried in special grains. They are in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tomsk, Ulyanovsk and Tver regions.

In the spent fuel rods, in addition to uranium, and another heavy metal - plutonium-239. It generates a radioactive background with a radius of several centimeters. Even a piece of fabric can be protected from such radiation. But the hit of just one millionth of the gram of this substance in the body can be fatal. It is postponed in lungs, liver and bones. And almost certainly causes cancer. The half-life of this radioactive metal is 24,110 years. And iodine-129, which is also contained in nuclear waste, - 16 million years.

In Russia, there is a thousand one hundred cities. This is the data of the last census of the population. 12 cities - millionaires, 25 major cities where more than five hundred thousand people live and 36, in which less than half a million people.

The rest have the population and is less. It is worth noting that almost 800 cities have the status of small. But in which of the cities is it difficult to breathe? What is the most environmentally polluted?

In the list of the 35 most environmentally friendly settlements Planets Most of the positions occupy Russian cities. The main reasons for pollution are emissions of industrial enterprises and coal mines, as well as automotive exhaust. Among the dirtiest cities of Russia are Moscow, and its southern part is especially celebrated, there is also a "black list" St. Petersburg, Norilsk, Volgograd, Tomsk, Nizhny Novgorod and others. In the air of these cities content harmful impurities Tens of times higher than the maximum permissible norms. Naturally, it shortens the life of citizens, heavily undermines health and worsens the quality of life.

Have nothing to breathe

Most dirty city In Russia - Norilsk. This is a city with a population of all two hundred and one thousand people. Norilsk refers to large Russian cities. The city lives the Mining and Metallurgical Company Norilsk Nickel is a city-forming enterprise. It's no secret that this city is called the largest center of the country for the extraction of nickel, copper, palladium, cobalt, osmia, gold, platinum, silver, rhodium, ruthenium and iridium. The company produces approximately 35 percent of palladium used in the world, as well as 25 percent of platinum, 20 percent of nickel and 10 percent of cobalt. In terms of these metals, Norilsk Nickel produces technical sulfur, selenium, sulfuric acid and tellurium. It turns out that in one, small city, it is hardly extracted half of the Mendeleev table.

Many environmentalists argue that Norilsk is on the verge of an environmental catastrophe. Here in tens, and in places and hundreds of times, all maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances are exceeded. The essential indicator is perhaps the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. These are 2 percent of world emissions. And it is in one place! All mining enterprises are emitting particularly poisonous substances into the air, and some of them fall into the city's territory. That is, particles inhale the inhabitants of the city every second. For example, the concentration of formaldehyde in air is higher than the maximum permissible 120 times, sulfur dioxide is 36 times, and nitrogen dioxide is 28 times. However, not only people, but plants and soil suffer. Experts examined the fauna around the profilators and sanatoriums - there are several times the dose of heavy metals in mushrooms and plants is exceeded. For visual example, Near the "Vasilek" pretext in the mushrooms three times exceeded the ruler, in 190 times zinc and 246 times copper, a little less "overdose" of harmful substances in blueberries.

In men living in Norilsk, the average life expectancy is 45 years old. Low more - in women. Many citizens have a life complicated by severe diseases, such as bronchial asthma. Distributed in Norilsk and oncological diseases. Well, the worst thing is that most of the kids are already born with psychological and physical defects.

However, the culprit of environmental pollution is not only mountain metallurgy and enterprises. Norilsk is located behind the polar circle, where the average temperature in January is minus 31 degrees. And the period of persistent frost lasts 280 days a year. It turns out that with such cold, the city constantly needs heating, and residential buildings, enterprises. Heble with coal or gas.

Pencing the man, workers of the metallurgical plant, go to the achievement of 45 years of age. But, experts say, this age is considered remarkable and few people live to him. Many to avoid torment, simply make scores with life. Heavy labor, small in the northern standards of salary, severe diseases of the relatives, and, most importantly, newborn babies. Plus to the whole taste of sulfur in the mouth daily.

Potentially dangerous

Another city of Russia, which is in the "black list" by ecologists. This is Dzerzhinsk of the Nizhnegorodsk region. City with developed chemical industry. During the Cold War in the city of Chemiks, chemical weapons were made, so the environment turned out to be contaminated with lead, phenol, zarin. Industrial enterprises Leave a pair of heavy metals in the air, and this causes irreparable damage to residents not only Dzerzhinsk, but also the Regional Center of Nizhny Novgorod. After all, dirt in huge quantities goes to the capital of the Volga region and fills the atmosphere by carcinogens.

Emissions without demand

Two more cities of Russia from the list of the most dirty are on Far East. This is Dalnegorsk and the ore marina. Here, residents are tormented from lead poisoning. It happens because of the old metallurgical plant, as well as imperfect and, as a result, a dangerous way of transporting lead concentrate.

Wind in Norilsk

In the city with enterprises, harmful substances are periodically emitted. Because of this, the air is far from perfect, often, about emissions. Locals are not aware.

Guilty found

Source negative impact on the health of people and the environment, specialists say, are not only industrial emissions, but also automobile transport. It accounts for more than 40 percent of all emissions. According to Rospotrebnadzor, about 12-13 million tons are discarded per year. It is not difficult to guess where harmful substances are then settled.

In Russia, an average of 58 percent of the population of cities experience the impact of a high level of air pollution. In the Astrakhan, Orenburg, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Samara regions, Khabarovsk, Kamchatsky, Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Chuvash Republic has already been subject to 75 percent of the population of urban districts. And 100 percent of the impact felt residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

There are such regions, people in which are not strongly suffering from dirty air, that is, environmentally safe. These are the Republic of Karelia and North Ossetia-Alanya, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kostroma, Moscow, Leningrad, Murmanskaya, Pskov, Novgorod, Smolenskaya, Yaroslavl, Tambov region, as well as the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District.
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Last week, the Ministry of Environment in the State Environmental Protection Name called the city of Russia with the most dirtiest air. Krasnoyarsk, Magnitogorsk and Norilsk were the most dangerous to accommodation with cities. In total, Russia has 15 of the most contaminated territories, which, according to environmental evaluations, are most adverse from the point of view above all atmospheric air and waste accumulation.

On the black list of the most dirtiest cities, Norilsk, Lipetsk, Cherepovets, Novokuznetsk, Nizhny Tagil, Magnitogorsk, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Bratsk, Novocherkassk, Chita, Dzerzhinsk, Mednogorsk and Asbest.

Krasnoyarsk called the "environmental disaster zone"

Alas, but today the Krasnoyarsa is literally choking in emissions. The reason for this is the active work of industrial facilities, plants and vehicles.

Krasnoyarsk, being the center of the East Siberian Economic Area, belongs to major industrial and transport cities, its environmental situation is in an extremely intense state. Over the past year, the ecology of this millionth city has deteriorated even more. Within the framework of a special project "Practical Ecology" in this Siberian city, an analysis of the environmental situation was carried out.

The study of pollution was performed using air sampling. If in 2014 only 0.7% of these samples had excess, then in 2017 this figure rose to 2.1% - that is, 3 times. Sounds frightening. In the same report, by the way, it is also said about the increase in the number of cancer patients in the city of about 2.5% per year. And by the end of 2017, this number can reach 373 patients per 100 thousand inhabitants.

Magnitogorsk, the most ecologically unfavorable city of the Urals

The unfavorable state of atmospheric air in the city determines emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, the main source of which, of course, is OJSC Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine. The city of Magnitogorsk, whose city-forming enterprise has become an industrial giant, is constantly included in the priority list of cities of the Russian Federation with the highest levels of contamination of atmospheric air on benzapiren, nitrogen dioxide, surgelion, phenol.

Norilsk: Environmental crisis in extreme cold weather

This city, which in the 30s built prisoners of the Gulag, can be called a place for extreme. Norilsk with a population of over 100 thousand people is in the frosty Siberian Arctic. The maximum temperature in the summer can reach 32 ° C, and the minimum in winter is below -50 ° C. The city, whose economic framework is the mining industry, completely depends on imported food. Home Industry - Mining precious metals. And precisely because of the production of metals, Norilsk became one of the most polluted cities in Russia.

Norilsk continues to enter the triple the most dirtiest Russian cities, even though after the closure of the nickel plant in June 2016 harmful emissions The atmosphere decreased by a third. This enterprise, located in the historical center, was the oldest asset of Nickel, and it accounted for 25% of the entire pollution of the region. The company annually threw about 400,000 tons of sulfur dioxide into the air. This made Norilsk the main pollutant of the Arctic and one of the ten most dirtiest cities of the planet according to Greenpeace.


Ecology in Lipetsk leaves much to be desired. A significant part of the residential building is located on the right bank of the Voronezh River, while the building of the Metallurgical Combine is on the canopy of the left bank. Thanks to the wind rose with the predominance of the winds of the northeastern destination, some areas of the city are discomfort.

According to official data, more than 350 thousand tons of pollutants fall into atmospheric layers annually. This is more than 700 kilograms per capita. The greatest exceeds have indicators for heavy metals, dioxins, benzapyrene and phenol. The main source of pollution is the Novolipetsky Metallurgical Combine.


Cherepovets is a city with developed industrial production, which, of course, directly affects the environmental situation. Moreover, it is impossible to single out the area, which would be relatively free from industrial pollution, - absolutely all areas feel the influence of industrial zones.

Residents of the city are often feeling nasty smell Industrial emissions, more often than others, brush their windows from black plaque and watch a multi-colored smoke that comes out daily from the plants. In the spring and autumn, the ecological situation in the city is somewhat worsening, which is associated with weather conditions that reduce the dispersion of harmful components, which contributes to their accumulation in the atmosphere.


This is another industrial Russian city, in the center of which is the metallurgical plant. It is not surprising that the ecological situation here is characterized as unfavorable: especially serious air pollution. 145 thousand registered in the city vehicle, gross emission to the atmosphere of which was 76.5 thousand tons.

Nizhny Tagil has long been in the list of cities with the most contaminated harmful substances by air. The maximum allowable value of benzapiren in the atmosphere of the city is exceeded 13 times.


In the past, the abundance of enterprises led to numerous emissions into the atmosphere. Now, 58% of air pollution in the city falls on motor vehicles. In addition to the pollution of urban air, problems in the state of the Ecology of Omsk adds the deplorable state of water in the rivers Om and Irtysh.


In Industrial Chelyabinsk, it is fixed enough high level Air pollution. But this situation is also complicated by the fact that the third of the year in the city of Channel. In hot weather over Chelyabinsk, it was possible to observe the result of the activities of the Electrode Plant, the Chelyabinsk GRES, CHAMK and several Chelyabinsk CHP. The share of power plants accounts for about 20% of all fixed emissions.


The real threat to the ecology of the city remains deep burials of waste of harmful industries and the sludge lake (called the "White Sea") with the waste of chemical production.


The main sources of air pollution in the city are the fraternal aluminum plant, ferroalloy plant, CHP and a fraternal timber-critical complex. In addition, every spring and summer there are regularly forest fireswhich lasts from two weeks to four months.


Three years in a row, this city falls into anti-RECTING. The regional center ranks second in the country after Vladivostok by the number of cars per capita, which is one of the sources of air pollution within the city. In addition, there is a problem of pollution of urban reservoirs.


The main environmental pollutant is the Mednogorsk copper-sulfur plant, which throws into the air a large amount of sulfur anhydride, during sedimentation over the soil of the forming sulfuric acid.


The air of Novocherkasska is the dirtier in the region: every year the city stably enters the list of places with the most polluted atmosphere. There are no blind emissions here, often the wind from the industrial zone blows on the living.


In the city of Asbest, 25% of the world of asbestos chrysotile is mined. This fibrous mineral, known for heat-resistant and at the same time carcinogenic properties, is prohibited in most european countries. Around the clock in a gigantic career 12 km long in Asbesta mined "Stone Len" for the production of asbestos-cement pipes, insulating and building materials, Half which is exported to 50 countries. Local residents do not believe in harm asbestos.