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Syntax and its subject. Main syntactic concepts. Syntax is a section of science on language learning the phrase, offer and text

1. Syntax as a section of language science.

Syntax- This is a section of grammar, which studies the laws and rules for the construction of meaningful statements, the laws of building a connected speech.

Scientists: Lomonosov, East, Ovsyanniko-Kulikovsky, Fortuna, Fortunate, Buslaev, Peshkovsky, Chess. Modern: Salenik, Vintagina, Rosenthal, Leklant, Sirotinin, Golden, Ilyonko

Syntax tasks:

1) study of the relationships and relationships of words in various combinations that form meaningful statements;

2) study of proposals in their structural integrity and qualitative originality.

Syntax sections:

1) phrase syntax; 2) Syntax simple sentence; 3) the syntax of the complicated supply; 4) Complex Syntax; 5) Text Syntax.

The offer is studied by syntax in 4 main aspects:

1) From the point of view of its essence as a special unit of language other than sound, words, morphemes, phrases, i.e. The proposal is studied in its structural all-forming and semantic

peculiarities; 2) from the point of view of its internal device, i.e. The syntactic links and relationships implemented in the proposal are revealed, as well as the minimum pair joints of words, called phrase; 3) from the point of view of systematization, i.e. It turns out what classification discharges include a proposal; 4) From the point of view of those transformations, which are subject to a proposal in changing conditions of communication, for example, transformation on topical membership.

The basic concepts of syntax

Syntactic units are phrase, simple sentence, complex proposal, complex syntax whole, text.

As part of the syntax units, the variable words are used in one of their forms ( sladform), which together form a morphological paradigm of the word.

For example, in offering to the House of Ivanov, drove up on a new car7 words for 5 words, because The pretext is an element of form words and is part of the sentence members.

As part of the phrase or sentence, the wordform acts in the syntax function and is a structural-semantic component.

syntax units - syntaxes.

Syntaxis- (The morphological form of a word is sometimes with a service word) - a unit with certain syntactic semantics.

For example, in the garden, near the river- semantics of location; be unrecognizable to exhaustion- The value of the degree and effect.

Syntax relationships and relationships

The syntactic bonds and relationships between the elements of the syntactic units are the main sign of syntactic constructions.

Syntax communicationthere is an expression of the interconnection of elements in syntactic units. The main types of syntitax is an essay and submission.

For essaycombined syntactically equal components, with submission- syntactically unequal: one acts as the main one, as the dependent.

Uniform members and parts of complex proposals are combined with writing communication, verbose - wordformes in the composition of phrases and suggestions, as well as parts of complex


Writing communicationit happens open. Unites various numbers components, for example, Sergey, Vanya and if there was no school today (you can still add Viti.), I. closed. Minds only two components that are among themselves from the relationship of opposition or compound, but not simple listing, for example I was bored, and I went to walk.

Syntactic relationsthey are divided into predicative and indispose. Predicativerelationships are characteristic of the grammatical foundation of the proposal - to be both faithful.

Non-nativerelationships in turn are divided into writing and supervisory (attribute, object and circumstances). They may arise between components of phrases and offers, both simple and complex.

5. The concept of free and related phrases. Stylistically labeled phrases.

Among the syntax phrases are distinguished by phrases freeand non-free. Free Consist of 2 words that are different members of the sentence and perform different syntactic functions, decompose into part of them. The desired book, lecture on literature, run to quickly;

Related Consist of 2 words that are either phraseologically or syntactically indecomposable, the components perform the function of one sentence. two students, a few books, beat Baklushi, an exam of increased complexity

Stylistically labeled phrases -

Wallpaper glue, Herring Atlantic, credit book.

7. Types of simple supply (proposal of real and irreal modality; affirmative and negative; according to the type of statement; common and unprosted; simple and complex proposals).

Depending on the basis for the basis of the classification, the signs are distinguished by the proposals:

    Depending on the number of predicative units

Simple - consisting of one predicative unit (cladmable, having minor members, non-clad, not having secondary members)

Complex - consisting of two or more predicative units (two-component and multicomponent)

    On the correlation of the subject of thought and its sign

Affirmative - the presence of communication between objects and their signs in real reality

Negative - denying the availability of communication between objects and their signs in real reality. In general-negative sentences, the leaning is denied (with the help of particles is not and or with the help of intonation - Where you bargain! Neither the word I will not tell you. But are not denial! Offers with a repeated particle not in a composite verbal faith: The latitude of his views could not not surprise. - Enhanced approval. Question or exclamation deals with the meaning of generalized approval: Who did not curse station caiders?).In particular negative proposals, any secondary sentence is denied: I don't write laws. Contextual cases - structural proposals are negative, but semantically affirmative: Alas, he does not look for happiness and is not running away from happiness!

3.By type of relationship with objective reality

Proposals with the allocation of real modality - approval of the existence of a fact in the present, past, future ( I am directly moving to the fact that I still have to take).

Suggestions of irreal modality - express the shades of subjective values \u200b\u200b- the assumption, doubt, confidence, the possibility, inability, order. Expressed subjunctive I. imperative challenge (Come to me, Pavel Romanovich, - I told my most crystal tone).

4. For the purpose of the statement:

Narrative - proposals contain a message or description, express a relatively complete thought, which is based on a judgment: The owner came out.

- Questionaging - enter into themselves the question of anyone unknown speaker: Far and you live?There are placed (contain pronoun or hull) and non-nominal (do not contain). Allocate: self-question, questioning and affirmative, questioning and negative, questioningly incentive, questioning and rhetorical.

- Intelligence proposals express the desire to force other people: Think, turn it!

5. Exclamation and non-promotional

Exclamation - proposals in which the content is accompanied by an expression of the senses of the speaker. An exclamation of any offer on the purpose of the statement.

Unknown - do not contain.

6. Common and unpropered

Common - contain secondary members

Unprosted - do not contain

7. Full and incomplete

Full - contain all the necessary members of this sentence structure

Incomplete - do not contain

8. Two supplied and single-part

Twisted - subject + leaving

Single-one major Member

Sophisticated Russian language is learn many sections of sciences: spelling, orphoepium, morphology and many others. This article will help to understand what the syntax is and what he studies.

What is syntax?

Syntax - section of the science of language, which is engaged in the study of the structure and links between parts of speech in phrases and suggestions.

In the themes that syntax exploits the following:

  • Construction and composition of proposals and phrases
  • Types of ties of words inside syntactic units
  • Different types of syntactic units and their role in language
  • The main and secondary members of the sentence, the grammatical basis

Science Syntax appeared only in the 19th century, although development prerequisites were still in antique times. IN different times There were different concepts about the main syntactic unit. Once it was believed that this proposal or phrase, and at another time they took the entire text.

Units of syntax

There are three main syntactic units:

  1. The phrases are two or more words related to the subordination link. Used to describe or name anything, and not a means of narrative. It does not express a complete and complete thought. The phrases are not those words that are subject to and leaving or having a writing. For example, "rain is coming" or "smart and beautiful."
  2. The proposal of a holistic unit that has semantic load and serve for the formation and expression of thought. In Russian, simple and complex offers are allocated. Simple consist only of the subject and faithful, and there are also secondary members of the sentences in complex: definitions, additions, circumstances.
  3. Members of the sentence. Syntax examines members of proposals and their role in the text, so they can also be considered a syntactic unit, one word can be a different member in different proposals depending on the form of words and phrases. The proposals may attend the main and minor members.

Communication in syntax

In phrases and suggestions, all the words and parts of complex proposals are connected with each other. There are two types of syntactic links:

Writing. She binds equal units among themselves. With this connection, part of the proposal can be divided or deleted and the meaning of the proposal will not suffer. For example, the offer "The snow spin slowly and smoothly" can be easily divided into two independent. Snow spin slowly. Snow spinmed smoothly.

Communicative. Binds parts of proposals, one of which is the main one, and the other dependent on it. From an independent part, you can always ask a question to dependent. For example, "The sun, which has already sisted, continued to cover the shore." What sun?

Thus, the syntax is one of the most important parts of the study of the Russian language, because it is it that determines the coupling with honey with words and suggestions.

Syntax as science is a section of grammar, illuminating the syntactic system of the language, structure and the value of syntactic units.

Syntax as a science of syntactic stroke of the language allows you to build and show a system of syntactic units, links and relations between them, from which and how are they are compiled by what means are connected components into syntactic units.

The main concepts of syntax:

Syntactic position. The offer has only one specific syntax position for the deform. (Sasha saw Katya, irrespectability).

Syntax relationship - coordination relationship (correlation). Subject to and learn is not the main thing, they coordinate.

· Equality relationship (equality).

· Subordination relationship (dependence).

· Hierarchy as a type of relationship, inclusion relationship, one level is included in another, more complex. + Subordination relationship (unconditional relationship), a vertex node and a dependent node.

Syntax. addiction

4 aspects of syntax.

1) Formal-structural (refers to an expression plan). Categories Syntax shape (simple / complex, types of apparent, etc.).

2) Semantic aspect. From a substantive point of view in the syntax of the string, the surface structure (form structure) and the deep structure (subtext meaning, author's intentions) are separated. From the point of view, semantic syntax offers a call function, is also named. The proposition is constituting the structure and meaning of the situation. In each bet. - 2 types of nominative value The proposition (the part of the value, K-th transmits the state of affairs in the world, the objective content of the sentence) and the modus (the part of the value that shows the relation of the speaker to the reported, subjective start). Modus: Explacated (verbalized) + non-splitized (non-verbalized).

Semantich elements of the predic-fig structure: Agent Agent; Predicate - what is reported about the subject of speech; The object is an element of action, the situation, the fact that the action is directed; instrumentative tool action; mediatives - with what, the remedy; destination; Counterparty - a member of a symmetric relationship.

3) Communicative aspect. Members current speech membership, subject-straatic membership.

4) Pragmatic aspect. The subject of the characteristic is a communicative goal, for which we say. Foundation, theory Speech acts, John Austin's idea, sirl monographs- 2 Communities, "Arutyunov, Zvezytsev.

The following main questions are solved in the syntax:

1. The connection of words in phrases and suggestions;

2. Consideration of species of syntax;

3. Determination of types of phrases and suggestions;

4. Determining the value of phrases and proposals;

5. Connecting simple proposals in complex.

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More on the topic of syntax as a section of language science. Actual syntactic science problems.:

  1. Historic grammar as a section of science about Russian
  2. 19 Syntax as a section of linguistics. Syntactic units of the language.
  3. 1 morphology as a section of science on language. Grams. Value, grams. Category, grams. the form. Principles of discharge parts.
  4. Sociological and cultural approaches to research on the development of science. The problem of internalism and externalism in understanding the development of science.
  5. Doctor of Philological Sciences, Honored Worker of Science of the RSFSR, Professor B. N. Golovin is well known for philologists, as an original scientist, theorist, author of popular university benefits, devotee of university lyggivistan science.

Every language, including Russian, contains a large number of words. But these linguistic units mean nothing without proper design. And here the syntax comes to the rescue. The main syntax units are just responsible for the grammatical relationship of words in the proposals, which are human speech, written and oral. Knowing this important section of science language will help properly and competently draw up their thoughts. Syntax in the main units of syntax and consider below.

Syntax - a special section of language science

The structure of the syntax units, their value and the interaction studies the grammar section called "Syntax". This word greek origindenoting "drawing up" or "Building". Thus, the section examines how precisely the entire totality of words to build the basic units of syntax - phrase and supply. If this grammar section is absorbed at the proper level, it will be a slender, logical and diverse.

Inseciously, punctuation is associated with syntax. This is a rules system regulating the formulation of punctuation marks. They help share text on suggestions, as well as logically arrange the syntax units themselves.

Main units

The main units of syntax are phrase and supply. Each of them has its characteristics and destination. Also, syntax units include text and complex syntactic.

We'll figure it out that represent the basic units of syntax. The table will help in this.



It does not have a communicative function, serves for grammatical and semantic communication of words among themselves.

The minimum communicative unit serves to design oral and written speech. Possesses predicatence.

One grammatical basis

Two grammatical foundations

Take a network wooden table, brake movement, jump high.

The forest is unusually beautiful today.

He became very sad.

I came to express my reverence.

Nature comes to life: Some of the singing of the birds arrived.


So, we said what syntax is, the main units of syntax. The syntactic relationships are determined how relationships are implemented between the latter. There are two types of communication that can combine words among themselves in phrases that constitute the elements of the sentence: writing and supervisory.

When we talk about the latter, it implies that it is possible to allocate the main part And the one that will depend on it. In other words, the main one from which it is necessary to ask the question depending on which it is placed.

We will analyze examples: Know (what?) exact time. In this phrase "know" will be the main word, "time" - dependent.

I do not know what I will present me tomorrow. Here we are already facing a complex offer with a supervisory link between parts. From the first - "I know" - ask a question to the apparent (what?) "What will give me tomorrow".

Ways to subordination

Implemented communication in several ways. It is most noticeable inside the phrase.

  1. Coordination: when changing the entire syntactic unit, the word forms included in it also change. Wicker basket; Wicker basket, braided basket. Dimensions, adjectives, ordinal numerical and pronoun, adjectives may be dependent in this case.
  2. Control: The dependent word remains unchanged, whereas the main thing can change the grammatical form. Describes the landscape - described the landscape - I describe the landscape - described the landscape. Dependent words: nouns, verbs, adjectives and quantitative numerals.
  3. Adjoint: Communication only in meaning. They went staggering, very beautiful, went to work. Here as dependent will be all

Writing communication

Unlike submission writing communication Connects absolutely equal part. It can be like special combinations of words: flowers and herbs, she walked and rejoiced, and the components of a complex proposal: "The street soon poketed, but anxiety has grown in the house."

Here we do not allocate the main and dependent words, this relationship is framed intonational or with the help of writing unions. Compare: "He walked, cried, did not notice anyone. - He walked and cried." In the first case, only intonation is used, in the second - the Union and (compound connection).

Phrase. Types of phrases

So, it was described above that they represent the basic units of syntax. The phrase is the most minimal of them. It represents two or more words connected in meaning, intonational or grammatically. The phrases are extended from proposals, because they are their part of. This is done as follows: Smelly rain is on the street.

  1. First, the grammatical basis is determined. It is not a phrase. Rain drizzles.
  2. Next, ask questions from subject to: rain (what?) Small.
  3. After that, from the fant: heatsite (where?) On the street.

According to which part of speech, the main word is, all phrases are divided into nominal (oak table, each of the guests is capable of learning); The verbal (walked stumbling, it is clear) and the naster (very fun, right from the road, somewhere in the store).

Also, phrases are divided into simple and complex.

In the first, only one question is possible: the sun (what?) Bright and radiant. Complicated are more common. Compare: read (what?) Magazine (simple) and read (what) Scientific and popular magazine. In the last example of the word magazine, the question is asked for the word scientific and popular, therefore the phrase is complex.

Allocate free and whole phrases. The first are distinguished by the fact that every word from their composition is a full-fledged sentence. The second in the proposal is not divided into components. Only two student students passed the session on perfectly. "Two female students" is essentially a phrase, however, in the sentence acts as subject to, so it can be described as whole.

Not phrase

It should be remembered that phrases are never:

  1. Subject and predicate.
  2. Uniform members of the sentence.
  3. Phraseologisms (do not confuse them with whole phrases, which are one member of the sentence: three sisters, a boy with a girl, etc.).
  4. The combinations of the official word and the independent part of speech: during the day (preposition and noun), as well as (union and pronoun), which is for the neverage (particle and nouctive).
  5. Complex forms: I will read (future time), the highest more relaxed ( comparative), let go (imperative inclination).

Offer and its signs

We already know that the main units of syntax is a phrase and proposal, but the latter is the most important. After all, our speech is precisely from the proposals: we are thinking and talking, making up a connected text.

What is characterized by a proposal as the main unit of syntax? The grammatical basis is the indicator that distinguishes it from the phrase or a simple set of words. This feature is also called predicatence, because it is precisely the legend carrying the reality indicator or the irreality of what is happening. It is expressed through the ignition of the verb.

Also offer as the main unit of syntax is characterized by logical and intonational completeness. it short statement, Design of some thought about the conversation. It is impossible to confuse with the phrase, because in the last logical completeness, it is not traced - it is just a grammatically associated set of words.

Grammatical basis

The grammatical basis is every sentence. This indicator of its structure is the most important characteristic.

The predicative basis can be represented as subject to both the fault and each of them individually.

For example, the offer: "We saw the long-awaited land." There are both main member. A business is a proposal of this type: "It became visible to the long-awaited land." Here, from the base, only the failed - it became visible.

It is by the number of predicative foundations given the most important characteristic: Simple offer in front of us or complex.

Briefly wonder every major dick. The subject shows us the subject of speech, indicates what is said in the proposal. The faithful means what makes it to be, what it is, who or what it is. Three types of this main member are distinguished by structure and meaning: simple and composite, verbal and nominal.

What are the offers

It is the offers for the most part and studies the syntax. The main syntax units are characterized by many parameters.

Regardless of the number of predicative foundations, proposals are allocated:

  1. Objectives. Communicating among themselves, people can report some facts (narrative offers), asking (questioning) or call to any action (wonderful). At the end of such syntactic units, the point, question or exclamation marks are set.
  2. Emotional coloring. Select exclamation and non-promotional offers. It should be noted that the first should not necessarily be extremely motivating. For example, offer: what a mustache situation! We characterize it as a narrative, but exclamation. All wines that, expressing admiration.

Characteristics of simple sentences

Simple sentences are the main units of syntax. We will briefly analyze their most important characteristics.

  1. Single-main or twisted. This will indicate the grammatical basis. If it is represented by one of the members - the proposal will be alone. Otherwise two-part. If the proposal has only subject to or acceptable, it is necessary to specify its type (definitely or vaguely personal, called or impersonal).
  2. Common or not. Secondary members are responsible for this characteristic. If there is at least one of them - the proposal proposal.
  3. Full or incomplete. The latter are characteristic of oral speech: They missed any member. Thus, it is not possible to build a logical chain without adjacent proposals. For example: "Do you read the book?" - "No, magazine". The answer to the question and there is an incomplete offer.
  4. A simple sentence can be complicated. It is also one of its characteristics. The complicating elements are isolated and secondary members, as common and no, also uniform structures, introductory wordscirculation.

Proposals are simple and complex

The Russian syntax is very diverse. The main syntactic units are simple and understand what the difference between them.

If a syntactic unit has one grammatical basis, then it will be a simple sentence. Today, the wind is very much noise. The characteristic of this offer will go according to the plan presented above.

There are cases when a syntax unit consists of several simple. Then it will be a complex proposal.

It is most difficult to distinguish a simple sentence with homogeneous faithful from complex. Here you need to look carefully at the subject. If it is one thing that performs various actions, the offer will be simple. We will analyze examples:

"They walked through the streets of the city and enjoyed familiar freedom." "They walked through the streets of the city, and the familiar freedom attached to them." The first sentence is simple. There is only one predicative basis complicated by homogeneous faithful: they walked, enjoyed. The second offer will be difficult, because the grammatical foundations are two: they walked, freedom gave.

Types of ties in complex suggestions

As it was written above, the main units of syntax are suggestions. If we talk about complex structures, then the type of compound is the most important characteristic. These phenomena also engaged in syntax. The main units of syntax, complex proposals may include parts related to the supervisory and writing. Depending on this, gradation occurs on complex and complex proposals.

We will understand each type in more detail. Composite parts of complex suggestions are equal. This equality provides them with a special, writing. It is expressed in building proposals, writing unions are used. Thus, the question from one simple proposal to another is impossible.

Example: "I want to return everything back, but something constantly prevents me." This proposal is a complex, parts are associated with a configure alliance.

Also, the intonation is also played in the formation of a complex proposal: at the end of each simple supply, it goes down - this characterizes logical completeness.

Complex syntactic whole

What other elements includes a Russian syntax? The main units of syntax are also complex proposals. They consist of elements where one depends on the other. That is, between the simple parts of such a sentence you can always put the question: "Polyanka (what?), To which we came out, was hidden from prying eyes."

This connection is implemented through subordination unions and intonation, which descending to the end of each simple supply.

Do not forget about the fact that there is a non-union connection. It implies the lack of formal elements between parts, only intonation finality: noisy and bursil the river; Courts floating on it feared for their safety.

We disassembled that includes Russian syntax. The main syntactic units, supply and phrase, form other structures called complex syntactic integer. And it, in turn, already forms text. Inside it, as well as in any other syntax element, there are connections both grammatical and semantic and even formal (for example, unions from which the subsequent proposal begins).

What is a complex syntactic whole? This is a group of sentences, simple and complex, logically interconnected by one major thought. Other syntactic integers are a microthem, in which the interim sense is concluded. As a rule, it is limited to paragraphic membership.

There are often cases when text is a syntactic integer. As a rule, these are small stories with one short storyline.

Syntax as science 1. Syntax object. 2. Syntax units. 3. Syntactic relationships. 4. Syntax connections.

Literature 1. Vintagina N. S. Syntax of the modern Russian language. - M., 2003. 2. Modern Russian. Ed. V. A. Beloshapkova - M., 1989. 3. Rosental D. E. Goli I. B. Modern Russian. - M., 2003. 4. Modern Russian language: Exercise Collection. - M., 1990. 5. Sirotinina O. B. Lectures on the syntax of the Russian language. - M., 2006. 6. Sannikov V.Z. Russian Syntax in semantic-pragmatic space. - M., 2008. 7. Zolotov G. A., Onipenko N. K., Sidorova M. Yu. Communicative grammar of the Russian language. - M., 1998. 8. Shmeleva T. V. Semantic syntax. - Krasnoyarsk, 1993. 9. Prydykina A. F. Russian. Syntax complicated offer. - M., 1990. 10. Kustov G. I. Syntax of the modern Russian language. - M., 2007. 11. Vsevolodova M.V. The theory of functional and communicative syntax. - M., 2000. 12. Vintagina N. S.. Text theory: tutorial. - M., 2003. 13. Philippov K. A. Linguistics of the text. - St. Petersburg, 2003.

1. The subject of syntax syntax (from Greek. Drawing up, building, building) is a section of the science of language - which studies, on the one hand, the rules for the linking of words and forms of words, and on the other - those unity, as part of which these rules are implemented, t . e. Syntax units. Syntax is - highest level language that demonstrates language in action; - The only section of the language science that studies communication, the laws of communication of people among themselves.

1. The subject of syntax V. V. Vinogradov: Proposal is grammatically decorated according to the laws of this language, a complete unit of speech, which is the main means of formation, expressions and reports of thought. The following aspects of the syntax study are distinguished: - formal (constructive); - semantic (meaning); - Communicative (functional); - Pragmatic (applied).

2. The syntactic units in Russian science traditionally allocated two main syntactic units - phrase and a simple sentence. Predicativeness is the grammatical essence of the proposal that consists in the complex grammatical valuesrelated to speech act and always having a formal expression. Students listen to a lecture (offer). Hearing lectures by students (phrase).

2. Syntactic units of phrase - an indispotable syntactic unit whose components are the word and form of the word or several forms of words interconnected by the syntactic bond. The phrase performs nominative function. A simple sentence is a predicative syntactic unit consisting of several interconnected syntactic links of words or from one form of the word. Difficult sentence - This is a syntax unit whose components are predicative units, interconnected by the syntactic bond.

2. Syntactic units of syntaxes - this is the minimum indivisible further semantic syntactic unit of the Russian language, protruding simultaneously as a carrier of elementary meaning and the constructive component of more complex constructions. Syntaxisy possesses three main signs: - semantic (meaning of the word); - morphological (grammatical form); - syntax (ability to occupy a syntax position). I drink tea with my wife (addition) with jam (definition) with pleasure (circumstance)

2. Syntax units Text - a complex complex syntactic unit, which is a sequence of language units combined with a general meaning. The main properties of the text are connectedness and integrity. The syntax of the language is engaged in the study of models of proposals and phrases available in this language. Syntax of speech determines which of the possible language models are implemented in a particular context. Student reads a book. The journalist wrote an article. N 1+ VF + N 4 is a structural scheme.

3. Syntactic relations The syntactic units components are located with each other in certain semantic links - syntactic relations that are formally identified, are objectified by the syntactic bond (writing or subordination). All syntactic relationships are divided into predicative and non-nominal. Predicative relationships occur only between the subject and faithful. Winter came. Snow. Non-compliant relationships can be implemented at the level of phrases and suggestions.

3. The syntactic relationship of the variety of non-nominal relations: 1) the semi-limit relationships are established between separate members (for example, involved or camera accompany) and the word to which they belong: My heart, full love, I was ready to jump out of the chest. Looking at the article, I immediately guessed who the author. 2) Actually, relnotivative relationships are established - between words related to writing communication in the proposal: And you, and I (connecting relationships), and not me (interpreting relationship); - At the level of phrases: writing a handle, run fast, white snow.

3. Syntactic relationships Determined (attribute) relationships - dependent word determines the main thing from the quality of the subject of the famous journalist, in Turkish coffee, the desire to learn. Constentive relationships - the dependent word indicates a sign of action (main word) to run quickly, meet in the evening, to forget about the absentness, go to be treated. Object relations - dependent word denotes an application subject or a sign indicated by the main word, an action instrument to draw a picture, read for students, serve dining. Subjective relations - dependent word denotes a manufacturer of action or a state carrier, expressed by the main word Father's arrival drawn by the artist, Sunset, the life of the language. Complimental (replenishing) relationships - dependent word fills the informative failure of the main word at home, becoming sad, to be inconspicuous, admire the evening.

Predicative syntax ratios (subject to both led) (proposal and phrase) Semi-immorative (separate members and the main word) Actually non-levels at the level of the proposal (writing) at the level of phrases. Determined objects.

4. Syntactic bonds - formal-system relations between the components of the syntactic unit, detecting semantic links (syntax relationships), and expressed by means of the language. Types of syntactic relations: - writing; - Communicating.

4. Syntactic bonds 1 When writing components are unifunctional, i.e. they play the same role in creating a syntax design, with a subordination - multifunctional (main and dependent) room under the stairs, room and staircase. 2 writing and supervisory bonds are distinguished by means of expression: - in writing, they are the same at the level of phrases and suggestions, with subordination - different; - writing communication is not expressed by the word forms (only by unions or order of words) rain and snow, rain with snow. 3. Winning communication can be closed (only two components are connected to one-time application, not sister, and brother); - Open (a large number of components are connected, whether it is dreaming, whether it is impaired, whether they are on the eyelashes ...). Communication can only be closed.

4. Syntaxles Communication Communication is implemented in phrase and proposal. In phrase, there is always grammatically independent and grammatically dependent components. The grammatical dependence of one word format from the other is the ability of the word to formally obey the requirements emanating from the categorical properties of the main word. Such connection is also called subdative. At the level of phrases, three types of verification are distinguished: coordination, control, adjoining.

4. Syntactic relations Agreement is such a supervisory connection, in which the dependent word is likened to the chief in all common grammatical forms (sorts, numbers, case). Main signs of communication Agreement: - weak, since the dependent component may be omitted without prejudice to the meaning; - predictive, since. The main word determines the form of the dependent; - optional, since. The definable word is self-sufficient and can do without definition. The coordination can be complete and incomplete: winter day (coordination in kind, number and case) old trees (coordination among and case) nine students (coordination in case)

4. Syntax connections Management is such a verification connection in which the main thing requires a dependent certain form of a case with an excuse or without an excuse. 1. According to the morphological characteristics of the main word: - verbal respect for the enemy; - Subtational sport, attention to others; - Adjective ready for work; - Numbering two comrades; - Adverbial affinity art, sneaking from neighbors. 2. According to the presence / absence of the pretext: - the proposed to see a friend; - It is impossible to talk to the other. 3. If possible, manage various grammatical forms: - The variable management spoke about the university (about the university, about the university); - An unimagative control to move away from the window, go to the shore.

4. Syntax connections Management - multidimensional phenomenon. This is the most controversial connection. 1. Strong and weak management. With a strong control, the presence of dependent word form is predetermined by the lexicogrammic properties of the control word to write a letter, depart from the window, five students. With weak control, the dependent word is used in a particular form, regardless of the lexic and grammatical properties of the main thing to talk in the room (behind the wall, near the cabinet). 2. V. A. Beloshapkova proposed to submit the Office as a set of differential signs: 1) Predictability / unpredictability; 2) commitment / optional; 3) the nature of the syntax relationship between components. Predictable is such a connection in which the main component of its lexicogrammic properties predicts the form of the dependent majority, feel pain. Unpredictable - to go with a friend. Mandatory is such a connection that is manifested regularly, that is, the main word necessarily requires the dependent live in Tomsk, become an engineer. Optional house at the road.

4. Syntactic links The adjoining is such a verification bond that exists between the main and dependent word if the dependent word morphologically does not change and the connection between the words is expressed to lexically turn to the right, go wrapped, the habit of smoking. Communication adjoining is weak, unpredictive, optional. Cases of mandatory adjustment: - Infinitive adjoins the verbs of the will of the will, desire, opportunities, phase verbs wanted to learn, dares, I can help, began to suffer; - Adcharations are adjacent to a number of informative words look decent, behave well, treat friendly; - Adjusts the places are adjacent to the verbs of the location to be far away, to be near. Personal adjoining (N. S. Vintagina): - Current approaching tie with a butterfly; - the parent dates come the fifth of August; - rebuild quantities to go twice; - the accusative time is absent year; - the cleaner number of reading hours; - Sustainable expressions be on a bad account.

Syntactic relations Writing communication Communication at the level of the proposal level Coordination Management Adjustment