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How to find a composite nominal lean. Composite legend

It makes up from the name of the name and verb ligament. The verb-bundle may not be expressed. It can be zero. Summer rainy.

There are 3 types of verb ligaments

1) the verb bunch of "be", which is in any time and tilting. This bunch of B. pure form deprived of its lexical meaning. It may indicate only on the grammatical meaning of inclination, time, face, kind or pure.

I was here \u003d was. Summer was rainy.

2) semi-significant verb ligaments, their lexical importance is weakened by the verbs with a phase value, with a modal value, as well as a semi-significant meaning: recognize, see, be called, seem. The child seems to be sick.

3) full-known verbs. Usually verbs of motion or state. Katya returned from the walk joyful.

Function of the verb ligament in SIS:

1) express modality and syntactic time

2) communicate the associated with the subject

3) Measurement and and full-banned ligaments are involved in the formation of the lexical value of the fag.

1) The name is adjective in full or brief form to a positive, comparative or excellent degree.

He was sick.(I.P.) It seems sick. (Semi-significant bundle + cartonal case)

2) The name of the noun, most often worthwhile in the nominative case, but can stand in the cleaner and other casedes. My brother, teacher. Brother is a teacher.

3) A registered part of speech can be expressed by communion. Most often, the suffering communities of the past time in the edge form are used. The picture is written.

4) The nominal part can be expressed in numeral. Twice two will be four.

5) can be expressed by indirect phrases. The boy was about ten years old.

6) pronouns of different discharges. Today is what number? Petrov is the one that came yesterday.

7) adorption with the value qualitative characteristics subject. The windows were manifest.

Sophisticated faithful

It consists of three or more components, they are built according to certain schemes.

In two-part offers

1) brief adjective + (verb-bunch) + infinitive. He had to come yesterday.

2) Brief adjective + (verb-bunch) + verb "be" + name / communion.

The answer was supposed to be correct.

3) verb + "be" + noun / adjective name.

He dreamed of being a pilot.

4) verb + infinitive (with modal / phase semantics) + infinitive.

He wanted to continue learning.

Types of complex faiths in a single-service sentence.

1) KS + (verb-bunch) + infinitive. It was well resting in the summer.

2) COP + (verb-bunch) + be + adjective name. To do this, you need to be very attentive.

Secondary members offer do not express predicative relationship.

Definition. Type of communication - coordination. Definitions are divided into consistent and uncoordinated. The agreed definitions are associated with the main word of coordination and are expressed in Russian adjectives, communions, pronounced and adjective and ordinal numerical. Uncoordinated definitions They associate with the main word by control or adjustment. The management method is associated with definitions that are expressed by the proposed-case or case of nouns.

Father's house.Inconsistent definition, because Sustained in the genus. Padge.

Polka-dot dress.The inconsistent definition is expressed. SUD in V.P.

There are also definitions expressed by infinitive, adorption and comparative.

House opposite.Definition, pronounced by adhesion, bent. adverb.

Uncoordinated definitions are usually syncretic and are in an input zone.

Road house. Circumstance and addition.

An atypical definition in Russian is an application.

application- Structural and semantic variation of the definition.

Signs of the application:

1) expressed by name noun.

2) defines the subject, i.e. gives him another name.

Sister Valeria.Valeria is the main word, sister - app.

3) may stand before and after the word determined.

4) associated with nouns special species Communication - parallelism forms.

Since the link between the defined nouns and the application is not formally expressed, the problem of distinction arises - where the main word, and where is the application.

The semantics of words is played in distinction.

1) if there is a generic and species concept, the application will be the word that calls the species concept.

Cranberry berry.

2) If one of the words is literary, and another dialect or jargon, then the application is a word with a narrower sphere of use.

Barannik Bekas.Bekas-literary and main thing.

3) If one of the words specifies, clarifies or narrows another concept, then it will be an application.

Engineer roadmaker.Roadfall is narrower on semantics, therefore is an application.

4) If one of the words has a qualitative and evaluation value, it will be an application.

Handsome deer.Handsome-app.

5) if one of the words is an alarm own noun, And the other is a nominal, then the nominal will be an application.

Artist Kramskaya. Kramskaya - the main thing.

6) If the name is self inanimate and the name of the name is nominated, then the application will already be named.

Moscow city.The city is the main thing.

7) The application is a word indicating a profession, nationality, relationship, age, etc.

Antique surgeon.

8) A separate sentence member will always be an application.

Casting brother, Ivan, something masterful.

Addition - a grammatically dependent minor member of the sentence, which denotes a grammatically dependent subject and, as a rule, is expressed by the name by the nouns or pronouncing nouns.

Supplement is associated with the main word connection type control, usually stands after the defined word and denotes the object to which the action is sent.

Additions are divided into direct and indirect. Direct and indirect addition varies in the same way as direct and indirect object values.

Object value can be combined with

Book reading.R.P. Indirect addition.

From the ground there was a smell of dried herb.Walking from the ground. From what? Supplement indirect. Where? From the earth. Circumstantial value.

In fact, the addition can be expressed by any part of speech, including infinitive. If the addition is expressed by an infinitive, then this is the adjoining.

Forests teach to understand nature.Teach what? Understand.

Circumstance- a grammatically dependent minor member of the sentence, which means different signs of action or the degree of manifestation. It is expressed, as a rule, by adverch or a proposed-case of the noun.

By communication method, this is an adjoint or weak management. It is more often in the postposition in relation to the Word, on which it depends, but may be in the preposition. Most often depends on the verb, less often - from a qualitative adjective, adverb or state categories.

Types of circumstances:

1) image image. Denote a characteristic or method of action. Answer questions: how? how? how? The drums threatened hard.Depends on the verb.

2) measures and degrees. Denote a quantitative characteristic of action or a sign. Answer questions: to what extent? in what degree? how much? The room is very quiet.Quiet to what extent?

3) places. Indicates a place of action, direction or path of movement. Answers questions: where? where to? where? We lived in the forest. Begg in the forest is useful for health.

4) of time . Indicates the time of action and its duration. Answers questions: when? how long? since when? How long? I leave tomorrow.

5) the reasons. Denote the cause of action. Answer questions: why? for what reason? Because of the rain, everyone stayed at home.The proposed-case form of noun, management. Syncretic.

6) goals. Denote the goal of action. Answer the question: why? for what purpose? I went to catch the fish.

7) Conditions. Denote the conditions at which the action or condition is possible. Answers the question: with what condition? If desired, it is easy to do.It is often combined with the circumstance of time or with objects. I'll go there only with you.

8) Concessions. Indicates the condition, contrary to which it is possible or a state. Answers questions: despite what? Contrary to what? Despite the rain, the competition took place.Derivative pretext.

Single Suggestions

Only one major Member Suggestions and it expresses GZ Proposal (modality, syntactic time, predicatence). Single Suggestions is structurally full sentences,

Classification of single-parties.

According to the morphological severity of the main member, all single proposals are divided into verbal and nominal. Among the verbs are distinguished: 1) definitely personal 2) non-determined-personal 3) generalized-personal 4) impersonal 5) infinitive

Among name offers Allocated: 1) nominative 2) generative 3) vigative

Glading offers.

Personal single suggestions. In them, the main dick indicates an active manufacturer of action. At the same time, the manufacturer itself is not called to focus on the action itself.

I love the storm in early May.

The main member of the sentence performs three functions:

1) Indicates the subject.

2) expresses a modally-time plan.

3) expresses lexical meaning.

Depending on the nature of the subject, personal proposals are divided into certain personal, vague personal and generalized. A certain subject is expressed by the form of the verb of the first or second person. An indefinite subject is expressed by the form of 3litsa MN.C.

The door is knocking.

Certain Subject - 1 and 2 Person

An indefinite subject - 3ls MN., Just MN.

IN vaguely personal Proposals Subject to think as defined if the subject of the action is not known or it can mention indefinite, even if the subject is known.

IN generalized and personal Offers, the subject can

generalized personal proposals are allocated on the basis of the semantics of the subject, and in form they coincide with definitely or vaguely personal.

Tears of sorrow will not help. After the fight, the fists are not masted.

Nelfade Single Suggestions: Nelic and Infinitive.

Impersonal sentence - A single offer, the main member of which expresses or a state existing independently of the activity and will of the subject. The subject can be named, but cannot stand in the form of a nominative case. I'm cold. Light.

Independent sentences.

Impersonent sentences - This is the most common variety of single-part offers. These proposals are characterized by the greatest variety of both the structure and semantics. Major Member impersonal offer May have a different expression:

1) The verb shape coinciding with a 3M person by university or cfrd, units, etc.

In the pipe howling.

3) a brief suffering communion of medium kind. The room is smashed.

4) The word "no" in combination with the genitive case of the noun can act as a fant. I have no time.

5) modal or phase verb in impersonal form + dependent infinitive. I wanted to sleep. It began to darken.

Infinitive offers - This is a special structural and semantic type of single-part proposals in which the main member of the sentence is expressed by an independent infinitive. Do not catch up with a mad triple.The modality in such proposals is expressed by the form of infinitive and intonation and differentiates with particles. Express the values \u200b\u200bof must, necessity, inability, inevitability. Be rain.Infinitive values \u200b\u200bwith a particle would matter of desirability and caution. Would not be late! Speak!

Similar information.

Predicateconsisting of a nominal part and verb-ligament is called a composite nominal faith.
The verb bunch to be the most used. The bunch in the sentence can be omitted.

Compound nominal leaky which is abbreviated by SIS, consists of two parts:

a) auxiliary part - the bunch expresses grammatical meaning;
b) the main part - the nominal part expresses the lexical meaning.

When analyzing, the faeed is denoted by two horizontal lines.

Nominal part of the composite facility is expressed:
name adjective.
Let us give an example: the road was bad;

name noun.
Let us give an example: a dog is a sure friend;

Comparative degree of adjective.
Let us give an example: her hair is longer than shoulders;

Short turnover paddy communion.
Let us give an example: food is eaten;

Brief adjectives.
Let us give an example: fresh morning;

Let us give an example: the error was obvious;

The name is numeral.
Let us give an example: five five - twenty five;

Let us give an example: this book is yours;

Syntactically solid phrases.
Let us give an example: it fell into the dirt face;

Type of ligament by value:
The grammatical bunch - expresses only the grammatical meaning (time, inclination), does not have a lexical value.

Typical verbs:
Verbs to be, be. In the present time, the bunch should usually be in zero form ("zero bunch"): the absence of a bundle points to the present time of expressive inclination.

We give examples:
She was a teacher.
She will be a teacher.
She is a teacher.
She was a waitress.
She will be a waitress.
She is a waitress.
She is a waitress.
Lyrics have the highest manifestation of art.

Type of ligament by value:
The semi-significant bundle - not only expresses grammatical significance, but also contributes to the lexical importance additional shadesBut to be independently a legend (in that value) can not.

Typical verbs:
a) the emergence or development of a sign: to become, become, to make, become;
b) Saving a feature: stay;
c) manifestation, sign detection: to be, to be;
d) an assessment of a sign in terms of reality: seem to seem to seem to be considered, to hear;
e) Sign name: to be called, be wounded.

We give examples:
He became ill.
He remained sick.
He was sick every fall.
He was sick.
He was considered sick.
He seemed sick.
It is sick.
He walked sick.
They were called patients.

Type of ligament by value:
A significant bunch of verb with a full lexical value (can one act as a faithful).

Typical verbs:
a) verbs of position in space: sit, lie, stand;
b) verbs of movement: go, come, return, wander;
c) verbs of the state: to live, work, be born, die.

We give examples:
She sat tired.
He gone angry.
He returned upset.
He lived herger.
He was born happy.
He died the hero.

Composite nimble leaf - This is a faithful, which consists of two parts:

but) Main part - namedwhich expresses the lexical meaning;

b) Auxiliary part - verb bunch in the hidden form, which expresses grammatical sign Taken: Time and Callation.

She is there was a singer. She is became singer.

Methods for expressing the main part of the composite nominal faith.

The main part of the composite nominal faith It can be expressed by the following forms and parts of speech:

Here are the sounds of explosions it seemed louder. You the kindest in the world.

3. pronouncing or phrase with the main word, pronounced pronoun:

It was something interesting. All happiness - yours.

Her sister married at my friend. They are were relatives.


1) communion and brief forms Adjectives in the sentence are always part of the composite name of the faugible;

2) even in cases where the legend consists of one word - the adverbs or a significant part of speech, then we still have a composite nominal leakable with a zero ligament;

3) The nominative and cleaner case is the most common forms of the main part of the composite name of the facility.

In this article, we will tell about the types of faiths, let's stop in detail on the composite name and its ligaments, we give examples.

As you know, the whole led and subject is the main members. The faithful is usually consistent with the family, and among the subject. It expresses the grammatical meaning of the expressive, imperative or conditional inclination.

The main types of fague:

1) simple verbal;

2) composite verbal;

3) Composite nominal leaky (see examples below).

Two principles of allocation of types of fag

They are divided into two principles. Types of the fadies are classified as follows:

1) in composition;

2) by their morphological nature.

In the first case, these types are separated as simple and composite. The latter includes composite nominal and verbal fags. Based on the second principle, they allocate nominal and verbal. The nominal part of the composite faugible can be expressed by the adjective, nouns and imputs. These divisions intersect. So, composite or simple can be a verbal fault, and the name is always composite.

Simple verbal faithful

The definition of which, as you see, has some nuances, expresses the verb in the hidden form, that is, consumed in the form of inclination (expressive, conditional or imperative). It also includes such options that do not have a formal indicator of time, inclination and subordination to be. These are truncated (tool, sense, baz, etc.), as well as an infinitive used in the meaning of the expiratory ignition. In addition, a simple verbal legend can be represented as well as a hidden fit of the verb + (come on, yes, let it, let it be, as it were, for sure, as if, just, etc.)

Composite nimble leaf

As already mentioned, the registered type is always composite, including those cases when it is only one word form. Despite the fact that the word expressing him, just one thing, in such sentences there is a composite nominal faith. Examples are specified as follows: "He is young. He is concerned about the works, concerns."

Such associates always have two components. The first is a bunch that expresses predicative categories of time and modality. The second is the provincial part, it indicates the real main content of this type of fag.

Bunch in the composite name

The teaching about the bundle in Russian science on the syntax is designed detailed. The peculiarity of the traditional approach is that this term is understood widespread. The bunch, firstly, is called the word "be", the only value of which is an indication of time and modality. Secondly, it is called verbs with modified and weakened in one degree or another, which express not only predicative categories, but also invest in such a lean.

Compare Examples: He was sad - he seemed sad - he returned sad.

In the first sentence, the bundle "be" was distracted, this is the official word, formant, which has grammatical forms of time and inclination, which is characteristic of the verb. However, it is not a verb, since it does not have a procedural action or a sign, as well as the category of the species that has any of them.

Renal and semi-significant bundles

In other examples, the bonds of another type are indicative and semi-significant. The latter make a sign of the sign (to become / become), to save it (remain / remain), external detection (seem / appear), the inclusion of external media (to enjoy / hear, to be considered) to the composite nominal leakage.

Examples can be given as follows: He became smart - he remained smart - he seemed smart - he was smart.

Renal ligaments are verbs with a certain, specific value (mainly denoting motion or stay in one state). They are able to attach to themselves either noun in the tr. with the meaning of high-quality characteristics, or adjective in the form of the TP or I.P.

Proposals with composite nominal fault with a momentous ligaments can be brought as an example:

1. He came hungry (hungry).

2. The boys remained the ruin.

Bunch "Be"

Bunch "Be", being distracted, has no expressive challenge Forms of the present, so its expression in this inclination is the absence of a bundle. Such proposals, oddly enough, also have a composite nominal lean. Examples:

1. The case is in vain.

2. Evening wonderful.

3. The road is good.

It should be distinguished from the bundle of the verb "to", which have two values:

1. To be, indulged (we were in the theater. At that time there were many ideas).

2. To exist (the sister had a doll).

Bundles "Essence" and "Have"

The words "essence" and "there are", which go back to the forms of the present time of the verb "to be", in modern language They are considered service words, namely, particles.

The absence of a bundle is called its zero form. This definition formulated A. M. Peshkovsky, it was the first attempt to study the syntactic phenomena in the paradigmatic aspect. Introduction this concept means that the syntax design (that is, the predicative basis of a certain name is studied not as such separately, but in a certain row. This illustrates the following examples:

1. Street will (was) crowded.

2. The street would be crowded.

3. Street crowded.

Composite verbal legend

We looked at such types of fagged as a simple verbal and composite nominal. Let us now dwell on the composite verbal faith. It includes two components - an infinitive and a hidden verb shape. The latter with its grammatical form and lexical meaning expresses the temporary, modal and aspect characteristics of some action, which is indicated by infinitive. Infinitives can join the verbs belonging to several semantic groups (wanted to work, began to work, came to work, forced to work).

Rules for determining the composite verb

Compound lean, according to grammatical tradition, is not any connection with the infinitive of the hidden form. In order to talk about him, two requirements should be respected:

1. The infinitive in such a surehead means not any action, but only a certain substance, the same as the hidden verb form, that is, a certain subject called by the subject.

Examples can be given as follows. On the one hand, he wanted to work, began to work, can work, knows how to work. On the other hand, the parents forced him to work, everyone asked the girl to sing, the head ordered the task. In the first case, which presents composite verbal fadies, infinitive is customary to be called a subject, since it denotes the action of a substance, the same as the hidden verb form. In the second case, there is an object infinitive, which is traditionally not contributed to the composite tag, but they talk about him as a secondary member.

2. Determining at the composite border, it is necessary to take into account the character, which has semantic relationships between the infinitive and the hidden verb form. Infinitive with a goal value is not included in it. It has such a value with different verbs of movement: came to work, went to chat, came running to find out, sent to find out. Infinitive goals (which can be, as clearly from examples, both object and subject) is a secondary member. Only compounds of infinitive with verbs, the most distracted by the value (with modal and phase) should be considered a composite.

The composite verbal legend is, thus referred to as the designation of action, a certain procedural attribute, which is characterized in aspect (began to work) or modal (wanted to work), or at the same time in both of them (I wanted to start working).

We reviewed the main types of faiths, stopping in detail on the composite name and various bundles that are present in it. It is only short review This topic, more detailed information can be found in any grammar textbook in the Syntax section.

In this chapter:

§one. The main members of the sentence are subject to and led


Substant - this is the main member of the sentence, independent of other members of the sentence. Substate to questions IP.: Who? what?

The proposal is expressed in different ways.

What is pronounced?

The role of the subject or phrase may be subject to be.

Most often subject to pronounced:

1) noun: mother, laughter, love;
2) With words having a function of a noun: noun, which occurred from adjectives or communities: the patient, head, meeting, ice cream, dining room;
3) pronouns: we, no one, something;
4) numeral: three, five;
5) an indefinite form of verb: smoking is harmful to health;
6) phrase, if it matters:
a) compatibility: husband with his wife, duck with ducks, and my girlfriend;
b) uncertainty or universality: something unfamiliar seemed away. Some of the guests covered the window;
c) quantity: 2 million people live in the city;
d) selectivity: any of them could be the first. Most students coped with the control;
e) phraseologism: whites came on white nights.


Predicate - This is the main member of the sentence, denoting what the subject matter is subject to the subject. The legend depends on the subject and consistent with it. It responds to different questions: What does the subject do? What happens to him? What is he? who is he? what it is? What is the subject? All these questions are varieties of the question: What is said about the subject? Choice specific question Depends on the proposal structure.

The faugible contains the most important grammatical characteristics of the proposal: its grammatical meaning.

Grammar meanings - This is the generalized value of the sentence, which characterizes its content from the point of view of two parameters:

  • reality-irradiasis,
  • time.

Reality-irriality It is expressed by the approach of the verb.

  • The verbs in the expressive inclination are characteristic of statements reflecting the real situation: the rain goes., Lights.
  • The verbs in the mastering and in conditional inclination are characteristic of proposals reflecting not real, but a desirable situation. Do not forget the umbrella !, There would be no rain today!

Time - indicator of correlation of the situation with the moment of speech. Time is expressed by the verb forms of the present, past and future time.

Simple and composite legend

The failed in two-part offers may be simple and composite. Composite are divided into composite verb and composite nominal.

Easy faithful - this is a type of faith, which has lexical and grammatical meanings expressed in one word. A simple leap is always verbal. It is expressed by the verb in the form of one of the chances. In the zealing challenge, verbs can stand in one of the three times: the present - the last - the future.

He knows poems by heart.

anonyusing inclination, present. time

He knew poems by heart.

anonyusing inclination, POST. time

He will learn poems by heart.

expressive inclination, Bud. time

You will learn these poems by heart.

imperative mood

In the circle, you would learn poems by heart.

conditional mood

Composite legend - this is a type of faith, which has lexical and grammatical significance expressed different words.
If in a simple verb lexic and grammatical meaning is expressed in one word, then in composite - different words. For example:

Suddenly, the baby stopped singing and began to laugh.

He stopped singing, began to laugh - composite faiths. Words to sing, laugh call action, expressing lexical meaning. Grammatical significance is expressed by the words: stopped, began

Composite faugments are verbal and registered.

Composite verbal legend

The composite verbal fault is called a leakable, consisting of auxiliary word and an indefinite form of verb. Examples:

He finished working.

I want to help you.

Auxiliary words are divided into two groups:

1) verbs with the value of the beginning-continuation-end of action, for example: start, finish, continue, stop, stop;

2) verbs and brief adjectives with the meaningfulness, desirability, need: can be able to want to want to want to want to want to want to want to want to want to want to want to want to want to desire; Glad, ready, must, obliged, intends.

In a composite verbant, auxiliary words express a grammatical meaning, and an indefinite form of verb is the lexical meaning of the fag.

In the event that an auxiliary word serves a brief adjective, then it is used with a bundle. The ligament serves the verb to be. Here are the appropriate examples with a ligament in the past time:

I'm so glad to meet with you!

In the present time, the word is not used, it is descended: a bunch of zero, for example:

I'm so glad to meet you!

In the future, the bunch to be put in the future. Example:

I will be glad to meet with you.

Composite nimble leaf

The component is called a leakable, consisting of a verb ligament and a nominal part. The verbs of the ligaments express the grammatical meaning of the fague, and the nominal part is its lexical meaning.

1. The verb bunch to be expressed only grammatical meaning. Yesterday she was beautiful. In the present, a bunch of zero: she is beautiful.

2. The verbs-bundles become, to become, to be, to be considered, seem to be called, to appear: the house has emerged seemed by the point.

3. Verbs-bundles with the value of movement or location in space: come, come, sit, lie, stand: from work Mother returned to tired., Mother sat thoughtful, sad.

In all these cases, ligament verbs can be replaced with the verb to be. Offers will be synonymous, for example:

Mother sitting thoughtful, sad. Similarly: mother was pensive, sad.

He was considered the most talented of us. Synonymous: He was the most talented of us.

With a similar replacement, of course, all nuances of value are transmitted. Therefore, the language and offers various verbs-bundles, emphasizing various shades of values.

The combination of verb-bundles with auxiliary words are possible: she dreamed of becoming an actress.

Name portion of the composite name

The registered part of the composite name of the fag is expressed in Russian in different ways, and that is paradoxically, not only by names. Although the most common and characteristic is to use as a nominal part of the composite named is the names of the name: nouns, adjectives, numerical. Naturally, the names can be replaced by pronouns. And since the role of adjectives and communities is similar, along with adjectives can also be involved. Also in the nominal part are imposed by adverbs and nouting combinations. Examples:

1) Natural name: Mother is a doctor., Anastasia will be an actress.,

2) Adjective name: It grown strong and beautiful.,

3) Numbered name: twice two four.,

4) Pronoming: You will be mine. Who was none, he will become everyone ("International").,

5) Communion: the essay turned out to be lost., The daughter was cured finally.,

6) adverb and nouting combination: shoes were fit., Pants turned out to be just.

In the nominal part can be not only separate words, but also syntactically indivisible phrases. Examples:

She ran into the room with a fun face.
She was sitting with thoughtful eyes.

It cannot be said: she ran away with her face. She sat with his eyes., Because the phrases with a fun face and with thoughtful eyes are syntactically indivisible - this is a registered part of the composite name of the facility.

Sample forces

Find out how you understood the content of this chapter.

Total test

  1. What members of the proposals are considered the main?

    • supplementary
    • definition, circumstance and addition
    • subject and predicate
  2. Could it be expressed by the words that occurred from adjectives or communities: head of Patient, in love?

  3. Maybe whether to be expressed by phrases, for example: we are with friends?

  4. What subject to the sentence: Any of you can prepare for the exam and successfully pass it.?

    • any
    • any of you
  5. What specifications are included in the grammatical value of the sentence?

    • reality - unreality and time
    • view and Time
  6. Is it true that a simple verbal leaky is a lexic and grammatical meaning expressed by one verb?

  7. Is it true that the composite is a predicate is a special type of fague, whose lexical and grammatical significance are expressed by different words?

  8. I can not help you.?

    • simple verbal
    • compound verb
    • composite name
  9. What a failed in the sentence: He was always considered serious.?

    • simple verbal
    • compound verb
    • composite name
  10. What a failed in the sentence: Two by two is four.?

    • simple verbal
    • compound verb
    • composite name