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Own or nominal nouns names. Own and nominal names nouns in Russian

  • word or phrase intended for the name of a specific, well-defined item or phenomenon that allocates this object or phenomenon from a number of one-type items or phenomena
    it may be a geographical name, the names of the celestial bodies, periodicals, the name of the person, the surname, etc.
  • Own (actually name) - Name, names, animal nicknames - with a capital letter: Moscow, Russia, Volga, Planet Earth, Ball and Matroskin, Dobrynya Nikitich. Menantic, what was called to determine the subject or action, written with a small letter, city, railway, ps, river, girl, dad.
  • Name own is the name of a noun, pronounced by a word or phrase, calling a specific object or phenomenon. Unlike the name of the nominal, denoting the whole class of objects or phenomena, the name is its own intended for one, a completely defined object of this class. For example, a book is a noun name noun, while the war and the world is own. The word river is a nominal name, but Cupid is a name its own. Names of their own names of people, surnames, patronymic, book titles, songs, movies, geographical names. Names are written with a capital letter. For some types of own names, quotes are needed. This refers to the literary works (Evgeny Onegin), the pictures (Mona Lisa), films (one old men go to battle), theaters (varnight), and other types of nouns names. When translating their own names into other languages, transcription and transliteration methods are used: Gogolya-Street (Gogol Street), Radio Mayak (Radio Lighthouse). In English, own names are not allocated specifically with quotes. Names Own and nominal names are not separated from each other with an impenetrable wall. Own names can go to the names of the nominal, and vice versa. For example, the word avatar was just a none name, until they shot the movie Avatar. Now this word, depending on the context, plays the role of a nominal or own name of the noun. Schumacher - the surname of a certain race car driver, but gradually Schumachers began to call all fans of fast riding. In the names of the nominal from the names of their own commercial signs, which are unique manufacturers of a certain type of product or simply monopolists. A bright example is Xerox, producing electrophotographic copiers. This firm exists to this day, but now they call all the copiers in general.

    The name of the noun is one of the most important parts of speech both in Russian and in many other Indo-European languages. In most languages, nouns are divided into their own and nominal. This separation is very important, since these categories have different spelling rules.

    The study of nouns in Russian schools begins with a second class. Already at this age, children are able to understand what their own names are different from the names of the nominal.

    Usually, students are easily absorbed by this material. The main thing is to choose interesting exercises, when executing which the rules are well remembered. In order to properly distinguish the names of the nouns, the child should be able to generalize and attribute familiar items to a specific group (for example: "Dishes", "Animals", "Toys").


    To the names of their own in modern Russian Traditionally, it is customary to attribute names and nicknames of people, animal nickling and geographical names.

    Here are typical examples:

    Own name can answer the question "Who?", If we are talking about people and animals, as well as the question "What?", If we are talking about geographical names.


    Unlike the names of their own, nominal names denote the name of a particular person and the name of a particular settlement, but the generalized name of a large group of items. Here are classic examples:

    • Boy, girl, man, woman;
    • River, village, village, village, Aul, Kislak, city, capital, country;
    • Animal, insect, bird;
    • Writer, poet, doctor, teacher.

    Nortional nouns can be responsible as a question "Who?" And the question "What?". Usually in the exercises to distinguish younger schoolchildren it is proposed to choose suitable nominal names for the names of own, eg:

    You can build a task and vice versa: pick up the names your own to the nominal.

    1. What do you know Dog Cleaver?
    2. Your favorite names of girls?
    3. How can the cow call?
    4. What are the villages in which you visited?

    Such exercises help children quickly assimilate the difference. When students learned to distinguish some nouns from others quickly and correctly, you can move to the study of spelling rules. These rules are simple, and primary school students are well absorbed by them. For example, this can help the guys a simple and memorable poem: "Names, surnames, nicknames, cities - everything from the capital letters always writes!".

    Rules of spelling

    In accordance with the rules of the modern Russian language, all names are written only from the capital letter. This rule is characteristic not only for Russian, but also for most other languages \u200b\u200bof Eastern and Western Europe. Capital letter at the beginning Names, surnames, nicknames and geographical names are used to emphasize respect for each person, animal, settlement.

    Nortional names nouns, on the contrary, are written from the lowercase letters. However, exceptions are possible from this rule. Usually it happens in fiction. For example, when Boris Sadded the book of Alan Milna "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all", the Russian writer deliberately used uppercase letters in writing some nominal names, for example: "Big Forest", "Great Expedition", "Farewell evening". The goal did it in order to emphasize the importance of certain phenomena and events for fabulous heroes.

    This is often found in both Russian and translation literature. Especially often such a phenomenon can be seen in adapted folklore - legends, fairy tales, epic. For example: "Magic Bird", "Molding Apple", "Drevy Forest", "Gray Wolf".

    In some languages, capitalization - using a capital letter - In writing names can be applied in different cases. For example, in Russian and some European languages \u200b\u200b(French, Spanish) traditionally, it is customary to write the names of months and days of the week with a small letter. However, in English, these nominal names are always written only from the capital letter. Also, writing nominal names from the capital letter is found in German.

    When own names become nominal

    In modern Russian there are situations when own names can become nominal. This happens quite often. Here is a classic example. Zoil is the name of an ancient Greek criticism, which very skeptical about many works of modern art and scared the authors with his ulcer negative reviews. When antiquity went into the past, his name was forgotten.

    One day, Pushkin noticed that one of his works literary critics perceived very ambiguously. And in one of his poems, he ironically called these critics "My Zoila", implying that they are bile and disadvantaged. Since then, the name of the own "Zoil" has become nominable and used when it comes to a person who is unfair to criticizing something scolding something.

    Many names from the works of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol became nominalized. For example, "plush" is often called stingy people, and "boxes" - the elderly women of the near-mind mind. And those who love to turn in the clouds and is not at all interested in reality, they are often called "manile". All these names came to Russian from the famous work "Dead Souls", where the writer brilliantly showed a whole gallery of landlord characters.

    Own names become nominal quite often. However, it happens on the contrary. The name of the nominal can be own, if it turns into a nickname of an animal or a nickname of a person. For example, a black cat can call "Gypsy", and the faithful dog is "friend".

    Naturally, these words will be written from a capital letter, according to the rules for writing their own names. Usually this happens if the nickname or nickname is given due to the fact that the person (animal) has some pronounced qualities. For example, the donut was called so because he had an overweight and looked like a donut, and the Sypropicon was due to the fact that he loved to drink sweet water with syrup.

    Distinguish the names of their own from the nominative is very important. If younger schoolchildren do not learn to this, they will not be able to properly apply capitalization when writing their own names. In this regard, the study of nominal and own nouns should occupy an important place in the school program of the Russian language as a native and as a foreign one.

    Own name is name Noun, expressed by a word or, calling a specific subject or phenomenon. Unlike the name of the nominal, denoting all the objects or phenomena, name Own is intended for one, quite a certain object of this class. For example, "" is a nominal name The noun, whereas "War and Peace" - own. The word "river" is name nominal, but "Amur" - name Own. The names of the names of people, patronymic, names of books, songs, movies, geographical names can be their own. Own names They are written with a capital letter. For some types of own names, quotes are needed. This refers to literary works ("Eugene Onegin"), the pictures ("Mona Lisa"), films ("Only old men go to battle"), theaters ("variety"), and other types of nouns names. When transferring our own names to others Languages \u200b\u200bare used transcription methods and: Gogolya-Street (Gogol Street), Radio Mayak (Radio "Lighthouse"). In the names of your own are not allocated specifically. Own names And the names are nominable are not separated from each other with an impenetrable wall. Own names Can go to the names of the nominal, and vice versa. For example, "Avatar" was just a none name, until they were removed "Avatar". Now this word, depending on the context, plays the role of a nominal or own name of the noun. "Schumacher" - the surname of a certain race car driver, but gradually "Schumachers" began to call all fastest ride lovers. In the names of the homes of their own trademarks, trademarks, which are unique manufacturers of a certain type of product, or simply monopolists. A bright example is Xerox, producing electrophotographic copiers. This company also exists to this day, but "copiers" now call all copiers in general.


    • how do name names are written

    Tip 2: How to determine, own name or nominal

    Nouns names call objects, phenomena or concepts. These values \u200b\u200bare expressed with the help of categories of the genus, numbers and case. All nouns belong to groups of their own and nominal. Own nouns that serve as the names of single items are opposed to nominal, denoting generalized names of homogeneous subjects.


    To determine their own nouns, install whether the name is the individual designation of the subject, i.e. Is it allocated " name»Subject from a number of homogeneous (Moscow, Russia, Sidorov). Own nouns call the names and surnames of the persons and nicknames of animals (Nekrasov, guns, Fru-FRU); Geographical and astronomical objects (America, Stockholm, Venus); , organizations, printed organs (Pravda newspaper, Spartak team, Eldorado store).

    Names Own, as a rule, do not change in numbers and are used only in the only (Voronezh) or only in multiple (Sokolniki). Please note that this rule exists exceptions. Own nouns are used in the form of a multiple number, if they denote different persons and objects called the same (both America, Namesakes Petrov); Persons in related relationships (Fedorov family). Also, its own nouns can be used in the form of a plural, if they call a certain type of people, "dedicated" according to the qualitative characteristics of a well-known literary character. Please note that in this value, the names of the nouns lose the sign of belonging to the group of single objects, so admissible is both the use of uppercase and lower case letters (chikchiki, migraous, peopacine).

    A spelling feature that distinguishes the names of nouns their own, is the use of uppercase and. At the same time, all its own names are always the letters, and the names of institutions, organizations, works, objects are used as applications and consist in quotes (Fedor Shalyapin motor ship, Roman Turgenev "Fathers and Children"). The application may include any parts of speech, but the first word is always from a capital letter (Roman Daniel Defo "Life and amazing Moreler Robinson Cruzo").

    The name noun in Russian has various distinctive features. To show the features of the occurrence and use of certain linguistic units, they are divided into nominal names and their own.


    Northern names are called nouns, which denote the name of certain items and phenomena with a common set of features. These objects or phenomena belong to any class, but themselves do not carry any special instructions on this

    Possessing a certain common set of signs, and calling objects or phenomena for their belonging to this class, but by themselves not carrying any special instructions on this class. The name is nominated in linguistics - usually the same as the appellate.

    Nennaya names are signs of linguistic concepts and are opposed to their own names. The transition of nominal names to its own is accompanied by a loss of a language concept (for example, "Desna" from "Desna" - "Right"). Nennaya names are concrete (table), distracted, or abstract (love), real, or material (sugar), and collective (student student).

    A nominal name may indicate not only the class of objects, but also some kind of separate subject within this class. The latter happens when:

    • individual signs of the subject do not matter. For example: "If you tease the dog, she can bite you" - "Dog" refers to any dog, and not to some particular one.
    • in the described situation, only one subject of this class. For example: "We will meet at the corner at noon" - the interlocutors know which angle will serve as a meeting place.
    • individual features of the subject are described by additional definitions. For example: "I remember the day when I first went to swim" - a particular day stands out among other days.

    The border between the names of nominal and own is not unshakable: the names of the nominal can go to the names of their own in the form of names, nickname and nicknames (for example, the name of the nominal "Kalita" in the form of the nickname of the prince Ivan Danilovich), and their own names - in the names are nominative, using generalized designation of homogeneous objects. The names of their own who have become nominal names are called eponyms (for example, "ECKULAP" - collective for all doctors, "Pele" - for all football players, "Schumacher" - car drivers, etc.)

    see also



    • Russian grammar. T. 1: Fonetics. Phonology. Emphasis. Intonation. Word formation. Morphology / N. Yu. Swedov (ch. Ed.). - M.: Science, 1980. - 25,000 copies.

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    Watch what is "Name Nennaya" in other dictionaries:

      the name is nominal - 1) The generalized name of homogeneous objects and concepts (for example: brother, lake, country, victory) 2) name, name (usually literary hero, historical figure, events, etc.), personifying what l. Certain properties, quality, etc. ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

      See Nomen Actionis ... Pyaspical dictionary of linguistic terms

      Noun substantive), calling an item or phenomenon for its belonging to this category, that is, characterized by signs that allow the allocation of the category itself [i] (man, blonde, city, river, constellation, motor ship, book, ... ... Directory for these etymology and historical lexicology

      - (tracing with lat. NOMN PROPRIUM, which in turn is a trash with Greek. ὄνομα ύύύιο), own name Name Noun, denoting word or phrase, intended for the name of a specific, well-defined ... ... Wikipedia

      Name own name noun, denoting word or phrase, intended for the name of a specific, well-defined item or phenomenon that highlights this item or phenomenon from a number of one-type items or phenomena. Name ... ... Wikipedia

      Name Personal name Name in jurisprudence sign serving to distinguish one personality from others. The name in grammar name is a noun part of speech, for which the value of the subject is characteristic. Name own word or phrase, ... ... Wikipedia

      Wikislovar has an article "Noun ... Wikipedia

      mental - This is the word (used in combination with the name of the nominal) is a word-forming tractor with Latin Appellativum (Nomen), which is in turn with a Celebration with Greek Prosegorikon (Onoma). Latin Appello matters, I nine ... Etymological dictionary of the Russian language of Krylov

      1) the general name of nouns, adjectives and numerals, combined the grammatical category of the case and thereby opposed as the indicative parts of the speech of the verb and adverb (the pronoun, which represented a rich class in the past ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

      Cf. Name, name, the word named, mean a person, personality. The name of the subject, name; Animal name, nickname; Human name. Own name, for the raising, angelic, godfather and the rope, which insert did not publish; Patronymic or HIV; ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

    Nouns names call objects, phenomena or concepts. These values \u200b\u200bare expressed with the help of categories of the genus, numbers and case. All nouns belong to groups of their own and nominal. Own nouns that serve as the names of single items are opposed to nominal, denoting generalized names of homogeneous subjects.


    To determine the nominal nouns, install whether the named item is related or a phenomenon to the class of homogeneous objects (city, man, song). Grammatical feature of nominal nouns - category of numbers, i.e. Use them in a single and multiple number (city, people, songs). Please note that most of the real, distract and collective nouns have no form of a plural (gasoline, inspiration, youth).

    To determine their own nouns, install whether the name is the individual designation of the subject, i.e. Is it allocated " name»Subject from a number of homogeneous (Moscow, Russia, Sidorov). Own nouns call the names and surnames of persons and nicknames of animals (Nekrasov, guns, FRU-FRU) - geographical and astronomical facilities (America, Stockholm, Venus) - institutions, organizations, printed organs (newspaper "Pravda", "Spartak" team, shop "El Dorado").

    Names Own, as a rule, do not change in numbers and are used only in the only (Voronezh) or only in multiple (Sokolniki). Please note that this rule exists exceptions. Own nouns are used in the form of a multiple number, if they denote different persons and items called the same (both America, the namesakes of Petrov) - people in related relationships (Fedorov's family). Also, its own nouns can be used in the form of a plural, if they call a certain type of people, "dedicated" according to the qualitative characteristics of a well-known literary character. Please note that in this value, the names of the nouns lose the sign of belonging to the group of single objects, so admissible is both the use of uppercase and lower case letters (chikchiki, migraous, peopacine).

    A spelling feature that distinguishes the names of nouns own and nominal, is the use of uppercase letters and quotes. At the same time, all its own names are always written from the capital letter, and the names of institutions, organizations, works, objects are used as applications and are in quotes (Fyodor Shalyapin motor ship, Roman Turgenev "fathers and children"). The application may include any parts of speech, but the first word is always written from the capital letter (Roman Daniel Defo "Life and the amazing adventures of Morelehold Robinson Cruzo").

    When opening a new Internet resource, one of the most difficult problems becomes the choice of a suitable name. This process is also becoming complicated by the fact that most of the same named names of domain names are already engaged in more damaged Internet start-ups. But there is still a way out of the position.

    You will need

    • - brand-beech resource;
    • - List of the theses of the semantic load of the name.


    Divide the name of the name of the name into two consecutive stages: the name of the name for the resource itself and the choice of a domain name. First of all, it is necessary to find optimal options for the name. It is necessary to determine the main objectives and objectives of the resource, the policy of creating content and the stylistics of the material supply. It does not matter whether the resource is commercial, or not.

    Create a list of theses for the future name based on the received brand beech. They must outline the informative and emotional fullness of the future name. There are no clear restrictions on the preparation of such a list: it can be nouns and verbs, their own and nominal names, they can express emotions and sensations.

    Collect an initiative group of employees related to a resource and make a brainstorm. To increase efficiency, it is necessary to distribute in advance to all participants to compile the abstract of theses. At its discretion, everyone should make an arbitrary written description of the most important informative features of the future site name. During the brainstorming, ask everyone alternately read your list and as part of a collegial discussion, select the most successful offers.

    Move the results of the brainstorming and make a final list of theses. On their basis, each of the members of the initiative group should draw up a list of names and titles. It is best to limit the number of alleged options by quantity.

    Collect the proposed lists and try to find several of the most suitable names. After that, check whether the same domain names are free, including in the RF zone. If you did not find exact compliance, take the place, otherwise, try to modify the name of the site by using permissible punctuation marks, numbers instead of letters, etc.